SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#207: The domineering pass through

Chapter 207 pass through strongly 第207章强势过关 The Long Kongkong Saint directs the spirit furnace connection on the devil teacher, but the female monster teacher is the complete fitting in his chest front, was absorbed by the day deep pool domain. A devil teacher powerful sword wants to cut Long Kongkong, first will definitely divide to cut on the female monster teacher. 龙空空的圣引灵炉连接在魔鬼教官身上,而女妖教官则是完全贴合在他胸前,被天渊领域所吸附。魔鬼教官这强大的一剑想要斩中龙空空,首先就必然会劈斩在女妖教官身上。 The sword of devil teacher had arrived, actually has to try hard to receive the sword. At this time appeared the Saint to direct the spirit furnace was powerful. The Saint directs the rule of spirit furnace is, so long as you send out the attack, can only attack me, cannot attack others. Therefore, the devil teacher now to shifting to the attack becomes the place is not good, can only attacks Long Kongkong. Wants not to injure to the female monster teacher, he can do now, only has to receive the sword. But spirit astral who chops full power forcefully takes back, the strength of that recoil was equivalent to itself to give itself simply! 魔鬼教官的剑都已经到了,却不得不努力收剑。这种时候就显现出圣引灵炉的强大了。圣引灵炉的规则是,只要你发出攻击,就只能攻击我,不能攻击他人。所以,魔鬼教官现在向转向攻击变得地方都不行,只能是攻击龙空空。想要不伤到女妖教官,他现在能做的,唯有收剑。而全力劈出的灵罡强行收回,那种反冲的力量简直就相当于自己给了自己一下啊! But Long Dangdang was moves sideways behind Long Kongkong, an optical system magic has released. Saint light attack! 龙当当则是闪身到了龙空空背后,一个光系魔法就已经释放了出来。圣光打击! This is not a specially powerful magic, but itself attaches one to establish the effect of nature absolutely, repels! 这并不是一个特别强大的魔法,但本身却附有一个绝对成立性的效果,击退! The devil teacher received to backlash, but the pain, was flushed by the Saint light attack again, although in cultivating under the effect for the disparity is limited, was actually also shaken departed about ten meters. 魔鬼教官本来就受到反噬而痛苦,再被圣光打击一冲,虽然在修为差距下效果有限,却也被震飞出了十米开外。 But that side this time lunatic teacher, has actually turned into the ocean nighttide and woof often/common to assist the peach numerous and storm demon dragon joyful. The magic that in addition the lunar motion has completed, ices the lance of thunder. Long Dangdang that same has encircled four big clone. 而这个时候的疯子教官那边,却已经变成了溟汐、汪常欣辅助桃林林和风暴魔龙。再加上月离已经完成的魔法,冰雷之矛。还有同样已经围上去的龙当当四大分身。 Keeps in front of the devil teacher, only has Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and as shield the female monster teacher. In fact. Long Dangdang stays behind seems somewhat unnecessary, he mostly is worried that the body of Long Kongkong cannot support the dark blue moon/month angel the condition, prepares to replace him at any time. 留在魔鬼教官面前的,只有龙当当龙空空和作为盾牌的女妖教官。实际上。龙当当留下都显得有些多余,他主要是担心龙空空的身体支撑不住沧月天使的状态,随时准备接替他。 Normally, the Long Kongkong dark blue moon/month angel condition can only support for about 20 seconds. But, cannot support has to imitate Lingbao now! Under the female monster teacher Gundam/reaches as high as the spirit strength of seven steps to be swallowed by him unceasingly, becomes his supplement continuously, unexpectedly is naturally insists grew. But had admitted defeat female monster teacher, now does not struggle, looks that the expression of devil teacher somewhat is strange. 正常情况下,龙空空的沧月天使状态只能支持二十秒左右。