SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#250: Dragon magician Long Dangdang

Chapter 250 dragon magician Long Dangdang 第250章龙魔法师龙当当 Looks at grinning Long Dangdang, the witch somewhat is attentively funny, in magic temple, even if his passes on the disciples no one to dare to speak with him. He for dignified and cold is always famous arrogantly. But facing this under 20-year-old little fellow, actually cannot send out the temperament. 看着笑嘻嘻的龙当当,巫谛不禁有些好笑,在魔法圣殿,哪怕是他的亲传弟子都没人敢这么和他说话。他一向以威严、冷傲著称。但面对这还不到20岁的小家伙,却又偏偏发不出脾气来。 Gives you a law stick, other did not have.” Witch attentively ill-humored waving, together flowing light from his right hand that in ring that has the gigantic dull purple gem flies to shoot, arrives in front of Long Dangdang directly. “给你一根法杖,别的没有了。”巫谛没好气的一挥手,一道流光从他右手上那枚有着硕大暗紫色宝石的戒指中飞射而出,直接来到龙当当面前。 Long Dangdang rushed to put out a hand to receive, falls starts, was a long law stick. The law stick length is two meters fully, presents for the strange dark blue all over the body, the dark blue law stick peak, there is a gigantic transparent gem. This gem presents for the irregular multi- facets, radiance is reserved, seems like the somewhat unadorned flavor. But starts, Long Dangdang some strange feelings, the law stick as if becomes extending of his psychic force immediately, thinking of the feeling also became is clearer. 龙当当赶忙伸手接过,落入手中的,是一根长柄法杖。法杖长度足有两米,通体呈献为奇异的暗蓝色,暗蓝色法杖顶端,有一枚硕大的透明宝石。这枚宝石本身呈献为不规则的多棱面,光华内敛,看上去有些朴实无华的味道。但一入手,龙当当顿时有种奇异的感觉,法杖仿佛成为了他精神力的延伸,思感都随之变得更加清晰起来了似的。 His hurrying both hands hold the law stick, deeply bows toward the witch attentively, Teacher thanks rewards the law stick.” 他赶忙双手托着法杖,朝着巫谛深深一鞠躬,“谢老师赏赐法杖。” The witches ridicule to say attentively: Did not say taking advantage of? Who previous time gave you?” 巫谛笑骂道:“不是说借的吗?谁上次给你了?” Long Dangdang earnest say/way: Elder bestows, does not dare to dismiss.” 龙当当认真的道:“长者赐、不敢辞。” witch Diyang gets angry: Goes to inspect, don't in this childishness I. The inspection passed, the law stick gives you, cannot pass honestly takes carry back to me.” 巫谛佯怒道:“快滚去考核,别在这儿气我了。考核通过了,法杖给你,通不过老老实实给我拿回来。” Good.” Long Dangdang immediately feeling pleased complies with one. “好嘞。”龙当当立刻喜滋滋的答应一声。 The witches wave attentively, side one flashes the transmission gate to open, obviously also goes to the path of demon boundary. 巫谛一挥手,旁边一闪传送门已然开启,显然也是前往魔境的通路。 Teacher.” Long Dangdang has not acted immediately, but opens the mouth to summon again. “老师。”龙当当没有立刻行动,而是再次开口呼唤。 What to be wordy?” The witches stared his one eyes attentively. “还啰嗦什么?”巫谛瞪了他一眼。 Long Dangdang said: I want to ask whether my mount can use?” 龙当当道:“我想问问,我的坐骑是不是可以使用啊?” The witches said attentively: Magic can use, other is not good.” 巫谛道:“魔法可以用,别的不行。” Good, I understood. Thank you.” Long Dangdang felt relieved immediately, so long as can use the mount, then through the inspection was not the difficult matter. “好的,我明白了。谢谢您。”龙当当顿时放下心来,只要能够使用坐骑,那通过考核就不是什么困难的事情了。 The witch big hand wields attentively, Long Dangdang feels the surrounding element to just like tide racing wells up to come immediately generally, the next quarter, own body had been involved in the transmission gate, feels is transmitting the grotesque and gaudy world. 巫谛大手一挥,龙当当顿时感受到周围的元素犹如潮汐一般奔涌而来,下一刻,自己的身体就已经被卷入了传送门之中,感受着传送光怪陆离的世界。 