SG4 :: Volume #6

#554: Opens the day

Chapter 554 opens the day 第554章开天 Chen Ping is shocked. 陈平内心震动。 The words of baby, just like dial cloud Jianyue, making him meet own first thought. 娃娃的话语,犹如拨云见月般,让他照见了自己的初心。 He comes to this world to walk one time, actually saw the happiness that is worth protecting. 他来这个世界走一遭,其实看见了许多值得守护的美好。 Livelihood starry sky. 日月星空。 Mountains and rivers myriad. 山河万千。 People who regardless of faced with any hopeless situation, are not willing to give up hoping. 无论面临任何绝境,都不愿意放弃希望的人们。 What terrifying enemy regardless of facing, can go to as before confidently, is willing by the soldier of life protection. 无论面对什么样的恐怖敌人,依旧能坦然赴死,甘愿以命守护的战士。 Lives, are using the life to tell him, this world also some things are actually worth protecting. 一个个生灵,在用生命去告诉他,这个世界其实还有一些东西值得去守护。 Chen Ping's innermost feelings presented a fissure. 不知不觉间,陈平的内心出现了一道裂痕。 It seems the Pangu epoch-making general fissure. 好似盘古开天辟地一般的裂痕。 What breaks out is Chen Ping never has some sensation with awakening. 劈开的是陈平从未有过的某种感知与觉醒。 „......!!!” “啊……!!!” Chen Ping sends out painful low and grating neighing, the end sequence 1 fissure in forehead shivers fiercely. 陈平发出痛苦低哑的嘶鸣,眉心中的末日序列一的裂痕剧烈颤动。 Big Brother......” “大哥哥……” The baby sensation to Chen Ping's pain, was wanting to say anything. 娃娃感知到了陈平的痛苦,正想要说些什么。 Suddenly, Chen Ping gripped present Pangu axe unexpectedly! 蓦然间,陈平竟是握住了眼前的这柄盘古斧! Bang!!! 轰!!! A share of dark golden source god light/only, the directly shoots sky, alarms one! 一股暗金色的本源神光,直射霄汉,惊动一界! The instant endless god light/only, lets world the life of each corner for it sensation. 刹那间的无尽神光,让世界的每一个角落的生灵都为之感知。 But god light/only terrifying especially, brings the internal energy that extinguishes the world, making all living things alarmed and afraid extremely. 只不过那神光格外的恐怖,带着灭世的气机,让众生都惊惧万分。 Chen Ping is gripping the instance of Pangu axe, then felt that the life of all living things, performed in the palms. 陈平在握住盘古斧的瞬间,便感觉到了众生的生命,尽在手掌之间。 This is It wields the authority of all living things. 这是祂执掌众生的权柄。 Read the numerous. 一念众生生。 Read all living things to perish. 一念众生亡。 To the authority of high chaos ancestor god, is inseparable with all living things. 至高混沌祖神的权柄,早就跟众生密不可分了。 All lives of this world, actually life and death already by the existence control of high dimension...... 这个世界的所有生灵,其实生死早就被高高维度的存在掌控…… Chen Ping eye pupil is faint, both hands grip the Pangu axe, lifts slowly. 陈平眼瞳淡漠,双手握住盘古斧,缓缓抬起。 Big Brother......” “大哥哥……” Not......” “不……” Does not want!” “不要!” The babies were ignorant, has not thought that at present this youngster, takes up the Pangu axe finally. 娃娃懵了,没想到眼前这个少年,最终还是拿起了盘古斧。 Chen Ping finally chose the destruction!? 陈平最终还是选择了毁灭!? At this moment, the hearts of trillion all living things emerge not a well-known big fear. 这一刻,亿万众生的心头都涌现出一股不知名的大恐惧。 That is own life, big fear that will soon dissipate...... 那是自己的生命,即将消逝的大恐惧…… Wants in the baby with own body, prevents the Pangu axe to fall. 就在娃娃想要用自己的身体,阻挡盘古斧落下的时候。 The Pangu axe has divided to fall at a less seizable speed. 盘古斧已经以更加不可捕捉的速度劈落。 An axe falls. 一斧落。 All living things fall! 