SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3849: Crisis

Fengyuan True Immortal as has background True Immortal greatly, naturally has the means to bypass all sorts of limits, directly with Spirit Space Immortal Realm this relation. 丰原真仙作为大有背景的真仙,自然有办法绕过种种限制,直接和灵空仙界本部联系。 After the determination that under him complained surely, quick acted. 他下定告状的决心之后,很快就行动了起来。 He avoids others, found a secluded place in void. 他避开其他人,在虚空之中找了一个僻静的地方。 He first is bathes to change clothes, empties the mind, making the entire body and mind be at an elusive and tranquil condition. 他先是沐浴更衣,清空心神,让整个身心都处于一种空灵、宁静的状态。 Then, he starts the burning incense prayer. 然后,他开始焚香祷告。 He takes out fairyism abundant spirit fragrance, before putting the body , defers to the special technique to light, injects oneself unique immortal strength. 他取出一根仙气盎然的灵香,放到身前之后按照特殊手法点燃,注入自己特有的仙力。 His devout to this spirit fragrant prayer. 他虔诚的对着这根灵香祷告。 Sees only the spirit fragrant smoke air to arrive in the air, melts the billowing immortal to say obviously. 只见灵香的烟气升到空中,显化出滚滚仙云。 Passed the period of time, Fengyuan True Immortal that is calming the mind to pray has induced finally. 过了好一阵子,正在静心祷告的丰原真仙终于有所感应。 He immediately crouches/submits inverted/fall in the place, salutes after respectfully, oneself will leave the Spirit Space Immortal Realm later bitter experience, told completely. 他立即伏倒在地,恭敬行礼之后,将自己离开灵空仙界之后的遭遇,全部诉说了一遍。 Finally, he is the clear words considers. 最后,他更是明言相告。 Because certain senior immortals are up to mischief in the back, he is unable to complete the task that shoulders, is unable to integrate under Spirit Space Immortal Realm entire Ascending Heaven Star District. 由于某些前辈仙人在背后搞鬼,他迟迟无法完成身上肩负的任务,无法将整个登天星区纳入灵空仙界麾下。 After reporting, Fengyuan True Immortal calms down, waits for in one side silently. 汇报完之后,丰原真仙就静下来,在一旁默默等待。 After crossing some little time, was full of the dignified sound to appear in his mind together. 过了好一会儿之后,一道充满了威严的声音出现在了他的脑海之中。 All places that you said knew, this place will report this matter to the old ancestor, you only need await calmly the good news and that's the end.” “你所说的一切本座都知道了,本座会向老祖汇报此事,你只需静候佳音就是了。” After this sound vanishes, Fengyuan True Immortal and relation of Spirit Space Immortal Realm this section also ended. 这道声音消失之后,丰原真仙灵空仙界本部的联系也就结束了。 Obtains promise that oneself wanted, in Fengyuan True Immortal heart calm. 得到了自己想要的许诺,丰原真仙心中大定。 After this, he led cultivator hand/subordinate to return to Fearless World, does not have any movement, was waiting silently. 在这之后,他率领手下的修士们返回了无畏界,没有任何动作,就是默默的等待起来。 In the team many True Immortal are unsatisfactory, urged that Fengyuan True Immortal acts as soon as possible, to the enemy the opportunity of respite. 队伍之中不少真仙大为不满,催促丰原真仙尽快行动,不要给敌人喘息之机。 Especially Viewing Heaven Pavilion day broad True Immortal and Dazzling Yang True Immortal of Sanyang immortal sect, thinks Meng Zhang obtained the inheritance of Grand Dust Immortal Venerable, wants to capture. 尤其是观天阁的天广真仙和三阳仙宗的炫阳真仙,本来就认为孟章得到了钧尘仙尊的传承,想要夺取过来。 Their this combats, intercept Taiyi World on the halfway, was struck the severe wound by Meng Zhang, almost affected the foundation of practicing. 他们这次参战,在半路上拦截太乙界,被孟章击成重伤,差点影响到了修行的根基。 The new enmity added on to hate, making them hate the extreme about Meng Zhang old, wished one could to start to Taiyi World immediately. 新仇加上旧恨,让他们对孟章痛恨到了极点,恨不得立即对太乙界下手。 In the heart confident Fengyuan True Immortal has not paid attention to hand/subordinate the urging of True Immortal, has not explained anything to them. 心中有底的丰原真仙没有理睬手下真仙的催促,更没有向他们解释什么。 