SG4 :: Volume #6

#551: Choice

The ancient Pangu axe is hanging the world. 古老的盘古斧悬挂天地。 Extinguishing world divine tool that probably tries the world. 就好像审判世人的灭世神器。 Chen Ping looks at the present Pangu axe, knows whether the world destroys, actually in his instant. 陈平看着眼前的盘古斧,知道世界是否毁灭,其实只是在他的一念之间。 This is a choice. 这是一次选择。 So long as the hand grasps the Pangu axe, cuts world all lives, then this Qing dynasty eliminated the duty to be completed even. 只要手握盘古斧,将世间所有生灵斩去,那么此次大清除任务就算完成了。 From now, does not have the annoying blood sucking insect again, lay absorbs the nutrient on Its body...... 从此以后,就再也没有烦人的吸血虫,趴在祂的身上汲取养分了…… Chen Ping looks at the world, the look had the change gradually. 陈平看着世人,眼神渐渐有了变化。 He no longer with that type looked that the similar vision looks at all living things, but by a vision that looks at the insect looks. 他不再是用那种看同类的目光看着众生,而是以一种看虫子的目光去看。 When a person becomes creates the god of the world, is very difficult again by the similar vision to regard trillion all living things. 当一个人成为创世之神的时候,就很难再以同类的目光看待亿万众生。 He is not a person. 他已经不是人了。 He is a god! 他是神! Moreover chaos ancestor god who lives from the chaos! 而且是自混沌而生的混沌祖神! Chen Ping starts to have a cognition to oneself. 陈平开始对自己有所认知。 Some ancient times memory and inheritance, awakened in the mind. 某种远古的记忆与传承,在脑海中觉醒。 Chen Ping starts to understand all gradually. 陈平开始渐渐地了解一切。 The truth of understanding about this world...... 了解关于这个世界的真相…… awaken of the world are more. 世界的觉醒者很多很多。 Several billions people, over 100 million lives awaken. 数十亿人,有超过一亿的生灵觉醒。 This is great Great Awakening Era. 这是一个伟大的大觉醒时代 But the brutal truth often hidden in the great time. 但残酷的真相往往就隐藏在伟大的时代中。 Truly what must awaken is Chen Ping, is ancient God. 真正要觉醒的是陈平,是古神。 Others are Chen Ping awakens, is rubbing Chen Ping's mighty force, conducts to awaken. 其余人不过是陈平觉醒的时候,蹭着陈平的伟力,进行觉醒而已。 This process naturally risky. 这种过程自然是有风险的。 Awakening failure, cast the fearful awakening disasters. 一次次的觉醒失败,铸就了一个个可怕的觉醒灾难。 Human did not know ignorantly. 人类愚昧而不自知。 Also thinks that this is anything aims at the test of human...... 还以为这是什么针对人类的考验…… Hehe......” “呵呵呵……” Ha haha......” “哈哈哈……” Stupid! Really quite stupid!!” “愚蠢!真的好愚蠢啊!!” Chen Ping is laughing, in the laughter brings the earth-shaking pressure great waves. 陈平在大笑,就连笑声中都带着惊天动地的威压浪涛。 His thought starts gradually with the consciousness synchronization of primary. 他的思想开始渐渐与原初的意识同步。 This is beyond control. 这是无法控制的。 Because he is Pangu. 因为他本来就是盘古。 He just has his all. 他只不过是重新拥有他的一切。 He just brings back his all. 他只不过是拿回他的一切。 It is this world! 祂就是这个世界! It can act in a self-serving manner! 祂就是能够为所欲为! Chen Ping sinks his consciousness. 陈平将自身的意识下沉。 Can induce to trillion all living things instantaneously. 瞬间就能感应到亿万众生。 Therefore, he saw countless people to give scolding he, he saw countless people to hate him, countless people are hoping that he fell from the sky immediately, hopes that he destroyed immediately. 于是,他看见了无数人在痛骂着他,他看见了无数人在怨恨着他,无数人正希望他立即陨落,希望他立即毁灭。 I have never thought. 真没想到。 I pay all the world that wants to protect. 我付出一切想要守护的世界。 Pays all living things who wants to protect to be this appearance...... 付出一切想要守护的众生会是这个样子的…… Chen Ping feels is very painful, the hate of heaviness as well as all living things of this shouldering all living things, making him very uncomfortable. 陈平感觉很痛苦,这种背负众生的沉重以及众生的怨恨,让他很难受。 But suddenly, the Pangu ancient times will of arrived, making him awaken suddenly. 但突然间,盘古远古的意志降临,让他恍然醒悟。 Yes. 是了。 This crawls the insect on his body. 这都是匍匐在他身体上的虫子而已。 Why can It be sad for these insects? 祂干嘛要为了这些虫子而悲伤? All living things him, are unimportant. 众生于他而言,并不重要啊。 During Chen Ping sensation all living things, the sensation all living things and It is dark some causes and effects connected, so long as It holds to take up the present Pangu axe, is cutting to this world, can make 10 billion all living things wither away shortly...... 