SG4 :: Volume #4

#392: Supreme treatment

Chapter 392 supreme treatment 第392章至尊待遇 In a golden forest. 一片金色的森林之中。 Huge with Lord city that the nature melts. 有一座庞大的与自然相融的主城。 Here spiritual energy is rich, is vigorous, the golden forest especially is tall and straight vigorous and healthy. 这里灵气浓郁,生机盎然,金色的林木格外健壮挺拔。 In the Lord city has reaching to the sky wooden towers, the superficial brand mark powerful rune/symbol writing. 主城中有着一座座高耸入云的木塔,表面烙印着一道道强大的符文。 But in the center of Lord city, then there is a giant mountain, shape such as giant turtle, crown flat oval. 而在主城的中心,则有一座巨大的山岳,形如巨型的神龟,顶部扁平椭圆。 The imperial palace in west western countries is situated above this turtle mountain. 西西国的皇宫正是坐落在这神龟山岳之上。 Chen Ping enters the range of west western countries imperial palace, feels to have noble air to head on. 陈平一进入西西国皇宫的范围,就感受到有一股贵气扑面而来。 Enters the territorial airspace, under started to beat gongs and drums unexpectedly. 才进入领空,下方竟然就开始敲锣打鼓了。 The king put in order a guard of honor, welcome Chen Ping's arrival. 国王整了一个仪仗队,欢迎陈平的到来。 The spirit of bunch can the fireworks bloom in the midair, tall and pleasing to the eye. 一束束的灵能礼花在半空绽放,美轮美奂。 Has rainbow bridge to stretch across both sides, the middle also inscribes in Chinese welcome Chen Ping xiong king several large characters. 有虹桥横跨两端,中间还用中文写上“欢迎陈平雄王”几个大字。 My goodness, makes to welcome the banner with the rainbow? 好家伙,用彩虹做成欢迎横幅是吧? Chen Ping only feels to broaden the outlook. 陈平只觉得大开眼界。 He fell on out of the door of west western countries imperial palace. 他落在了西西国皇宫的门外。 The appearance quite delicate and pretty middle age uncle, had welcomed warmly, grabs Chen Ping's hand, is friendly warm exchanging greetings. 长相颇为俊美的中年大叔,就已经热情地迎了上来,抓住陈平的手,就是一顿友好热情的寒暄。 This is my father.” “这是我爹。” Empress Elisabeth of Austria passes message low voice. 茜茜公主小声传音。 Chen Ping is then suddenly enlighted, originally this is west western countries famous King Isidore! 陈平这才恍然大悟,原来这位就是西西国大名鼎鼎的伊西多国王啊! King Isidore is dozens years ago is leading the awakening regiment, series peripheral more than ten small countries, compose the legendary character in west western countries great nation, young was S level unrestricted, now cultivates for is immeasurably deep. Once talked wildly, when he prepared to step the road of half god, will pass on to the successor, was Empress Elisabeth of Austria. 伊西多国王可是数十年前带领着觉醒军团,一统周边十几个小国,组成西西国这个大国的传奇人物,年纪轻轻就是S级超限者了,如今修为更是深不可测。曾放言当他准备踏上半神之路的时候,就会传位给继承人,也就是茜茜公主。 King hello, thank your warm entertainment.” Chen Ping very polite say/way. “国王您好,感谢您的热情招待。”陈平很客气道。 Aiya, called my uncle on the line, the king looked on as an outsider, was not the leader met with.” This King Isidore, unexpected amiable. “哎呀,叫我大叔就行,国王见外了,又不是什么领导人会面。”这位伊西多国王,出乎预料的平易近人。 Is shaking Chen Ping's hand, cheerful say/way: Moreover any warm entertainment...... also buys to start...... to come our imperial family to the entertainment of high courteous reception, Chen Ping xiong king, comes with me quickly, I must make you experience today, the elegant demeanor of our west western countries!” 