SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#237: The 72 nd column demon god

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The Chapter 237's 72 nd column demon god 第237章第七十二柱魔神 But these erupted also makes the big devil present instantaneous weak, small eight had thrown while this time suddenly. Pair of sharp claws from rear grasping ruthlessly into the body of big devil, were relying on the huge body, pounds outrageously on the big devil, crushes its huge body under the body. 但这一下爆发也让大恶魔出现了瞬间的虚弱,小八已经趁着这个工夫骤然扑了上去。一双利爪从后方狠狠的抓入了大恶魔的身体,凭借着自己庞大的身体,悍然砸在大恶魔身上,将其庞大的身躯压倒在身下。 I attract, me to attract!” Long Kongkong in small eight conducts the back, the day deep pool domain spells to go all-out to open, no matter are also the absorption, swallowed the big devil full power the spirit strength. Let it the feeble body have one misfortune after another. “我吸、我吸吸吸!”龙空空就在小八背上,天渊领域拼尽全力开启,也不管自己是不是吸收的了,全力吞噬大恶魔的灵力。让它本就衰弱的身体雪上加霜。 Meanwhile, a plump form emerges out of thin air, pounds to fall on the big devil directly. The mouse king was released again. 与此同时,一个肥硕的身影凭空出现,直接砸落在大恶魔头上。正是鼠大王再次被释放了出来。 Long Kongkong previously summoned it quite a while, but in the anger, it is said that anything is not willing to come out again. But feels to have the opportunity of picking up a bargain, this leaves the mountain again. 龙空空先前就召唤了它半天了,但在愤怒中,它说什么都不愿意再出来。但感受到有捡便宜的机会,这才再次出山。 The dark golden long-tail flings suddenly in the process that the body falls, twined on the neck of big devil, instantaneously tightened the strength that instantly, the big devil wanted to erupt stagnated suddenly. The pair of sharp claws of mouse king dug out from the eyes of big devil. Simultaneously its plump body also pounding ruthlessly on the neck of big devil. 暗金色的长尾在身体下坠的过程中骤然甩出,缠绕在了大恶魔的脖子上,瞬间收紧的刹那,大恶魔原本想要爆发的力量骤然凝滞。紧接着,鼠大王的一双利爪就从大恶魔的双眼之中抠了进去。同时它那肥硕的身体也狠狠的砸在了大恶魔的脖子上。 The big devil huge body fierce twitch, this time appearance is, small eight put the big devil to conduct the back, presses it under own, the mouse king in front of it, the plump body suppressed the head of big devil, moreover a pair of small claw also dug out ruthlessly, gave the big devil to cause heavy losses fatally. 大恶魔庞大的身躯剧烈的抽动起来,此时的样子就是,小八扑在大恶魔背上,将它压在自己身下,鼠大王则在它前面,肥硕的身躯压住了大恶魔的头,而且一双小爪子还狠狠的抠了进去,给了大恶魔致命重创。 Long Dangdang takes back clone, simultaneously stopped the sacrifice skill of oneself that consumption source, big mouth and big mouth is panting for breath. 龙当当收回分身,同时停住自己那消耗本源的牺牲技能,大口、大口的喘息着。 Has saying that this fights , if no eight slightly, he and Long Kongkong are almost impossible to win. 不得不说,这一战如果没有小八,他和龙空空几乎不可能赢的了。 The mouse king opens the mouth attracts crazily, it has not gone to swallow the body of big devil, but is actually attracting the dark energy in its head gushing out crazily, and appearance that enjoys very much, its body also seems like the inflation of air flush ball. 鼠大王张口狂吸,它没有去吞噬大恶魔的身体,但却在狂吸它头部中涌出的黑暗能量,并且一副很享受的样子,它的身体也像是吹气球似的膨胀起来。 The big devil that small eight holding down stubbornly twitch fiercely, was on the rise saw the front mouse king plump buttocks. Is suppressing the big devil, really thinks that a claw flies to the racket that fat mouse. 小八死死的按住剧烈抽搐的大恶魔,一抬头就看到了面前鼠大王肥硕的屁股。要不是正压制着大恶魔,真想一爪子将那胖老鼠给拍飞出去。 