SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#225: Sits in meditation with the scroll

Chapter 225 sits in meditation with the scroll 第225章静坐与条幅 Hunts for the demon group headquarters. 猎魔团总部。 Long Dangdang one line of seven people, mood very tranquil arrived here. Enters the headquarters, they moved toward the direction of duty place directly. 龙当当一行七人,情绪十分平静的来到了这里。走进总部,他们直接走向了任务处的方向。 Arrives at the duty place entrance, has not actually gone, Long Dangdang selected to Long Kongkong, Long Kongkong takes out a gigantic scroll from own storage ring immediately. 来到任务处门口,却并没有进去,龙当当龙空空点了下头,龙空空立刻从自己的储物戒指中取出了一张硕大的条幅。 On the side of the two brothers pulls open the scroll, then sat behind the scroll with the partners without consulting anybody. 兄弟俩一边一个将条幅拉开,然后和伙伴们径自在条幅后面坐了下来。 In the scroll only then one line of characters, are not long, but each character is very big, above writes: We should not destroy the hero soul remains while on duty, we were wrong. 条幅上只有一行字,不长,但每个字都很大,上面写着:我们不该在执行任务时毁坏英灵遗骨,我们错了。 Such a line of characters. Not unnecessary. 就这么一行字。没有再多余的了。 Then seven people on sitting silently there. 然后七个人就默默的坐在那里。 The duty place, hunts for the demon group headquarters on the other hand busiest place without doubt, the time is not long, hunted for the demon group to walk from outside. 任务处,无疑是猎魔团总部相对来说最为繁忙的地方,时间不长,就有一支猎魔团从外面走了进来。 Their seemingly general 20-year-old age, when they arrive at the duty place entrance, when sees the scrolls before Long Dangdang their body, gawked. 他们看上去普遍20多岁的年纪,当他们来到任务处门口,看到龙当当他们身前的条幅时,不禁都愣了一下。 Brothers, was your? Is this does do?” Is the knight of head has doubts goes forward to ask. “兄弟,你们这是怎么了?这是干嘛呢?”为首的骑士疑惑的上前问道。 Long Dangdang complexion tranquil say/way: We, when carries out the task, for does not make the hero soul remains carry off by the dead spirit lifeform, destroyed the remains, admits mistakes especially.” 龙当当脸色平静的道:“我们在执行任务的时候,为了不让英灵遗骨被亡灵生物带走,毁坏了遗骨,特来认错。” The expression of knight one becomes somewhat is strange, he was just about to say anything, was actually drawn by behind companion, had not asked again, the diameter brought the team to enter the duty to locate. 那骑士的表情一下就变得有些古怪起来,他正要说什么,却被身后的同伴拉了拉,没有再问,径自带着团队走进任务处去了。 The time is not long, in the duty place, middle-aged person quick steps walked, goes out, saw the Long Dangdang seven people, cannot bear the anger shout: „Are you doing? Here hunts for the demon group headquarters. Are you that hunt for the demon group?” 时间不长,任务处内,一名中年人疾步走了出来,一出门,就看到了龙当当七人,忍不住怒喝道:“你们在干什么?这里是猎魔团总部。你们是那支猎魔团?” Long Dangdang stands up, right fist horizontal chest, good knight ritual, senior hello, we are the general officer level hunt for the demon group 19,115,897, we ruined numerous hero soul remains to be punished by the headquarters in the beforehand emergency task, admitted mistakes especially.” 龙当当站起身,右拳横胸,行了个骑士礼,“前辈您好,我们是将级猎魔团一九一一五八九七,我们在之前的紧急任务中毁掉了众多英灵遗骨被总部责罚,特来认错。” Spoke these words, he in same place sat. 说完这句话,他就在原地重新坐了下来。 The middle-aged people angrily rebuke saying: Nonsense. Who made you admit mistakes? Is your causes trouble to know? The duty place is the headquarters heavy, quickly leaves.” 中年人怒斥道:“胡闹。谁让伱们认错了?你们这是闹事知不知道?