握着陈平的手,乐呵呵道:“而且什么热情招待啊……我们皇室至高礼遇的招待还买开始呐……来,陈平雄王,快跟我来,我今天一定要让你见识一下,我们西西国的风采!” Isidore Chen Ping is walking toward the imperial palace. 伊西多拉着陈平就往皇宫内走去。 The imperial palace in west western countries cannot be regarded resplendently in gold and jade green, on the contrary has an intimate natural antiqueness, most palaces by the gold/metal wooden casting, above some will mount some gems, seems like not only art and nature, moreover can always displays very well the modeling and structure, is filling the beauty of art. 西西国的皇宫算不得金碧辉煌,相反有种亲近自然的古色古香,大部分宫殿都是由金木铸造而成的,上面有的会镶嵌一些宝石,看起来既艺术又自然,而且总能将造型与构造发挥得很好,充满着艺术的美。 Chen Ping comes to the imperial family, but also saw other princesses and prince, face values online, will respond with the friendly smile to Chen Ping. 陈平来到皇室,还看见了其他的公主和王子,一个个也都颜值在线,而且都会对陈平报以友好的笑容。 That is Sir Chen Ping? Quite young!” “那位就是陈平大人?好年轻呀!” Really worthily is the present age's first Heaven's Chosen, in the average not wonderful appearance some are the tones of deep as sea.” “真不愧是当世第一天骄,平平无奇的容貌中有的是深沉似海的气韵。” Where average was not wonderful, obviously is very charming, belongs more looks more has the flavor graceful, like altar/jar good wine, extremely intoxicant. Ended, can I perish...... can make the Royal Father bestow a marriage?” “哪里平平无奇了,明明就是很帅气,属于越看越有味道的帅,就像一坛美酒,极其醉人。完了,我要沉沦了……能不能让父王赐个婚呀?” Bah! Your seven princesses, thinks that the toad does eat a day of goosemeat?” “呸!你一个七公主,也想癞蛤蟆吃天鹅肉?” Sees Qianqian sovereign elder sister? That...... obviously is her prey!” “看见茜茜皇姐没有?那位……明显是她的猎物啊!” A prince princess is talking in whispers, is gossipping low voice. 一众王子公主在窃窃私语,小声地八卦着。 Chen Ping has not thought, oneself can also become the Eight Trigrams (gossip) of imperial family, but he pours does not care, looks completely curiously to all around of Cecilie imperial family. 陈平没想到,自己也能成为皇室的八卦,不过他倒也不在意,满是好奇地看向西西皇室的四周。 He can also see one only to only have dozens centimeters villain here unexpectedly, in the transporting wood/blockhead, is the carpenter, seeing the king to pass through, will also stop, then salutes respectfully. 他在这里居然还能看见一只只只有几十厘米的小人,在搬运木头,做木工,看见国王走过,还会停下来,然后恭敬行礼。 This is a dwarf clan, must lower compared with common human by the intelligence quotient on many, but the refiner talent is quite good . Moreover the strength also stronger compared with the average person on many, is a very good kind of work in a factory, is very suitable our country to control them. At present our west western countries had achieved the strategic cooperation with the dwarf kingdom.” “这是矮人一族,论智商比寻常人类要低上不少,但炼器天赋相当不错,而且力量也比普通人要强上很多,是一个很不错的工种,很适合我们国家去驾驭它们。目前我们西西国已经跟矮人王国达成了战略合作。” Isidore smilingly introduced. 伊西多笑眯眯地介绍道。 Chen Ping looked at a dwarf earnestly, discovered that the physical quality of dwarf is very indeed strong, a dozens centimeters dwarf, can transport several hundred jin (0.5 kg) heavy item unexpectedly. 陈平认真地看了一下矮人,发现矮人的身体素质的确很强,一个几十厘米的矮人,居然能够搬运几百斤的重物。 Their ears are big, the nose and eye are also big, seems somewhat moe, limpid big eye, what reveals is to the life yearns happily as well as pure. 