SDT2BMS :: Volume #5

#497: Eternal seal

Chapter 497 eternal seal 第497章永恒封印 What is more fearful, is centered on this to hold the skeleton, dark blue halos cover to the dead spirit army direction, each dead spirit lifeform is evolving under the visible speed, the dead spirit energy in sky is the congealment just like the essence to be the same. 更可怕的是,以这尊举行骷髅为中心,一圈圈深蓝色光晕向亡灵大军方向覆盖,每一个亡灵生物都在肉眼可见的速度下进化着,天空中的亡灵能量更是凝结的犹如实质一般。 Eternal territory!” Long Dangdang raises in the hand the divine sword, immediately, his body is sending out nine color rays grow stronger again, are thinking the front engages in factional strife to go. “永恒之域!”龙当当举起手中神剑,顿时,他身上散发着的九彩光芒再次变强,想着前方倾轧而去。 Snort!” Dead souls Saint law god cold snort/hum, before that giant skeleton body, dark blue halo just like the mighty waves to come a layer upon layer generally, releases Long Dangdang eternal governing prevents outside. “哼!”死灵圣法神冷哼一声,那巨大的骷髅身前,一层层深蓝色的光晕犹如波涛一般汹涌而来,将龙当当释放出的永恒之御阻挡在外。 But at this moment, several gods print the eyes of knight are actually one bright, this time they saw clearly, the domain strength of eternal governing sending out, in the level as if be higher , after both sides that dead souls Saint law god that dead spirit altar sent out collided, when counter-balanced mutually, will be the consumption of dead souls Saint law god will be obviously bigger. It seems like the eternal governing oppressed start retreat of Long Dangdang, but is mainly because both sides disparity in spirit strength level extremely in disparate. 但这一刻,几位神印骑士的眼睛却都是一亮,这次他们看得更加清楚了,永恒之御散发出的领域力量,层级上似乎要比死灵圣法神那亡灵祭坛散发出来的要高,双方碰撞后在相互抵消的时候,明显是死灵圣法神的消耗会更大一些。看上去龙当当的永恒之御被压迫的开始后退,但主要是因为双方在灵力层面上的差距太过于悬殊。 Long Dangdang obtained eternal printed the throne with the god of creation, in fact, cultivate/repair to many is also equivalent to nine step third-level degrees, in addition ultra divine tool. But perhaps at this time the dead souls Saint law god with the aid of dead spirit altar, really had nine levels of nine steps. 龙当当获得了永恒与创造之神印王座,实际上,修为最多也就相当于九阶三级的程度,再加上超神器。而此时借助亡灵祭坛的死灵圣法神,恐怕真的有九级九阶了。 Together come!” The owner sinking sound shouted, the next quarter, he had flown left side of Long Dangdang. Other four gods print the knight are also follow on, presents in Long Dangdang five people Long Dangdang regarding in central, next one flickers, their gods print the throne also sends out strange buzz the whining noise. “一起来!”堂主沉声喝道,下一刻,他已经率先飞到了龙当当左侧。其他四位神印骑士也是接踵而上,出现在龙当当身边五个人将龙当当围绕在中央,下一瞬,他们身上的神印王座都随之发出奇异的嗡鸣声。 Five streams light/only also shoot up to the sky, change into five giant light beams, under the encirclements of these five light beams, Long Dangdang felt immediately own eternal armor becomes even more bright, the eternal territory also stopped the declining tendency instantaneously, blocked the domain of dead souls Saint law god to engage in factional strife reluctantly. 五道流光同时冲天而起,化为五道巨大的光柱,在这五道光柱的环绕之下,龙当当顿时感觉到自身的永恒之铠变得越发明亮起来,永恒之域也瞬间止住了颓势,勉强挡住了死灵圣法神的领域倾轧。 Is this? Do six big gods print the jointly attacking ability of throne? The Long Dangdang heart has a feeling, next quarter, side him, was three forms is released, impressively Easton king, sacred big dragon and eternal angel. Three great talent appear side Long Dangdang spirit, when they see distant place that dreadful dead spirit aura, for it look changes. 