任务处是总部重地,赶快离开。” Long Dangdang shakes the head, has not opened the mouth again. 龙当当摇摇头,没有再开口。 I warned you, quickly left here, otherwise, I asked the security guard to lead you to leave.” In middle-aged person heart faintly somewhat feeling of unease. “我警告你们,赶快离开这里,不然,我就叫警卫带你们离开了。”中年人心中隐隐有些不安的感觉。 In this time, outside is walking one team to hunt for demon. They move toward the duty place without consulting anybody, then anything had not said, they sat in Long Dangdang behind. 正在这时,外面又走来一队猎魔者。他们径自走向任务处这边,然后什么也没说,就那么在龙当当他们身后坐了下来。 „Do you do?” Asking that the middle-aged person startled anger happened simultaneously. “你们又是干什么?”中年人惊怒交加的问道。 Duty that we and they jointly carry out, we are also admit mistakes.” Zisang colored glaze glimmer light saying, then sat in Long Dangdang behind. “我们与他们共同执行的任务,我们也是来认错的。”子桑琉荧淡淡的说道,然后就在龙当当身后坐了下来。 Nonsense!” The middle-aged people had realized that some are not right, has a mind to call the security guard, but, on the scene may hunts for demon. Each hunts for demon in some sense is the federal hero, he position in the headquarters is not too high, previously looked Long Dangdang they are too young, this tone will not speak to them. “胡闹!”中年人已经意识到有些不对了,有心叫警卫,但是,在场可都是猎魔者。每一位猎魔者从某种意义上来说都是联邦英雄,他在总部之中职位并不算太高,先前要不是看龙当当他们太年轻,都不会这种语气跟他们说话。 Has not said anything again, rushes to turn around to the headquarters to go, he must immediately here situation reporting. 没有再多说什么,赶忙转身向总部内而去,他必须要立刻将这边发生的情况上报。 Ling Menglu turns round to smile to the Zisang colored glaze glimmer show/unfolds face, comes is very quick.” 凌梦露回身向子桑琉荧展颜一笑,“来的挺快呀。” Zisang colored glaze glimmer light say/way: You strike to kill eight step deads to have many rewards, buckling 10,000 meritorious services is good. Our team present meritorious service loses. The day cannot pass.” 子桑琉荧淡淡的道:“你击杀八阶亡者应该有不少奖励,扣一万功勋还好吧。我们团队现在的功勋是负的。日子过不下去了。” Yeah, at that time the biggest meritorious service was to strike to kill two eight step deads, Zisang colored glaze glimmer besides dealing with opposite witch monster, was the element storm disappeared all hero soul remains. She as destruction, the meritorious service buckled 15,000, are more than ice Monroe. In the heart is feeling suffocated is informed by Ling Menglu, immediately catches up. 可不是么,当时最大的功勋就是击杀两名八阶亡者,子桑琉荧除了应对对面的巫妖之外,就是元素风暴泯灭了所有英灵遗骸。她作为毁坏者,功勋扣了一万五,比凌梦露还多。心中正憋着气呢被凌梦露通知了一下,立刻就赶来了。 On Long Dangdang the ray flashes, prepares the sacred hall token to take, gesticulated to the Zisang colored glaze glimmer, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer is understanding immediately. 龙当当手上光芒一闪,预备圣堂令牌取出来,向子桑琉荧比划了一下,子桑琉荧立刻会意。 At that moment, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer and Tang Leiguang, lost three sensations initially meets, again Shangcai color Juan. Seven people, take out together the token respectively. Is suspending one row in front of that scroll horizontally. Then is continue sit in meditation same place. 当下,龙当当龙空空、凌梦露、子桑琉荧、唐雷光、失去了三种感知的初遇,再加上蔡彩娟。七个人,各自取出一块令牌。在那条幅前面横着摆成一排。然后就在原地继续静坐。 They just completed these, outside also has the person who hunts for the demon group arrived, they come is very anxious, is one person comes toward the duty place quickly, when he sees Long Dangdang and the others, immediately speeds up the footsteps. 