The rock and rollsees a beautifulandvaliantwomansuddenly, lookedall of a suddendull.
摇滚骤然看到一个如此美丽而飒爽的女人,一下子看呆了。In the heartisappears a thought of lese majeste- evenSirGlorious Light, notsobeautiful.
心中更是浮现出一个大不敬的念头-就算是耀光大人,也没有如此美丽吧。Akimiya Tsukiis a heavy line, sheis investigating the whereabout of best friendinOsaka, moreoverhad arrived at the critical moment, suddenlyturningto runbyHoshizaki Yukina.秋宫月则是一头黑线,她正在大坂调查闺蜜的下落,而且已经到了关键时刻,忽然就被星崎雪奈给拐跑了。
" Ifyoudo not giveme an explanation...... "
「如果你不给我一个解释的话……」Akimiya Tsukiis staring atHoshizaki Yukinawith the dangerouslook, sheverylonghas not begunto teachthiswoman.秋宫月用危险的眼神盯着星崎雪奈,她已经很久没有动手教训这个女人了。Hoshizaki Yukinaactuallydisregardsherthreat, at leastin the surfacedid not fear that both handsoverlapping, taunted: " HereisLife Tree, weare all fightingat risk of life, butyour one personactuallyget by Osakanatural, washow the easy lifecrossestoocomfortablyforgetsto draw a sword, had a faceto blamemeto leadyouunexpectedlyto come. " 星崎雪奈却无视她的威胁,至少表面上是不怕的,双手交叉,嘲讽道:「这里是生命树,我们个个都在拼死战斗呢,而你一个人却在大坂潇洒度日,是不是小日子过得太舒服忘记怎么拔刀了,竟然还有脸怪我带你过来。」
" Life Tree? "
「生命树?」Akimiya Tsukiis startledslightly, Xu Chengmaynot haveto raisethismatterwithher, otherwiseeventhat sideOsakaagainessential, shestillmeetsfirsthurries back.秋宫月微微一怔,许诚可没有跟她提起过这件事,否则就算大坂那边再关键,她也会第一时间赶回来的。
" Hahaha! "
「哈哈哈哈!」Laughterinterruptstwo peopleconversationssuddenly, the rock and rollfinallyfromlooking at the dullconditionrecovers, twoshineto stare atAkimiya Tsuki: " Does yourso-calledhiddencard in a hand, ask a outstandingfemaleto accompanymeagain? Thatmayreally betoothanksyou. "
" Right. "
「没错哟。」Hoshizaki Yukinaputs out a handto embrace the shoulder of Akimiya Tsuki, saidto the rock and rollwith a smile: " Mycard in a handsummons the technique, butthismysummonbeast, makesheraccompanyyouto playwell. " 星崎雪奈伸手揽着秋宫月的肩膀,对摇滚笑吟吟道:「我的底牌就是召唤术,这位可是我的召唤兽,就让她好好陪你玩一下吧。」
" Snort! "
「哼!」Akimiya Tsukiimpoliteshakingopens the claw of Hoshizaki Yukina, lateris staring at the rock and rollwith the imposinglook: " Is thisGod Sweeper? " 秋宫月不客气的震开星崎雪奈的爪子,随后用凛然的眼神盯着摇滚:「这是神卷者?」
" Right, IamGod Sweeper! "
The rock and rollacknowledgedloudly,moves the guitarstringwith the slenderfinger: " Thisbeautiful woman, pleaseappreciate the deeply movingmusic. "
The ear-spittingguitarresoundsinstantaneously, spreads over the surroundingdozensmetersscopes.
An intermittentinvisiblespiritualattack, makingHoshizaki Yukinalightsnort/hum, the headachewantto crack, herline of sightshot a look atto the one side, discovered that the Akimiya Tsukicomplexiondid not change.
一阵阵无形的精神攻击,令星崎雪奈轻哼一声,头疼欲裂,她的视线瞥向一旁,发现秋宫月面色不改。With the spread of musical sound, in the airpresents the sparklingmusicsymbols.
