SH :: Volume #10

#927: Pulls out leaves

You can search „the snake of novel diving of shadow Hokage very to write down in hundred degrees celsius()” search the latest chapter! 您可以在百度里搜索“火影之潜影之蛇小说酷笔记()”查找最新章节! Yin Release chakra in soul......” “灵魂之中的阴遁查克拉……” Ye Long thinks saying that you first went back Orochimaru, Konoha should mess up now, first stood firm the person of Konoha, do not handle any extreme matter to a Hyuga clan.” 叶龙想了想道,“你先回去吧大蛇丸,木叶现在应该已经乱套了,先把木叶之人稳住,不要对日向一族做什么过激的事情。” Regarding Ye Long, Otsutsuki space these two fellows die , then dies, unexpectedly finally has not abducted Hyūga Hiashi, but also is really the waste firewood. 对于叶龙来说,大筒木宇这两个家伙死则死矣,居然最后没有掳走日向日足,还真是废柴啊。 Hyūga Hiashi has the pure Hyuga Zong bloodlines, if Ye Long collected complete Moon Otsutsuki clan Byakugan bloodlines, wanted to awaken Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye), could not do well must tries to find the solution from him and Hyuga difference in duration of sunshine. 日向日足拥有纯净的日向宗家血脉,如果叶龙收集到了完整的月球大筒木一族白眼血脉,想要觉醒转生眼,搞不好还要从他和日向日差身上想办法呢。 In brief, a Hyuga clan cannot have an accident absolutely. 总之,日向一族绝对不能出事。 What's wrong, you take a person to go to Moon, Ye Long?” Orochimaru said with a smile. “怎么,你要一个人前往月球吗,叶龙君?”大蛇丸笑道。 Right, unsurprisingly, Moon should hit now like a raging fire, I control Otsutsuki lineage/vein the good opportunity.” “没错,不出意外,月球现在应该已经打得如火如荼了,正是我掌控大筒木一脉的好机会。” Ye Long nodded, he knows that Orochimaru is thinking anything, „, even if no nature energy on Moon, my strength will be weakened slightly, is impossible to threaten me by a strength of present Otsutsuki clan, even if that Otsutsuki Hamura really jumps to cause trouble also indifferently. 叶龙点了点头,他知道大蛇丸在想什么,“就算在月球上不存在自然能量,我的实力会稍稍被削弱,以现在大筒木一族的实力也不可能威胁到我,哪怕那个大筒木羽村真的跳出来作祟也无所谓。 Moreover really encounters the problem, I shifted directly your several clone with the soul link on the line. ” 而且实在遇到麻烦,我直接用灵魂链接把你们几个分身转移过来就行了啊。” Hehe, Ye Long strength I naturally am believe that I to cannot spy on Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye) to feel some regrets as soon as possible.” “呵呵,叶龙君的实力我自然是相信的,我只是对不能尽快窥探到转生眼感到有些遗憾罢了。” Orochimaru said with a smile lightly, received the Otsutsuki space two people corpse old route to return conveniently, that good luck.” 大蛇丸轻笑道,随手收起了大筒木宇两人的尸体原路返回,“那就祝你好运吧。” Ye Long waves in the Orochimaru direction, the hand grasps the space dense spoon that the Otsutsuki space is leaving behind, floats same place in has not acted. 叶龙大蛇丸的方向挥了挥手,手握着大筒木宇留下的空间密匙,漂浮在原地没有行动。 Ninja World that several remaining Otsutsuki shinobi discovered certainly the accident on Moon at this time, is hurrying back whole-heartedly. 忍界那几个残余的大筒木忍者这个时候一定发现了月球上的变故,正全力以赴赶回来。 Orochimaru does not even need to hunt they, defends near this channel directly can catch the whole lot in a dragnet them, this does not need to be worried. 大蛇丸甚至不需要去狩猎他们,直接守在这个通道附近就可以把他们一网打尽,这个是不需要担心的。 But...... the situation on Moon is so simple, did Ye Long appear can grasp giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye) conveniently? 