SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#226: The penalty relieves

Chapter 226 penalty relieves 第226章惩罚解除 Looks Long Dangdang that smiles, the flatter liquor wants to give this boy palm of the hand. Moreover he discovered, several people in Long Dangdang team, several in Zisang colored glaze glimmer team prepare sacred hall, actually does not have the meaning that the half a point opens the mouth, all are led by Long Dangdang. 看着满脸笑容的龙当当,阿酒都想给这小子一巴掌。而且他更发现,无论是龙当当自己团队中的几人,还是子桑琉荧团队中的几名预备圣堂,竟然都没有半分开口的意思,一切都由龙当当来主导。 This was interesting. According to material of headquarters collection, in these seven prepare in sacred hall, Long Dangdang is actually trailing, moreover is last. Right, is last, ranking of Long Kongkong must above him. 这就有意思了。按照总部收集的资料,在这七名预备圣堂之中,龙当当其实是排名靠后的,而且是最后一名。没错,就是最后一名,就连龙空空的排名都要在他之上。 Ling Menglu ranks first, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer second, Long Kongkong ranks third, then meets, Tang Leiguang, Cai Caijuan initially, finally is Long Dangdang. 凌梦露排名第一,子桑琉荧第二,龙空空排名第三,然后是初遇、唐雷光、蔡彩娟,最后才是龙当当 Right, Long Kongkong ranked third. The reason is very simple, although he strength is not strong, but is actually the successor of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace! But Long Dangdang also has the wisdom spirit furnace, but that is actually the broken moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, in the future the achievement will be likely limited, is very difficult to break through with historical record in moon/month bright sea spirit furnace owner such to a higher level. 没错,龙空空排第三名。原因很简单,他虽然实力不强,但却是神祈屿桐灵炉的继任者啊!而龙当当虽然也拥有智慧灵炉,但那却是残破的月明沧海灵炉,未来很可能会成就有限,和历史记载中的月明沧海灵炉拥有者那样很难突破到更高层次。 But now looks like, Long Dangdang actually instead becomes the leadership, even the Zisang colored glaze glimmer such cold proud personality when he spoke has not interrupted. What does this mean? Somewhat was thought-provoking. 可现在看来,龙当当却反而成为了主导,连子桑琉荧这么冷傲的性格在他说话的时候都没有插言。这意味着什么?就有些耐人寻味了。 You here, according, writes one that you said a moment ago to report to me. I apply to abolish to the headquarters and federation to your punishments. Ok?” The flatter liquor said. “你就在这儿,按照你刚才所说的,重新写一份报告给我。我会向总部以及联邦申请撤销对你们的处罚。行了吧?”阿酒说道。 Long Dangdang scratches the head, a somewhat surprised appearance, liquor minister, but we really made a mistake! How dare to make the federation withdraw the punishment!” 龙当当挠挠头,一副有些惊讶的样子,“酒部长,可我们真的错了啊!怎敢让联邦撤回处罚啊!” The flatter liquor eye stared in a big way some, „was such you boy unsatisfied?” 阿酒眼睛瞪大了些许,“这样伱小子还不满意?” Long Dangdang beckons with the hand again and again, said: „, Has not had. How the headquarters decided, we hunt for demon completely to support as the ordinary low rank. Does not hope that brings the trouble to the headquarters.” 龙当当连连摆手,道:“没有、没有。总部怎么决定,我们作为普通的低阶猎魔者都完全支持。只是不希望给总部带来麻烦。” Shut up you, leave excessively! Originally punishes is also only the confession that in the surface gives, will the headquarters really owe you? You are booing, does not have to a headquarters trust, but also runs over to toss about. When on praise does not have you and Zisang colored glaze glimmer two teams will promote the lower stage in the future to reduce meritorious half outwardly, wants?” “闭嘴吧你,别过分啊!本来处罚也只是表面上给出的交代而已,总部难道会真的亏了你们吗?你们倒好,对总部一点信任都没有,还跑过来折腾。明面上的嘉奖就没有你们、子桑琉荧两支团队未来晋升下一级时减免功勋一半,要不要?” Say/Way that Long Dangdang is all smiles: Team of that two Commander Li?” 