SG4 :: Volume #6

#547: Angry god

The world caved in a bulk. 世界塌陷了一大块。 Because of youngster that angry fist. 都是因为少年那愤怒的拳头。 The world full sees that say/way angry form inconceivable. 世人满是不可思议地看着那道愤怒的身影。 Clearly, that youngster grown stronger. 很明显,那位少年又变强了。 Moreover as if stepped into an unthinkable domain. 而且仿佛踏入了一个匪夷所思的领域。 He as if merging into one organic whole with the whole world, every action and every movement can tow the endless mighty force. 他自身仿佛就与整个世界融为一体,一举一动都能牵引无尽伟力。 Powerful incomparable Yin Pangu by a fist lake face, that angry fist, unexpectedly Yin Pangu that attractive cheek destroying half. 强大无比的阴盘古被一拳湖脸,那愤怒的拳头,竟是将阴盘古那漂亮的脸蛋给打碎了半边。 The ocean leans the overturns to well up. 大洋倾倒翻涌。 The youngster stand oceans that in turning well up, one round of primal chaos big day is rotating behind, is evolving the endless deep meaning. 少年立在翻涌的大洋间,一轮太极大日在身后轮转,衍化着无尽的奥义。 Dried orange peel......” “陈皮……” Song Siyao looks to appear in the youngster of body bank dull. 宋司遥呆呆地看着出现在身畔的少年。 The youngster have turned the head, looking at one fully is the young girl of scar, gentleness as always: good work, distant...... you have done very well.” 少年转过头,看了一眼满是伤痕的少女,一如既往的温柔:“辛苦了,遥遥……你已经做得很好了。” Song Siyao sipped the small mouth, the eye socket of blushing, the eyes ripples that swung were the inverted image of youngster. 宋司遥抿起小嘴,发红的眼眶,荡起的秋波涟漪都是少年的倒影。 Chen Ping pulls out a god pill conveniently, throws to the young girl feeds. 陈平随手就掏出一枚神丹,给少女投喂。 Really injures heavily...... clever, this god pill knocking......” “伤得真重……乖,把这枚神丹给磕了……” Young girl hears word opens the fresh-faced lip cleverly, just like the kitty to accept throwing of youngster to feed generally. 少女闻言乖巧地张开粉嫩的唇瓣,犹如猫咪一般接受少年的投喂。 Also, mother...... you hurries to come out from the distant body, high-intensity uses her body, to her body is not a good deed.” The youngster continue to say. “还有,妈妈……你赶紧从遥遥的身体里出来吧,高强度利用她的身体,对她的身体并不是一件好事。”少年继续道。 Snort ~ ~ ~ had the wife to forget mother.” A mature and crisp supple sound floats. “哼~~~有了媳妇就忘了娘。”一个成熟又酥柔的声音飘来。 Chen Ping corners of the mouth twitched slightly: These words use?” 陈平嘴角微微抽动了一下:“这句话是这么用的吗?” „Isn't that? Only cared that your little girlfriend's situation, how does not ask your mother.” “那不是?只关心你小女友的情况,都不问问你妈妈怎么样了。” Although words saying, but the extremely powerful life soul, pulls out from the young girl slowly leaves, congealed to turn into wear formal clothes, the stature selected high, graceful noble female. 话虽然这么说,但还是有一股极度强大的命魂,缓缓从少女身上抽离,凝化成了一个穿着礼服,身材高挑,优雅高贵的女子。 Chen Ping looks to that say/way graceful dream form, slight nod: good work.” 陈平看向那道曼妙梦幻的身影,微微点头:“辛苦了。” The females curl the lip slightly, revenges for me well. 女子微微撇嘴,好好替我报仇吧。 Chen Ping nods: Naturally.” 陈平点头:“当然。” Afterward, he turns around to look to two Yin-Yang Pangu. 随后,他转身看向两位阴阳盘古。 At this time, the wild energy subsided gradually. 这个时候,狂暴的能量渐渐平息。 The Yin-Yang Pangu whole body ties tight, is staring at the sudden youngster stubbornly. 阴阳盘古浑身紧绷,死死地盯着突然出现的少年。 „Are you that god?” Yang Pangu child Kong contracts, the vibration, seems is critical situation slightly general. “你就是那位神主?”阳盘古童孔收缩,微微震动,好似如临大敌一般。 Yin Pangu covers the face of disruption, the hand is grasping the black blade, the tone is dense , and hate said: Damn, I must cut this hateful head!” 阴盘古捂着碎裂的脸,手握黑刀,语气森然且怨恨道:“该死的,我一定要将这可恨的头颅斩下!” Her figure hidden goes from the world suddenly. 她的身形蓦然从天地隐去。 Yang Pangu still looks at Chen Ping: Why too absurd...... will only half god have the so tyrannical strength...... you...... you why to help human?” 