SH :: Volume #10

#941: Blood-color Mangekyo

„The snake of novel diving of shadow Hokage()” searches the latest chapter! 火影之潜影之蛇小说()”查找最新章节! Good pain......” “好痛苦……” Shisui covers own eye stubbornly, the blood actually as before from referring to the seam reveals, has what monster to gnaw his soul probably. 止水死死捂住自己的眼睛,鲜血却依旧从指缝中露出,就好像有什么怪物在啃噬着他的灵魂。 This pain as if must make him faint, but finally Shisui maintained sober, eyeful is the blood-color. 这种痛苦似乎要让他晕厥过去,但最终止水保持了清醒,满眼都是血色。 Hidden Cloud Village, on a mountain, a secret factory of Kumogakure construction, top the workshop like a round sphere turret, the giant astronomical observation mirror extends to live, reveals faint trace marvelous tech flavor. 云隐村,一座高山上,云忍建造的一座秘密工厂,厂房顶部如同一座圆球形炮塔,巨大的天文观测镜延生出去,显露出一丝丝奇妙的科技气息。 But at this time, Kumogakure is bored to death sits on the control seat, the eyes look in the middle of the sky. 而此时,一个云忍正百无聊赖地坐在操控座位上,双眼直直地看着天空当中。 Although has crossed during for several months, the Moon turbulence has subsided to the turmoil that Ninja World brings with an attack of Otsutsuki clan gradually, but in five great nations, no one is possible to treat as this sentiment like this has not happened same has no more worries. 虽然已经过了几个月之间,月球动荡和大筒木一族的袭击给忍界带来的动乱已经渐渐平息,但是五大国中,谁也不可能就这样把这件情当做没发生一样高枕无忧。 Before Ye Long and Otsutsuki Pu village at the startled day war that on Moon launched, the created fluctuation of energy caused panic-stricken of Kumogakure village, in the later some time, Moon was hit the fragment of crack to crash one after another Ninja World, caused certain disaster. 之前叶龙大筒木蒲村在月球上展开的惊天大战,造成的能量波动引起了云忍村的惊骇,在之后的一段时间中,月球被打裂的碎片陆续坠落到忍界,也是造成了一定的灾害。 Conferences between five shades were held, the country including Konoha sends shinobi to come the rain to endure the village to discuss, including Kirigakure that just stabilized, on was Mizukage aegle sepiaria Yakura also sends the subordinate to go outwardly as before. 五影之间的会议早已经举行,包括木叶在内的国家纷纷派忍者前来雨忍村商议,连刚刚才安定下来的雾隐村,明面上依旧是水影的枸橘矢仓也派属下前去了。 The representative in each village expressed own view and feared, finally is argues, does not have the conclusion. 各个村子的代表发表了自己的看法和担忧,结果却是争论一番,毫无结论。 Later, perhaps other endure the village on to suppress outwardly to the general public this matter, comforts their mood, but dispatched the Anbu secret investigation secretly, hopes that found that the traces of shinobi that looks like a Hyuga clan, as well as between connection with Moon turmoil events. 之后,其他忍村或许明面上已经将这件事情对普通民众压制下去,安抚他们的情绪,但是暗地里都派遣了暗部秘密调查,希望找到那个酷似日向一族的忍者的蛛丝马迹,以及与月球动乱事件之间的关联。 This giant observation station has become based in the project, every day has Kumogakure to come taking turns on duty, at this time this Kumogakure is staring at the present viewing mirror, the nature lacks. 这个巨大的观测站已经成为了常驻项目,每天都有云忍过来轮值,此时这个云忍盯着眼前的观测镜,性质缺缺。 Do not be absent-minded, although this duty is boring, the good and evil must go to the frontline to fight with all might, was one works with ease.” “不要开小差啊,虽然这个任务无聊,好歹必须要去前线拼杀,也算是一份轻松的工作了啊。” His team leader is depending at this moment on the base of giant machinery, is smoking leisurely and carefree, similarly has no tense appearance. 他的队长此刻正靠在巨型机械的基座上,悠闲地抽着烟,同样没有任何紧张的样子。 Team leader, you said that if Moon really occurrence accident, even crashes, we defend observe here, what also there is to affect?” “队长,你说要是月球真的发生了变故,甚至坠落下来,我们守在这里观测,又有什么作用呢?” Observation Kumogakure relaxes, by said on the seat, also has these to attack Konoha shinobi, where braves?” 