SDT2BMS :: Volume #5

#496: Prints the knight with the god of leader magnificently

Yes, this is the knight temple fear and sad god prints the throne, but prints the throne front in this god, float in midair, is not just the present age sacred hall owner, the knight temple destruction and forgiveness god of prints the knight? 是的,这正是骑士圣殿恐惧与悲伤之神印王座,而在这张神印王座前方,悬浮于半空之中的,可不正是当代圣堂堂主,骑士圣殿毁灭与宽恕之神印骑士吗? Not is only he, including magic temple palace lord, ten sacred hall one after another. 不仅是他,包括魔法圣殿殿主在内,十位圣堂鱼贯而出。 All withdraw!” The voice of owner resounds through the entire battlefield. “全体后撤!”堂主的声音响彻整个战场。 Sees him, evening clear relaxes finally slightly, immediately shouts loudly: All withdraw.” 看到他,夕澈终于略微松了口气,立刻大声喝道:“全体后撤。” The federal army starts to be similar to the tide to retreat generally, the pastors in pastor temple, whole-heartedly uses the sacred bright magic, attempts to prevent the dark blue halo that the dead souls Saint law god releases to corrode, but has many human occupation to be turned into the dead spirit. 联邦大军开始如同潮水一般撤退,牧师圣殿的牧师们,全力以赴的施展神圣光明魔法,尝试着阻挡死灵圣法神释放出的深蓝色光晕侵蚀,但还是有大量的人类职业者在被变成亡灵。 That silver light gate that the owners they present not closed, at this moment, from that light gate, the strange nine color halos drifts about together, the next quarter, changes into nine color light beams to meet the day together continually, nine color light beams expand gradually, makes the hundred zhang (333 m) the giant throne to reappear in that nine color light beams high slowly. 堂主他们出现的那个银色光门并没有闭合,也就在这时,从那光门之中,一道奇异的九彩光晕漂荡而出,下一刻,就化为一道九彩光柱接天连地,九彩光柱渐渐扩大,一张高约百丈的巨大王座缓缓在那九彩光柱内浮现而出。 Nine color halos rapidly expand, covers directly in the direction of federal army, strange appeared, when that dark blue dead spirit energy touches with these nine color rays in the same place, stopped the spread unexpectedly, stood Ling Xue also for the first time in dark blue skeleton head top of the head changed the complexion finally. 九彩光晕迅速扩张,直接朝着联邦军队的方向覆盖过去,奇异的一幕出现了,当那深蓝色的亡灵能量与这九彩光芒碰触在一起时,竟然止住了蔓延,站在深蓝色骷髅头头顶上的凌雪也终于第一次变了脸色。 Six big gods print the sculpture almost every fifth-order above knight of throne to see. The knight temple has also had the god to print the knight. However. Is high with this hundred zhang (333 m) at present, the giant gods of nine color sparkles print compared with the throne, that released other innumerable brilliance gods to print the throne in the battlefield to be as if gloomy. 六大神印王座的雕塑几乎每一位五阶以上骑士都见过。骑士圣殿也一直都拥有着神印骑士。但是。和眼前这百丈高,九彩闪耀的巨大神印王座相比,那曾经在战场上释放过无数光辉的其他神印王座似乎都为之暗淡了。 Nine color rays have a special aura, nine color sparkles, obviously are not chaotic, are indistinct, in that god prints behind the throne, nine colors form coronas to hand over to sparkle gradually. But throne main body, then gradually turned carved the common luster like white jade. 九彩光芒有着一种特殊的气息,九彩闪耀,却丝毫不显纷乱,隐约间,在那神印王座背后,九彩渐渐形成一圈圈光轮交相闪耀。而王座本体,则渐渐变成了如同白玉雕琢一般的色泽。 Other gods print the throne seem like the metal quality of material, only has this, unexpectedly is the jade sense of reality. 其他的神印王座看上去都是金属质地,唯有这一张,竟是玉石般的质感。 All reliefs as before that lifelike, but compared with the black of sculpture, now this shiny smooth white, an unsurpassed noble feeling. 所有的浮雕依旧是那么的栩栩如生,但和雕塑的黑色相比,现在这莹润的白色,更给人一种无上高贵之感。 