At this moment, a strange sound resounds through the audience suddenly. 就在这时,一个奇异的声音突然响彻全场。 Scoffs-” “嗤-” The small 83 dragon's head, eight pupils, almost also contract, before its body, strange air current sprays from the mouse king buttocks. 小八三个龙头,八个瞳孔,几乎是同时收缩,在它身前,一股诡异的气流从鼠大王屁股后面喷射而出。 Next flickers, the mouse king does not wait for eight to have an action to perform slightly, is stretches the body forward, the use was shortsighted to leap up, and direct tore the contract space to drill to disappear. 下一瞬,鼠大王不等小八有所动作,已是探身而起,利用鼠目寸光蹿了出去,并且直接自己就撕裂了契约空间钻回去消失了。 Achoo! Achoos!” Small eight are sneezing again and again, angry is roaring. Five giant dragon claws the body lost the big devil body of resistance ability tearing into shreds under directly. But where also has the trail of mouse king. “阿嚏!阿嚏!”小八连连打着喷嚏,愤怒的咆哮着。五只巨大的龙爪直接就将身下失去反抗能力的大恶魔身体给撕碎了。但却哪里还有鼠大王的踪迹。 Long Kongkong sits in slightly eight conducts the back, smelled odor, is suddenly dumbfounded. This mouse king revenges to be possible really not overnight! It also really dares, this is three Golden Dragon. 龙空空坐在小八背上,都闻到了一股恶臭,一时间也不禁目瞪口呆。这鼠大王报仇可真是不隔夜啊!它也真是敢,这可是三头黄金龙。 Long Dangdang is speechless, in this also internal disputes. 龙当当更是一阵无语,这还窝里斗上了。 However, in the big devil torn into shreds next quarter, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong felt suddenly simultaneously own heartbeat as if leaked patted, the look congealed. 不过,就在大恶魔被撕碎的下一刻,龙当当龙空空突然同时感觉到自己的心跳似乎漏了一拍似的,眼神都是一凝。 In the mouth sends out eight, turns head suddenly, looks in a direction that slightly is roaring angrily. 就连口中发出着愤怒咆哮的小八,也是骤然扭头,朝着一个方向看去。 In they are gazing at that direction, the purple ray shoots up to the sky together. When it appears, as if becomes the center of the whole world to be the same instantaneously. The intense incomparable oppression strength made Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong even has the feeling of scant of breath. 就在他们所注视着的那个方向,一道紫色光芒冲天而起。当它出现的时候,仿佛瞬间就成为了整个世界的中心一般。强烈无比的压迫力令龙当当龙空空甚至都有种呼吸困难的感觉。 Carefully looks, purple ray that leaps, seems like a giant column. Because the purple light surrounds, somewhat cannot see clearly its appearance, but can feel, is that dreadful pressure. 仔细看去,那腾起的紫色光芒,似乎是一根巨大的立柱。因为紫光环绕,有些看不清它的样子,但能够感受到的,是那滔天的威压。 This and aren't this demon god columns in legend?” Long Kongkong somewhat dry saying. “这、这不会是传说中的魔神柱吧?”龙空空有些干巴巴的说道。 They when the spirit furnace school test facing the demon clan, had presented similar aura, but at present compared with, actually completely not in a magnitude. 他们在灵炉学院面对魔族测试的时候,也曾经出现过类似的气息,但和眼前相比,却完全不在一个数量级。 Once the demon clan brought the disaster time, is sky tearing, 72 demon god columns dropped from the clouds, polluted the Saint demon mainland big piece land, thus presented numerous demon clans. Each demon god column corresponds a powerful demon god, is under these demon gods' commands, human was hit by the total destruction. Not only the demon god column the symbol of demon clan, is the source of demon clan strength. 曾经魔族带来灾难的时候,就是天空撕裂,七十二根魔神柱从天而降,污染了圣魔大陆大片的土地,从而出现了众多魔族。每一根魔神柱都对应一位强大的魔神,正是在这些魔神的统帅之下,人类遭受了灭顶之灾。魔神柱不只是魔族的象征,更是魔族力量的源泉。 Long Dangdang muttered the said/tunnel: Played is so big?” 