The Xu Chengiron fistopens the air, arousesfastdissipations the ripples.许诚的铁拳噼开空气,激起一圈圈快速消散的涟漪。Thisfistgets down, even the thickfirmalloyfront door must be penetrated, let aloneis the frailhuman body.
这一拳下去,就算是厚实坚固的合金大门也要被击穿,何况是脆弱的人体。Glorious Lightlooks at the iron fist that Xu Chengwieldsindifferently, prods the instance that touchesin the fist, herbodychanges toinnumerablelight orbssuddenly.耀光冷眼看着许诚挥来的铁拳,在拳头激将触碰到的瞬间,她的身体骤然化作无数光粒。Alllight orbsblasted outlike the fireworks, makingXu Chengthisfight with the fistsspatial.
所有光粒就像烟花般炸开,让许诚这一拳打了个空。qigushes outfromhisfist, changes to the strongastral wind, hitinMount FujithatGlorious Lightto sit12years of chair.
Of bang, the chairis split up, was curled upby the astral wind, turns intoeverywhere the fragment.
轰的一声,椅子四分五裂,被罡风卷起,变成漫天的碎块。Glorious Lightvanishesto disappearlike this, butXu Chengdoes not thinkshesowill be simpleis killedorescapedbyoneself, insteadpossiblyis the indication of someattack.耀光就这样消失不见了,但许诚可不认为她会这么简单就被自己打死或者逃跑,反而可能是某种攻击的征兆。WhenXu Chengsearches high and lowvigilantly the Glorious Lighttrace, her belt/bring the broadsound of echo, is resoundingfrom the above.
在许诚警惕四处寻找耀光的踪影时,她那带着回响的恢弘声音,从上方响起。„Adjudication of Light, appear here.”
“裁决之光,在此显现吧。”Xu Chengraise one's headlookstoward the above that the soundconveys,onlysaw the ceiling, but the vigilantheart in heartmentionedin a flashhigh.许诚仰头朝声音传来的上方看去,只看到了天花板,但心中的警惕心却一瞬间提到最高。HeusesAstral Qisprayingwithout hesitation, the entireportrait/people looks likeshellis equally fastto flytowardoutside.
The ceilingexplodessuddenly, the dazzlingglaresubmerged the Xu Chengfield of vision, submergedhisbody.
A giantpure whitecolored lightcolumndrops from the clouds, after piercing the ceiling, Xu Cheng that centerpreparesto escape, after hesubmerges, thenpenetrates the thickfloor.
一道巨大的纯白色光柱从天而降,洞穿天花板后,正中准备逃跑的许诚,将他淹没后,再击穿厚厚的地板。Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
轰!轰!轰!轰!Adjudication of Lightdoes not have to prevent, connects the punctureto keep offinfrontreinforced concrete, straightpiercestoward the ground.裁决之光无可阻挡,接连击穿挡在面前的钢筋水泥,笔直的朝着地面洞穿下去。In a flash, the blackhightoweraltogethersixtenFifth Layerthickfloorswere penetrated, Adjudication of Lightfalls the groundfinally, bangsubmerges the ground, but the giantlight beamis still continue output, undergroundfirmrock layersoilallliketofubycrushingeasily.
After outputtingcontinually for more than tenseconds, the giantlight beamgraduallyreduces, untilvanishing.
The blacktalltowercrown, Glorious Lightstandsinedge, lowers the headlooksdownward.
The midpoint of entiretower, presents a diameterto be close tothreemeters, passes throughfrom the crownarrives at the hole of ground . Moreover the groundalsopresents a pitch-darkdeep hole, does not know that actuallyto be rumbleddeeply.
整座塔的正中央,出现一个直径接近三米,从顶部贯穿到地面的洞,而且地面还出现一个黑漆漆的深洞,不知道究竟被轰出多深。Unlikelight beamattack that beforehanduses, Adjudication of Lightis the Glorious Lightstriking powermost powerfulmove, each time after the use , will enterto the shortweaktime.
与之前使用的光柱攻击不一样,裁决之光是耀光攻击力最强大的招数,每次使用后甚至都会进入到短暂的虚弱期。Butthismove has powerfulcharacteristics, thatmust.
但这一招有个非常强大的特性,那就是必中。So long ascauses, cansurely the hittarget.