只不过……月球上的情况真的有这么简单,叶龙一出现就可以随手掌握巨型转生眼了吗? Ye Long float in in the air, the expression net weight gets up gradually, in the heart has one to be anxious and anxious faintly, discovered that as if had anything to be neglected by him. 叶龙悬浮在空中,表情渐渐净重起来,心中隐隐有着一丝焦虑和不安,发现似乎有什么事情被他忽略了。 After original space and time Otsutsuki branch family to control giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye), like easily accomplished slaughtered all Zong generally, it can be said that wins total victories, but how Otsutsuki lineage/vein can exterminate finally? 原时空大筒木分家掌控巨型转生眼后,如同摧枯拉朽一般屠杀了所有宗家,可以说是大获全胜,可是最后大筒木一脉又怎么会灭绝的呢? What a life dependence of Otsutsuki lineage/vein is the giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye) energy, giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye) well, Zong also by destruction, why remaining Otsutsuki did divide family property to be only left over at that time perhaps is only the Building Otsutsuki people of baby? 大筒木一脉的生活依靠的是巨型转生眼的能量,巨型转生眼好好的,宗家也被覆灭,那么剩下的大筒木分家为什么只剩下了当时或许只是婴儿的大筒木人呢? If nothing else, how do the parents of Building Otsutsuki person fall from the sky? Didn't Moon go on living? Unreasonable. 别的不说,大筒木人的父母是怎么陨落的?月球活不下去了吗?没道理啊。 Even draws back one step, Moon really did not go on living, under the threat of extermination of the clan, people of these Otsutsuki clans won't shift Ninja World? 就算退一步来说,月球实在活不下去了,在灭族的威胁下,这些大筒木一族的人就不会转移到忍界吗? A mission of their clan is to guard Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), the thorough destruction on Moon is also impossible. 他们一族的使命是看守外道魔像,在月球上彻底覆灭同样也不可能。 Therefore the real situation does not seem like in the Ye Long memory that to the description of Moon Otsutsuki history few words is so simple absolutely, certainly happened extraordinarily anything that Ye Long this crossing over does not understand. 所以真实的情况绝对不像是叶龙记忆中那对月球大筒木历史只言片语的描述那么简单,一定发生了什么了不得的、叶龙这个穿越者也不了解的事情。 Perhaps is the Hamura remnant soul causes trouble?” “或许是羽村残魂作祟?” Now Otsutsuki of Zong profound bright is eliminated by him directly, branch family to launch the war to be only more relaxed. 如今宗家的大筒木玄明直接被他消灭,分家发动战争只会更加轻松。 Therefore except for Otsutsuki Hamura this not too credible possibility, Ye Long cannot think of other for a short time. 所以除了大筒木羽村这个不太靠谱的可能性,叶龙一时半会儿也想不到其他。 Sage Mode!” 仙人模式!” Regardless the distracting thoughts, Ye Long deeply inspires, faint trace nature energy that in the space fills is completely same like the water current, gathers in Ye Long within the body following the direction of Ninja World exit|to speak, fuses together with his within the body huge chakra, changed to Natural Energy thoroughly. 抛开杂念,叶龙深吸一口气,空间中弥漫的一丝丝自然能量全部如水流一样,顺着忍界出口的方向汇聚到叶龙体内,和他体内庞大的查克拉融为一体,彻底化作了真元 So long as the strength is powerful enough, will not dread these wang liang chi demons. 只要实力足够强大,就不会畏惧那些魍魉魑魅。 Was ready quickly, Ye Long started the space dense spoon decisively, this mysterious space channel little interruption! 