SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#249: The magic temple inspects

Chapter 249 magic temple inspects 第249章魔法圣殿考核 secret, this absolutely is secret who six big temples not necessarily know! 秘辛,这绝对是六大圣殿都不一定知道的秘辛啊! Long Dangdang thought that Long Kongkong somewhat is vacant, but others , almost thinks what the sea said is. 龙当当想到了,龙空空还有些茫然,而其他人,也差不多都想到了沧海说的是谁。 What to do should we?” Long Dangdang asked. “那我们该怎么办?”龙当当问道。 The sea seems like smiling, had the star light, my restore big speeding up. Had the star light, you also become different. Just, you now have not been able to use the star light true strength by far. I think, the star light chose Kong Kong , because the Yuan whorl spirit furnace can the stimulation of certain extent it. However, this is insufficient. But this is also very good. Bathes quenchings itself in the stars time, this can gain the huge advantage to you. Believes that the you present has felt some, but this also by far insufficient. The strength of stars, can let the bottleneck no longer is a bottleneck, can make your bodies sublimate. Urges the association for a long time, may result in the body of stars. The advantage is numerous. In the future you can 11 inductions obtain. Only said current, later it, our other spirit furnace restore speeds of breakage will greatly promote, but to you, the blood will build up the side effect of golden body to be made up, therefore, I suggested that you can the whole staff cultivation that family merit law. Perhaps as for the strength of true reassignment star light, that needs Kong Kong own strength to be a higher level, in the meantime, a Yuan whorl spirit furnace also need higher level has the possibility. Once our these towermen, top six, even to conclude the contract you with your human unable to withstand. Therefore, as far as possible promotion your bodies.” 沧海似乎是在笑,“有了星光,我的修复将会大大的加快。有了星光,你们也都将变得不同。只不过,你们现在还远远无法动用星光真正的力量。我想,星光之所以选择了空空,就是因为元涡灵炉能够一定程度的激发它。不过,这还不够。但这也已经很好了。沐浴在星辰时光中淬炼自身,这对你们来说能够获得巨大的好处。相信伱们现在已经感受到一些了,但这还远远不够。星辰之力,能够让瓶颈不再是瓶颈,能够让你们的身体为之升华。长期催联,可得星辰之体。好处众多。未来你们会一一感应得到。只说当前,以后它在,我们其他破损的灵炉修复速度都会大大提升,而对你们来说,血炼金身的副作用都会被弥补,所以,我建议你们可以全员修炼那门功法了。至于真正调动星光的力量,那恐怕需要空空自身的实力达到更高层次,同时,元涡灵炉也需要更高层次才有可能。要知道,曾经我们这些守望者,排名前六的,就算想要和你们人类缔结契约你们也是承受不住的。所以,尽可能的提升你们的身体吧。” Long Kongkong chest little while soon on the sky, what was the moral behavior? This is the moral behavior! Spirit furnace that oneself live also above brother, once in 12 towermen existed ranked the second, this is what kind of advantage! Without the means that a person was too outstanding, this what to do? It seems like that oneself are 19,115,897 hunts for the demon group true core! 龙空空的胸脯这会儿都快要挺上天空了,什么是人品?这就是人品啊!自己活得的灵炉还在老哥之上,曾经十二守望者之中排名第二的存在,这是何等的得天独厚!没办法,一个人太优秀了,这怎么办呢?看来,自己才是一九一一五八九七猎魔团真正的核心啊! Long Dangdang pays no attention to younger brother that self-satisfied appearance , to continue to ask to the sea: Why couldn't that I feel existence of star light outside the institute?” 龙当当不理弟弟那得意的样子,向沧海继续问道:“那为什么在院外我就感受不到星光的存在了呢?” Dark blue sea route: That is few that also because the star light strength you stimulate, in fact does not use outside the institute, you pay attention to discover carefully, region that it affects now, be only the diameter ten meters, exceed this range, induction the strength of that stars. The islet tung oil tree should also soon regain consciousness, but, you reminded her, do not make her go to the increase star light, she could not withstand. At least needs to wait for her to evolve to arrive at a higher level to consider again.” 沧海道:“那是因为星光的力量你们激发的还很少,实际上不用院外,你仔细注意就能发现,它现在作用的区域,只有直径十米,超过这个范围,就感应不到那星辰之力了。