龙当当喃喃地道:“玩的这么大吗?” Although he and Long Kongkong relies on the day deep pool domain to supplement the spirit strength, but under the continual war their energy consumption is enormous. Seven rounds of fights, the faced enemy strength and compare when the school are no comparison between them radically. 虽然他和龙空空凭借着天渊领域一直在补充灵力,但连续大战之下他们的精力消耗还是极大的。七轮战斗,面对的敌人力量和在学院时相比根本不可同日而语。 But at this time even/including Moshen the column appeared unexpectedly. This means anything, too obviously. 而此时竟然连魔神柱都出现了。这意味着什么,太显而易见了。 That giant purple light restrains gradually, indistinct, they can see the real situation finally. That is really a giant pillar, on the pillar has a fierce sculpture. That is a great snake, coils around on the pillar, glitters direction that the pair of giant snake pupil of purple ray is staring at them to be. Although is only the sculpture, but oppression strength actually it of that terrifying brings. 那巨大的紫光渐渐收敛,隐约之间,他们终于能够看到真实情况了。那果然是一根巨大的柱子,柱子上有一尊凶恶的雕塑。那是一条巨蛇,盘绕在柱子上,闪烁着紫色光芒的一双巨大蛇眸凝视着他们所在的方向。虽然只是雕塑,但那恐怖的压迫力却正是它所带来的。 Without a doubt, this was the demon god column. 毫无疑问,这就是魔神柱了。 In the Long Dangdang mind is recalling rapidly regarding the memory of demon clan. Also at this moment, under that giant demon god column, the form as if walks together from the darkness, the side is surrounding the purple halo, every step steps forward, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong can hear the clear sound of footsteps. 龙当当脑海中飞速回忆着对于魔族的记忆。也就在这时,那根巨大的魔神柱下,一道身影仿佛是从黑暗中走出来似的,身边环绕着紫色的光晕,每一步跨出,龙当当龙空空都能听到清脆的脚步声。 The height about six meters, look did not even have the previous big devil overwhelming power, but its every step steps forward, actually as if can let the heartbeat acceleration of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. 身高六米开外,看起来甚至还没有先前的大恶魔威猛,但它的每一步跨出,却似乎都能让龙当当龙空空的心跳加速。 Three Golden Dragon small eight back scales already, because this huge oppression strength stands erect piece by piece, in the mouth non-stop is exuding the low roar. 三头黄金龙小八背后的鳞片都已经因为这巨大的压迫力而片片竖立,口中不停的发出着低吼声。 Carefully looks, the form that this walks actually has a gigantic snake head, but his body actually and human shape is not different. With it, on back that giant demon god column, that originally was the great snake of statue actually lived gradually, wound, walked randomly to it behind, lowers the head, its huge body carrying/sustaining, withstood/top it to accelerate with the snake head suddenly, directly soars the Long Dangdang two brothers. 仔细看去,这走出来的身影竟然有着一个硕大的蛇头,但他的身体却和人类形态并没有什么两样。伴随着它缓步而出,背后那巨大的魔神柱上,那条原本是雕像的巨蛇竟然活了过来,蜿蜒而下,游走到它身后,一低头,就将它庞大的身躯承载了起来,用蛇头顶着它骤然加速,直奔龙当当兄弟俩而来。 Snake demon god, in secure Dumas!” Long Dangdang blurted out said. “蛇魔神,安杜马里!”龙当当脱口而出说道。 In 72 column demon gods is the last a snake demon god, in secure Dumas! 七十二柱魔神中排名最后一位的蛇魔神,安杜马里! Determined this status time, in the Long Dangdang heart is even thinking, the following test cannot be 72 column demon god 11 appearances. 确定了这位身份的时候,龙当当甚至心中在想,后面的考验不会就是七十二柱魔神一一出现吧。 Is this opponent who we can cope with? According to historical record, even if the weakest demon god, that is also eight step peaks powerhouses! Moreover, so long as the demon god column not but actually, the demon god is existence that the eternal life does not die. How does this do? 