SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2765: Counter-attack

The land of entire microcosm almost split. 整个小世界的大地几乎都裂开了。 The innumerable thick vines drill from the place bottom, just like the living creature, flexible dancing in the air throws strikes. 无数粗大的藤蔓从地底钻出来,如同活物一样,灵活的飞舞扑击。 The fungus blanket of ground, is all sorts of strange and unusual demon, under throwing of these vines strike, was eliminated quickly. 无论是地面的菌毯,还是千奇百怪的魔物,在这些藤蔓的扑击之下,都很快被消灭。 The suppression of demon territory world rule to Grand Dust Immortal Venerable, is more nothing left. 魔域天地规则对钧尘仙尊的压制,更是早就荡然无存。 I Grasp Heavenly Demon unexpectedly, Grand Dust Immortal Venerable hides unexpectedly deeply. 我执天魔没有想到,钧尘仙尊居然藏得这么深。 Grand Dust Immortal Venerable was previously at a disadvantage repeatedly, has not exposed the strengths of these hideaways. 此前钧尘仙尊多次处于下风的时候,都没有暴露过这些隐藏的力量。 Now Grand Dust Immortal Venerable starts to assume an awe-inspiring pose, I Grasp Heavenly Demon felt the tremendous pressure immediately. 现在钧尘仙尊开始发威,我执天魔立即就感受到了巨大的压力。 I Grasp Heavenly Demon the condition understanding Grand Dust Immortal Venerable is insufficient. 我执天魔还是对钧尘仙尊的状态了解不够。 Air Splitting Immortal Vine is indeed loyal and devoted to Grand Dust Immortal Venerable, in the past spared no sacrifice the life, must actuate the treasure of that eon light, summoned the Grand Dust Immortal Venerable past projection from the time river. 破空仙藤的确对钧尘仙尊忠心耿耿,当年不惜牺牲自家性命,都要驱动那件宙光之宝,从时光长河之中召唤出钧尘仙尊过去的投影。 The Grand Dust Immortal Venerable past projection seemingly has the Heaven Immortal position standard, actually illusory indistinct, has to occupy the body that Air Splitting Immortal Vine leaves behind. 钧尘仙尊过去的投影看似有着天仙位格,其实虚幻缥缈,才不得不占据破空仙藤留下的躯壳。 After Air Splitting Immortal Vine falls from the sky, in its body also wills of many surviving. 破空仙藤陨落之后,其躯壳之内还有不少残存的意志。 The will sufficient intelligence of these surviving, will not be more loyal more and devoted to Grand Dust Immortal Venerable like Air Splitting Immortal Vine, repel all external intruder who only meet the instinct. 这些残存的意志没有足够的智力,更不会像破空仙藤一样对钧尘仙尊忠心耿耿,只会本能的排斥一切外来的入侵者。 Grand Dust Immortal Venerable cannot completely control the body that oneself obtain newly at first. 钧尘仙尊最初并不能完全控制自己新获得的躯壳。 He needs the surviving will in time driving out body slowly, needs slowly with its fusion, needs to turn into the solid life the unreal projection...... 他需要时间慢慢的驱除躯壳之内的残存意志,需要慢慢的与其融合,需要将虚幻不实的投影变成实实在在的生灵…… The place that Grand Dust Immortal Venerable must divert attention are too many, cannot display too many strengths. 钧尘仙尊要分心的地方太多,根本发挥不出太多的实力来。 In the past I Grasp Heavenly Demon looked for him the time, he only then retreated temporarily. 当年我执天魔找上他的时候,他只有暂时退却。 He first was draws back into this to prepare in the good microcosm, I Grasp Heavenly Demon is not willing to let off him, closely followed to pursue. 他先是退入了这个早就准备好的小世界之内,我执天魔不肯放过他,紧紧跟着追了进来。 Even the microcosm is his home game, but strength bad he, is still not able to exceed I Grasp Heavenly Demon at that time. 即便小世界是他的主场,可当时实力不济的他,仍然无法胜过我执天魔 He and I Grasp Heavenly Demon socializes, while makes the best use of the time to restore the strength. 他一边和我执天魔周旋,一边抓紧时间恢复实力。 I Grasp Heavenly Demon pesters he many years of life and death archenemies, he has wanted to eliminate it to be then quick. 我执天魔是纠缠他多年的生死大敌,他早就欲除之而后快了。 I Grasp Heavenly Demon and he dogfight in this microcosm continuous, is the best opportunity. 我执天魔和他在这个小世界之内缠斗不休,正是最好的机会。 In order to guarantee strikes to kill, he makes concessions repeatedly. 为了保证一击必杀,他一再退让。 