这是?六大神印王座的合击能力?龙当当心有所感,下一刻,在他身边,又是三道身影被释放了出来,赫然正是伊斯顿王、神圣巨龙和永恒天使。三大器灵出现在龙当当身边,当他们看到远处那滔天的亡灵气息时,也不禁为之色变。 This is, the dead spirit disaster law stick, did this law stick appear unexpectedly? I remember saying that......” sacred big dragon muttered. “这是,亡灵天灾法杖,这根法杖竟然重现于世了吗?我记得……”神圣巨龙喃喃的说道。 Actually stared its one in the eternal angel of its side, making its latter half a word words swallow back. 在它身边的永恒天使却是瞪了它一眼,让它的后半句话咽了回去。 But, did not have the time!” The Long Dangdang forced smile said. Saw, own mother had held up the law stick again, huge dead spirit energy long-range raid comes, that dead spirit disaster law stick most fearful place can transfer the dead spirit energy to use for her, becomes a part of her strength directly. Originally cultivating of both sides to have disparity, let alone must resist that nearly dead spirit state the strength of whole nation. “可是,没时间了啊!”龙当当苦笑道。眼看着,自己的母亲已经再次举起了法杖,更加庞大的亡灵能量奔袭而来,那亡灵天灾法杖最可怕的地方就是可以调动亡灵能量为她所用,直接成为她力量的一部分。本来双方的修为就有差距,更别说还要抵挡那近乎亡灵国度的举国之力了。 God prints the throne, listening to me to direct.” In the hand the sword of life inspiration holds up, other five gods print the vision of knight to go to him simultaneously, immediately, they felt to come from eternal print the hauling of throne with the god of creation, without the half a point hesitated, five big gods printed the knight to let loose itself to print the control of throne to the god simultaneously. “神印王座,听我指引。”手中生命启迪之剑举起,其他五位神印骑士的目光同时投向他,顿时,他们感受到了来自于永恒与创造之神印王座的牵引,没有半分犹豫,五大神印骑士同时放开了自己对神印王座的掌控。 Long Dangdang gawked, seven days of time?” Although he does not have to say directly, but the expression has been telling the eternal angel, what can seven days of time do? 龙当当愣了一下,“七天时间?”他虽然没直接说出来,但表情已经是在告诉永恒天使,七天时间能干什么? The eternal angel actually shows a faint smile, said: Has the means that first seal they.” At the same time saying, in her eye pupil has sent out the strange nine color rays, in the Long Dangdang mind appears immediately miraculous together. 永恒天使却是微微一笑,道:“有办法的,先封印他们吧。”一边说着,她的眼眸之中已经散发出奇异的九彩光芒,龙当当脑海中顿时浮现出一道灵光。 Looks to stand mother in skeleton head peak, Long Dangdang in the throat somewhat chokes up at once, does not know that should say anything is good, he has been ready, prepares to wait for mother to expose his status, this without doubt to him will be a bigger attack. 看着站在骷髅头顶端的母亲,龙当当一时之间喉中不禁有些哽住了,不知道该说什么才好,他已经做好了准备,准备等待母亲暴露他的身份,这无疑对他将是更大的打击。 Immediately, the world trembles, six gods print the throne to melt the empty shadow in in the air to change unexpectedly in abundance, change into giant rune/symbol writing , prints the throne to melt rune/symbol writing with the god of creation eternal, from the sky is more like nine color Sun to be the same, in that flash that it presents, the dead spirit disaster domain that the dead souls Saint law god releases looked like runs into the difficult adversary to be the same, the tide dead spirit energy changed into the windblown dust to break up in abundance, that three-km giant skeleton could not bear withdraws backward. In the ground, everything was swept by this ray the dead spirit lifeform, will unravel directly, even the dead spirit energy escapes without enough time. 