SH :: Volume #10

#928: Namikaze Minato high-rank

You can search „the snake of novel diving of shadow Hokage very to write down in hundred degrees celsius()” search the latest chapter! 您可以在百度里搜索“火影之潜影之蛇小说酷笔记()”查找最新章节! Tomorrow is the Namikaze Minato high-rank day. 明天就是波风水门上位地日子。 Sees White Zetsu and Obito that braves suddenly, especially Obito, that scarlet Sharingan, the Konan complexion big change, used the paper ability subconsciously. 看到突然冒出来的白绝带土,特别是带土,那颗猩红的写轮眼,小南面色大变,下意识地用出了纸化的能力。 The pure white slip of paper scatters from her whole body, flutters like everywhere oriental cherry with the wind, immediately is similar to the sharp blade to arrange piece by piece densely and numerously position that covers to White Zetsu, reveals the detonation symbol faintly the appearance. 洁白的纸片从她的全身散落,如同漫天樱花随风飘扬,随即又如同片片锋锐的刀刃密密麻麻排列着覆盖向白绝的位置,其中隐隐显露出起爆符的样子。 „!” “哇呀呀呀!” White Zetsu cries out strangely, whole person from adhering to stick cohere in the building is separated, the escape jumps generally to the distant place, another side, Nagato coldly is gazing at Obito, the consciousness that the whole person has not moved, void has the attack electricity that cannot see together to shoot, fetters the Obito body in the flash stubbornly, and extrudes rapidly. 白绝怪叫一声,整个人从附着的建筑物中脱离而出,逃命一般跳向远处,另一边,长门冷冷注视着带土,整个人没有丝毫动弹的意识,虚空中却有一道看不见的攻击电射而出,在一瞬间将带土的身躯死死束缚,并且迅速挤压。 „... Isn't this Summoning beast?” “唔…这是通灵兽吗?” Under the mask the Obito expression is still calm, before him, a giant chameleon revealed at this time quietly, no one knows when this monster hidden above the high tower, that thick tongue cultivating Taijutsu (Body Techniques) Jōnin is unable to work loose. 面具下带土的表情依旧波澜不惊,在他面前,一头巨大的变色龙这个时候才悄然显露出来,谁也不知道这怪物是什么时候隐藏在高塔之上的,那粗大的舌头连修炼体术上忍也无法挣脱。 Rushes to the territory that is enthralled arbitrarily, regardless of you have what goal, is who sends, the result is the same!” “擅自闯入神的领地,不论你们有什么目的,是谁派出来的,结局都是一样的!” Saw that Obito is still self-poise, Nagato frowns slightly, the next head, the person by -path, Asura say/way and domestic animal say/way three Pain swoop on, in the hand was near presents a black good thorn spatially to Obito, Asura said bears the brunt, the entire body was to split, the innumerable saw crown thorn changed to the murder sharp weapon, looked person scalp tingles. 看到带土依旧镇定自若,长门微微皱了一下眉头,下首,人间道、修罗道、畜牲道三头佩恩飞扑而上,手中临空出现了一根黑棒刺向带土,修罗道首当其冲,整个身躯更是分裂开来,无数锯齿尖刺化作杀人利器,看的人头皮发麻。 Do not be excited, we have the peace wish to come, is not fights for and you.” “别激动,我们是带着和平的意愿而来,并不是为了和你们交手的啊。” Facing must kill aspect, Obito is aloof. 面对“必杀”的局面,带土无动于衷。 The next quarter, the attacks of three Pain passed through the Obito form, in the instantaneous wrong body, has actually relaxed suddenly together with the tongue of chameleon. 下一刻,三个佩恩的攻击贯穿了带土的身影,却又在瞬间错身而过,连同变色龙的舌头也突然松弛下来。 What?!” “什么?!” The Rikudō (Six Path) Pain sense and Gedo (Outer Path) are common, flash Nagato that the attack fails knew on the feeling, at one causes immediately by Nagato huge spiritual force and chakra, definitely is unable to lock to attach in Obito of Kamui space edge. 六道佩恩的感官和外道共通,攻击落空的一霎那长门就感知道了,在一刻即使是以长门庞大的精神力查克拉,也完全无法锁定依附于神威空间边缘的带土 Mokuton (Wood Style) the technique of cuttage!” 