陈平感知着众生,感知着众生与祂冥冥之中的某种因果相连,只要祂执拿起眼前的盘古斧,对着这个世界一斩,就能让百亿众生顷刻消亡…… Yes. 是的。 The life is frail. 生灵是脆弱的。 Or him, is extremely frail. 或者说,于他而言,是极度脆弱的。 To destroy this world. 想要毁灭这个世界。 To annihilate all living things. 想要湮灭众生。 Actually so long as his axe were OK. 其实只要祂一个斧头就可以了。 Because this world is Its. 因为这个世界是祂的。 His internal energy was connecting trillion all living things. 祂的气机本来就连接着亿万众生。 So long as cuts off the internal energy of all living things, then an axe can make everyone fall from the sky together. 只要斩断众生的气机,那么一斧头就能让所有人一同陨落。 Extinguishing the sound of tyrant refers to is more terrifying. 比灭霸的响指还要恐怖。 Originally end sequence 1 is this meaning......” “原来末日序列一是这个意思……” 1 starts, is the end......” “一既是开始,也是终结……” „Regardless how all living things revolt, is unproductive.” “无论众生如何反抗,都是徒劳的。” After all, destruction or not, only in my instant......” “毕竟,毁灭与否,只在我的一念之间……” Chen Ping look is opening the mouth tranquilly. 陈平神色平静地开口着。 Hopeful end, but can also call the end? 有希望的末日,还能叫末日吗? End sequence 1, is in itself representative the most fundamental end. 末日序列一,本身就代表着最根本的末日。 Chen Ping felt suddenly is not painful. 陈平突然感觉不痛了。 When he wants to be clear about all reasons. 当他想清楚一切的缘由。 When he completed the self- localization. 当他完成了自我的定位。 He is not suddenly heavy. 他突然间就不重了。 Whole body relaxed It, stands slowly, stiff wainscot. 浑身轻松的祂,缓缓站直,挺直腰板。 The double pupil decides looks at that to sparkle the source brilliance Pangu axe, puts out a hand slowly. 双瞳定定地看着那闪耀着本源光辉的盘古斧,缓缓伸手。 Tired. 累了。 That destroys...... 那就毁灭吧…… In any case on a matter of axe. 反正就一斧头的事情。 After an axe . 一斧头之后。 The whole world was pure...... 整个世界就清净了…… Chen Ping puts out a hand, reaches the present Pangu axe. 陈平伸手,伸向眼前的盘古斧。 It has a feeling, so long as he grips the Pangu axe, then It can recover thoroughly. 祂有种感觉,只要他握住盘古斧,那么祂就能够彻底复苏。 From now. 从此以后。 World does not have Chen Ping again. 世间再无陈平。 Only has Pangu. 只有盘古。 ...... …… ...... …… Big Brother......” “大哥哥……” A sound of soft and thorough soul. 一声柔软又深入灵魂的声音。 Suddenly resounds in Chen Ping's mind. 突然在陈平的脑海中响起。 Chen Ping's hand fiercely. 陈平的手猛地一顿。 His front, presented a cute doll. 他的面前,出现了一个可爱的洋娃娃。 The doll keeps off in him and Pangu axe the middle. 洋娃娃挡在他与盘古斧的中间。 Big Brother......” “大哥哥……” The voice of baby resounds again. 娃娃的声音再度响起。 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) huge demon god body, is stiffly unbending on the spot. 十万丈的巨大魔神身躯,硬生生僵直在原地。 The form of baby was too tiny, to can neglect tiny. 娃娃的身影实在太渺小了,渺小到可以忽视。 But Chen Ping sees that say/way small stubborn form, bore the movement. 但陈平看见那道小小的倔强的身影,还是忍住了动作。 Long time. 半晌。 His that confusion also has several points of form decidedly, put out a character stiffly: Go away!” 祂那混乱又带着几分决然的身影,生硬地吐出了一个字:“滚!” The boundless invincible might blots out the sky to grind. 磅礴的神威铺天盖地碾来。 Babies float in Pangu axe front, is nipping the jaw tightly, supports that boundless pressure, the sound is entering the soul clearly: „Did Big Brother...... you forget? Did you forget you to my commitment?” 娃娃悬浮在盘古斧前方,紧咬着牙关,强撑着那磅礴的威压,声音清脆入魂:“大哥哥……你忘了吗?你忘了你对我的承诺了吗?” You have said that you will protect the world that this we deeply love well......” “你说过的,你会好好守护这个我们热爱的世界……” Chen Ping sinking sound said: All that I make, is protecting this world...... I am Pangu...... protects me, is protecting this world!” 陈平沉声道:“我所做的一切,就是在守护这个世界……我就是盘古……守护我自己,就是在守护这个世界!” You understand anything...... my pain......, when I crawl this crowd on me the insect that non-stop hemophagiaing remove...... me to protect this world entirely!” “你又懂什么……我的痛苦……当我将这群匍匐在我身上不停吸血的虫子统统除掉……我就是在守护这个世界!” Chen Ping's voice mixes with several points of hoarse, the sinking sound is opening the mouth to refute. 陈平的声音夹杂着几分嘶哑,沉声开口反驳。 Perhaps is the baby in his mind, has the completely different position, is this world's rare can touch to the girl of his mind, making him unable to bear dispute with the baby. 