How long Fengyuan True Immortal has not waited, on result that oneself wanted. 丰原真仙没有等待多久,就等来了自己想要的结果。 The vast thought arrived at Ascending Heaven Star District together. 一道浩大的意念降临到了登天星区 The ordinary cultivator simply does not have the qualifications feeling and contact so vast thought that they know nothing about current all. 普通修行者根本没有资格感受和接触如此浩大的意念,他们对于正在发生的一切一无所知。 If the powerhouses of True Immortal rank have a sleep/felt, actually does not know how is a matter. 真仙级别的强者们若有所觉,却不知道到底是怎么一回事。 Be only True Immortal of this group from Spirit Space Immortal Realm, the whole body shakes, the entire body and mind was shocked, will for a long time restore very much from now on. 只有这帮来自灵空仙界真仙们,浑身一震,整个身心都被震慑住了,很久过后才恢复过来。 Some brain flexible fellows, associate to the Fengyuan True Immortal previous response, in the heart had guessed correctly how probably is a matter. 一些脑子灵活的家伙,联想到丰原真仙此前的反应,心中已经猜到了大概是怎么一回事。 At this time all Heaven Immortal near Ascending Heaven Star District, was very clear induction this thought. 此时在登天星区附近的所有天仙,则是非常清楚的感应到了这道意念。 In this thought contained the unsurpassed dignity, does not allow these Heaven Immortal to have the slight resistance. 这道意念之中蕴含了无上的威严,根本不容这些天仙们有丝毫的反抗。 Heaven Immortal in void ten thousand was No. 1 character, dominated a side sufficiently. 天仙在虚空万界之中都算是一号人物了,足以称霸一方。 But at this moment, while inducing to this thought that these Heaven Immortal obey besides the little darling, in the mind cannot have the resistance the thought. 可是此时此刻,在感应到这道意念的同时,这些天仙们除了乖乖服从之外,脑海之中根本生不出反抗的念头来。 This vast thought has not stayed in Ascending Heaven Star District, comes quickly, rapidness of also disappearance. 这道浩大的意念没有在登天星区停留,来得快,消失的也快。 After own will transmission, this vast thought vanished without the trace, does not seem to appeared generally. 在将自己的意志传达之后,这道浩大的意念就消失无踪了,仿佛从来没有出现过一般。 But this thought presents the consequence that causes, then completely changed the Ascending Heaven Star District situation trend, was in control of the destinies of innumerable powerhouse, the influence is extremely profound. 可是这道意念出现所带来的后果,则是彻底改变了登天星区的局势走向,主导了无数强者的命运,影响极其深远。 When that thought arrives at Ascending Heaven Star District, the wild with joy mood covered Fengyuan True Immortal body and mind. 在那道意念降临登天星区的时候,狂喜的心情就笼罩了丰原真仙的身心。 He knows, oneself prayer became effective, oneself obtained the result of wish. 他知道,自己的祷告生效了,自己得到了想要的结果。 Fengyuan True Immortal has not gone into action immediately, but continues to wait for in Fearless World. 丰原真仙没有马上行动起来,而是继续在无畏界等待。 But this time, True Immortal in team do not dare to come to urge that he acted immediately. 只不过这次,队伍之中的真仙们再也不敢过来催促他立即行动了。 That say/way vast thought arrives at shock that Ascending Heaven Star District brings, did not have to vanish from this group of True Immortal hearts thoroughly. 那道浩大意念降临登天星区带来的震撼,还没有彻底从这帮真仙心中消失。 When that say/way vast thought arrives at Ascending Heaven Star District, as Diviner Meng Zhang, depends oneself keen Spiritual Awareness, had detected faintly. 在那道浩大意念降临登天星区的时候,身为天机师孟章,仗着自家敏锐的灵觉,隐隐有所察觉。 Although does not know how is a matter, in his heart actually floated off suddenly an ominous premonition, then the huge sense of crisis covered his mind. 虽然不知道到底是怎么一回事,他心中却突然浮起了一种不祥的预感,然后巨大的危机感就笼罩了他的心灵。 Meng Zhang knows, this is his Spiritual Awareness is warning, has the enormous danger soon to arrive to his body. 孟章知道,这是他的灵觉在示警,有极大的危险即将降临到他的身上。 Regarding the danger from where, Meng Zhang was still but unascertainable. 可是对于危险到底来自何处,孟章仍然不能确定。 He at present the biggest enemy is the team that Fengyuan True Immortal leads. 