SH :: Volume #10

#940: Decision of Fugaku

„The snake of novel diving of shadow Hokage()” searches the latest chapter! 火影之潜影之蛇小说()”查找最新章节! Uchiha shinobi look at Fugaku dignifiedly, this moment Fugaku will have determined the entire Uchiha Clan future destiny. 宇智波忍者们凝重地看着富岳,此刻富岳已然将决定整个宇智波一族未来的命运。 However at this time, big elder Uchiha full more opened the mouth suddenly, he smiles, said toward the people,actually the matter has not been in that not irrecoverable situation, although the Konoha high level has suspected us now seriously, wishes one could to remove us, but has not actually begun directly. 然而就在这个时候,大长老宇智波满越是突然开口了,他笑了笑,朝众人道,“其实事情并没有到那种无法挽回的地步,虽然木叶高层现在已经严重怀疑我们,恨不得将我们全部除掉,但是却并没有直接动手。 For what? On the one hand has scruples, the extremely bad effect that this matter can definitely bring, making them hesitant, actually more important, on the one hand. ” 为的是什么?一方面是顾忌这件事情必然会带来的、极其恶劣的影响,让他们犹豫了,其实还有更重要的一方面。” What is? Big elder?” The people have doubts to say. “是什么?大长老?”众人疑惑道。 Naturally is... the Uchiha Clan strength!” Uchiha sneers to say completely. “自然是…宇智波一族的实力!”宇智波满冷笑道。 The country of fire, in Hidden Leaf Village. 火之国,木叶村之中。 The Hyuga family member of attack, Konoha garrison shinobi that rushes to hurriedly, hides in Anbu of hidden place, but also several talented shinobi, the passers- by distant place grew up surprisedly the mouth, looks at the Otsutsuki spring three people that drops from the clouds dull. 无论是惨遭袭击的日向家族成员,匆忙赶到的木叶警备队忍者,躲藏在暗处的暗部,还几个实力不俗的忍者,就连远处的路人都惊讶地长大了嘴巴,呆呆地看着从天而降的大筒木泉三人。 Dares to attack Konoha unexpectedly blatantly, attacks a Hyuga clan, immediately is without a fight, otherwise do not blame us not being impolite!” “竟然敢公然袭击木叶,袭击日向一族,立刻束手就擒吧,否则别怪我们不客气了!” Perhaps is the look that Otsutsuki spring several people disdain faintly attracts the hatred, was Uchiha Clan several Konoha garrison shinobi first could not bear, cold snort/hum was pulling out Three Pronge Kunai, a being ready to fight rack. 或许是大筒木泉几人淡漠不屑的眼神过于吸引仇恨,身为宇智波一族的几个木叶警备队忍者首先忍不住了,冷哼着掏出了苦无,一副摩拳擦掌的架子。 Although they usually in look at a Hyuga clan also non- cross-eye, even saw that head of the clan Hyūga Hiashi is so distressed, very somewhat is at heart dark crisply. 虽然他们平日里看日向一族也不对眼,甚至看到族长日向日足还如此狼狈,心里很是有些暗爽的。 However the responsibility is, moreover at present these mysterious people have Byakugan... is very so thought-provoking unexpectedly! 但是职责所在,而且眼前这些神秘人居然同样拥有“白眼”…这么就很耐人寻味了! Hey, the Uchiha fellow, works must have first come first served.” “喂喂喂,宇智波的家伙,做事也要有先来后到吧。” Tsunade walks natural from the ruins, snort/hum cold looks to the Otsutsuki spring three people, seemed like thought of anything. 纲手潇洒地从废墟当中走出来,哼冷一声看向大筒木泉三人,似乎是想到了什么。 Jiraiya stands in Tsunade vigilantly behind, the similar complexion is serious. 自来也警惕地站在纲手身后,同样的面色严肃。 