SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3820: Searches for the soul

Many monster beasts of this world, the character is often more tenacious than human cultivator. Even if knows perfectly well not to beat, when with the human cultivator fierce struggle, easily will not retreat, but must insist finally. 这个世界的许多妖兽,性格往往比人类修士固执。就算是明知不敌,在和人类修士激斗的时候,都不会轻易撤退,而是要坚持到最后。 This behavior, basically is because the monster beast receives in within the body beastly nature trend, therefore insufficient reason. 这种行为,基本上都是因为妖兽受到体内兽性的趋势,所以才不够理智。 Like getting angry ape king Monster King, had broken out of the beastly nature fetter every so often. 像怒猿王这样的妖王,很多时候都已经摆脱了兽性的束缚。 If not really able to win, it will not continue this pointless fight. 如果实在是无法获胜,它是不会继续这种没有意义的战斗的。 The angry ape king waves a pair of giant arm, whips the fly to be the same probably, striking in all directions violent force, tries to fly the Meng Zhang racket. 怒猿王挥动一双巨大的手臂,就好像是拍打苍蝇一样,猛力的四处拍击,试图将孟章拍飞出去。 Meng Zhang form around the angry ape king Pangda body unceasing rapid traverse, avoids its attack, while does not forget to wield Spiritsnake Spear, the emanation thorn strikes. 孟章的身影绕着怒猿王庞大的身体不断的快速移动,一边躲避它的攻击,一边不忘挥动灵蛇矛,不停的发出刺击。 When Meng Zhang again to avoid both hands of angry ape king strikes, has to move to the ground in temporarily time. A ground vibration, a huge shadow drills from the ground, was throwing to Meng Zhang. 孟章再一次为了躲避怒猿王的双手拍击,不得不暂时移动到地面上的时候。地面一阵抖动,一个巨大的黑影从地面下钻出来,对着孟章扑了过来。 Encounters the surprise attack suddenly, Meng Zhang that should be caught off guard, seems prepared to be the same early, drinks one lightly, you gave up finally.” 骤然遭遇突袭,原本应该措手不及的孟章,却仿佛早有准备一般,轻喝一声,“你终于舍得出来了。” Meng Zhang avoided throwing of that shadow to strike flexibly, has not forgotten to hand over to act Spiritsnake Spear, continued the thorn to the angry ape king. 孟章灵活的避开了那道黑影的扑击,还不忘递出手中的灵蛇矛,继续刺向怒猿王。 Black white two air currents from in the air dangle, pester are changing to together the chaos air current together, numerous falling to that shadow top of the head. 一黑一白两道气流从空中垂下,纠缠在一起化作一道混沌气流,重重的落到了那道黑影头顶。 Contained the Yin-Yang two air/Qi of strength of Grand Dao, this came one to meet the tough head-on with toughness with the enemy directly. 蕴含到了大道之力的阴阳二气,就这样直接和敌人来了一记硬碰硬。 After a dull thumping sound, that say/way the shadow that drills from the place bottom, numerous falling to the ground, shook land fierce shivering. 一声闷响过后,那道从地底钻出来的黑影,重重的摔到了地面上,震得大地一阵剧烈的颤抖。 That shadow falls to the land above, finally revealed the true colors. 那道黑影落到大地之上,终于显露出了真面目来。 This clearly is a giant pangolin, is wearing brown scales muddily. 这分明就是一头巨大的穿山甲,浑身披着一层土黄色的鳞甲。 The Huangjia king, is the title of this pangolin. 黄甲王,就是这头穿山甲的称号。 Can call the king in the monster beast, that naturally is the Fourth Rank monster beast. 能够在妖兽之中称王,那当然是四阶妖兽。 Huangjia king Yuanshen is the variation pangolin, is skilled in the earth good magic arts. 黄甲王原身是异种穿山甲,精通土行法术。 Especially its technique of earth escaping, is superb, can easily penetrate the mountain, goes easily and freely in the underground escaping line. 尤其是其一身土遁之术,更是出神入化,可以轻易的穿透大山,在地下遁行更是如履平地。 Huangjia king although is the Fourth Rank monster beast, but can grow to today's this situation, has big luck factor. 黄甲王虽然是四阶妖兽,但是能够成长到今天这个地步,有着很大的运气因素。 This fellow brain is not easy-to-use, every so often is easier to receive the beastly nature trend. 这个家伙脑子不大好使,很多时候更易受到兽性的趋势。 Many years ago, is skilled in the angry ape king of earth good magic arts similarly, subdues the Huangjia kings, enables its to become oneself little brother hand/subordinate. 