SG4 :: Volume #6

#550: Absolute strength

The world have never thought that will see the god in the ocean the form. 世人从未想过,会在大洋中看见神主的身影。 They have not thought, cultivating of god to progress by leaps and bounds unexpectedly this situation, a person was pressing end sequence 2 Yin-Yang Pangu unexpectedly. 他们更没想到,神主的修为居然突飞猛进到了这种地步,居然一个人压着末日序列二的阴阳盘古。 Especially finally a that earth-shaking sword, brings the epoch-making point, shoots up to the sky, the light luminary ten thousand li (0.5 km), run out of the atmosphere, runs out of Earth, breaks in the universe. 特别是最后那惊天动地的一剑,带着开天辟地的锋芒,冲天而起,一路光曜万里,冲出大气层,冲出地球,冲入宇宙。 Countless people discovered shocking. 无数人震惊地发现。 Distance that regardless of that sword glow runs out of far, the prestige can have nothing to reduce as before. 无论那道剑芒冲出的距离有多远,威能依旧没有任何削减。 This is true opens day a sword. 这是真正的开天一剑。 Has exceeded the space, exceeded the energy dimension. 已经超越了空间,超越了能量维度。 As for that Yang Pangu, the body had cleft in two, non-stop the essence and blood dissipating void. 至于那尊阳盘古,身躯早已经被劈成两半,不停有精血在虚空逸散。 It looks at Chen Ping, the eye pupil deep place has several points to be sorrowful and weak. 祂看着陈平,眼瞳深处有着几分悲哀与无力。 Worthily is you......” “不愧是你……” Really is a quite attractive sword......” “真是相当漂亮的一剑……” Yang Pangu said slowly. 阳盘古缓缓道。 Chen Ping opens the mouth tranquilly: This sword, for cuts distantly.” 陈平平静地开口:“这一剑,是替遥遥斩的。” Present he, has fused together a strength junction, the graces are the gods tactical rules, every gesture and motions are the gods deep meaning, does not need to display intentionally, when he displays, is the deep meaning. 如今的他,已经将一身力量交融为一体,举手投足都是神明战法,一招一式都是神明奥义,根本不需要故意施展,当他施展的时候,就是奥义。 A primal chaos big day shape, was external manifestation of his highest comprehension. 太极大日道象,就是他最高领悟的外在体现。 Because of this, he can a sword break the strongest attack of Kaiyang Pangu, even cuts to extinguish vitality source one sword of Yang Pangu! 正因为如此,他才能够一剑破开阳盘古的最强攻击,甚至将阳盘古的生机本源都一剑斩灭! The crisis appears. 身后,危机出现。 The Yin Pangu sudden hand grasps the black blade thorn to Chen Ping's chest. 阴盘古突然手握黑刀刺向陈平的胸口。 Heavy such as the gods in black ink kill the potential, covered the world. 沉重如墨的神杀势,笼罩了世界。 Chen Ping felt the ice-cold murderous intention, the whole body blood stagnated in this moment. 陈平感受到了冰冷至极的杀机,浑身血液都在这一刻凝滞。 This blade is extremely treacherous, moreover punctures from the big causes and effects level, the knife is interweaving the single layer the single layer dark incantation, brings absolutely must kill the true meaning, passes through the space instantaneously, arrives in the back of youngster. 这一刀极度诡谲,而且是从大因果层面刺来,刀身交织着一重又一重暗黑咒文,带着绝对的必杀真意,瞬间穿越空间,抵达少年的背部。 Keeping off is irreversible. 挡无可挡。 Evades not to be possible to evade. 避无可避。 Punctures the instance of this blade from Yin Pangu, the move has become the result. 从阴盘古刺出这一刀的瞬间,中招已经成为结果。 May also be at the same time. 可也是同一时刻。 Ambush in void nine immortal blade also appeared. 埋伏在虚空的九相仙刀也出现了。 Immortal blade ninth. 仙刀化相第九相。 Chaotic space and time! 乱时空! The space and time becomes stagnates suddenly, then seemed cut to pieces by nine immortal blades generally. 时空骤然变得凝滞,然后仿佛被九柄仙刀切碎了一般。 The space starts like the ice flower dislocation layer upon layer, the black blade as if stabbed Chen Ping's back , does not seem to stabbed, the space here is confused, the time is confused, the causes and effects are also confused. 层层空间开始如冰花般错位,黑刀仿佛刺中了陈平的背部,又仿佛没有刺中,在这里的空间是错乱的,时间是错乱的,因果也是错乱的。 