Continues for severalhourshitwildlyfinishedfinally.
持续几个小时的打野总算是结束了。MidwayHoshizaki Yukinaalsochangedmanyplaces, for example the crown in Tokyotower, somedesertedsquare, oris the rural feelingabundantmountain forest, makingXu Chengexperienceto hit the wildpleasureto be atprofoundly.
中途星崎雪奈还换了不少地方,比如东京塔的顶部,某个空旷无人的广场,或者是野趣盎然的山林,让许诚深刻体验到打野的乐趣所在。Finallyreturns to two peopleprivatealveoli, Hoshizaki Yukinalooks like the smallfevercat that eats to the fullto be the same, lies downin the Xu Chengbosomlazy, is playing withhischestwith the finger and tongue.
最后回到两人的私密小窝中,星崎雪奈就像是吃饱的小烧猫一样,慵懒躺在许诚怀里,用手指和舌头玩弄着他的胸口。Xu Cheng is also very satisfied, pulls out the insulated cup that carriesalongfromplacenearbypackageconveniently, calculates the hotChinese matrimony-vinewaterdrinks upmost.许诚也很满足,顺手从放在一旁的包里掏出随身携带的保温杯,将还算热乎的枸杞水喝掉大半。Saw that in the Xu Chenginsulated cupsoaks the Chinese matrimony-vine, Hoshizaki Yukinacannot beartittersmiles, ridiculed: „EvenIcould not cope, but alsowantsto look forotherwomen?”
见到许诚的保温杯里泡枸杞,星崎雪奈忍不住噗嗤一笑,嘲笑道:“连我都对付不了,还想找其他女人?”„Mythiscalled the keeping in good health, the keeping in good health did youunderstand?”
“我这叫养生,养生你懂吗?”Xu Chengsaidobstinate argumentative: „Moreoverwho was cryingto askto let offa moment ago?”许诚嘴硬说道:“而且刚才是谁在哭着求放过的?”Hecould not cope withthissuccuba, butthought the young peopleshouldtake care, cannotindulge.
他并不是对付不了这个魔女,而是觉得年轻人应该保重身体,不能够过于放纵。Hoshizaki Yukinais licking the redlip, but alsowantsone to oneto comeseveralgamesto select the bureauagainonly, suddenlyhears the Xu Chengcell phone ring toneto resound.星崎雪奈舔着红唇,还想再来几局一对一单挑局,忽然听到许诚的手机铃声响起。Xu Chengbrings the cell phonelooked,discovered the person who hitsisShiratsuki Rin, butaboveunexpectedlyseveralhave not met the electricity.许诚把手机拿过来一看,发现打过来的人是白月凛,而上面竟然有好几个未接来电。HeexchangesAbility Card, thenchoosesanswering.
The Shiratsuki Rinsoundresounds: „Whydid not answer the telephone, moreoverImakeHoshizakilook foryou, thisseveralhours, hadn't shefoundyou?”白月凛的声音响起:“为什么一直不接电话,而且我让星崎去找你,这都几个小时了,她没有找到你吗?”Xu Chengshot a look atHoshizaki Yukina.许诚瞥了一眼星崎雪奈。Succubayoung ladyafraidsneaks in the bedding, studiesto pull out the Mushroomlittle girl,
魔女小姐心虚的把头钻进被窝里,学起拔蘑菇的小女孩,No wonderhas ledhimto hita moment agoeverywherewildly, actuallythrowsheretwo peoplecell phones, originallytoavoid the contact of Shiratsuki Rin.
怪不得刚才一直带着他四处打野,却把两人的手机都丢到这里,原来是为了躲避白月凛的联络。Xu Chengcoughs: „For some reasonsdelayed, does youaskmeto have the matter?”许诚咳嗽一声:“因为某些原因耽搁了,伱找我有事吗?”
Of Shiratsuki Rinlightsnort/huminheart, certainreasonsfeared that may notdescribe.白月凛在心中轻哼一声,某些原因怕是不可描述吧。Next timemustlook forSeikai Hikari, shewill certainly change intoLulu, rather thanwithHoshizaki Yukina, is the meat dumplingbeats a dogsimply.
下次要找星海光,她一定会换成璐璐,而不是用星崎雪奈,简直就是肉包子打狗。Howeverstrikes the fallingdeitynominalleaderregardingthis, Shiratsuki Rinalsomaintained the respect: „Trulymeetssomeissues, troublesyouto come back.”
After hanging up, Xu Chenglifts the quilt, seizes the tenderslipperycheek of Hoshizaki Yukinawith the handgently: „It is not to a precedent.”
等挂断后,许诚才掀开被子,用手轻轻掐住星崎雪奈的嫩滑脸蛋:“下不为例。”Hoshizaki Yukina seemed encouraged, to continueto try hard.星崎雪奈仿佛受到鼓励,继续努力。Some little timeblows up the mouth, thenthumpswallows.
