SG4 :: Volume #6

#549: I am Pangu

Cracking a joke...... 开什么玩笑…… You special are cracking a joke...... 你特么在开什么玩笑啊…… My that diligently salvation. 我那么努力救世。 Then to protect all living things diligently fights. 那么努力地为了守护众生而战。 Resolving to get rid of that hateful Pangu. 立志要将那可恶的盘古干掉。 Finally is Pangu unexpectedly I?! 结果盘古竟是我自己?! Chen Ping wants to deny this unthinkable suspicion strongly. 陈平竭力想要否认这个匪夷所思的猜想。 But the Pangu axe actually vibrates gently, release a wisp of internal energy. 可是盘古斧却轻轻震动,释放出了一缕气机。 But his body can actually accept this wisp of internal energy perfectly, as if the Pangu axe is his thing...... 而他的身体却能够完美地接受这缕气机,仿佛盘古斧本来就是他的东西…… It is not similar. 不是仿佛。 Yes! 就是! The Pangu axe has recognized the lord. 盘古斧已经认主了。 But the master, is he himself! 而主人,是他自己! Chen Ping's heart is trembling, the body is shivering. 陈平的心在发抖,身体在颤抖。 He by the reality of this terrifying, was pressed is almost impossible to pant for breath. 他被这恐怖的现实,压得几乎无法喘息。 The language has the strength. 语言是有力量的。 Is points out frankly the truth not to mention the language. 更别提是道破真相的语言。 As the Pangu axe said the truth on own initiative, Chen Ping's mind started to turn fiercely wells up. 随着盘古斧主动道出真相,陈平的脑海开始剧烈翻涌。 Clues start the reappearing water surface. 紧接着,一个个线索开始浮现水面。 He is an orphan, he with the elder sister is not biological brother and sister. 他是一个孤儿,他跟姐姐并不是亲兄妹。 He has extremely special body structure, even can simultaneously hold seven gods. 他拥有极为特殊的身体构造,甚至能同时容纳七尊神祗。 With the enhancement of his strength, the disaster of the whole world is also keeping the frequency sending to intensify, this is because he grows stronger with himself, Pangu also recovers. 随着他力量的不停增强,整个世界的灾难也在不停频发加剧,这是因为他随着自己变强,盘古也随之复苏。 When he comprehends his say/way, after awakening truly, the ancient god starts to present the heartbeat...... 当他领悟他的道,真正觉醒之后,古神开始出现心跳声…… Yes, recovers now, discovered suddenly, intensifying that ancient God recovers, non-stop the enhanced frequency with his strength, is completely the synchronization! 是的,如今回过神来,才恍然发现,古神复苏的加剧,跟他实力不停增强的频率,完全是同步的! Clues, are connected in this moment. 一个个线索,在这一刻相连。 More and more information, in left Zheng a fact. 越来越多的信息,都在左证着一个事实。 He...... 他…… Is Pangu! 就是盘古! Was, initially absorbed the star source stone, only then he can 100% absorptions. 是了,当初吸收星源石,只有他能够百分之百吸收。 Others absorb the star source stone, must give away partial feedback to the stars, feeds back to the land. 其他人吸收星源石,都要让出一部分反馈给星辰,反馈给大地。 But why doesn't he need to feed back? 可他凭什么就不用反馈? Is outstanding depending on his natural talent? 凭他天资卓绝? Joke! 笑话! It is not because this world is she? 不就是因为这个世界就是她吗? She feeds back to her own, isn't 100%?! 她反馈给她自己,不就是百分之百吗?! Not......” “不……” Impossible......” “不可能的……” I do not want to work as Pangu......” “我不想当盘古……” I am not Pangu! “我不是盘古! Chen Ping's head is getting more and more painful, the heart also twitches. 陈平的脑袋越来越痛,心脏也随之抽搐。 He shocks discovered, the Pangu axe said that probably real. 他震骇地发现,盘古斧说的,好像是真的。 His within the body really has an inexplicable strength to be roused, in that limitless black deep sea, contains the strength of Pangu. 他体内真的有一股莫名的力量正在被勾动,那无边无际的黑色深海中,蕴藏着盘古的力量。 The source of deep sleep starts to recover. 沉睡的本源开始复苏。 That is the strange and familiar strength, indeed is own strength. 那是陌生又熟悉的力量,的的确确是自己的力量。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The inexhaustible ocean starts to turn wells up. 无穷无尽的大洋开始翻涌。 Is centered on Chen Ping's body turns is welling up. 