First did not say that the origin, status and goal opposite party, the strengths of these three people absolutely are not simple, can being near spatial flight, control the puppet fight of far ultra Sand Ninja village, moreover Jiraiya unexpectedly being hard sensation to chakra of opposite party. 先不说对方的来历、身份和目的,这三个人的实力就绝对不简单,能够临空飞行,操控远超砂忍村的傀儡战斗,而且自来也居然难以感知到对方的查克拉 Must know that Jiraiya cultivates Mount Myōboku Sage Mode year to year, although at this moment has not entered Sage Mode, the sensation strength also goes far beyond ordinary shinobi, but these three strange fellows stand at present, actually probably a nihility. 要知道自来也常年修炼妙木山仙人模式,此刻虽然没有进入仙人模式,感知力也远远超过普通忍者,而这三个古怪的家伙站在眼前,却像是一片虚无。 He looks at each other one with side Minato, opposite party similarly seriously nodded. 他与身旁的水门对视一眼,对方同样面色凝重地点了点头 If closes the eye, I will not detect the aura of opposite party completely.” “如果闭上眼睛,我完全根本不会察觉到对方的气息。” Therefore the Jiraiya sinking sound said, selects Tsunade carefully, these fellows are not simple.” 于是自来也沉声道,“小心点纲手,这些家伙不简单。” Wordy, I know certainly.” “啰嗦,我当然知道。” Tsunade is moving the wrist/skill, somewhat thinks otherwise saying that perhaps these strange fellows have real skill,...... here, but Konoha, is no one can come to here to act unruly!” 纲手活动着手腕,有些不以为然道,“这些奇怪的家伙或许有两下子,不过嘛……这里可是木叶,不是谁都可以来这里撒野的!” Snort! Ignorant female baby!” “哼!无知的女娃娃!” As if was enraged by Tsunade, Otsutsuki spring behind Otsutsuki Yu coldly snort, the Byakugan ray in eye socket puts greatly, wants to act, was actually blocked by the Otsutsuki spring. 似乎被纲手激怒,大筒木泉身后的大筒木宇冷哼一声,眼眶中的白眼光芒大放,就想出手,却被大筒木泉拦住。 Ok, did not use with the person waste time of these worlds of mortals, handled here matter to go back, the profound bright Sir is still waiting for us.” “好了,不用和这些下界的人浪费时间了,处理完这里的事情就回去吧,玄明大人还在等着我们呢。” Yes.” Otsutsuki spring Hengheng stared Tsunade one, steps back. “是。”大筒木泉哼哼瞪了纲手一眼,退后一步。 What attitude is your?!” Another side Uchiha shinobi are angry, hidden in Anbu shinobi in secret and the others also the brow big wrinkle. “你们这是什么态度?!”另一边的宇智波忍者们大怒,隐藏在暗中的暗部忍者等人也眉头大皱。 They just about to take an action, actually saw that Otsutsuki spring Pai patted the sleeves, light say/way, „ ok, our time the goal of coming to the expensive/noble village does not aim at everyone. 他们刚要有所行动,却见到大筒木泉拍了拍衣袖,淡淡道,“好了,我们这次来贵村的目的也不是针对所有人。 Although is very disappointed regarding present Ninja World, meaning that but has not intended to train today...... ” 虽然对于如今的忍界很失望,但是今天也没有出手调教的意思……” Today the goal is to take away him.” “今天我们的目标是带走他。” The Otsutsuki spring looks lightly to distant place surprised Hyūga Hiashi, this person needs to walk with us, coordinates our investigations, that is all, hopes that cannot have the person who does not want to do to meddle.” 大筒木泉淡淡地看向远处一脸惊讶的日向日足,“这个人需要和我们走一趟,配合我们的调查,仅此而已,希望不会有不想干的人插手。” What did you say?!” “你说什么?!” The Otsutsuki spring finishes speaking, the person of surrounding Konoha all becomes flushed, team leader being unable to bear of Konoha garrison stood, was too rampant, was too dissolute...!” 