SG4 :: Volume #4

#393: Cannot withstand, really cannot withstand

Chapter 393 cannot withstand, really cannot withstand 第393章顶不住,真的顶不住 The honor marquis in west western countries let the status that the local marquis envy. 西西国的荣誉侯爵是让本土侯爵都羡慕的身份。 Has the privilege of local marquis, has not used the load matter. 拥有着本土侯爵的特权,还不用担事。 Saint knight meter/rice road that Saint brilliant palace that previous has the honor marquis, leads the knight to roll to do missionary work, but also protected west western countries border more than ten years, helping the west western countries process the S level heroes of over a hundred awakening disasters. 上一个拥有荣誉侯爵的还是圣光大殿的圣骑士米路,一个带领着骑士团过来传教,还守护了西西国边境十几年,帮西西国处理了上百次觉醒灾难的S级英雄。 Like Chen Ping west western countries, was awarded such status as the matter stands, takes a broad view at world each corner to be unprecedented, delivered an operation of city compared with the free world Organization opening initially, does not know that wants heroic spirit many times. 像陈平这样一来西西国,就被授予此等身份,放眼世界每一个角落都前所未见,比当初自由世界组织开局就送一个城的操作,不知道要豪气多少倍。 Must know that Chen Ping does not even need to be separated from the original influence, enrolls on the line merely. 要知道陈平甚至都不用脱离原有的势力,仅仅是挂个名就行。 It can be imagined, to win Chen Ping's favorable impression, this king some big boldness! 可想而知,为了博得陈平的好感,这位国王到底有多大的魄力! Chen Ping hesitated. 陈平犹豫了。 What really...... doesn't need me to make completely?” “真的……完全不用我做什么?” Chen Ping somewhat asked unthinkably. 陈平有些匪夷所思地问道。 That is natural.” “那是自然的。” Isidore nods cheerfully: You only need to accept this status, then enjoys all that you have, only then power, without duty.” 伊西多乐呵呵地点头:“您只需要接受这个身份,然后享受你所拥有的一切,只有权力,没有义务。” Chen Ping: „......” 陈平:“……” Right, I gave the fiefdom that you prepared am the maidenhair tree city, the resident had including the dwarf clan, the elf clan, the stone image clan grand total 3.6 million people, was a A level city, every year can bring to you are not lower than the incomes of 10 million star source stones, in addition various magical things spirit fruits, whatever you assigned.” “对了,我给你准备的封地是白果城,居民有包括矮人族,精灵族,石人族在内的总计三百六十万人,是一座A级城市,每年都能给你带来不低于一千万星源石的收益,除此之外还有各种灵物灵果,任由您来分配。” Chen Ping: „......” 陈平:“……” Heart movement? 心动吗? Must say how is not excited possible! 要说不心动怎么可能啊! Where Chen Ping has experienced this type of sugar-coated bullet. 陈平哪里经历过这种糖衣炮弹。 Moreover the key, they do not need Chen Ping to pay anything. 而且关键的,他们也不用陈平付出什么啊。 However Chen Ping faint also knows that what opposite party need is anything, the opposite party will definitely use his fame, creates some propagandas for his country. 不过陈平隐隐的也知道对方需要的是什么,对方肯定会利用他的名气,为他的国家做一些宣传。 Moreover all things have the causes and effects connected, he had received the kindness of west western countries, then what matter once in the future the west western countries will come across, he will stand by satisfiedly? 而且万事万物都有因果相连,他已经受了西西国的恩惠,那么未来一旦西西国遇到什么事情,他会心安理得地袖手旁观吗? The people of some cold blood may be indifferent, hangs up high. 一些冷血的人可能会漠不关心,高高挂起。 But Chen Ping is not in the middle of these people obviously. 但陈平显然不在那些人当中。 Can this king also know his character, therefore gives that big kindness? 这国王会不会也知道他的性格,所以才给那么大的恩惠? This is very likely. 这是极有可能的。 If he is an indifferent unfeeling, cruel and merciless half god, then the kings in west western countries will not find him. 