他们刚做完这些,外面又有猎魔团的人到了,他们来的很急,为首一人快步朝着任务处这边而来,当他看到龙当当等人的时候,立刻加快了脚步。 Why bother is your?” Li Hongche very helpless said to Long Dangdang. “你们这是何苦呢?”李泓澈很是无奈的向龙当当说道。 The Long Dangdang smile said: Because we suffered the unfair treatment! Does Commander Li, we hunt for demon unable to bleed and burst into tears?” 龙当当微笑道:“因为我们遭受到了不公平的待遇啊!李团长,我们猎魔者总不能流血又流泪吧?” Li Hongche sighed, said: This time matter truly a little did not say, or this, I apportioned you my acquired meritorious service, even. Also do not blame the headquarters after all, this involves gambling between high levels.” 李泓澈叹息一声,道:“这次的事确实是有点不好说,要不这样吧,我将我个人这次获得的功勋分给你们,就算了吧。也不要怪总部毕竟,这涉及到高层之间的博弈。” Say/Way that the Zisang colored glaze glimmer coldly: „Does high-level gambling need to sacrifice our these unimportant people?” 子桑琉荧冷冷的道:“高层博弈就要牺牲我们这些小人物吗?” Li Hongche smiles bitterly saying: Considers as finished and considers as finished, who lets the duty that we carry out together? Without you, we have possibly been annihilated. Then on the same place.” 李泓澈苦笑道:“算了、算了,谁让我们一起执行的任务呢?没你们,我们可能早就全军覆没了。那就一起吧。” Saying, him leads own partners to arrive to be implicated. 说着,他带着自己的伙伴们就要走到一旁坐下来。 Oh, what is this?” In Li Hongche team seemingly youngest female suddenly surprised saying. This is the summon master in their team, at this time is looking dull before Long Dangdang their bodies, places the good token. “哇塞,这是什么?”李泓澈团队中一名看上去年纪最轻的女子突然吃惊的说道。这位是他们团队中的召唤师,此时正呆呆的看着龙当当他们身前摆放好的令牌。 Li Hongche is also notices at this time, looks in the ground such type obviously somewhat strange token, he also one dull, when carefully looks, the complexion big change, looks up again to Long Dangdang and Zisang colored glaze glimmer these two times of hunting for the demon group, the complexion changed immediately. 李泓澈也是此时才注意到,看着地面上那样式明显有些陌生的令牌,他也不禁一呆,但仔细看去时,不禁脸色大变,再抬头看向龙当当和子桑琉荧这两支猎魔团的时候,脸色顿时发生了变化。 Unimportant people? You said that you are an unimportant person? 小人物?你们说自己是小人物? He understands now finally why two so young hunting for demon groups are the general officer levels . Moreover the strength also powerful enough to can strike the degree of killing eight step deads. 他现在终于明白,为什么两支如此年轻的猎魔团就已经是将级,而且实力还强悍到能够击杀八阶亡者的程度了。 This where is what unimportant person? What are that seven tokens? Prepares sacred hall? 这哪里是什么小人物?那七块令牌是什么?预备圣堂? The entire six big temples only have 36 sacred hall! Prepares sacred hall, although not necessarily can become true sacred hall, what is without a doubt is they are certainly treated as sacred hall to conduct training. 要知道,整个六大圣殿才只有三十六位圣堂啊!预备圣堂虽然并不一定就能够成为真正的圣堂,但毋庸置疑的是他们一定是被当做圣堂进行培养的。 In other words, before the Zisang colored glaze glimmer and ice Monroe ruined the hero soul remains in the duty the achievement, what representative was seven idea of preparing sacred hall, their was explicit standing in position cremation hero soul side. 也就是说,之前子桑琉荧和凌梦露在任务中毁掉英灵遗骨的作为,代表着的是七位预备圣堂的想法,他们这是明确的站在了主张火化英灵这一方的。 Two general officer levels hunt for the will of demon group not that to attach great importance, but, seven do prepare sacred hall? In the future, if they really become sacred hall, an influence of this quite therefore temple! 