随着音乐声的蔓延,空中出现一个个闪闪发光的音乐符号。AlthoughHoshizaki YukinawithAkimiya Tsukiis a sworn enemy, butat this time is also the ally, cannot bearremindher: " Thesenotesare the bombs, do not bump into. "
虽然星崎雪奈跟秋宫月是死对头,但此时也是战友,忍不住提醒她:「这些音符都是炸弹,别碰到了。」Akimiya Tsuki does not seem to heardhersound, the pupillightconcentrates, an invisiblefluctuationis centered on her, encirclesto proliferateinstantaneouslytoall around.秋宫月仿佛没有听到她的声音,眸光一凝,一股无形的波动以她为中心,瞬间向四周围扩散出去。
" No! "
「别!」Hoshizaki Yukinacalls out in alarmone, wantsto escapealreadywithout enough time, was coveredbyMurderous Intent Fluctuation, the bodyshiverssuddenly, is red in the face, both legsclamp.星崎雪奈惊叫一声,想要逃跑已经来不及,被杀意波动覆盖,身体骤然颤抖起来,面红耳赤,双腿夹紧。Invisiblekillingintentspreadstohundredmetersrangebeyondinstantaneously, all arounddense and numerousmusicsymbolswere detonated.
The rock and rollwas coveredbyintensekillingintent, smilestiffonface, in the eyehas the fearfaintly.
摇滚被强烈的杀意笼罩,笑容僵在了脸上,眼中隐隐带着恐惧。Heretrocedessubconsciouslyonestep: " Actually are you who? "
" Killsyourperson! "
「杀你的人!」Akimiya Tsukidraws a sword, the stride, passes throughdistance of both sidesinstantaneously, a bladecutsto the rock and roll.秋宫月拔刀,跨步,瞬间穿过双方的距离,一刀向摇滚斩去。
The rock and rollwhole bodyis stiff, in the eyeonlyseestogether the fastenlargement of swift and fierceincomparablebladelightin the field of vision.
摇滚浑身僵硬,眼中只看到一道凌厉无匹的刀光在视野中快速放大。Severalprotect the shieldtwinklingto appearbeforetwo people, buttheseprotect the photographic paperlake of shieldin front of the bladelight, was easily torn into shreds.
The guitar on rock and rollwas cuttwosections, similarlycut offalsohashisbody, from the shoulderto the waistby a bevellingblade, the bodysucceeded in giving uptwosections.
The bladelightoffensivedoes not even reduce, formscrescent moon the swordair/Qito shoot.
刀光甚至攻势不减,形成一道月牙形的剑气射出去。Kicks, the rock and rollis cuttwosections of corpsesto fall down.
扑腾一声,摇滚被斩成两截的尸体倒在地上。Hisexpressionis stiff, the eyesare vacant, the headis blank, does not believeoneselfloseunexpectedlysuchneatly.
他的表情僵硬,双眼茫然,脑袋更是一片空白,不相信自己竟然输得这么干脆利落。SimilarlycannotbelievealsohasHoshizaki Yukina, shestares dumbfoundedto lookis receivingAkimiya Tsuki of blade, the tonebecomes the stutterto get up: " You...... did youbreak throughFifth LayerBreathing Technique? "
同样不敢相信的还有星崎雪奈,她瞠目结舌看着正在收刀的秋宫月,语气都变得结巴起来:「你……你突破第五层呼吸法了?」Shelistened toXu Cheng saying that Fifth LayerBreathing TechniquecanAstral Qibe released externally, turnedfrom the close combatlong-distance.
" Alsono, onlyalmost. "
「还没有,只差一点。」Akimiya Tsukishakes the head, shenowisFourth LayerLV3, fromFifth Layeronbadshooting.秋宫月摇摇头,她现在是第四层LV3,距离第五层就差临门一脚。Hersituationis very special, Fourth LayerBreathing TechniquecanuseMurderous Intent Fluctuationandswordair/QiFifth LayerBreathing Technique the possibleability, stilldoes not know that iswhatreason.