只要使出来,就必定能够命中目标。SomeGlorious Lightasthmas, herline of sightis looking keenly below deep holeslightly, wantsto have a look atXu Chengalso to put forth the ability that the timeflows backwards.耀光微微有些气喘,她的视线紧盯着下方的深洞,想看看许诚还能不能使出时间倒流的能力。
The bottom in deep hole, Xu Chengeven the corpsedoes not even haveremaining, perhapsin a groundshovelshovel, canlook for a bone ash.
深洞的底部,许诚甚至已经连尸体都没剩下,在地上铲一铲,说不定还能找点骨灰。【Mission Failure】
【任务失败】Has turned into the soulXu Cheng, with the help of supervisor, but also is retaining the power of thought.
已经变成灵魂的许诚,在管理器的帮助下,还保留着思维能力。Hisraise one's headlookstoward the above, becauseisat night, evencannot see the position of cave entrance, actuallyobviouslyto be rumbleddeeply.
他仰头朝上方看,因为是夜晚,甚至都看不见洞口的位置,可见究竟被轰出有多深。ThisAdjudication of Lightmightisto really come as a surprise toXu Cheng, even he physical bodycan be shoulderedbyFifth LayerBreathing Techniquehas strengthened, even the bone ashgaveto raise.
这裁决之光的威力实在是出乎许诚的预料,连他被五层呼吸法强化过的肉体都扛不住,连骨灰都给扬了。Moreover the speedwas too fast, wantsto hidewithout enough time.
而且速度太快了,想躲都来不及。Twolives, tried the Glorious Lighttwobigmoves, moreoverXu Chengfelt that shealsohad the card in a handto come outuselessly.
两条命,就试出了耀光的两个大招,而且许诚感觉她还有底牌没用出来。Worthilyis the dominantentireJapan, makingAmaterasuhideinbigBOSS that inTakamagaharadoes not dareto come out, if no ability of reopening, Xu Chengassemblescomplete strengtheven, will still be extinguishedto the groupbyheronewave.
After thinking deeply about a meeting, Xu Chengchoosesto reopenagain.
“嗯?!”Glorious Lightblinks, discoveredoneselfare standinginminiatureMount Fuji, controls the eye of light orbsconstitution, the transmitted lightis attackingXu Cheng.耀光眨了眨眼,发现自己正站在微型的富士山上,操控着光粒构成的眼睛,发射光线攻击许诚。In the mindappearsjust like the recollectionregards the feeling, making the Glorious Lightcomplexionstartbecomesugly/difficult to look at.
脑海中浮现出一幕幕宛如回忆的既视感,让耀光的脸色开始变得难看。Really the timeflowed backwards!
Can't thiskillhimforever?
不!Vacillates the flash, the Glorious Lightwillstrengthensimmediately, except forGod, in the worldanybody'sstrengthhad the boundary, includingtheseFormer Gods.
只是动摇了一瞬间,耀光的意志立刻坚定起来,除了上帝,世界上任何人的力量都有界限,包括那些旧神。Shedoes not believe that Xu Chengcan the unlimitedperiod of revolutionflow backwards, hassomelimitsurely.
她就不信,许诚可以无限制的使用时间倒流,必定存在着某种限制。Moreoverthere is a goodnews, shebecause of the weakcondition of usingAdjudication of Lighthaving, asalso the timeflows backwardsto vanishdoes not see, thismeans that can also useAdjudication of Lightagain.
而且还有好消息,她因为使用裁决之光而出现的虚弱状态,也随着时间倒流而消失不见,这意味着还能再次使用裁决之光。In the Glorious Lightheartdecidesinstantaneously, killingXu Cheng that mustcontinueto keep, actuallyhaving a look athimalso to comeagainmanytimes.耀光心中瞬间打定主意,要持续不停的杀死许诚,看看他究竟还能重来多少次。Xu Chengavoids the attack of ray, thistimehas not throwntowardGlorious Light, butturns arounddirectlygoes out.许诚躲开光线的攻击,这次没有朝耀光扑过去,而是直接掉头往外跑。„To run?”
