SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#238: Long Kongkong, the destruction changes the body

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Chapter 238 Long Kongkong, the destruction changes the body 第238章龙空空,毁灭变身 Long Dangdang has understood at this time, although at present this demon god is eight step peaks, perhaps but cannot appraise the opposite party with the ordinary eight steps, in the situation in having the demon god column supporting, even the nine step powerhouses of human are still not necessarily able to flatter in its front, this to him and Long Kongkong, radically is the invincible opponent. 龙当当此时已经明白,虽然眼前这位魔神是八阶巅峰,但恐怕已经不能用普通的八阶来评价对方,在有魔神柱支持的情况下,就算是人类的九阶强者也未必能够在其面前讨好,这对他和龙空空来说,根本就是不可战胜的对手。 Long Kongkong sees Long Dangdang in the distant place suddenly by the dark energy adhesion , felt not right, this is the rhythm that must end! 龙空空在远处看到龙当当突然被黑暗能量粘连,也感觉到了不对,这是要完的节奏啊! Power gap of both sides was too big, the suppression of energy steamroll rank, making all skills does not have the significance. Let alone, the demon god almost lives for the fight, will be worse than them by the fight skill? 双方的实力差距太大了,能量碾压级别的压制,让所有的技巧都变得毫无意义。更何况,魔神几乎就是为战斗而生的,论战斗技巧怎么会比他们差呢? Áng-” small eight felt the Long Dangdang crisis, in the mouth exuded the intense roaring sound, the huge body in the direction hit toward secure Dumas went outrageously. “昂-”小八感受到了龙当当的危机,口中发出强烈的咆哮声,庞大的身躯悍然朝着安杜马里的方向撞击而去。 In secure Dumas under the body the great snake face upwards to exude one to angrily roar, strong dark green mist emits, covers, in flushed small on eight, Longyan that the small 83 big ends emit was being melted in front of that dark green mist unexpectedly rapidly , the thick snake tail has swept away to come, directly its snap flew. 安杜马里身下巨蛇仰天发出一声怒吼,一蓬浓重的墨绿色雾气喷吐而出,笼罩在了冲来的小八身上,小八三个大头喷吐出的龙岩在那墨绿色雾气面前竟是被迅速消融着,紧接着,粗大的蛇尾就已经横扫而来,直接将它抽击的飞了出去。 In secure Dumas the corners of the mouth go up slightly, in the snake head eye flashes through wipes the cruel color, both hands received the direction of own body suddenly, the Long Dangdang main body and four big clone to be towed simultaneously to its direction. 安杜马里嘴角微微上翘,蛇头眼中闪过一抹残忍之色,双手猛然朝着自己身体的方向一收,龙当当的本体和四大分身同时被牵引着拉向它的方向。 At this moment the chest place of Long Dangdang main body shone suddenly, a round of full moon ray appears, that will mount in his darkness almost melts like the snow and ice will disintegrate to remove generally shortly. Long Dangdang also seizes the chance to start the jump of light again, vertical leaps suddenly backward, four big clone to return rapidly. 就在这时龙当当本体的胸口处突然亮了起来,一轮满月般的光芒浮现而出,那黏在他身上的黑暗几乎是如同冰雪消融一般顷刻间瓦解褪去。龙当当也趁机再次发动光之跃迁,骤然向后纵跃,四大分身迅速回返。 Clone no doubt to erupt several times in the attack the battle efficiency, but when will withstand the injury also to feed back to the main body similarly. 分身在攻击的时候固然能够爆发出数倍的战斗力,但在承受伤害的时候也同样会反馈给本体。 Long Dangdang rapid suddenly/violently to retreat at the same time, body also one light. But flickers below, the body in secure Dumas vanished suddenly. 龙当当迅速暴退的同时,身体也随之一轻。但就在下一瞬,安杜马里的身体骤然消失了。 It is not good! 不好! Long Dangdang just appeared from jump light/only, he felt periphery all as if to turn into the purple, the demon god column of distant place has been sending out the spooky ray, exaggerated on strong purple black secure Dumas, the big snake as well as periphery all. 