很快做好了准备,叶龙果断发动了空间密匙,将这个神奇的空间通道一点点截断! Cluck......” “咕咕咕……” The space sent out huge swaying from side to side suddenly, 空间发出了巨大的骤然扭动, The hidden place, the innumerable huge shadows drilled, unexpectedly is enduring beast of one crowd of giant crab appearances. Their shapes are fierce and ugly, the mouth puts out the bubble unceasingly, the golden bubble of densely covered space is these accomplishes the fellow manufacture of unique skill in Ninja World. 暗处,无数巨大的黑影钻了出来,竟是一群巨大的螃蟹模样的忍兽。他们的形态狰狞而丑陋,嘴里不断吐出泡沫,密布空间的金色泡沫就是这些在忍界造就绝技的家伙制造的。 Ka scratches......” “咔擦擦……” It seems like alarmed by the accident of channel, the dense and numerous crabs endure the beast to turn out in full strength, after discovering Ye Long this intruder closes in immediately. 似乎是被通道的变故惊动,密密麻麻的螃蟹忍兽倾巢而出,在发现叶龙这个入侵者后顿时一拥而上。 „, Really is the guard who a Otsutsuki clan raises.” “嘁,果然是大筒木一族豢养的守卫吗。” Ye Long sneers, the body surface thunder light surges, changes to an incandescent Thunder Dragon, sprints directly to the exit|to speak. 叶龙冷笑一声,体表雷光涌动,化作一条白炽雷龙,直接冲刺向出口。 In grating thunder blasting open, the jet black channel transmits thundering of explosion unceasingly, the air bubble is the dense and numerous crab armies, vanished in a puff of smoke in the thunder of Ye Long terrifying...... 刺耳的雷霆炸裂中,漆黑的通道不断传来爆炸的轰鸣,无论是气泡还是密密麻麻的螃蟹大军,都在叶龙恐怖的雷霆之中灰飞烟灭…… Bang......” “轰……” After three minutes, above Moon. 三分钟后,月球之上。 A magnificent palace is split up in thunder light. 一座华丽的宫殿在雷光中四分五裂。 Ye Long goes out from the ruins slowly, coldly observes the situation all around. 叶龙从废墟中缓缓走出,冷冷环视四周。 A moment later, thunder restraining of his body surface, received the space dense spoon. 片刻之后,他体表的雷霆收敛,将空间密匙收了起来。 „Did here person, die completely?” “这里的人,全部死光了吗?” The surroundings everywhere are remnants of destroyed buildings, obviously erupts the intense war, in the middle of the air has been flooding the rich smell of blood. 周围到处都是残垣断壁,显然爆发过激烈的大战,空气当中充斥着浓郁的血腥味。 With the Ye Long imagination is the same, although on Moon also has by the natural environment of forest coverage, but actually not naturally existence of strength. 就和叶龙想象的一样,月球上虽然也有着被森林覆盖的自然环境,但是却没有自然力量的存在。 Thus it can be seen the natural strength is the Ninja World unique energy, strength that not any life star has, in the original space and time a Otsutsuki clan arrives at Ninja World, not to nature energy existed to feel surprisedly. 由此可见自然力量是忍界特有的能量,并非任何生命星球都存在的力量,否则原时空中大筒木一族来到忍界时,也不会对自然能量的存在感到惊讶了。 Even spiritual force received a disturbance, is really the bad world.” “连精神力都受到了一丝干扰,真是糟糕的世界啊。” Ye Long passed through this stretch of Otsutsuki clan once quarters slowly, on the street only has a piece of discarded puppet, did not have the Otsutsuki shinobi corpse. 叶龙缓缓走过这片大筒木一族曾经的生活区,街道上只剩下一片已经报废的傀儡,却没有大筒木忍者的尸体。 Later Ye Long found huge construction a like temple, discovered a big pile of Otsutsuki shinobi corpse in the underground altar in temple. 之后叶龙找到了一处如同神殿的巨大建筑,在神殿的地下祭坛中发现了一大堆大筒木忍者的尸体。 