Tight handshake during technique stick Long Dangdang feels its aura silently, near the ear is actually broadcasting witch voice attentively, „the stick of chaos, psychic force increase 20%. The spiritual consumption reduces 30%.” 紧握手中法杖龙当当默默的感受着它的气息,耳边却传来巫谛的声音,“混沌之杖,精神力增幅百分之二十。精神消耗减少百分之三十。” In the Long Dangdang heart moves, understood the function of this magic stick instantaneously. What the magicians transfer the strength of element to rely on is what? Is the psychic force! The psychic force increase 20% advantage are without a doubt, can transfer the strength of more element, the magic might naturally can strengthen significantly, but the spiritual consumption reduces 30%, the battle efficiency is more lasting. 龙当当心中一动,瞬间就明白了这根魔法杖的作用。魔法师调动元素之力凭借的是什么?就是精神力啊!精神力增幅百分之二十的好处毋庸置疑,能够调动更多的元素之力,魔法威力自然能够大幅度增强,而精神消耗减少百分之三十,战斗力更加持久。 The legend, this without a doubt is a legend level equipment. Do not look that the scope of improvement is not too big, but, what enhances the psychic force to mean purely? Means that what attribute magician, can use! In view of Long Dangdang this magician who has many attribute element control strength, simply is a small divine tool. Obviously, oneself this recording a name teacher does not conceive a plan temporarily, but has prepared this law stick to oneself. Really potential surface cold-hearted hot good teacher! 传奇,这毫无疑问是一件传奇级装备。别看提升的幅度不算太大,但是,单纯提升精神力意味着什么?意味着无论是什么属性的魔法师,都能够使用啊!针对龙当当这种拥有多种属性元素操控力的魔法师,简直就是一件小神器。很显然,自己这位记名老师并不是临时起意的,而是早就已经给自己准备好了这根法杖。真是位面冷心热的好老师啊! Long Dangdang this little while also realized that younger brother that very happy mood, the legendary law stick, this gadget cannot weigh with the value, said what this magic stick unable also! 龙当当这会儿也体会到了弟弟那种美滋滋的心情,传奇法杖,这玩意儿已经不能用价值衡量了,说什么这魔法杖也不能还回去了啊! The transmission ended, the familiar depression appears again, as before is that darkness and fire world. 传送结束,熟悉的压抑感再次出现,依旧是那黑暗与火的世界。 The hand grasped the law stick, Long Dangdang opened the contract space directly, small eight and small evil summoned. 手握法杖,龙当当直接开启了契约空间,将小八和小邪都召唤了出来。 After previous time in the experience of demon boundary, the small eight figure also had some growth, scale also became sincerer. The energy that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong could not absorb at that time, gave it and small evil absorption. 经过上次在魔境的历练,小八的身形又有了些许的增长,身上的鳞片也变得更加厚重了。龙当当龙空空当时吸收不了的能量,都给了它和小邪吸收。 Small evil this time cultivating to have been close to six steps, the gigantic eyeball looked suddenly somewhat infiltrates the person, swayed float side Long Dangdang, tentacles are swinging around the body gently. 小邪此时的修为都已经接近了六阶,硕大的眼球猛然看去着实是有些渗人的,摇摇晃晃的悬浮在龙当当身边,一根根触手在身体周围轻轻的摆动着。 Long Dangdang traces slightly evil, jumped to jump onto the small eight backs. From that moment on, he no longer is the dragon knight, but is the dragon magician! 龙当当摸摸小邪,纵身跃上了小八的背脊。从这一刻起,他不再是龙骑士,而是龙魔法师! Six step big demons lead the gentleman and dragon magician, Long Dangdang! 六阶大魔导士、龙魔法师,龙当当 The light shadow twinkle, four clone the quiet appearance side him. Long Dangdang the hand stick in of legendary law stick chaos gave fire Long Dangdang. The main bodies and other three clone in eight to conduct the back to sit down slightly. 光影闪烁,四道分身悄无声息的出现在他身边。龙当当将手中的传奇法杖混沌之杖交给了火龙当当。本体和其他三个分身则是在小八背上坐下。 Small eight bodies slight swayed from side to side, has shot up to the sky, five claws tread void, leading them to break in in the air. 