只是她的情况十分特殊,才第四层呼吸法就能使用杀意波动和剑气这种第五层呼吸法才可能出现的能力,至今也不知道是什么原因。Akimiya Tsukispeculated that possiblyis relatedwithhermysteriousrune/symbolwriting of inbornbringing.秋宫月推测可能与她身上天生自带的神秘符文有关。HearingAkimiya Tsuki is so modest( attire) empty( compels) the words, Hoshizaki Yukinakeeps mouth shut, Akimiya Tsukibreaks through the Fourth Layerpicturealsoto come clearly into view, nowlv3, evengrandfatherTsukuyomi of herlegendarykiller, the promotionspeed is not so odd.
听到秋宫月这么谦(装)虚(逼)的话,星崎雪奈默然无语,秋宫月才突破第四层的画面还历历在目,现在就已经lv3了,就算是她那个传奇杀手的祖父月读,升级速度也没有这么离谱。Hoshizaki Yukinadoes not doubt, Akimiya Tsuki a bladecankill itselfnow.星崎雪奈毫不怀疑,秋宫月现在一刀就能干掉自己。But the strengthcoordinatedcompetitor, is actually flungobviouslysome time agonowall of a suddensuch.
她的心态彻底崩了呀。Ascompeting withmanyyears of sworn enemy, Akimiya Tsukisaw that Hoshizaki Yukinais thinkinganything, tauntedone: " Ihave not idledin the Osakamoment, when your besides the exclusivemountdoes not have the wastefirewood that the birduses, without the qualificationsenviesme, walksquickly. "
作为竞争多年的死对头,秋宫月一眼就看出星崎雪奈在想什么,嘲讽一声:「我在大坂从来没有一刻懈怠,你这个除了当专属坐骑之外没有鸟用的废柴,没资格嫉妒我,快走吧。」Sheinvestigates the whereabout of best friendinOsaka, the fight of experiencemaybe many . Moreover the enemiesare not weak, the life and deathcrisishas bumped intomore than once.
她在大坂调查闺蜜的下落,经历的战斗可不少,而且敌人都不弱,生死危机都碰到过不止一次。Growsin the fight, lazybones who naturallycanthrow offHoshizaki Yukinathisextremelyfewinitiativeexercisewith ease.
在战斗中成长,当然可以轻松甩掉星崎雪奈这个极少主动锻炼的懒虫。Hoshizaki Yukinawas madsecretlyclenches teeth.星崎雪奈被气得暗暗咬牙。
Doesn't self-satisfiedwhat, have a goodman? Withouthim, younowalsoin the Second LayerBreathing Techniquecard.
得意什么,不就是有个好男人?没有他,你现在还在第二层呼吸法卡着呢。Skillful, he is also myman, whenIpulled outto emptyhim, did not believe to lose toyou.
" Snort, whoyoutold that Idon't have the birdto use? "
「哼,谁跟你说我没有鸟用?」Hoshizaki Yukinalightsnort/hum: " Ihave used the number of timesmaybe more than you. " 星崎雪奈轻哼一声:「我用过的次数可比你多着呢。」Akimiya Tsukiwherehearhersubtext, complexionimmediatelyoneblack: " Mental illness, do youcourt death? " 秋宫月哪里听不出她的潜台词,脸色顿时一黑:「神经病,你找死吗?」Shenotinthese days, actually did thisachievewhatdegreeto the people?
" Aiya, are youanxious? "
The Hoshizaki Yukinamoodis joyful, covering mouthchuckle, butsaw that the Akimiya Tsukilookis getting more and more dangerous, sheborecontinuedto stimulateherimpulsion.星崎雪奈心情愉悦起来,捂嘴轻笑一声,不过见到秋宫月的眼神越来越危险,她还是忍住了继续刺激她的冲动。
" All dayrunsoutward, do not blamein the family/hometo be stolen. "
「整天往外跑,就别怪家里被偷咯。」Then, shedoes not wait forAkimiya Tsukito reply, puts out a handto holdherarm, two peopleteleportvanishes.
说完,她也不等秋宫月回答,就伸手抓住她的胳膊,两人瞬移消失。Two peopleappearabove a tall building, the place that the field of visionsees, is having the fighteverywhere, the columns of flame of massiveshooting up to the skyshine uponred the sky.