The Xu Chengaction, confirmed the guess of Glorious Light, ifhecanmake the timebackflowinfinitely, does not absolutely needto escape.许诚的举动,更是验证了耀光的猜测,如果他可以无限让时间回流,根本没必要逃跑。Xu Chenghas gone into the blacktalltoweredge, enters the Fire Godcondition, fromis flownby the gap that herumbles, the diameternon-stop fliesto the distant place.许诚已经跑到黑色高塔的边缘,进入火神状态,从被他轰出来的缺口飞出去,径直飞向远方。
It seems likeflees to the wilderness, butin facthe is to experiment, Adjudication of Lightstriking distanceactuallybig.
看起来似乎是落荒而逃,但实际上他是想要试验一下,裁决之光的攻击距离究竟有多大。Glorious Lightalsoarrives at the gap of hightoweredge, is staring at the form of Xu Chengdistant place.耀光也来到高塔边缘的缺口,盯着许诚远处的身影。„Youcould not run away.”
“你已经跑不掉了。”Shemuttered, the whole personchanged toinnumerablelight orbsto blast outinstantaneously.
The blacknighttime sky, the suddenlytogetherdropped from the cloudspure whitelight beamilluminates.
黑色的夜空,骤然被一道从天而降的纯白光柱所照亮。In the Xu Chengheartraisesagain the beforehandthatintensevigilantheart, hedispersesdirectly the body of oneselfflame, turns into a sea of firein a flash, the whole personintegrates the flame.许诚心中再次升起之前那强烈的警惕心,他直接将自己的火焰之躯分散开,一瞬间变成一片火海,整个人融入到火焰当中。Bang!
轰!Adjudication of Lighthits the sea of firesomewhere, thensweepscourageous, everywhere one visit, the roaring flamewas disappeared.裁决之光击中火海的某处,然后勐地一扫,所到之处,烈焰都被泯灭。HidesXu Chenginsea of fire, does not evade the pursuit of Adjudication of Lightas before, allscatteredbodieswere disappeared, suffers a defeat and fleesagain.
……Bang! Bang! Bang!
The consecutivelymore than tenrounds of rocket projectilesshoot down, makes the hugeexplosion.
The flame of explosionhas not vanished, Mitera Chizuruhas flushedfrom the thick smoke, breaks to the position that the soldierassembles, slaughterswantonly.
爆炸的火光还未消失,御寺千鹤就已经从浓烟中冲出来,冲入到士兵集结的阵地当中,大肆杀戮。Shehas not used the weapon, afterto becomeGreat God Officer, the physical body and strengthstrengthenedonewave, the fists and feetis the mostfatalweapon, easilycantear into shreds the human body.
她没有使用武器,在成为大神官后,肉体与力量又加强了一波,拳脚都是最致命的武器,轻易就能撕碎人体。Eightlatemirrorskeeprevolvingon the body of Mitera Chizuru, keeps offallattacksforher, enablingherto feel relieved the output, withoutextra worries.
About after hundredsoldiersslaughter, Mitera Chizurudiscovered the ownsingleperson, because to tooquickly, had come apartwith the large unitthoroughly, can only hearvariousplacesto transmit the fightfaintly the sound.
将近百个士兵屠戮一空后,御寺千鹤发现自己独身一人,因为冲得太快,已经跟大部队彻底脱节了,只能隐隐听到各处传来战斗的动静。Howeverwithout the relations, herpresentdutydestroys, wheredestroys is the same.
不过没关系,她现在的任务就是破坏,在什么地方破坏都一样。However must pick up the speed, as soon as possible after Life Treedestroys, she must helpXu Cheng.
In the Mitera Chizurupreparationleaves, suddenlyis tempered with a sense of caution, draws backbackward.
轰!Threeformsdrop from the clouds, fallpoundthreebig holeson the ground.
The crushed stone of splashfalls to the ground, two male and one femalewalkfrom the big hole.
飞溅的碎石噼里啪啦落地,两男一女从大坑中走出来。Although the bodyhas not worn the clothes, actuallyuses the armor and weapon that light orbsis composing.
身上虽然都没有穿衣服,却使用着光粒组成的护甲与武器。Mitera Chizuruslightlyfrowns: „God Sweeper?”御寺千鹤微微蹙眉:“神卷者?”From the arrivalwaycansee that thesethreepeoplehave the goodstrength, butwithKanetake MasatothatGod Sweeper, somewhatis obviously different.
从登场方式就能看出这三人具有不俗的力量,但是与金武雅人那种神卷者,又明显有些不同。ThreeGod Sweeperare unemotional, the half steplaunches the attacktowardMitera Chizuru.
