SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3798: ……

Most starts, is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable also to hunt for the star to rob the group high level to disclose that crazily this news, making them revolt against the demon to revere that tuo on own initiative. 最开始的时候,绝尘仙尊还想要向狂猎星盗团高层透露这个消息,让他们主动反抗魔尊那陀耶。 After all, so long as is the intelligent life, no matter is virulent and is savage, is not willing to see itself to offer sacrifices to give the abyss demon territory as the sacrificial offering. 毕竟,只要是智慧生灵,不管多么恶毒、多么凶残,都不愿意看见自家被作为祭品献祭给九渊魔域。 Their resistances will definitely not succeed, but there are very in a big way possibly can delay and even prevent this offering sacrifices. 他们的反抗肯定不会成功,但是有很大的可能可以延缓乃至阻止这次献祭。 But changes mind thinks, he gave up this idea. 可是转念一想,他就放弃了这个想法。 If he acts to expose, will hunt for the star to rob the group high level to regard as the rumor all that he will say crazily mostly. 如果他出面揭露,狂猎星盗团高层多半会将他所说的一切视作谣言。 Natural disposition oversuspicious they, will not easily believe a malicious bystander absolutely. 生性多疑的他们,绝对不会轻易相信一名不怀好意的外人。 The most important thing is, the demon reveres that tuo to hunt for the star to rob the group to operate crazily for many years, no one had many high level to be controlled by him clearly in secret. 最为重要的是,魔尊那陀耶在狂猎星盗团经营多年,谁也不清楚有多少高层早就被他暗中控制了。 Even, perhaps in many high levels, most people already by his demonic dye. 甚至,说不定诸多高层之中,大部分人都已经被他魔染了。 Is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable easily not to expose itself, left there directly. 绝尘仙尊没有轻易暴露自己,直接离开了那里。 He had self-knowledge very much. 他很有自知之明。 His clear feeling the demon revered that tuo great strength, moreover lost reached deity helper dry. 他真切的感受到了魔尊那陀耶的强大,而且还失去了乾达天神这个帮手。 By him, has not grasped only copes with the demon to revere that tuo. 单靠他一个人,可没有把握对付魔尊那陀耶。 Cannot do well, will also compensate. 搞不好,还会将自己赔进去。 He comes and Meng Zhang convergence, wanting two people to collaborate, intrudes together hunts for the star to rob the group headquarters crazily, preventing the demon to revere that tuo offering sacrifices. 他过来和孟章汇合,希望两人联手,一起闯入狂猎星盗团总部,阻止魔尊那陀耶的献祭。 Listened to be above mundane thoughts the latest news that Immortal Venerable brought, Meng Zhang decides no longer to continue to wait, immediately must go into action. 听完了绝尘仙尊带来的最新消息,孟章决定不再继续等待,立即就要行动起来。 Actually, the safest means that are they revere that tuo actions to disseminate the demon, can definitely attract more helpers. 其实,最为保险的办法,是他们将魔尊那陀耶的所作所为散播开来,肯定能够引来更多的帮手。 First, time press. 一来,时间紧迫。 The void length and breadth, here is so also remote, who knows when will have the powerhouse of Immortal Venerable rank to receive the message, how long do they rush to here to need? 虚空广袤,这里又这么偏僻,谁知道什么时候才会有仙尊级别的强者收到消息,他们赶到这里又需要多久? Secondly, if participated in this matter's Immortal Venerable rank powerhouse being many, Meng Zhang and was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable unable to guarantee, they can certainly want. 二来,如果参与此事的仙尊级别强者多了,孟章和绝尘仙尊可不敢保证,他们一定能够得到自己想要的。 After all, is not all same step powerhouses, is willing to share the spoils of war with others. 毕竟,不是所有的同阶强者,都愿意和其他人分享战利品。 In practicing, from Refining Qi small cultivator, to the so-called senior immortal, turns into enemies the scene of the spoils of war and at risk of life competing, but often happened. 在修行界之中,小到炼气修士,大到所谓的前辈仙人,为了战利品反目成仇、拼死争夺的场面,可是时常发生。 Obtains ancient book that senior Golden Immortal leaves behind, is above mundane thoughts the biggest power and goal of Immortal Venerable trip. 