它们的耳朵大大的,鼻子和眼睛也大大的,看起来有些萌,清澈的大眼睛,流露出的是对生活的美好向往以及纯真。 They are constructing the house in the Cecilie imperial palace, a face bears the burden of responsibility even some appearances of enjoyment. 它们正在西西皇宫建着房子,一脸任劳任怨甚至有些享受的模样。 Isn't this extremely good tool person? 这不就是极佳的工具人吗? Chen Ping mood is somewhat strange, follows Isidore to walk into to praise the ritual main hall. 陈平心情有些古怪,又跟着伊西多走入颂礼大殿。 Here watched an extremely attractive dance show. 在这里观看了一场极其好看的舞蹈表演。 Why reaches an agreement to look. 为什么说好看呢。 Because dances unexpectedly is one crowd of elves! 因为跳舞的居然是一群精灵! The stature of elf selects especially high gracefully, the back has the translucent wing, the skin especially white and tender, sharp ear, bridge of the nose that selects high, the aquamarine like the gem eye pupil, the dancing stature is soft, the step is nimble and resourceful, during the cheerful leaping dances, can a joyful emotion from the heart, making Chen Ping unable to bear unexpectedly applauds loudly. 精灵的身材格外的高挑曼妙,背部有半透明的羽翼,皮肤格外的白嫩,尖尖的耳朵,高挑的鼻梁,碧绿色如宝石般的眼眸,跳起舞来身材柔软,步法灵动飘逸,欢快的跃动舞蹈间,竟是能够给人一种发自内心的愉悦情感,让陈平都忍不住大声叫好。 He appreciates this dance very much. 他很欣赏这种舞蹈。 Because this dance does not dope the dance of that approaching sex appeal, but is one type can give the person to be pleasant, from the heart regarding the joyfulness and appreciation of beautiful. 因为这种舞蹈不掺杂那种擦边的性感的舞蹈,而是一种能够给人赏心悦目,发自内心的对于美的愉悦与欣赏。 Isidore looks at youngster that limpid joyful look, caressed the black beard with a smile, quite nods satisfied, a grand elf dance ended, this king opens the mouth: This is the performance of elf dance theater, our Isidore kingdom also has the friendly and thorough cooperation with the elf kingdom......” 伊西多看着少年那清澈的愉悦的眼神,笑着抚了抚黑色的胡须,颇为满意地点了点头,一场盛大的精灵舞蹈结束,这位国王才开口:“这是精灵舞蹈团的演出,我们伊西多王国同样跟精灵王国有着友好且深入的合作……” He also led Chen Ping to go to the orchard of imperial family. 紧接着,他又带陈平去了皇室的果园。 Here has various delicious spirit fruits that in the Amazon forest is rich. 在这里有亚马孙森林中盛产的各种美味的灵果。 The fine wine jade reveal, Chen Ping tasted. 琼浆玉露,陈平都品尝了一遍。 „The west western countries seriously are outstanding people and magical soil, the product productivity.” “西西国当真是人杰地灵,物产丰饶啊。” Chen Ping is eating the spirit fruit of delicacy, while cannot bear voice the feeling. 陈平一边吃着美味的灵果,一边忍不住发出感慨。 , but his food gets down, ate much not well-known the specially delicious magical things. 他这一顿饭下来,吃了不少不知名的但又特别好吃的灵物。 Regarding his glutton, this may be too satisfied. 对于他这个吃货来说,这可太满足了。 Hehe...... Chen Ping xiong king likes well!” “嘿嘿……陈平雄王喜欢就好!” These are only the tip of the iceberg of our west western countries outstanding culture......” “这些只是我们西西国优秀文化的冰山一角而已……” The words that you like, can often come! Our country will award the status of you honor marquis, as long as like this you go to our west western countries, can enjoy the overwhelming majority privileges and benefits of our west western countries!” “你喜欢的话,可以常来啊!我国将授予伱荣誉侯爵的身份,这样但凡你来到我们西西国,便可享受我们西西国的绝大部分特权和福利了!” King Isidore smilingly opens the mouth. 伊西多国王笑眯眯地开口。 Chen Ping hears word is startled. 