屿桐应该也快要苏醒了,不过,你们提醒她,不要让她去增幅星光,她也承受不住的。至少要等她进化到更高层次再考虑。” Ling Menglu said: Star light radiantly also assists the spirit furnace?” 凌梦露道:“星光璀璨也是辅助灵炉么?” Dark blue sea route: It can be said that can also say that is not. It is very special. Cannot be the pure assistance spirit furnace. Because, its limit we have not seen. Reason that this why it does not have the breakage. Can bring in the strength of genuine stars time, that is surpasses the potential surface limit the strength.” 沧海道:“可以说是,也可以说不是。它很特殊。不能算是纯粹的辅助灵炉。因为,它的极限我们也没看到过。这也是为什么它没有破损的原因。能引来真正星辰之力的时候,那已经是超越位面极限的力量了。” Got it, thanked the senior.” “明白了,谢谢前辈。” Every one minute the strength of stars is extremely precious existence. You cultivation with a sense of urgency. Before the strength of these stars should be, stores up in the star light, is not inexhaustible. In the future, you need to find can bring in the star light the place to imitate the energy for it truly, can better use its strength. Now the strength of these stars, you must save the use, more is used to repair itself.” “每一分星辰之力都是极为宝贵的存在。你们抓紧修炼吧。这些星辰之力应该是以前储存在星光之内的,并非无穷无尽。未来,你们需要找到真正能够引来星光的地方为它充能,才能更好的利用它的力量。现在这些星辰之力,你们要节约使用,更多的用来修复自身。” Where can imitate the energy for it?” Long Dangdang said. “在什么地方才能为它充能?”龙当当道。 Dark blue sea route: Is better from sky nearer place.” 沧海道:“距离天空越近的地方越好。” From sky near place? Isn't that to fly to a higher sky? 距离天空近的地方?那不就是要飞向更高的天空吗? The sea returns to the spirit furnace main body, the people cultivates continually. No one has thought of this Long Dangdang their harvest in a big way to this degree. The star light radiant spirit furnace and day ghost Asura spirit furnace unexpectedly is so powerful existence. But the knight temple has these two spirit furnaces actually to know nothing about. 沧海回归灵炉本体,众人持续修炼。谁也没想到这次龙当当他们的收获会大到这种程度。星光璀璨灵炉和天煞修罗灵炉竟是如此强悍的存在。而骑士圣殿早就已经拥有了这两尊灵炉却是茫然不知。 Although they have not been able to display these spirit furnace true strengths now, but this background, lets them regarding among the war with dead spirit armies, had a more sufficient confidence. 虽然现在他们还无法发挥出这些灵炉真正的力量,但这份底蕴在,让他们对于和亡灵大军之间的战争,就有了更加充足的信心。 After the cultivation approximately continued for one hour, star light that the star light radiant spirit furnace brings gradually gloomy. 修炼大约持续了一个小时之后,星光璀璨灵炉所带来的星光渐渐暗淡了下来。 This was Long Dangdang makes Long Kongkong receive the star light, everyone's body issue has repaired was similar, must use its strength frugal, being used makes everyone future better cultivation blood refine the golden body. 这是龙当当龙空空收了星光,大家的身体问题都已经修复的差不多了,还是要节约使用它的力量,用来让大家未来更好的修炼血炼金身。 Over the following two days, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and ice Monroe in familiar new spirit furnace. And what is most mysterious is the star light radiant spirit furnace. This spirit furnace they discovered after two days of investigations, the star light of implication also has many, total quantity also enough they cultivation more than ten times probably together. But can probably put on the agenda sufficiently to be good obviously. From sky near place, the mountain is the good choice, flying in the air does not know to be good, but is not obviously suitable to try in the holy city. Is, during the daytime the star light radiant spirit furnace has not responded. In other words, only then arrives at night the time, its strength can be inspired. 接下来的两天,龙当当龙空空和凌梦露都在熟悉新的灵炉。其中最为神奇的还是星光璀璨灵炉。这尊灵炉他们经过两天的探察发现,其中蕴含的星光还有不少,总量大概还够他们大家一起修炼十几次的。但充能显然已必须要提上日程才行。距离天空近的地方,高山是好的选择,飞到空中不知道行不行,但在圣城显然是不适合进行尝试的。还有就是,白天星光璀璨灵炉是没反应的。也就是说,只有夜晚到来的时候,它的力量才能被引动。 