小八身体轻微的扭动了一下,就已是冲天而起,五爪踏虚空,带着他们冲入空中。 The double blade demon has started to appear in the distant place, in their here directions rapidly. Is just the same as the inspection of beforehand knight temple time, four deep green double blade demons have numerous ordinary double blade demons to come. Previous time they fall from the sky under swallowing of Long Kongkong directly, changing into part that may the absorbed energy become Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong two brothers. But this time, they greet, is continuous fireballs of dropping from the clouds. 双刀魔已经在远处开始出现了,朝着他们这边的方向飞速而来。和之前骑士圣殿时候的考核一模一样,四头碧绿双刀魔带着众多普通双刀魔而来。上次它们是在龙空空的吞噬下直接陨落,化为可吸收能量成为龙当当龙空空兄弟俩的一部分。而这次,它们所迎接的,是从天而降的一颗颗连珠火球。 The in the air magic attack regarding these low rank double blade demons, is completely the dimensionality reduction attack. They will not fly, the deep green double blade demon also tries to rely on slightly the astonishing spring charges into in the air eight, but is very obvious, their springs good unable again compared with the flight. Several minutes, the following double blade demon army has changed into the flying ash. 空中的魔法打击对于这些低阶双刀魔来说,完全就是降维打击。它们根本就不会飞行,碧绿双刀魔还尝试一下凭借惊人的弹跳力冲向空中的小八,但很显然,它们的弹跳力再好也不能和飞行相比。只是几分钟的时间,下面的双刀魔大军就已经化为飞灰。 What a pity! This is also the energy! Long Dangdang diverts attention the control to catch fire Long Dangdang to display the continuous fireball, while in the heart sighed. Other three clone to contemplate at this time, is restoring the spirit strength silently. 可惜啊!这也是能量啊!龙当当一边分心控制着火龙当当施展连珠火球,一边心中感叹。其他三具分身此时都在冥想,默默的恢复着灵力。 All clone is the shared ontology spirit strength, if also erupts, although the battle efficiency is powerful, but consumes is also huge. But at this time Long Dangdang only by the fire Long Dangdang attack, the main body and other clone , is contemplating the restoration, the continuing combat force naturally is stronger. 所有分身都是共享本体灵力的,如果同时爆发,战斗力虽然强悍,但消耗也是巨大的。而此时龙当当只以火龙当当攻击,本体和其他分身则在冥想恢复,持续战斗力自然更强。 The stick of chaos was too simply easy-to-use, the continuous fireball not only the prestige can increase, but, in this is in hot element abundant demon, fire Long Dangdang attract the hot element the restoration speed relative rapidness, cannot feel what too big consumption. The legend is the legend! 混沌之杖简直太好用了,连珠火球不但威能大增,而且,在这本来就是火元素充沛的魔界之中,火龙当当自身吸引火元素的恢复速度就相当之快,感受不到什么太大的消耗。传奇就是传奇! Does not need the absorbed energy naturally not to need to lose more time. Place ke clan stealth of next round similarly is not the flight race. Greets their as before is the continuous fireball, their body intensity even might as well double blade demon. As for investigating their position is easy. 不需要吸收能量自然也不用耽误更多的时间。下一轮的地尅族隐形者同样不是飞行种族。迎接它们的依旧是连珠火球,它们的身体强度甚至还不如双刀魔。至于探查出它们的方位再容易不过。 Without the real eye of Long Kongkong, Long Dangdang opened the Saint light/only to protect directly, to the ke clan stealth attack, the in the air fireball technique bombed in the side, useless multi- a while solved these invisible fellow. 没有龙空空的真实之眼,龙当当自己直接开了圣光守护下去,任由地尅族隐形者攻击,空中的火球术在身边轰炸,没用多一会儿就解决了这些会隐形的家伙。 The third round of crazy demon, is adopts the way of air strike as before, Long Dangdang does not worry, but first cleaned up the low rank crazy demon with the low rank fireball technique, then comes the might big magic, cleans up scarlet blood crazy demon and bloodthirsty crazy demon. The 20 minutes of third pass/test passed smoothly. But he has almost does not have any too the consumption. 