好一会才鼓起嘴巴,然后咕咚一声吞咽下去。Two peoplehurried backstruck the fallingdeityuntil now the headquarters , before was, Super Power Associationheadquartersbuilding.
两人赶回到如今击坠天神的总部,也就是前超能协会的总部大楼。Because of the disastersuddenreason, the governmentcollapsesin addition, the reconstruction of Super Power Associationlets it go, thereforeletssimply the building, striking the fallingdeityworks as the headquarters.
因为灾难突然发生的缘故,加上政府崩溃,超能协会的重建不了了之,于是干脆将大楼让出来,给击坠天神当总部。Thesetwomonths, strike the development of fallingdeity is quite rapid, althoughXu Chenghas not cared about the concrete affair, butalsoknows that the presentmemberhad broken through1500people.
The achievement of 1500Ability User, before thisplaces the disaster , is inconceivable.
一千五百个能力者,这放在灾难发生前是难以想象的成就。Moreoverthese1500Ability User are selective, withoutmisdeeds, well-born.
而且这一千五百个能力者都是精挑细选出来的,没有劣迹,身家清白。Theyare not willingto violate the law and commit crimeusing the ability, wantsto obtain the stablelifein the world of thisdrastic change, thereforejoinson the choicetostriking the fallingdeity.
他们不愿意利用能力作奸犯科,同时也想在这剧变的世界中获得稳定的生活,于是就选择加入到击坠天神当中。Shiratsuki Rinalsoknows, underenvironment that nowthisbeing similarWarring Stateschaosfought, had the team of disciplineandbottom line, battle efficiencyfarstrongmotley crew who did not have the restraint.白月凛也知道,现在这种类似战国大乱斗的环境下,拥有纪律和底线的队伍,战斗力远强过没有约束的乌合之众。Xu ChengunderHoshizaki Yukinateleport, came to the middle of the Shiratsuki Rinoffice.许诚在星崎雪奈的瞬移下,来到了白月凛的办公室当中。Hoshizaki Yukinaafraidturns aroundto leave, throws downXu Cheng.星崎雪奈心虚的掉头离开,将许诚丢下。Xu Chengshot a look atShiratsuki Rin that bends over one's desk the work, she of active statusfilled the air/Qifield of capable woman, aftersuffers setbacksbyAkimiya Tsukibullies the self-respect, is holdinghisyingchirp the girl, acts like a different personsimply.许诚瞥了一眼伏案工作的白月凛,工作状态的她充满了女强人的气场,和之前被秋宫月欺负后自尊心受挫,抱着他嘤嘤嘤的女孩,简直就是判若两人。Saw that Shiratsuki Rinhas not responded itself, Xu Chengdoes not care, sits downfrom the sofa, pulls outanotherinsulated cupfrom the backpack.
见到白月凛没有搭理自己,许诚也不在乎,从沙发上坐下,从背包里掏出另外一个保温杯。Hebringstwoinsulated cupnowalong, makes tea, a bubbleChinese matrimony-vine, the retiredold manlookedsaid the expert.
他现在随身带着两个保温杯,一个泡茶,一个泡枸杞,退休老头看了直呼内行。Shiratsuki Rinraised the headto shoot a look athisoneeyes, thenthrewonepack of materials: „Has a look.”白月凛抬头瞥了他一眼,然后将一叠资料丢过来:“看看吧。”Xu Chengopenslooked, discovered that is the presentstrikes the assetlist that the fallingdeityhas.许诚打开一看,发现里面是现在击坠天神所拥有的资产列表。Altogetherhasfiveharbors, twentylargefreighters, more than tenfactoriesandfarms, includinghospital.
一共拥有五座港口,二十几条大型货轮,还有十几家工厂和农场,包括医院。When the social ordercollapses, the currencydoes not have the significance, the most valuablethingnothing butistwotypes, the living materials and grain.
After Shiratsuki Rinformsstrikes the fallingdeity, whyto gathermassiveAbility User?白月凛组建击坠天神后,凭什么招揽大量能力者?Depends onnaturallyis the abovetwotypes of hard currency.
凭的当然就是以上两种硬通货。Japanis the country that 60grainneedto import, after the disaster, importsstagnates, the food shortage, thesetwomonthshas starved to death the innumerableperson.
The Shiratsuki Rinbelt/bringpersonoccupiedseveralharbors and largefreighters, initiatesforeign trade- orshouldsay that is the external plundering, is ledto go to seabySarina, snatchesto the grain productioncountry that someorderscollapsedirectly.白月凛带人占据了几个港口和大型货轮,重新发起对外贸易-或者应该说是对外掠夺,由纱理奈带队出海,直接到一些秩序崩溃的产粮国去抢。Because the international tradehas survived in name onlynow, nocountry that regains the orderwill continueto exportgraintype of hard currency.
