SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3801: Running away

Sect Master immortal road Chapter 3307 runs away() these to keep Taiyi World cultivator temporarily, the non- opponent in debate friend, Meng Zhang will preserve them temporarily, does not make them be harmed by Fokuang. 掌门仙路第3307章逃走()那些暂时留在太乙界修真者,不论敌友,孟章都会暂时保住他们,不让他们被佛光所害。 Naturally, these keep Taiyi World cultivator, temporarily cannot leave, must treat honestly is assigning the position, in order to avoid affects the defensive system of Taiyi World.. 当然,这些留在太乙界修士,暂时也不能离开了,必须老老实实的待在指定位置,以免影响太乙界的防御体系。。 In numerous cultivator doubts and surprised looks, the Taiyi World defensive system opens, powerful strengths appear sky over Taiyi World. 在众多修真者疑惑、惊讶的眼神之中,太乙界防御体系开启,一道道强大的力量出现在太乙界上空。 Quick, some Taiyi World high levels keep Taiyi World cultivator to announce to these loudly, True Buddha School launches the attack suddenly, Taiyi World needs to seal up immediately comprehensively, to resist the attack of enemy. 很快,就有太乙界高层高声向这些留在太乙界修真者宣布,真佛宗突然发动攻击,太乙界需要立即全面封闭,以抵挡敌人的进攻。 No matter these cultivator do want, they were stranded in Taiyi World temporarily. 不管这些修真者愿不愿意,他们都被暂时困在太乙界了。 Although definitely many people will be discontented, is facing the domineering Taiyi World high level, powerful Meng Zhang, they do not dare easily to reveal that is discontented, only then enduring patiently and waiting silently. 虽然其中肯定有不少人会不满,可是面对强势的太乙界高层,强大的孟章,他们都不敢轻易表露出不满来,只有默默的忍耐和等待。 This time Taiyi World, after for many years unceasing construction and strengthening, is a powerful macrocosm, had the strength of extremely powerful world. 此时的太乙界,经过多年来的不断建设和强化,已经是一个强大的大世界,拥有了极为强大的天地之力。 So long as has enough True God rank powerhouse to control, even can suppress Heaven Immortal of first boundary using the strength of the world. 只要有着足够的真神级别强者操控,甚至可以利用天地之力镇压第一境的天仙 Heaven Immortal of second boundary can treat as an equal to Meng Zhang, arrives at Taiyi World definitely to cause the high-level extreme to attach great importance. 第二境的天仙能够和孟章平起平坐,来到太乙界肯定会引起高层的极度重视。 Now is detained in Taiyi World cultivator, only then Heaven Immortal of few first boundary, other are cultivation base lower cultivator. 现在滞留在太乙界修真者之中,只有寥寥几名第一境的天仙,其他都是修为更低的修真者 Enough powerful cultivator, they have not naturally been incapable of resisting and opposing Meng Zhang. 没有足够强大的修真者,他们自然无力对抗和反对孟章 Over one who knows the times great, no one will be driving. 识时务者为俊杰,没有人会主动出头。 Let alone, faced with True Buddha School such foreign invasion, really gives the Meng Zhang excuse now, he will not show mercy to these cultivator. 更何况,现在面临真佛宗这样的外敌入侵,真给了孟章借口,他可不会对这些修真者手下留情。 Taiyi World just completed the seal, Fokuang has arrived here. 太乙界刚刚完成封闭,佛光就已经抵达这里了。 Guyue Lingqing and Moon God have returned to Taiyi World to assume personal command, only have Meng Zhang and Tai Miao also in void. 古月凌青月神都已经返回太乙界坐镇,只有孟章太妙还在虚空之中。 Although this Fokuang used the method of top Bodhisattva, but after all is not direct making a move of this grade of level powerhouse, directly the one who acts is only Bodhisattva of one crowd of Heaven Immortal second boundary ranks. 尽管这道佛光是借助了顶级菩萨的手段,可毕竟不是这等层次强者的直接出手,直接出手的只是一群天仙第二境级别的菩萨。 Fokuang spanned such remote distance, covered the region of such length and breadth, the might is dispersed greatly. 佛光跨越了这么遥远的距离,笼罩了这么广袤的区域,威力已经被大大的分散了。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao in the powerhouse of Heaven Immortal second boundary rank, are the Divine Ability general generations. 孟章太妙天仙第二境级别的强者之中,都算是神通广大之辈。 The supernatural power that the strength of Meng Zhang stimulation of movement dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, the Tai Miao revolution god country accumulates, will fall to the Taiyi World Fokuang might counter-balanced most probably. 