The black blade of Yin Pangu presented the bend and distortion of being unable to withstand the load. 阴盘古的黑刀出现了不堪重负的弯折和扭曲。 She discovered shocking, the result of being doomed was changed! 她震惊地发现,本就注定的结果被改变了! Is this instant space and time confusion. 就是这刹那间的时空混乱。 A great sword penetrated all, having the no Exalted Immortal prestige of seal world to pass through the body of Yin Pangu. 一柄巨剑穿透了一切,带着封印天地的无上仙威贯穿了阴盘古的身体。 The giant sword blade passes the body. 巨大的剑刃透体而过。 No Exalted Immortal soldier who that Chen Ping pulls out and inserts! 是那陈平拔出去又插回去的无上仙兵! to seal/confer Tianjian inverts fiercely, nails tight Yin Pangu again behind. 封天剑猛地倒插,再度将阴盘古钉死在身后。 This sword, cuts for mother.” “这一剑,是替妈妈斩的。” The youngster tranquil words of fall. 少年平静的话语落下。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The boundless sword air/Qi tore the seabed mainland instantaneously. 磅礴的剑气瞬间撕裂了海底大陆。 What followed is the Yin Pangu that pain sound. 伴随的是阴盘古那痛苦的声音。 Chen Ping makes all these, from beginning to end is turning away from Yin Pangu. 陈平做这一切,自始至终都是背对着阴盘古。 Seals Sky Sword continually is throws flings to go, from beginning to end has not turned around. 连封天剑都是抛甩而去,自始至终都没有转身。 Yin Pangu can only sealed Sky Sword is pressing, looks that say/way is even more big, is hard to estimate the back that to her high. 阴盘古只能被封天剑压着,看着那道愈发高大,高到她难以揣度的背影。 The inexplicable constriction, as well as cover Yazhu the day dignity, making the Yin Pangu whole body shiver. 莫名的压迫感,以及盖压诸天的威严,让阴盘古浑身颤抖。 This is the absolute strength. 这就是绝对的实力。 This is the absolute steamroll! 这就是绝对的碾压! The corners of the mouth of Yin Pangu keep seeping out the blood, both hands hug are sealing Sky Sword, still wants to draw out this immortal sword. 阴盘古的嘴角不停渗出鲜血,双手抱着封天剑,仍想拔出这柄仙剑。 Chen Ping turned around at this time, looks that once Pangu who all living things regarded as the ants. 陈平这时候才转身,看着那曾经将众生视作蝼蚁的盘古。 No longer nonsense, a direction to its forehead. 不再废话,一指点向其眉心。 Said that is ordinary one finger/refers, contains unsurpassed deep meaning in his magic arts. 说是普普通通的一指,却蕴含着他道法中的无上奥义。 Bang!!! 轰!!! World simultaneous/uniform shakes. 天地齐震。 Kunlun Mountains dragon shadow, drill into the forehead of Yin Pangu, tears its state of mind. 有一道道昆仑龙影,钻入阴盘古的眉心,撕裂其神魂。 Yin Pangu called out pitifully to make noise again, the whole body shivered fiercely, dark sources that simultaneously within the body bloomed were to change to the black lance black sword, non-stop the thorn to the present youngster. 阴盘古再度惨叫出声,浑身剧烈颤抖,同时体内绽放出来的一道道暗黑本源更是化作黑矛黑剑,不停刺向眼前的少年。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The sharp black lance pierced the invincible body and spirit of youngster. 锋利的黑矛刺穿了少年的无敌体魄。 This is the attack that even the principle can easily pierce, even if Chen Ping the body and spirit has gone beyond the Holy Body Realm category now, was easily pierced. 这是连法则都能轻易洞穿的攻击,就算陈平如今体魄已经超越圣体境的范畴,还是被轻易地洞穿。 Chen Ping ignores injury , to continue to intensify the effort, refers to blooming the light of strong turning over to ruins, erases its state of mind instantaneously cleanly! 陈平不顾身上的伤势,继续加大力度,指间绽放出浓烈至极的归墟之光,瞬间将其神魂抹除得干干净净! The body of Yin Pangu shivers fiercely, finally changes to black sources to be defeated and dispersed. 阴盘古的身体剧烈颤抖,最终化作一道道黑色本源溃散。 Yang Pangu looks at this, sighs: Was I defeated......” 阳盘古看着这一幕,叹了一口气:“是我败了……” Then, Its body is also changes to the golden source to dissipate. 