他目前最大的敌人就是丰原真仙率领的队伍。 The strength of but him having is not weak, sufficiently with it contending. 可是他这边拥有的力量也不弱,足以与之抗衡。 Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if did not beat to defeat finally, he still had very big assurance to bring Taiyi World to flee Ascending Heaven Star District. 退一万步说,就算最后不敌战败,他也有很大的把握可以带着太乙界逃离登天星区 What kind of danger although does not make clear can be, but Meng Zhang does not dare to have the slight contempt absolutely. 尽管搞不清楚到底会是怎么样的危险,可是孟章绝对不敢有丝毫的轻视。 His Spiritual Awareness warned is always accurate, has saved his many times. 他的灵觉示警一向非常准确,已经拯救过他许多次了。 Since Ascending Heaven Star District this place soon becomes very dangerous, that gives up here all simply, flees Ascending Heaven Star District as soon as possible. 既然登天星区这个地方即将变得非常危险,那就干脆放弃这里的一切,尽快逃离登天星区 In any case he with Fengyuan True Immortal them, does not have the irreconcilable until death intense and deep-seated hatred. 反正他和丰原真仙他们之间,也没有不死不休的血海深仇。 As for with treaty of alliance between Myriad Monster World and Spiritualize World, that could not attend to entirely. 至于和万妖界化灵界之间的盟约,那都统统顾不上了。 Most, Meng Zhang before fleeing Ascending Heaven Star District, informs their one promptly. 最多,孟章在逃离登天星区之前,及时通知他们一声。 In any case among them is not that hardcore ally, trusts the degree to be limited, the restraint of treaty of alliance is not very strong. 反正他们之间本来就不是那种铁杆盟友,彼此之间信任程度有限,盟约的约束也不是很强。 Makes Meng Zhang a little have a headache only, violated that senior immortal's instruction, cannot continue to prevent Fengyuan True Immortal their movement. 唯一让孟章有点头痛的,就是违反了那位前辈仙人的吩咐,没有能够继续阻止丰原真仙他们的动作。 However, compared with own safety, offends a strange senior immortal, as if can also accept. 不过,和自家的安危相比,得罪一位陌生的前辈仙人,似乎也可以接受。 Meng Zhang prepares to flee Ascending Heaven Star District, has no alternative. 孟章之所以准备逃离登天星区,也是事出无奈。 Naturally, although Meng Zhang has wanted to flee Ascending Heaven Star District, but is not that can go into action quickly. 当然,尽管孟章已经想要逃离登天星区,可也不是那么快就可以行动起来的。 Spiritualize World also has many involving. 化灵界这边还有不少的牵扯。 Recently, melts spirit bottle tool spirit to win over Taiyi World, looked for book park almost to open Spiritualize World all resources. 近段时间,化灵瓶器灵为了拉拢太乙界,找书苑wwzhaoshuuan.com几乎向其开放了化灵界的所有资源。 Whatever Spirit Clan not only Taiyi World cultivator goes to Spiritualize World to mine various resources, but also provides various convenience and help as far as possible. 灵族不但任由太乙界修士前往化灵界开采各种资源,还尽量提供各种方便和帮助。 Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, wild fruit reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,野果阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】 Taiyi World cultivator always enjoys, did not hate to leave Spiritualize World, wished one could this good deed to continue forever. 太乙界修士乐此不疲,都舍不得离开化灵界了,恨不得这种好事能够永远持续下去。 By Meng Zhang in the Taiyi World unsurpassed prestige, can coerce all cultivator actually forcefully, compels them to leave immediately. 孟章太乙界的无上威望,倒是可以强行压服所有的修士,强令他们立即离开。 However, unreasonable that extremely Meng Zhang does not want to display, decides to give everyone again time. 不过,孟章不想表现的太过不近人情,决定再多给大家一点时间。 Spiritual Awareness warned, the crisis will soon arrive, but not necessarily arrived immediately, should also some response times. 灵觉示警,危机即将降临,可又不一定是马上降临,应该还有一些反应的时间。 Moreover the crisis is impossible to emerge out of thin air, is mostly related with the Taiyi World current enemy. 而且危机不可能凭空出现,多半还是和太乙界目前的敌人有关。 Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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