木遁・扦插之术!” Tittered......” “噗嗤……” Sharp splinter brings the dazzling blood a successively, is the center erupts from Obito, even Asura said under the unexpectedness by Obito Ninjutsu is still done is split up. 一节节锋利的木刺带着刺眼的鲜血,自带土为中心爆发开来,即使是修罗道在猝不及防下也被带土忍术搞得四分五裂。 Three Pain fall down, lost the ability to act, it can be said that dies with injustice unredressed. 三个佩恩倒在地上,失去了行动能力,可以说是死不瞑目。 Bang the flame that a loud sound, soars to the heavens ascends from the high tower above, is Konan detonates the sound that massive detonation symbols created. “轰”的一声巨响,冲天的火光自高塔上方升腾,是小南引爆了大量起爆符造成的动静。 In the billowing thick smoke, Konan opens the pure white pair of wings soaring in the sky, on the pretty face actually full is ice-cold. 滚滚浓烟中,小南张开洁白的双翼飞翔在天空,俏丽的脸上却满是冰冷。 Under the innumerable White Zetsu corpses seem like the stuffed dumpling to crash equally from the high tower, but also had many White Zetsu to brave from the high tower, like mushroom growth. 无数白绝的尸体像是下饺子一样从高塔上方坠落下去,但是又有更多的白绝从高塔之中冒了出来,就像雨后春笋一样。 What monster are these?!” “这些到底是什么怪物?!” Konan clenches teeth saying that these white odd people were easily killed by her very much, however these fellows do not seem like any clone, they have the entity and unique life, sneaks the rain to endure the village massively, avoided the Nagato sensation completely. 小南咬牙道,那些白色的怪人被她很轻易就杀死了,然而这些家伙并不像是任何分身,它们有着实体和独特的生命,大量潜入雨忍村,完全躲开了长门的感知。 If these fellows are the enemies, then the rain endures the village is very difficult any secret, if they are five great nations send, Akatsuki will certainly sleep on pins and needles. 如果这些家伙是敌人,那么雨忍村很难有任何秘密,如果它们是五大国派来的,晓组织一定会寝食难安的。 Present Akatsuki, the expert except for peak, was is extremely small and weak. 现在的晓组织,除了顶端的高手,还是太过于弱小了。 Aiyaya, all of a sudden which that struck a moment ago killed I many clone, my general idea/careless, the little miss were you so unexpectedly cruel-hearted?” “哎呀呀,刚才那一击一下子杀死了我好多的分身哪,我大意了,小姑娘你居然这么狠心呐?” White Zetsu lies to bend down on the pipeline of high tower looks at Konan ridiculing, a secure appearance, no one knows that this is the main body. 一只白绝趴伏在高塔的一根管道上戏谑地看着小南,一副有恃无恐的样子,谁也不知道这是不是本体。 Konan wants to lash out again, actually bore forcefully. 小南欲要再次出手攻击,却是硬生生忍住了。 Here is the rain endures the village after all, the distant place has many people alarmed by the explosive sound, closes up flustered, because the Nagato ordinary day order has not stepped into this directly god domain. 这里毕竟是雨忍村,远处已经有不少人被爆炸声惊动,慌慌张张靠拢过来,只是因为长门平日的命令没有直接踏入这块“神”的领域而已。 If the short time does not have the means to annihilate the enemy, 如果短时间没有办法消灭掉敌人, Fights draws in the civilian area, certainly will cause the giant disaster, White Zetsu that type to submerge the ability to make her be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt silently and massively. But Konan looks again to Nagato that side war, is startled, whole face is incredible. 战斗被拖入平民区,一定会引发巨大的灾难,白绝那种无声无息、大量潜入能力还是让她投鼠忌器了。而小南再看向长门那边的战局,更是大吃一惊,满脸的不可置信。 Nagato, this invincible gods, not only does not have the second to kill the enemy, unexpectedly also ate slightly owed? 长门,这个无敌的神明,不但没有秒杀敌人,居然还吃了一点小亏? Is that aura gloomy and cold strange Uchiha fellow , the strength compares favorably with the Hanzo powerhouse?! 那个气息阴冷诡异的宇智波家伙,难道也是实力媲美半藏的强者?! Banshō Ten'in (Universal Pull)!” 