三个神卷者面无表情,快步朝御寺千鹤发起进攻。No matteractuallyMitera ChizurualsothesethreepeopleareGod Sweeper, in briefis the enemyright.御寺千鹤也不管这三人究竟是不是神卷者,总之是敌人就没错。ThreeGod Sweepersurround, backlight orbscondenses the lightspear/gunsimultaneously, aims atMitera Chizuruto send out a roundsalvo.
三个神卷者包围上来,背后的光粒同时凝聚出光枪,对准御寺千鹤发出一轮齐射。Severallightspears/gunsmadeto be as good asa moment ago the strongexplosion of rocket projectilesalvo.
The windblown dusthas not dispersed, Mitera Chizurusprints, close tobeing away fromherrecentGod Sweeper.
In the opposite partywieldbegins the weapon, to the head of Mitera Chizuru.
对方挥动手里的武器,噼向御寺千鹤的脑袋。Eightlatemirrorrapid traverses, keep offthisto strike.
八迟镜快速移动上来,挡下这一击。Mitera Chizurulifts the footto trample, centerGod Sweeper, bang a crushingchestarmor, kickshiswhole person.御寺千鹤抬脚一踹,正中神卷者,砰的一声击碎胸口护甲,将他整个人踢飞出去。AnothertwoGod Sweeperhave launchedabout the converging attacktoMitera Chizuru, the rayradiantsworddistinctiontoherneck and waist.
另外两个神卷者已经向御寺千鹤发起左右夹击,光芒璀璨的刀剑分别噼向她的脖子和腰部。Mitera Chizuruboth handsopens, puts forth the rebound, an invisiblecirclecoversher.御寺千鹤双手撑开,使出反弹,一个无形的圆将她笼罩起来。
The weaponraids, was reboundedat the similarspeed, makingbothGod Sweeperlose the balance.
武器袭来,以同样的速度被反弹回去,使得两个神卷者都失去平衡。Mitera Chizurutakes advantage of opportunity a palmon the left sideGod Sweepernape of the neck, the straight punchhits the face, cancels the boxingrib, inwieldsmore than tenfiststo hit the opposite partysuddenlycontinuallychanges beyond all recognition.御寺千鹤顺势一掌噼在左侧神卷者的脖颈上,直拳打脸,勾拳击肋,在瞬息间连挥十几拳将对方打得面目全非。Finallygrabshishand, in the futurewill fling, treats as the greathammer, to/clashesGod Sweeper that to poundto fall face down the right side.
最后抓住他的手,往后一甩,当做巨锤,把右侧冲上来的神卷者砸趴下。WithoutMitera Chizurucontinuedto make up the blade, the skylikeraining, fallsmore than tenperson's shadowssuddenly, is naked the body, unemotionalGod Sweeper.
The Mitera Chizuruexpressionbecomesdignified, simultaneouslycopes with34alsogood, comesso many, evenshe should still feelstrenuous.御寺千鹤的表情变得凝重起来,同时对付三四个还行,一口气来这么多,就算是她也会感到吃力。SeveralGod Sweepersurroundshortly, sheputs out a handto holdnearbyfierce-tempered horsemilitary vehicleimmediately, liftsto make an effortto losetowardthem.
眼看十几个神卷者包围上来,她立刻伸手抓住旁边一辆悍马军车,举起来朝他们用力丢过去。AndGod Sweeperboth handsemptygrasps, light orbscondenses a bigswordin the palm, jumpsto wield, cuts in half the fierce-tempered horsewith ease.
其中一个神卷者双手虚握,光粒在手掌心凝聚出一把大剑,跳起来一挥,将悍马轻松切成两半。Mitera Chizurulooks dignified, exhibits the stance, prepares forgoing all out.御寺千鹤神情凝重,摆开架势,做好大干一场的准备。Bang!
The wall of not far awaybreaks opensuddenly, toclose tothreemetershighbluegiant.
不远处的墙壁骤然破开,冲出来一个接近三米高的蓝色巨人。both hands of giantalsograbstwoGod Sweeper, likegrabbingtwotoys, non-stoppoundingon the ground.
