SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2766: Retreating

Sandy Cay True God group of indigenous gods, just like the Divine Prosperity Realm overwhelming majority indigenous gods, having a narrow outlook, the experience is superficial, covets life and fears death, takes care of oneself near the important matter, sees the small advantage to forget the righteousness. 沙岛真神这帮土著神明,和神昌界绝大部分土著神明一样,眼界狭窄,见识浅薄,贪生怕死,临大事而惜身,见小利而忘义。 They are overcautious and indecisive, have many misgivings, is always thinking profiting, does not have the slight acting. 他们瞻前顾后,顾虑重重,总想着占便宜,却没有丝毫的担当。 As long as they a little boldness, know, since has broken off with Meng Zhang, that only then a say/way arrives black , helping Famine Demon God encircle full power kills Meng Zhang. 他们但凡有点魄力,都知道既然已经和孟章决裂,那就只有一条道走到黑,全力帮助灾荒魔神围杀孟章 If they do this, perhaps even the enemy, Meng Zhang will look at their several points high. 如果他们这样做,即使是敌人,孟章说不定都会高看他们几分。 But they are such performance, encircles kills Meng Zhang time is not willing to offer too many strengths, after Tai Miao arrives, has the meaning of flinching. 可是他们偏偏是如此的表现,围杀孟章的时候不愿意出太多力气,太妙降临后又有退缩之意。 This is their say/way of suffering a defeat and fleeing, takes the say/way. 这是他们的败亡之道,也是取死之道。 The Sandy Cay True God and other indigenous gods previously complied with Famine Demon God, designs Meng Zhang together, is the Famine Demon God potential is purely big, they think to compromise, oneself made the correct choice. 沙岛真神等土著神明此前答应灾荒魔神,一起设计孟章,纯粹是灾荒魔神势大,他们自认为不得不妥协,自己是做出了正确的选择。 Trimming one's sails is not only the cultivation world common phenomenon, is the Divine Prosperity Realm indigenous gods livelihood. 见风使舵不但是修真界的常见现象,也是神昌界土著神明们的生存之道。 Now after Tai Miao arrives, shows and powerful, may be called the terrifying battle efficiency simply. 现在太妙降临之后,展现出及其强大,简直堪称恐怖的战斗力。 In this group of indigenous gods, some fellow considerations change the standpoint, turns Meng Zhang. 这帮土著神明之中,就有一些家伙考虑是不是转变立场,去投靠孟章 Meng Zhang had not previously received any substantive injury in any case, they have not made it present anything to lose. 反正孟章此前并没有受到任何实质性的伤害,他们也没有让其出现什么损失。 Under they have no other choice, with Famine Demon God empty with the winding, Meng Zhang should be able to understand. 他们不得已之下,才和灾荒魔神虚与委蛇,孟章应该能够理解吧。 They believe that if Meng Zhang wants to base in the south islands, needs their help. 他们认为,孟章要想在南部群岛立足,还是需要他们的帮助的。 This group of indigenous Shimebara did not have many fighting spirits, now the interior presents the argument, the thoughts without begun. 这帮土著神明原本就没有多少斗志,现在内部出现争论,就更没有动手的心思了。 Famine Demon God and Tai Miao are the powerhouses of same rank, the itself power gap is not big. 灾荒魔神太妙是同一级别的强者,本身实力差距不大。 Famine Demon God has strength of in addition being bewitched territory to hold, Tai Miao has Taiyi World all gods and Taiyi World in addition holds, whose tall who/what is low, obvious. 灾荒魔神有着魔域之力加持,太妙有着太乙界所有神明和太乙界本身的加持,孰高孰低,一眼可见。 Tai Miao gives full play of power and strength, compelled completely Famine Demon God leeward. 太妙大发神威,完全将灾荒魔神逼到了下风。 Distressed incomparable Famine Demon God resists the attack of Tai Miao, while urged the Sandy Cay True God they to lend a hand to assist. 狼狈无比的灾荒魔神一边招架太妙的攻击,一边催促沙岛真神他们出手相助。 Famine Demon God previously used the weakness of this group of indigenous gods, can act bashful them, to use them willfully. 灾荒魔神此前利用了这帮土著神明的弱点,才能任意拿捏他们、利用他们。 Now, this group of indigenous gods because of its weakness, are not willing to enter the war. 现在,这帮土著神明因为其弱点,迟迟不愿意参战。 