顿时,天地为之震颤,六张神印王座所化虚影在空中竟是纷纷变化,化为一个个巨大的符文,其中,永恒与创造之神印王座所化符文,在空中更像是一枚九彩太阳一般,在它出现的那一瞬间,死灵圣法神释放的亡灵天灾领域就像是遇到了克星一般,潮汐般的亡灵能量纷纷化为尘烟崩解,那高达三千米的巨大骷髅都忍不住向后退出。地面上,凡是被这道光芒扫中的亡灵生物,直接就会灰飞烟灭,甚至连亡灵能量都来不及逃逸。 The eternal angel looked at around other five big gods to print the knight, said: They also in the words, coordinate us, can the interim release the eternal knot seal opposite party, be able the seal seven days of time, in seven days, you, if wants the means to cultivate/repair to promote, can resist the opposite party.” 永恒天使看了一眼周围的其他五大神印骑士,道:“它们也在的话,配合我们,可以暂时释放出永恒结界封印对方,可以封印七天时间,七天内,您要想办法将修为提升起来,就能抵挡对方。” Long Dangdang behind, nine color light wheel sparkles, indistinct, Gundam/reaches as high as a kilometer god to print the throne empty shadow to appear together, five rays strip from five god seal knights simultaneously, from the sky changes into the slightly young five gods to print the throne light shadow, six big gods print the brilliance of throne from the sky to enhance one another's beauty. 龙当当身后,一圈九彩光轮闪耀,隐约之间,一道高达千米的神印王座虚影显现出来,五道光芒同时从五位神印骑士身上剥离而出,在空中化为稍小一些的五张神印王座光影,六大神印王座的光辉在空中交相辉映。 How can break the dead spirit domain of opposite party?” Long Dangdang inquired to the eternal angel. “如何能够破掉对方的亡灵领域?”龙当当向永恒天使询问道。 The entire sky had the change suddenly, Henggeng clouds in the in the air heavy/thick dead spirit, will as if vanish unexpectedly shortly generally, the star-studded sky appears, the nighttime sky unexpectedly was one becomes clear net. 整個天空骤然出现了变化,原本横埂于空中厚重的亡灵云,竟然在顷刻之间仿佛消失了一般,满天星斗浮现而出,夜空竟是一下就变得澄净起来了。 The eternal angel says immediately: Eternal territory creates the domain that the world god creates, has the strength of initial creation, is in the universe one of the most powerful strengths, although the domain of opposite party is very strong, but will actually be restrained as before, is only, the strength of opposite party was stronger than you are too many. Therefore you will be suppressed, if you can cultivating to promote to the certain extent, the attribute aspect, can definitely restrain the opposite party.” 永恒天使立刻道:“永恒之域乃是创世神所创造的领域,拥有着最初的创造之力,乃是宇宙之中最强大的力量之一,对方的领域虽然很强,但却依旧会被克制,只是,对方的力量比您强大太多了。所以您才会被压制,如果您能将修为提升到一定程度,属性方面,肯定是能克制对方的。” Good, good and good, Long Dangdang, you are very good!” Ling Xue this time complexion has become pale, when Long Dangdang starts eternal knot, she even felt a big terrifying to drop from the clouds, the strength of that creation was really fearful, although was not intense, but made her feel the huge threat as before. But she can also in the ultra divine tool dead spirit disaster law stick through the hand induce, this knot can only maintain some time, the not possible true permanence continues. “好、好、好,龙当当,你很好!”凌雪此时的脸色已经变得铁青,当龙当当发动永恒结界的时候,她甚至感受到了一股大恐怖从天而降,那份创造之力实在是太可怕了,虽然并不强烈,但却依旧让她感受到巨大的威胁。但她同时也能通过手中超神器亡灵天灾法杖感应到,这个结界只能维持一段时间,不可能真正的永久持续下去。 The eternal seal also calls it eternal knot, this is belongs eternal prints one of the throne highest lawful rights with the god of creation. Long Dangdang sincere feeling its great strength, but, takes his present cultivating as, but also is unable completely to grasp this authority. But for all this, then the powerful dead souls Saint law god and dead spirit army, all were actually isolated outside, is unable to continue to go forward one step. The in the air dead spirit clouds day after day, in this flickers, had been isolated completely. 