SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3774: Demonic path

Facing the question of Meng Zhang, Mo Qing True Monarch smiled bitterly. 面对孟章的质疑,摩青真君苦笑了起来。 Originally, some secrets he does not prepare to tell Meng Zhang, but he worried that Meng Zhang because to his suspicion, cannot make full use of the information that he gives, delayed the action. Therefore, he decided that multi-direction Meng Zhang disclosed an inside story. 原本,有的秘密他是不准备告诉孟章的,可是他担心孟章因为对他的怀疑,不能充分利用他给出的信息,延误了行动。所以,他决定多向孟章透露一点内幕。 In this critical moment, the Meng Zhang union ally can start to Zhang Wei, is to sweep clean the future trouble as soon as possible, then goes to Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle to subside the demon disaster. 在这个紧要关头,孟章联合盟友对张卫能下手,是要尽快扫清后患,然后前往大横修真界平息魔灾。 Although this is the Meng Zhang as far as possible conservative secret, but some Mo Qing True Monarch means know this matter. 这虽然是孟章尽量保守的秘密,可摩青真君还是有办法知道这件事情。 With the Meng Zhang imagination in different, Mo Qing True Monarch not only will not prevent, instead will facilitate this matter, letting Meng Zhang can go to Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle to subside the demon disaster as soon as possible. 孟章想象中不同,摩青真君不但不会阻止,反而会促成此事,让孟章能够尽快前往大横修真界平息魔灾。 Reason is actually not complex. 这其中的缘由其实并不复杂。 Simply speaking a few words, are related with the demonic path internal struggle. 简单来说一句话,和魔道内部的斗争有关。 Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle has numerous demon, but these demon are not in the same camp. 大横修真界有着众多的魔物,可这些魔物不是处于同一阵营。 Human cultivator is internal fight is unceasing, let alone demon. 就连人类修真者内部都是内斗不断,更何况魔物。 Demon internal fight, its brutal goes far beyond internal fight between cultivator. 魔物内斗起来,其残酷性远远超过修真者之间的内斗。 Among demon, does not have any good faith. 魔物之间,更是不存在任何信义可言。 Reason that Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle numerous demon does not have the civil strife now , because has a smaller and weaker life to take the goal. 大横修真界的众多魔物之所以现在还没有内乱,是因为有着更为弱小的生灵作为目标。 The persimmon picks soft pinching, contends compared with and similar life and death, such as human such life, satisfies one's liking obviously. 柿子捡软的捏,比起去和同类生死相争,如人类这样的生灵,显然更合胃口。 Has Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle of length and breadth to expand, demon could not have attended to the internal strife. 有着广袤的大横修真界去扩张,魔物们还顾不上内讧。 In the ordinary cultivator eye, demon is demon, except that the strength is different, not essential difference. 在普通修真者眼里,魔物就是魔物,除了实力不同,并无本质区别。 But in the demonic path cultivator eye, demon according to the difference that the strength originates, has very wide difference. 可是在魔道修士眼里,魔物根据力量来源的不同,是有着很大差别的。 Before Dali Dynasty provoked the demon disaster in Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle, the key personnel in charge was Mo Qing True Monarch. 之前大离皇朝大横修真界挑起魔灾,主要负责人就是摩青真君 Although Mo Qing True Monarch has not spoken, but listened to him to say so many, Meng Zhang can also guess correctly, he definitely got up to many tricks in the middle. 虽然摩青真君没有明言,可是听他说了那么多,孟章也能猜到,他肯定在中间做了许多手脚。 Originally, with the aid of the Famine Demon God strength, Mo Qing True Monarch regarding Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle demon, has certain handling. 原本,借助灾荒魔神的力量,摩青真君对于大横修真界的魔物,有着一定的掌控能力。 Broadly, Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle a large part of demon, is the Famine Demon God family member. 从广义上来说,大横修真界很大一部分魔物,都是灾荒魔神的眷属。 But this situation, with family/home cultivator demonize, turns into demon completely thoroughly, had the huge change. 