以陈平的身体为中心翻涌着。 Vault of heaven lasing scarlet red thunder and lightning. 天穹激射着一道道深红色的雷电。 Making threatening gestures. 张牙舞爪。 With not the unimaginable terrifying hurricane, transits 30,000 li (0.5 km). 伴随着无法想象的恐怖飓风,过境三万里。 Probably the spitting breath of gods. 好像神明的吐息。 Chen Ping stands in the huge incomparable vortex center alone, the eye socket blushes, the vision that will seek help went to mother, wish makes mother speak several words. 陈平孤零零地站在庞大无比的漩涡中心,眼眶发红,将求助的目光投向妈妈,想要让妈妈说几句话。 The mother looks at him, in the eye has several points to be sorrowful and tender, but actually does not say a word. 妈妈看着他,眼中有着几分悲哀与怜惜,但却不发一言。 The fact is very clear...... 事实已经很清楚了…… Even seven gods, know this truth from the beginning. 甚至七位神,一开始就知道这个真相。 Therefore, they will choose Chen Ping. 所以,她们会选择陈平。 Therefore, when Chen Ping said that must let they resist the end, they from the beginning reject. 所以,当陈平说要让她们抵御末日的时候,她们一开始是拒绝的。 Because they know, fights finally, ends certainly by this aspect. 因为她们知道,战斗到最后,一定是以这个局面收场。 This fight, can say without the significance. 这一场战斗,可以说毫无意义。 „It is not Pangu...... I am not Pangu......” “不是盘古……我不是盘古……” „ Is mother, you cracking a joke?! “妈的,你在开什么玩笑啊?! Chen Ping raised the head suddenly, the hand grasps a Sky Sword to cut courageous toward the Pangu axe. 陈平突然抬起头,手握封天剑勐地朝盘古斧斩去。 Bang! 轰! A sword opens the day! 一剑开天! This epoch-making sword, happen to contains Pangu that to open the chaos the unsurpassed true meaning, can cut broken the entire world! 这开天辟地的一剑,正好蕴含着盘古那开辟混沌的无上真意,可以将整个天地都斩碎! However this strength was swallowed by the Pangu axe unexpectedly directly. 然而这股力量竟是被盘古斧直接吞噬了。 Not only swallowed, the Pangu axe also shivers fiercely, as if covered some sources, is extremely excited. 不仅吞噬了,盘古斧还剧烈颤抖,仿佛回补了一些本源,极度兴奋。 Oh...... is this...... is this flavor!” “噢……就是这个……就是这个味道!” „Does master...... come again? Comes again one time?” “主人……再来一点?再来一次?” Chen Ping:...... 陈平:…… Chen Ping suspected that the Pangu axe is shaming him. 陈平怀疑盘古斧在羞辱他。 But he does not have the evidence. 但他没有证据。 Suddenly, has the ancient source to recover from within the body. 突然间,有古老的本源从体内复苏。 Chen Ping whole body severe pain gets up, as if each of body is tearing, as if each of body is inflating, as if own body no longer is own body. 陈平浑身剧痛起来,仿佛身体的每一处都在撕裂,仿佛身体的每一处都在膨胀,仿佛自己的身体不再是自己的身体。 „......! “啊……! His pain covered the chest, the heart beats the pinnacle. 他痛苦捂住胸口,心脏跳动到了极致。 passes...... 噗通…… passes...... 噗通…… passes! 噗通! Heartbeats, from inside to outside. 一声声的心跳,从内到外。 Song Siyao and mother heard this heartbeat. 宋司遥和妈妈听见了这个心跳。 Remote separates outside the thousand li (500 km) awakened the powerhouses to hear this heartbeat. 遥隔千里之外的觉醒界强者们听到了这个心跳。 Finally, the people several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) away , heard this heartbeat...... 最终,数万里之外的民众,也听到了这个心跳…… The life of the world, starts to hear this heartbeat. 全世界的生灵,都开始听见这个心跳。 Chen Ping's heartbeat, starts the heartbeat synchronization that recovers with the ancient gods. 陈平的心跳,开始跟古神复苏的心跳同步。 His body surface started to have golden god marks to appear, crawls completely his four limbs, crawled completely his that ordinary and firm and resolute face. 他身体表面开始有一道道金色的神纹出现,爬满了他的四肢,爬满了他那平凡又坚毅的脸。 His body starts to inflate. 紧接着他的身体开始膨胀。 Inflates from 1-2 meters to three zhang (3.33 m), 30 zhang (3.33 m)...... 从1-2膨胀到三丈,三十丈…… Three hundreds of zhang (333 m)...... 3000 zhang (3.33 m)...... 30,000 zhang (3.33 m)! 