龙当当才刚刚从光之跃迁中出现,他就感受到周围的一切仿佛都已经变成了紫色,远处的魔神柱散发着幽幽光芒,将安杜马里、大蛇以及周围的一切都渲染上了一层浓重的紫黑色。 Long Dangdang of huge oppression strength suppression just now presents the whole body unable to move. Next flickers, the big hand in secure Dumas had seized his neck, lifted him. The terrifying dark strength rushes just like the tide generally swamps into the body stuffily, Long Dangdang snort/hum, he only felt all of own within the body as if by ablation. The spirit strength that Long Kongkong transmits was driven away forcefully, the Saint directed the hauling of spirit furnace also to break. 巨大的压迫力镇压的龙当当才刚出现全身就已经动弹不得。下一瞬,安杜马里的大手就已经掐住了他的脖子,将他举了起来。恐怖的黑暗之力宛如潮汐一般奔涌入体,龙当当闷哼一声,他只觉得自己体内的一切仿佛都在被消融似的。就连龙空空传递来的灵力都被强行驱离,圣引灵炉的牵引也断了。 Brother!” Long Kongkong urgently shouted one, in the hand rises the spirit shield to eject suddenly, from the sky drew an arc, cut to the snake demon god. “老哥!”龙空空急呼一声,手中升灵盾骤然抛出,在空中划出一道弧线,斩向蛇魔神。 But the snake demon god actually looked that did not look, the shield has not arrived at side it, was flown by that boundless dark strength ball. 但蛇魔神却连看都不看,盾牌还没到它身边,就被那磅礴的黑暗之力弹飞了出去。 The snake demon Shenju corner/horn splits, another hand held the Long Dangdang left arm, pulls fiercely, tore the Long Dangdang left arm unexpectedly, in an instant the blood spurts crazily. 蛇魔神嘴角裂开,另一只手抓住了龙当当的左臂,猛地一扯,竟然就那么将龙当当的左臂撕裂了下来,刹那间鲜血狂喷而出。 „-” Long Dangdang sends out a rending pain to shout, outside his body the spirit strength is very strong, but it is precisely for this reason, when arm pulled apart that flickers, the intense severe pain transmits instantaneously. But his pitiful yell sound continued the flash, in the snake demon god secure Dumas the finger tightened, seized his neck, keeping his voice from sending out. “啊-”龙当当发出一声撕心裂肺般的痛呼,他身体外灵力很强,但也正因如此,当手臂被扯断的那一瞬,强烈的剧痛瞬间传来。但他的惨叫声只是持续了一瞬间,蛇魔神安杜马里手指收紧,掐住了他的脖子,让他连声音都无法发出。 Long Kongkong maintains is also ejecting rises the spirit shield time the appearance, sees this, his whole person dumbfounded. 龙空空还保持着抛出升灵盾时候的样子,看到这一幕,他整个人都呆住了。 Actually when he discovered when the snake demon god is they unmatchable enemy, has been ready that and brother was killed together. This after all is only a test, is not true life and death preying. 其实当他发现蛇魔神是他们无法对抗的敌人时,都已经做好了和老哥一起被杀出去的准备了。这毕竟只是一场测试,并不是真正的生死搏杀。 But, at this moment, when he sees in secure Dumas when a arm that pulled apart Long Dangdang, listens to the pitiful yell that in the Long Dangdang mouth is sending out, the body of his whole person starts becomes trembles. 可是,此时此刻,当他眼看着安杜马里一把扯断了龙当当的手臂,听着龙当当口中发出的惨叫时,他整个人的身体都开始变得颤栗起来。 In the snake demon god eyes revealed is teasing with the cruel ray, the left hand held Long Dangdang another arm again, this time, it even also slowed down the movement intentionally, little pulled the arm of Long Dangdang, the sleeves is bursting, the skeleton sent out flip-flop resounding, was the sound of fascia break, the muscle is torn little, finally elongated skin gradually collapse open/start. 蛇魔神眼中流露着戏谑和残忍的光芒,左手再次抓住了龙当当另一条手臂,这次,它甚至还故意放慢了动作,一点点的拉扯着龙当当的手臂,衣袖破裂,骨骼发出“噼啪”脆响,然后是筋膜断裂的声音,肌肉被一点点撕裂,最后是被拉长的皮肤逐渐崩开。 