孟章催动洞天之力,太妙运转神国积累的神力,将落向太乙界的佛光威力抵消了大半。 Surplus minority fish slip through, after falling to the Taiyi World above, was assumed Taiyi World True Immortal and True God revolves Taiyi World the strength of the world to keep off together. 剩余的少数漏网之鱼,落到太乙界上方之后,被坐镇太乙界真仙和真神一起运转太乙界的天地之力挡了下来。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao will have transferred the part of jurisdictions of strength of Taiyi World world, released in the Taiyi World high level. 孟章太妙早就将调动太乙界天地之力的一部分权限,下放到了太乙界高层之中。 Especially in this urgent time, these high levels has to be next to Meng Zhang their jurisdiction, can the defensive system of very good coordinate Taiyi World. 尤其是在这种紧急时刻,这些高层拥有仅次于孟章他们的权限,可以很好的配合太乙界的防御体系。 Blocked this wave of attack not to calculate, was only a start. 挡住了这波攻击还不算完,只是一个开始。 Fokuang is also expanding wantonly time, the army of True Buddha School from had killed in all directions, crazy attacks the cultivator remaining footholds. 佛光还正在大肆扩张的时候,真佛宗的大军就已经从四面八方杀了出来,疯狂的攻打修真者们剩下的据点。 Now as a result of the surprise attack of foreign enemy, peripheral region piece of chaos, is the Meng Zhang waiting for a long time good opportunity. 现在由于外敌的突袭,周围区域一片大乱,正是孟章等待已久的良机。 Taiyi World has not withdrawn from Hengling star district at this time, when treats? 太乙界此时还不从横岭星区脱身,更待何时? Meng Zhang and Tai Miao promote Taiyi World together, in addition the Taiyi World power, entire Taiyi World at the quick speed, withstand/top the illumination of Fokuang to escape toward Hengling star district. 孟章太妙一起推动太乙界,加上太乙界本身动力,整个太乙界以很快的速度,顶着佛光的照射向着横岭星区之外逃去。 The Taiyi World movement is not towering. 太乙界的动作并不算突兀。 At this time, the surroundings many cultivation influences, including the powerful immortal, are fleeing like a scared rat, at the maximum speed flees the attack range of Fokuang. 在这个时候,周围不少修真势力,包括许多强大的仙人,都正在抱头鼠窜,以最快速度逃离佛光的打击范围。 Flying boats and void battleships, are fleeing from this region at the maximum speed. 一艘艘飞舟、虚空战舰,正以最快速度逃离这片区域。 If not Taiyi World is extremely huge, mixes in the void battleship of fleeing from calamity, possibly also is really not anything. 如果不是太乙界太过庞大,混在逃难的虚空战舰之中,可能还真不算什么。 Spirit Space Immortal Realm as the strong presence that void ten thousand boundary/world is the top position, naturally cannot on a little skill. 灵空仙界作为虚空万界排名前列的强大势力,自然不会就这么一点本事。 Since participating in Hengling star district war, Spirit Space Immortal Realm these big influences have not relaxed vigilantly, has been guarding against the attack of enemy. 自从参与横岭星区的战事之后,灵空仙界的那些大势力就没有放松过警惕,一直都在提防敌人的进攻。 This True Buddha School and other influence of the sneak attacks obtained very big victory from the beginning, the reasons are various. 这次真佛宗等势力的偷袭一开始就取得了很大的战果,原因是多方面的。 First, immeasurable day sect high-level unexpectedly, the opposite party on the destruction tacit understanding, sharply will be launching the counter-attack quickly. 一来,无量天宗高层没有想到,对方会这么快就破坏默契,这么急着发动反击。 Secondly, Spirit Space Immortal Realm high-level unexpectedly, the opposite party will play greatly, makes war put out various trump card. 二来,灵空仙界高层没有想到,对方会玩得这么大,一开战就拿出了各种杀手锏。 This time to Spirit Space Immortal Realm attack not only naturally True Buddha School. 这次对灵空仙界的打击当然不只是真佛宗一家。 The earth-mother god is, Tiantai sect and other influences, has begun in other directions. 地母神系、天台宗等势力,早就在其他方向动手了。 Even some are far less than Spirit Space Immortal Realm, usually in does not dare absolutely with the influence of its upfront resistance, will take advantage and take advantage at this time the chaotic unearned gain. 甚至一些远不如灵空仙界,平日里绝对不敢与其正面对抗的势力,也会在这个时候趁火打劫、趁乱渔利。 