若他是一个冷漠绝情,心狠手辣的半神,那么西西国的国王也不会找到他。 Good, young doesn't so three excellencies half god, which country like? 一个性格好,又如此年轻的三好半神,哪个国家不喜欢啊? Chen Ping looked at a smile sincere King Isidore, looked to accompany nearby dimple such as flower Empress Elisabeth of Austria, in the heart actually did not dislike this matter. 陈平看了一下笑容真诚的伊西多国王,又看了看陪同一旁笑靥如花的茜茜公主,心中其实并不反感这种事情。 In the final analysis, all, are because his present position is different. 说到底,一切的一切,都是因为他如今的身份地位已经不一样了。 The character of half god level, being worth anyone so showing good will. 半神级的人物,值得任何一个人为之如此示好。 But he must do, accepts this advantage confidently. 而他要做的,就是坦然地去接受这种好处。 „...... That line, the offensive talk said that in front, the title I accept, but I definitely focusing on my summer Guowei...... I will not acknowledge that any has the responsibility about west western countries.” “如此……那行吧,丑话说在前头啊,爵位我接受,但我肯定是以我夏国为重的……我不会承认任何有关于西西国的责任。” Chen Ping ultimately accepted the title of King Isidore to award, the nod said. 陈平最终还是接受了伊西多国王的爵位授予,点头道。 Ha! That is natural, that is natural! The friend of mine, this world, no one can force you to handle anything! So long as you accepted the respect of our west western countries to be good!” “哈哈哈!那是自然,那是自然的!我的朋友,这个世界,没有谁可以强迫伱做任何事情!您只要接受我们西西国的敬意就好了!” The Eassie widely experienced word the look great happiness, quickly calls all personnel in imperial palace immediately, held a grand title investiture ceremony for Chen Ping, and planned that lets out with the promotional film of west western countries together, when the time comes to a all the people of the world pleasant surprise! 伊西多闻言顿时神色大喜,急忙召集皇宫的所有人员,为陈平举办了一次盛大的爵位授予仪式,并且打算跟西西国的宣传片一起放出去,到时候给全世界人民一个惊喜! Chen Ping received the marquis token of west western countries. 陈平接过了西西国的侯爵令牌。 Takes King Isidore to bestow the ritual for the title that he prepares, have mixed feelings gets up. 拿着伊西多国王为他准备的爵位赐礼,心情复杂起来。 In a space storage Buddhist musical instrument, was the pile accumulated various treasures unexpectedly, dazzling, performed to reveal the imperial heroic spirit. 一枚空间储物法器内,竟是堆积满了各种宝物,琳琅满目,尽显皇家豪气。 What has not done obviously, he first received the divine object of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, then received the title of king, the fiefdom, various practicing resources, the treasure arrives much cannot use up, and some where arrives at people to visit him with the vision of respect, let his whole person some dreams. 明明什么都还没干,他先是收了茜茜公主的神物,然后又收了国王的爵位,封地,各种修行资源,宝贝多到用不完,并且走到哪里都有人用敬仰的目光看着他,让他整个人都有些梦幻了起来。 This works as the feeling of half god? 这就是当半神的感觉吗? Too was simply odd...... 简直太离谱了…… Your this does not make me make anything, I felt that these things are very hot! 你这不让我做些什么,我感觉这些东西很烫手啊! Luckily, Empress Elisabeth of Austria tomorrow must with the material of promotional film she is in harmony bringing. 幸好,茜茜公主把明天要跟她合拍的宣传片的资料给拿过来了。 Chen Ping remembered him to come the duty of this country finally. 陈平终于想起了他来这个国家的任务。 Shoots a movie with the princess! 跟公主拍片! The place buries dragon valley in the A level forbidden area of west western countries. 地点就在西西国的A级禁区葬龙谷。 Burying dragon valley is one creates the world forbidden area, but was conquered the creation world forbidden area. 葬龙谷是一个创世型禁区,但又是一个被征服了的创世型禁区。 