两支将级猎魔团的意志可以不那么被重视,但是,七名预备圣堂呢?未来,他们如果真的成为圣堂,这就相当于是一座圣殿的影响力了啊! Has the complex mood, Li Hongche and own teammates arrives one side also to sit. 带着复杂的心情,李泓澈和自己的队友们走到了一旁也坐了下来。 His time was hitting the mentality of persuasion, if persuaded inadequately, similarly duty of execution, director of his entire duty, what to do but can also? Only can stand robe Ze of living and dying together! This does not have other choice, otherwise he also thinks that did not match to be this interim team leader. 他这次本来就是打着劝说的心态,如果劝说不成,同样执行的任务,他还是整个任务的主事者,还能怎么办?只能站在同生共死的袍泽们这边啊!这是没有别的选择的,否则他也自认为不配当这个临时队长了。 After less than one minute, Li Yuqing and his teammates also caught up, they were the words had not even said, behind them sat directly in the Zisang colored glaze glimmer. Long Dangdang before coming, in the situation of emergency task group explanation, they naturally also knows. 不到一分钟后,李雨青和他的队友们也赶来了,他们更是连话都没说,直接就在子桑琉荧他们后面坐下来了。龙当当在来之前,就是在紧急任务群说明的情况,他们自然也都知道。 First did not say that this time non- fair play, what is more important, hunting for demon of younger generation, in fact support spark hero soul remains the two times. They have carried out the task of protection grave, fully realized influence that these remains have. 先不说这次的不公平待遇,更重要的是,年轻一代的猎魔者们,实际上都是支持二次火花英灵遗骨的。他们都执行过守护墓葬的任务,更是深知这些遗骨存在的影响。 Four hunt for the demon group, commander level, three general officer levels, the complete 25 people sits in meditation collectively. 四支猎魔团,一支帅级,三支将级,全部二十五人集体静坐。 The gigantic scroll in the front, each character seems like at the acknowledgment mistake, but so dazzling. 硕大的条幅在前方,每一个字看上去都是在承认错误,但又如此的刺眼。 Ok, no joking.” Brings several points of lazy, actually the somewhat helpless sound resounds. A person also walked from the duty place. “好了,别闹了。”一个带着几分慵懒,却又有些无奈的声音响起。一个人也随之从任务处内走了出来。 Sees this, Long Dangdang rushes to stand up, others also set out in abundance, salutes by the formality of this temple respectively. 看到这位,龙当当赶忙站起身来,其他人也是纷纷起身,各自以本圣殿的礼节行礼。 Has seen the liquor minister.” The Long Dangdang right fist horizontal chest bows slightly. “见过酒部长。”龙当当右拳横胸微微躬身。 The flatter liquor read scroll before his body, has a look at four to hunt for the demon group again, received the magical powers, comes in me.” 阿酒看了一眼他身前的条幅,再看看四支猎魔团,“收了神通吧,都跟我进来。” Good.” Long Dangdang happy complies with one, three next two received the scroll. In his behind Zisang colored glaze glimmer also some surprise, actually saw that Long Dangdang is joining hands behind the back to oneself gestures. “好嘞。”龙当当痛快的答应一声,三下两下就将条幅收了起来。在他身后的子桑琉荧还有些诧异,却看到龙当当背着手给自己打了个手势。 The people followed the flatter liquor to enter the duty place together, saw the previous that middle-aged person, at this time this middle-aged person complexion ugly/difficult to look at. 众人跟着阿酒一起走进了任务处,也又看到了先前的那名中年人,此时这中年人脸色难看的很。 The flatter liquor leads them not to stay in the duty place hall, but extends a nearby corridor to walk toward the interior. 阿酒带着他们没有在任务处大厅停留,而是延着旁边的一条走廊向内部走去。 Walked for probably about one minute, they were brought in a spacious room. This seems like a conference room, by the long table chocked up the chair. 走了大概一分钟左右,他们被带到了一个宽敞的房间之中。这似乎是一间会议室,长桌两侧摆满了椅子。 Sits.” The flatter liquor waves. “都坐吧。”阿酒挥了挥手。 