万象天引!” Rushes but the unapproachable attraction from the Tendō (Deva Path) Yahiko's palm eruption, the strength locks the position that Obito was at completely. 澎湃而无可匹敌的引力自天道弥彦的掌心爆发,力量完全锁定了带土所在的位置。 Nagato stands in Tendō (Deva Path) Yahiko behind, is staring at Obito every action and every movement stubbornly, finally has to believe a matter. 长门站在天道弥彦身后,死死盯着带土的一举一动,最后不得不相信一件事情。 His attack really has no response to this strange fellow, the beforehand physical attack is at this moment the Ninjutsu attack of good no dead angle, without playing any role, seems like the opposite party and they are different in a space latitude. 他的攻击果然对这个古怪的家伙没有任何反应,无论是之前的物理攻击还是此刻好无死角的忍术攻击,都没有起到任何作用,就好像对方和他们根本不在一个空间纬度一样。 Nagato does not know whether the world spirit attack can be effective to this strange fellow, but the ability of person by-path specifically is not used to fight, is not necessarily able to catch this fellow. 长门不知道人间道的精神攻击是否可以对这个诡异的家伙奏效,但是人间道的能力并不是专门用来战斗的,未必可以捕捉到这个家伙。 We really without any malicious intent, if we are five great nations send, and has ability that sneaks quietly, does not absolutely need to appear before you on a grand scale.” “我们真的没有恶意,如果我们是五大国派来的,并且有着悄悄潜入的能力,根本没有必要大张旗鼓地出现在你们面前。” Obito shrugged with ease, opposite, we with the similar mood, regarding five great nations, regarding this world, the hatred of infinite evil, have spoke the determination that she changed thoroughly!” 带土轻松地摊了摊手,“相反,我们怀着同样的心情,对于五大国,对于这个世界,无穷罪恶的痛恨,怀揣着彻底讲她改变的决心!” Obito grips tightly the fist, looks to the dim sky. 带土紧握拳头,望向昏暗的天空。 The sky dark cloud covers, cannot see luminous, the miserable circumstances, was the Ay before Ming darkest time. 天空乌云笼罩,看不到一丝光亮,凄风苦雨,正是明前最黑暗的时刻。 We are seek the cooperation, commonly seeks for the bridge to peace!” Obito sinking sound said. “我们是来寻求合作的,共同寻找通往和平的桥梁!”带土沉声道。 Bridge to peace......” “通往和平的桥梁……” Nagato complexion slightly slow, restrained own imposing manner slightly. 长门面色稍缓,微微收敛了自己的气势。 Has to acknowledge, the Obito words aroused the Nagato interest. 不得不承认,带土的话引起了长门的兴趣。 Although he defeats Hanzo now personally, thinks entire Ninja World also no one can the upfront contend with him, however as a leader who endures the village, he knows profoundly wants to overthrow five great nations, revenges and makes for Yahiko the world welcome the true peace difficult. 虽然他现在亲手击败半藏,自认为整个忍界也没有谁可以正面与他抗衡,然而作为一个忍村的首领,他深刻知道想要推翻五大国,为弥彦报仇、让世界迎来真正的和平有多困难。 Endures village several tens of thousands shinobi, killed by him, kills unable to kill in ancient times. 一个忍村数万忍者,靠他一个一个杀,杀到天荒地老也杀不完。 Therefore the Nagato module Akatsuki, the module Rikudō (Six Path) Pain, wants to expand own strength with every effort. 因此长门组件了晓组织,组件了六道佩恩,就是想尽力扩大自己的战力。 However is insufficient, five great nations are abundance of capable people, Nagato was supposing own strength are most can the political power of country's of destruction weakest Land of Wind or water, wants to defeat Konoha is impossible. 不过还是不够,五大国人才济济,长门估摸着自己的力量最多可以覆灭最弱的风之国或者水之国的政权,想要击败木叶是万万不可能的。 He is few one type to be able a huge strength of true destruction country, during one type weapon of mass destruction, fell into at this moment was at a loss. 他却少一种可以真正覆灭一个国家的庞大力量,一种“大规模杀伤性武器”,此刻也陷入了迷惘当中。 But the appearance of Obito, gave him slightly a ray of hope! 