As for the impregnable spirit furnace and day ghost Asura spirit furnace, their characteristics mainly appear in attribute that in oneself represent, the impregnable spirit furnace is very good to grasp, but the day ghost Asura spirit furnace is actually extremely overbearing, Long Dangdang feels faintly, reason that oneself can surrender it, is not the function of Saint lotus spirit furnace, but was the particularity of bloodlines as if suppressed this strength. But this thinks and feels somewhat inconceivable. After all, this is in 12 towermen exists top three! 至于固若金汤灵炉和天煞修罗灵炉,它们的特性主要就显现在自身所代表的属性上,固若金汤灵炉很好掌握,但天煞修罗灵炉却是极为霸道的,龙当当隐隐感觉到,自己之所以能够将其降服,并不是圣莲灵炉的作用,而是自己血脉的特殊性似乎镇压了这份力量。但这想想又觉得有些不可思议。毕竟,这可是十二守望者中排名前三的存在啊! The sea said on that day, first six and latter six different, that first three? Definitely is extremely terrifying existence! Especially ranked the first, is that associates, actually in oneself bloodlines to contain what kind of strength to link living that the so terrifying ominous severe air/Qi can suppress unexpectedly? 沧海那天说,前六和后六不一样,那前三呢?肯定是极其恐怖的存在啊!尤其是排名第一的,又是那位,联想下来,自己血脉中究竟蕴含着怎样的力量居然连如此恐怖的凶厉之气都能镇压的住? But in any event, this spirit furnace truly is the present can use for him, moreover does not need to restore the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace such to patch it. With existence of star light radiant spirit furnace, wants to come with evolve unceasingly, the day ghost Asura spirit furnace also gradually will restore intelligence. 但无论如何,这尊灵炉确实是现在能够为他所用,而且也不用修复月明沧海灵炉那样去修补它。伴随着星光璀璨灵炉的存在,想来随着不断进化,天煞修罗灵炉也会逐步恢复灵性的。 But to third day, the Long Dangdang child spirit crystal has the response, the magic temple has summoned him to go, accepts the inspection. 而到了第三天,龙当当的子灵晶就已经有了反应,魔法圣殿召他前去,接受考核。 First thought in Long Dangdang when receiving the summon heart is actually, happen to was short of the Saint lotus spirit furnace, goes to the magic temple to supplement? 龙当当在接到召唤时心中的第一个念头却是,正好少了圣莲灵炉,去魔法圣殿补充一下? This nature did not have Long Kongkong to go together, but he actually very wanted to lead the younger brother to go, over the two days he also enhanced some outside spirit strength. However this thought also flashes past in the mind. After all, Long Kongkong have no reason the magic temple to accept the inspection, waits later to use meritorious receiving in exchange to enter the opportunity of demon boundary. 这次自然没有龙空空一同前往了,但他其实还是挺希望带着弟弟去的,这两天他也又提升了一些外灵力。不过这个念头也只是在脑海中一闪而过。毕竟,龙空空没有理由去魔法圣殿接受考核,还是等以后用功勋换取进入魔境的机会吧。 Keeps the partners to cultivate in the station, Long Dangdang arrives at the temple headquarters alone, because agrees on the good time, has the person in magic temple to wait for him here. 留伙伴们在驻地修炼,龙当当独自来到圣殿总部,因为是约定好的时间,已经有魔法圣殿的人在这里等他了。 Wears the white to inlay the gold-edged magic robe, can distinguish from the chest front magic badge, this waits for his is a big demon teacher of seven step. 身穿白色镶金边魔法袍,从胸前的魔法徽章能够辨别出,这等待他的是一位七阶的大魔导师。 The magicians and other occupations have the difference, importance of seven steps regarding magician even must far exceed another five occupations. The element body of knight, soldier and assassin, to magician here, the special change named element caused, envoy who as the name suggests, controls the element. Only then seven steps, the spirit strength of magician enough supported uses the magic for a long time, and can use the might enough powerful magic. Seven steps below, in displaying the process of magic, the spirit strength will consume to restore continually is inferior the consumption, but after becoming the element causes, the strength of element meets the nature gathering, thus makes the magician have the lasting battle efficiency, can use some more powerful magic. 魔法师和其他职业都有区别,七阶对于魔法师来说的重要性甚至还要远超另外五个职业。骑士、战士、刺客的元素体,到了魔法师这里,特殊的变化名为元素使,顾名思义,掌控元素的使者。