Long Dangdang cannot make the sound, but the body is actually similar to the fish that bails out from the water, after losing the ability of breath, fierce is twitching. How may regardless of him diligently, not be actually able to work loose from the hand in secure Dumas. 龙当当发不出声音,但身体却如同从水中捞出的鱼,失去了呼吸的能力之后,剧烈的抽搐着。可无论他如何努力,却都无法从安杜马里的手中挣脱出来。 No-” the eye of Long Kongkong had turned into the blood red thoroughly, first to/clashes suddenly, the conflagration almost in erupted instantaneously, directly soars in secure Dumas to rush over. “不-”龙空空的眼睛已经彻底变成了血红色,猛然前冲,爆燃几乎是在瞬间就爆发了出来,直奔安杜马里冲了过去。 In secure Dumas actually seems like must through killing by mistreatment Long Dangdang intentionally stimulates him, has not struck to kill him directly, but lifts a foot, tramples Long Kongkong flew. In the face of the strength of absolute steamroll, Long Kongkong absolutely does not have the ability of resistance. 安杜马里却似乎是故意要通过虐杀龙当当来刺激他,并没有直接击杀他,而是抬起一脚,将龙空空踹的飞了出去。在绝对碾压的实力面前,龙空空根本就没有反抗的能力。 In secure Dumas the left hand held the left leg of Long Dangdang again, turned around his whole person fiercely, both hands held a Long Dangdang ankle respectively, the cruel color in eye turned into the blood-color. It must tear directly the body of Long Dangdang, kills him with the cruelest way. 安杜马里左手再次抓住了龙当当的左腿,猛地将他整个人掉转了过来,双手各自抓住龙当当一只脚腕,眼中的残忍之色变成了血色。它要将龙当当的身体直接撕裂开来,用最残忍的方式将他杀死。 Bastard! You die to me!” Sees this Long Kongkong, only thought that the whole person was crazy. In the innermost feelings as if had what sound to make a sound suddenly, exuded a strange brittle whining noise. In his skin surface, visible appeared the purple trace, these purple trace rapid bulge, changed into scales, his aura also started to have the tremendous changes. “混蛋!你给我死!”看到这一幕的龙空空,只觉得整个人都要疯狂了。内心之中仿佛有什么声音突然响了起来,发出一种诡异的脆鸣声。在他的皮肤表面,肉眼可见的浮现出了紫色的纹路,这些紫色纹路迅速凸起,化为一块块鳞片,他自身的气息也开始发生着天翻地覆的变化。 That was one type filled dying out, filled with the aura of destruction. The terrifying destruction feeling shoots up to the sky instantly, the demon god column aura of pressure audience was also broken through. 那是一种充满了寂灭,充满了破坏的气息。恐怖的毁灭感冲天而起的刹那,就连威压全场的魔神柱气息都随之被冲破开来。 The hand in secure Dumas stopped, an intense sense of crisis lingering heart, what is more important, it even felt oneself soul to tremble unexpectedly. 安杜马里的手停顿了下来,一种强烈的危机感萦绕心头,更重要的是,它甚至感受到了自己的灵魂居然都在颤栗着。 This is......, what? 这是……,什么? But at this time, in secure Dumas in the hand was also sudden, the body of Long Dangdang also changed into the purple similarly, but this time, actually changed into the purple flowing light, appeared the innumerable scales in his body surface, then including the both arms that he was torn, changed into the purple flowing light to well up in the Long Kongkong direction. 而也就在这个时候,安杜马里手中突然一空,龙当当的身体也同样化为了紫色,但这一次,却是化为了紫色的流光,在他身体表面也浮现出了无数的鳞片,然后包括他被撕扯下来的双臂,都化为紫色流光朝着龙空空的方向涌去。 Long Kongkong raised the head suddenly, looks to the snake demon god secure Dumas, his double pupil in this flickered had turned into the profound purple completely, the hair was exaggerated in secure Dumas profounder many purple. 龙空空骤然抬起头,看向蛇魔神安杜马里,他的双眸在这一瞬已经完全变成了深邃的紫色,就连头发都被渲染成了比安杜马里更加深邃的多的紫色。 Long Dangdang body streams light/only fall , on Long Kongkong, the body of Long Kongkong starts to inflate, turned in a flash had five meters high fully, the body covers purple gold color mail-armor and helmet. 