Before enough assurance, he will not attack full power. 在没有足够的把握之前,他不会全力出击。 Now, Grand Dust Immortal Venerable thinks that the time arrived, started the big counter-attack. 现在,钧尘仙尊认为时机到来了,开始了大反击。 I Grasp Heavenly Demon seems like that this microcosm thorough demonize, actually completed the face work. 我执天魔看似将这个小世界彻底魔化,其实只是完成了表面工作。 Air Splitting Immortal Vine that huge body, is constitutes and support the important foundation of this microcosm. 破空仙藤那庞大的身躯,是构成和支撑起这个小世界的重要根基。 Previously Grand Dust Immortal Venerable controlled some controlled strength and I Grasp Heavenly Demon battle. 此前钧尘仙尊只是操控已经掌控的部分力量和我执天魔争斗。 Air Splitting Immortal Vine this treasure a large part of strengths, were hidden by him in the bottom deep place. 破空仙藤这件宝物很大一部分力量,被他藏在了地底深处。 Always deceitful I Grasp Heavenly Demon, because of the attention by the Grand Dust Immortal Venerable one after another movement attraction, hid the truth from unexpectedly. 一向狡诈的我执天魔,因为注意力被钧尘仙尊接二连三的动作吸引,居然被就这么瞒了过去。 Let alone is I Grasp Heavenly Demon, Meng Zhang that looks on they, at this time was sighing that Grand Dust Immortal Venerable hides enough deeply. 别说是我执天魔,就连旁观的孟章他们,此时都在感叹钧尘仙尊藏得够深。 Although they do not have the strength to participate in such war, can actually look at the clear tactical situation. 他们虽然没有实力参与这样的大战,却还是能够看明白战况发展的。 The I Grasp Heavenly Demon vast momentum all-out attack has not vacillated the Grand Dust Immortal Venerable slightest, the counter-attack of Grand Dust Immortal Venerable compels I Grasp Heavenly Demon leeward. 我执天魔声势浩大的全力攻击没有动摇钧尘仙尊分毫,钧尘仙尊的反击将我执天魔逼到了下风。 However, I Grasp Heavenly Demon drifts from place to place, Grand Dust Immortal Venerable has not caught his true body temporarily. 不过,我执天魔飘忽不定,钧尘仙尊暂时没有抓到他的真身。 Although he falls temporarily leeward, substantive had not actually been injured. 他虽然暂时落到下风,却还没有受到实质性的伤害。 Your this demon also is really deceitful, can hide compared with the turtle.” “你这魔头还真是狡诈,比乌龟还会藏。” You think that this place accompanied you to play was so long, has been wasting the time?” “你以为本座陪你玩了这么久,一直都是在浪费时间吗?” Grand Dust Immortal Venerable previously not and I Grasp Heavenly Demon conversation. 钧尘仙尊此前一直不怎么和我执天魔交谈。 Even facing slandering and attack of I Grasp Heavenly Demon time, are most worn out rebuttal two, simply not with the meaning of his lengthy speech. 即便是面对我执天魔的污蔑和攻击的时候,都最多有气无力的反驳两句,根本没有和他长篇大论的意思。 First, Grand Dust Immortal Venerable is the quiet character. 一来,钧尘仙尊本身就是沉默寡言的性格。 Previously if were not the situation is urgent, he they will not speak so many words with Meng Zhang. 此前如果不是情况紧急,他都不会和孟章他们说这么多话。 Secondly, Grand Dust Immortal Venerable is extremely arrogant, disdains in makes the struggle of argument with I Grasp Heavenly Demon. 二来,钧尘仙尊太过高傲,不屑于和我执天魔做口舌之争。 In his opinion, can begin rubbish. 在他看来,能动手就不要废话。 Now is the war is quite probably smooth, self-satisfied Grand Dust Immortal Venerable cannot bear the many words get up. 现在大概是战局比较顺利吧,得意的钧尘仙尊都忍不住多话起来。 Taunted I Grasp Heavenly Demon, Grand Dust Immortal Venerable while started fatally struck. 一边嘲讽我执天魔,钧尘仙尊一边发动了致命一击。 That towering great tree same wields the branch like a giant, makes a posture that bends the bow the nocking, was projecting an arrow to the sky in blood moon/month layer on layer/heavily. 那颗参天巨树如同一个巨人一样挥动枝条,做出一个弯弓搭箭的姿势,对着天空中的血月重重射出了一箭。 A thick jet black branch, is the arrow arrow that projects. 一根粗大的漆黑枝条,就是射出的箭矢。 This special arrow arrow like the lightning, hit a target quickly accurately blood moon/month in sky. 这根特殊的箭矢快如闪电,准确的射中了天空之中的血月。 