带土的出现,微微给了他一丝希望! The strengths of these two people are not weak, if they really have the methods of destruction five great nations, Nagato does not oppose the so-called cooperation. 这两个人的实力并不弱,如果他们真的有覆灭五大国的方法,长门并不反对所谓的合作。 Un un, revealing only part of the truth Uchiha, the monster of that inhuman non- ghost, why do we trust you?” “嗯嗯,藏头露尾的宇智波,还有那个非人非鬼的怪物,我们凭什么信任你们?” The Konan whole face dislike looks to Obito, in the female intuition, she feels Obito to have something else planned, does not seem like wants character who truly to come to ideally. 小南满脸厌恶地看向带土,处于女性的直觉,她觉得带土另有所图,不像是真正愿意为了理想现身的人物。 He sensation on Obito to the imposing manner of very hidden in the shade, this fellow who brings the mask, that scarlet Sharingan, making her associate to some Ninja World hearsay, cannot help but feels vigilant. 他在带土身上感知到一股很阴翳的气势,这个带着面具的家伙,那颗猩红的写轮眼,让她联想到一些忍界的传闻,不由得感到警惕。 Brings the mask to be only my reason, should not hinder us to cooperate.” “带着面具只是我个人的原因,应该不妨碍我们合作吧。” The Obito light say/way, he is certainly impossible to take off the mask, in that case no one believe him, I am my status indeed am a huge secret, told might also as well, withdrew cash the sincerity and determination that I cooperated by this.” 带土淡淡道,他当然不可能摘下面具,那样一来更没有人会相信他,“我是我的身份的确是一个天大的秘密,告诉诸位也无妨,以此来提现我合作的诚意与决心。” Obito said with a smile, I was in the middle of the legend-” 带土笑道,“我就是传说当中的-” „Is your excellency Uchiha Ryū in legend?” “阁下就是传说中的宇智波龍吗?” A form opens the mouth to say suddenly, unexpectedly does not know the corner/horn when presents, „ Ninja World disaster Uchiha Ryū, killed Second Hokage and Wuhan University it is said endures the innumerable powerhouses in village, all depending on interest conduct. 一个身影冷不丁开口道,居然是不知道什么时候出现的角都,“忍界祸患宇智波龍,据说杀死了二代火影与武大忍村的无数强者,全凭兴趣行事。 Heard that your reward is high the breakthrough horizon, but Ninja World has been saying you are this world's most fearful criminal, usually could not find the trace, I was am also charmed for a long time! ” 听说你的悬赏金已经高得突破天际了,不过忍界一直在说你是这个世界最可怕的罪犯,平时根本找不到踪影,我也是神往已久了啊!” The corner/horn is staring at Obito stubbornly, deep green eye as if in sparkling, that is the aura of money! 角都死死盯着带土,碧绿的眼睛仿佛在闪闪发光,那是金钱的气息! „... Actually I am not......” “唔…其实我是……” Obito is greatly embarrassed, felt that looked like eats the fly to be equally uncomfortable. 带土大囧,感觉就像是吃了苍蝇一样难受。 Did not have means Uchiha Madara dead for a long time, Uchiha mysterious person the person supposed is occupied by Ye Long early, his newly emerged mask male a fame did not have. 没办法宇智波斑死得太久了,“宇智波神秘人”的人设早早被叶龙占据了,他这个初出茅庐的“面具男”一点名气都没有了。 Moreover, that Uchiha Ryū strength is extremely terrifying, oneself by this bastard wrote off including Uchiha Madara that oneself disguise as, is one of enemies this time Obito most is not willing to contact. 不仅如此,那个宇智波龍的实力太过恐怖,连自己假扮的宇智波斑本人都被这个混蛋抹杀了,是此时带土最不愿意接触的敌人之一。 Is strange, can only blame the strength being too weak, making a debut was too late! 要怪,只能怪自己实力太弱,出道太晚了! Uchiha Ryū, heard that is an incomparable terrifying old monster, who am I very curious you and leader Sir am more powerful?” 宇智波龍,听说可是一个无比恐怖的老妖怪啊,我很好奇你和首领大人谁更强大呢?” The scorpion also appeared, is sizing up Obito ridiculing, watches the fun completely does not dislike the matter big appearance. 蝎也出现了,戏谑地打量着带土,完全是看热闹不嫌事大的模样。 „... I am not Uchiha Ryū!” “咳咳…我并不是宇智波龍!” Although is very aggrieved, Obito is not willing to pretend Uchiha Ryū, such will only make him provoke a terrifying lunatic directly, is not very wise. 尽管无比憋屈,带土并不愿意假冒宇智波龍,那样只会让他直接惹恼一个恐怖的疯子而已,并不是很明智。 Present Akatsuki is not very powerful, only then collected all Bijuu (Tailed Beast), by oneself became invincible complete body, can clamor with entire Ninja World! 现在的晓组织还不够强大,只有收集完了所有尾兽,让自己成为无敌的“完全体”,才能够和整个忍界叫嚣! I am the Uchiha Clan ghost, Uchiha Madara!” “吾乃宇智波一族的亡魂,宇智波斑!” The Obito sinking sound said, scarlet three Tomoe transformed more powerful Mangekyo Sharingan instantaneously, the ice-cold line of sight has taken a fast look around the corner/horn of distant place and scorpion, the latter complexion big change, has to lower the head, is not willing with Obito looking at each other, the complexion is quite ugly! 带土沉声道,猩红的三勾玉瞬间变换成了更加强大的万花筒写轮眼,冰冷的视线扫视过远处的角都和蝎,后者脸色大变,不得不低下头去,不愿意与带土对视,脸色相当难看! So-called Uchiha Ryū, in fact is just a despicable disciple who borrows the Uchiha given name, my Uchiha Clan simply does not have this person, his actions and my Uchiha Clan once head of the clan had no relation.” “所谓的宇智波龍,事实上只不过是一个借用宇智波名号的卑劣之徒罢了,吾宇智波一族根本没有这号人,他的所作所为和我这个宇智波一族曾经的族长没有任何的联系。” The Obito sinking sound said, about Uchiha Ryū, he had also asked Uchiha Madara, the latter disdains, indeed has the astounding strength, the motive is strange, is mystical and powerful. 带土沉声道,关于宇智波龍,他也问过了宇智波斑,后者十分不屑,却的确拥有着令人惊骇的实力,动机诡异,神秘而强大。 You said that you are Uchiha Madara? How is this possible?” “你说你是宇智波斑?这怎么可能?” Not was only Nagato Konan, corner/horn first felt incredible. 不仅仅是长门小南,角都第一个感到了不可置信。 Compared with the age, he powerhouse who lives from that double god years, maintains a livelihood in the Senju Hashirama hand, has felt the fellow of that unapproachable strength truly. 比年龄,他可是从那个双神时代活过来的强者,在千手柱间手中活命,真正感受过那种无可匹敌的力量的家伙。 Present Obito, although the imposing manner is not weak, before was Nagato fights shortly not the weak leeward, strange ability cannot see the depth. 眼前的带土,虽然气势不弱,之前更是和长门短暂交手不弱下风,诡异的能力看不出深浅。 However in the powerhouse with the memory and that type of that rank destroys day of an ability that extinguishes the place compares... Hidan to feel far! 然而和记忆中那种级别的强者、那种毁天灭地的能力相比…角度还是觉得相差甚远! Your excellency may really chat, if your excellency indeed has the sufficient strength and firm force field, we cooperate are not, why is mysterious?” “阁下可真会说笑,如果阁下的确有着足够的力量和坚定的力场,我们合作也不是不可以,为什么还要故弄玄虚呢?” Nagato also does not believe, Uchiha Madara died was too long, why appeared at this time? 长门同样不太相信,宇智波斑死了太久了,为什么偏偏这个时候出现? He also hears the legend of Konoha double god to grow up, Obito does not seem to give his sufficient pressure, is only Ninjutsu is strange, is not invincible. 他也是听着木叶双神的传说长大的,带土似乎没有给他足够的压力,只是忍术诡异罢了,并非不可战胜。 To come in Nagato, Obito should be Uchiha Ryū, may be at present the powerhouse of Uchiha Clan trained. 长门想来,带土应该就是宇智波龍,也有可能是目前宇智波一族培养的强者。 Heard at present Uchiha Clan mixes is very bad, appears wants to cooperate with them, overthrows the Konoha fellow, isn't is completely impossible? 听说目前宇智波一族混的很差,出现想要和他们合作,推翻木叶的家伙,也不是完全不可能? In brief Nagato does not care about the Obito status very much, so long as can achieve his ideal, is who does not matter, this is also the self-confidence of Nagato to own strength. 