只有到了七阶,魔法师的灵力才足够支撑长时间施展魔法,并且才能施展出威力足够强大的魔法。七阶以下,在施展魔法的过程中,灵力会持续消耗恢复远逊于消耗,而成为元素使之后,元素之力会自然汇聚,从而让魔法师拥有持久战斗力,也可以使用一些更强大的魔法了。 Hello, the big demon teacher, I am Long Dangdang.” Long Dangdang went forward good a ritual. The etiquette of magician is the right palm caresses the chest to raise slightly slightly. “您好,大魔导师阁下,我是龙当当。”龙当当上前行了一礼。魔法师的礼仪是右掌抚胸微微欠身。 This big demon teacher seems like the character to be very temperate, to Long Dangdang also a ritual, said: Hello, I am who the demon leads the group, please along with me come.” 这位大魔导师看起来性格十分温和,向龙当当还了一礼,道:“你好,我是魔导团的雅维,请随我来吧。” Under this big demon teacher's leadership, Long Dangdang follows him to walk in the region of headquarters to the magic temple together. 在这位雅维大魔导师的带领下,龙当当跟随着他一起向魔法圣殿在总部的区域走去。 Long Dangdang is also the big demons of six steps leads the gentleman now, but since becomes occupation, he is actually more is acts as the status of knight, the cultivation of magic was also inferior that the cultivation of knight is assiduous, is mainly because with the younger brother together in the spirit furnace school is also the knight class that joins, does not have more time. But from the Long Dangdang heart deep place, childhood he, vainly hoped for that is to become a magician, why this also the knight temple gave him that good condition, he is not willing to give up the magician status the reason. 龙当当现在也已经是六阶的大魔导士了,但自从成为职业者之后,他其实更多都是充当骑士的身份,魔法的修炼也不如骑士的修炼勤勉,主要是因为和弟弟一起在灵炉学院也是加入的骑士班,没有更多的时间。但从龙当当内心深处来说,小时候的他,梦想就是成为一名魔法师,这也是为什么骑士圣殿给了他那么好的条件,他也不愿意放弃自己魔法师身份的原因。 Enters the region of magic temple, Long Dangdang feels the magic element in air to start immediately becomes rich, is rich and pure, is pure and viscous. This feeling is very marvelous, making him have the whole person to immerse in the element sea general the feeling. But within the body the fluctuation of spirit strength also associated element fluctuates quietly, as if each pore of body starts to open, absorbs is coming from the element strength in air. 一进入魔法圣殿的区域,龙当当顿时感受到空气中的魔法元素开始变得浓郁起来,浓郁而纯净,纯净而粘稠。这种感觉是非常奇妙的,让他有种整个人都沉浸在元素海洋之中一般的感觉。体内的灵力也伴随着元素的波动而悄然波动,似乎身体的每一个毛孔都开始张开,吸收着来自于空气中的元素之力。 Here he first time is not came, before here also came to seek for the purple day dance, but why this time does not know, as if felt that had the obvious difference. Perhaps is also within cultivates for the reason of improvement. 他并不是第一次来这边,之前也曾经来这边寻找过紫天舞,但这次不知道为什么,似乎感觉有了明显的不同。或许也是以内自身修为提升的原因。 However, to him, the biggest problem comes under the influence of moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace, will want to enter seven steps is very troublesome. If can solve this problem, becomes the element to cause, definitely will have more different feeling to be right. 不过,对他来说,最大的问题还是受到月明沧海灵炉的影响,想要进入七阶会很麻烦。如果能够解决这个问题,成为元素使,肯定会有更不一样的感受才对。 Arrives at the magic deep place, he was brought to one with the knight temple that side resembling some palaces , the air strength of element became richer, when to letting him breathed has one type to swallow the feeling of element richly. 来到魔法深处,他被带到一个和骑士圣殿那边有些相像的殿堂之中,空气中的元素之力变得更加浓郁了,浓郁到让他呼吸时都有一种在吞噬元素的感受。 But Long Dangdang surprised seeing, that wears the dark golden magic robe here there familiar form. 而就在这里龙当当惊讶的看到,那身穿暗金色魔法袍等在那里的熟悉身影。 Teacher.” Long Dangdang rushes to go forward several steps, salutes respectfully. “老师。”龙当当赶忙上前几步,恭敬行礼。 This teacher, is not his magic instructing kind teacher purple day dance, but is he as the teacher who the recording a name disciple does obeisance, has pivotal position one of the six Dashengtang in the magic temple, law sorcerer attentively. 这位老师,并不是他的魔法授业恩师紫天舞,而是他作为记名弟子拜的师尊,在魔法圣殿有着举足轻重地位的六大圣堂之一,法神巫谛。 