可是,架不住现在身上带着个充灵宝啊!女妖教官高达七阶的灵力被他不断吞噬之下,源源不绝的成为了他的补充,竟是自然而然的就坚持的长了起来。而已经认输了的女妖教官,现在也不挣扎了,看着魔鬼教官的表情还有些古怪。 Bang-” another side, on the lunatic teacher glittered thunder light to be blown off. Then faces is ganging up to surround and beating up of one crowd of attacks. “轰-”另一边,疯子教官身上闪烁着雷光被炸飞了出去。然后面对的就是一群攻击的围殴。 The devil teacher stopped, he did not have to continue to attack again. On the face filled, helpless color. 魔鬼教官停了下来,他没有再继续攻击了。脸上更是充满了无奈之色。 Without the Saint directs the spirit furnace, even at present such situation he can still overturn against the wind. However, he simply does not have the means to rescue the lunatic teacher now, has no alternative but Instructor Gu Nvyao to attack. This is training, is not the life-and-death fight. 如果没有圣引灵炉,就算是眼前这样的情况他也可以逆风翻盘。但是,他现在根本没办法去救援疯子教官,更不能不顾女妖教官死活去攻击。这是培训,不是生死之战。 Therefore, the result of this inspection has actually been doomed. 所以,这场考核的结果其实是已经注定了的。 This , if the war, you will die. So long as I ignore the female monster you to be buried along with the dead for her.” Devil teacher ill-humored saying. “这如果是战争,你们还是会死。我只要不顾女妖你们都会为她陪葬。”魔鬼教官没好气的说道。 The Long Dangdang smile said: But this is not the true actual combat. Moreover if so, we have our means. We die, you estimated that the big probability could not live.” 龙当当微笑道:“但这并不是真正的实战。而且如果是那样的话,我们也有我们的办法。我们死,您估计也大概率活不了。” The devil teacher gawked, but thinks in a flash legend that has about these young people. He even also noticed that ice Monroe waves toward him. 魔鬼教官愣了一下,但转瞬间就想到了有关于这几个年轻人的传说。他甚至还看到凌梦露朝他挥了挥手。 Yes! That can also display the goddess of praise of light. This fight, the goddess is always assisting, but does not represent her only to assist. This miss is insane, is more formidabe than these two boys at present. 是啊!那还有一个能施展光之礼赞的神女呢。这场战斗,神女始终都是在辅助,但并不代表她就只会辅助。这姑娘疯起来,比眼前这两个小子更难对付。 Calculates that you went through.” The complexion of devil teacher returned to normal. “算伱们过关了。”魔鬼教官的脸色恢复了平静。 Good, you first retroceded, wait to put the female monster teacher for three minutes to us. That side do not hit, keeps a lunatic teacher life.” Partners of Long Dangdang toward distant place is greeting. “好的,那您先后退,等三分钟到了我们就放了女妖教官。那边别打了,留疯子教官一条命。”龙当当朝着远处的伙伴们打着招呼。 The lunatic teacher is really a little miserable. Was gathered the strength to erupt the combination magic attack by six step magicians with the powerful livelihood same splendor spirit furnace, that enough he receives. Let alone this is many people hits his one! Only the storm demon dragon has seven step strengths, other person of strengths are not weak. What is most repugnant is that town/subdues demon tree, when he must erupt the use wild this kind of skill, the town/subdues demon tree gives him to come a shock and awe, broke his eruption skill directly. This summon master is really speechless! 疯子教官着实是有点惨。被一名六阶魔法师蓄力以强大的日月同辉灵炉爆发组合魔法攻击,那一下就够他受的。更何况这是多少人打他一个啊!单是风暴魔龙就有七阶实力,其他人实力也不弱。最讨厌的是那个镇魔树,每当他要爆发使用狂暴这类技能时,镇魔树就给他来个震慑,直接就将他的爆发技能打断了。这个召唤师可是真的让人无语啊! This time lunatic teacher was just pounded to fly by a woof Changxin hammer, by four Long Dangdang clone magic unceasing bombardments on the body, was protected the body miraculous glow to break. 此时的疯子教官刚刚被汪常欣一锤砸飞,被四个龙当当分身一个个魔法不断的轰击在身上,护体灵光都要破碎了。 The fight stops. 