It emerges out of thin air in the territory in west western countries . Moreover the Evil Dragon that many dead spirit Evil Dragon rebellions, in these legends can present, the western countries caused many disasters and casualties to west. 它凭空出现在西西国的领地中,而且有很多亡灵恶龙暴动,那些传说中才会出现的恶龙,给西西国造成了不少的灾难与伤亡。 The west western countries are very interesting, in line with the myriad things ten thousand clan coexistence, any life any lifeform appears, has its significance, has the idea of its value, unexpectedly wants to domesticate an entire A level forbidden area. 西西国则很有意思,本着万物万族共存,任何生灵任何生物出现,都有它的意义,都有它价值的理念,居然想要驯化一整个A级禁区。 Moreover what is most essential, it also succeeded. 而且最为关键的是,它还成功了。 Yes, buries dragon valley to become the back garden in west western countries now. 是的,葬龙谷如今已经成为了西西国的后花园。 Let the outside world be panic at the news, wishes one could except it then quick A level forbidden area, was tamed docile by the west western countries, this regarding the entire turbulent world aspect, the matter that without doubt fills people with enthusiasm extremely. 让外界闻风丧胆,恨不得除之而后快的A级禁区,被西西国驯服得服服帖帖的,这对于整个动荡的世界局面而言,无疑是极其振奋人心的事情。 Was just like the person to invent the tool, taming the wild animal that they were more powerful. 就好比人发明了工具,驯服比他们强大的野兽。 Destroying completely a forbidden area is not what skill, can tame a forbidden area is the skill. 灭掉一个禁区不算什么本事,能够驯服一个禁区才是本事。 Initially the lighthouse country also wants to tame the S level forbidden area Maya god boundary, although failed. 当初灯塔国还想驯服S级禁区玛雅神境呢,虽然失败了。 Now, the west western countries are want to invite Chen Ping to come to make the promotional film with Empress Elisabeth of Austria, pats is the development ideal of west western countries, pats is the hard strength and soft strength of west western countries, buries dragon Gupai to be good in the A level forbidden area. 如今,西西国就是想要邀请陈平过来跟茜茜公主拍宣传片,拍的就是西西国的发展理念,拍的就是西西国的硬实力与软实力,在A级禁区葬龙谷拍再好不过。 Next day. 第二天。 Chen Ping sits the unique spirit to be able the spaceship, arrived at burying dragon valley outside thousand li (500 km). 陈平就坐着特有的灵能飞船,来到了千里之外的葬龙谷。 Here has various types of seats. 这里早就有了各种机位。 The photographers salute to Chen Ping. 摄影师们都向陈平行礼。 Chen Ping some are not familiar with smile to them. 陈平有些不习惯地对他们笑了笑。 Looks again to the front, is the vast dragon Gushan mountain. 再看向前方,是一望无际的龙谷山岳。 This hill extremely desolated. 这片山丘极其的荒芜。 Some places even can also see the huge dragon strange skeleton. 有的地方甚至还能够看见庞大的龙怪尸骨。 The huge dragon bone|keel falls in the mountain valley, giant white bones arrange the distributed mountain ridge probably, is seemingly ancient and dismal, intermittent rich death air/Qi, in the above coils around. 庞大的龙骨落在山谷中,一条条巨大的白骨就好像排列分布的山脊,看起来古老又悲凉,还有一阵阵浓郁的死气在上方盘绕。 Here should be bad risk desolated place. 这里本该是一处凶险荒芜之地。 However Chen Ping actually sees, this place is living many Cecilie people. 但是陈平却看见,这个地方生活着不少的西西国人。 Longgu Village falls, is situated in all around of forbidden area. 一个又一个的龙谷村落,坐落在禁区的四周。 The place that the death dragon air/Qi coiled around, had the special strategy revolution, congealed value not poor dragon crystal death dragon Qi of transpiration. In the desolated mountain valley, is growing exceptionally beautiful and bewitching dragon bone|keel flower. In freezing above lake, some people are selling various types of dragon breath popsicle. Is having the purple flame fire place, many dwarf refiner master there refiner...... 