阳盘古仍看着陈平:“太荒谬了……区区半神为何会有如此强横的力量……你……你为何要帮人类?” Chen Ping knits the brows: What bullshit are you speaking?” 陈平皱眉:“你在说什么屁话?” Yang Pangu is startled, later laughs: Ha haha...... interesting, really interesting...... makes me cut your head, what making me have a look in your brain to install is anything!” 阳盘古一怔,随后哈哈大笑起来:“哈哈哈……有趣,真有趣……让我将你的头颅斩下,让我看看你的脑子里到底装的是什么!” She double refers to gathering, changes to the empty shadow of hatchet, cuts the epoch-making pinnacle point! 她双指并拢,化作小斧的虚影,斩出开天辟地的极致锋芒! Chen Ping's behind primal chaos big day inflated suddenly, changes to the huge incomparable primal chaos law, double referred to just like inverts the Yin-Yang the string of main road, moved gently, unexpectedly that epoch-making cut to displace the direction, fell in the space of nihility, the point of that pinnacle cut broken the space. 陈平身后的太极大日蓦然膨胀,化作巨大无比的太极法相,双指犹如颠倒阴阳的大道之弦,轻轻拨动,竟是将那开天辟地的一斩偏移了方向,落在虚无的空间上,那极致的锋芒将空间一路斩碎。 And follows a female's pitiful yell. 其中又伴随着一个女子的惨叫。 Yin Pangu from the space, was struck compelling by cutting of hatchet unexpectedly. 阴盘古竟是从空间中,被小斧的斩击给逼了出来。 Her chest presented a hatchet bloodstain. 她的胸口出现了一道小斧噼出的血痕。 The look, the youngster has flushed to her front in great surprise, unemotional, during the primal chaos rotations, a fist brutal crazy bang falls, the pinnacle strength wells up again fully crazily. 神色大惊间,少年已经冲至了她的面前,面无表情,太极轮转间,一拳无情狂轰而落,极致的力量再度铺天盖地地狂涌而来。 Quickly! 快! Really was too quick! 实在是太快了! Youngster that terrifying speed, making the genitals ancient capital extremely surprised. 少年那恐怖至极的速度,让阴盘古都极度吃惊。 Bang! 轰! Also is a fist lake face! 又是一拳湖脸! The brain of Yin Pangu almost explodes. 阴盘古的脑子几乎完全爆开。 This is a youngster contains ones anger a fist. 这是少年的含怒一拳。 A cavity anger that this damn Yin Pangu, almost killed Song Siyao, the youngster just can vent on her body, an easily accomplished fist, just like day to get angry, the bang results in the livelihood to hang upside down, the world inverts. 这个该死的阴盘古,差点杀了宋司遥,少年的一腔怒火刚好可以发泄在她的身上,摧枯拉朽的一拳,犹如天怒,轰得日月倒悬,天地颠倒。 Yin Pangu was rumbled again flies upside down, on the head covered entirely the crack. 阴盘古再度被轰得倒飞,头颅上布满了裂纹。 Boy, has the skill to meet my move!” “小子,有本事接我这一招!” Yang Pangu throws, the five fingers the glide is void simultaneously, changes to yao worlds the brilliance, each brilliance blooms to extinguish the light of the world, as if innumerable Pangu axes simultaneously toward Chen Ping. 阳盘古扑来,五指同时滑动虚空,化作一道道矅世的光辉,每一道光辉都绽放出灭世之光,仿佛无数个盘古斧同时朝陈平噼来。 Chen Ping undulating looked at Yang Pangu one eyes, the whole body supernatural power welled up crazily, changed to his supernatural power domain the world instantly, simultaneously both hands moved the world, Pangu axes were twisted in the next quarter again, scraped past from his whole body. 陈平澹澹地看了阳盘古一眼,浑身神力狂涌而出,将世界刹那化作他的神力领域,同时双手拨动天地,一道道盘古斧在下一刻再度被扭曲,从他的周身擦身而过。 . 身后。 Transmits the pitiful yell of Yin Pangu. 传来阴盘古的惨叫。 Body of Yin Pangu , many axe bloodstains of several deep obvious bones. 阴盘古的身上,又多了几道深可见骨的斧头血痕。 Blood whirlwind shoots. 鲜血飚射间。 On her face is filling at a loss. 她的脸上充满着茫然。 Why injured always I? 为什么受伤的总是我? Chen Ping seizes the opportunity, the figure flashes. 陈平抓住机会,身形一闪。 The next quarter, he appeared in the front of Yin Pangu. 下一刻,他出现在了阴盘古的面前。 The hand grasps the huge incomparable immortal sword, that immortal sword is interweaving immortal marks, as if there is huge immortal shadow standing erect vault of heaven to be immortal, type to seal/confer heaven. 手握巨大无比的仙剑,那仙剑交织着一道道仙纹,仿佛有巨大的仙影屹立天穹而不朽,一式封天。 Seals Sky Sword! 