三百丈……三千丈……三万丈! Finally, Chen Ping stood directly in the endless ocean, the figure exceedingly high penetrating place, the top of the head heaven, the foot supported nine quiet, just like the demon god of antiquity to reappear the human world! 最后,陈平直接立在了无尽的大洋中,身形通天彻地,头顶苍天,脚撑九幽,犹如上古的魔神般重现人间! Frequently several kilometers howls to keep whipping his body greatly. 动辄数千米的巨啸不停拍打着他的身体。 To him, such as the small spray is ordinary. 对他来说,却如小浪花一般。 Chen Ping looks at all around at a loss, looks at itself at a loss. 陈平茫然地看着四周,茫然地看着自己。 Simultaneously the look is vacant, through the geostationary satellite, trillion people that look at the battlefield, they look at all that has at present unbelievable. 同时神色茫然的,还有通过同步卫星,看着战场的亿万民众,他们都难以置信地看着眼前发生的一切。 What was god...... just saying?” “神主……刚刚在说什么?” He said that he is Pangu?” “他说他是盘古?” ancient God who that will soon recover the destruction world?” “那个即将复苏毁灭世界的古神?” Not...... not possible......! “不……不可能的……! A lot of people same collapse with Chen Ping. 不少民众跟陈平一样崩溃。 They stared in a big way the eye, covered the mouth, was hard to accept this fact. 他们瞪大了眼睛,捂住了嘴巴,难以接受这个事实。 The man who that they most believe that that they regards as to save the world it, will save the human future final hope, will the result be they most frightened despair? 那个他们最相信的男人,那个他们将其视作拯救世界,拯救人类未来的最终希望,结果是他们最恐惧的绝望? The reality of this terrifying, making everyone mentality collapse. 这恐怖的现实,让所有人都心态崩了。 Many people even have tears streaming down the face, loudly shouted this not real. 不少人甚至泪流满面,大呼这不是真的。 Person who they believe that how possibly is a devil? 他们所信仰的人,怎么可能是一个魔鬼? Must know that in this world, most people may regard as the belief Chen Ping, several billions fans...... Chen Ping even depends on this belief, cultivated the True God boundary peak the incense and candle law...... 要知道在这个世界上,绝大部分人可都是将陈平视作信仰的,数十亿的粉丝啊……陈平甚至靠着这股信仰,将香火法相都修炼到了真神境巅峰…… Now exposes the truth time, is Chen Ping ancient God who that must destroy the world? 如今揭露真相的时候,陈平就是那个要毁灭世界的古神? What century joke is this?! 这是什么世纪玩笑啊?! Countless people want to deny, but they saw the youngster of body suddenly inflation. 无数人想要否认,可是他们看见了身体突然膨胀的少年。 They saw the youngster to change to 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) demon god, the ancient god winches around the body of youngster, the body of youngster also started keratinizing simultaneously, as if had the armor of demon god, must appear in the fair and clear skin. 他们看见少年化作了十万丈的魔神,更有一道道古老的神纹盘绕着少年的身体,同时少年的身体也开始角质化,似乎有魔神的铠甲,要出现在白净的皮肤中。 Chen Ping was still groaning painfully. 陈平仍在痛苦地呻吟着。 He is unable to control within the body roaring filial piety again the source, just like tidal wells up crazily. 他再也无法控制体内咆孝的本源,犹如潮水般狂涌而出。 All volcanos in the world , erupt. 世界上的所有火山,同时爆发。 Welcomed unprecedented vent. 迎来了一次前所未有的发泄。 The vault of heaven lowers the endless aurora. 天穹降下无尽的极光。 As if welcoming the birth of king. 仿佛在恭迎王的诞生。 World who trillion innermost feelings collapse, even sees that 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) big god body, on that familiar and strange face, forehead presented a big crack. 亿万内心崩溃的世人,甚至看见那个十万丈高大的神躯,那张熟悉又陌生的脸上,眉心处出现了一个大大的裂纹。 That crack deep place, blooms profoundly the god of most source light/only. 那裂纹深处,绽放出最为深邃最为本源的神光。 The ray passes the vault of heaven, seeming to be epoch-making. 光芒直透天穹,好似能够开天辟地。 Epoch-making one! 开天辟地的一! one of the end sequence! 末日序列的一!
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