The light shadow projects in this giant god together slowly prints the throne front, that light shadow wears the golden god armor, the hand grasps a golden great sword of eight color twinkles. The armor covered his face, but his great stature has 500 meters high fully. 一道光影徐徐投射在这张巨大的神印王座前方,那光影身穿金色神铠,手握一柄八彩闪烁的金色巨剑。铠甲遮盖了他的面庞,但他那伟岸的身材足有五百米高。 , He sat that unequalled god to print the throne slowly. It looks like the true god to arrive at the human world to be the same. 缓缓的,他坐上了那张无与伦比的神印王座。就像是真正的神降临人间一般。 Sees this, had produced the desperate human army to be dumbfounded, but presents all high rank knights, the look instantaneously becomes scalding hot. Is it, is it? The entire human race only ultra divine tool, the belief of entire knight temple, prints the throne with the god of creation eternal! 看到这一幕,原本已经产生了绝望的人类大军不禁目瞪口呆,而在场所有的高阶骑士们,眼神都瞬间变得灼热起来。是它,是它吗?全人类唯一的超神器,整个骑士圣殿的信仰,永恒与创造之神印王座! Also sits with the god of creation prints the throne that to flicker in that person eternal, the terrifying pressure achieved the pinnacle, in massive low rank dead spirits that pursues from the rear area, the body in the face of the pressure of this terrifying explodes instantaneously, changes into the flesh fragment powder. 也就在那人坐上永恒与创造之神印王座的那一瞬,恐怖的威压达到了极致,正在从后方追赶上来的大量低阶亡灵,在这恐怖的压力面前身体瞬间爆开,化为血肉齑粉。 Yes, that huge empty shadow Long Dangdang. Inherited eternal printed him of throne with the god of creation, came! 是的,那巨大的虚影正是龙当当。传承了永恒与创造之神印王座的他,来了! This time Long Dangdang only thought that a great strength beyond description revolves itself. When he sits on this throne, as if passing all comprehensions become insignificant. A true creation thought paces back and forth in his heart, the eternal thought also made the eternal heart in his chest cavity gradually become steady. clear(ly) beyond description became aware in the heart paces back and forth. But his cultivating for also prints the throne to increase because of this Zhang Yongheng and creation god of slowly. The speed of increasing is not fast, but the mind boundary is also actually also promoting. 此时的龙当当只觉得一种难以形容的伟大力量围绕着自己。当他坐在这张王座上的时候,似乎过往的一切领悟都变得微不足道起来。一种真正的创造意念在他心中徘徊,永恒的意念也令他胸腔内的永恒之心渐渐变得平稳起来。难以形容的明悟在心中徘徊。而他的修为也因这张永恒与创造之神印王座在徐徐攀升。攀升的速度并不快,但心神的境界却也在随之提升。 Agrees with, melts. 契合、相融。 The thought and spirit strength of Long Dangdang, became aware the neutralization eternal to print the throne each other to fuse with the god of creation in this marvelous clear(ly). 龙当当的意念和灵力,都在这种奇妙的明悟中和永恒与创造之神印王座彼此融合着。 Under the nine color rays of ultra divine tool shine, the knights start single knee to kneel down, extends the loftiest formality toward in the air Long Dangdang. 在超神器的九彩光芒照耀下,骑士们开始一个个单膝跪倒在地,向着空中的龙当当致以最崇高的礼节。 The owners look that the giant god prints Long Dangdang on throne, high sound said: Occupation in all six big temples, I now, represent sacred hall and representative federation, represents six big temple all, announced: Long Dangdang. He has obtained eternal has printed the approval of throne with the god of creation, awards him to print the knight title with the god of leader magnificently. Starting from this moment, he is our knight temple six big gods will also print knight's head, is the supreme leader in our knight temple.” 堂主看着巨大神印王座上的龙当当,高声道:“所有六大圣殿的职业者们,我现在,代表圣堂、代表联邦,也代表六大圣殿全体,向大家宣布:龙当当。他已经获得了永恒与创造之神印王座的认可,授予他辉煌与领袖之神印骑士称号。