龙当当身体所化的一道道流光落在龙空空身上的时候,龙空空的身体开始膨胀起来,转瞬间就变成了足有五米高,身上更是覆盖上了一层紫金色的甲胄。 This mail-armor and helmet not complicated, was only pure coverage on him, seemed like came under the influence of aura, small on eight originally bright golden scale, turned into the purple in this moment unexpectedly, what was more fearful, in its top of the head and back, even was on the tail, drilled purple gold color spur general existences , the body inflated three times in the short time. 这身甲胄并不繁复,只是纯粹的覆盖在了他身上,似乎是受到了气息的影响,小八身上原本灿烂的金色鳞片,在这一刻竟然也变成了紫色,更可怕的是,在它的头顶、背脊,甚至是尾巴上,都钻出了一根根紫金色的骨刺一般的存在,就连身体都在短短时间内膨胀了三倍。 Áng-” in small eight erupts deafening dragon to recite the sound, under the aura of sudden rise, it kicked out suddenly again, plunged the big snake in secure Dumas. “昂-”小八口中爆发出震耳欲聋的龙吟声,暴涨的气息之下,它猛然再次扑出,扑向了安杜马里的大蛇。 The intense anxiety, making the snake demon god not dare to wait, its right hand grasps void, a four-meter snake lance has appeared in the hand, the upper part muscle tightens, the demon god column of back distant place jumps projects a ray to shine in his hand, next one flickers, the snake lance just like the lightning general ejection, has directly soared the Long Kongkong chest to go. 强烈的不安,让蛇魔神不敢等待,它右手虚空一抓,一柄长达四米的蛇矛就已经出现在了手中,上半身肌肉绷紧,背后远处的魔神柱迸射出一道光芒照耀在他手上,下一瞬,蛇矛已经宛如闪电一般抛射而出,直奔龙空空胸口而去。 The body of Long Kongkong as if became illusory the flash, next quarter, that potential, if rushed to the thunder common lance one to be grasped by him unexpectedly grasps in the palm. 龙空空的身体似乎变得虚幻了一瞬间,下一刻,那势若奔雷一般的长矛竟然就那么被他一把抓握在掌中。 The Long Kongkong vision was full of the deathly stillness and destruction flavor, is covering the purple scale and purple gold color mail-armor and helmet palm tightens slowly, that extremely firm snake lance broke unexpectedly in his hands. 龙空空的目光充满了死寂与毁灭的味道,覆盖着紫色鳞片和紫金色甲胄的手掌缓缓收紧,那极为坚固的蛇矛竟然就那么在他手中断折了。 Dies to the master!” In the Long Kongkong mouth makes the ice-cold sound, only then the intonation as if seems like him, but the constriction of that terrifying, actually seems similar to general that the hell comes. “给爷死!”龙空空口中发出冰冷的声音,只有语调似乎还像是他本人,但那恐怖的压迫感,却仿佛如同地狱而来的一般。 The speed erupts suddenly, the body of Long Kongkong vanishes like lightning baseless, when appears again, already before the body in snake demon god secure Dumas. 速度骤然爆发,龙空空的身体闪电般凭空消失,再次出现时,已经在蛇魔神安杜马里的身前。 Nearly the similarly big body is overlapping instantaneously, that flash, in secure Dumas completely lost the consciousness of resisting unexpectedly. He only felt that oneself blood as if had coagulated, all strengths in that flicker lose control completely. Then helplessly looks that purple gold color form arrived at itself in front. 近乎同样高大的身躯在瞬间重叠,那一刹那,安杜马里竟然完全失去了抵挡的意识。他只感觉到自己的血液仿佛都已经凝固了,所有的力量在那一瞬完全失控。然后就眼睁睁的看着那紫金色的身影来到了自己面前。 Long Kongkong both hands also hold the shoulders in secure Dumas, purple gold color ray infiltrates instantaneously, arm that cuns (2.5 cm) in secure Dumas broke up unexpectedly, looks like the shatter soot to be the same, from the sky dissipates directly. 龙空空双手同时抓住安杜马里的双肩,紫金色的光芒瞬间渗透,安杜马里的手臂竟然就那么寸寸崩解了,就像是破碎的煤灰一般,直接在空中消散。 From the soul general severe pain, making in secure Dumas open the mouth suddenly. However, next one flickers, its neck was held by Long Kongkong, forcefully its sound board in throat. 