19,115,897 hunt for on the people face of demon group the expression somewhat to be stimulated. Yes! Being beyond control they are not excited. This fight, not only insists for three minutes, they even it can be said that won! Although after solving the lunatic teacher, besieges the devil teacher to be not necessarily able to flatter. However, under the devil teacher is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, definitely cannot display the full power. 战斗停止。一九一一五八九七猎魔团的众人脸上表情都有些亢奋。是啊!由不得他们不兴奋。这场战斗,不只是坚持三分钟,他们甚至可以说是赢了啊!虽然解决了疯子教官之后再围攻魔鬼教官未必能够讨好。但是,魔鬼教官投鼠忌器之下,肯定也发挥不出全力。 In cultivating for the disparity such big situation, can rent at present such result, they absolutely good enough to make one feel proud. 在修为差距如此之大的情况下,能够租到眼前这样的结果,他们绝对足以自豪。 When continuously almost five minutes of time . Moreover the female monster teacher was also basically attracted emptied, Long Kongkong even through rising the spirit shield helps the partners draw support from the spirit strength of female monster teacher to restore to the optimum condition, this let loose this assassin teacher. 一直等到差不多五分钟的时候,而且女妖教官也基本被吸空了,龙空空甚至通过升灵盾帮伙伴们都借助女妖教官的灵力恢复到最佳状态,这才放开了这位刺客教官。 Three teachers gather, the complexion somewhat is ugly. Ugliest was the female monster teacher. She looks at Long Kongkong wickedly, opening mouth, but is anything has not said eventually. 三位教官聚集在一起,脸色都有些难看。最难看的就是女妖教官了。她恶狠狠的看着龙空空,张了张嘴,但终究是什么都没说出来。 Thanks three teachers to direct.” Long Dangdang takes the lead to salute, the partners also follow he to salute immediately together. “谢谢三位教官指点。”龙当当率先行礼,伙伴们也立刻跟着他一同行礼。 The complexions of three teachers then attractive several points. The devil teacher corners of the mouth place reveals to wipe the smile, outstanding tactic often can enlarge the battle efficiency of one's own side. Long Dangdang, you do very well, you were a qualified regimental commander. Ok, same place recuperation, will prepare to start Stage 3 tomorrow the training.” 三位教官的脸色这才好看了几分。魔鬼教官嘴角处流露出一抹微笑,“优秀的战术往往能够放大己方的战斗力。龙当当,你做得很好,你是一个合格的团长了。好了,原地休整一下,明天准备开始第三阶段的集训。” Yes, Teacher.” Long Dangdang this little while is to respectfully to appear respectful. “是,教官。”龙当当这会儿是要多恭敬就显得有多恭敬。 Leaves the time of other teams is not many. But then their final attempts, that can only describe with the frigidity. Three big teachers who in the chest feel suffocated, in the anger that Long Dangdang on them saves will fall in torrents completely, in several other hunted for on the demon group. Three minutes? Almost without the team can insist for one minute, punched black and blue, lived lying down that cannot take care of oneself in that. 留给其他各支团队的时间也不多了。而接下来他们的最后尝试,那就只能用惨烈来形容了。胸中憋着一口气的三大教官,将在龙当当他们身上积攒下来的愤怒全部倾泻在了其他几支猎魔团身上。三分钟?几乎没有团队能坚持一分钟,就已经被揍的鼻青脸肿,生活不能自理的躺在那了。 Suddenly, the outcry is vast. 一时间,哀声遍野。 But this time 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group people are gathers, everyone rare has not continued to cultivate again. This month of disciplining , everyone almost thin. After all, daily bears the spiritual impact of evil eye tyrant, the effect of although promoting is very good, but, the brought load is also similarly huge. They feel exhausted physically and mentally now. 而此时的一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人则是聚集在一起,大家难得的没有再继续修炼。