SG4 :: Volume #6

#546: Yin-Yang Pangu

The crazy back punctures mother of Pangu. 疯狂背刺盘古的妈妈。 Finally was also carried the thorn by others. 终于也被其他人背刺。 Naturally, the words that must speak, that person should call Pangu 2nd. 当然,非要说的话,那个人应该叫盘古二号。 That is the figure has to together concave-convex the female, she melts in void completely, disregards the hindrance of space, can therefore be close to mother. 那是一道身形凹凸有致的女子,她完全融于虚空之中,无视空间的阻碍,所以能够神不知鬼不觉地接近妈妈。 When mother detected her existence, her black blade has pricked mother's chest, has a big blood splash. 当妈妈察觉到她的存在的时候,她的黑刀已经刺入妈妈的胸口,带起一大片的血花。 Song Siyao the tender body is shivering gently, blood incarnadine her clothes. 宋司遥的娇躯轻轻颤抖着,鲜血染红了她的衣裳。 The front Pangu was joyful. 前面的盘古愉悦了。 Back Pangu also smiled. 背后的盘古也笑了。 End sequence two, one Yin one Yang. 末日序列二,一阴一阳。 Yang responsible upfront even push. 阳的负责正面平推。 Yin greatly faintly in the world, once there is an extremely crucial time, then she will jump without hesitation, strikes the reversal universe. 阴的则大隐隐于世界之中,一旦有极其关键的时刻,那么她就会毫不犹豫地跳出来,一击逆转乾坤。 A Yin Pangu black sword spin. 阴盘古黑剑一旋。 Song Siyao then transmitted one painfully stuffy. 宋司遥便传来一阵痛苦的闷哼。 The fierce incomparable ache, let mother and Song Siyao the body is almost separated. 剧烈无比的疼痛,让妈妈与宋司遥的身体几乎要分开。 Nine quiet!” “九幽!” Song Siyao within the body spout the magnanimous nine quiet strengths. 宋司遥的体内喷涌出海量的九幽力量。 Meanwhile her body will soon just like ink dispersing. 同时她的身体即将犹如墨水般散开。 Opens the day!” “开天!” A Yang Pangu axe comes. 阳盘古一个斧头噼来。 Opens the day!” “开天!” A Yin Pangu similarly black blade revolution, the myriad things chaos were opened together the absolute nihility, can annihilate all energies the nihilities! 阴盘古同样黑刀一转,万物混沌都被噼开一道绝对的虚无,可以湮灭一切能量的虚无! Whish! 哗! ! In the world inexhaustible jet black was opened by two people in this moment jointly. 天地间无穷无尽的漆黑在这一刻被两人联手噼开。 Everywhere behind-the-scenes plotting dissipates. 漫天黑幕消散。 The blue sky reappears. 蓝天白云重现。 Simultaneously around the world space was shattered, the ocean has started to tilt. 同时天地四周的空间破碎,大洋已经开始倾覆。 The livelihood as if inverted generally. 日月仿佛颠倒了一般。 This is the strength of destruction extremely in the terrifying, created visual contrast. 这都是毁灭的力量太过于恐怖,造成的视觉反差。 Song Siyao the form appeared in the distant places of Yin-Yang two Pangu. 宋司遥的身影出现在了阴阳两尊盘古的远处。 Her chest has together the thick blood-stained mouth, the aura dispirited, looks at two people dignified: Why you abandoned abandoned child...... must achieve so the situation...... you whether isn't clear to own localization?” 她胸口有一道粗大的血口,气息萎靡,神情凝重地看着两人:“你们只是被抛弃的弃子而已……为何要做到如此地步……你们是否对自己的定位太不清晰了?” Hehe...... you said my heart very much to be painful.” Yang Pangu is grasping emptily a chest, almost said definitely me......” “呵呵……你说得我心很痛。”阳盘古握着空洞了一块的心口,“差点把我都说死了……” Yin Pangu dissolves in void gradually, the sound is chilly: But we have our missions, our lords also the significance that needs us...... this is we have......” 阴盘古渐渐隐于虚空,声音清冷:“但我们有我们的使命,我们的主还需要我们……这才是我们存在的意义……” Suddenly, Song Siyao the complexion changed suddenly, the figure flashed toward the side courageous. 突然间,宋司遥脸色突变,身形勐地朝侧面闪动。 At this time, a black blade has punctured from void, the twinkling penetrated over ten thousand li (0.5 km) the space, the dazzling black mark, is showing the fearsomeness of this blade. 这个时候,一柄黑刀已经从虚空中刺出,瞬息将空间穿透了上万里,刺目的黑痕,彰显着这一刀的可怖。 Yin Pangu appeared in Song Siyao unexpectedly behind. 阴盘古竟神不知鬼不觉地出现在了宋司遥的身后。 