观测的云忍松了口气,靠在座位上道,“还有那些袭击木叶忍者,到底是哪里冒出来的呢?” Ghost knows where these fellows brave, but they also go to Konoha to show off one's power, came to our Kumogakure village, Sir Fourth Raikage will certainly twist to break to pieces their heads!” “鬼知道那些家伙是哪里冒出来的,不过他们也就去木叶逞逞威风,还是来了我们云忍村,四代雷影大人一定会拧碎他们的脑袋的!” Chief Kumogakure said with a smile, now the crisis alleviates, these directly by the fellow who a Otsutsuki clan attacked naturally have not been department disaster Le Huo, could not bear taunts Konoha orally, this in Ninja World as before stable such as the overlord of mountain. 云忍队长笑道,现在危机缓解,这些没有直接被大筒木一族袭击的家伙自然是系灾乐祸,忍不住口头上嘲讽一下木叶,这个在忍界依旧稳固如山的霸主。 In my opinion, these origin unknown shinobi are not adequate to prove the point actually, but Moon, if really has problems, Ninja World will be beyond redemption!” “不过依我看来,那些来历未知的忍者倒是不足为据,但是月球要是真的出了问题,忍界才会万劫不复呢!” Smile restraining on face, this team leader seemed like remembered anything, the complexion was suddenly dignified. 脸上的笑容收敛,这个队长似乎是想起了什么,面色突然凝重起来。 „? Is because the fragment of Moon can crash?” The Kumogakure doubts said. “啊?是因为月球的碎片会坠落下来吗?”云忍疑惑道。 Such disaster naturally is destructive, by far is not the manpower avoidable disaster, if really occurrence, we also can only hide by far, helpless.” “那样的灾难自然是毁灭性的,远远不是人力可以避免的天灾,如果真的发生了,我们也只能是远远躲起来,无能为力的。” This Kumogakure muttered, „, but I listened to my paternal great-grandfather to tell a story in childhood, in legend Moon seal a terrifying monster. 这个云忍喃喃道,“但是我小时候曾经听我的曾祖父说过一个故事,传说月球之中封印着一个恐怖的怪物。 Once Moon had an accident, that monster will arrive at Ninja World, causes the entire Ninja World destruction the disaster! ” 一旦月球出事了,那个怪物就会降临忍界,导致整个忍界毁灭的灾害!” „?? What monster that is, unexpectedly so will be fearful?!” “啊?是真的吗?那是什么怪物,居然会如此可怕?!” That Kumogakure has a scare obviously, although the Kumogakure village does not have the so-called respected family influence on separate, is the absolute leader, but some long and distant prestigious family prominent families remain. 那个云忍显然吓了一跳,云忍村虽然没有所谓的大家族势力割据,艾就是绝对的首领,但是依旧有一些历史悠远的名门望族存在。 His team leader is an ancient family's heir, many were equivalent to some in Hidden Leaf Village aristocrat, the known necessity were more than his such civilian shinobi. 他的这个队长就是其中一古老家族的子嗣,多少相当于木叶村中的某个“贵族”了,知道的必然比他这样的平民忍者多。 Associated to the accident of former Moon, especially in the hearsay these mysterious shinobi as if because of the accident of Moon vanished in a hurry, in this Kumogakure heart always felt, perhaps had anything to be connected! 联想到之前月球的变故,特别是传闻中那些神秘忍者似乎因为月球的变故而匆匆消失,这个云忍心中总觉得,其中或许有什么关联! Reason that perhaps, the Sirs in five great nations searched for entire Ninja World unable to find these fellows, the reason was they actually comes up from Moon?” “或许,五大国的大人们之所以搜遍了整个忍界也无法找到那些家伙,原因就是他们其实是从月球上来的吗?” Nonchalant, in this Kumogakure mind presented the idea of seeming fantasy story, Ninjutsu that after all, these fellows can fly it is said?” 不经意的,这个云忍脑海中出现了一个好似天方夜谭的想法,“毕竟,那些家伙据说都会飞行的忍术呢?” Ha! I am only and you crack a joke, you also took seriously unexpectedly!” “哈哈哈哈哈!我只是和你开个玩笑罢了,你居然还当真了!” Sees hand/subordinate the serious appearance, Chief Kumogakure laughs loudly immediately, „ may have the monster by the seal to Moon in? Isn't this cracks a joke? 