从这一刻开始,他也将是我们骑士圣殿六大神印骑士之首,是我们骑士圣殿的最高领袖。” Under the frontline army covers by the sound that the spirit strength injects in the owner, instantaneously becomes silent. About after three seconds, resounds through the entire strategic pass just like the volcanic eruption common cheers. Each occupation has studied the history, therefore, they are very clear, when magnificent prints with the god of leader the knight appears means anything, all panic and despairs, were completely previously nothing left in this moment. 前线大军在堂主以灵力注入的声音覆盖下,瞬间变得寂静下来。大约三秒后,宛如火山爆发一般的欢呼声响彻整座雄关。每一位职业者都学习过历史,所以,他们都很清楚,当辉煌与领袖之神印骑士出现的时候意味着什么,先前所有的恐慌、绝望,在这一刻全部荡然无存。 God prints the knight and god seal knight and god seal knights......” they to cheer the similar slogan, for the glory of knight temple, but glory. But dead spirit army who the distant place has already not in advance, but withdraws fast. Does not withdraw good! That sparkles the gods of nine color halos to print the throne to take to their oppression strength too to be really big , to continue, has not known that what kind of loss will have. “神印骑士、神印骑士、神印骑士……”他们都欢呼着同样的口号,为骑士圣殿的荣耀而荣耀。而远处驻扎的亡灵大军已经不在前进而是快速后撤。不后撤不行啊!那闪耀着九彩光晕的神印王座带给它们的压迫力实在太大,继续下去,还不知道会有怎样的损失。 The spirit strength and boundary are promoting throughout, the ruling world domain that Long Dangdang have awakened is also conducting the fusion with the strength of eternal territory unexpectedly. 灵力与境界始终在提升,龙当当自身早就已经觉醒的君临天下领域竟然也在与永恒之域的力量进行着融合。 He was just wielding eternal after the god of creation prints the throne, but also without with enough time consolidates the boundary, the owner received the frontline requesting reinforcements signal, without the means that he can only start the different spirit furnace immediately, and transmitted all sacred hall. Perhaps was spurred by dead spirit energy oppression, arrived here, printed the throne to launch and his comprehensive fusion with the god of creation eternal immediately. He also can only control this ultra divine tool now to a certain extent. 他在刚刚执掌了永恒与创造之神印王座后,还没来得及稳固自身境界,堂主就受到了前线的求援信号,没办法,他只能立刻发动别有洞天灵炉,将所有圣堂和自己都传送了过来。或许是受到了亡灵能量的压迫刺激,才一到这边,永恒与创造之神印王座立刻就展开了和他的全面融合。他现在也只能一定程度上的控制这件超神器。 Prints the throne fully to manifest it strong great power as ultra divine tool to be able with the god of creation eternal, that aura pressure, is not other gods prints the throne to compare by far. 永恒与创造之神印王座完全体现着它身为超神器的强大威能,那份气息威压,远远不是其他神印王座所能相比的。 Ding-” a melodious resounding spreads over the thousand li (500 km), under the Long Dangdang body eternal prints the throne to split suddenly with the god of creation. Changes into 13 groups of pure white halo lift-offs. “叮-”一声悠扬的脆响传遍千里,龙当当身下的永恒与创造之神印王座突然分裂开来。化为十三团洁白的光晕升空而起。 Rises into in the air that moment in them, the solar ray in sky unexpectedly completely suppressed is gloomy. As if it has not existed, but 13 brand-new Sun replaced its original position. 在它们升入空中的那一刻,天空中的太阳光芒竟是完全被压制的暗淡下来。似乎它已经不复存在,而十三颗崭新的太阳代替了它原本的位置。 Long Dangdang looks up the day, in the eye reveals frantic, both hands also lifts, falls, my eternal stars.” His fine gold base fights the armor also to relieve, changes into the fine gold base float in one side. 龙当当抬头望天,眼中流露出一丝狂热,双手同时抬起,“落下吧,我的永恒星辰。”他身上的精金基座战铠随之解除,自行化为精金基座悬浮于一侧。 The eternal stars that 13 groups are sparkling the incandescent gloss drop from the clouds, rapid integrations to Long Dangdang within the body, but his 500-meter body also after each eternal stars integrate, but greatly reduced. 