On the sword porch as the most important target of enemy, withstood the enemy main offensive. 论剑轩作为敌人的首要打击目标,承受了敌人主要的攻势。 Spirit Space Immortal Realm official strength and immeasurable day sect and other influences, not only similarly is the target of enemy, sending the aid to discuss the reinforcements of sword porch, is attacking enemy reinforcements the strength war that with the enemy and is blocking. 灵空仙界官方力量和无量天宗等势力,不但同样是敌人的攻击目标,派出去援助论剑轩的援军,也正在和敌人打援、阻击的力量大战。 Many regions under Spirit Space Immortal Realm control, become the battlefield, becomes very chaotic. 灵空仙界控制下的许多区域,都成为了战场,变得十分混乱。 A Spirit Space Immortal Realm side seemingly fell leeward, looked for book park to be suppressed temporarily by the enemy. 灵空仙界一方看似落到了下风,找书苑w.aoshuan.co暂时被敌人压制住了。 Under Spirit Space Immortal Realm among the major cultivation influences, for the combat teamwork, under the Spirit Space Immortal Realm official organization, has established quite smooth contact method. 灵空仙界麾下各大修真势力之间,为了协同作战,早就在灵空仙界官方的组织之下,建立起了比较顺畅的联系方式。 Meng Zhang now carefully observes the surrounding situation, while attempts through these contact methods, gains many information. 孟章现在一边仔细观察周围的情况,一边试图通过这些联系方式,获取更多的信息。 As a result of the attack of enemy, under Spirit Space Immortal Realm the relation majority of major cultivation influences were broken. 由于敌人的打击,灵空仙界麾下各大修真势力的联系大多数都被打断了。 Although including the Spirit Space Immortal Realm official, some big influences unceasing toward all around friend side strength issued that the information and even issues the order. 尽管包括灵空仙界官方在内,一些大势力不断的向着四周的友方力量发布情报乃至下达命令。 But these information off and on did not say, but also is not very clear. 可是这些信息断断续续不说,还很不清楚。 Meng Zhang according to own observation, with collecting these shatter information, made oneself judgment. 孟章根据自己的观察,和收集到到的这些破碎信息,做出了自己的判断。 Within the short time, Spirit Space Immortal Realm should be incapable of repelling the attack of enemy. 短时间之内,灵空仙界应该无力击退敌人的进攻。 Region that Taiyi World is, is not the Spirit Space Immortal Realm subordinate core strategic point. 太乙界所在的区域,并非灵空仙界麾下的核心要害。 Even if Spirit Space Immortal Realm starts to counter-attack, restores the lost territory, this region will not arrange at too front. 灵空仙界就算开始反击,收复失地,这块区域也不会排在太前面。 So long as can withstand the attack of True Buddha School, leaves the Taiyi World running away time is not short. 只要能够顶住真佛宗的进攻,留给太乙界的逃走时间还是不短的。 Taiyi World has not betrayed Spirit Space Immortal Realm now, naturally cannot encounter impediment of Spirit Space Immortal Realm side cultivation influence. 太乙界现在并没有背叛灵空仙界,自然不会遭到灵空仙界一方修真势力的阻挡。 Naturally, the surrounding cultivation influence cannot take care of oneself, could not handle other matter. 当然,周围的修真势力自顾不暇,也做不了别的事情。 The strength of Fokuang has the limit, cannot prevent Taiyi World to run away. 佛光的力量是有极限的,并不能阻挡太乙界逃走。 The army who True Buddha School sets out, part of pursuit enemy remnants, part is busy attacking a city to seize territory. 真佛宗出动的大军,一部分追击残敌,一部分忙着攻城略地。 True Buddha School wants to seize this region thoroughly, must establish the reliable defense line, blocks Spirit Space Immortal Realm following counter-attack. 真佛宗想要彻底占领这块区域,就必须建立牢固的防线,挡住灵空仙界接下来的反扑。 The True Buddha School high level does not have the absolute confidence to achieve this, therefore made both kinds of preparation. 真佛宗高层也没有绝对的信心可以做到这点,所以做了两手准备。 In attacking and occupying more footholds, establishes the defense line at the same time, but also plundering here resources, make to reap profit on the stance of running vigorously. 在攻占更多据点,建立防线的同时,还大力掠夺这里的资源,做出捞一把就跑的姿态。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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