The people sit down, the vision actually falls on this vice-minister. 众人纷纷坐下,目光却都落在这位副部长身上。 On the flatter liquor face always has the light smile, whose idea is this? Seven prepare sacred hall Sir.” 阿酒脸上始终带着淡淡的微笑,“这是谁的主意啊?七位预备圣堂大人。” Long Dangdang does not wait for others to respond, is standing up of being all smile, is I, is I. The liquor minister, my did not deeply feel in this time annoyed troublesome to the headquarters, therefore came the headquarters to admit mistakes quickly the apology?” 龙当当不等别人反应,已经是满脸堆笑的站起身来,“是我、是我。酒部长,我这不是深感在这次给总部惹了麻烦,所以赶快前来总部认错道歉的么?” The smile on flatter liquor face somewhat could not stretch finally, ridiculed saying: „Is your admits mistakes the apology? Isn't attempts the throne?” 阿酒脸上的笑容终于有些绷不住了,笑骂道:“你那是来认错道歉的?不是来逼宫的?” A Long Dangdang face surprise say/way: Of course not! Or do you have a look at our scrolls again? We admit mistakes sincerely.” 龙当当一脸诧异的道:“当然不是啊!要不您再看看我们的条幅?我们非常真诚的认错的。” flatter liquor ill-humored say/way: Does a bit less this set, your cunning boy. Thought that this headquarters are unfair to you? Do you know, this time for your matters, what protected that side the city to become noisily?” 阿酒没好气的道:“少来这套,你这个奸滑的小子。觉得这次总部对你们不公平了?你知不知道,这次为了你们的事儿,卫城那边闹成什么样了?” A Long Dangdang face suffering say/way: Liquor minister, that situation, we did not have the means at that time! You think when we discovered what is hostile is four eight step deads, what we at that time was the response? Our four hunt for demon militia eight steps not to have, Commander Li and his teammates have prepared for had sacrificed themselves to hunt for the demon group to retreat to our other three general officer levels to strive for time. At that time, we could not preserve the hero souls remains. In order to let these remains was not blasphemed, therefore has to ruin them!” 龙当当一脸委屈的道:“酒部长,当时那种情况,我们也是没办法啊!您想想,当我们发现敌对的是四名八阶亡者的时候,我们当时的反应是什么?我们四支猎魔团连一个八阶都没有,李团长和他的队友们更是已经做好了牺牲自己给我们其他三支将级猎魔团撤退争取时间的准备。在那种时候,我们根本就保不住英灵们的遗骨。为了让这些遗骨不被亵渎,所以才不得不将他们毁掉啊!” The flatter liquor stares slightly, turns head to look to Li Hongche, in your report did not say, was the remains first ruined, then you discovered four eight step deads and ambushes?” 阿酒微微一愣,扭头看向李泓澈,“你的汇报上不是说,是遗骨先毁掉了,然后你们才发现四名八阶亡者以及埋伏的嘛?” „? I and I said like this?” Li Hongche this little while is a little ignorant, turns head to look to Long Dangdang. “啊?我、我是这样说的吗?”李泓澈这会儿有点懵,扭头看向龙当当 Long Dangdang said: Report of Commander Li right. At that time he has not truly discovered the ambush. But we actually actually discovered ahead of time. After all, our bodies have the special spirit furnace, our ability discoveries, but they actually yes.” 龙当当道:“李团长的汇报没错。当时他确实是没有发现埋伏的。但我们其实却是提前发现了。毕竟,我们身上有特殊的灵炉,我们的能力发现不了,但它们却是可以的。” His actually opened the eye to talk nonsense, only if the wisdom spirit furnace were when the life and death crisis happened, will otherwise not prompt them to have the danger to appear, the islet tung oil tree and sea small clear(ly), have this common tacit understanding. But the bystander does not have the means to know this point! 他这其实就是睁着眼睛说瞎话了,智慧灵炉除非是在生死危机发生的时候,否则根本不会提示他们有危险出现,无论是屿桐、沧海还是小明,都有着这种共同的默契。但外人却没办法得知这一点啊! The high level definitely is knows that they have the wisdom spirit furnace, therefore, he explained that is impregnable. 