龙当当笑容满面的道:“那两位李团长的团队呢?” The flatter liquor stared his one eyes, said: „The team of Commander Li Hongche can reduce the same 50,000 meritorious services. Li Yuqing team reduces 30,000. Satisfaction?” 阿酒瞪了他一眼,道:“李泓澈团长的团队可以减免同等五万功勋。李雨青团队减免三万。满意了吧?” Long Dangdang rushes saying: Elder bestows does not dare to dismiss, thanks the liquor minister. We write a report, if the headquarters recognized that our times do not calculate makes mistakes, the meritorious service that previously punished, will the duty reward, have?” 龙当当赶忙道:“长者赐不敢辞,谢谢酒部长。那我们重新写个报告,如果总部认定我们这次不算犯错的话,先前惩罚的功勋,还有任务奖励,会有吗?” Looks on his face the free of evil intention smile, the flatter liquor snort/hum, rubbish, quickly writes.” Said that he turned around to walk, he feared that oneself really could not bear rub to pinch this boy. 看着他脸上无邪的笑容,阿酒哼了一声,“别废话,赶快写。”说完他转身就走了,他怕自己真的忍不住揉捏这小子一顿。 Is gazing after departure of liquor minister, the lines of sight of others as if by prior agreement centralized on Long Dangdang. 目送着酒部长的离去,其他人的视线不约而同的集中在了龙当当身上。 Long Dangdang smiles to nod the head to everyone, to praise sighed: Hunting for the demon group headquarters really worthily is the family/home that we hunt for demon, thinks of us everywhere. The liquor minister shows loving concern our these later generations especially, really makes us respect the lifetime good example.” 龙当当向大家微笑颔首,赞叹道:“猎魔团总部真不愧是咱们猎魔者的家,处处都为我们着想。酒部长尤其关爱我们这些后辈,真是让我们敬重终身的好榜样。” Listened to the Long Dangdang words, Cai Caijuan could not have borne scoffs smiled. The Zisang colored glaze glimmer do not go excessively, does not want to look at him again. Tang Leiguang corners of the mouth twitched, loses three feelings also to include sense of hearing initially meets somewhat curiously looks at Long Dangdang. 听了龙当当的话,蔡彩娟已经忍不住“嗤嗤嗤”的笑了起来。子桑琉荧别过头去,不想再看他。唐雷光嘴角抽搐了一下,失去了三感也包括听觉的初遇只是有些好奇的看着龙当当 The Long Dangdang team, Long Kongkong raised up both hands thumb to wave the flag and shout for the brother, ice Monroe was only the smile, woof Changxin was unemotional, looks like crosses nothing happened, the ocean nighttide was somewhat in a daze, the peach numerous was all smiles. 龙当当自己团队这边,龙空空竖起了双手大拇指为老哥摇旗呐喊,凌梦露只是微笑,汪常欣面无表情,就像是什么都没发生过,溟汐有些发呆,桃林林笑容满面。 But Li Hongche, the people of Li Yuqing two teams had actually been submerged by the huge pleasant surprise at this time, this stands a stage, how many minutes, how to make tens of thousands meritorious services? This happiness also comes was too sudden. To Long Dangdang, they at this time deep admiration. 而李泓澈、李雨青两支团队的众人此时却已经被巨大的惊喜所淹没,这就来站个台,前后也就几分钟的时间吧,怎么就弄了好几万功勋了?这幸福也来的太突然了。对龙当当,他们此时只有深深的钦佩。 The duty reported that naturally was the Long Dangdang fencing editor-in-chief, before deferring to him, said such that to the flatter liquor, reported. 任务报告自然是龙当当操刀主笔了,就按照他之前对阿酒所说的那样,重新汇报了一遍。 Li Hongche and Li Yuqing led own teammates to say goodbye to leave ahead of time, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer and her partners remained. 李泓澈和李雨青带着自己的队友们提前告辞离开了,子桑琉荧和她的伙伴们却是留了下来。 This time matter, we radically right. These old stick-in-the-mud, must defend these remains, brought will only have more casualties and dangers. They were the dotards.” Zisang colored glaze glimmer extremely angry saying. “这次的事,我们根本没错。那些老顽固,非要守着这些遗骨,带来的只会有更多的伤亡和危难。他们就是老糊涂了。”子桑琉荧愤愤的说道。 