大筒木泉话音刚落,周围的木叶之人皆是勃然变色,木叶警备队的队长忍不住站了出来,“太嚣张了,实在太放肆了…!” Could not endure the arrogances of people of these three Otsutsuki including one arrogant arrogant Uchiha one group, did not pay attention to big Konoha completely, abstained in Uchiha simply is impervious, brought about own destruction. 连一项高傲自大的宇智波一组都忍不了这三个大筒木之人的傲慢,完全不把诺大的木叶放在眼里,在宇智波戒简直是不可理喻,自寻死路。 Sees only team leader Uchiha to abstain roars lowly, gloomy and cold chakra condenses in his eyes instantaneously. 只见队长宇智波戒低吼一声,一股阴冷的查克拉瞬间在他的双眼凝聚。 The pitch-black eye pupil changed to a scarlet, three Tomoe rapid rotations! 原本乌黑的眼眸化作一片猩红,更是有三颗勾玉迅速转动! „The Konoha garrison obeys orders, takes to me these three people!” 木叶警备队听令,把这三个人给我拿下!” Uchiha abstains loudly shouts, opens three Tomoe Sharingan his strengths to rise dramatically, locked the responsible Otsutsuki spring instantaneously, orders, ten several garrison shinobi acknowledged loudly, changes to shadows to bully the body on! 宇智波戒大喝道,开启三勾玉写轮眼的他实力暴增,瞬间锁定了首当其冲的大筒木泉,一声令下,身后十数个警备队忍者轰然应诺,化作一道道黑影欺身而上! Hey! You......” “喂!你们……” Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato and the others slightly one startled, but after hesitant moment, has not prevented. 自来也波风水门等人微微一惊,但是犹豫了片刻后也没有阻止。 Almost all people are staring at present this in secret stubbornly, including stands Sarutobi Hiruzen at this moment above Hokage building, Uchiha garrisons the team leader strength is not weak, should be able to see the depths of these fellows......” 暗中几乎所有人都死死盯着眼前这一幕,也包括此刻站在火影大楼之上的猿飞日斩,“宇智波警备队长实力不弱,应该可以看出这几个家伙的深浅……” Hehe, courts death.” “呵呵,找死。” Because is in Konoha, Uchiha shinobi has not displayed Fire Release Ninjutsu that most excels, but is shuriken that used also to excel at throws. 因为身在木叶,宇智波忍者并没有施展最擅长的火遁忍术,而是使用出了同样擅长的手里剑投掷。 The dense and numerous hidden weapons from the sky drew the complex arc to block three people of all dodging directions, the team leader Uchiha abstention was to draw out behind short sword, a blade divided to the shoulder of Uchiha spring, three Tomoe rapid revolving in eye. 密密麻麻的暗器在空中划出复杂的弧线封死了三人所有的闪避方向,队长宇智波戒更是拔出身后的短刀,一刀劈向宇智波泉的肩膀,眼中的三勾玉飞速旋转。 However facing such attack, the Otsutsuki spring is actually sneers one, as if even moves the footsteps the nature not to have. 然而面对这样的攻击,大筒木泉却是冷笑一声,似乎连移动脚步的性质都没有。 Faint trace golden chakra condenses in his body surface, illuminates the surroundings faintly, the Otsutsuki space two people withdraw slightly, but Uchiha people who bear the brunt, as well as in secret some talented shinobi are actually the complexion big changes! 一丝丝金色的查克拉在他的体表凝聚,将周围隐隐照亮,身后的大筒木宇两人微微退避开来,而首当其冲的宇智波众人,以及暗中一些实力不俗的忍者却是面色大变! Be careful...!!” “当心…!!” Bang-!” “轰--!” The golden ray child Otsutsuki spring whole body concentrated fire of blotting out the sky, swallowed front all attacks instantaneously, as well as Uchiha abstains from and the others. 铺天盖地的金色光芒子大筒木泉周身攒射而出,瞬间吞噬了面前的所有攻击,以及宇智波戒等人。 