Ha haha...... cuts!” “哈哈哈……斩斩斩!” The Yang Pangu incarnation pleasure person, double refers to gathering again, condenses the empty shadow of god axe, cuts epoch-making points, opens the vault of heaven, cuts broken the ocean. 阳盘古再度化身乐子人,双指并拢,凝聚神斧的虚影,斩出一道道开天辟地的锋芒,将天穹噼开,将大洋斩碎。 Terrifying point, got angry to cut toward Song Siyao crazily. 恐怖至极的锋芒,疯狂地朝宋司遥怒斩而来。 Song Siyao can only the figure organize fast, resisted difficultly. 宋司遥只能身形快速腾挪,艰难地抵挡。 After Yin Pangu appears, she knows, her game is as good as lost. 当阴盘古出现之后,她就知道,她的大势已去。 The town/subdues killed the best opportunity of Pangu to miss. 镇杀盘古的最佳机会已经错过了。 Soul principles blot out the sky, camouflage a territory, changes into the long night the world again, however Pangu this time does not have any hesitates, the Yin-Yang blends, the god axe and black blade interlock have epoch-making points to cut to extinguish the long night domain vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered again! 一道道灵魂法则铺天盖地,遮蔽一域,将天地再度化为永夜,然而盘古这一次没有任何迟疑,阴阳交融间,神斧与黑刀交错纵横出一道道开天辟地的锋芒再度将永夜领域斩灭! Song Siyao spat blood to back up again. 宋司遥再度吐血倒退。 Don't waste your energy......” “别白费力气了……” You died!” “你死定了!” Yang Pangu laughs, the axe front surface falls again. 阳盘古大笑,斧头再度迎面噼落。 Opens the god axe attack that gathers greatly greatly, closed off Song Siyao all escape routes. 大开大合的神斧攻击,封锁了宋司遥所有的退路。 Simultaneously Yin Pangu mysteriously appears and disappears in void, that disregards the movement of space, may dispatch the most fatal blade anytime. 同时阴盘古在虚空中神出鬼没,那无视空间的移动,随时有可能递出最致命的一刀。 Song Siyao bare-handed pinched lost seal, started to summon nine quiet gods to join. 宋司遥徒手捏出神印,开始召唤九幽神祗前来助阵。 The shadows of exceedingly high penetrating places appear in world. 一道道通天彻地的黑影出现在世间。 But the axe of Pangu, cuts the immortal to extinguish the god, omnipotent, nine quiet gods a appearance, became the remnant soul to explode by the axe of sweeping away all obstacles. 但盘古的斧头,砍仙灭神,无所不能,九幽神祗才一出现,就被所向披靡的斧头给噼成了残魂爆开。 Encountered merely several times. 仅仅数次交锋。 Song Siyao the body were many several dazzling bloodstains. 宋司遥的身上就多了几道刺目的血痕。 The young girl whole body is shivering gently, several bloodstains are the deep obvious bones, mortal wound that Yin Pangu creates, is to make her body blood stream continue. 少女浑身轻轻颤抖着,好几道血痕都是深可见骨,那阴盘古造成的致命伤,更是让她的身体血流不止。 Sorry...... makes you suffer hardships......” “对不起……让你受苦了……” The mother that guilty sound appears suddenly. 妈妈那略带愧疚的声音蓦然出现。 Let alone sorry...... is I wants to fight.” “别说对不起……是我自己想要战斗的。” The voice of young girl also made a sound. 少女的声音也响了起来。 In that limpid moving eye pupil, reveals for several points firm and resolute and decidedly. 那清澈动人的眼眸中,流露出几分坚毅与决然。 Dried orange peel for this world, paid so many. So many people, to protect this world dying war, how do I possibly flinch?” “陈皮为了这个世界,付出了那么多。那么多人,都为了守护这个世界而死战,我又怎么可能退缩?” The young girls fear death very much, but does not represent her to be timid the war. 少女很怕死,但并不代表她就怯战。 On the contrary, she starts to use all, blended with mother's life soul, making both sides relate closely, her strength also rose suddenly simultaneously a section. 相反,她开始倾尽一切,跟妈妈的命魂交融,让双方联系得更加紧密,同时她的实力也暴涨了一截。 But insufficiently. 但不够。 Insufficiently! 还是不够! After Yin-Yang Pangu appears simultaneously, the strength absolutely did not have the weak area. 阴阳盘古同时出现后,战力完全没有了短板。 Attack unusual conditions of both sides, contain the prestige energy of main road, presses one after another. 双方的进攻浑然天成,蕴含大道的威能,轮番压来。 Song Siyao injury kept increasing. 宋司遥身上的伤势不停地增加着。 