高层肯定是知道他们拥有智慧灵炉的,所以,他这么解释就是无懈可击。 The flatter liquor looks at Long Dangdang, suddenly some strange feelings, clear(ly) know that this boy is talking nonsensically and irresponsibly and quibbling, but theoretically, but also really has no way to see through him is the lie. 阿酒看着龙当当,突然有种奇异的感觉,明知道这小子在瞎说八道、强词夺理,可从理论上来说,还真的没法拆穿他是谎言。 Long Dangdang continues saying: But we realized our mistake, although we were not blasphemed by the dead for the hero souls consider, but ruined the remains of so many hero souls after all, the seniors to health/guard city caused very big damage, therefore admitted mistakes especially. We are willing to expose to the public for a month, to express deep regrets. This also facilitates our headquarters with six big temple and federal confession.” 龙当当继续道:“但我们还是认识到了自己的错误,虽然我们是为了英灵们不被亡者亵渎着想,但毕竟是毁掉了那么多英灵的遗骨,给卫城的前辈们造成了很大的创伤,所以特来认错。我们愿意自行示众一个月,以深表歉意。这样也方便咱们总部跟六大圣殿以及联邦交代。” Scoundrel!” The flatter liquor could not bear finally, one month? Sits for a month in the duty place entrance? Showed them to receive the unfair treatment, let hunt for the demon group to know numerously, this did call the apology? “混账!”阿酒终于忍不住了,一个月?在任务处门口坐一个月?来展现他们受到了不公正待遇,让众多猎魔团都知道,这叫歉意? Slides to this does not keep the hand actually very hard to deal with boy, a flatter liquor also headache. 对这个滑不留手却又十分难缠的小子,阿酒也不禁一阵头疼。 Said that what you do want?” flatter liquor ill-humored say/way. “说吧,你想要什么?”阿酒没好气的道。 Long Dangdang firm shaking the head, said: Our anything does not want! We are give the headquarters solution troublesome expression apology. You look, if you no other instruction, we did continue?” 龙当当坚定的摇头,道:“我们什么都不要啊!我们是来给总部解决麻烦表达歉意的。您看,您要是没什么别的吩咐,我们就继续了?” Li Hongche this time dumbfoundedness had turned into the heartfelt admiration, this hunts for the vice-minister in demon group headquarters, before this liquor minister, is a title level hunts for the members of demon group! Is the true powerhouse. Long Dangdang facing the minister is actually a calm free appearance, had not been affected by the status of opposite party slightly, speaks with confidence. But his words are actually watertight. 李泓澈此时的目瞪口呆已经变成了由衷的钦佩,这可是猎魔团总部的副部长,这位酒部长以前更是一支封号级猎魔团的成员啊!是真正的强者。龙当当面对部长却是一副淡定自若的模样,丝毫没有被对方的身份所影响,侃侃而谈。但他的话却偏偏滴水不漏。 The smile on flatter liquor face disappears, the nose was mad quickly crookedly, but actually has to acknowledge, Long Dangdang this move makes the headquarters also somewhat have no alternative. Long Dangdang and Zisang colored glaze glimmer these two hunt for the demon group, when just the agglomerate was the headquarters extremely attached great importance, seven prepared sacred hall, that did not make is playing. They join to hunt for the demon group even are six big temples to train the successor will exercise in the future. When this time encountered the ambush danger, shows the strong strength. It is not easy to do! 阿酒脸上的笑容不见了,鼻子都快被气歪了,但却不得不承认,龙当当这一招让总部也有些无可奈何。龙当当和子桑琉荧这两支猎魔团在刚成团的时候就是总部极为重视的,七位预备圣堂,那可不是闹着玩儿的。他们加入猎魔团甚至都是六大圣殿为了培养未来接班人来锻炼的。这次遭遇到了伏击危险时,更是展现出了强大的实力。不好办啊! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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