获得前辈金仙留下的典籍,是绝尘仙尊此行的最大动力和目的。 Even as Meng Zhang of Golden Immortal Taiyi successor, same filled with the anticipation to the ancient book that senior Golden Immortal leaves behind. 即便是身为太一金仙传人的孟章,对前辈金仙留下的典籍一样充满了期待。 Since promotes shortly after Immortal Venerable, he has tried to relate lotus Golden Immortal. 自从晋升仙尊后不久,他就一直试图联系道莲金仙 Until now, he has not gotten any response. 至今为止,他都没有得到任何的回应。 Relation on lotus Golden Immortal, he does not dare to relate Golden Immortal Taiyi wisp of soul, was for fear that held by the Golden Immortal Taiyi enemy. 联系不上道莲金仙,他更不敢联系太一金仙分神了,生怕被太一金仙的仇家抓住。 He even thought of the worst case scenario. 他甚至想到了最坏的情况。 If continuously relation not on lotus Golden Immortal and Golden Immortal Taiyi, he cannot obtain the further direction, is unable to gain to promote the ancient book that Golden Immortal needs. 如果一直联系不上道莲金仙太一金仙,他就得不到进一步的指点,无法获取晋升金仙所需要的典籍。 Previous heavens Golden Immortal gave him own practicing note, but this is far from enough. 上次乾元金仙将自己的修行笔记送给了他,可这远远不够。 In this practicing note, what record is the practicing experience and sensibility of heavens Golden Immortal, had not disclosed the basis that he practices exclusive, does not have many concrete practicing methods. 这本修行笔记之中,记载的是乾元金仙的修行经验和感悟,并没有透露他本人独家修行的根本,更没有很多具体的修行法门。 Under this situation, Meng Zhang , to promote Golden Immortal, must with being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable this kind of loose cultivator is the same, got the help from other aspects. 在这种情况之下,孟章要想晋升金仙,就要和绝尘仙尊这类散修一样,从其他方面获得帮助了。 Meng Zhang and was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable and equaled, without reached the help of deity dry, they collaborated, revered that tuo to demon, does not dare to say must win, at least can block him temporarily. 孟章和绝尘仙尊和合计了一下,即便是没有乾达天神的帮助,他们两人联手,对上魔尊那陀耶,不敢说必胜,起码能够暂时挡住他。 So long as they blocked the demon to revere that tuo, the army of Meng Zhang organization, can attack and capture hunts for the star to rob the group headquarters crazily, prevented this time offering sacrifices. 只要他们挡住了魔尊那陀耶,孟章组织的这支大军,就能攻克狂猎星盗团总部,阻止这次的献祭。 After preventing to offer sacrifices, they had greatly the time and demon revered that tuo Ye to socialize slowly. 阻止了献祭之后,他们有大把的时间和魔尊那陀耶慢慢周旋。 When the time comes, is not really good, they summoned the reinforcements is not late again. 到时候,实在不行,他们再召唤援军也不迟。 For their small selfishness, their two decided risks danger wrestles. 为了自家的一点小私心,他们两个决定行险一搏。 This unites the army number is really extremely huge, everyone starts off together extremely costs the time. 这支联合大军数量实在是太过庞大,大家一起上路太过耗费时间。 Meng Zhang previously called such a army, besides bolstering momentum, to strengthen the cohesive force of this temporary alliance, regards as a trial this action. 孟章此前召集这么一支大军,除了壮大声势之外,也是为了增强这个临时联盟的凝聚力,将这次行动视作一次试炼。 Now gets there first, naturally must change some original plans. 现在兵贵神速,自然要改变原定的一些计划。 Meng Zhang from this fleet, chose part of elite. 孟章从这支舰队之中,挑选出了一部分精锐。 Was good ordered to reorganize the team because of previously him, the entire fleet had certain order, chose not to have the expenditure too much time. 好在此前他下令整顿队伍,整支舰队有了一定的秩序,挑选起来没有花费太多的时间。 According to the information, hunts for the star to rob star district that the group headquarters are at crazily, the environment and badness, filled all sorts of natural defenses. 根据情报,狂猎星盗团总部所在的星区,环境及其恶劣,充满了种种天险。 Taiyi World such colossus is naturally hard to enter safely. 太乙界这样的庞然大物自然难以安全进入其中。 