巨人的双手还抓着两个神卷者,就像抓着两个玩具一样,不停在地上砸着。Mitera Chizurulooksdumbfoundedly: „Yourwhatsituations?!”御寺千鹤看得目瞪口呆:“你们什么情况?!”Sees only the head of bluegiant, the chest, the position of navel, altogetheris growingthreefaces, from top to bottomisNagumo Narumi, Nagumo AsukaalsohasProphetrespectively.
“千鹤老师?”Nagumo Narumiis excited, intwotoys the handthrowsconveniently, thenrunstoward the Mitera Chizurustride.南云鸣海激动不已,将手里两个玩具随手一丢,然后就朝御寺千鹤大步跑来。
The bluegiantalmostdoes not have to prevent, keeps offinfrontGod Sweeperall the wayis pattedflies, quickbreaks throughto arrive in front ofMitera Chizuru.
蓝色巨人几乎无可阻挡,一路上挡在面前的神卷者都被拍飞,很快就突围来到御寺千鹤面前。God Sweeper that Mitera Chizuruanotherfootwill throwtramplesflies, thenraise one's headlooks on the bluegiantthreefaces: „How do youturn intothisappearance?”御寺千鹤又一脚将扑上来的神卷者踹飞,然后仰头看着蓝色巨人身上的三张脸:“你们怎么变成这个模样?”Nagumo Narumiholds up the strongboth arms, suspendedpose, likegiving the guardianshows off the child of newtoy.南云鸣海举起强壮的双臂,摆了个pose,就像给家长炫耀新玩具的小孩一样。„Thisisourbody-fusionpeople, justslimedá!”
“这是我们的合体人,正义史来姆号哒!”Mitera Chizuruwithconfusing the looklookstoanothertwopeople.御寺千鹤用迷惑的眼神看向另外两个人。Nagumo AsukaandProphetbecame flushed the face, made excuses.南云飞鸟和预言家涨红了脸,支支吾吾。At this momenttheyonlywantto dig a pitthemselvesburying.
此刻她们只想挖个坑把自己给埋了。„Be careful!”
“小心!”Prophetspokesuddenly the early warning, Mitera Chizurujust about tohides, saw that the body of bluegiantinflated, graspedher.预言家忽然出言预警,御寺千鹤刚要躲,就看到蓝色巨人的身躯膨胀起来,一把将她抱住。Surroundingmore than tenGod Sweepercondenselarge number oflightspears/guns, aimed atfivepeopleto come a round of salvo.
The explosion of strongcontinuedfully for more than tenseconds, was rumbled the lunar terrainincluding the nearbyground.勐烈的爆炸整整持续了十几秒,连附近地面都被轰成月球表面。When the windblown dustclears, in the middlebig holepresents a circularbluegreatball.
The greatballextensionbody, turns into a bluegiant, but the body were also many a face.
巨球伸展躯体,重新变成一个蓝色的巨人,不过身上又多了一张脸。Mitera Chizuru: „......”御寺千鹤:“……”Atherfacial skinthickness, cannot bearblushat this moment: „Waits for, whyalsowrappedme, putmeto go outquickly!”
“哈哈哈哈!”Nagumo Narumiexudes very healthylaughter: „ Had the alliance of TeacherChizuru, ourjustslimehave evolvedto the mature period, attacks!南云鸣海发出十分健康的笑声:“有了千鹤老师的加盟,我们的正义史来姆号已经进化到成熟期了,出击!
The bluegiantstrideturns towardsurroundingGod Sweeperto overrun.
„ Does not wantAh!youto putmeto come outquickly!
”Listens toMitera Chizuruto be full of the shycry, Nagumo AsukaandProphetthoughtsuddenly the societydiesthismatter, probablyis not uncomfortable.
……Compared withNagumo Narumihappytakes off/escapes, Hoshizaki Yukinabelongedis the hellpattern.
After the physical strengthrestores, shehas towalk randomlyin the entirebattlefield, sends back the injured of camp, againwaiting for the surplusmanpowerinsecretfootholddelivers, continuoussupplementbattle efficiency.
体力恢复后,她不得不游走在整个战场中,将己方阵营的伤者都送回去,再把等候在秘密据点中的剩余人手送过来,源源不断的补充战斗力。Thisbehaviorbecomes certainlyGod Sweepereye-sore, therefore after making warshortly, Hoshizaki Yukinastared.
这种行为当然成为了神卷者的眼中钉,所以开战没多久后,星崎雪奈就被盯上了。Bang! Bang! Bang!