在很多年前,同样精通土行法术的怒猿王,将黄甲王收服,让其成为了自家手下的小弟。 Angry ape king also thinks Huangjia king Nenggou by the technique of wise earth escaping, silent close to Meng Zhang, gives him ruthlessly one. 怒猿王原本还以为黄甲王能够凭借高明的土遁之术,无声无息的靠近孟章,给他一记狠的。 Its absolutely unexpectedly, Meng Zhang as Diviner, Spiritual Awareness is but astonishing, plots in view of his sneak attack, basically cannot be effective. 可是它绝对没有想到,孟章身为天机师,灵觉惊人,针对他的偷袭暗算,基本上都不能够奏效。 This had not said that Meng Zhang keen Divine Sense induction, can see through all fabricated Deception Breaking Eye, can be ahead of time the sharp weapon of nosing enemy trend. 这还不说孟章敏锐的神念感应,可以看穿一切虚妄的破妄法眼,都是可以提前查探敌人动向的利器。 Was hit by the Yin-Yang two air/Qi directly, muddleheaded flower Huangjia king Shou small wound. 被阴阳二气直接击中,头昏脑花的黄甲王受了一点小伤。 The Huangjia king brain is not easy-to-use, but regarding escapes the sneak attack taking advantage of earth, is is very experienced. 黄甲王脑子不大好使,可是对于借着土遁偷袭,却是很有经验。 Convention that according to the Huangjia kings opposes the enemy, sneak attack failure, cannot hit, should flee immediately, looks for the opportunity is. 按照黄甲王对敌的惯例,偷袭失败,一击不中,应该立即遁走,重新寻找机会才是。 However first gets angry the ape king also with the enemy war, secondly its present brain is not very sober. 但是一来怒猿王还在和敌人大战,二来它现在脑子不是很清醒。 It does not have to flee using the technique of earth escaping unexpectedly immediately, but assuming an air of self approbation stood, the preparation turns toward Meng Zhang to throw again strikes. 它居然没有立即利用土遁之术遁走,而是摇头晃脑的站了起来,准备再次向着孟章扑击。 Huangjia king although is Monster King, but the strength is average, ordinary Primordial Spirit initial period cultivator cannot fight continually. 黄甲王虽然是一名妖王,但是实力平平,连普通的元神初期修士都斗不过。 The method that it opposes the enemy is sole, back and forth is that several moves. 它对敌的手段更是单一,来来回回都是那几招。 Two Yin Yang Dao Soldier flew from Yin Yang Spirit Gourd suddenly. 两名阴阳道兵突然从阴阳灵葫之中飞了出来。 Two people collaborate, unexpectedly temporarily tied down the angry ape king, making it be incapable of he attending. 两人联手,居然暂时缠住了怒猿王,让其无力他顾。 Meng Zhang from in the air leap, plunged the Huangjia king on own initiative. 孟章从空中跃下,主动扑向了黄甲王。 Compared with the angry ape king, Huangjia Wang Ming was obviously weak. 比起怒猿王,黄甲王明显弱了许多。 Meng Zhang does not know that this fellow brain is not easy-to-use, does not know that it is not high in the Black Jade Forest position. 孟章不知道这个家伙脑子不好使,更不知道它在黑玉森林的地位不高。 Thinks that the opposite party good and evil is also Monster King, in Black Jade Forest is the absolute high level. 只是想到对方好歹也是一名妖王,在黑玉森林是绝对的高层。 Black Jade Forest various secrets, the Huangjia kings should understand that is right. 黑玉森林的各种机密,黄甲王都应该明白才对。 The persimmon picks soft pinching, ties down the angry ape king using Yin Yang Dao Soldier, Meng Zhang, if wants Huangjia king captures under. 柿子捡软的捏,利用阴阳道兵缠住怒猿王,孟章要想将黄甲王擒下。 Above the land transmitted a series of explosives. 大地之上传来了一连串爆响。 This brain simple fellow, does not know that sent what insanity, unexpectedly showed a stance of going all out, to come a mutual wounds with Meng Zhang. 这个脑子简单的家伙,不知道发了什么疯,居然摆出了一副拼命的架势,要想和孟章来一个两败俱伤。 Meng Zhang also makes a determined effort, came a upfront to meet the tough head-on with toughness directly. 孟章也是发了狠,直接来了一个正面硬碰硬。 On the Huangjia kings the scale flutters, had/left many deep scars. 黄甲王身上鳞片翻飞,多出了不少深深的伤痕。 Meng Zhang receives the hand not to live, caused heavy losses to this fellow ruthlessly. 孟章收手不住,狠狠重创了这个家伙。 Meng Zhang is preparing to seize this caused heavy losses fellow, suddenly induced a violent monster qi fluctuation. 