Long Dangdang stops the pen, looks up to her, said: Zisang regimental commander, this matter actually not absolute to mistake. We understand that these older generation remains can create the danger, aren't the seniors clear? They definitely also understand. However, these older generations had made the remarkable contribution to the federation, their talents also inherited, making the later generation frustrate the bone to raise the grey this matter own ancestor, is truly difficult to achieve. Can understand from the mood.” 龙当当停笔,抬头看向她,道:“子桑团长,这件事其实并没有绝对的对错。我们明白这些先辈遗骨会造成危难,前辈们不明白吗?他们肯定也是明白的。但是,这些先辈们曾经为联邦作出过卓越的贡献,他们的天赋也传承了下来,让后辈将自己的老祖宗挫骨扬灰这种事儿,确实是很难做到。从心情上可以理解。” The Zisang colored glaze glimmer said: But the issue is, the dead spirit lifeform wreaks havoc unceasingly, the scale is getting bigger and bigger. More and more older generation remains become the member of dead spirit army, backlash human. To this way? This is not the older generations desired. Continues to defend, has not known that must for the dead person sacrificed many living the person.” 子桑琉荧道:“但问题是,亡灵生物不断肆虐,规模越来越大。越来越多的先辈遗骨成为了亡灵大军的一份子,反噬人类。就任由这样下去吗?这也不是先辈们希望看到的吧。继续这么守下去,还不知道要为已经死去的人牺牲多少活着的人。” Long Dangdang said: Your mood I understood that I also understand. However, our temple federation inherited over 10,000 years of existence of after all. More than 10,000 years, many older generations bury the bone, can by the dead spirit lifeform caring, be made six big temple older generations of outstanding contribution to the federation. To give up from the sentiment, truly is not an easy matter. Actually, you have thought that this actually it is the issue that the federal system brings.” 龙当当道:“你的心情我都理解我也明白。但是,咱们圣殿联邦毕竟是传承了超过一万年的存在。一万多年,有多少先辈埋骨,能够被亡灵生物惦记上的,更是为联邦做出过卓越贡献的六大圣殿先辈。从感情上想要割舍,确实不是一件容易的事情。其实,你有没有想过,这其实本身是联邦制度所带来的问题。” The Zisang colored glaze glimmer stares, issue that federal system brings? What do you mean?” 子桑琉荧一愣,“联邦制度带来的问题?什么意思?” Long Dangdang said: If the funeral way of our federation is cremates from the beginning? Regardless of then , to continue many years, will not have this issue to exist.” 龙当当道:“如果我们联邦的丧葬方式从一开始就是火葬呢?那么,无论延续多少年,也不会有这种问题存在了。” Nearby ice Monroe eyes one bright, said: You said, should promote from this aspect?” 一旁的凌梦露眼睛一亮,道:“你是说,应该从这方面去推动?” Long Dangdang said: We return the when one's position is lowly one's words carry no weight now, but I believe that six big temple and federal leaders, knows that the older generation grave to the dead spirit lifeform is most major source of supply this problem. To promote the cremation older generation, at least needs to stand firmly from the policy, might as well back off first changes the funeral way. Should easily.” 龙当当道:“我们现在还人微言轻,但我相信,六大圣殿和联邦的领袖们,也都知道先辈墓葬对亡灵生物来说就是最大的补给来源这个问题。想要推动火化先辈,至少要从政策上站得住脚,不如退而求其次先改丧葬方式。应该会容易点吧。” Long Kongkong languid say/way: Means.” 龙空空懒洋洋的道:“还有一种办法。” Long Dangdang shot a look at his one eyes, „did you have the good way?” 龙当当瞥了他一眼,“你还有好办法了?” Long Kongkong smiles, said: And other elder brothers were powerful, gave to attract them with the Yuan whorl spirit furnace, without the dead spirit lifeform wasn't the issue?” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“等哥强大了,用元涡灵炉把它们都给吸了,没有亡灵生物不就都不是问题了?” The nature that this saying can obtain only has a supercilious look. 这话能够获得的自然只有一篇白眼。 