看到手下一本正经的模样,云忍队长顿时捧腹大笑,“怎么可能会有怪物被封印到月球里面呢?这不是开玩笑吗? The myth is the myth, is some specious things, cannot withstand to deliberate completely! ” 神话之所以是神话,就是一些似是而非的东西,完全经不起推敲的啊!” „...? Is this......” “啊…哈?是这样吗……” Kumogakure only thought hand/subordinate was awkward, on Moon will have the living person to live? Is indulges in fantasy eventually! 云忍手下只觉得尴尬极了,月球上怎么会有活人居住呢?终究是自己异想天开罢了! While this Kumogakure also wants to say anything alleviate anything time, actually sees own team leader sudden complexion big change suddenly, looks at the sky dull, even the smoke of mouth fell. 然而正当这个云忍还想说些什么缓解什么的时候,却突然看到自己的队长突然脸色大变,呆呆地看着天空,甚至连嘴里的烟都掉了。 That... is that...?!” “那…那是…?!” In the eyes of team leader, obviously in the afternoon, Moon not conspicuous time, actually erupts a sparkling stone green ray suddenly. 在队长的眼中,明明还是下午,月球并不显眼的时候,却突然爆发出一股莹绿色的光芒。 What is more inconceivable, has together the gloomy light beam suddenly from the lunar terrain release, crashes at the inconceivable speed, as if arrived at Ninja World directly somewhere! 更加不可思议的是,有一道晦暗的光束突然从月球表面释放,以不可思议的速度坠落而下,似乎直接降临到了忍界某处! Although not through viewing mirror observation, but vision relative good of this Chief Kumogakure, will otherwise not be responsible for here. 虽然并没有通过观测镜观测,但是这个云忍队长的视力相当之好,否则也不会在这里负责。 That duration is too but short is too sudden, when subordinate Kumogakure has turned the head unable to see that was too unusual. 可是那一幕的持续时间太短太突然,等属下的云忍转过头去已经看不到太多异常了。 Only thought that today's moon seems to be rounder, was brighter. 只觉得今天的月亮似乎更圆,也更明亮了一些。 „Is this... the misconception?......” “这是…错觉吗?还是……” Originally sluggish Chief Kumogakure complexion instantaneous gloomy incomparable, greeting hand/subordinate no does not pay attention, stepped on ruthlessly extinguished the cigarette butt that fell to the ground, turned head to walk...... 原本懒散的云忍队长脸色瞬间阴沉无比,连手下的招呼也不没理会,狠狠踩灭了掉到地上的烟头,扭头就走…… Alas, completed finally!” “呜呼,终于完成了!” Meanwhile, the rain endures in the tremendous underground space of village, White Zetsu completed a mammoth project finally, at this moment some look pantingly to the body. 与此同时,雨忍村的巨大地下空间中,白绝终于完成了一项浩大的工程,此刻有些气喘吁吁地看向身下。 In his, huge Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) only revealed eye confinement heads and ten fingers at this moment opens upward both hands, the most body buried in underground, obviously was the White Zetsu masterpiece. 在他脚下,巨大的外道魔像此刻只露出了一颗眼睛禁闭的头颅和十指张开向上的双手,大半的身躯都埋在了地下,显然是白绝的杰作。 Item that the seal Bijuu (Tailed Beast) method and step and need to pay attention, I have told you, later practices much, one day will use.” “封印尾兽的方法、步骤和需要注意的事项,我已经都告诉你了,以后多多练习,总有一天会用到的。” Obito looks at present somewhat exciting Nagato sinking sound said, hope with our efforts, will not be far on this day!” 带土看着眼前有些兴奋的长门沉声道,“希望在我们的努力下,这一天不会太远!” This point I believe very, the sincerity and contribution to the organization of spot Sir, I engrave on mind!” “这一点我十分相信,斑大人的诚意和对组织的贡献,我铭记在心!” This time Nagato is very indeed excited, ice-cold stiff facial features also some flushed. 此时的长门的确十分激动,一项冰冷僵硬的面容也有些潮红。 Obito gave his seal technique type to give Nagato Uchiha Madara completely, latter in this moment to Obito new went a step further, basically approved the opposite party, will place collaborator truly position. 带土宇智波斑交给他的封印术式全部交给了长门,后者在这一刻对带土的新任更进一步,基本认可了对方,真正将之放在了“合作者”的位置。 