死亡龙气盘绕的地方,有特殊的阵法运转,将蒸腾的死亡龙气凝结成了价值不菲的龙晶。在荒芜的山谷中,生长着大片大片异常妖冶的龙骨花。在结冰了的湖泊之上,有人在卖着各种龙息冰棒。在有着紫焰地火的地方,还有不少矮人炼器师在那里炼器…… Entire buried the dragon valley to be developed one to be able by the west western countries the cyclic utilization experimental plot. 整个葬龙谷都被西西国开发成了一个可以循环利用的试验田。 Chen Ping saw Empress Elisabeth of Austria who wears the black princess skirt, Yingying Station in front. 陈平看见了穿着黑色公主裙的茜茜公主,盈盈站在面前。 The Empress Elisabeth of Austria skin snow, the golden sending silk scatters on the clear fragrant shoulder, the silk slides the incomparable, black phoenix pupil has several points to be profound and mysterious, one meter seven selects the stature high under contrast of high-heeled shoes, noble air even more is threatening, is smiling to Chen Ping zhan face, that smile has a thrilling beauty. 茜茜公主皮肤似雪,金色的发丝散落在圆润的香肩上,丝滑无比,黑色的凤瞳有着几分深邃与神秘,一米七的高挑身材在高跟鞋的衬托下,愈发的贵气逼人,对着陈平展颜一笑,那笑容有种动人心魄的美。 Chen Ping also has stage fright facing such princess, his stature is one meter eight several . Moreover the stature is vigorous and healthy, the build is slender, wears a neat platinum aristocrat robe, has the unique and intense tone, does not lose Empress Elisabeth of Austria on the air/Qi field completely, has the feeling of planting builds very much on the contrary. 陈平面对这样的公主也怯场,他的身材更是有一米八几,而且身材健壮,体型修长健美,穿着一身整洁的白金贵族袍,也是有种独特又强烈的气韵,在气场上完全不输茜茜公主,反倒是有种很搭的感觉。 Present Chen Ping, is like that averagely was not no longer wonderful previously. 如今的陈平,已经不再是此前那般平平无奇了。 Said that tall Zhebai are ugly. 都说一高遮百丑。 Not to mention the present his tone becomes, the stature is perfect. 更别提如今的他气韵自成,身材完美。 No matter what who saw, wants to look at several. 任谁见了,都想要多看几眼。 Knows Chen Ping status as for these, photographer, the elf clan that the one side works, the dwarf clans, sees so the tone threatening youngster, is exuding the starry eyed eye. 至于那些知道陈平身份的,无论是摄影师,还是一旁工作的精灵族,矮人族们,看见如此气韵逼人的少年,都是泛着花痴眼。 „Is he that world's first Heaven's Chosen?” “他就是那位世界第一天骄?” Really seeing something once better than hearing hundred times, this bearing, this flavor, certainly!” “果然百闻不如一见,这气度,这韵味,绝了啊!” Beautiful!” “绝美!” „...... So startled certainly colorful person, can I want a signature to him?” “啊啊啊……如此惊才绝艳的人,我能向他要个签名吗?” Young half god...... this is many person long-awaited peak boundaries, he so achieved young, is really the person compared with the popularity deceased person!” “少年半神啊……这是多少人梦寐以求的巅峰境界,他如此年轻就达到了,真是人比人气死人!” Many people were sighing, is discussing low voice. 不少人在感叹,在小声议论着。 The youngster enter the stage, is doomed to be a focus of public attention. 少年一出场,就注定是万众瞩目的。 But at this time, Empress Elisabeth of Austria has held Chen Ping's hand with a face all smiles. 而这时,茜茜公主已经笑容满面地牵上了陈平的手。 That slides soft the tender white hands, shames places in Chen Ping's big hand bashfully, then the bashful belt/bring looked at Chen Ping one eyes timidly: Elder Brother, can we begin shooting?” 那柔软滑嫩的玉手,羞羞地放在陈平的大手中,然后含羞带怯地望了陈平一眼:“哥哥,我们可以开拍了吗?” Chen Ping god, told himself in the innermost feelings slightly suddenly crazily, this was the shooting, this was only the shooting. 陈平微微恍神,疯狂在内心告诉自己,这是拍片,这只是拍片而已。 Thinking, him is revealing to the princess wipes the light smile, the nod said: Ok, starts!” 想着,他对公主露出一抹淡淡的笑容,点头道:“可以,开始吧!”
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