第三轮的狂魔,依旧是采取空中打击的方式,龙当当一点都不着急,只是用低阶的火球术先清理了低阶狂魔,然后再来个威力大的魔法,去清理赤血狂魔和嗜血狂魔。前后二十分钟第三关顺利度过。而他自身几乎没有什么太多消耗。 Has saying that by the lethality, the magician excels by far six big occupations throughout. 不得不说,论杀伤力,魔法师始终是冠绝六大职业的。 Looks at the chaos stick in hand, Long Dangdang is setting firm resolve, turn head must make a magic robe again. The equipment of magician can also be many, but most foundation, is affects in a big way is the magic robe and magic stick, as for other necklaces, bracelets and ring and so on, that said when the time comes again. 看着手中的混沌之杖,龙当当下定决心,回头还要再弄一件魔法袍。魔法师的装备也是可以很多的,但最为基础,也是作用最大的就是魔法袍和魔法杖,至于其他的项链、手镯、戒指之类,那就到时候再说了。 But the true test, from fourth round starts. The distant place, four first seven steps, 30 fifth-order beta flying demons appear in the distant place, Long Dangdang also starts becomes earnest. Patted under a lower part of the body gently small eight, small eight immediately swinging body, flies toward a higher sky. 而真正的考验,从第四轮才开始。远处,四头七阶,三十头五阶贝塔飞魔出现在远方的时候,龙当当也开始变得认真起来。轻轻的拍了一下身下的小八,小八立刻摆动身体,朝着更高的天空飞去。 Numerous beta flying demon pursues rapidly, Long Dangdang controls small eight is maintaining and their distance, actually guides high that more and more they are flying. 众多贝塔飞魔飞速追来,龙当当控制着小八保持着和它们的距离,却引导着它们飞行的越来越高。 This fourth pass/test, is actually the important checkpoints of six big temple differentiation talent and ordinary talent. Seven step following occupation facing this darkness and wind double attribute, and fully four seven step demon clans time, is almost impossible to win. Only then these have the talent of special method and strong talent, may defeat such opponent. 这第四关,其实已经是六大圣殿区分天才和普通人才的重要关卡了。七阶以下的职业者面对这种黑暗、风双属性,并且足有四名七阶魔族的时候,几乎不可能获胜。只有那些拥有特殊手段和超强天赋的天才,才有可能战胜这样的对手。 But Long Dangdang, naturally had existence of special method. 龙当当,自然就是有特殊手段的存在了。 Before had faced such opponent, facing appeared calmer many again. 之前已经曾经面对过这样的对手,再次面对起来就显得更加从容的多。 When is away from pull-up to over two kilometers upper air, the small eight flights also start appeared slow, after all, higher day Kong Kong air/Qi is thinner, can borrow the strength the place less, a need stronger strength controls. 当距离拉升到超过两千米的高空时,小八的飞行也开始显得迟缓起来,毕竟,更高的天空空气就更稀薄,能够借力的地方就更少,需要更强大的实力来掌控。 Four seven step beta flying demons have pursued was getting more and more near, already the dark aura that can feel them to release, often the strong wind edges will also divide to cut, small eight swing the body to continue to dodge and them cleverly going around in circles. 四名七阶贝塔飞魔已经追的越来越近了,已经能够感受到它们释放出的黑暗气息,不时还会有一道道强劲的风刃劈斩过来,小八灵巧的摆动着身体持续闪避着和它们绕圈子。 The fifth-order beta flying demon has been separated from the regiment, their maximum flight altitude was also the kilometer controlled, two kilometers upper air was not the region that they can hope to attain. 五阶贝塔飞魔已经脱离了战团,它们最高飞行高度也就是千米左右了,两千米的高空并不是它们所能企及的区域。 Starts the performance of you.” Long Dangdang patted slightly eight. “开始伱的表演。”龙当当拍了拍小八。 Next flickers, small eight and small evil almost also start. First what starts is small eight. Spirited dragon recited the sound to resound through the upper air. 下一瞬,小八和小邪几乎是同时发动。首先发动的是小八。激昂的龙吟声响彻高空。 