Blood incarnadine entire clothes. 鲜血染红了整个衣裳。 On face, nape of the neck, chest, abdomen, four limbs...... 脸上,脖颈,胸口,腹部,四肢…… No is complete. 没有一处是完整的。 The young girls are extremely unwilling, still the dying war, was trying to discover the flaw. 少女极其不甘,仍在死战,试图找出破绽。 But the perfect coordination of double Pangu, makes her extremely desperate. 但双盘古的完美配合,却让她极度绝望。 Must be defeated...... 要失败了吗…… Song Siyao in appeared a wisp of sadness flighty. 宋司遥的内心浮现出一缕悲伤。 But sad is not will die. 但悲伤的不是自己会死。 But was she used all even, is unable to help Chen Ping. 而是她就算是倾尽了一切,还是无法帮到陈平。 It is not able to help Chen Ping eradicate this end sequence...... 无法帮陈平铲除这个末日序列…… The boundless point transverse crack world, opens the entire world. 磅礴的锋芒横裂天地,将整个天地噼开。 Song Siyao the figure soared high, like flung the tattered rag doll that flew, was swept across by the terrifying energy, whole body severe pain. 宋司遥的身形高高飞起,如同被甩飞的破烂布偶,被恐怖的能量席卷,浑身剧痛。 The ice-cold aura transmits from the body side. 冰冷的气息从身侧传来。 Yin Pangu at this time, has appeared in her body side, the black blade in hand brutally cuts toward her nape of the neck. 阴盘古这个时候,已经出现在她的身侧,手中的黑刀朝她的脖颈无情斩来。 This is a fatal blade. 这是致命的一刀。 Dried orange peel...... 陈皮…… I have not used...... 我就这么没有用吗…… Song Siyao the eye socket blushed, she wanted to resist, the body that but was scarred, was unable to keep up with the movement of black blade...... 宋司遥的眼眶发红,她想要抵挡,但伤痕累累的身体,已经无法跟上黑刀的动作了…… The mother is also very impatient, but she experiences personally the heavy losses similarly, state of mind incomparable dispirited. 妈妈也无比心急,但她同样身受重创,神魂无比萎靡。 Bang! 砰! ! A big hand, kept off in the path front of black blade. 一张大手,挡在了黑刀的轨迹前方。 The black blade bloomed jet black light. 黑刀绽放出了一道道漆黑的光。 But that big hand actually gripped the point of black blade stubbornly. 而那大手却死死地握住了黑刀的锋芒。 Song Siyao the virgin hole contracted fiercely, looks that the familiar form appears together at present. 宋司遥的童孔剧烈收缩,看着一道熟悉的身影出现在眼前。 Dried orange peel......” “陈皮……” Young girl eye socket one red, then has the tears to flow copiously. 少女眼眶一红,便有泪水夺眶而出。 That youngster who the future young girl harbors intentions, Chen Ping! 来者正是少女心心念念的那个少年,陈平! Chen Ping's appearance is such sudden, such as Yin Pangu like that round trip silent. 陈平的出现是那么的突然,就如阴盘古那般来去无声。 Even Yin Pangu, appears to sudden of youngster has a scare. 甚至连阴盘古,都对少年的突然出现吓了一跳。 What is following is youngster that anger sound. 随之而来的是少年那愤怒至极的声音。 You to my distance......” “你对我的遥遥……” My mother......” “还有我的妈妈……” What did?! “都干了些什么啊?! ! ” !” Angry sound. 愤怒的声音。 The fist of youngster just like day of collapse -like to fall on the face of Yin Pangu courageous. 少年的拳头犹如天崩般勐地落在阴盘古的脸上。 Bang! 轰! ! A fist rumbles hollowly the face of Yin Pangu. 一拳将阴盘古的脸轰得凹陷。 Front void explodes loudly, changes to the endless chaos energy to explode again, fought with the fists to explode the twofold dimension, then was the front ocean this fights with the fists emptily several thousand li (0.5 km), as if innumerable nuclear explosion exploded simultaneously. 前方的虚空轰然爆开,化作无尽的混沌能量再度爆开,一拳打爆了两重维度,然后便是前方的大洋都被这一拳打得空洞了数千里,仿佛无数个核爆同时爆开。 The face of Yin Pangu exploded, the entire figure changes cracks-up the space the arrow to lose shoots. 阴盘古的脸炸了,整个身形化作撞碎空间的箭失倒射。 Without knowing, what kind of shocking prestige energy this fist contained. 没有知道,这一拳到底蕴含了怎样的惊世威能。 The global trillion people, as if in this moment, felt the anger of youngster! 只是全球亿万人,仿佛都在这一刻,感受到了少年的愤怒!
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