这是我们能对付的对手吗?按照史料记载,哪怕是最弱的魔神,那也是八阶巅峰的强者啊!而且,只要魔神柱不倒,魔神就是永生不死的存在。这怎么搞? Long Kongkong arrives at side Long Dangdang, dies won't be sore? Did our tests end?” 龙空空来到龙当当身边,“死的时候不会太疼吧?咱们这测试是不是结束了?” Long Dangdang somewhat helpless say/way: „It seems like.” 龙当当有些无奈的道:“看起来是。” That makes me first go to heroically. Also is in any case false.” Long Kongkong grinning saying. Opponent who facing is impossible to defeat, this little while he instead did not think that had what pressure. “那就让我先英勇赴死吧。反正也是假的。”龙空空笑嘻嘻的说道。面对根本就不可能战胜的对手,这会儿他反而并不觉得有什么压力了。 Wait.” Long Dangdang holds on Long Kongkong that must walk, the look actually starts becomes scalding hot. “等等。”龙当当一把拉住要走出去的龙空空,眼神却开始变得灼热起来。 Even must be defeated, must try, disparity between we and demon gods actually big.” Long Dangdang said. “就算是要失败,总要试试,我们和魔神之间的差距究竟有多大。”龙当当说道。 Brother, do you really dare? Courage praise worthy! You refuel, I plunder to you, no, said that any I must swallow it one to try. Waits also to be able with my goddess to boast, I have also attracted the man of demon god.” Long Kongkong somewhat is delighted. “老哥,你真敢啊?勇气可嘉!那你加油,我给你掠阵,不,说啥我也要吞噬它一下试试。等回去也能跟我女神吹嘘,我也是吸过魔神的男人了。”龙空空不禁有些眉飞色舞起来。 Knows to lose, really does not die, in the stress-free situation, that puts together one to try. 自知必输,又不是真的死,毫无压力的情况下,那就拼一场试试呗。 At the same time saying, Long Kongkong is not summoning his mouse king, in doing a moment ago the situation of that matter, the mouse king will not definitely come out again. 一边说着,龙空空也不召唤他的鼠大王了,在干了刚才那种事的情况下,鼠大王肯定是不会再出来了。 The Yuan whorl spirit furnace opens, the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace appears, two big spirit furnace fusions, the day deep pool domain opens comprehensively. 元涡灵炉重新开启,神祈屿桐灵炉浮现而出,两大灵炉融合,天渊领域全面开启。 Long Dangdang branches out four clone again, four clone to start recitation of incantation simultaneously, wrestled full power and that's the end. 龙当当再次分出四道分身,四道分身同时开始了咒语的吟唱,全力一搏就是了。 The Long Dangdang main body stands is freezing, the body golden color light fog ascends, knight skill: Gathers the potential. 龙当当本体站在原地不动,身上金色光雾升腾,骑士技能:蓄势。 Golden Dragon small eight had also crawled, three big ends started recitation of dragon language magic simultaneously. In dragon eye is glittering the different brilliance, the element fluctuation in air obviously becomes fierce. 黄金龙小八也已经爬了起来,三个大头同时开始了龙语魔法的吟唱。龙眸中闪烁着不同的光彩,空气中的元素波动明显变得剧烈起来。 Received it as for small evil Long Dangdang directly, previously after giving the big devil struck, receives energetic everything, the small evil present has no battle efficiency. 至于小邪龙当当直接将它收了回去,先前给了大恶魔一击之后,受到精神凡事,小邪现在已经没有什么战斗力了。 In snake demon god secure Dumas quick, under the body the big snake supports its body to have the terrifying oppression strength to come rapidly, its place visited air turned into the dull purple, in a pair of snake pupil, is the dull purple ray flows. 蛇魔神安杜马里来的很快,身下大蛇承托着它的身体带着恐怖的压迫力飞速而来,它所过之处空气都变成了暗紫色,一双蛇眸之中,更是暗紫色光芒流淌。 The snake demon Shenju corner/horn splits slightly, the snake letter/believes turnover, in the mouth sends out careful neighing, the air instantaneously becomes viscous. The huge dark element just like blotting out the sky directly soars Long Dangdang them to oppress generally, but. 蛇魔神嘴角微微裂开,蛇信吞吐,口中发出一声细细的嘶鸣,空气瞬间就变得粘稠起来。