In an instant, the bodies of four first seven step beta flying demons simultaneously one stiff, the magic of preparing was broken immediately, the huge body falls suddenly. 刹那间,四头七阶贝塔飞魔的身体同时一僵,原本准备的魔法顿时被打断,庞大的身躯更是骤然下坠。 Golden Dragon clan talent skill, dragon sovereign the bloodlines, ban spatially! 黄金龙族天赋技能,龙皇血脉,禁空! The small eight present had also been close to seven steps, bans spatial one, seven step beta flying demons could not resist, the body changed into the freely falling body to drop from the clouds immediately. This is Long Dangdang copes with the flight demon clan most effective method. Pulls highly also because of so. 小八现在也已经接近了七阶,禁空一出,七阶贝塔飞魔也对抗不了,身体顿时化为自由落体从天而降。这就是龙当当对付飞行魔族最有效的手段。拉高高度也正因如此。 But, the small evil spiritual impact arrived. 而紧接着,小邪的精神冲击就到了。 Receives to ban the spatial influence, the bodies of seven step beta flying demon instantaneous out-of-control make an effort whips the wing, originally during is flurried. The spiritual impact goes to enter, immediately made their pupils lose the appearance temporarily, body uncontrolled downward crash. 受到禁空的影响,七阶贝塔飞魔瞬间失控的身体用力的去拍打翅膀,本来就处于慌乱之中。精神冲击趁虚而入,顿时让它们的瞳孔暂时失去了神彩,身体更加不受控制的向下坠落。 Has the beforehand experience, Long Dangdang knows, pure banning empty, can only limit seven step beta flying demon short time, before the crash ground, they can restore, will not be really plunged to death. But if adds on the spiritual impact again, that will increase without doubt bans the spatial effect. But at this moment, in the small evil tentacle, is grasping the stick of chaos, the psychic force increase 30%. Enable its spiritual impact prestige to increase. 有着之前的经验,龙当当知道,纯粹的禁空,只能限制七阶贝塔飞魔较短的时间,在坠落地面之前,它们就能恢复过来,不会真的被摔死。但如果再加上精神冲击,那无疑会加大禁空的效果。而此时此刻,小邪的触手之中,正握着混沌之杖,精神力增幅百分之三十。让它的精神冲击威能大增。 Long Dangdang even can the clear feeling small evil on the hope of that white gem to the stick of chaos. This gadget should be the gem of rare increase psychic force. 龙当当甚至能够清晰的感受到小邪对混沌之杖上那块白色宝石的渴望。这玩意儿应该是不可多得的增幅精神力的宝石。 Drops from the clouds along with four beta flying demons, small eight dive suddenly, but under the law stick had arrived in the earth Long Dangdang hand, came from displays by earth Long Dangdang the bloodlines talent of land thorn dragon, the might multiplies, gravity control! 伴随着四头贝塔飞魔从天而降,小八骤然俯冲而下法杖已经到了土龙当当手中,来自于大地棘龙的血脉天赋由土龙当当来施展,威力倍增,重力控制! Bans, the spiritual impact on add on the gravity control spatially, took to four first seven step beta flying demons instantaneously at the strong gravity acceleration, pounds to fall just like the meteorite from the sky from two kilometers upper air generally. 禁空、精神冲击加上重力控制,瞬间带给了四头七阶贝塔飞魔以超强的重力加速度,从两千米的高空宛如陨石一般从天空中砸落。 Below fifth-order beta flying demon did not have clear what's the matter, has looked that helplessly four leaders drop from the clouds, pounded into their camp directly. 下方的五阶贝塔飞魔还没明白是怎么回事儿,就已经眼睁睁的看着四名首领从天而降,直接砸入了它们的阵营之中。 Seven step beta flying demons just wanted from banning in the air to work loose, small eight double banned to release spatially. 七阶贝塔飞魔刚想要从禁空中挣脱出来,小八的第二重禁空就已经释放了出来。 After undergoing the previous inspection, Long Dangdang discovered, the number of times that small eight banning can display spatially continuously is three times, because it has three heads. This was the small eight advantageous places. Even if changed its father dragon sovereign, when its this level, after displaying bans to be spatial one time, needs to cool some time can display again. But it by three heads, this talent skill can actually the long-term usage. 