或许是娃娃在他的心目中,有着完全不一样的地位,是这个世界少有的能够触动到他心灵的女孩,让他忍不住跟娃娃辩驳起来。 The babies actually in the next quarter, fly, grasped Chen Ping's palm. 娃娃却在下一刻,飞过去,抱住了陈平的手掌。 I know...... I know your pain......” “我知道的……我知道你的痛苦……” Her within the body, some innumerable ghosts called out pitifully slightly, as if must pass the body, but was her body is actually shivering gently, exhausted all strengths, enclasps the present big hand. 她的体内,有无数鬼魂丝毫惨叫,仿佛要透体而出,而是她的身体却轻轻颤抖着,用尽所有的力量,抱紧眼前的大手。 I withstood cursing and curses of 1 million ghosts...... that feeling am very very painful painful......” “我承受了百万冤魂的咒骂与诅咒……那种感觉很痛很痛……” However the Big Brother you...... the present is withstanding 10 billion levels of lives puzzled with cursing...... that pressure, with painful disparity far more than ten thousand times that I withstand? I have known, knows the Big Brother you are very certainly painful, is very certainly tired very tired......” “而大哥哥你……如今正在承受着百亿级生灵的不解与咒骂……那种压力,跟我承受的痛苦差距何止万倍?我一直都知道的,知道大哥哥你一定很痛苦,一定很累很累……” Chen Ping's hand lived thoroughly, does not seem to think, matter developed this situation, he had turned big fiendish person who extinguished the world, but also some people can say these words to him. 陈平的手彻底顿住了,似乎没想到,事情发展到了这个地步,他已经变成了灭世的大魔王,还有人能够对他说出这番话。 But......” “可是呀……” Big Brother......” “大哥哥……” A baby words revolution. 娃娃话语一转。 Such as I was not understood to be the same by everyone from the beginning, so long as you deeply love this world continually, any misunderstanding, actually has the opportunity to untie.” “就如我一开始不被所有人理解一样,只要你持续地去热爱这个世界,任何误解,其实都是有机会解开的。” Goes to the feeling to get a chill...... feels the fresh flower, feels lawn, feels the sky and land...... feels each to have the happened together person with you...... feels their intentions......” “去感受风吧……去感受鲜花,去感受草地,去感受天空与大地……去感受每一个与你有所交集的人……去感受他们的心意……” „, They really such as you imagine can't withstand like that despicably?” “难道,他们真的如你所想象的那般卑劣不堪吗?” The words of baby, just like together the startling thunderclap, punctured the haze. 娃娃的一番话,犹如一道惊雷,刺破了阴霾。 Just likes heavy rain, washed the dirt of Chen Ping. 犹如一场大雨,洗涤了陈平内心的污垢。 Feels each to have the happened together person with me...... 去感受每一个与我有所交集的人…… They really such as I think can't withstand like that despicably? 难道他们真的如我所想的那般卑劣不堪吗? Chen Ping thinks is willing to offer all, only to help he small busy Song Siyao. 陈平想到了愿意献出一切,只为了帮他一点小忙的宋司遥。 Chen Ping thinks sympathizes extremely, keeping lets the elder sister who he lives by pimping. Chen Ping thinks casual, actually consistently stands in the master who his standpoint thinks the issue. Chen Ping thinks knows perfectly well the hopeless situation, is willing as before with the partner who he fights side-by-side together. Chen Ping also thinks that the summit of standing erect world, has ignored the life obviously as before, a person of sword steps into the bad risk extremely to bury Paradise Valley, only opens the peaceful summer country war-god for the later generation...... 陈平想到了体贴万分,不停让他吃软饭的姐姐。陈平想到了性格大大咧咧,却始终站在他立场想问题的师父。陈平想到了明知绝境,依旧愿意跟他一起并肩作战的伙伴。陈平还想到了那个明明已经屹立世界之巅,依旧不顾性命,一人一剑踏入凶险万分葬仙谷,只为后世开太平的夏国战神…… Chen Ping will look at that again, regardless of this world gave her many evil intention, she is still in hopeful the baby deep love this world...... 陈平再度将目光投向那个无论这个世界给予了她多少恶意,她依旧满怀希望热爱这个世界的娃娃…… I......” “我……” I......” “我……” Chen Ping's eye socket blushes suddenly. 陈平的眼眶蓦然发红。 Regards as Pangu of blood sucking insect all living things is he. 将众生视为吸血虫的盘古是他。 However, witnessed world all sorts of happily, that person who pledging to fight to the death to protect all living things, is he...... 但是,见证了世间种种美好,誓死要守护众生的那个人,也是他啊…… That to the summer country war-god, is bowing to salute. 那个对着夏国战神,躬身行礼。 Establishing the mountains and rivers is well, I will pledge to fight to the death the youngster of protection pledge, isn't he? 立下此间山河无恙,我会誓死守护誓言的少年,难道就不是他? 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