因为国际贸易现在已经名存实亡了,没有哪个恢复秩序的国家会继续出口粮食这种硬通货。Besidessending peopleto snatch, the domesticfarm must reclaim, Japanisbecause the agriculturalassociationcreates the grain shortfall, otherwise, supportsmostnationalsnot to have the issue.
除了派人去抢之外,国内的农场也要重新开垦,日本是因为农业协会才造成粮食缺口,否则的话,养活大部分国民还是没问题的。Depends on the grain, Shiratsuki Rincanstabilize the will of the peoplerapidly, develops the influence.
靠着粮食,白月凛才能够迅速安定人心,发展势力。Beside the grain, in the domainmore than tenfactoriesalsoresumeproduction, deliversomedaily necessities.
The hospitalis also restoringto revolve, becausemanyraw materialsneed‚import’from the overseas, therefore the scaleis very small, can only use the rationingtemporarily.
医院也在恢复运转,不过因为很多原材料都需要从国外‘进口’,所以规模很小,只能暂时采用配给制。Looked after strikingasset that the fallingdeityhasnow, Xu Chengfeels the deepadmirationabout the Shiratsuki Rinworking ability.
看完击坠天神现在拥有的资产后,许诚对白月凛的工作能力感到深深的钦佩。Shehad rebuilt the orderinoneselfdomain, andreplaces the government, becomes an embryonic form of newpolitical power.
她已经在自己的地盘上重建了秩序,并且顶替政府,成为一个新政权的雏形。Although is very small and weak, so long ascanmaintain the order and production, will have the siphoneffect, nearbypopulationcontinuousabsorption.
尽管现在还很弱小,但只要能够一直保持秩序和生产,就会产生虹吸效应,将附近的人口源源不断的吸收进来。Butprovisional government of Tokyo, Japanesethiscolonyweaklyandis completely unmaskeddecayed, forms for twomonthsto accomplish nothing.
而东京的临时政府,将日本这个殖民地的虚弱和腐朽暴露无遗,组建两个月来一事无成。Some time ago the provisional governmentalsotelephoned, hopingShiratsuki Rincanhand overto act the grain and factory, after being disregarded, does not dareto put one aggressive statement.
The officials of manyprovisional governmentare even making the transactionwith the valuable assetwithShiratsuki Rinin private, received exchange for the commodity.
很多临时政府的官员甚至都在私下用贵重资产跟白月凛做交易,换取物资。Thesealsoincludedonceruledsixbigplutocrats in Japan, the military forces in theirhandafter the disasterAbility User that bravedmassivelycompared, the quantityor the strengthfell intoabsoluteleeward.
这其中还包括曾经统治日本的六大财阀,他们手中的武力跟灾难后大量冒出来的能力者一比,无论是数量还是力量都落入了绝对的下风。When the Japanese Yenhas turned into the scrap paper, the wealth in plutocratshandalsoloses the significance, but alsobecomesin the eye of Ability User the fatsheep.
而在日元已经变成废纸的时候,财阀们手中的财富也失去意义,还成为能力者们的眼中肥羊。Nowmanyplutocratshave found the wayto go abroad, goto restore the great nation of order, orhides in US troops in Japanbasesimply.
现在很多财阀都已经想办法出国,前往已经恢复秩序的大国,或者干脆躲到驻日美军基地中。ButUS troops in Japancannot take care of oneself, becauseis performing the real personto eat the USnative place of chicken, cannot attend totheirtheseforeign base.
而驻日美军也自顾不暇,因为正在上演真人吃鸡的美国本土,根本顾不上他们这些海外基地。„Whatmatter did youcallmeto have?”
“你叫我来有什么事?”HearsXu Chengto ask, Shiratsuki Rinthenfinishes upworkon hand, rubbed the bridge of the nosewith the hand, a wearyappearance.
The buttocks of Xu Chengmoveslightly, the subconsciousnessmustgo forwardto helphermassage, butrespondedimmediately,oneselfpresentis the Seikai Hikariappearance.许诚的屁股微微一动,下意识要上前去帮她按摩,但马上反应过来,自己现在是星海光的模样。
The words that comes upto beginperhaps, will be hitbyher.
上去动手的话,说不定会被她打出去。Shiratsuki Rin is actually not tired, this appearanceisto install, concaveperforms high service through hard work, the person of sparing no effortssupposestoXu Chengthisleaderlooks.白月凛其实也并没有多么劳累,她这副样子是装出来的,凹一个劳苦功高,不辞辛苦的人设给许诚这位领袖看。Alsoshows the busywork of thisposition, eliminatesidea that hehasseizes power.