经过了上次的考核之后,龙当当发现,小八的禁空能够连续施展的次数是三次,因为它有三个头。这就是小八得天独厚的地方了。哪怕是换了它父亲龙皇,在它这个层次的时候,施展一次禁空之后也需要一段时间冷却才能再次施展。但它凭借三个头,这份天赋技能却能连续使用。 These bans time spatially not only affected on seven step beta flying demons, affected in these fifth-order beta flying demons. Suddenly, 30 beta flying demons are similar to the sky under the stuffed dumpling to fall immediately generally toward the ground. 这一次的禁空就不只是作用在七阶贝塔飞魔身上了,也同时作用在了那些五阶贝塔飞魔。一时间,三十多头贝塔飞魔顿时如同天空中下饺子一般朝着地上摔去。 Ray direct cling that the Long Dangdang chest place white light twinkle, the bolt of white silk also resembles together a fifth-order beta flying demon. Small evil a spiritual impact releases immediately, lets it be at the fainting condition. 龙当当胸口处白光闪烁,一道匹练也似的光芒直接卷住了一头五阶贝塔飞魔。小邪立刻一个精神冲击释放了上去,让它处于晕厥状态之中。 Bang bang bang bang bang......” in low and deep bellow that one after another infiltrates the person, the beta flying demon army has pounded to fall in the ground. Even if the beta flying demons of seven step levels, adds on the gravity increase of gravity control to fling with the stance of freely falling body from two kilometers upper air, is the result of meeting a cruel death. After a series of thunders sadly, all returns tranquilly. Only also living the beta flying demon, was directed the spirit furnace is towing by the Long Dangdang Saint. “砰砰砰砰砰……”一连串渗人的低沉轰鸣声中,贝塔飞魔大军就已经纷纷砸落在地面上。哪怕是七阶层次的贝塔飞魔,从两千米高空以自由落体的姿态加上重力控制的重力增幅这么甩下去,也是粉身碎骨的结果。当一连串沉闷轰鸣之后,所有的一切都重归平静。唯一还活着的贝塔飞魔,就是被龙当当圣引灵炉牵引着的这一只了。 The strength of spirit furnace is not always the knight skill. At least Long Dangdang thinks. 灵炉的力量总不算骑士技能吧。至少龙当当是这么认为的。 Keeps one to have the time of reply by oneself. This passed the skill that in the process of demon boundary inspection must master, otherwise consumed continually, did not have him of seven steps definitely unable to shoulder. 留一只是为了让自己有回复的时间。这是度过魔境考核的过程中必须要掌握的技巧,否则持续消耗下去,还没有七阶的他是肯定扛不住的。 The recuperation, made small eight ban the spatial cooling time to pass particularly. Long Dangdang struck to kill the last beta flying demon, greeted from the fifth round of challenge. 休整,尤其是让小八将禁空的冷却时间度过。龙当当才击杀了最后一头贝塔飞魔,迎接来自于第五轮的挑战。 Compared with previous time comes, although this time was short of Long Kongkong, but does not need to retain the lives of these demon clans to be used to swallow the absorption, Long Dangdang deal with instead is calmer, fast. 和上次前来相比,这次虽然少了龙空空,但不需要保留这些魔族的生命用来吞噬吸收,龙当当自己应付的反而更加从容、迅捷。 The fifth round of opponent to him, instead is actually easier to solve. 第五轮的对手对他来说,其实反而更容易解决。 The demon eye master regiment adds on the bird demon regiment, the open area combination. Means old means. Pulls lifts off to the altitude that the demon eye master demon optical elastic is unable to attain, then the demon army bans to the bird continuously spatially. This time does not need to retain their lives, the bird demon that in the air crashes becomes the Long Dangdang attack method. Also follows has the incantation that crashes to recite the later class/flow spark rain. 魔眼术士军团加上禽魔军团,空地组合。办法还是老办法。拉高升空到魔眼术士魔光弹无法企及的高度,然后给禽魔大军连续禁空。这次又不用保留它们的生命,空中坠落的禽魔本身就成为了龙当当的攻击手段。伴随坠落的还有咒语吟唱之后的流星火雨。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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