发自灵魂一般的剧痛,让安杜马里骤然张开了嘴。但是,下一瞬,它的脖子就被龙空空一把抓住,强行将它的声音卡在了喉咙之中。 !” Another hand of Long Kongkong, the straight insertion the chest in secure Dumas, held its heart. “噗!”龙空空的另一只手,直接插入了安杜马里的胸膛,一把抓住了它的心脏。 Stubbornly death!” Long Kongkong makes the hysteric sound. “死死死!”龙空空发出歇斯底里的声音。 Heart directly pinched rupturing in secure Dumas, its body is also split up instantaneously. 安杜马里的心脏直接被捏的爆裂开来,它的身体也随之在瞬间四分五裂。 Crazy in Long Kongkong eye because of the death of snake demon god has not had the weaken slightly, he raised the head suddenly, looks to the demon god column of distant place. The back inspires suddenly, two pieces of giant purple gold color wings open. 龙空空眼中的疯狂并没有因为蛇魔神的死而稍有衰减,他猛然抬起头,看向远处的魔神柱。背后骤然一振,两片巨大的紫金色翅膀张开。 The destruction, at this moment, in his mind, only has the destruction. 毁灭,此时此刻,在他的脑海中,唯有毁灭。 The back wing flaps suddenly, bringing his purple gold color body to soar suddenly, directly soars the direction of that demon god column to flush away, this time he, the body like the meteor, must dash unexpectedly that demon god column by own body. 背后翅膀猛然拍动,带着他那紫金色的身体骤然飞腾而起,直奔那魔神柱的方向冲去,此时的他,身如流星,竟是要以自己的身体去冲撞那魔神柱。 Kong Kong, does not want. Wakes.” 空空,不要。醒过来。” At this moment, an incomparably familiar sound resounds in his mind. In Long Kongkong eye crazy presented instantaneous absent-minded immediately, must hit on the body of demon god column to twist the body shortly instantaneously, a foot pedal treads ruthlessly above the demon god column, sends out low and deep thundering, own body was the rebound returns, falls to the ground. 就在这时,一个无比熟悉的声音在他脑海中响起。龙空空眼中的疯狂顿时出现了瞬间的恍惚,眼看就要撞击上魔神柱的身体瞬间拧身,狠狠一脚蹬踏在魔神柱之上,发出一声低沉的轰鸣,自己的身体则是反弹而回,落向了地面。 Another side, the small eight three big ends have bitten the nape of the neck of big snake ruthlessly, the spur on tail all pricked the body of big snake. 另一边,小八的三个大头已经狠狠地咬住了大蛇的脖颈,尾巴上的骨刺更是全都刺入了大蛇的身体。 In the snake demon god secure Dumas dies, the strength of this big snake is also weakening rapidly, does not live shortly. 蛇魔神安杜马里一死,这大蛇的力量也在飞速衰减,眼看也是不活了。 Long Kongkong single knee kneels down in the ground, say/way that in the mouth muttered: Who I am, I am at which......” 龙空空单膝跪倒在地面上,口中喃喃的道:“我是谁、我在哪……” You are Long Kongkong, you are liking Hofn's Long Kongkong.” The gentle sound is reverberating in his ear. “你是龙空空,你是喜欢着赫本的龙空空。”温柔的声音在他耳边回荡着。 The purple gold color of Long Kongkong body surface suddenly becomes illusory, his look also started to present struggling, the next quarter, his whole person fell to the ground directly crookedly, purple gold color mail-armor and helmet also removed rapidly, changes into Long Dangdang to become the complete body. 龙空空身体表面的紫金色骤然变得虚幻起来,他的眼神也开始出现了挣扎,下一刻,他整个人直接歪倒在地,身上的紫金色甲胄也随之迅速褪去,化为了龙当当重新变得完整的身体。 The golden form gushes out from the Long Kongkong chest front together, gentle hugging his head, making him lie down, in own bosom. 一道金色的身影从龙空空胸前涌出,轻柔的抱起了他的头,让他躺倒在自己怀中。 The Long Dangdang chest place also gushes out a white form, islet tung oil tree, what's all this about?” 龙当当胸口处也涌出一道白色身影,“屿桐,这是怎么回事儿?” The islet tung oil tree looks up to a face shock the color sea, senior, do not ask. This is their secrets.” 屿桐抬头看向一脸震惊之色的沧海,“前辈,不要问了。这是属于他们的秘密。” The sea look stagnates is gazing at him generally, „is this also you chooses his reason?” 