According to information obtained from several Otsutsuki shinobi memories, these people included simultaneously branch family with the person of Zong, what was only same was their Byakugan is taken. 按照从几个大筒木忍者记忆中得到的情报,这些人同时包括了分家和宗家之人,唯一相同的是他们的白眼都被取走了。 Takes Byakugan? For supplies giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye)?” Ye Long thought of this possibility quickly. “取走白眼?是为了供给巨型转生眼吗?”叶龙很快想到了这个可能。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” The land of under foot is vibrating anxiously, does not know that beyond far distance, the shock-wave that the explosion produces curls up a lot of dust, like gray storm. 脚下的大地不安地振动着,不知到多远的距离之外,爆炸产生的冲击波卷起大量的尘埃,如同一阵灰色的风暴。 The war did not seem to end, regardless had what accident this time, all have not settled down! 战争似乎并没有结束,无论这个时期发生了什么变故,一切都还没有尘埃落定! Is that direction.” “是那个方向。” Depends on the space point Coordinate that the powerful energy of explosion has, Ye Long locked the battlefield position reluctantly, spent compared in Ninja World more time and Natural Energy. 靠着爆炸的强大能量产生的空间结点坐标,叶龙勉强锁定了战场的位置,花费了比在忍界更多的时间和真元 Later his figure twinkle, the whole person disappeared in same place. 之后他的身形闪烁,整个人消失在了原地。 Came to understand that Otsutsuki profound Yi, leads you to blaspheming of ancestor will, vanished in a puff of smoke.” “觉悟吧,大筒木玄翊,带着你对先祖意志的亵渎,灰飞烟灭吧。” In the middle of stretch of ruins, hundreds and thousands of Otsutsuki divide family property shinobi to fall down silently, the Otsutsuki Pu village overlooks the land unemotionally, in the hand a chakra light ball of fist size is condensing, aimed below Otsutsuki profound Yi distantly. 一片废墟当中,成百上千的大筒木分家忍者无声无息地倒在地上,大筒木蒲村面无表情地俯视着大地,手中一颗拳头大小的查克拉光球凝聚而出,遥遥对准了下方的大筒木玄翊。 Not...!!” “不…!!” The Otsutsuki profound Yi whole body is the blood, in an extremely difficult situation, in the eye was full of the desperate color. 大筒木玄翊浑身是血,狼狈不堪,眼中充满了绝望之色。 Facing Otsutsuki Pu village that dies and is reborn at present, he almost exhausted all ways, whatever Ninjutsu does not aline slightly the effect, continually giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye) strikes is unable its destruction. 面对眼前死而复生的大筒木蒲村,他几乎用尽了所有方式,无论怎样的忍术都对齐没有丝毫效果,连巨型转生眼的一击都无法将其毁灭。 In order to constrain Otsutsuki Pu village, own subordinate is almost annihilated, but this fellow inherited the Otsutsuki Xuan Yue's will, observed closely itself stubbornly, the meaning of simply not having let off. 为了拖住大筒木蒲村,自己的手下几乎全军覆没,但是这个家伙继承了大筒木玄玥的意志,死死盯住了自己,根本没有放过的意思。 Otsutsuki profound Yi detonated their final seal strategies a moment ago, the card in hand completely left, the stability of entire Moon encountered certain destruction continually. 刚才大筒木玄翊引爆了他们最后的封印阵法,底牌尽出,连整个月球的稳定都遭到了一定的破坏。 However the action of Otsutsuki Pu village was stagnated merely was less than three minutes, same looked for itself like cable/search Minggui as before. 然而大筒木蒲村的行动仅仅被停滞了不到三分钟,依旧如同索命鬼一样找上了自己。 Really is the satire, is this fate of Otsutsuki clan?!” “真是讽刺,这难道就是大筒木一族的宿命吗?!” The Otsutsuki profound Yi desperate say/way, „ Otsutsuki Xuan Yue, incurs with killing of this fight in which both sides perish, you are the Otsutsuki criminal! 