这一个月的磨练,每个人几乎都瘦了一圈。毕竟,天天承受邪眼暴君的精神冲击,虽然提升的效果很好,但同样的,带来的负荷也是巨大的。他们现在可谓是身心俱疲。 But luckily all are the best results, although the final result is not necessarily able to surpass the Zisang colored glaze glimmer team, but also was quite good. The most important thing is everyone's growth. The promotion of psychic force, making the overall strength of everyone have the rises in varying degrees. Everyone obviously can feel own progress, this is most important. 但幸好一切都是最好的结果,虽然最后的成绩未必能够超过子桑琉荧团队,但也是相当不错了。最重要的是大家的成长。精神力的提升,让每个人的整体实力都有着不同程度的上升。大家都明显能感受到自己的进步,这才是最重要的。 Only is a pity is, this time the time without the recuperation gave them. They can only be continue the last month, is this training Stage 3. 唯一可惜的就是,这次没有休整的时间给他们了。他们只能是继续进行最后一个月,也就是这次集训的第三阶段。 Eldest child, you said that what Stage 3 training can be? Again so won't be difficult?” Long Kongkong depends on Long Dangdang to say. His little while whole body worn out and aching, the meridians often transmit pull out the pain intermittently. Although the spirit strength was enough previously, but withstands the dark blue moon/month angel to change the pressure of body, painful of body is absolutely many. This is he now outside in the spirit strength quite not weak situation. “老大,你说第三阶段的培训会是啥啊?不会再这么难了吧?”龙空空靠着龙当当说道。他这会儿全身酸软,经脉不时传来阵阵抽痛。虽然先前灵力是足够的,但承受沧月天使变身的压力,身体的痛苦那是绝对不少的。这还是他现在外灵力相当不弱的情况下。 Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: Did not say. But definitely not simply and that's the end. This is three months of training, is hunts for the demon group headquarters to our tests. Strict of test, to guarantee us after carries out the task reduces the casualties as far as possible. Because we compare hunt for the demon group composition time age to want on small many normally, therefore to our trainings definitely is also severest. Does not meet the requirement unable to make us true hunting for demon. After all, the federation fosters the talent is not easy.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“不好说。但肯定不会简单就是了。这是三个月的集训,同时也是猎魔团总部对我们的测试。测试的严格,是为了保证我们在之后执行任务的时候尽可能减少伤亡。因为我们比正常猎魔团组成时候年纪都要小上许多,所以对我们的集训肯定也是最严苛的。不符合要求就不能让我们成为真正的猎魔者。毕竟,联邦培养人才也不容易。” The ocean nighttide lies down on the ground, the head rest own both hands, the corners of the mouth place is also holding in the mouth a leave of grass, I thought that this is also good. These two months, I thought that promoted in the school compared with before quickly. Although the pain but has the effect! I rather conduct some such training.” 溟汐躺在地上,头枕着自己的双手,嘴角处还叼着一根草叶,“我觉得这样也挺好的。这两个月的时间,我觉得比之前在学校的时候提升快多了。虽然痛苦但有效果啊!我宁可多进行一些这样的培训。” With the promotion of psychic force, her spirit strength progressed recently also big, has approached six steps. But the great strength of partners, made in this miss heart feel the sense of crisis, present she, absolutely is most one diligently. 伴随着精神力的提升,她的灵力最近进步也不小,已经逼近六阶了。而伙伴们的强大,也让这姑娘心中充满了危机感,现在的她,绝对是最努力的一个。 I have satisfied. This training is really delicious!” Peach numerous grinning saying. He previously tied down the lunatic teacher by one's effort lasted one minute, thus creates the sufficient condition to the partners. It can be said that he is in the team changes the second seven step strengths outside body besides the dark blue moon/month angel now. Although his strength wants to continue to be increased again definitely is difficult. But how regardless to say, before the training compares, that absolutely is leaving of the world! Now even if facing the Zisang colored glaze glimmer, he felt oneself had strength of the spelling. “我是已经满足了。