总之长门也不是很在意带土的身份,只要能达到他的理想,是谁都无所谓,这也是长门对自己实力的自信。 Even if this mask male is really is Uchiha Ryū, Uchiha Madara or others, Nagato still has the absolute assurance to suppress and write off him! 即使这个面具男真是是宇智波龍宇智波斑或是其他人,长门也有绝对的把握将他压制、抹杀! Actually I had not died in the past, I am only because lost to Senju Hashirama, a person hides in Ninja World heals from a wound......” “其实我当年并没有死,我只是因为输给了千手柱间,一个人躲在忍界养伤罢了……” Obito is frowning to tell starts to compile good one set of excuse, how may say how not to get a grip, on several fellow faces is completely a politeness rather than the awkward smile. 带土皱着眉头讲述着开始就编造好的一套说辞,可怎么讲怎么不得劲,几个家伙脸上尽是一副礼貌而不是尴尬的微笑。 He knows that Nagato will not trust truly his, but what's the big deal? 他知道长门并不会真正信任他的,可那又怎么样呢? He already understood through White Zetsu, Uchiha Madara and oneself observation this man, he cares also not these! 他已经通过白绝宇智波斑和自己的观察了解了这个男人,他在意的也并不是这些! Perhaps you do not think me, right, my strength was indeed feeble under the long years corrosion, however in this long years, I have thought plan that realizes the peace.” “你们或许不想我,没错,我的力量的确在漫长的岁月侵蚀下衰弱了,但是在这漫长的岁月中,我已经想到了实现和平的计划。” Obito sinking sound said, very feasible, depended on you for a lifetime not the great aspirations that is possible to realize!” 带土沉声道,“一个十分可行的、原本靠着你们一辈子都不可能实现的宏愿!” What did you say?!” “你说什么?!” Finally, Nagato was touched, is staring at Obito stubbornly. 终于,长门被触动了,死死盯着带土 Ha, I am willing to cooperate with you, because of your eye.” Obito does intentionally looks deeply to Nagato, imitates seems god stick stance, you have heard, ‚the child of prediction legend?” “哈哈哈,我之所以愿意和你合作,就是因为你的这双眼睛啊。”带土故作深沉地看向长门,模仿出一副好似“神棍”的架势,“你听说过,‘预言之子’的传说吗?” So-called „the child of prediction a saying, actually for a long time had it, Black Zetsu were clear, is goal that his these millenniums searched with hardship. 所谓的“预言之子”一说,其实久而有之,黑绝自己再清楚不过了,是他这千年苦苦寻觅的目标。 „The child of prediction?” Nagato is stunned, remembers Teacher Jiraiya had mentioned accidentally few words faintly. “预言之子?”长门愕然,隐隐想起了曾经自来也老师偶然提到过的只言片语。 Your eye, is in the legend Rikudō Sennin (Sage of Six Paths) Rinnegan, is representing the status of your Savior......” “你的这双眼睛,是传说中六道仙人轮回眼,代表着你救世主的身份……” Has the fellow of Rikudō Sennin (Sage of Six Paths) eye, except for the status, has the ability of change world, can rely on the Rinnegan summon Spiritual God the body, Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), and controls nine Bijuu (Tailed Beast) between world by this, creates the ultimate weapon......” “拥有六道仙人眼睛的家伙,除了身份,同时也具有改变世界的能力,可以凭借轮回眼召唤神灵的躯壳,外道魔像,并且以此控制天地间的九头尾兽,创造出终极兵器……” Snake of latest chapter address diving of shadow Hokage: https:// 火影之潜影之蛇最新章节地址:https:// Snake of full text reading address diving of shadow Hokage: https:// 火影之潜影之蛇全文阅读地址:https:// Snake of txt downloading address diving of shadow Hokage: https:// 火影之潜影之蛇txt下载地址:https:// The snake of cell phone diving of shadow Hokage read: https:// 火影之潜影之蛇手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 888, the Namikaze Minato high-rank) reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第888章,波风水门上位)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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