永恒封印也称之为永恒结界,这是属于永恒与创造之神印王座的最高权柄之一。龙当当深切的感受到它的强大,只不过,以他现在的修为,还无法完全掌握这份权柄而已。可尽管如此,那么强大的死灵圣法神以及亡灵大军,却还是全都被隔绝在外,无法继续前进一步。就连天空中的亡灵云,在这一瞬,也已经完全被隔绝了。 Another five gods print the throne the symbol document printing records, approaches directly eternal prints the throne with the god of creation, six great seals record to contact in the together instance, nine color light beams shoot up to the sky together instantaneously. 另外五张神印王座所化的符文印记,直接靠近永恒与创造之神印王座,六大印记接触在一起的瞬间,一道九彩光柱瞬间冲天而起。 In this flickers, all human and dead spirits, felt that oneself as if place oneself in the universe general , prints the throne to reappear with the god of creation eternal again in the nighttime sky, nine color rays pass through the world, changes into giant light screen forcefully isolates all dead spirit aura completely outside, prevents prints the knight front in six big gods. 在这一瞬,所有人类和亡灵,都感觉到自己仿佛是置身于宇宙之中一般,紧接着,永恒与创造之神印王座就再次浮现于夜空之中,九彩光芒贯穿天地,化为一道巨大的光幕硬生生的将所有亡灵气息全部隔绝在外,阻挡在六大神印骑士前方。 Strongly prints the three great talent of throne with the god of creation spirit to Long Dangdang eternal behind, Long Dangdang the sword of life inspiration in in the air delimits together the circular arc slowly. 永恒与创造之神印王座的三大器灵全都集中到龙当当身后,龙当当的生命启迪之剑在空中缓缓划出一道圆弧。 Therefore, human occupation in ground saw strange one, them, is the clear nighttime sky, the star-studded sky star light is radiant, but another side of nine pattern of overlapping rhombuses, is the strong dead spirit said that dead spirit army who as well as that three-km giant skeleton, as well as blots out the sky. This, looked like the heaven and hell is divided. 因此,地面上的人类职业者们就看到了奇异的一幕,在他们这边,是澄澈夜空,满天星斗星光璀璨,而九彩结界的另一边,却是浓重的亡灵云,以及那高达三千米的巨大骷髅,以及铺天盖地的亡灵大军。这一幕,就像是天堂和地狱被分割开来了似的。 However, Ling Xue stands top the dark blue giant skeleton head, the vision ice-cold gaze he, anything had not been saying, even the chaos veil on face has not relieved. 但是,凌雪就只是站在深蓝色的巨大骷髅头顶部,目光冰冷的注视着他,什么都没有说,甚至连脸上的混沌面纱都没有解除。 Five gods print the throne to return five gods to print side the knight, the owner band of light the inquiry is looking to Long Dangdang. 五张神印王座重新回到五位神印骑士身边,堂主目光带着询问看向龙当当 Long Dangdang then restores, sinking sound said: My strength is also not enough to display to print the might of throne with the god of creation completely eternal, cannot be victorious she. Now prints strength release eternal knot of throne with the aid of six big gods, temporarily resists all dead spirit lifeform and dead spirit aura outside, gives us point respite time, I also find the way to promote itself while this time.” 龙当当这才恢复过来,沉声道:“我的实力还不足以完全发挥出永恒与创造之神印王座的威力,打不过她。现在借助六大神印王座的力量释放永恒结界,暂时将所有亡灵生物和亡灵气息抵挡在外,给我们一点喘息时间,我也想办法趁着这个时间提升自己。” How long?” Evening clear asked. “有多久?”夕澈问道。 Long Dangdang looked at his one eyes, told the facts: Seven days, eternal knot can maintain seven days.” 龙当当看了他一眼,还是实话实说道:“七天,永恒结界可以维持七天的时间。” Evening clear instead relaxes, said: Seven days of cushions, good, we try to find the solution, how can help you cultivating to promote.” 夕澈反而是松了口气,道:“七天的缓冲,也好,我们想想办法,如何能帮你把修为提升上去。” Profound cold beautiful say/way: Eternal knot can also release again?” 