Golden mushroom cloud raises from Hidden Leaf Village Hyuga clan land slowly, the civilians in distant place have a big shock, runs terrifiedly to the distant place, as if remembered for several months ago when Third Raikage wreaks havoc the terrifying. 一朵金色的蘑菇云从木叶村日向族地附近冉冉升起,远处的平民更是大惊失色,惶恐不安地跑向远处,似乎想起了几个月前三代雷影肆虐时的恐怖。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Stood erect got hold of the fist in Sarutobi Hiruzen of distant place stubbornly, in the eye has deep surprised, „was this energy... Ninja World is lost for a long time Yang Release Ninjutsu?!” 矗立在远处的猿飞日斩死死握紧了拳头,眼中却是有着深深的惊讶,“这股能量是…忍界失传已久的阳遁忍术?!” Coughs......” “咳咳咳……” In the field, the golden storm restrains gradually, the Otsutsuki spring three people stand in as in same place, all constructions within 50 meters range were actually razed to the ground. 场中,金色的风暴渐渐收敛,大筒木泉三人依旧站在原地,五十米范围内的一切建筑却被夷为平地。 Uchiha abstains from and other garrison shinobi to lie down in the gulf edge whole body distressedly is the blood. 宇智波戒等一众警备队忍者狼狈地躺在深坑边缘浑身是血。 They struggle to crawl, within the body actually pain, some as if innumerable steel needles went into their acupuncture point burningly, is corroding Uchiha lineage/vein chakra unceasingly, keeping them from putting forth a physical strength! 他们挣扎着想要爬起来,体内却是火辣辣地痛,似乎有无数钢针扎进了他们的穴道,不断侵蚀着宇智波一脉的查克拉,让他们无法使出一丝气力! Hehe, you are really not......” “呵呵,你们真是自不……” In the field, the Otsutsuki spring three people cannot bear laugh, however finishes barely the words, unusual Three Pronge Kunai actually scratches the cheeks to fly. 场中,大筒木泉三人忍不住哈哈大笑,然而话音未落,一把奇特的苦无却擦着脸颊飞过。 Snort...!” “哼…!” The Otsutsuki spring Ceguo face, just about to says anything, in Byakugan actually shows the panic-stricken look suddenly, hurries to lower the head! 大筒木泉侧过脸去,刚要说些什么,白眼中却骤然露出惊骇的神色,慌忙低下头去! Bang, a fierce chakra cyclone is scratching his back bombardment above the ground, Namikaze Minato round of Rasengan hits spatially, the complexion is more surprised than the Otsutsuki spring, nearby was responded rapidly the Otsutsuki field that tramples flies. “轰”的一声,一股剧烈的查克拉气旋擦着他的后背轰击在了地面之上,波风水门一发螺旋丸打空,脸色却是比大筒木泉更加惊讶,被一旁迅速反应过来的大筒木田都一脚踹飞。 Minato... hateful!” 水门…可恶!” Almost was Minato starts the instance that Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) failed, Jiraiya has completed Ninjutsu. 几乎是水门发动飞雷神落空的瞬间,自来也已经完成了忍术 Ninja Art wool needle thousand books!” 忍法・毛针千本!” Sees only him the fluffy cover white hair to grow behind barbarically, changes to myriad steel needle concentrated fire, covered three people of scopes thoroughly. 只见他身后蓬松茂密地白发野蛮生长,化作万千钢针攒射,彻底笼罩了三人的范围。 Brushes-” “刷刷刷-” Facing the attack of Jiraiya, the turning head Otsutsuki spring is actually not intent, seems still tasting Namikaze Minato space Ninjutsu. 面对自来也的攻击,回过头来的大筒木泉却并不为意,似乎还在回味波风水门的空间忍术 Yang Release diamond mist!” 阳遁・金刚岚!” Sees only in his hand golden light greatly hold, toward a ground racket, dazzles the golden barrier then to produce together baseless, protects in which three people firmly. 