Meng Zhang seizes the opportunity, sends out Yin Yang Extinguishing Divine Thunder one after another. 孟章抓住机会,接连发出阴阳灭绝神雷 In five True God puppets, two are been broken by the thorough bang. 五具真神傀儡之中,已经有两具被彻底轰碎。 The remaining three bodies are incomplete, the injury is serious, obviously could not support is too long. 剩下三具身体残缺,伤势沉重,显然支撑不了太久了。 Once Meng Zhang starts to counter-attack, changed the situation, created huge killing to the enemy. 孟章一旦开始反击,就扭转了局势,给敌人造成了巨大的杀伤。 Famine Demon God not many Demon God such biased mentalities. 灾荒魔神并没有许多魔神那样的偏执心态。 Saw with own eyes that the enemy potential is big, the matter cannot, him not die to fight thoughts. 眼见敌人势大,事不可为,他也没有死战到底的心思。 He tries to get rid of the attack of Tai Miao, seeks the opportunity of withdrawing. 他试图摆脱太妙的攻击,寻找脱身的机会。 In him, but had a mortal hatred of the Sandy Cay True God and other indigenous gods. 在他心里,可是恨死了沙岛真神等土著神明。 The strength of Tai Miao terrifying solidly locks Famine Demon God, making him easily not probably withdraw. 太妙恐怖的力量将灾荒魔神牢牢锁定,让他轻易不得脱身。 In the Famine Demon God heart felt the tremendous pressure. 灾荒魔神心中感受到了巨大的压力。 He faces is not Tai Miao, seems the whole world. 他面对的不是太妙,仿佛是一整个世界。 All secret techniques that he releases were easily reduced and solved by the enemy, each attack of enemy makes him not feel better very much. 他释放的所有秘术都被敌人轻易化解,敌人的每一次攻击都让他很不好过。 Also after is a fierce combat, Famine Demon God paid the huge price, was separated from the fight, returned to the southern islands demon territory. 又是一番激战之后,灾荒魔神付出了巨大的代价,才脱离了战斗,逃回了南部群岛的魔域之中。 The remaining three puppets were been broken by the Meng Zhang bang, demon that ties down Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan was wrecked by Tai Miao, he also received the heavy injury. 剩下的三具傀儡被孟章轰碎,那件缠住风火阴阳扇的魔器被太妙击毁,他自身也受了不轻的伤势。 Saw with own eyes Famine Demon God to run into the demon territory, Meng Zhang they hesitant, has not continued to pursue. 眼见灾荒魔神逃入了魔域之中,孟章他们犹豫了一下,没有继续追击。 Meng Zhang from was ambushed to surround, to afterward counter-attack, underwent the continual fierce combat, the time is not long, the loss is enormous, almost hurt the vitality. 孟章从被埋伏包围,到后来的反击,经过了连续的激战,时间不长,损耗极大,差点就伤到了元气了。 Without some time training, he is unable fully to restore. 没有一段时间的修养,他是无法完全恢复了。 His time condition is unsatisfactory, is not naturally willing to enter the enemy to operate in some time demon territory rashly. 他此时状态不佳,自然不愿意冒然杀入敌人经营了一段时间的魔域之内。 Although removed the puppets of five True God ranks, but Famine Demon God demonize southern islands so many lives, hand/subordinate a huge demon army. 虽然除掉了五具真神级别的傀儡,可灾荒魔神魔化了南部群岛那么多生灵,手下还有一支庞大的魔物大军。 Meng Zhang this time condition, was not really suitable conducts a prolonged battle of attrition. 孟章此时的状态,实在是不适宜进行一场旷日持久的消耗战了。 In the standard of gods, the Taiyi World gods are very mostly young, even is immature. 以神明的标准来看,太乙界的神明们大多还很年轻,甚至是稚嫩。 Their foundation is superficial, the supernatural power is limited. 他们根基浅薄,神力有限。 Previously through proliferating Taiyi World great formation united the strength to support Tai Miao, just short a while, made their supernatural power loss huge, the latter strength was bad. 此前通过遍布太乙界大阵凝聚力量支援太妙,只不过短短的一会儿,就让他们神力损耗巨大,后力不济了。 By the strength of this group of young gods, joins the fight of this True God rank, to them truly great stress. 以这帮年轻神明的实力而言,加入这种真神级别的战斗,对他们来说确实压力巨大。 Taiyi World is a new student/life world, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao is not willing extremely to consume its strength after all. 太乙界毕竟是一个新生的世界,孟章太妙都不愿意太过消耗其力量。 