大筒木玄翊绝望道,“大筒木玄玥,用出这种鱼死网破的杀招,你才是大筒木的罪人啊! Hateful, I will die in this thing hand unexpectedly! ” 可恨,我居然会死在这种东西手中!” Dies.” “去死吧。” The Otsutsuki Pu village will not care about the Otsutsuki profound Yi's feeling completely, counted on the fingers a ball, the light ball in hand submerged latter's chest. 大筒木蒲村完全不会在意大筒木玄翊的感受,屈指一弹,手中的光球就没入了后者的胸口。 The Otsutsuki profound Yi eyes open suddenly, only thought that the chakra rapid dissipation in within the body, was swallowed by that terrifying chakra, even the body is beyond control. 大筒木玄翊双眼猛然睁大,只觉得体内的查克拉迅速消散,被那股恐怖的查克拉吞噬,连身体都无法控制。 Brushing, the Otsutsuki Pu village waves to lift, the palm gets hold of suddenly, Otsutsuki profound Yi's body like meteor same injection sky. “刷”的一声,大筒木蒲村挥手一抬,手掌又骤然握紧,大筒木玄翊的身躯就如同流星一样射入天空之中。 Then bang blasts open, is ordinary like the fireworks. 然后“砰”地一声炸裂开来,如同烟花一般。 Otsutsuki clan the lord of branch family, started revolting to overthrow and slaughter Zong of Otsutsuki profound Yi, fell from the sky! 大筒木一族的分家之主,发动叛变推翻并屠杀了宗家的大筒木玄翊,就此陨落! Rebel leader has died, then eradicates all people of branch family.” “叛逆魁首已死,接下来就把所有分家之人铲除吧。” Killed Otsutsuki profound Yi, in Byakugan of Otsutsuki Pu village as if has a sadness, but quick and quiet, as before was inflexible, brutal, had no difference from puppets of these Otsutsuki clans. 杀死了大筒木玄翊,大筒木蒲村的白眼中似乎有着一丝哀伤,但很快又沉静下去,依旧是死板,无情,就和那些大筒木一族的傀儡没有任何区别。 Sees only him to fly into in the air, first looks to some distant place chakra dispiriteds giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye), at this moment no one anybody has controlled. 只见他飞入空中,先看向远处查克拉有些萎靡的巨型转生眼,此刻早已没有人任何人操控。 Therefore the Otsutsuki Pu village looked to the battlefield, few of but also difficultly surviving. 于是大筒木蒲村又看向了战场之上,还艰难存活的寥寥无几。 However also the people of many branch family escaped inevitably other places, or hid in some corner barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, either is also thinking after waiting for his will dissipation, controlled the aspect again. 不过必然还有不少分家之人都逃逸到了其他地方,或者躲在某个角落苟延残喘,或者还想着等待他的意志消散之后再次控制局面。 Even the Otsutsuki Pu village fuzzy consciousness also remembers faintly, as if before had the clansman to enter Ninja World through the channel. 甚至大筒木蒲村模糊的意识还隐隐想起,似乎之前有族人通过通道进入了忍界 „ Is Otsutsuki profound? Perhaps in the future will remain people of many Otsutsuki to hand over in his hand. 大筒木玄明吗?或许未来所剩不多的大筒木之人就要交到他的手中。 I must find him as soon as possible and ensure his security, then transmits all my strengths to him, making him rebuild a Otsutsuki clan. ” 我必须尽快找到他,确保他的安全,然后将我的所有力量传递给他,让他重建大筒木一族。” Otsutsuki tittered thinks aloud, also had giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye), these secondary Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye) that branch family these rebels to set at variance, must restore to be good......” 大筒木噗嗤自言自语道,“还有巨型转生眼,那些被分家那些叛徒解构的次级转生眼,必须全部恢复过来才行啊……” Brushes-” “刷-” A space fuzziness, pondering Otsutsuki Pu village vision suddenly one cold, the Ye Long form appeared. 