The elite quantity that Meng Zhang chooses were many, composed a temporary fleet. 孟章挑选出来的精锐数量不少,组成了一支临时舰队。 The void battleship in this fleet is powerful, many immortals assumes personal command. 这支舰队之中的虚空战舰极具战斗力,还有许多仙人坐镇。 He keeps here Taiyi World , to continue exchanges with these not selected cultivator. 他将太乙界留在这里,继续和那些没有被选中的修士进行交流。 Was ready, after explaining, Meng Zhang and was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable almost simultaneously. 做好了准备,交待完之后,孟章和绝尘仙尊几乎同时施法了。 Two people wear the spacious Daoist robe. 两人都是身着宽大的道袍。 They waved sleeves at will, respectively part of void battleship income. 他们随意舞动了一下衣袖,各自将一部分虚空战舰收入其中了。 In the sleeve the universe, in cultivator that cultivation world famous Divine Ability has not become an immortal much, can display. 袖里乾坤,一门在修真界大名鼎鼎的神通就连不少还没有成仙的修士,都能够施展。 But must be so relaxed, a smoke anger does not remain so many void battleship income, except for cultivation base of Immortal Venerable rank, but also needs in this Divine Ability above side deep attainments. 可是要如此轻松,一点烟火气都不留的将这么多虚空战舰收入其中,除了仙尊级别的修为,还需要在这门神通上面的极深造诣。 After receiving fleet that the preparation took, Meng Zhang and is above mundane thoughts the Immortal Venerable figure in a flash, displays void transfers greatly, hurries to toward the goal. 收起了准备带上的舰队之后,孟章和绝尘仙尊身形一晃,就施展虚空大挪移,向着目标赶去。 They bring so many void battleships to hurry along, the speed was clouded by certain. 他们两人带着这么多虚空战舰赶路,速度都受到了一定的拖累。 Is good because of the destination is not too far, moreover two people cultivation base is vigorous enough. 好在目的地不是太远,而且两人修为足够雄浑。 After a while, they arrived hunted for outside star district crazily. 过了一阵子之后,他们就来到了狂猎星区外面。 The void battleship that their, will receive again previously put. 他们两人再次施法,将此前收起来的虚空战舰纷纷放了出来。 Then, they must enter hunt for star district crazily. 接下来,他们就要进入狂猎星区了。 There environment is dangerous, they also prepare, in does not alarm the demon to revere in that tuo situation as far as possible the target proximity. 那里环境险恶,他们还准备在尽量不惊动魔尊那陀耶的情况下靠近目标。 In this case, they naturally must reduce burden as far as possible. 这种情况下,他们当然要尽量减轻身上的累赘了。 Comes here being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to guide in front time, Meng Zhang follows. 来过这里一次的绝尘仙尊在前面带路,孟章紧随其后。 Being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable can easily through the secret channel, possibly not necessarily suits the fleet to go through. 绝尘仙尊能够轻易通过的安全通道,可能不一定适合舰队穿行。 Therefore, he must discover a new secret channel, and leaves behind the beacon, the direction enters after that hunts for the star district fleet to go through crazily safely. 所以,他要找出一条新的安全通道,并且留下信标,指引此后进入狂猎星区的己方舰队平安穿行。 Their big fee/spent flustered guarantee fleet can arrive at the goal, is to have itself to consider. 他们大费周章的保证舰队能够到达目标,是有着自家考虑的。 The duty of this fleet is very vital, needs, when they tie down the demon reveres that tuo, breaks that vast offering sacrifices ceremony. 这支舰队的任务十分重要,需要在他们缠住魔尊那陀耶的时候,打破那个浩大的献祭仪式。 Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if they were hard to break the offering sacrifices ceremony within the short time, must strive during the following fight, killed the enemy member as far as possible. 退一万步说,就算他们难以在短时间之内打破献祭仪式,也要争取在接下来的战斗之中,尽量多杀伤敌方成员。 Even, under situation of having no other choice, they must slaughter these to prepare to be used in the life of blood sacrifice on own initiative. 甚至,在不得已的情况之下,他们还要主动杀戮那些准备被用于血祭的生灵。 Thank book friend Linghu Chong 1 hitting to enjoy and support. 感谢书友令狐冲一的打赏和支持。
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