The duty reported that quick finished, keeps on the report the table, Long Dangdang led the partners to leave directly. Such that just like the liquor minister said that the goal was achieved was good, cannot excessively! 任务报告很快重新写完,把报告留在桌子上,龙当当带着伙伴们直接就离开了。正如酒部长所说的那样,目的达到了就行了,不能过分啊! Afterward how continues as for this to ferment, is not their these unimportant person needs to consider. 至于这件事后续如何发酵,就不是他们这些“小人物”需要考虑的了。 Returns to the station and recuperation. 返回驻地、休整。 Ice Monroe recuperates own energetic sea, while starts to construct law in the station. The shield and isolation law first, is gathers spirit, protection method wait/etc. 凌梦露一边休养自己的精神之海,一边在驻地开始构建一座座法阵。屏蔽、隔绝法阵优先,然后才是聚灵阵、防护法阵等等。 Belonged to 19,115,897 to hunt for the small courtyard of demon group to turn specially in several days has defended heavily. 专属于一九一一五八九七猎魔团的小院子在几天时间里就已经变成了防御重地。 The people, gather in the courtyard at night cultivation together, the mystery of boost and Yuan whorl spirit furnace of has god Qi Cangyue angel, has very big help to the cultivation of people. 众人每到晚上,就聚集在院子里共同修炼,有神祈沧月天使的助力、元涡灵炉的神奇,对众人的修炼都有着很大的帮助。 Just, in the small courtyard will often have the pitiful yell to resound. The sound when that is cultivates the blood to refine golden body certain people makes. 只不过,小院子里经常会有惨叫响起。那是修炼血炼金身时某些人发出的声音。 Called loudest was not ice Monroe and ocean nighttide, on the contrary was the peach numerous that started to attempt. 叫的最大声的不是凌梦露和溟汐,反倒是开始尝试的桃林林。 Has attempted truly, he knows that the blood refining up the pain of golden body to have is intense and wild. The first experiment time, that called called a frigidity. Then his peach elder sister's nickname was been solid. But regarding this ridiculed, the peach numerous also has no alternative, who lets his might as well others how many girl carrying capacity? 真正尝试过,他才知道血炼金身的痛苦会有多么强烈和狂暴。第一次试验的时候,叫的那叫一个惨烈。然后他那桃子姐的绰号就被坐实了。而对此嘲笑,桃林林也是无可奈何,谁让他还不如人家几个女孩子承受力强呢? A week later, came from hunting for the notice of demon group headquarters comes finally. 一周后,来自于猎魔团总部的通知终于来了。 Ling Menglu the punished and confiscated 10,000 meritorious services came back, in the meantime, the duty reward 8000 meritorious services, this reward was also short, the people are not clear, but finally losing taking carry back. 凌梦露被罚没的一万功勋回来了,同时,任务奖励还有八千功勋,这个奖励是不是少了,众人不清楚,但总算是把失去的拿回来了。 The meritorious total has surpassed 60,000, if pressed down the times liquor minister saying that rose the lower stage to hunt for the demon group meritorious service to cut in half, then, they in fact already enough meritorious promotion. Naturally, the strength is insufficient. 功勋总数已经超过了六万,如果按上次酒部长所说,升下一级猎魔团功勋减半的话,那么,他们实际上已经够功勋升级了。当然,实力还不够。 Wants to become commander level to hunt for the demon group, that need collective cultivates to break through seven steps. At present their seven steps did not have. 想要成为帅级猎魔团,那需要集体修为都突破七阶才可以。目前他们可是还一个七阶都没有。 Moreover they are generally young, the strategy of Long Dangdang formulation is very simple, focuses on cultivating, completes the task as a supplement. Even does not force the duty not to complete anxiously. 而且他们普遍年轻,龙当当制定的策略很简单,以修炼为主,完成任务为辅。甚至不是强制任务都不急着去完成。 Spent 10,000 meritorious services, from hunting for the demon group headquarters exchanged manufactured a law treasure, manufactured better gathering spirit to provide in the station by ice Monroe to everyone cultivates. So long as does not force the duty, Long Dangdang did not plan to lead the partners to complete. 