SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3819: Going well

Lives after not fleeing the day of wolf sword sect, luck as if continuously good. 莫生在逃离天狼剑宗之后,运气似乎一直不错。 Meng Zhang and other enemies could not attend to chasing down him, let his successful escaping to day of wolf star district beside. 孟章等敌人顾不上追杀他,让他成功的逃到了天狼星区之外。 His chance encounter stage bright Bodhisattva, but also successful deceived the Buddhism heavy treasure Qian Ye golden lotus from his there. 他巧遇台明菩萨,还成功从他那里骗到了佛门重宝千叶金莲。 But since the immortal who to avoid to chase down a bright Bodhisattva, after has to run into the ghostdom, his luck started to become worse unceasingly. 可是自从为了躲避追杀台明菩萨的仙人,不得不逃入冥界之后,他的运气就开始不断的变差了。 Closely was first being hung by the stage bright Bodhisattva, is unable to get rid of the opposite party. 先是被台明菩萨紧紧吊着,始终无法摆脱对方。 In process that in fights with the stage bright Bodhisattva, but also exposed the aura of Qian Ye golden lotus carelessly, annoyed chasing down of numerous Ghost Deity and ghost. 在和台明菩萨交手的过程之中,还不慎暴露了千叶金莲的气息,惹来了众多鬼神鬼物的追杀。 Escaped with great difficulty the secret territory of extraterritorial ghost clan, but also thinks that fled from the ghostdom to have the hope. 好不容易逃到了域外鬼族的一处秘密领地,还以为逃离冥界有了希望。 His actually unexpectedly, guards the ghost clan powerhouse in this secret territory, not only has long known that he has the heavy treasure, but also moved greed, had the murder to seize the valuable the thoughts. 他却没有想到,驻守这处秘密领地的鬼族强者,不但早就知道他身怀重宝,而且还动了贪念,有了杀人夺宝的心思。 Generally speaking, the extraterritorial ghost clan in these secret territories of ghostdom arrangement, often has the special heavy responsibility. 一般来说,域外鬼族在冥界安排的那些秘密领地,往往都负有特殊的重任。 Ghost Deity of guarding territory with the relation, will easily not interfere with and inquire about these not related business. 驻守领地的鬼神轻易不会和外界联系,更不会干涉和过问外界那些不相关的事务。 Guarding Ghost Deity of this secret territory, treated here for a long time, became idled, has not complied with various stipulations. 这处秘密领地的驻守鬼神们,在这里待久了,变得懈怠了,就没有那么遵守各种规定了。 Their once for a while and outside world keeps in touch, kills the bored time with various means. 他们时不时的和外界保持联系,用各种办法打发无聊的时光。 In lives before not the stage bright Bodhisattva runs into the secret territory of this extraterritorial ghost clan, the high level of territory has known they have the heavy treasure, is avoiding the news that numerous Ghost Deity chase down. 在莫生和台明菩萨逃入这处域外鬼族的秘密领地之前,领地的高层就已经知道了他们身怀重宝,正在躲避众多鬼神追杀的消息。 When lives with the stage bright Bodhisattva not enters their territories to seek help, they are overjoyed immediately. 等到莫生和台明菩萨进入他们的领地求助,他们立即大喜过望。 In order to have sole possession of the heavy treasure, they have not informed the other territories of ghost clan, but makes a move to sneak attack directly lives them not. 为了独吞重宝,他们没有通知鬼族的其他领地,而是直接出手偷袭莫生他们。 Is good because of lives their vigilance is very high not, has not relaxed the alert. 好在莫生他们警惕性一直很高,从来没有放松过戒备。 The ghost clan powerhouses do not plot successfully, only then changed to the storm. 鬼族强者暗算不成功,就只有改为强攻了。 The extraterritorial ghost clan and day wolf sword sect Deque has had the close contact, but this past incense and candle friendship, may be unable to resist the seduction of treasure. 域外鬼族和天狼剑宗的确有过密切的往来,可这点过去的香火情分,可抵不住宝物的诱惑。 Returns alive naive thinking to buy this group of extraterritorial ghost clans not. 莫生还天真的以为可以收买这帮域外鬼族。 The extraterritorial ghost clan of being insatiably greedy takes him, his is the opposite party. 