Nagato does not know how Akatsuki achieves five great nations, he had the method in this moment finally, was directed bright road, regarding present Obito, many some grateful. 原本长门并不知如何达到五大国,在这一刻他终于有了方法,被指引了“明路”,对于眼前的带土,多少是有一些感激的。 „Does this fellow, really know so many unexpectedly? This is Uzumaki Clan the descendants as Ninjutsu that are unable to contact, is he really Uchiha Madara in legend?!” “这家伙,居然真的知道这么多?这可是身为漩涡一族的后裔都无法接触到的忍术,难道他真的是传说中的宇智波斑?!” In nearby Konan heart some similar fluctuating are uncertain, but filled to Obito eventually dreaded and guarded. 一旁的小南心中同样有些起伏不定,但终究还是对带土充满了忌惮和防备。 Perhaps, this is also two person strength and mentality disparities. 或许,这也是两个人实力与心态的差距吧。 Without thinking easily brought back Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), White Zetsu had inspected a moment ago, without thing that discovering that Uchiha Ryū left behind, for a long time passed had not responded, the opposite party didn't care about this thing very much?” “没有想到这么轻易就拿回了外道魔像,白绝刚才已经检查过了,没有发现那个宇智波龍留下的东西,这么长时间过去也没有反应,难道说对方并不是很在意这个东西?” In the heart of Obito may be not so relaxed, Nagato succeeds reclamation Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) indeed to make him relax, more is actually worried that is haunted by the ghost, walks in like Uchiha Ryū of devil again. 带土的心中可并不那么轻松,长门成功“收回”外道魔像的确让他松了一口气,更多的却是担忧那个阴魂不散,如同恶魔的宇智波龍再次找上门来。 Although Obito knows that Nagato strength at this moment is astonishing, perhaps close to the Uchiha Madara heyday, own ability and rain endured under many Kage level powerhouse in village in addition, the strength is astonishing, came also to contend including five great nations. 虽然带土知道长门此刻的实力惊人,或许接近了宇智波斑的全盛时期,加上自己的能力、雨忍村的众多影级强者属下,战力惊人,连五大国来了也可以抗衡。 However Uchiha Ryū defeated old Uchiha Madara, on the same day was too deep to the impression that he made. 但是宇智波龍击败了年老的宇智波斑,当日给他留下的印象太深了。 If the opposite party really should walk for the Nagato action again, the domineering spoiled his plan, then Obito also can only the probably base and low mouse run away generally again, even could not see remoulding again the hope of the world. 如果对方真的应为长门的举动再次找上门来,强势破坏了他的计划,那么带土也只能像是卑微的老鼠一般再次逃窜,甚至再也看不到“重塑”世界的希望了。 But Obito is impossible to give up Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), because this is the seal Bijuu (Tailed Beast) vessel, foundation of eye of plan moon/month. 可是带土不可能放弃外道魔像的,因为这是封印尾兽的容器,月之眼计划的基础。 Is good because has not had the accident/surprise temporarily, perhaps the opposite party really gave up Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), this is in reason, perhaps also the opposite party has not thought that Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) will be won, could not find the Nagato position. 好在暂时并没有发生意外,或许对方真的放弃了外道魔像,这才是“情理之中”,又或许对方没有想到外道魔像会被夺走,也找不到长门的位置。 In brief...... they are safe temporarily, the future plan will also launch methodically. 总之……他们暂时是安全的,今后的计划也会有条不紊地展开。 Obito seemed to have seen the radiant bright future, so long as controls Nagato to complete the plan of moon/month of eye, Uchiha Ryū and Uchiha Madara, or face the threat of entire Ninja World......, no matter what his flood is dreadful, Obito does not care! 带土似乎已经看到了璀璨光明的未来,只要控制住长门完成月之眼的计划,宇智波龍宇智波斑,亦或是面对整个忍界的威胁……任他洪水滔天,带土也不在乎了! „Is Jie Jie Jie, what that Uchiha Ryū making? Really cannot completely understand.” “桀桀桀,那个宇智波龍到底在做些什么呢?