众生陨! Source god who that say/way can the town/subdues extinguish trillion all living things light/only. 那道可以镇灭亿万众生的本源神光。 Let livelihood simultaneous/uniform An, various day of stars simultaneous/uniform Zhui. 让日月齐黯,诸天星辰齐坠。 Exceeds all Pangu axe points, scrapes past from the body side of baby. 超越一切的盘古斧锋芒,从娃娃的身侧擦身而过。 Falls after that say/way extinguished the world the fissure. 落在了那道灭世的裂痕之后。 Dies to me!! 给我死!! Chen Ping's Pangu axe erupts the infinite murderous intention, cuts to actually extinguishes behind world fissure that Pangu form. 陈平的盘古斧爆发无穷杀机,斩向的却是灭世裂痕后方的那尊盘古身影。 He made the choice. 他做出了选择。 Even if all living things spurn. 纵使众生唾弃。 He must protect these to be worth as before protecting! 他依旧要守护那些值得守护的! Protects this world, all are breathing. 守护这个世界,一切正在呼吸的。 Although dies regretless! 虽死无悔! This shocked all lives on field. 这一幕震惊了在场上的所有生灵。 But the next quarter, the fissure rear that Pangu also moves. 可是下一刻,裂痕后方那盘古也动起来。 It also holds with a plain heavy/thick god axe unexpectedly, chops to extinguish the world together the brilliance. 祂居然也执拿着一柄古朴厚重的神斧,劈出一道灭世的光辉。 As if fixed pinnacle. 仿佛早就固定的极致。 Has the limitless invincible might that is unable to prevent! 却带着一股无法阻挡的无极神威! Bang!!! 轰!!! Two peerless divine tools collide loudly. 两柄绝世神器轰然碰撞。 The entire world explodes broken in the next quarter! 整个天地都在下一刻爆碎! All materials annihilated in this moment. 所有的物质都在这一刻湮灭了。 The inexhaustible chaos wrapped the entire region. 无穷无尽的混沌包裹了整个区域。 Chen Ping and that Pangu source empty shadow stood in the opposite officially. 陈平与那盘古本源虚影正式站在了对立面。 But the next quarter, Chen Ping's body then blows out one group of blood fog. 但下一刻,陈平的身上便爆出一团血雾。 The Pangu axe in hand presented close fissures. 手中的盘古斧更是出现了一道道细密的裂痕。 Strength that the Pangu source controls, obviously compared with Chen Ping even better. 盘古本源掌控的力量,明显比陈平更胜一筹。 Master...... you...... were you insane?” “主人……你……你疯了吗?” How are you fighting against yourself?!” “你怎么在跟自己打架?!” The Pangu axe startled sound bellows. 盘古斧惊声大吼。 Few idle talk! Helps me chop It!” “少废话!帮我劈死祂!” Chen Ping nu exclaimed. 陈平怒吼道。 Pangu axe:...... 盘古斧:…… This master was insane, goes crazy, chops including oneself! 这主人疯了,发起疯来,连自己都劈! Is grasping the Pangu axe obviously, accepts the Pangu source, can change into complete Pangu. 明明握着盘古斧,接受盘古本源,就能化为完整的盘古。 But now, It must cut unexpectedly thoroughly the source! 可是如今,祂居然要将本源彻底斩去! Incorrect...... you now is also not complete Pangu, moreover Pangu the authority of strength, on Its body, you are unable its destroying......” “不行的……伱现在还不是完整的盘古,而且盘古的力之权柄,就在祂的身上,你根本无法将其摧毁的……” The Pangu axe non-stop vibrating, says. 盘古斧不停震动,开口说道。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At present, the purple black Pangu axe is easily accomplished, chopped into pieces several points the Chen Ping hand Pangu axe. 眼前,紫黑色的盘古斧摧枯拉朽,将陈平手中的盘古斧又劈碎了几分。 Chen Ping's body presents to explode the broken crack immediately, a lot of blood spew out. 陈平的身体顿时出现一道道爆碎的裂纹,大量鲜血喷涌而出。 Chen Ping tong roars: Some things, what do not make to know that can't complete? I need...... me to need your strengths!” 陈平痛吼起来:“有些事情,不去做什么知道不能完成?