说完,祂的身体亦是化作金色的本源消散。 Black gold/metal two sources, charge into the upper air, blends in the same place. 一黑一金两道本源,冲向高空,交融在一起。 They interweave the condensability, finally unexpectedly formed a small axe. 它们交织凝缩,最后居然形成了一个小小的斧头。 The axe assumes the plain dark gold/metal the color, above also has the black and white two god of journeys marks to wind to interweave with the specific mark, the appeared instance, the imposing manner of a great antiquity and nihility, then heads on. 斧头呈古朴暗金的颜色,上面还有黑白两道神纹以特定的纹络交织,出现的瞬间,一股洪荒与虚无的气势,便扑面而来。 As if must the primitive place that Chen Ping draws in the endless chaos. 仿佛要将陈平拖入无尽混沌的原始之地。 This is the end sequence 2 genuine main bodies! 这才是末日序列二的真正的本体! Chen Ping is seeing the instance of axe, then guessed correctly the status of axe. 陈平在看见斧头的瞬间,便猜出了斧头的身份。 ancient God the source fights the soldier......” “古神的本源战兵……” Pangu axe?” “盘古斧?” After he said the status of axe, then obtained axe that affirmative reply. 当他道出斧头的身份后,便得到了斧头那肯定的回答。 The axe is vibrating gently, seems responding to his words. 斧头在轻轻震动着,似乎在回应着他的话语。 In the next quarter, he suddenly has wish to take up the impulsion of axe. 在下一刻,他突然有种想要拿起斧头的冲动。 Why I will have this feeling......” “为什么我会有这种感觉……” Why I will have this axe am my feeling......” “为什么我会有这个斧头是属于我的感觉……” Chen Ping stared in a big way the eye, had some suspicion to blast out in the innermost feelings, almost must submerge him! 陈平瞪大了眼睛,有某种猜想在内心炸开,几乎要将他淹没! Such that good...... such as you think...... master.” “不错……正是如您所想的那样……主人。” The Pangu axe responded extremely respectfully. 盘古斧极为恭敬地回应道。 End, had not forgotten to add on one: Masters. 末了,还不忘加上一句:主人。 Chen Ping hears the instance of master, such as by the thunder strike, the delay is been in-situ. 陈平听到主人的瞬间,如遭雷击般,呆滞在原地。 He knows finally why this fight, is feeling being out of sorts feeling...... 他终于知道,为何此次战斗,充满着违和感…… Why Yang Pangu looks at his expression that strangely, words that spoke also that strange. 为何阳盘古看着他的表情那么的奇怪,说的话也那么的奇怪。 Why Yang Pangu must cut his head, said that has a look in his head to think of anything...... 为何阳盘古要斩开他的脑袋,说看看他脑袋中到底装着什么…… Obviously both sides are the same camps, his weapon is helping him work obviously, he actually attacks to oneself weapon heavy blows, spoils oneself plan, seems like indeed with being sick is the same. 明明双方是同一个阵营,明明他的武器在帮他做事,他却对自己的武器重拳出击,破坏自己的计划,看起来的确跟有病的一样。 We indeed are not Pangu......” “我们的确不是盘古……” True Pangu, is you!” “真正的盘古,是您啊!” Master!” “主人!” On the Pangu axe, hears vicissitudes words that spans the endless years. 盘古斧上,传来一声跨越无尽岁月的沧桑话语。 Chen Ping's body is unbending immediately in same place, the double pupil starts lax, starts to be out of sorts. 陈平的身体顿时僵直在原地,双瞳开始涣散,开始失神。 Some strange feeling starts to blast out in his within the body. 某种奇异的感觉开始在他的体内炸开。 As if own source had the cognition. 仿佛自己的本源拥有了认知。 As if own truth was being pulled open. 仿佛自己的真相正在被拉开。 The language has the strength. 语言是有力量的。 Just like mother said Yin-Yang Pangu is not true Pangu. 正如妈妈道出阴阳盘古不是真正的盘古。 Now, changes into the almighty troops of Pangu axe, suddenly said an earth-shaking truth. 如今,化为盘古斧的神兵,突然道出一个石破天惊的真相。 Chen Ping's body as if has a type of thing to blast out, the inexhaustible source, inexhaustible panic-stricken, submerges him instantaneously, must embezzle oneself all mind instantaneously. 陈平的身体仿佛有种东西在炸开,无穷无尽的本源,无穷无尽的惊恐,瞬间将他淹没,瞬间要吞没自己所有的心神。 Pangu...... 盘古…… Is I?! 是我?!
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