可是这种情况,随着向家修士全部魔化,彻底变成魔物,发生了巨大的改变。 cultivator completely demonize in that mountain valley because of demon plow mansion Lord strength. 那座山谷之中的修士全部魔化是因为魔犁府主的力量。 To family/home cultivator by demonize, is in bloodlines that because inherits to the family/home, originally contains the strength that the demon plow mansion lord bestowed. 向家修士魔化,是因为向家传承的血脉之中,本来就蕴含了魔犁府主赐下的力量。 Even during the demon plow mansion Lord is void in extraterritorial, only needs a curse gently to let to family/home cultivator turns into demon. 即便是魔犁府主远在域外虚空之中,只需要一个轻轻的诅咒就能让所有的向家修士变成魔物。 These demon unceasing expansion influences swallow with various demonize lives, creates more demon. 这些魔物不断的扩张势力吞噬和魔化各种生灵,创造出更多的魔物。 In the final analysis the strength roots of these demon are to come from the demon plow mansion lord. 归根到底这些魔物的力量根源都是来自魔犁府主。 The growing strong meaning being bewitched plow mansion Lord strengths of these demon expand in Grand Dust World. 这些魔物的发展壮大意味着魔犁府主的力量在钧尘界扩张。 At this point, Mo Qing True Monarch has not further said. 说到这里,摩青真君就没有进一步说下去了。 Content Meng Zhang that he has not said can also guess correctly. 他没有说出口的内容孟章也能猜到。 Mo Qing True Monarch back Demon God and demon plow mansion lord is the hostile relationship, naturally is not willing to see the demon plow mansion Lord strength to expand. 摩青真君背后的魔神和魔犁府主是敌对关系,当然不愿意看见魔犁府主的力量扩张。 Let alone to seem like the momentum to be enormous to the family/home cultivator demon group. 更何况以向家修士为基础的魔物群看上去声势极大。 The demon group under Mo Qing True Monarch influence, once meets the opposite party, might be annexed very much absorbs. 摩青真君影响下的魔物群,一旦遇上对方,很有可能会被吞并吸收。 Although Mo Qing True Monarch does not dare saying that is nothing retains, but should say has said. 摩青真君虽然不敢说是没有任何保留,可是该说的都已经说了。 According to the analysis of Meng Zhang he should not lie he really to want Meng Zhang to go to Grand Crossing Cultivation Circle to subside the demon disaster. 根据孟章的分析他应该没有怎么说谎他是真的想要孟章前往大横修真界平息魔灾。 With Zhang Wei can in the war, he provides to the help of Meng Zhang, is real not empty. 在和张卫能的战争之中,他提供给孟章的帮助,也是真实不虚的。 In order to contain the expansion of demon plow mansion Lord strength, he does not even hesitate to betray Dali Dynasty. 为了遏制魔犁府主力量的扩张,他甚至不惜背叛大离皇朝 Mo Qing True Monarch had to win over the Meng Zhang thoughts. 摩青真君本来就有拉拢孟章的心思。 He also told Meng Zhang, offended on the big demon to be left behind the mark about him in secret the matter, he can provide solution. 他还告诉孟章,关于他得罪大魔身上被暗中留下印记的事情,他都可以提供解决的办法。 Many years ago Meng Zhang because puts to death demonic cultivation Ye Feifan, by the big demon that Ye Feifan consecrates gazes, and was left behind the secret marks. 在很多年以前孟章就因为诛杀魔修叶非凡,被叶非凡供奉的大魔所注视并且身上被留下了暗记。 This secret marks unusual secret, Primordial Spirit True Monarch is unable to discover. 这道暗记非常的隐秘,就连元神真君都无法发现。 Meng Zhang also as Diviner after Spiritual Awareness progresses discovers this mark. 孟章也是身为一名天机师灵觉进步之后才发现这道印记的。 The big demon is existence that Return to Emptiness great power is not willing easily to offend. 大魔是连返虚大能都不愿意轻易得罪的存在。 Meng Zhang passes in and out Heavenly Palace also to see some Return to Emptiness great power repeatedly, Grandma Qiansi this seemingly good elder. 孟章多次进出天宫也见过一些返虚大能,其中还有牵丝婆婆这样看上去不错的长辈。 But they regarding Meng Zhang secret marks, keep silent. 可是他们对于孟章身上的暗记,都是绝口不提。 This was not they cannot discover the secret marks, but is not willing to be involved in the big demon and in the Meng Zhang dispute. 这并非他们发现不了暗记,而是不愿意卷入大魔和孟章的纷争之中。 Before Meng Zhang, can not need extremely to care about this matter. 孟章以前也可以不用太过在意这件事情。 