孟章正准备擒下这个被重创的家伙,突然感应到了一阵剧烈的妖气波动。 The Meng Zhang complexion changes, this fellow good and evil is also Monster King, so to be how impulsive, frequently can from exploding? 孟章脸色一变,这个家伙好歹也是一名妖王,怎么这么冲动,动不动就要自爆? Meng Zhang does not know that the personality of Huangjia king, was not naturally clear why the opposite party must like this. 孟章不知道黄甲王的性格,自然不清楚对方为什么要这样子做。 In any event, he cannot make this fellow from exploding before himself. 无论如何,他都不能让这个家伙在自己面前自爆。 The Meng Zhang form disappears suddenly, presents again time, arrived at the top of the head of Huangjia king. 孟章的身影突然消失,再次出现的时候,来到了黄甲王的头顶。 He holds up Spiritsnake Spear in hand, inserted the top of the head of opposite party ruthlessly. 他举起手中的灵蛇矛,狠狠的插进了对方的头顶。 To compared with the huge build of Huangjia king, looking for book park www.zhaoshyanom Spiritsnake Spear at best is a thin needle. 对比起黄甲王的巨大体型,找书苑www.zhaoshyanom灵蛇矛充其量是一根细针。 The strength of Slaughter Grand Dao but this common thin needle, inside contains, erupted the terrifying lethality, seized the vitality of Huangjia king directly. 可正是这根不起眼的细针,里面蕴含的杀戮大道之力,爆发出了恐怖的杀伤力,直接夺走了黄甲王的生机。 Does not beat Meng Zhang in the Huangjia kings, falls to the leeward time completely, the angry ape king also tries to support it. 在黄甲王不敌孟章,完全落到下风的时候,怒猿王还试图过来支援它。 However two Yin Yang Dao Soldier collaborate, by the special secret technique jointly, displays the strong battle efficiency, making it be hard to withdraw. 但是两名阴阳道兵联手,凭借特殊的联手秘术,发挥出强大的战斗力,让它难以脱身。 The words that angry ape king Ruguo does not want to cause heavy losses, must first deal with the attacks of two Yin Yang Dao Soldier. 怒猿王如果不想被重创的话,就必须先应对两名阴阳道兵的攻击。 Looks helplessly the Huangjia kings were struck to kill by Meng Zhang, oneself are helpless, making the angry ape king very depressed. 眼睁睁的看着黄甲王被孟章击杀,自家却无能为力,让怒猿王很是沮丧。 Looked at the Huangjia kings to lose the vitality rapidly the corpse, angry ape king decisive made the choice. 望着黄甲王迅速失去生机的尸体,怒猿王果断的做出了选择。 It spells is being intimate two Yin Yang Dao Soldier to strike hardly, was separated from the fight on own initiative. 它拼着硬挨上两名阴阳道兵一击,主动脱离了战斗。 After being separated from the fight, it does not have the slight hesitation, looks continually has not looked at the ground numerous monster beast, turns toward the Black Jade Forest direction immediately, catches up to dash about wildly, flees runs away. 脱离战斗之后,它没有丝毫的犹豫,连望都没有望地上的众多妖兽一眼,就立即向着黑玉森林的方向,发力狂奔,亡命逃窜。 However the time of a blink, the angry ape king Pangda body, vanished in the line of sight of people, ran into the Black Jade Forest deep place. 不过一眨眼的功夫,怒猿王庞大的身体,就消失在了众人的视线之中,逃进了黑玉森林深处。 Meng Zhang not the angry ape king who goes to the manages to run away, but is gazing at the body of ground Huangjia king. 孟章没有去管逃走的怒猿王,而是注视着地上黄甲王的尸体。 Although has not captured alive it, only leaves behind a corpse. However Meng Zhang also has the means that can from Huangjia king there, gain the information that oneself want. 虽然没有将其生擒活捉,只留下一具尸体。但是孟章同样有办法,可以从黄甲王那里,获取自己想要的信息。 Meng Zhang stretches out right hand to make an effort to the Huangjia king corpse to fish, an empty shadow of pangolin, was fished from the body of Huangjia king like this. 孟章伸出右手对着黄甲王的尸体用力一捞,一只穿山甲的虚影,就这样被从黄甲王的尸体里面捞了出来。 Compared with the mortal body of Huangjia king, its Soul seemed extremely tiny. 比起黄甲王的肉身,它的神魂就显得太过渺小了。 Huangjia Wang Gang just died, Soul is basically complete, happen to helps Meng Zhang display to search for the technique of soul, gains the information from Soul. 黄甲王刚刚死亡,神魂基本完好,正好便于孟章施展搜魂之术,从神魂之上获取信息。
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