真是看不透啊。” Nagato or Obito, White Zetsu thinks oneself were clear that their ideas at this moment, actually do not know the plan of Ye Long completely. 无论是长门还是带土,白绝都以为自己清楚他们此刻的想法,却完全不知道叶龙的计划。 The domineering attacks the spot the den, plunders resources that the spot collected in these years, carried off Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), combined threats with inducements oneself to cooperate with it, White Zetsu does not think that the opposite party was prompted by a sudden impulse. 强势袭击斑的老巢,掠夺了斑这几十年来收集的资源,带走了外道魔像,威逼利诱自己与之合作,白绝不认为对方只是心血来潮。 But in fact, Ye Long after letting Orochimaru studied Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) to intercept the part of Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) organization. 而事实上,叶龙只是在让大蛇丸研究了外道魔像后截取了一部分外道魔像的组织。 Ye Long naturally cannot make Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) take him to store up the vessel of strength of Bijuu (Tailed Beast), the risk greatly was too too big. 叶龙自然不会让外道魔像作为他储存尾兽之力的容器,风险太大太大了。 However he can actually cultivate the cell of Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) with the Orochimaru duplication, obtains its some ability characteristics, fuses vessel that oneself cultivate- divine wood! 但是他却可以和大蛇丸复制培育外道魔像的细胞,获得其部分能力特性,融合到自己培育的容器-神木当中! In the future the divine wood will be again mature, Ye Long can thoroughly swallowing, oneself be the carrier of huge energy, is ordinary like Kaguya Ji! 未来神木再次成熟,叶龙就可以彻底将之吞噬,自身就是庞大能量的载体,如同辉夜姬一般! Moreover in Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) hid the Ye Long space mark, a high-level utilization of strength of space, is similar to the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) mark, contained Ye Long spiritual force. 而且外道魔像中隐藏了叶龙的空间印记,一种空间之力的高级运用,类似于飞雷神印记,却蕴含了一丝叶龙精神力 By White Zetsu and Obito ability, but also is not enough to discover this point. 凭借白绝带土的能力,还不足以发现这一点。 Although separated the remote distance, Ye Long actually knows that Nagato Summoning walked Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), moreover placed in the country of rain, was the function of this mark. 虽然隔了遥远的距离,叶龙却知道长门通灵走了外道魔像,而且安置在了雨之国,就是这个印记的作用。 Even Ye Long although at this moment does not have Rinnegan, if necessary, can strength of Summoning forcing space have Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), or spans the space directly, appears in the Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) position! 甚至于叶龙此刻虽然没有轮回眼,如果必要的话,也可以强行施展空间之力通灵外道魔像,或者直接跨越空间,出现在外道魔像的位置! Probably enters the step Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) technique to be the same. 就好像进阶的飞雷神术式一般。 A Xu day, Nagato collected nine big Bijuu (Tailed Beast) chakra laboriously, but Obito or Black Zetsu want to intend to swallow, Ye Long uses the strong strength, walked Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) Summoning directly! 或许某一天,长门辛辛苦苦收集了九大尾兽查克拉,而带土或者黑绝想要出手吞噬的时候,叶龙利用自己强大的实力,直接就把外道魔像通灵走了! Must know Rinnegan, although can positive governing Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), must look at own strength and to space force the control. 要知道轮回眼虽然可以直接控制外道魔像,也是要看自身的实力和对空间力量的掌控的。 Ye Long does not need to swallow surplus Bijuu (Tailed Beast) chakra again, but does not hinder him to destroy at crucial moment the eye of plan moon/month. 