花费了一万功勋,从猎魔团总部兑换了一些制作法阵的宝物,由凌梦露在驻地制作更好的聚灵阵提供给大家修炼。只要不是强制任务,龙当当就不打算带着伙伴们去完成了。 Any occupation, cultivates the growth when young is quickest, because , the activeness of human body is at this stage strongest, three big wisdom spirit furnace such existences, their cultivation speeds are anybody are unable to compare let alone absolutely. First enhances the strength, is more important than anything. As for the remaining meritorious services, abeyance, does not have to receive in exchange for the equipment. By their current equipment, was enough temporarily. 任何职业,在年少时修炼成长速度都是最快的,因为在这个阶段,人体的活性最强,更何况有三大智慧灵炉这样的存在,他们的修炼速度绝对是任何人都无法比拟的。先把实力提升起来,比什么都重要。至于剩下的功勋,暂时保留,也没有去换取装备。以他们目前的装备,暂时是足够了。 Ice Monroe also brought back to the news from the family/home, they hunted for the matter that the demon group headquarters sat in meditation to be known by sacred hall that side, regarding this, sacred hall seemed like remains silent. But Old Master Ling also reminded them to be certainly low-key. 凌梦露从家里也带回了消息,他们去猎魔团总部静坐的事情还是被圣堂那边知晓了,对此,圣堂似乎是保持了沉默。但凌老爷子也提醒他们一定要低调。 They also truly were low-key, low-key does not appear the person. Besides going out to purchase the commodity, seven people are almost confined at home, cultivates in the station assiduously. Besides Long Kongkong somewhat cannot bear want to run away several times to be grasped by Long Dangdang, others endure gladly. 他们也确实是低调了,低调的连人都不出现了。除了外出采购物资之外,七个人几乎是足不出户,就在驻地刻苦修炼。除了龙空空有些忍不住几次想要偷跑出去被龙当当抓回来之外,其他人都是甘之如饴。 Regarding other four people, this cultivation speed is to them unprecedented. Every day can feel the strength in the progressive feeling is really good. 对于其他四人来说,这种修炼速度对他们来说是前所未有的。每天都能感受到实力在进步的感觉实在是太好了。 Out of the window sunlight is beautiful, Long Dangdang tranquil lying down in the bathtub, feels the infiltration of dragon Ximo beast blood to body silently, the skin surface is exuding the light purple halo gradually. 窗外阳光明媚,龙当当平静的躺在浴缸之中,默默的感受着龙系魔兽血液对身体的浸润,皮肤表面渐渐泛起淡淡的紫色光晕。 Presents not to adapt from this purple trace at first, to present has become accustomed, he and Long Kongkong have been able to treat it calmly now. 从最初这种紫色纹路出现时的不适应,到现在的已经习以为常,他和龙空空现在已经能够坦然处之了。 As cultivates for deepens, these purple traces seem also having the change of certain extent, the main change manifests in the trace starts becomes complex, from at first has started to become the depth to vary the line that outlined the rhombus shape to the present, had the stereoscopic effect, moreover spilled over radiance faintly. But their strength also in this process in unceasing growth. 随着修为的加深,这些紫色纹路似乎也在发生着一定程度的变化,最主要的变化就体现在纹路本身开始变得复杂起来,从最初只有一个个勾勒出菱形形态的线条到现在已经开始变得深浅不一,有了立体感,而且隐隐泛出光华。而他们自身的力量也在这个过程中在不断的成长。 Because cultivated the blood to refine the golden body, therefore in the progress of spirit strength must be restricted by outside spirit strength, outside the spirit strength less than spirit strength is unable to continue to be increased. But in other words , outside the cultivation of spirit strength actually does not receive this aspect to affect, can enhance continually. 因为修炼了血炼金身,所以内灵力的进步是要受到外灵力制约的,外灵力不到内灵力就无法继续提升。但反过来说,外灵力的修炼却并不受到这方面影响,是能够持续提高的。 Passed through with hunting for the transaction of demon group headquarters, the huge beast blood that they obtained can use long time, moreover Ling has also been purchasing through the big sale continually, there are many accumulations, particularly the demon beast blood of dragon system bloodlines, saved numerously. 