陈平闻言一怔。 Originally the goal of this king, is waiting for him here! 原来这位国王的目的,在这里等着他呢! In the west western countries, what although advocates is ten thousand clan equalities, ten thousand clans fuse, but also has the status and social class. The aristocrats and civilians are also different. In aristocrats some barons, viscount, Count, marquis and duke, these five big positions. 在西西国,虽然主张的是万族平等,万族融合,但同样是有着身份与阶级的。贵族和平民也是不一样的。贵族中又有男爵、子爵、伯爵、侯爵、公爵,这五大职位。 The civilians want the social class jump to be extremely difficult. 平民想要阶级跃升可是极其艰难的。 The duke does not raise for the time being, its position has differed with the king are not many. 公爵暂且不提,它的地位已经跟国王相差不多了。 The marquis basically is a national highest level aristocrat, has the fiefdom, has the private soldier, innumerable rich to the resources that being inconceivable, has various top privileges, similarly is to the national pivotal character, or has made great achievements of change country destiny, has the opportunity to be awarded the status of marquis. 侯爵基本上已经是一个国家最顶级的贵族了,有封地,有私兵,还有无数丰厚到难以想象的资源,更有着各种顶级特权,同样是对国家举足轻重的人物,或者作出过改变国家命运的丰功伟绩,才有机会被授予侯爵的身份。 Now Chen Ping what has not done, comes to west western countries merely, did the status of marquis deliver? 如今陈平什么都没做,仅仅是来一趟西西国,侯爵的身份就送上了? King...... this may not be applicable...... I to be pure to carry out the commercial cooperation...... my what virtue what to be able......” “国王……这可使不得……我只是单纯来搞一下商业合作而已……我何德何能……” Chen Ping is just about to reject, Isidore gripped Chen Ping's hand very seriously. 陈平正要拒绝,伊西多就十分郑重地握住了陈平的手。 Chen Ping xiong king...... this is our elder institute consistent decision , after is our west Western countries People are willing...... you to attain marquis to seal/confer, feared that the troublesome words, can make our elders act to manage the fiefdom, you return to Kunlun Mountains to study the palace to cultivate well, anything does not need to manage.” “陈平雄王啊……这是我们长老院一致的决定,也是我们西西国民众之所愿……您获封侯爵后,怕麻烦的话,可以让我们的长老代理管理封地嘛,您就回昆仑学宫好好修炼,什么也不用管。” Naturally, all resources and incomes in fiefdom were your, you can control at will. You do not need to make anything , does not need to give us any commitment, does not need to we have any to be responsible for...... the simple point, you enroll, then gets the resources and that's the end......” “当然了,封地内的一切资源与收益都是您的,您可以随意支配。您不用去做任何的东西,也不用给我们任何的承诺,也不用对我们有任何的负责……简单点来说,您就是挂个名,然后领资源就是了……” Oh, right, 30 bearing hardships and standing hard work dwarf refiner masters, and elf dancing girls of ten peonies, the special products of 100 box of our west western countries, marquis Chen Ping you had arranged, you go back, can lead them to go back together.” “噢,对了,三十位吃苦耐劳的矮人炼器师,以及十位国色天香的精灵舞女,还有一百箱我们西西国的特产,已经陈平侯爵您备好了,您回去的时候,可以带着他们一起回去。” King Isidore draws Chen Ping to talk endlessly in the one side. 伊西多国王拉着陈平就在一旁喋喋不休。 Chen Ping stared in a big way the eye, in the heart the mood turned wells up. 陈平瞪大了眼睛,心中情绪翻涌。 Do this group of people...... take this to test the cadre unexpectedly? 这群人……竟拿这个来考验干部?
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