空间一阵模糊,正在沉思的大筒木蒲村目光骤然一凛,叶龙的身影出现在了场中。 „Is this...?!” “这是…?!” Ye Long looks at the land of surrounding sores all over the eye, almost a living person does not have, he saw giant Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye) of distant place, although at this moment contains the astonishing strength, the surroundings link one to control his person not to have. 叶龙看着周围满目疮痍的大地,几乎一个活人都没有,他看到了远处的巨型转生眼,此刻虽然蕴含着惊人的力量,周围连一个操控他的人都没有。 The Ye Long stubbornly anchorage the in the air Otsutsuki Pu village, the complexion gradually was then dignified. 然后叶龙死死定住了空中的大筒木蒲村,面色渐渐凝重起来。 Who are you? Was you killed here everyone? I do not seem to know you.” Ye Long light say/way. “你是谁?是你杀死了这里的所有人吗?我似乎不认识你呢。”叶龙淡淡道。 „...... Discovered that the person of non- Otsutsuki clan invades.” “……发现非大筒木一族之人入侵。” In the Otsutsuki Pu village eye also has doubts faintly, „ I am an ancestor hero soul Otsutsuki Pu village of Otsutsuki clan, rebelling that to suppress branch family, receives the summon of bloodlines to live. 大筒木蒲村淡漠地眼中同样有着一丝疑惑,“吾乃大筒木一族的先祖英灵大筒木蒲村,为了镇压分家的反叛,受到血脉的召唤而生。 You are not the person of Otsutsuki Zong, invades a territory of Otsutsuki clan rashly, for a safety of Otsutsuki clan, you also needs to be eliminated is good. ” 你并非大筒木宗家之人,贸然入侵大筒木一族的领地,为了大筒木一族的安危,你也需要被清除才行。” What? Am I not quite probably clear?” “什么?我好像不太明白?” Ye Long is startled, the surprised say/way, you said that you are an ancestor hero soul of Otsutsuki clan, rebellion that to exterminate branch family......, therefore these people are you kill?” 叶龙大吃一惊,惊讶道,“你说你是大筒木一族的先祖英灵,为了诛灭分家的叛乱……所以这些人都是你杀的?” Brushing, the Otsutsuki Pu village flew to Ye Long, in the hand the aquamarine ray to condense directly. “刷”的一声,大筒木蒲村直接飞向了叶龙,手中碧绿色的光芒凝聚。 Obviously he has not replied the duty of Ye Long issue, moreover he is only thinking now eliminates this unexpected visitor- regarding not having puppet of complete consciousness, eliminates all destabilizing factors directly obviously is the best method! 显然他没有回答叶龙问题的义务,而且他现在只想着将这个不速之客消灭-对于没有完整意识的傀儡来说,直接消灭一切不安定因素显然是最好的做法! Ninja Art spatial bright sword!” 忍法・空明剑!” Sees only the ray sparkle in Otsutsuki Pu village eye, aquamarine chakra condenses a sharp plain straight sword blade in his hands. 只见大筒木蒲村眼中的光芒闪耀,碧绿色的查克拉在他手中凝聚出一把犀利古朴的笔直剑刃。 Richer chakra overflows from his within the body, from the sky transforms all kinds of chakra weapons, the sword and spear sword halberd, dazzling. 更浓郁的查克拉从他体内溢出,在空中幻化成各种各样的查克拉武器,刀枪剑戟,让人眼花缭乱。 Illness-” “疾-” As Otsutsuki Pu village drinks lightly, he float innumerable chakra weapon then changes to a barrage concentrated fire of piece of light blade behind, but, oneself grips the sword blade as before, kills to incur to follow! 随着大筒木蒲村一声轻喝,他身后悬浮的无数查克拉武器便化作一片光刃的弹幕攒射而至,自己依旧握住剑刃,杀招尾随而至! This fellow, began directly.” “这个家伙,直接动手了吗。” Ye Long cold snort/hum, summoned itself to offer a sacrifice to refine many years of soul dragon Yinjian similarly. 