那十三团闪耀着白炽光泽的永恒星辰从天而降,一颗颗飞速的融入到龙当当体内,而他那高达500米的身体也在每一颗永恒星辰融入之后而大幅度缩小。 When the 13 th eternal stars fuse completely in his body together, he has changed the average man size, no longer has the illusory feeling. 当第十三颗永恒星辰与他的身体完全融合在一起时,他已经变回了常人大小,也不再有虚幻的感觉。 All returned to normal, Long Dangdang as before is that sacred mail-armor and helmet, but in the air eternal prints the throne completely to vanish with the god of creation. 所有的一切都恢复了正常,龙当当依旧是那一身神圣甲胄,而空中的永恒与创造之神印王座则是完全消失。 The right fist horizontal chest, raps on own left chest, Long Dangdang to the federal army all knights of good a knight ritual. 右拳横胸,敲击在自己的左胸上,龙当当向联邦大军所有的骑士行了一个骑士礼。 Clangour neat resounds through hundred li (0.5 km) in the ground, this is the knight temple at this time all knights to his response. Not only these knights, meanwhile have the in the air five gods to print the knight. 铿锵声整齐的在地面上响彻百里,这是骑士圣殿此时所有骑士对他的回应。不只是这些骑士们,同时还有空中五位神印骑士。 Starting from this moment, Long Dangdang is in the knight temple history second magnificent with the god of leader prints the knight. Six big gods print knight's head, although the owner had not said a moment ago, but he has become the successor of owner inevitably, the new sacred hall owners even are the president adolves not to have the issue. 从这一刻开始,龙当当就已经是骑士圣殿历史上第二位辉煌与领袖之神印骑士。六大神印骑士之首,虽然堂主刚才没有说,但他已经必然成为堂主的继任者,新的圣堂堂主甚至做联邦主席都毫无问题。 This time Long Dangdang does not have the half a point to be pleasantly surprised to this all honors, his vision firmly looks steadily at distant place that to release the giant skeleton heads of dark blue halos outward, as well as that skeleton head peak is standing and waiting for a long time that form. 只是此时的龙当当对这所有的荣誉都没有半分惊喜,他的目光牢牢的盯视着远处那正在向外释放着一圈圈深蓝色光晕的巨大骷髅头,以及那骷髅头顶端所伫立着的那道身影。 Can resort to arms in the battlefield eventually? Mom. 终究还是要在战场上兵戎相见吗?妈妈。 Regardless has made many psychological constructions, regardless of many time thinks oneself have been able to strengthen, but when he really faces oneself mother in the battlefield, the complex emotion of innermost feelings can be imagined. Moreover, present he cannot evade again, inherits eternal printed the throne with the god of creation, he has such responsibility. 无论做过多少次心理建设,无论多少次以为自己已经能够坚定了,但当他真的在战场上面对自己母亲的时候,内心的复杂情感可想而知。而且,现在的他已经不能再逃避,传承了永恒与创造之神印王座,他就有这样的责任。 Is blooming from him outward, and blocked mother that powerful domain prestige energy, came from eternal prints eternal governing of throne with the god of creation, only had this to be full of the mysterious domain of strength of creation, can prevent in the disaster domain that huge dead spirit law had that backing. Even, disaster domain also in slowly was suppressed by him backward. 从他身上向外绽放着的,并且挡住了母亲那强大领域威能的,正是来自于永恒与创造之神印王座的永恒之御,也唯有这充满了创造之力的神奇领域,才能将那依托于巨大亡灵法阵而存在的天灾领域阻挡住。甚至,天灾领域还在缓缓的被他向后压制。 A resonant dragon recited to resound side Long Dangdang, the height over hundred meters huge form has patrolled, seven gigantic dragon's head, in the eye pupil are glittering the different brilliance, has evolved impressively to become seven Golden Dragon small eight, this time it, the figure already and grown big dragon was common, but that seven giant head actually in a appearance, caused in the air seven types of elements to fluctuate is strengthening suddenly. Own aura also in rises suddenly at an exceptional pace. 