也展现出这个位置的繁忙工作,打消他产生夺权的想法。„A ourharborwas attacked.”
After the Shiratsuki Rinconcavepersonsupposesfinished, says the proper business: „Losta lot ofgrain and raw materials, but alsodiedseveralpeople.”白月凛凹人设结束后,才说正事:“损失了大量的粮食和原材料,还死了几个人。”Xu Chengsomewhatsaidwith amazement: „This?”许诚有些惊讶道:“就这?”
It is not heis arrogant, butisthismatterhas not been one's turn his leaderto act.
If attackedthisminor matterto need the leaderto actpersonally, thatwill appearentirewill only strike the fallingdeitynot to have the talent, makingoutsidepersonunderestimate, insteadaffected the image.
Do youseepenguinponyevery morningto sweep the floorto the companyentrance?
你见过企鹅小马每天早上到公司大门口扫地的?„OriginallyIhad not planned that askedyouto act, butwas processedbyMitera-san.”
“本来我没打算请你出面,而是由御寺桑去处理的。”Shiratsuki Rinexplained: „ButtheseattacksourpeopletimeisWorship God Secret Meeting, Ithink that you may be interestedinthisorganization, moreoverIhope that youcanmake a moveonetime, the person who the shock and awedoes not see clearly the strength.”白月凛解释道:“但这一次袭击我们的人是崇神秘会,我想你可能对这个组织会感兴趣,而且我希望你能够出手一次,震慑一些看不清楚自己实力的人。”NowwhatJapanesedevelopment momentumis biggestwasseveralcults, all assembledlots offollowers, evenhas the cultsto found the groundIndiapublicly.
The Japanese governmentsurvives in name onlyin any case, the UScakecannot take care of oneself, how the careeristswant certainlyto playhowplay.
反正日本政府名存实亡,美国粑粑自顾不暇,那野心家们当然是想怎么玩就怎么玩了。Besidesseveralcults, isstrikes the fallingdeity and Worship God Secret Meetingdevelopment speedis quickest, becauseboth sideswhendevelopingmember, has hadmanyfriction and conflicts, has just like turned intotwomutualhostileultrato be able the organization.
The Worship God Secret Meetingdevelopment speedis quick, becausetheyalmostall comes are welcome, so long asisAbility User, canjointhemunconditionally.崇神秘会的发展速度很快,因为他们几乎是来者不拒,只要是能力者,就能够无条件加入他们。Moreoveronce for a whilehas the Priestrankoris the high level of Great Priestrankcomes outto expose the strength, has the meteorology that the entireJapan's largest ultracanorganize.
而且时不时有主祭级别或者是大主祭级别的高层出来展露实力,已经有全日本第一大超能组织的气象。Strikes the fallingdeityto fight steadily, although the leaderisfamousPeace Envoy, butis usually being functioned the issuebyMitera Chizuru, in the high-endstrength, somewhatis unavoidably weak.
击坠天神这边稳扎稳打,虽然领袖是大名鼎鼎的和平使者,但平时都是由御寺千鹤在出面处理问题,在高端战力上,难免就有些势单力薄。Sarinabrings the fleetto go out, Ringolikescatching a fish by hand, Akimiya Tsukidisappearssimply, the remainingpeopletakeradicallydo not act.纱理奈带着船队外出,林檎喜欢摸鱼,秋宫月干脆连人都不见了,剩下的人根本就拿不出手。Can'tmakeNagumo NarumileadLuluto make a debuttogetherto become the idol?
总不能让南云鸣海带着璐璐一起出道成为偶像吧?Thatis not the military forcedeterrent, butwas the comic show.
那就不是武力威慑,而是喜剧表演了。NowWorship God Secret Meetingpresses on step by step, evenhas startedto attackto strike the fallingdeity the harbor, Shiratsuki Rinmusthit back.
现在崇神秘会步步紧逼,甚至已经开始袭击击坠天神的港口,白月凛必须做出反击了。Thereforeshehopes that Xu Chengcanmake a movepersonally, shocksWorship God Secret Meetingwith the thundermethod, making the Japaneserecall the Peace Envoyterrifyingprestige.
所以她希望许诚能够亲自出手,用雷霆手段震慑一下崇神秘会,让日本人重新回想起和平使者的恐怖威名。Otherwise, onceflinchesin front ofWorship God Secret Meeting, ultra that otherare waiting and seeingcanorganize to be ready to make trouble, striking the fallingdeitybringsis more troublesome.
否则,一旦在崇神秘会面前退缩,其他正在观望的超能组织可能就会蠢蠢欲动,给击坠天神带来更多麻烦。Becausestruck the fallingdeityto grasp the grain and daily necessitynow, bymanypeoplestaring.
( This chapterends)
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