叶龙冷哼一声,同样召唤出了自己祭炼多年的魂器龙吟剑。 As a clear and melodious sword sound surges, Ye Long dark-red chakra adhered to stick cohere above the sword blade, wielded a sword to cut, the sword blade vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the innumerable chakra pointed weapons dingdong in sound were separated by Ye Long in one piece, deeply inserted in the land. 随着一阵清越的剑音激荡,叶龙暗红色的查克拉附着在了剑刃之上,挥剑斩过,剑刃纵横,无数查克拉兵刃就在一片“叮叮当当”声中被叶龙弹开,深深插入大地之中。 This move somewhat is actually familiar.” “这招倒是有些熟悉。” Clang in a collision the red light and azure glow collide, Ye Long and Otsutsuki Pu village 22 balance, the sword blade flash jumps projects innumerable sparks/Mars, the sharp blade that chakra of Otsutsuki Pu village condenses is really unexpectedly common like the almighty troops sharp weapon. “锵”的一声碰撞中红光与青芒碰撞,叶龙大筒木蒲村两两相抵,剑刃闪光迸射出无数火星,大筒木蒲村的查克拉凝聚的利刃竟然真的如同神兵利器一般。 However right now both sides look at each other, Ye Long soon discovered the condition in Otsutsuki Pu village. 不过这下子双方对视,叶龙很快发现了大筒木蒲村的状况。 Quite chaotic, but disorderly energetic will, actually very intense!” “相当混乱而无序的精神意志,却又非常的强烈!” snake eye in Ye Long eye transforms makes Mangekyo, is looking at each other in so near distance and Ye Long stubbornly, the slightest does not let. 叶龙眼中的蛇瞳幻化做万花筒,在如此近的距离和叶龙死死对视着,分毫不让。 Ye Long wants to rout the spirit of opposite party by own pupil strength directly, when he vast turbulent spiritual force invades the eyes of Otsutsuki Pu village, in the opposite party look actually reveals the intense painful and fierce color, the whole body like burning, is sparkling the dazzling ray! 叶龙想要以自己的瞳力直接击溃对方的精神,然而当他浩瀚汹涌的精神力侵入大筒木蒲村的双眼,对方眼神中却流露出强烈的痛苦和狰狞之色,浑身如同燃烧起来,闪耀着耀眼的光芒! This was gathered strength of person of final will Otsutsuki profound Yi and all Otsutsuki Zong, reposing their final intensities to hold to read, casts at present the source of forces of Otsutsuki Pu village. 这是集合了大筒木玄翊和所有大筒木宗家之人最后的意志之力,寄托了他们最后的强烈执念,也是铸成眼前大筒木蒲村的力量源泉。 The will is the strength. 意志即是力量。 Ordinary Illusion technique and spiritual attack is unable to be effective absolutely, because the spirit and chakra of Otsutsuki Pu village are completely a body, is similar to Indra and Ashura's chakra, or is transforms Katou Dan after spirit magnificent like that even is not the true flesh life. 普通的幻术和精神攻击是绝对无法奏效的,因为大筒木蒲村的精神和查克拉完全就是一体的,就如同因陀罗和阿修罗的查克拉,或者是蜕变灵华后的加藤断那般,甚至都不是真正的血肉生命。 Snake of latest chapter address diving of shadow Hokage: https:// 火影之潜影之蛇最新章节地址:https:// Snake of full text reading address diving of shadow Hokage: https:// 火影之潜影之蛇全文阅读地址:https:// Snake of txt downloading address diving of shadow Hokage: https:// 火影之潜影之蛇txt下载地址:https:// The snake of cell phone diving of shadow Hokage read: https:// 火影之潜影之蛇手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 887, pulls out to) reading record, next time will turn on the bookshelf then to see! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第887章,抽离)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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