叶龙不需要再吞噬剩余的尾兽查克拉了,但是也不妨碍他在关键的时候破坏月之眼计划啊。 If really to that day, Obito or is that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, will be certainly scared! 如果真到了那一天,带土或者是那个幕后的黑手,一定会傻眼了吧! Also is really shocking!” “还真是令人震惊啊!” This moment Nagato, Konan, Obito, White Zetsu, scorpion and corner/horn these Akatsuki core members, Daiana Tarou, dry/does persimmon Kisame and four stringed instrument active ten conceals these three organization powerhouses stood on the Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) giant finger. 此刻长门小南带土白绝、蝎、角都这几个晓组织的核心成员,还有川岛太郎、干柿鬼鲛、琵笆十藏这三个组织强者都站在了外道魔像巨大的手指上。 The clothing that they wear also changed, turning will be famous in the future, or notorious style- black fire in a stove cloud robe! 他们身穿的服饰也变了,变成了日后大名鼎鼎,亦或是臭名昭著的样式-黑底火云袍! This is Nagato proposed that intention and Konan improvement style, the Akatsuki battle dress that the corner/horn is responsible for tailoring, indicates Akatsuki to strive for hegemony the Ninja World beginning. 这是长门提出意向、小南完善样式,角都负责缝纫的晓组织战袍,寓意着晓组织争霸忍界的开端。 „ The Akatsuki given name, is I explodes not without reason in Buddha of Akatsuki Ay bright watching fire. 晓组织的名号,是我在明时分观赏火之佛有感而发。 Today, Mr. Uchiha Madara and official alliance, to let everyone realizes own ideal, entire Ninja World peace. 今日,宇智波斑先生和诸位正式加盟,为了让大家实现自己的理想,也整个忍界的和平。 Hopes everyone do not forget the first thought that the steeling vanguard! ” 希望大家勿忘初心,砥砺前行!” Nagato gave the speech of drive rarely, several members lightly are also applauding. 长门难得发表了激励的演讲,几个成员也淅淅沥沥鼓起了掌。 Except for Nagato several people, later everyone joins Akatsuki to realize own ideal, even Nagato are also so. 除了长门几人,之后每个人加入都是为了实现自己的理想,连长门自己也是如此。 But wants to realize own ideal, needed naturally was the sufficient strength. 而想要实现自己的的理想,需要的自然就是足够的实力了。 Me, organizes still to be at the initial steps at present, if there is a right candidate, can draw together joins a group.” “我来说一下,目前组织依旧处于起步阶段,如果有合适的人选,可以一起拉入伙的。” A silent corner/horn coldly opened the mouth, actually looked that to several subordinates who Obito brought, in the eye has ice-cold and disdains. 一项沉默的角都冷冷开口了,却是看向带土带来的几个手下,眼中有着冰冷和不屑。 What is then more important is according to the development of organization, we most important goal is to amass money now! “然后更重要的是根据组织的发展,我们现在最重要的目标就是敛财! Starting today, hopes that everyone accepts the request much, works hard, makes money much, I will take care for everyone properly! ” The angle own real motive. 今日起,希望大家多多接受委托,努力工作,多多赚钱,我会为大家妥善保管的!”角都说出了自己的真实目的。 „, Why must work......” scorpion complexion one black, complained in a low voice. “靠,为什么还要工作啊……”蝎脸色一黑,低声抱怨道。 Member combines, later according to the situation assignment, now makes us start the name of organization.” Nagato nodded said. “成员组合,之后会根据情况分配,现在就让我们打响组织的名号吧。”长门点了点头道。 In his mind, the member must achieve Kage level to be good, the population estimate in ten, Konan also designed the ring especially. 在他心目中,成员必须达到影级才行,人数预计在十个,小南还特地设计了戒指。 But Obito said that does not help expose the status, not in ten people, the core members who even joined afterward were not necessarily able to know Akatsuki his existence. 只不过带土自称不便于暴露身份,并不会在十人之中,甚至后来加入的核心成员都未必会知他的存在了。 Nagato is the only leader, regarding this he is naturally glad to see it. 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