只见他手中金光大盛,往地上一拍,一道炫金色的屏障便凭空生成,牢牢将三人保护其中。 Sir spring?” “泉大人?” Snort, I am all right!” “哼,我没事!” Dingdong in the hammering sound, the dense and numerous wool needle thousand hits in the golden barrier, the barrier exude the innumerable water glare ripple, actually stands one's ground steadfastly. 一阵“叮叮当当”的打铁声中,密密麻麻的毛针千本撞击在金色屏障上,屏障泛起无数水光般的波纹,却是岿然不动。 Felt strange, shinobi of this world of mortals, within the body as if including the bloodlines of several ancestors not to have, can touch the strength of space unexpectedly......” “奇怪了,这个下界的忍者,体内似乎连几位先祖的血脉都没有,竟然可以触摸到空间之力……” The Otsutsuki spring is serious, Byakugan has swept around the surroundings, held the Otsutsuki space and Otsutsuki field two people shoulders suddenly jumps high. 大筒木泉面色凝重,白眼扫过周围周围,却是突然抓住了大筒木宇和大筒木田都两人的肩膀高高跃起。 The next quarter, a banding the beautiful leg of turbulent strange strength is dividing to fall layer on layer/heavily, the seemingly indestructible golden light cover will tread! 下一刻,一条带着汹涌怪力的美腿重重劈落,将看似坚不可摧的金色光罩一脚踏碎! „-!” “哐-!” The mist and dust rises from all directions, Tsunade lies to bend down in gulf that in tramples, she stands up slowly, raised the head to look up to leap to the in the air Otsutsuki spring three people, the bright corners of the mouth on select suddenly slightly. 烟尘四起,纲手趴伏在一脚践踏出的深坑之中,她缓缓站起,抬头仰望跃到空中的大筒木泉三人,鲜艳的嘴角突然微微上挑。 Mokuton (Wood Style) trapped/sleepy dragon Que!” 木遁・困龙阙!” Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” Sees only innumerably dark-red, has half meter thick thorn branch to emerge as the times require under the Tsunade huge chakra irrigation fully, probably was separated from the earth's attraction, grows toward the sky crazily, seems the innumerable fierce hell tentacles to bite to nip threateningly to the Otsutsuki spring, at all not to the opportunity that they pant for breath. 只见无数暗红色的、足有半米粗的荆棘枝条在纲手庞大的查克拉灌注下破土而出,像是脱离了地心引力,疯狂朝天空生长,就好似无数条狰狞的地狱触手张牙舞爪地噬咬向大筒木泉,根本不给他们喘息的机会。 Snort! Was simply endless!” “哼!简直没完没了了!” Otsutsuki field cold snort/hum, both hands put in the chest, one group of dull purple chakra rapid condense before the body. 大筒木田都冷哼一声,双手置于胸口,一团暗紫色的查克拉迅速在身前凝聚。 Yin Release leukorrhea with itching of external genitals cuts!” 阴遁・阴蚀斩!” Brushes-” “刷刷刷-” The dull purple light edges of half-moon-shaped fling from the Otsutsuki field hand, cuts is similar to attaches to under the huge thorn sea of maggot of bone. 一道道半月形的暗紫色光刃从大筒木田都手中甩出下,斩向下方如同附骨之蛆的庞大荆棘海洋。 Quiet, Tsunade tenacious thorn Mokuton (Wood Style) broke unexpectedly, moreover looked like pulls out left the vitality, withered rapidly, fell to fall the ground weak. 悄无声息中,纲手原本坚韧的荆棘木遁竟然纷纷断裂,而且就像是被抽离开了生机,迅速枯萎下来,无力地摔落到地上。 How can like this?!” “怎么会这样?!” Tsunade looks at in the air that dull purple light blade surprisedly, but the Otsutsuki spring three people fall to Hyuga clan land one, in addition above complete roof, the complexion is also very complex. 