经过了与猎魔团总部的交易,他们获得的庞大兽血能够使用很长时间,而且凌家也在通过大拍卖会一直在持续收购,也有了很多的积累,尤其是龙系血脉的魔兽血液,积攒众多。 The Long Kongkong recent outside spirit strength progressive speed is quick, the dragon that because currently uses is the demon beast blood level is higher, cultivate/repair to high compared with he first-order, outside the spirit strength progressed even can describe with ten thousand li in a day, short one week of much time, outside spirit strength not only broke through fifth-order, but also is promoting continually, has to be close to 3000 values, although the promotion speed cannot before compared, but continued soon, most one month, can promote to six step levels. This degree of promotion speed, can describe with shocking absolutely. 龙空空最近的外灵力进步速度很快,因为现在使用的龙系魔兽血液层级更高,比他自身修为高了一阶,外灵力进步甚至可以用一日千里来形容,短短一周多的时间,外灵力不但突破了五阶,而且还在持续提升,已经有接近三千的数值了,虽然提升速度不能和之前相比,但继续下去用不了多久,最多一个月,也能提升到六阶层次。这种程度的提升速度,绝对可以用骇人听闻来形容。 At first because uses what are most is the blood of land demon dragon, therefore, Long Kongkong also land demon dragon Xuexian with fully one ton, obtained the gravity to control this skill. Then starts with the second dragon is the blood. 因为最初用的最多的是大地魔龙的血液,所以,龙空空也将大地魔龙血先用足了一吨,也获得了重力掌控这个技能。然后才开始用的第二种龙系血液。 Compares in Long Kongkong, the Long Dangdang present progressive speed was much slower. After entering six steps, perhaps was the body level and spirit strength level becomes different, in process of cultivation , he although is absorbing dragon Ximo the beast blood massively, but outside itself the spirit strength promotion compared before can actually describe with slow. Naturally, what this also uses with Long Dangdang is seven levels of demon beast blood rather than eight levels of demon beast blood is related. 相比于龙空空,龙当当现在的进步速度就要慢得多了。进入六阶之后,或许是身体层次和灵力层次都变得不一样了,在修炼的过程中,他虽然在大量吸收龙系魔兽血液,但本身外灵力提升相比于之前却可以用缓慢来形容。当然,这也和龙当当用的是七级魔兽血液而不是八级魔兽血液有关。 It is not he does not want to enhance own outside spirit strength with eight levels of demon beast blood, such truly can be quicker, but, after outside the spirit strength is increased to the certain extent, the low level demon beast blood will expire. These seven levels of dragon Ximo beast blood that from hunting for the demon group headquarters obtains to waste? Moreover will waste the talent skill that Long Dangdang regards as important. 并不是他不想用八级魔兽血液来提升自身的外灵力,那样确实是能够更快,但是,外灵力提升到一定程度之后,低级魔兽血液就将失效。那些从猎魔团总部获得的七级龙系魔兽血液岂不是就浪费了?而且还会浪费龙当当看重的天赋技能。 Therefore, he does not worry now, slow of improvement is unimportant, but he planned, outside to seven step processes of spirit strength from six steps, is all increased with seven levels of demon beast blood, thus was obtained the talent skills of some dragon Ximo beast by oneself. Meanwhile, his outside spirit strength promotes the slow also reason, that is Golden Dragon small eight is in fact also following him to recruit these dragon blood to purify together, not too small eight are only nitpicking, each batch of dragon blood absorb the part of some most essence. 所以,他现在并不着急,提升的缓慢一些不要紧,但他打算,外灵力从六阶到七阶这个过程,全都用七级魔兽血液来提升,从而让自己多获得一些龙系魔兽的天赋技能。同时,他的外灵力提升慢还有一个原因,那就是黄金龙小八实际上也在跟随着他一起吸收这些龙血净化,只不过小八非常挑剔,每一批龙血都只是吸收一些最精华的部分。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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