Main path that because he moves, in Grand Dust World. Even if leaves Grand Dust World, will not leave is too far, moves in the nearby air zone. 因为他活动的主要轨迹,是在钧尘界之中。就算离开钧尘界,也不会离开太远,就在附近空域活动。 Because certain special reasons, let alone is the big demon, even Demon God, is not willing extremely to approach Grand Dust World. 因为某些特殊原因,别说是大魔,就算是魔神,都不愿意太过靠近钧尘界 Therefore, Meng Zhang can disregard the threat of big demon. 因此,孟章可以无视大魔的威胁。 But with the progress of Meng Zhang cultivation base, the angle of personally practicing, is the school need to develop, he needs thorough extraterritorial to be slowly void. 可是随着孟章修为的进步,无论是从个人修行的角度,还是门派发展的需要来说,他都需要慢慢深入域外虚空。 The organization team explores extraterritorial to be void, had been put the program by Meng Zhang. 组织队伍探索域外虚空,也早就被孟章放上了日程。 Once enters the extraterritorial void deep place, Meng Zhang is very likely to encounter this big demon. 一旦进入域外虚空深处,孟章就极有可能遭遇这位大魔。 Facing big demon that sufficiently and Return to Emptiness great power fights, the ordinary Primordial Spirit team escapes continually difficultly. 面对足以和返虚大能争锋的大魔,普通的元神队伍连逃生都难。 Mo Qing True Monarch as the Demon God follower, is very sensitive to the mark of big demon. 摩青真君身为魔神信徒,对于大魔的印记很是敏感。 He has discovered on the Meng Zhang big demon mark. 他早就发现了孟章身上的大魔印记。 Without enough advantage, Mo Qing True Monarch will not offend the big demon similarly. 如果没有足够的好处,摩青真君同样不会去得罪大魔。 But now to win over Meng Zhang, he put out the card in a hand. 可是现在为了拉拢孟章,他拿出了底牌。 Mo Qing True Monarch told Meng Zhang, although big demon hard to deal with a point, so long as Meng Zhang is willing to believe in Famine Demon God with him. That again is the savage overbearing big demon, does not dare easily to start to him. 摩青真君告诉孟章,大魔虽然难缠了一点,可只要孟章愿意和他一起信奉灾荒魔神。那再是凶残霸道的大魔,都不敢轻易对他下手。 Before Mo Qing True Monarch, has won over Meng Zhang repeatedly, has not succeeded. 摩青真君以前多次拉拢过孟章,都没有成功。 This time, Mo Qing True Monarch gave more advantage. 这次,摩青真君给出了更多的好处。 Although Demon God does not need strength of faith, but also needs the follower to run the potency for oneself. 魔神虽然不需要信仰之力,可是同样需要信徒为自家奔走效力。 Outstanding and competent follower, regarding Demon God, is one useful resources. 优秀而又能干的信徒,对于魔神来说,也是一种有用的资源。 Mo Qing True Monarch felt, one of that kind of followers behind Meng Zhang that Demon God, most needs. 摩青真君觉得,孟章正是自家背后那位魔神,最为需要的那类信徒之一。 Just heard Mo Qing True Monarch saying that must help itself solve the big demon the issue to result in the time, Meng Zhang really cannot bear a little excited. 刚听到摩青真君说要帮助自己解决大魔的问题得时候,孟章真的忍不住有点心动。 But the condition is believes in Demon God, becomes the Demon God follower, that Meng Zhang please excuse my inability to comply. 可是条件是去信奉魔神,成为魔神的信徒,那孟章就敬谢不敏了。 Takes the Demon God follower to the family/home, consecrates the demon plow mansion Lord so many years. 向家作为魔神信徒,供奉魔犁府主这么多年。 The pitiful fate also comes clearly into view, the Meng Zhang brain will be sick believe Demon God. 其凄惨的下场还历历在目,孟章脑子有病才会去信仰魔神 It is said that in many Demon God, the demon plow mansion lord is a temperament is relatively temperate, conduct very fair existence. 据说,在诸多魔神之中,魔犁府主是一位脾气相对温和,行事非常公正的存在。 The demon plow mansion Lord is this, other Demon God situation can be imagined. 魔犁府主都是这样,别的魔神的情况可想而知。 Moreover a big principle of Meng Zhang conduct, is will not arrive at the same place with the demonic path absolutely. 而且孟章行事的一大原则,就是绝对不会和魔道走到一起。 In the past merely was because proliferated the demonize goods, his Spiritual Awareness warned on own initiative. 当年仅仅是因为扩散魔化物品,他的灵觉就主动示警。
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