这次集训真的是美滋滋啊!”桃林林笑嘻嘻的说道。他先前以一己之力缠住了疯子教官长达一分钟的时间,从而给伙伴们创造充足的条件。可以说,他现在就已经是团队中除了沧月天使变身之外的第二个七阶战力了。虽然他这份战力想要再继续提升肯定是困难一些的。但无论怎么说,和集训之前相比,那绝对是天地之别啊!现在哪怕是面对子桑琉荧,他都觉得自己有一拼之力了。 woof Changxin has not spoken, is only sitting silently there, the look somewhat blows off slightly. She is always famous with the willpower, can therefore refine the golden body to cultivate the blood, has insisted now. But this time, after the evil eye tyrant enhanced the psychic force, she discovered, she bore the painful the ability as if to strengthen. Even can the active control body, better withstands the blood to refine the pain that the golden body brings, she even feels faintly, if will want to refine the golden body to cultivate the blood in the future to nine steps , the psychic force is then powerful enough is the key may be very. 汪常欣没有吭声,只是默默的坐在那里,眼神微微有些放空。一直以来她都以意志力著称,所以才能将血炼金身修炼下来,一直坚持到现在。但这次,通过邪眼暴君提升了精神力之后,她发现,自己承受痛苦的能力似乎增强了许多。甚至能够主动控制身体,更好的去承受血炼金身所带来的痛,她甚至隐隐感觉到,如果未来想要将血炼金身修炼到九阶的话,那么,精神力足够强大很可能就是关键所在。 This discovery, making woof Changxin currently have the confidence to own future finally. Yes, she actually does not think before oneself can create the miracle. If not own spirit furnace characteristics, is not that dominates the world spirit furnace to force, she is not really willing to cultivate the blood to refine the golden body! But now, her strength continually is raised, to dominate the function of the world spirit furnace as if the real start gradually to appear. This similarly is also the wisdom spirit furnace, but dominated the world as if also to strengthen to her approval these days, no longer looking cold and indifferent like before. 这一发现,让汪常欣现在对自己的未来终于有了信心。是的,之前她其实一直都不认为自己能够创造奇迹。如果不是自身的灵炉特性,不是那雄霸天下灵炉逼迫,她是真的不愿意修炼血炼金身啊!而现在,她的力量在不断提升,雄霸天下灵炉的作用似乎才真正的开始逐渐显现出来。这同样也是智慧灵炉,而雄霸天下似乎对她的认可也在这段时间增强了许多,不再像以前那样爱答不理的了。 Her clear remembering, oneself just with this spirit furnace fused the time, dominated has told her, wanted truly to become the user who dominated the world spirit furnace, then, seven steps were the foundations. It is not in the seven steps of spirit strength, the seven steps of soldier, but is outside the seven steps of spirit strength. 她清楚的记得,自己刚与这尊灵炉融合的时候,雄霸就告诉过她,想要真正成为雄霸天下灵炉的使用者,那么,七阶是基础。不是内灵力的七阶,战士的七阶,而是外灵力的七阶。 Lunar motion and ice Monroe's progress, besides with partners between wearing, most important similarly is the psychic force. 月离和凌梦露的进步,除了与伙伴们之间的磨合之外,最重要的同样是精神力。 The lunar motion will often have a look at ice Monroe secretly. Also wanted slightly young goddess regarding this, in her heart many some hearts of comparison. But she is enhancing to own confidence along with the promotion of psychic force. However, she also discovered, the ice Monroe's aura as if became more and more reserved. Before can also feel her vast light element control, now actually instead somewhat cannot feel. As if she had turned into average person. Even if fighting, she as if no too to display. But will make everyone feel her is that mainstay in team. 