我需要……我需要你们的力量!” Of youngster bellows. 少年的一声大吼。 Shocked the whole world instantaneously. 瞬间震动了整个世界。 Almost everyone, in this moment, heard that gods angry roaring. 几乎每一个人,都在这一刻,听到了那神明般的怒吼。 Immediately, countless people raised the head, look to the sky, unbelievable of face. 顿时,无数人抬起头,看向了天空,一脸的难以置信。 „Is god this...... is praying for rescue from us?” “神主这是……在向我们求救?” It is Pangu! But Lord God of destruction world! How do we possibly help It?!” “祂可是盘古啊!可是毁灭世界的主神!我们怎么可能帮祂?!” But...... but is It now, helping us probably?” “可是……可是祂现在,好像是在帮我们?” Do not believe nonsense that It spoke! Didn't It display to help our salvation before the appearance? Finally hasn't betrayed us?!” “不要相信祂说的鬼话!祂之前不也表现出想要帮我们所有人救世的模样吗?最后还不是背叛我们?!” Yes, yes! So hateful despicable existence, how will we also possibly be deceived?!” “就是,就是!如此可恶卑劣的存在,我们怎么可能还会被骗?!” Said that does not permit is one performance that plays with the will of the people!” “说不准又是一次玩弄人心的表演!” Said that does not permit It to play a trick to us, once helped It, was equal to that is helping It extinguish the world!” “说不准祂还是在给我们设局,一旦帮祂了,就等于在帮祂灭世!” Really is the hateful monster!!” “真是可恨的怪物!!” Many people hesitate, is not the person gives scolding. 不少人迟疑,不是人痛骂。 Once the belief crashes, just like the mirror of disruption, is also hard to superpose again. 信仰一旦崩塌,就犹如碎裂的镜子,再也难以重合。 In Chen Ping's mind, the incense and candle law of disruption, the say/way of disruption, making his body very painful. 陈平的脑海中,碎裂的香火法相,碎裂的道,让他的身体痛苦不堪。 The hates and cursing of trillion people, just like a mountain, falls toward his body pressure, brings viscous like Black Sea endless sensation of asphyxia, keeping him from breathing. 亿万民众的怨恨与咒骂,犹如一座大山般,朝他的身体压落,带着粘稠如黑海般无尽的窒息感,让他无法呼吸。 „......” “嗬嗬嗬……” But I...... but I......” “可是我……可是我……” Chen Ping's respite is even more fierce, the eye socket of blushing loses the color gradually. 陈平的喘息愈发剧烈,发红的眼眶渐渐失去色彩。 The next quarter, his palm transmits the soft touch. 下一刻,他的手掌传来柔软的触感。 When the babies do not know, grasps Chen Ping's finger. 娃娃不知何时,已经抱住了陈平的手指。 The point of Pangu axe that terrifying, tears the body of baby like the tattered baby. 盘古斧那恐怖的锋芒,将娃娃的身体撕裂得像个破烂的娃娃一样。 I know that the Big Brother...... I know you are thinking anything.” “我知道的,大哥哥……我知道你在想什么。” „The will of the people prejudice is a mountain, wish makes the world understand truly brother's situation is very very difficultly difficult......, but I can help the Big Brother, I can help the Big Brother chop into pieces this mountain!” “人心的成见是一座大山,想要让世人真正理解大哥哥的处境很难很难……但是我可以帮大哥哥的呀,我可以帮大哥哥劈碎这座大山!” A rich soul strength releases. 一股浓郁的魂力释放出来。 Energy rank high of extremely this soul strength. 这股魂力的能量级别极其之高。 The flash broke through the limit, reached the S level, then from the S level breaks through to half god level! 一瞬间突破了极限,达到了S级,然后从S级又突破至半神级! By 1 million ghost congealing godship! 以百万冤魂凝神格! The babies awakened, and awakens, then steps into the boundary of half god! 娃娃觉醒了,并且一觉醒,便踏入半神之境! Moreover, her next quarter uses her soul god of journeys strength, with the aid of Chen Ping's source strength, will cover the entire star her supernatural power shortly! 