封天剑! The giant extravagant sword belt the terrifying penetration strength, is passing through the abdomen of Yin Pangu, then brings to inundate the angel splendor crash ocean, cavity that the ocean is too deep to see the bottom together, inserts the seabed, nails tight in the seabed mainland! 巨大的阔剑带着恐怖的贯穿力量,将阴盘古的腹部贯穿,然后带着漫天仙辉坠落大洋,将大洋噼出一道深不见底的空洞,一路插入海底,钉死在海底大陆! Yang Pangu is angry, holding their palms together, was concentrates unexpectedly 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) great Pangu god axes, the instance that the god axe dropped, the vastness changed into Kuwata, seeming to open the entire Earth. 阳盘古愤怒无比,双手合十,竟是凝化出了足足有十万丈之巨的盘古神斧,神斧落下的瞬间,汪洋化为桑田,好似要将整个地球噼开。 Fights! “来战啊! ! ” !” Yang Pangu at this moment, completely real thing. 阳盘古这一刻,是完全动了真格了。 The axe has not fallen thoroughly, that terrifying prestige energy, almost Chen Ping's body tearing. 斧头未曾彻底落下,那股恐怖至极的威能,就几乎将陈平的身体撕裂。 Chen Ping mind moves, the primal chaos big day appeared before the body suddenly, the black and white rotation, collided in the point of axe together, the primal chaos true meaning is erasing axe that epoch-making point crazily. 陈平心神一动,太极大日蓦然出现在身前,黑白轮转,跟斧头的锋芒碰撞在一起,太极真意疯狂抹除着斧头那开天辟地的锋芒。 Bang! 轰隆! Earth-shaking explosion. 惊天动地的爆炸。 The moisture content of entire ocean evaporates because of the energy impact of terrifying. 整个大洋的水分都因为恐怖的能量冲击而蒸发。 The collision center as if presented black hole. 碰撞中心仿佛出现了一道黑洞。 Is annexing and destroying the myriad things. 吞灭着万物。 Chen Ping's primal chaos big day contained the endless deep meaning, can annex and destroy all energies, can twist all energies, the point of axe started to be twisted gradually, but, his primal chaos big day also presented black marks. 陈平的太极大日蕴含无尽奥义,可以吞灭一切能量,可以扭曲一切能量,斧头的锋芒渐渐地开始被扭曲,但同时,他的太极大日也出现了一道道黑痕。 That is his say/way shape the sign that is unsustainable. 那是他的道象难以维持的迹象。 Chen Ping knits the brows, the primal chaos true meaning in within the body uses to transfer the strength of whole body, the whole body strength is blending seven gods the supernatural power that preserves in within the body, simultaneously erupts. 陈平皱眉,体内的太极真意倾尽一切调转全身的力量,浑身力量交融着七位神在体内留存的神力,同时爆发而出。 In primal chaos day that black and white blends, suddenly had to bloom seven entirely different colors. 黑白交融的太极大日中,突然有绽放出了七种截然不同的色彩。 The divine creative force deity, passes the space war-god, the kings control, the trial deity, ten thousand kings of beasts, not want the soul emperor, does not have the immortal emperor finally...... 造物天神,通宇战神,众王主宰,审判天神,万界兽王,无欲魂帝,终无仙帝…… Bang! 轰隆! The primal chaos big day had the mutation again. 太极大日再度发生异变。 Chen Ping's front primal chaos big day, stirred thoroughly broken the point of Pangu axe. 陈平面前的太极大日,彻底将盘古斧的锋芒搅碎。 He draws out to insert sealing Sky Sword on Yin Pangu, a sword blade revolution, wields the blade to the day, cuts day of a point that extinguishes the place, goes against the everywhere boundless point counter to push, breaks off the point of Pangu axe! 他拔出插在阴盘古身上的封天剑,剑刃一转,挥刃向天,一股斩天灭地的锋芒,逆着漫天磅礴的锋芒一路逆推,将盘古斧的锋芒折断! Yang Pangu was ignorant. 阳盘古懵了。 She discovered that present sword glow, by the epoch-making essence, is unexpectedly more epoch-making than her axe. 她发现眼前的剑芒,论开天辟地的精髓,竟比她的斧头还要开天辟地。 That breaks to pieces all the wills of hindrance. 那噼碎一切阻碍的意志。 That cuts to extinguish the invincible wills of all enemies...... 那斩灭一切敌人的无敌意志…… Whish! 哗! to seal/confer Tianjian cuts the expansive sky. 封天剑划破长空。 The body of Yang Pangu became two halves by a sword! 阳盘古的身体被一剑噼成两半!
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