The explosion of strongresounds through the entirecorridor, is runningforward, the backexplosion that Hoshizaki Yukinagoes all outbrings the intensepushingbackfeelingtoher, meanwhilemustpay attention to the road the musicsymbol that non-stoppresenting.勐烈的爆炸响彻整个楼道,星崎雪奈拼命的向前奔跑着,背后的爆炸给她带来强烈的推背感,同时还要注意路上不停出现的音乐符号。
The rock and rollfootsteps on the 5 lines, like a person who plays in the surf of surfing, is in hot pursuitin the Hoshizaki Yukinaback, the slenderfingernon-stopfluctuating the guitarstring.
摇滚脚踩五线谱,就像一个冲浪的弄潮儿,在星崎雪奈的背后紧追不放,修长手指不停波动着吉他弦。It is well known, when Hoshizaki Yukinawantsto use the long-distance transmission, mustconcentrate the energy, before havingshort, swings.
众所周知,星崎雪奈想要使用远距离传送时,就必须集中精神,会有短暂的施法前摇。But the rock and rollguitaris the spiritualattack, canlethear the person of guitarto have a headache to crack.
而摇滚的吉他声是精神攻击,可以让听到吉他声的人头疼欲裂。Under the spiritualattack, Hoshizaki Yukinaalmostunableuselong distanceteleport, can only escapewithshort distanceteleport.
在精神攻击下,星崎雪奈几乎无法使用长距离瞬移,只能用短距离瞬移逃跑。But the coverage scope of guitaris very widespread, the rock and rollcanfind the Hoshizaki Yukinapositioneach time.
而吉他声的覆盖范围十分广泛,摇滚每次都能找到星崎雪奈的位置。„Haha, the beautiful woman, gives upstruggling.”
The rock and rollmakes an effortto move the guitarstring: „Comesto swingwithmetogether, enjoys the music the pleasure.”
摇滚用力拨动吉他弦:“和我来一起摇摆,享受音乐的乐趣吧。”Turning head that Hoshizaki Yukinaclenches jaws: „Youpursuemeagain, do not blamemenot being impolite.”星崎雪奈咬牙切齿的回头:“你再追我,就别怪我不客气了。”„Haha, Ianticipatedvery much.”
“哈哈,那我很期待。”Rock and rolldreadfulwinking: „Youmustnot be how impolitetome.”
摇滚猥琐的挤眉弄眼:“你到底要对我怎么不客气。”Hoshizaki Yukinadid not say a word, turns aroundto turn towardtall buildingteleportto escapesomewhere, quickescaped the roof, the rock and rollalsopursued.星崎雪奈一言不发,转身向着某处高楼瞬移逃去,很快就逃到了楼顶,摇滚也追上来。Hoshizaki Yukinastandsin the roofedge, turn headlooks at the rock and roll, suddenlyshows a beautifulsmile: „ActuallyIdo not wantto usethishiddenmove, person who yourfirstenjoys.”星崎雪奈站在楼顶边缘,回头看着摇滚,忽然露出一个美艳的笑容:“其实我并不想用这一隐藏招数的,你还是第一个享受到的人。”Rock and rolltwoshine: „Ireallyanticipated,actuallyyouwill makeanythingtome.”
摇滚两眼放光:“那我真的是非常期待,你究竟会对我做什么。”Hoshizaki Yukinajumpsto leap, jumpsfrom the roof, dozensmetersmadeherbe separated from the category of musical soundhighlyquickly, directlyusedteleportto vanishdoes not see.星崎雪奈纵身一跃,从楼顶跳下去,数十米的高度很快就让她脱离了音乐声的范畴,直接使用瞬移消失不见。When the rock and rollpursuestodownstairs, looks at the ground of nobody left, discoveredoneselfwere playedprobably.
等摇滚追到楼下时,看着空无一人的地面,发现自己好像被耍了。However the nextsecond, Hoshizaki Yukinacame backonteleportagain.
但是下一秒,星崎雪奈就重新瞬移回来了。Followssheto come back, a hand heldkatana, the footsteps ontallboot, is tying up the beautifulwoman in ponytail.
跟着她回来的,还有一个手提武士刀,脚踩高靴,绑着马尾的美丽女人。Akimiya Tsuki.秋宫月。
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