不仅如此,她下一刻就用她的魂道神力,借助陈平的本源力量,顷刻间将她的神力覆盖了整个星球! The baby bound the relations with Chen Ping. 要知道,娃娃跟陈平是绑定了关系的。 From some level, she can skid Chen Ping's source strength. 从某种层面来说,她能够撬动陈平的本源力量。 When the soul strength covers the entire star. 当魂力覆盖整个星球的时候。 The babies also displayed her awakening magical powers. 娃娃也施展了她的觉醒神通。 Magical powers soul feels various heaven! 神通・魂感诸天! Covers the soul strength of the whole world, starts to project on the body of each life. 笼罩整个世界的魂力,开始投射在每一个生灵的身上。 This world absolutely does not have the sympathize. 这个世界根本就没有感同身受。 Anybody cannot feel the real mood of another person completely. 任何人都不能完全感受另外一个人的真实情绪。 But can achieve by the baby who innumerable eliminates the sensation! 但被无数次剥夺感知的娃娃可以做到! She can letting all living things sympathize Chen Ping's bitter experience. 她可以将让众生感同身受陈平的遭遇。 Almost is the flash. 几乎是一瞬间。 Just like the inexhaustible jet black vastness, falls on everyone. 宛如无穷无尽的漆黑汪洋,落在每一个人身上。 Everyone felt this invisible no qualitative heavy pressure. 所有人都感受到了这一股无形无质的重压。 Then remnant shades start to reappear in the front of the world. 然后一幕幕残影开始在世人的面前浮现。 When Chen Ping is young, endures humiliation times, braving to be seized the risk of shed body by the gods, must borrow the awakening disaster that the strength of gods solves the terrifying. When Chen Ping grows, is bathed in blood to fight for the honor of country. From by the state of cruel awaken control, was withstood ten million/countless backlash of ghost, saves ten million/countless ghost. Erupts to Tom Clancy's EndWar again, he does not count the price, ignores the life, times risk one's life for all living things, are bathed in blood to prey...... 陈平年少之时,忍辱负重,冒着一次次被神明夺舍身体的风险,也要借用神明的力量去解决恐怖的觉醒灾难。陈平成长之时,为了国家的荣誉浴血而战。从被残暴觉醒者支配的国度中,承受千万亡魂的反噬,去拯救千万亡魂。再到末日之战爆发,他不计代价,不顾性命,一次次为了众生出生入死,浴血搏杀…… He never has a deficit anybody, even if bore the salvation heavy responsibility on own initiative, is duty-bound not to turn back, brave resolute. 他从不亏欠任何人,即使主动扛起了救世的重任,义无反顾,勇敢果决。 Even if the brutal truth makes known, even if trillion all living things revile. 即使残酷真相揭晓,即使亿万众生唾骂。 The youngster choose rejection original all as before, the hand grasps the almighty troops, wants to cut passing all, chooses to save behind all living things...... 少年依旧选择舍弃原有的一切,手握神兵,想要斩去过往的一切,选择去拯救身后的众生…… Just likes the endless Black Sea suffocating heavy pressure, can crash any life. 犹如无尽黑海让人窒息的重压,可以将任何一个生灵压垮。 But has that together the emaciated form, the step is tenacious, adverse current line. 可是就是有那么一道孱弱的身影,步履坚韧,逆流而行。 He that lonely, is such desolate Szo, depressing Black Sea with sky of crash, raises a shatter axe stubbornly, the oath must for behind common people, opens a new world! 他是那么的孤单,是那么的萧索,压抑的黑海与坠落的天空中,倔强地提着一柄破碎的斧头,誓要为身后的苍生,开辟出一个新的世界! The powerful soul attacks with the visual impact, is attacking the soul of everyone. 强大的灵魂冲击与视觉冲击,冲击着每一个人的心魂。 Most people, the eye socket was immediately red...... 绝大部分人,顿时眼眶就红了…… They understood all, understood actually that youngster shouldered anything. 他们理解了一切,理解了那个少年究竟背负了什么。 