沧海眼神凝滞一般的注视着他,“这也是伱选择他的原因吗?” The islet tung oil tree hesitated slightly, but is slowly selected under. 屿桐略微犹豫了一下,但还是缓缓的点了下头。 The sea deeply inspires, the expression on face is somewhat serious, this strength, does not belong to our world probably. Very, unusual and unusual danger. On these two children, why......” 沧海深吸口气,脸上的表情有些严肃,“这股力量,好像并不属于我们这个世界。非常、非常、非常的危险。这两个孩子身上,为什么……” The islet tung oil tree looks up to him, I can only tell you, your choice is correct. You must believe them.” 屿桐抬头看向他,“我只能告诉您,您的选择是正确的。您也要相信他们。” The sea must say anything again, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong in islet in tung oil tree bosom ground, the body has started becomes illusory. The snake demon god column surface of distant place in the position that the Long Kongkong previous tread treads, presented some fissures. 沧海还要再说什么,地面上的龙当当和屿桐怀抱中的龙空空,身体都已经开始变得虚幻起来。远处的蛇魔神柱表面就在龙空空先前蹬踏的位置,却出现了些许裂痕。 The ray twinkle, the body of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong reappears in knight sacred hall. 光芒闪烁,龙当当龙空空的身体重新出现在骑士圣堂之中。 But the southern feather of this time, is prints the knight as for the profound cold beautiful this god, has waited in law. The expressions on their face are shocking. Even filled does not dare to believe the color. 而此时的南羽,乃至于玄寒嫣这位神印骑士,都已经等在了法阵之中。他们脸上的表情都是震惊的。甚至充满了不敢置信之色。 Two forms present static lying down on the ground, is pale like the paper. 两道身影出现静静的躺在地上,全都是脸色苍白如纸。 Profound cold moves sideways to go forward beautifully, both hands pressed respectively in Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong chest place, my goodness, this was the big consumption, I could not feel in their bodies existence of having mystical powers strength.” 玄寒嫣闪身上前,双手分别按在了龙当当龙空空的胸口处,“好家伙,这是多大的消耗,我都感受不到他们的身体里有灵力的存在了。” The south feather at this time in the eye full is shocking, possible? Even I, still uncertain the eighth pass/test. How they and do they achieve? Properly speaking, even if the seventh pass/test, they should unable. After all, they fifth-order six steps. Again talent, must have a limit. But they actually linked eighth pass/test Haoxiang to cross, that was the demon god, has the demon god of divine tool demon god column. Existence that even if our nine step knights are not necessarily victorious. To them, bumps into the demon god, should be completely by the steamroll!” 南羽此时眼中满是震惊,“怎么可能?就算是我,也都不一定过的了第八关。他们、他们是怎么做到的?按道理说,就算是第七关,他们也不应该能过。毕竟,他们才一个五阶一个六阶。再天才,也要有个限度吧。可他们却连第八关好像都过了,那可是魔神,拥有着神器魔神柱的魔神。就算是我们的九阶骑士都不一定打得过的存在。对他们来说,碰到魔神,应该是完全被碾压的啊!” The profound cold beautiful behind rich golden halo ascends slowly, changes into the giant golden angel to stretch out the arms, body hug of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. 玄寒嫣背后浓郁的金色光晕缓缓升腾,化为巨大的金色天使张开双臂,将龙当当龙空空的身体拥抱在内。 The big angel supports the strong cure strength and light element fast floods into Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong within the body, is supplementing the debts of their body. 大天使之拥强大的治愈力和光元素飞快的涌入龙当当龙空空体内,补充着他们身体的亏空。 But this time they, the body actually just like the sponge general, is absorbing these energies rapidly, continuously. 而此时的他们,身体却犹如海绵一般,飞速的吸收着这些能量,源源不绝。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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