纲手惊讶地看着空中那暗紫色的光刃,而大筒木泉三人落到日向族地一座尚且完好的屋顶之上,脸色同样十分复杂。 If guesses right, that woman used a moment ago, should be the past Mr.'s Hagoromo son, Mokuton (Wood Style) Ninjutsu that Sir Ashura inherits. “如果猜的没错,刚才那个女人使用的,应该就是当年羽衣大人之子,阿修罗大人传承的木遁忍术了。 I have never thought that person of bloodlines Ninja World heterogeneous, millenniums later can also see such ability. Rinnegan and Mokuton (Wood Style) Ninjutsu presents... this Konoha one after another, as without us imagines is so simple! ” 真没有想到,忍界之人血脉驳杂,千年之后还能见到这样的能力。轮回眼木遁忍术接连出现…这个木叶,似乎没有我们想象的那么简单啊!” The Otsutsuki spring sinking sound said, in the heart received quietly the meaning of contempt to Ninja World. 大筒木泉沉声道,心中悄然收起了对忍界的轻视之意。 They on Moon, although also knows the war that Akatsuki Ninja World erupts into, but understood what are more was only floats in the surface, the manages saw some fragmentary pictures, regarding Ninja World true high end level did not understand. 他们在月球上虽然也知忍界爆发的战争,但是了解更多的只是浮于表面,管看到了一些零零碎碎的画面,对于忍界真正的“高端”水平并不了解。 Although Tsunade Mokuton (Wood Style) might of Mokuton (Wood Style) in compared with Otsutsuki spring impression is far, whether Rinnegan exists, now has not been confirmed that is also worth their Otsutsuki clan as before was vigilant. 虽然纲手木遁比起大筒木泉印象中的木遁威力还是相差甚远,轮回眼是否存在,如今也没有得到证实,也依旧值得他们大筒木一族的警惕了。 After all, until now, the Ninja World enduring clan is not perhaps good, their Otsutsuki lineage/vein also millenniums ago declined...... 毕竟,时至今日,忍界的忍族或许已经不行了,他们大筒木一脉也比千年前衰落了许多…… Caught you!” “抓到你们了!” While the Otsutsuki spring diverts attention other times, a shadow actually linked in the construction of under foot quietly, three people slightly one startled, only thought that the body by an invisible strength fetter, was hard to act suddenly. 正当大筒木泉分心其它的时候,一道黑影却悄无声息地链接到了脚下的建筑上,三人微微一惊,只觉得身体被一股无形的力量束缚,一时间难以行动。 Does well, deer Jiu!” “干得好,鹿久!” Nara Shikaku acted, he sentenced the Otsutsuki spring three people of falling positions in advance, uses the shadow imitation technique anchorage Otsutsuki three people, his partner Akimichi Chouza and Yamanaka Inoichi simultaneously started most adept family Secret Technique! 奈良鹿久出手了,他预判了大筒木泉三人落下的位置,利用影子模仿术定住大筒木三人,他的搭档秋道丁座山中亥一则同时发动了最拿手的家族秘术 Ninja Art heart transfers the technique of clone!” 忍法・心转分身之术!” Sees only Yamanaka Inoichi one to roar lowly, simultaneously hints nearby Akimichi Chouza. 只见山中亥一低吼一声,同时示意一旁的秋道丁座 Powerful spiritual force from his chest directly shoots, lasing to responsible Otsutsuki spring, actually in Yamanaka Inoichi one clenches teeth to insist that splits up two spiritual force, the Otsutsuki space and Otsutsuki of field concentrated fire rearward. 一股强大的精神力从他的心口直射而出,激射向首当其冲的大筒木泉,却又在山中亥一的咬牙坚持中又分化出两股精神力,攒射向后方的大筒木宇和大筒木田都。 This move is Yamanaka Inoichi one in Ninjutsu that in the technique of heart turning around develops, in aims at the enemy to release the spirit, the spirit of release can make a turn, even can control over two enemies simultaneously. 