贪得无厌的域外鬼族将他拿下,他所有的一切都属于对方。 The stage bright Bodhisattvas lifted Tiantai sect, similarly did not daunt this group of extraterritorial ghost clans, instead stimulated the determination that the opposite party silenced a witness of crime. 台明菩萨抬出了天台宗,同样吓不住这帮域外鬼族,反而激发了对方杀人灭口的决心。 A war broke out in the secret territory of ghost clan. 一场大战就这么在鬼族的秘密领地之中爆发了。 When pursued their Ghost Deity to come, in entertains feelings not knows, did not run away cannot get away forever. 等到原本追逐他们的鬼神们现身,莫生心里知道,再不逃走就永远走不了了。 He does not hesitate to consume the life and vitality, stimulates the final potential, displays the strongest shape of technique of sword escaping. 他不惜消耗寿元和元气,激发最后的潜力,施展出剑遁之术的最强形态。 He breaks out with great difficulty, but the repugnant stage bright Bodhisattva still closely followed on the heels. 他好不容易突围而出,可是讨厌的台明菩萨仍然紧紧跟在后面。 He starts to induce, because the aura of technique of sword escaping is extremely powerful, passes the quiet token to be hard to cover up, the will of ghostdom has started to notice him. 他开始感应到,由于剑遁之术的气息太过强大,身上的通幽令牌已经难以遮掩,冥界的意志已经开始注意到他了。 As if everywhere no form drag, is preventing his advance. 仿佛无处不在的无形阻力,正在阻挡他的前进。 Closely follows in his behind stage bright Bodhisattva, there is a similar feeling. 紧紧跟在他身后的台明菩萨,也有类似的感受。 The stage bright Bodhisattvas spare nothing, to hang the goal with great difficulty firmly. 台明菩萨不惜代价,好不容易牢牢吊住目标。 The strength aura that but he erupts is too strong, jade official document has camouflaged continuously. 可是他爆发出来的力量气息太强,身上的玉牒已经遮蔽不住了。 The world principle of ghostdom, rapidly suppression they. 冥界的天地法则,正在迅速的压制他们。 Under this situation, Tai Miao caught up with them promptly. 在这种情况之下,太妙及时追上了他们。 Tai Miao induces to the front two fellow speeds is reducing speed, knows that his opportunity came. 太妙感应到前方的两个家伙速度在减慢,知道他的机会来了。 He opened oneself god country on own initiative. 他主动张开了自己的神国。 A giant state drops from the clouds, will live with the stage bright Bodhisattvas not covers. 一座巨大的国度从天而降,将莫生和台明菩萨都笼罩在内。 Not fresh the sword light accelerates suddenly, tries to get rid of covering of this state. 莫生所化的剑光猛然加速,试图摆脱这座国度的笼罩。 But as a result of the suppression of ghostdom world principle, his movement cannot look like in the world of the living is so free. 可是由于冥界天地法则的压制,他的动作不能像在阳世那么自如。 In the state had a tremendous strength, holds him firmly. 国度之中生出了一道巨大的力量,将他牢牢吸住。 While he when contends with this suction, the giant state has arrived, his thorough wrapped. 正当他在和这道吸力相抗衡的时候,巨大的国度已经降临,将他彻底的包裹了进去。 Once enters in the Tai Miao god country, how regardless of the sword light goes all out to sprint, how to attempt to break through in all directions, is doing is not studious. 一旦进入太妙的神国之中,无论剑光如何拼命冲刺,如何左冲右突,都只是在做无用功了。 The situation of stage bright Bodhisattva and lives not similarly, similarly was wrapped by this giant state. 台明菩萨的情况和莫生类似,同样被这座巨大的国度包裹住了。 The giant Bodhisattva golden body continued to inflate, tries to break through this giant state. 原本就巨大的菩萨金身继续膨胀,试图冲破这座巨大的国度。 Invisible pressure continuous arrival, presses the Bodhisattva golden body not to base steadily, knocks down. 无形的压力持续不断的降临,压得菩萨金身立足不稳,扑倒在地。 Tai Miao does not attend to their going all out struggling, god country income within the body, then left here immediately. 太妙不顾他们的拼命挣扎,将神国收入体内,然后立即离开了这里。 If in the world of the living, the Tai Miao god country has not been possible to surround these two fellows. 如果是在阳世,太妙的神国还不一定能够困住这两个家伙。 But here is a ghostdom, is his home game. 可这里是冥界,是他的主场。 