Under Akimiya Tsukilooksjust like the battlefieldgeneralenvironment, is very surprised: " Where do youfromfindso manypeople? " 秋宫月看着下方宛如战场一般的环境,十分惊讶:「你们从哪找来这么多人?」
" Resistance ArmyandProtectoratewere incorporatedbyShiratsuki Rinthatwoman. "
「反抗军和护国会都被白月凛那个女人收编了。」Even ifcannot get used to seeingShiratsuki Rinat first, but after having experiencedso manythings, Hoshizaki Yukinaalsohas tofeelto admireaboutthiswoman: " Moreovershealsoreleaseda moment agospeciallybymassiveAbility User that Life Treedetains, at leasthasover a thousandpeople. "
哪怕最初看不惯白月凛,但经历过这么多事情后,星崎雪奈也不得不对这个女人感到佩服:「而且她刚才还专门释放了被生命树关押的大量能力者,至少有上千人吧。」Hoshizaki Yukinaturns the headto looktoAkimiya Tsuki: " Imustwork, howyousaid,wantsmeto deliveryouto go back? " 星崎雪奈转头看向秋宫月:「我要去干活了,你怎么说,要不要我送你回去呀?」
" Is busyyour. "
「去忙你的吧。」Akimiya Tsukipulls out the katana, shecameto come, naturallywasdoesoneto walkagain.秋宫月将武士刀抽出来,她来都来了,当然是干一场再走。AfterHoshizaki Yukinaturns aroundto vanish, Akimiya Tsukijumpsto leap, jumps downfrom the tall building.
When crashestocertaindistancerapidly, sheextends the footto stepin the wall.
The thickwallwas stepped oninstantaneouslycollapses, butherwhole personstraightflying of shoots, byextremelyquickspeedadvancebattlefield.
厚实的墙壁瞬间被踩塌,而她整个人笔直的飞射出去,以极快的速度突进战场。Sheconcentratesin the in the airpupillight, Murderous Intent Fluctuationemits.
The crowd that underis battling, drops downface up, even the strengthis strong, stillcreakies.
下方正在交战的人群,纷纷仰面倒下,就算实力强劲的,也是摇摇欲坠。Thismoveis not divided the enemy and ourselves, may be called the battlefieldstir the excrementstick.
黑色高塔中。Xu Chenginreopensonetime, appearsin the Glorious Lightfront, the complexionis quite dignified.许诚在一次重开,出现在耀光的面前,脸色极为凝重。Hehad been donesixlivesbyGlorious Lightcontinuously, is only left overreopeningopportunities the fourtimes.
他已经连续被耀光搞死了六条命,只剩下四次重开的机会。Adjudication of Lightfundamentalnon-solution, regardless ofXu Chengmakesanythingto deal, will be strucksecondto kill, runscontinuallycannot run away.裁决之光根本无解,无论许诚做出什么应对,都会被一击秒杀,连跑都跑不掉。
" Gives up. "
「放弃吧。」Glorious Lightfrom the Xu Chengdignifiedcomplexion, had guessed the number of times that histimeflows backwardsshouldbe not much left, butdoes not forgetto continueto attackhiswill: " From stepping intothishightower, the destiny that yousuffer a defeat and fleehas been doomed, gives upstruggling can also reduce the pain. " 耀光从许诚凝重的脸色中,已经猜测出他时间倒流的次数应该所剩无几,但也不忘继续打击他的意志:「从踏入这座高塔时,你败亡的命运就已经注定了,放弃挣扎还能减少痛苦。」
" Onto the person who I said that the grave moundgrassthreechi (0.33 m)are high. "
The Glorious Lightwords, makein the Xu Chengheartmove, catcheswhatessentialnewsindistinctly.耀光的话,却让许诚心中一动,隐约捕捉到什么关键的讯息。Heenters the Fire Godconditionagain, changes to the sea of firedirectly, the roaring flameis found in the hightower.