一声嘹亮的龙吟声在龙当当身边响起,身长已经超过百米的庞大身影游弋而出,七颗硕大的龙头,眼眸中闪烁着不同的光彩,赫然是已经进化成为七头黄金龙的小八,此时的它,身形已经和成年巨龙一般强大,但那七颗巨大的头颅却在一出现,就引得空气中七种元素波动急剧增强着。自身气息也在以惊人的速度暴涨。 Lowers the head, it gets up the Long Dangdang body carrying/sustaining, instructed by Long Dangdang, flies toward the front. 一低头,它就将龙当当的身体承载起来,在龙当当的授意下,朝着前方飞去。 Another five big gods print the knight to follow, follows side Long Dangdang, six big gods print also appear, must trace previous time for ten thousand years ago! This, lets dazzling and intoxicating that other knight temple powerhouses on the scene look, is unable to restrain oneself. They were also full of strong confidence, has such six big god to print, has magnificently prints the knight with the god of leader , what difficulty but also there is unvanquishable? 另外五大神印骑士紧随其后,跟随在龙当当身边,六大神印同时出现,上一次还要追溯到万年之前啊!这一幕,不禁让在场的其他骑士圣殿强者们看的目眩神迷,不能自已。他们也同时充满了强烈的信心,有这样的六大神印在,有辉煌与领袖之神印骑士在,还有什么困难是不能征服的呢? Ling Xue looks that in the air that is sending out nine color halos, the form of pure white ultra god level armor, listens to the words that the previous owner is announcing all over the body, this time mood complex? 凌雪看着空中那散发着九彩光晕,通体洁白超神级铠甲的身影,听着先前堂主所宣布的话语,她此时的心情又何尝不复杂呢? witch Yaowang does not know when has arrived at her side, the couple has stood shoulder to shoulder. witch Yaowang subconscious holds the hand of dead souls Saint law god, actually cast off by her directly. 巫妖王不知道什么时候已经来到了她的身边,夫妻二人并肩而立。巫妖王下意识的去拉死灵圣法神的手,却被她直接甩开了。 At this moment, do we have the possibility of reneging on a promise? This disobedient son, must stand in my opposite.” Saying that Ling Xue clenches jaws. “事到如今,难道我们还有反悔的可能吗?这个逆子,就非要站在我的对立面。”凌雪咬牙切齿的说道。 witch Yaowang is sighs a sound said: This is also his insistence! After all, from infancy to maturity, we such educate his, he has not regained consciousness to be the memory of previous generation. I have never thought that our sons can actually stand in federal most peak, eternal printed the throne to inherit with the god of creation unexpectedly continually.” 巫妖王却是叹息一声道:“这也是属于他的坚持啊!毕竟,从小到大,我们就是那样教育他的,他也没有苏醒属于前世的记忆。真没想到,我们的儿子竟然能够站在联邦的最顶峰,竟然连永恒与创造之神印王座都传承了。” Say/Way that the dead souls Saint law god coldly: What's the big deal? He just inherited the god to print the throne, his cultivating to was unable to print the throne true prestige to be able by far to display this god. The victory, is belongs eventually our.” 死灵圣法神冷冷的道:“那又如何?他不过才刚刚传承了神印王座而已,他的修为还远远无法将这张神印王座真正的威能发挥出来。胜利,终究是属于我们的。” At the same time saying, the dead spirit disaster law stick in her hand holds up before the body, law stick peak that glittering and translucent carving skeleton head, directly aimed at in the air Long Dangdang, next one flickers, that giant skeleton head under her body vibrates unexpectedly , that is similar to the hill common skeleton head to rise straight from the ground unexpectedly slowly , body of the huge dark blue skeleton is appearing in slowly. 一边说着,她手中的亡灵天灾法杖在身前举起,法杖顶端那晶莹剔透的骷髅头,直接指向了空中的龙当当,下一瞬,在她身下那巨大的骷髅头竟然震动起来,紧接着,那如同小山一般的骷髅头竟然缓缓拔地而起,连带着,一尊巨大的深蓝色骷髅之躯缓缓出现在。 Long Dangdang and five gods print the knight to stop the figure, the complexion becomes dignified, because of them can the clear feeling, on the skeleton of this time contains the spirit strength have is huge and terrifying. 龙当当和五位神印骑士停下身形,脸色都变得凝重起来,因为他们都能清晰的感受到,此时的这尊骷髅身上所蕴含着的灵力有多么庞大、恐怖。 