庞大的暗元素宛如铺天盖地一般直奔龙当当他们这边压迫而至。 Each demon god is demon martial dual cultivation, is the highest level powerhouse. 每一位魔神都是魔武双修,都是最顶级的强者。 Long Dangdang is gathering the potential as before, is under the impact of dark magic, the day deep pool domain is compressed immediately rapidly, but also transforms many spirit strength to take to Long Kongkong, again by him this huge spirit force transmission to Long Dangdang. 龙当当依旧在蓄势,受到黑暗魔法的冲击,天渊领域顿时被飞速压缩,但也转化来更多的灵力带给龙空空,再由他将这庞大的灵力传递给龙当当 In any event, this test has had harvested very much, therefore Long Dangdang can let loose now. The whole person is in peak condition. 无论如何,这次测试都已经有了很大的收获了,所以龙当当现在非常放得开。整个人都处于巅峰状态。 In the air, purple black air bubbles appear, these air bubbles increase rapidly, when is away from their recent purple black air bubbles explode, the terrifying dark energy immediately is similar to tide racing wells up to come, charges into the two brothers fully. 空气中,一个个紫黑色的气泡浮现而出,这些气泡迅速变大,当距离他们最近的一个紫黑色气泡爆开时,恐怖的黑暗能量顿时如同潮汐般奔涌而来,铺天盖地般冲向兄弟二人。 Roar-” in small eight exudes the intense roaring sound, the central big end of brilliance emits, the golden bright flame ejaculation, melts the dark energy that is throwing. “吼-”小八口中发出强烈的咆哮声,中央的大头光焰喷吐,金色的光明火焰喷射而出,消融着那扑来的黑暗能量。 The look in snake demon god secure Dumas shifts to eight slightly, the right hand toward small eight direction void one fingers, immediately, purple black light balls appears regarding the small eight bodies, then explodes rapidly, the huge dark aura brings the terrifying of being full of the flavor on the wane corrodes, the small eight bodies will submerge directly. 蛇魔神安杜马里的眼神转向小八,右手朝着小八的方向虚空一指,顿时,一颗颗紫黑色光球围绕着小八的身体就浮现而出,然后飞速爆炸,庞大的黑暗气息带着充满凋零味道的恐怖腐蚀,直接就将小八的身体淹没了进去。 The incantations of small eight another two dragon's head were also completed at this time, the ice-cold cold light is almost similar to like lightning the lasing together, Heavenly Dragon ice lance! 小八另外两个龙头的咒语也在这个时候完成了,一道冰冷的寒光几乎如同闪电般激射而出,天龙冰矛! Ices around the lance, is surrounding the dragon shape light shadow, is almost only a twinkle, before had arrived in secure Dumas the body . Meanwhile, the arm thick flame sprays from the fire dragon livestock together, a fire god finger/refers! 冰矛周围,环绕着龙形光影,几乎只是一次闪烁,就已经到了安杜马里身前。与此同时,一道手臂粗的火光从火龙头口中喷射而出,火神一指! Both are the powerful single body magics, seven steps. Moreover is the dragon language magic. At present this is the strongest magic that small eight can use. 两个都是强悍的单体魔法,七阶。而且是龙语魔法。这已经是目前小八能够施展出来的最强魔法了。 In secure Dumas both hands also lift, the left hand front, transforms at the same time the purple black shield, blocked fire god one finger/refers. The right hand held the Heavenly Dragon ice lance directly, accurate incomparable. 安杜马里双手同时抬起,左手前方,幻化出一面紫黑色的盾牌,挡住了火神一指。右手则是直接抓住了天龙冰矛,精准无比。 Ices the fire to wreak havoc instantaneously simultaneously, but the body in secure Dumas actually turned into the insightful purple black suddenly. The big snake under its body opens mouth suddenly, emits the purple tide that rushes, interrupted small eight and relations between two magics instantaneously. Then two magics explode in its hand, kept off beyond the body first three chi (0.33 m) completely. 冰火瞬间同时肆虐起来,但安杜马里的身体却骤然变成了通透的紫黑色。