" Insisted that makes the personal character that onecommended, butinsisted that excessivewasignorant. "
「坚持是令人称赞的品德,但坚持过头就是愚昧。」Glorious Lightchanges toinnumerablelight orbsdispersingagain.耀光再次化作无数光粒散开。Meanwhile, Xu Chengalsofollowsto dash the blacktalltowercrown, is coercing a trimsea of fire, shoots up to the sky.
与此同时,许诚也跟着撞破黑色高塔的顶部,裹挟着一整片火海,冲天而起。Glorious Lightformfloatinnighttime sky, lifts up high the right hand.耀光的身影悬浮在夜空中,高举起右手。
The indifferenteyepupiloverlooksXu Cheng that is flushing, wavesgentlydownward.
" Adjudication of Light! "
The light beam of dropping from the clouds, submergesXu Chenginstantaneously, piercesbelowblacktalltoweragain.
从天而降的光柱,瞬间淹没许诚,再次洞穿下方的黑色高塔。【Mission Failure】
【任务失败】Xu Chengfirstchoosesto reopen, butthistime, hechoseput on fileone, returned to the dutymostto startdirectly.许诚第一时间选择重开,但这一次,他选择了存档一,直接回到任务最开始的时候。
" Un? "
「嗯?」Glorious Lightblinks, discoveredwith amazementoneselfalsositonchair that unexpectedly, inshouldbe destroyedbyXu Cheng.耀光眨了眨眼,惊讶发现自己竟然还坐在应该已经被许诚摧毁的椅子上。
Can hebackflowunexpectedly the timeat this time?
他居然能够将时间回流到这个时候?Glorious Lightstandscourageous, connectsis tornin the backlarge number ofblackpipeline.耀光勐地站起来,连接在背后的大量黑色管道被扯开。
" Kills off the intruder! "
「杀光入侵者!」Herdoes not return, tobehindfromtrainingcabinunqualifiedinferiorGod Sweeperissues the order, the ice-coldline of sightas ifpenetratestalltower, falls the ground.
她头也不回,向身后从培养舱中出来的不合格的劣质神卷者下达命令,冰冷的视线仿佛穿透高塔,落到地面。Xu Chengreturns torushes totop the hightoweron the way.许诚回到正在赶往高塔顶部的途中。
The reopenednumber of times is only left overthreetimes, the followinganychoicemustbe extremely careful.
After arriving at the hightowercrown, Xu Chenglikehas not intrudedto the hightower for the first time directly, hespreads out, aims attop the hightowerto makeAir Piercing StrikeandFire Fistsimultaneously.
来到高塔顶部之后,许诚并没有像第一次那样直接闯入到高塔内部,他拉开一段距离,对准高塔顶部同时打出破空击和火拳。Astral Qi and roaring flamefuse, form a giantfire dragonvolume, easilytoppuncturehightowerwall.罡气与烈焰融合,形成一道巨大火龙卷,轻易击穿高塔顶部的墙壁。
After making the fire dragonvolume, Xu Chengswitches overAbility Card, condenses a youngboywithChaos Energy, follows close onto lose.
The hightower, Glorious LightstandsinminiatureMount Fuji, saw that the fire dragonvolumeraids, at presentimmediatelypresents a hexagon the protectingshield, blocks the dragonvolume, butfollows the youngboyto explodecourageous.
The hugeexplosion, bombed the top layer of hightowerinstantaneously.
The Glorious Lightperfectform, quickappearsin the ruins, is staring at the distant placefloatinin the airXu Cheng.耀光完好无损的身影,很快就出现在废墟中,盯着远处悬浮在空中的许诚。
The Xu Chengboth handsforkwaist, laughs: " Ihere, thinkmeansGanwith your invincibleAdjudication of Lightquicklymyartillery! " 许诚双手叉腰,哈哈大笑:「我就在这里,快用你那无敌的裁决之光想想办法淦我一炮呀!」Glorious Lightlookice-cold, butthesehas not actually put forthAdjudication of Lighttime.耀光眼神冰冷,但这一次却没有使出裁决之光。Provides«MyRoommate not Right»quickestrenewal of biggodslaughterpigeonforyou, foryou can also examine the quickestrenewal of thisbooknext time, pleasemustpreserve the goodbookmark!
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