玄寒嫣道:“永恒结界还能再次释放吗?” Long Dangdang shakes the head to say slowly: This time used eternal printed the background of throne to start with the god of creation, my present strength insufficiently accumulated raises it, without the means displayed again. Therefore, I must grow stronger in a short time am good. The eternal angel, you have what means that now can say.” 龙当当缓缓摇头道:“这次是动用了永恒与创造之神印王座的底蕴才能发动的,我现在的实力不够蕴养它,没办法再次施展了。所以,我必须要在短时间内变强才行。永恒天使,你有什么办法,现在可以说了。” The eternal angel said: Means on you. Don't you have the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace? So long as found the Lantian day warm spirit furnace through it again, the livelihood unites, naturally can help you significantly promote to cultivate/repair.” 永恒天使道:“办法就在您身上。您不是已经拥有月明沧海灵炉了吗?只要再通过它找到蓝田日暖灵炉,日月合一,自然能帮您大幅度提升修为了。” Lantian day warm spirit furnace?” A Long Dangdang time, the pale blue halo has gushed out from his chest place together, changes into the human form rapidly, is not just a sea? “蓝田日暖灵炉?”龙当当一愣的工夫,一道淡蓝色光晕已经从他胸口处涌出,迅速化为人形,可不正是沧海么? You, did you have the means to help me find Lantian?” Sea excited looks to the eternal angel, it and it also in?” “你,你有办法帮我找到蓝田?”沧海激动的看向永恒天使,“它、它还在吗?” The eternal angel shows a faint smile, said: Naturally is also, you, it certainly, in fact, you are body both sides, was the day spirit and moon/month spirit in this world, only if this potential surface destroyed, otherwise, you will not disappear thoroughly.” 永恒天使微微一笑,道:“自然是还在的,你在,它就一定在,实际上,你们本身就是一体两面,乃是这个世界上的日灵与月灵,除非这个位面都毁灭掉,否则,你们本来也不会彻底消失。” But, but I cannot feel its aura!” The breath of sea becomes somewhat is obviously rapid. “可是、可是我始终都感受不到它的气息啊!”沧海的呼吸明显变得有些急促起来。 The eternal angel said: Doesn't matter, making us help you, has the assistance of strength of creation, you naturally can feel it, it should also in the deep sleep, therefore, the aura is not obvious.” 永恒天使道:“没关系,让我们来帮伱,有创造之力的辅助,你自然就能感受到它的所在了,它应该也在沉睡之中,所以,气息不明显。” Long Dangdang is overjoyed, said: That was too good. The owner and evening clear marshal, we first withdraw troops.” 龙当当大喜过望,道:“那就太好了。堂主、夕澈元帅,那我们先撤军吧。” Listened to their dialogue, the gods printed on the knight face also to reveal the happy expression all, Long Dangdang have wielded now eternal have printed the throne with the god of creation, if he can promote to cultivate/repair again in a short time is , from today's situation, prints the throne obviously to suppress the ultra divine tool of that dead souls Saint law god with the god of creation eternal. 听了他们的对话,众位神印骑士脸上也无不流露出喜色,龙当当现在已经执掌了永恒与创造之神印王座,如果他再能短时间内提升修为,那么,从今天的情况来看,永恒与创造之神印王座还是明显能够压制那死灵圣法神的超神器的。 Stands on the giant skeleton head, looks into six big gods to print the knight and human army retreats, in the dead souls Saint law god eyes is glittering the light and shade uncertain ray. 站在巨大的骷髅头上,眺望着六大神印骑士以及人类大军退走,死灵圣法神眼中闪烁着明暗不定的光芒。 Now we what to do?” witch Yaowang seems like relaxes slightly, after the memory regains consciousness, he also hates about human similarly, but to own son, how also possibly to hate? He also feared that very much saw the wife and son really hit. “现在我们怎么办?”巫妖王似乎是略微松了口气,记忆苏醒之后,他对人类也同样痛恨,但对自己的儿子,又怎么可能恨得起来呢?他也很怕看到妻子和儿子真的打起来。 Ice snow light say/way: This knot can only maintain seven days of time, seven days later, they are the same are unable to contend with us. Seven days, Austin almost can also arrive at the frontline, even if the temple federation can find to contend with my means that is impossible to contend our Austin, the result will not change. When the time comes, catches him is.” 