在它身下的大蛇猛然一张嘴,喷吐出澎湃的紫色潮汐,瞬间就中断了小八和两个魔法之间的联系。然后两个魔法就在它手中爆开,全部被挡在身前三尺之外。 But small eight, the body had been surrounded by the purple black ray, the radical corrosion makes it send out the pain to neigh. That all-around suppressed feeling makes its mood extremely angry, struggling that can only go all out, the bright strength that using oneself to control resists the dark corrosion. 而小八这边,身体已经被紫黑色光芒环绕,剧烈的腐蚀让它发出痛苦嘶鸣。那种被全方位压制的感觉让它的情绪极其愤怒,只能拼命的挣扎,用自身掌控的光明之力去对抗黑暗的侵蚀。 Also at this time, Long Dangdang moved. Ray flashes, almost flushed like lightning, four clone to integrate his within the body that he runs out instantaneously suddenly. 也就在这个时候,龙当当动了。身上光芒一闪,几乎是闪电般冲了出去,四道分身在他冲出的瞬间骤然融入他的体内。 The jump of light! 光之跃迁! Almost is under flickers, Long Dangdang went to the snake demon god secure Dumas front. 几乎是下一瞬,龙当当就来到了蛇魔神安杜马里面前。 When he appears from the ray, the short distance facing this demon god, that dreadful ominous Wetton season the vitality of his within the body also stagnates, Long Dangdang understands, if not because have the abundant outside spirit strength. However this pressure is not he of six step levels can withstand. 当他从光芒之中浮现而出的时候,近距离面对这位魔神,那种滔天凶威顿时令他体内的气血都随之一滞,龙当当明白,如果不是因为自己有着充沛的外灵力。但是这份威压就不是六阶层次的他所能承受住的。 Four clone is almost the same time appears side him, four colored lights fainted spread instantaneously. This is four big clone to prepare the good magic, the element peeling. 四道分身几乎是同一时间就出现在了他身边,四色光晕瞬间扩散。这就是四大分身准备好的魔法,元素剥离。 The surrounding dark element, falls on Long Dangdang oppression strength immediately also reduces significantly. 周围的黑暗元素顿时随之一空,落在龙当当身上的压迫力也随之大幅度减轻。 The Long Dangdang China , Saint Lucia sword ray twinkle, the sacrifice and conflagration gathered the complete strength that the potential brought in addition, burst out again. Four clone also to light itself similarly, release the brilliance of Saint sword. 龙当当手中圣剑光芒闪烁,牺牲、爆燃加上蓄势带来的全部力量,再次迸发而出。四道分身也同样点燃自身,释放出了圣剑的光辉。 In snake demon god secure Dumas in look ice-cold, facing suddenly appears in oneself front Long Dangdang, or the element peeling, is unable to make it have the half a point unexpectedly to change countenance. 蛇魔神安杜马里眼神之中只有冰冷,面对突然出现在自己面前的龙当当,亦或是元素剥离,竟是都无法令它有半分动容。 A pair of palm makes a movement of encirclement before the body, the previous quarter also by the dark element that Long Dangdang scatters, flickers below unexpectedly has reappeared, generally what the huge dark vortex brings like the spider web is the terrifying coherency. 一双手掌在身前做出一个环绕的动作,前一刻还被龙当当驱散的暗元素,竟在下一瞬就已经重新出现,巨大的黑暗旋涡如同蛛网一般带来的是恐怖的粘性。 The Long Dangdang Saint sword chops to cut into that darkness, was stucked unexpectedly directly, he can feel the dark element to attack into oneself Saint sword clearly rapidly, the hand Saint shining heart on presented slight trembling, as if has been unable to withstand the load. 龙当当的圣剑劈斩入那黑暗之中,竟是直接被黏住,他能清晰感受到暗元素在飞速侵袭入自己的圣剑,以至于手上的圣耀之心都出现了轻微的震颤,仿佛已是不堪重负似的。 Four clone also similarly by that huge dark energy adhesion, in the snake demon god secure Dumas is close, the huge figure bursts out, not only ferocious, is to the dark powerful control. 四道分身也同样被那庞大的黑暗能量粘连,蛇魔神安杜马里已经近在咫尺,庞大的身形迸发出的不只是狞恶,更是对黑暗的强力掌控。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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