月离不时会偷偷的看看凌梦露。对于这比自己还要小了几岁的神女,她心中多少都有些比较之心。而伴随着精神力的提升她对自己的信心在提高。但是,她也同样发现,凌梦露的气息似乎变得越来越内敛了。以前还能够感受到她那浩瀚的光元素掌控,现在却反而有些感受不到了。似乎她已经变成了普通人似的。哪怕是在战斗中,她似乎也没有太多发挥。但却就是会让大家感受到她是团队中的那一根中流砥柱似的。 Inspected finished completely in the evening, everyone transmitted completely returns to the temple school headquarters. Can return to the dormitory to rest respectively a evening, next day gathers , to continue training of next stage. 考核全部完毕在晚上,所有人全部传送回圣殿学院总部。可以各自返回宿舍休息一晚,第二天重新集合,继续下一阶段的培训。 Long Kongkong first ran, he wants to try one's luck, can look see one side the goddess, after all has distinguished for a month. 龙空空第一时间就跑了,他想去碰碰运气,看看能不能见到女神一面,毕竟已经分别了一个月了。 Long Dangdang and ice Monroe returned to the spirit furnace school together, only then late time, ice Monroe did not plan to go home. 龙当当和凌梦露则是一起回了灵炉学院,只有一晚时间,凌梦露也不打算回家了。 In the evening goes to my cultivation?” Ice Monroe asked to Long Dangdang. “晚上去我那修炼嘛?”凌梦露向龙当当问道。 Good!” The Long Dangdang nod complies. Two people certainly be better than a person in the together cultivation effect. Naturally, has Long Kongkong time is best. However, does not know when this boy will come back today. “好啊!”龙当当点头答应。两人在一起的修炼效果肯定要比一个人更好。当然,有龙空空的时候才是最好的。不过,也不知道这小子今天什么时候才会回来。 Ice Monroe first returns to the dormitory to wash, Long Dangdang also returns to the dormitory to wash changes the clothes, then arrives at the cousin dormitory to look for her. 凌梦露自己先回宿舍洗漱,龙当当也回自己宿舍去洗漱换衣服,然后才来到表姐宿舍找她。 When ice Monroe opens the door to him, Long Dangdang gawked staring. On ice Monroe transmits light delicate fragrance, that is bathes the later flavor to mix her body to be fragrant, is fresh elegantly simple and gladdens the heart. 当凌梦露给他打开门的时候,龙当当都不禁愣了愣。凌梦露身上传来一股淡淡的清香,那是沐浴之后的味道混着她自身的体香,清新淡雅又沁人心脾。 Her hair somewhat is wet, the fair elegant face has several points to wash hot bath later blushing, appears the tender and beautiful desire to drop. Does not execute the face of cosmetics inborn charming, without half a point slight defect. On the face always has the light smile, making her seem like the whole person to have a warm feeling. 她的头发还有些湿漉漉的,白皙的俏脸带着几分洗过热水澡之后的红晕,更显得娇艳欲滴。不施粉黛的面庞天生丽质,没有半分瑕疵。脸上始终带着淡淡的微笑,让她看起来整个人都有种暖暖的感觉。 Stupidly is standing doing? Comes in!” Ice Monroe avoids his look, takes the lead to walk toward. “傻站着干嘛?进来啊!”凌梦露避开他的眼神,率先向里走去。 Long Dangdang then responded, rushed with go, and door pass/test good. 龙当当这才反应过来,赶忙跟了进去并且将门关好。 You first sit. Walking was so long, my here also has nothing to eat. Are you hungry? Do I give under you bowl surface to eat?” Ling Menglu said. “你先坐吧。走了这么久,我这儿也没什么吃的。你饿不饿?我给你下碗面吃吧?”凌梦露说道。 Good!” Long Dangdang also really thought that own belly was somewhat hungry. “好啊!”龙当当还真的觉得自己的肚子有些饿了。 The surface is the consomme surface, besides day of blending flavors seasoning, wild herbs that also some they pick from the demon beast forest. Although the flavor is ordinary, but is hot. One bowl of surface get down, immediately the ironing the stomach of Long Dangdang, the whole person also as if therefore relaxed completely got down. 面就是清汤面,除了一天调味的调料之外,也就是有一些他们从魔兽森林采摘的野菜。虽然味道普通,但却热腾腾的。一碗面下去,顿时熨烫了龙当当的胃,整个人也仿佛因此而完全放松了下来似的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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