这一招是山中亥一在心转身之术上开发的忍术,在把精神对准敌人释放,释放的精神能转弯,甚至可以同时控制两个以上的敌人。 At this moment the present opponent strength is powerful, Yamanaka Inoichi one and Nara Shikaku has not grasped limits the opposite party is too long, therefore needs to be responsible for the true attack Akimichi Chouza making a move promptly. 此刻眼前的对手实力过于强大,山中亥一和奈良鹿久都没有把握限制对方太久,所以需要负责真正攻击的秋道丁座及时出手。 Ninja Art ultra time of technique!” 忍法・超倍化之术!” In a lot of smog, Akimichi Chouza stands like a hill, he deeply inspires, both hands grip tightly a giant iron rod to brandish ruthlessly to the motionless Otsutsuki spring three people. 大量的烟雾中,秋道丁座如同一座小山般站立起来,他深吸一口气,双手紧握住一根巨型铁棒狠狠抡向一动不动的大筒木泉三人。 Brushing, in the air starts evil customs, the iron rod in Akimichi Chouza hand is 20-30 meters fully, strength of implication not only thousand honored? “刷”的一声,空中掀起一股恶风,秋道丁座手中的铁棒足有20-30米长,蕴含的力量又岂止千钧? If this were beaten, even a hill estimated that must crash! 若是被这一棒打实了,即便是一座小山估计也要崩塌开来! Hehe, carves the insect small technique, dares to show off before us?” “呵呵,雕虫小技,也敢在吾等面前显摆?” The Ino–Shika–Chō three people of attacks jointly, the people cannot bear cheer in a low voice, thinks that Otsutsuki spring and the others are unable to resist. However the Otsutsuki three people teased smile, then in the Nara Shikaku panic-stricken vision, in Yamanaka Inoichi spat blood to fly to draw back, linked shadow links under three human foot to break suddenly, spiritual force of that nihility was also routed, makes a false counter- accusation against return. 猪鹿蝶三人的联手攻击,众人都忍不住低声喝彩,认为大筒木泉等人无法招架。然而大筒木三人却是戏谑一笑,然后在奈良鹿久惊骇的目光中,在山中亥一吐血飞退中,链接三人脚下的影子链接骤然断裂,那虚无的精神力也被生生击溃,反噬而回。 Bang in a loud sound, the Akimichi Chouza iron rod stagnated forcefully in the middle of the midair, grew up surprised the mouth. “轰”的一声巨响中,秋道丁座的铁棍硬生生停滞在了半空当中,吃惊地长大了嘴巴。 On the Otsutsuki spring face emerges color of the flushed, buildings under three human foot also blast open loudly, that iron rod was actually held up single-handedly by him, is unable to fall! 大筒木泉脸上涌现出一股潮红之色,三人脚下的建筑物也是轰然炸裂,那铁棒却是被他一手擎住,怎么也无法落下! Bang, golden light blasting open, body huge Akimichi Chouza was raised by a great strength flies, the iron rod in hand lets go. “轰”的一声,金光炸裂,身型庞大的秋道丁座被一股巨力掀飞,手中的铁棍脱手而出。 But the Otsutsuki spring three people float again, coldly is overlooking the Konoha people. 大筒木泉三人则再次漂浮而起,冷冷俯视着木叶众人。 „Do these fellows, how achieve?!” In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 900, the decision of Fugaku) reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! “这些家伙,到底是怎么做到的?!”为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第900章,富岳的决定)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! Likes «Snake of Diving of Shadow Hokage» please( QQ, blog, WeChat and other ways) recommend this book to your friend, support thank you!!() 喜欢《火影之潜影之蛇》请向你的朋友(QQ、博客、微信等方式)推荐本书,谢谢您的支持!!()
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