Long Dangdang deeply inspires, raises in the hand to glitter eight color rays divine sword, this is receives eternal by the cotton rose of blue rain light prints the sword of divine tool life inspiration the throne exaggeration evolution comes with the god of creation, above supplementary has some life creation lawful rights, eternal prints the throne to recover after the god of creation is wielded will appear. 龙当当深吸口气,举起手中闪烁着八彩光芒的神剑,这是由蓝雨光之芙蓉受到永恒与创造之神印王座渲染进化而来的神器生命启迪之剑,上面附带有部分生命创造权柄,只有永恒与创造之神印王座复苏被执掌之后才会出现。 The giant dark blue skeleton pulls up from the ground, the flavor that somewhat skyrockets greatly, its head has 300 meters high, when it pulls up from the ground completely, nearly three kilometers, generally are highly palatial like a mountain, the spirit strength that above sends out fluctuates makes around its body continuously present black space fissures, as if even this side space must unable carrying/sustaining its body. 巨大的深蓝色骷髅从地面拔起,大有几分扶摇直上的味道,它一个头颅就有三百米高,当它完全从地面拔起的时候,高度已经近乎三千米,如同一座山岳一般巍峨,其上散发出的灵力波动更是让它身体周围不断出现一道道黑色的空间裂痕,似乎连这一方空间都要无法承载它的身体了似的。 This and this have been close to the spirit strength fluctuation of limit, how possibly? Has the spirit strength of this dead souls Saint law god been close to 1 million ranks unexpectedly?” Is gazing at that giant dark blue skeleton, the owner also for it look changes. “这、这是已经接近极限的灵力波动,怎么可能?这死灵圣法神的灵力竟然已经接近百万级别了嘛?”注视着那巨大的深蓝色骷髅,堂主也不禁为之色变。 Without a doubt, the overall strength of temple federation must by far strong in the dead spirit state, if were not worried that the dead recovers to become the dead spirit the issue, has destroyed completely the dead spirit state. However, strength that at this time the dead souls Saint law god shows, is actually not temple federation any powerhouse can compare, nine step nine levels? Said, has been close to the limit of this world infinitely, 1 million spirit strength? 毫无疑问,圣殿联邦的整体实力要远远强于亡灵国度,如果不是担心死者复苏成为亡灵的问题,早就把亡灵国度灭掉了。但是,此时死灵圣法神所展现出的实力,却不是圣殿联邦任何一位强者所能比拟的,九阶九级?还是说,已经无限接近于这个世界的极限,百万灵力了? „Her should not be completely own strength, drew support from that ultra divine tool law stick, and after fusing the dead spirit altar , the strength.” The evening clear sinking sound said. “她这应该不是完全属于自己的力量,是借助了那件超神器法杖,并且融合了亡灵祭坛之后才产生的力量。”夕澈沉声说道。 Although words saying, but, can display 1 million spirit strength prestige to be able in the battlefield existence, is this fearful? Ten thousand years ago war between that person clans and demon clans, only then the demon god sovereign was that level. But that time temple president adolf, printed knight dragon Hao early morning completely to grasp magnificently at that time eternal with the god of leader printed the throne with the god of creation, this can lead human to turn defeat into victory. But this time Long Dangdang, just obtained the inheritance, but opposite dead souls Saint law god has clearly controlled that ultra divine tool dead spirit law stick completely. In the people heart had become the optimistic situation again to turn instantaneously. 话虽然这么说,但是,能够在战场上发挥出百万灵力威能的存在,这是何等可怕?万年前那场人族与魔族之间的大战,也只有魔神皇达到了那个层次。而那时候的圣殿联邦主席,辉煌与领袖之神印骑士龙皓晨当时已经完全掌握了永恒与创造之神印王座,这才能带领人类反败为胜。而此时的龙当当,才刚刚获得传承,而对面的死灵圣法神分明已经将那件超神器亡灵法杖完全掌控了。原本众人心中已经变得乐观的局势瞬间再次发生了逆转。 - -- Wishing everyone vacation is happy. 祝大家假期愉快。
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