凌雪淡淡的道:“这个结界只能维持七天时间,七天后,他们还是一样无法与我们抗衡。七天的时间,小奥斯汀差不多也可以来到前线了,就算圣殿联邦能够找到抗衡我的办法,也不可能抗衡的了我们的小奥斯汀,结局不会改变。到时候,把他抓回来就是。” Finally this he, naturally refers to Long Dangdang. 最后这个他,自然指的是龙当当 witch Yaowang is probing asking: Your family member?” 巫妖王试探着问道:“那你的家人呢?” Ling Xue turns head to look suddenly to him, what do you want to say? Grasps and that's the end!” 凌雪骤然扭头看向他,“你要说什么?都抓回来就是了!” witch Yaowang sighed, why did not know, was quickly to the successful time, my heart, instead some.” 巫妖王叹息一声,“不知道为什么,越是快到成功的时候,我的心,反而有些。” Sufficed, shut up!” Ling Xueleng snort/hum, the figure vanishes directly baseless, the giant skeleton of under foot sinks slowly , only then the head reveal stops above the ground, but the dead spirit energy in air, as before fast condenses in their directions. “够了,闭嘴!”凌雪冷哼一声,身形直接凭空消失,脚下的巨大骷髅缓缓下沉,一直到只有头颅露在地面之上才停顿下来,而空气中的亡灵能量,依旧飞快的朝着他们的方向凝聚。 Federal army, commander Zhang. 联邦大军,帅帐。 At this time, commander Zhangnei gathered had about 50 human powerhouses fully, all was present age sacred hall and senior statesman sacred hall. But at this time, sits well above the seat of honor, Long Dangdang that is actually and they compare young does not make sense. 此时,帅帐内聚集了足有近五十位人类强者,全都是当代圣堂和元老圣堂。而此时,端坐主位之上的,却是和他们相比年轻的不像话的龙当当 Long Dangdang really cannot shirk, in addition the owner and he sits shoulder to shoulder, this complies reluctantly. 龙当当是实在推脱不得,再加上堂主和他并肩而坐,这才勉强答应。 Ding-dong! You inherited eternal printed the throne with the god of creation, this time strove to turn the tide at crucial moments, you are not here many to contribution me who the federation was said that now is in front of everyone, I prepared to pass to you position of owner, by you how was managed the general situation? Naturally, commands the three services to make evening clear come, this aspect you are not familiar, but sacred hall is representing, is the highest strengths of six big temples, is the spiritual symbol, you inherit the position of owner are also the inherent connotation.” “当当啊!你传承了永恒与创造之神印王座,这次又在关键时刻力挽狂澜,你对联邦所作的贡献在这里我就不多说了,现在当着大家的面,我准备将堂主之位传给你,由你来主持大局如何?当然,统帅三军还是让夕澈来,这方面你不熟悉,但圣堂代表着的,是六大圣殿的最高战力,也是精神象征,你来继承堂主之位也是应有之意。” Looks at Long Dangdang, gratified of owner face, he has not thought, Long Dangdang inherits eternal prints the speed such rapidness of throne with the god of creation, entire process, is two hours? He can see the person of real history, once, the previous generation eternal with inheritance dragon Hao who the god of creation printed the throne early morning president, it is said used for a month completed the inheritance! _ although this not representative Long Dangdang strong, but could keyi represent he with this god print throne agree with. As inheritance of this ultra divine tool, he becomes the federation's first person is the matter without a doubt, no one will oppose. 看着龙当当,堂主一脸的欣慰,他也没想到,龙当当传承永恒与创造之神印王座的速度会如此之快,整个过程,也就是两个小时?他可是能够看到真实历史的人,曾经,上一代永恒与创造之神印王座的传承者龙皓晨主席,据说是用了一个月的时间才完成传承的啊!虽然这并不代表龙当当更强,但或许可以代表他和这张神印王座更加契合。作为这件超神器的传承者,他成为联邦第一人是毋庸置疑的事情,没有任何人会反对。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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