Even if 1/100010000 pain, falls on their bodies, they will be pessimistic desperately. 纵使是亿万分之一的痛苦,落在他们的身上,他们都会悲观绝望。 What standpoint they have, condemned that such shouldered all, is supporting the youngster in this world by strenuous efforts? 他们又有什么立场,去谴责这么一个背负了一切,一路苦苦支撑着这个世界的少年? When they are scolding him, in shame his time, what is the youngster making? 当他们正在骂他,正在辱他的时候,少年又在做些什么? The youngster are grasping the Pangu axe, chops without hesitation to he himself! 少年正握着盘古斧,毫不犹豫地劈向他自己! When youngster the wholeheartedness was understood truly...... 当少年的赤诚之心真正被理解…… Then all prejudices and misunderstandings, will melt finally. 那么所有的偏见与误解,终将会消融。 A belief, can be joined to through ancient times does not extinguish. 有一种信仰,是配得上亘古不灭的。 Some people had been extending their both hands to the sky. 不知不觉间,已经有人对着天空伸出了他们的双手。 One after another, reaches the sky both hands silently. 一个接着一个,默默地将双手伸向天空。 Might use their hands. 就好像要用他们的手。 Helps that youngster haunch this end the sky. 去帮那个少年撑起这个末日的天空。 They want to tell that youngster, this path, is not his all alone! 他们想要告诉那个少年,这条道路,并不是他孤身一人! 100, 10,000, 1 million...... 一百个,一万个,一百万…… 100 million...... 10 billion...... 一亿……一百亿…… The whole world's people, chose again believe. 整个世界的民众,再度选择了相信。 Believes in their hearts continuously that person of belief. 相信他们心中一直信仰的那个人。 Will create the unprecedented belief strength! 将会创造出史无前例的信仰力量! Chen Ping felt that just like jet black vast heavy and depressing vanishes to disappear instantaneously, as if one both big hand supporting. 陈平感觉那犹如漆黑汪洋般的沉重与压抑瞬间消失不见了,仿佛被一双双大手给撑了起来。 Incense and candle law that the mind deep place, the crack proliferates, suddenly healing. 脑海深处,裂纹遍布的香火法相,突然愈合。 And released insightful colored glaze the light of nine color. 并且释放出了一股通透琉璃的九彩之光。 radiance four shoot, said that the pinnacle sublimates. 光华四射间,道极致升华。 Changes into the principle! 化为法则! Chen Ping was seeing innumerable face that instantaneously are lifting both hands, that being indomitable spirit form, as if Pangu, in chaos endless dark space, splendid. 陈平在瞬间看见了无数个托举着双手的脸庞,那一道道顶天立地的身影,就仿佛一个个盘古,在混沌无尽的黑暗空间中,熠熠生辉。 Cast together eternal. 共同铸就了永恒。 Chen Ping eye socket slightly flood red, all distracting thoughts of innermost feelings sweep clear in the next quarter. 陈平眼眶微微泛红,内心的所有杂念在下一刻清扫一空。 Wish all living things to hope. 愿众生之所愿。 Fights all living things to fight. 战众生之所战。 For all are protecting...... 为了一切正在守护的…… The Pangu axe of disruption, burst out suddenly nine color source light that punctured the endless chaos. 碎裂的盘古斧,突然迸发出了刺破无尽混沌的九彩源光。 Opens the day!!!” “开天!!!” Chen Ping angrily roars. 陈平一声怒吼。 The Pangu axe is epoch-making! 盘古斧开天辟地! Nine color source light change to the epoch-making god splendor, chops into pieces the dull purple Pangu axe, cleaves in two that terrifying incomparable Pangu source form. 九彩源光化作开天辟地的神辉,将暗紫色的盘古斧劈碎,将那道恐怖无比的盘古本源身影劈成两半。 The endless chaos by nine color source light divisions, were extended trillion li (0.5 km). 茫茫无际的混沌都被九彩源光分割,延绵亿万里。 The people as if saw living of the world to extinguish, to falling from the sky that had high! 众人仿佛看见了一个世界的生灭,一个至高存在的陨灭!
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