Taiyi World grows now high-speed time, should try hard to its strengthening, rather than consumes its strength wantonly. 太乙界现在正是高速成长的时候,应该努力对其强化,而不是大肆消耗其力量。 Moreover Tai Miao previously made almost entire Taiyi World strength in addition hold itself on, resulted in very tremendous pressure on oneself. 而且太妙此前让几乎整个太乙界的力量加持到自己身上,对自身也造成了很大的压力。 Lost the in addition of Taiyi World and many gods holds, the Tai Miao strength will drop suddenly. 失去了太乙界和诸多神明的加持,太妙的实力会急剧下降。 Has a lot of time for that in any case, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao do not need to take risk at this time. 反正来日方长,孟章太妙都没有必要在这个时候冒险。 After their training finished and restored the strength, some are the time slowly criticizes today this account. 等到他们修养完毕、恢复实力之后,有的是时间慢慢清算今日这笔账。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao use it and special ties of Taiyi World, quick leave here, transmitted Taiyi World. 孟章太妙利用其和太乙界的特殊联系,很快就离开这里,传送回了太乙界 Just before leaving before, Meng Zhang looked at a Sandy Cay True God and other god country's of the directions, killing intent that the whole face cannot conceal. 临走之前,孟章望了一眼沙岛真神等神国的方向,满脸都是掩饰不住的杀意。 When will come back next time, is their times of death. 等到下次回来的时候,就是他们的死期。 By that time, Meng Zhang will not accept the surrender, will not have slight pitying. 到了那时,孟章不会接受投降,不会有丝毫的怜悯。 Although Meng Zhang has wanted to attract the Divine Prosperity Realm indigenous gods to join the gods system of Taiyi World. 虽然孟章一直都想要吸纳神昌界土著神明加入太乙界的神明体系。 But Meng Zhang also has the standard, what worthless people will not receive. 孟章也是有着标准的,不会什么歪瓜裂枣都接收。 The Divine Prosperity Realm indigenous gods are numerous, the Meng Zhang choice is very big. 神昌界土著神明众多,孟章的选择余地很大。 Colluded with the Famine Demon God fellow regarding the Sandy Cay True God, he must remove. 对于沙岛真神等勾结灾荒魔神的家伙,他是一定要除掉的。 After Meng Zhang and Tai Miao return to Taiyi World, makes the best use of the time to rest and build up strength. 孟章太妙回到太乙界之后,就抓紧时间休养生息。 The Tai Miao situation is much better compared with Meng Zhang, has been staring at the southern islands. 太妙的情况远比孟章要好得多,一直盯着南部群岛这边。 Before Meng Zhang leaves Divine Prosperity Realm, had not forgotten that issues the order to the great shark god. 孟章离开神昌界之前,没有忘记向巨鲨神下达命令。 Meng Zhang ordering makes his army of leadership slow down the rate of progression, sharply do not approach the southern islands. 孟章下令让其率领的大军放慢前进速度,不要急着接近南部群岛。 When he returns to Divine Prosperity Realm time, can lead them to attack the southern islands. 等到他返回神昌界的时候,自会带着他们进攻南部群岛。 Famine Demon God this time is wounded heavily, after returning to the demon territory, temporarily did not have the sound. 灾荒魔神这次受创不轻,返回魔域之后,暂时没有了动静。 Sandy Cay True God fellows see with own eyes Famine Demon God to retreat, thinks that temporarily eliminated its threat, but also was somewhat happy. 沙岛真神这帮家伙眼见灾荒魔神退走,以为暂时消除了其威胁,还有几分高兴。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao have not responded them to leave directly, making them feel very disappointed. 孟章太妙没有搭理他们就直接离开,让他们感到很是失望。 They also prepared to indicate to submit to Meng Zhang, flattering well and flatters Meng Zhang and Tai Miao two people. 他们原本还准备向孟章表示臣服,好好的讨好和巴结孟章太妙两人。 They most start a little to be terrified, but quick restored the appearance in ordinary day. 他们最开始还有点惶恐不安,可很快就恢复了平日里的样子。 Their this muddling along mentalities and attitudes, making them forget the anxiety in heart quickly. 他们这种得过且过的心态和作风,让他们很快就忘记了心中的不安。 After experiencing a war, the south islands quickly returned to unexpectedly normal. 经历了一场大战之后,南部群岛居然又迅速恢复了平静。
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