The enemies were weakened, he obtained held, increased reduces, he naturally showed the steamroll general advantage. 敌人被削弱,他得到了加持,一增一减,他自然展现出了碾压一般的优势来。 Lived with the stage bright Bodhisattva is not stranded in the Tai Miao god country, immediately interrupted and all relations. 莫生和台明菩萨被困在了太妙的神国之中,立即中断了和外界的一切联系。 Including chasing down their Ghost Deity, in the mark that on them leaves behind, to they have gotten up to some tricks, displayed prevents them to return to Divine Ability of the world of the living wait/etc, is unable to penetrate the Tai Miao god country. 包括追杀他们的鬼神,在他们身上留下的印记,对他们做过的一些手脚,施展的阻止他们返回阳世的神通等等,都无法穿透太妙的神国。 Information that after receiving Tai Miao goes well, Meng Zhang also almost soon reached the limit. 在收到太妙得手的信息之后,孟章也几乎快要到极限了。 He could not soon have surrounded this group of Ghost Deity. 他已经快要困不住这帮鬼神了。 Then, he puts this group of Ghost Deity to depart either ; Either has to expose the status, looks for book park to come directly, launched the positive/direct fierce struggle with this group of Ghost Deity. 接下来,他要么放这帮鬼神离去;要么就不得不暴露身份,找书苑www.zashuyuan.com直接现身,和这帮鬼神展开正面激斗了。 After knowing Tai Miao goes well, his heart loosen, took back all Divine Ability. 知道太妙得手之后,他心头一松,收回了所有的神通 The oak sword in hand cuts the space, he fled taking advantage of the space crack immediately. 手中的青冈剑划破空间,他立即借着空间裂缝遁走了。 Originally surrounded Ghost Deity got rid of the predicament quickly. 原本被困住的鬼神们很快就摆脱了困局。 They cannot attend to pursuing surround their Meng Zhang. 他们顾不上去追赶困住他们的孟章 Their main objectives, always have the heavy treasure lives not. 他们的主要目标,始终是身怀重宝的莫生。 Their several child pursued Tai Miao to carry off lives their places not. 他们几下子就追到了太妙带走莫生他们的地方了。 Lives with the aura of stage bright Bodhisattva not vanishes here. 莫生和台明菩萨的气息就是在这里消失的。 In addition, had no available clue. 除此之外,就没有任何可用的线索了。 Experienced Tai Miao, naturally cannot stay behind any available trace to pursue itself for the enemy. 经验丰富的太妙,自然不会留下任何可用的痕迹供敌人追击自己。 He in departure, not only swept clean all traces, confused all aura, but also intended to shield promptly about his secret. 他在离去的时候,不但扫清了所有的痕迹,搅乱了所有的气息,还及时出手屏蔽了关于他的天机。 This group of Ghost Deity are very unwilling, almost exhausted all methods. 这帮鬼神很不甘心,几乎用尽了所有的手段。 Even some fellows spare nothing, the autonomy oneself body, uses a secret calculated kind of method. 甚至有的家伙不惜代价,自残己身,施展出天机推衍一类的手段来。 What a pity, lived with the stage bright Bodhisattva not as if vanished from this world thoroughly, cannot induce their existence. 可惜,莫生和台明菩萨仿佛彻底从这个世界上消失了,根本感应不到他们的存在。 After Tai Miao and Meng Zhang successfully get rid of the pursuing troops, returned to the territory. 太妙孟章成功摆脱追兵之后,先后回到了领地之中。 Lived with the stage bright Bodhisattva is not stranded in the Tai Miao god country, becomes the block above meat, only then to Tai Miao handling. 莫生和台明菩萨被困在了太妙的神国之中,就成为了砧板上面的肉,只有任由太妙处置了。 When was just stranded in being enthralled country, if lives not decisively, the opportunity destroys that Qian Ye golden lotus promptly, lets Tai Miao their wasted effort. 在刚刚被困入神国之中的时候,如果莫生果断一点,还有机会及时摧毁那朵千叶金莲,让太妙他们竹篮打水一场空。 But because in heart does not abandon, harbors the fantasy regarding the difficulty-relief, making him not have immediately to adopt this jade entirely burn method. 可是由于心中的不舍,对于脱困还抱有幻想,让他没有立即采取这种玉石俱焚的手段。 When Tai Miao stops doing, starts using the strength of god country copes with their times, he again does not have this opportunity. 等到太妙抽出手来,开始运用神国之力对付他们的时候,他就再也没有这种机会了。
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