Sees Long Dangdang, on the witch attentively old face rare revealed a smile, nods to him, said: That side knight temple test how?” 看到龙当当,巫谛苍老的面庞上难得的流露出了一丝微笑,向他点了点头,道:“骑士圣殿那边的测试如何?” Long Dangdang said: Was smooth, rewarded a spirit furnace.” 龙当当道:“还算顺利,奖励了一尊灵炉。” The witches ridicule to say attentively: You are reminding me, must reward you, as soon as reveres the spirit furnace? Really is a little smart-aleck.” 巫谛笑骂道:“你这是在提醒我,也要奖励你一尊灵炉吗?真是个小滑头。” Long Dangdang smiled, at this time, his smile even was a bit like the Long Kongkong appearance, „, has not had, Teacher, I did not have this meaning. The earliest time our magic temple gives my Sage lotus spirit furnace, was given my spirit furnace to swallow by the knight temple newly. Thinks on me the spirit furnace is being and knight is related, truly was some not like the magician.” 龙当当嘿嘿一笑,这个时候,他的笑容甚至有点像龙空空的样子,“没有、没有,老师,我没这个意思。只是,最早时候咱们魔法圣殿送给我的那尊圣莲灵炉,被骑士圣殿新给我的这尊灵炉吞噬了。想着我身上的灵炉都是和骑士相关的,确实是有些不像魔法师了。” Witch attentively ill-humored say/way: That must look at the performance that you inspect.” 巫谛没好气的道:“那要看你考核的表现了。” In Long Dangdang heart one happy : Teacher, us, can enter the demon boundary test?” 龙当当心中一喜,都:“老师,咱们这边,也是要进入魔境考验吗?” The witches nod the head attentively slightly, six big temples are the same in view of your young people's tests, but you and some others actually differences.” 巫谛微微颔首,“六大圣殿针对你们这些年轻人的考验是一样的,但你和别人却有些区别。” Long Dangdang stares, has what difference?” 龙当当一愣,“有何区别?” The witches said attentively: Us, requesting you only to use the magic during the inspection of demon boundary, can not use and knight related skill. Otherwise even cheats.” 巫谛道:“在咱们这边,要求你在魔境的考核之中只能使用魔法,不得使用和骑士相关的技能。否则就算作弊。” Listened to his such saying, Long Dangdang to understand immediately, what the magic temple must look was he talent in magic, if with the ability of knight through inspecting, was not big regarding the significance of magic temple. 听他这么一说,龙当当顿时明白,魔法圣殿要看的是他在魔法方面的天赋,如果用骑士的能力通过考核,那对于魔法圣殿的意义不大。 Yes.” “是。” Witch attentively vision brilliant looks at him, said: Has confidence?” 巫谛目光灼灼的看着他,道:“有把握吗?” Long Dangdang scratches the head, looks the color of feeling embarrassed, no assurance. Teacher, although I am also magician but I actually am the equipment of magician not to have continually. The magic stick and magic robe foundation equips me is also short. Therefore truly is nothing assurance.” 龙当当挠挠头,面露为难之色,“没什么把握。老师,虽然我也是一名魔法师但我其实连属于魔法师的装备都没有。魔法杖、魔法袍这种基础装备我都还欠缺。所以确实是没什么把握。” The magicians is to exceed the close combat occupation regarding the dependence of equipment. Simply speaking, the legal system rely on the equipment compared with the close combat, because the spirit strength restores the magic increase, the continuing combat force, has the equipment and does not have the equipment to be far. Many powerful magicians can display to destroy the day extinguishes the prestige to be able the magic, support that needs to equip. 魔法师对于装备的依赖性是要超越近战职业的。简单来说,法系都要比近战更依赖装备,因为无论是灵力恢复还是魔法增幅、持续战斗力,有装备和没装备都相差甚远。很多强大的魔法师之所以能够施展出毁天灭地威能的魔法,都需要装备的支持。 Little smart-aleck, how? Has not inspected, first wants the thing?” The witch eyes stare attentively, immediately has the invisible oppression strength to transmit. “小滑头,怎么着?还没考核呢,先要东西?”巫谛眼睛一瞪,顿时有股无形的压迫力传来。 Feels that not really strong pressure, Long Dangdang was saying: „, Has not had. I want to ask that you have a look whether to borrow the equipment of some magicians, like this I am also insufficient to give you to lose face in the inspection.” 感受着那并不甚强的压力,龙当当道:“没有、没有。我只是想问您看看是不是能够借用一些魔法师的装备,这样我在考核中也不至于给您丢脸啊。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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