Arrow arrow interior of one unceasing drilling into blood moon/month, the drill is deeper, another connected the Grand Dust Immortal Venerable current body. 箭矢的一头不断的钻入血月的内部,越钻越深,另外一头连接了钧尘仙尊目前的躯壳。 A sad and shrill pitiful yell sound spread over the almost entire microcosm. 一声凄厉至极的惨叫声传遍了几乎整个小世界。 In the sky that blood moon/month overhangs in the air, everyone eyes can see. 天空之中那轮血月就这么高挂空中,所有人一眼就能看见。 Probably is under the lamp the black reason, everyone had not previously suspected, I Grasp Heavenly Demon hid own true body above the blood moon/month unexpectedly. 大概是灯下黑的原因吧,大家此前都没有怀疑过,我执天魔居然将自己的真身藏在了血月之上。 Or that blood moon/month, is his true body is. 或者说,那一轮血月,才是他的真身所在。 Grand Dust Immortal Venerable had discovered his true body is, has had no movement, for surprise attack at this moment. 钧尘仙尊早就发现了他的真身所在,却一直没有什么动作,就是为了此刻的突袭。 After suffering to strike layer on layer/heavily, in the sky that blood moon/month started the twist deformation, to sway from side to side fiercely, tries to break out of the fetter of Grand Dust Immortal Venerable full power. 挨了重重一击之后,天空之中那一轮血月开始扭曲变形、剧烈扭动,试图全力摆脱钧尘仙尊的束缚。 Grand Dust Immortal Venerable takes the tie with that branch, oneself and I Grasp Heavenly Demon true body firmly links. 钧尘仙尊用那根枝条作为纽带,将自己和我执天魔的真身牢牢的连接在一起。 Except that gave the opposite party a moment ago fatal strikes beside, he still in the continuous transmission strength, tries to rout the opposite party thoroughly. 除了刚才给予对方的致命一击之外,他还在持续不断的传递力量,试图彻底击溃对方。 With the fierce vibration of blood moon/month, the entire microcosm violent rocking, the entire demon territory was being vacillated, as if will collapse momentarily. 随着血月的剧烈抖动,整个小世界都在猛烈的晃动,整个魔域都被动摇,似乎随时都会崩溃。 As a result of the previous battle, this microcosm was divided into two parts. 由于此前的争斗,这个小世界被分为了两个部分。 A part is the demon territory that I Grasp Heavenly Demon transforms, another part by the place that Air Splitting Immortal Vine protects. 一个部分是我执天魔转化的魔域,另外一个部分是被破空仙藤守护住的地方。 If the demon territory collapses thoroughly, this microcosm will cause heavy losses, and even the destruction, then implicates to take the microcosm foundation Air Splitting Immortal Vine. 如果魔域彻底崩溃,这个小世界都会被重创,乃至毁灭,进而连累到作为小世界根基的破空仙藤 Grand Dust Immortal Venerable naturally cannot allow this situation to happen. 钧尘仙尊自然不会允许这种情况发生。 He to this counter-attack plan for a long time, the nature has the law of dealing to various situations. 他对这次反击筹谋已久,自然早就对各种情况都有应对之法。 I Grasp Heavenly Demon within the body by that branch numerous insertions, the strength from Grand Dust Immortal Venerable was impacted his demon body and demon soul unceasingly. 我执天魔体内被那根枝条重重的插入,来自钧尘仙尊的力量不断的冲击他的魔躯和魔魂。 Struggling and resistance that although he goes all out, actually also know, without the accident happened, he may fall from the sky today very much in the Grand Dust Immortal Venerable hand. 他虽然拼命的挣扎和反抗,却也知道,如果没有意外发生,他今日很有可能陨落在钧尘仙尊手中。 He concentrates all strength resistances, while the plan of ponder withdrawing. 他一边集中所有的力量反抗,一边思考脱身之策。 He considered oneself must give up this demon body on own initiative, making the demon soul run away. 他考虑到了自己要不要主动放弃这具魔躯,让魔魂逃走。 In this time, strange aura is sending out from Grand Dust Immortal Venerable. 正在这个时候,一股诡异的气息从钧尘仙尊身上散发出来。 Branch fast waving of that great tree, the probably innumerable palms are having law seal to be the same, have some special rhythm. 那颗巨树的枝条快速的舞动,就好像无数手掌在结出法印一样,有着某种特殊的韵律。 An intermittent low and deep and mysterious sound, resounds in the great tree branches, along with waving of branch. 一阵阵低沉而又神秘的声音,在巨树枝条之间响起,伴随着枝条的舞动。 7017 k 7017k
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