SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#206: Long Dangdang layout

Chapter 206 Long Dangdang layout 第206章龙当当的布局 Directed the spirit furnace to want weakly several points compared with the Long Dangdang Saint together, but effect actually exactly the same ray first found the body of female monster teacher, completed with her connection. 一道比龙当当的圣引灵炉要弱了几分,但效果却一模一样的光芒第一时间就找到了女妖教官的身体,完成了与她的连接。 In this moment, even Instructor even/including Nvyao feels somewhat inconceivable. These two months, their these three teachers are naturally also observing various teams. Which team who is quite strong, who is quite weak, even who is the weak area, they are clear. 在这一刻,甚至连女妖教官自己都觉得有些不可思议。这两个月来,他们这三位教官自然也在观察着各支队伍。哪支队伍谁比较强,谁比较弱,甚至谁是短板,他们可谓是一清二楚。 But regarding 19,115,897 hunts for the demon group, the biggest weak area without doubt is Long Dangdang that younger brother, as if just entered the fifth-order threshold initially. By the strengths of female monster teacher seven step peaks, enters initially fifth-order regarding this type even looked that is disinclined to look at his one eyes. But at this moment, that completed the Saint to direct the spirit furnace to connect with, is this is long attractively, usually actually one prepares the lazy fellow very much. 而对于一九一一五八九七猎魔团来说,最大的短板无疑就是龙当当的那个弟弟,似乎才刚刚初入五阶门槛而已。以女妖教官七阶巅峰的实力,对于这种初入五阶甚至连看都懒得看他一眼。可此时此刻,那完成了圣引灵炉与自身连接的,却就是这个长得很好看,平时却总是一副备懒的家伙。 The female monster teacher even also sees, in this moment, Long Kongkong cracks into a smile toward oneself. But flickers below, the change has actually happened suddenly. 女妖教官甚至还看到,在这一刻,龙空空朝着自己咧嘴一笑。而就在下一瞬,变化却已经骤然发生。 The body of Long Kongkong while completing the Saint directed the spirit furnace to start with she connects to inflate fast. But the female monster teacher received the Saint to direct the hauling of spirit furnace, the attack to shift to Long Kongkong wonderfully, the speed quick incomparable. 龙空空的身体就在完成了圣引灵炉与她连接的同时开始快速膨胀起来。而女妖教官受到圣引灵炉的牵引,攻击已经转向了龙空空,速度奇快无比。 But, the shield before the Long Kongkong body, his whole body had actually rolled up at the same time horizontally, oneself whole person will all hide after the shield. Those who make the female monster teacher surprised is, that crystal mail-armor and helmet, has shifted his body from Long Dangdang unexpectedly, his entire body gable solid. 可是,一面盾牌却已经横在了龙空空身前,他全身蜷缩,将自己整个人全部隐藏在盾牌之后。更让女妖教官惊讶的是,那一身水晶般的甲胄,竟是已经从龙当当身上转移到了他的身上,将他整个身体都包覆的严严实实的。 Moreover, black bands of light stretch suddenly from Long Kongkong, in a surroundings surrounding area ten meters range turned into a darkness completely, strong huge suction appears a certainly suddenly, the female monster teacher can the clear feeling the spirit strength of own whole body in drain at an exceptional pace, even was being attracted by that strength from within the body including own vitality forcefully pulls. 不仅如此,一条条黑色光带骤然从龙空空背后舒展开来,周围方圆十米范围内更是完全变成了一片漆黑,一股绝强的庞大吸力骤然出现,女妖教官能够清晰的感受到自己全身的灵力在以惊人的速度流失,甚至连自己的气血都在被那股力量强行从体内吸扯。 Domain! Her pupil contracts suddenly, the eye pupil also stares in a big way. She has not thought, this had not attached great importance to by them, 19,115,897 hunt for the weak area of demon group really also to have such ability. 领域!她的瞳孔骤然收缩,眼眸都随之瞪大。她也是万万没想到,这个一直没有被他们所重视,一九一一五八九七猎魔团的短板竟然还有这样的能力。 Works as!” The god governing standard keeps off and rises the spirit shield, in addition has completed the dark blue moon/month angel changes the body. Let Long Kongkong block the female monster teacher forcefully strikes. The whole body is the golden light blooms this is the feedback that the revenge of light brings. His body also slipped backward five meters. But this actually does not affect him the black band of light accurate and stable connections on the female monster teacher, even the strength of swallowing blooms is more intense. “当!”神御格挡、升灵盾,再加上已经完成了的沧月天使变身。让龙空空硬生生的挡住了女妖教官的一击。全身更是金光绽放这是光之复仇所带来的反馈。他的身体也向后滑退了五米。但这却并不影响他将一条条黑色光带精准并且稳定的连接在女妖教官身上,甚至吞噬之力绽放的更加强烈。 The skill of his anything dark blue moon/month angel, he will unable to control, but, he can actually change body such condition with the dark blue moon/month angel, conducts the increase own day deep pool domain. Although enters seven steps initially, but that is also seven steps! The overlay of three big wisdom spirit furnaces, were equivalent to all the increase above his Yuan whorl spirit furnace, the strength of set four big spirit furnace. forcefully stucked the female monster teacher. 他不会什么沧月天使的技能,他也驾驭不了,但是,他却可以用沧月天使变身这样的状态,将自己的天渊领域进行增幅。虽然只是初入七阶,但那也是七阶啊!三大智慧灵炉的叠加,相当于全都增幅在了他的元涡灵炉之上,集合四大灵炉之力。硬生生的将女妖教官黏住了。 The eruption also in this time from arrives instantaneously in all directions, but. Innumerable streams light/only thorn from side to the strategic point of female monster teacher, all from cunning angle. 爆发也在这一时刻瞬间从四面八方降临而至。无数道流光从侧后方刺向了女妖教官的要害,全都是从刁钻角度而来。 The female monster teacher body changes has free time to pass instantaneously quick, element! Her whole person as if had turned into the nihility, whatever that thousand strike the flowing light of spirit furnace to pass through from oneself, is actually not able to become any injury to other party. But flickers below, but a vast strength loudly. 女妖教官身体瞬间变得空灵通透起来,元素化!她整个人仿佛已经变成了虚无,任由那一道道千击灵炉的流光从自己身上穿过,却无法对他造成任何伤害。而就在下一瞬,一股浩瀚的力量轰然而至。 Mallet Tyrant heaven! woof often/common has been in progress joyful from the beginning gathers the strength strikes in this flickers arrives suddenly, having Xuan imposing manner to pound to fall outrageously. 大槌霸天!汪常欣从一开始就已经进行着蓄力的一击就在这一瞬骤然降临,带着煊赫的气势悍然砸落。 Bang-” the condition of female monster teacher nihility was shaken directly. The strength was too big. woof Changxin inside and outside spirit strength adding together, must in fact approach seven steps the explosive forces. In addition as the assassin, the defense is not the female monster teacher excels. The assassins most fear in fact is the Saint of knight directs the spirit furnace, was directed the spirit furnace is towing in the situation by the Saint, even stealth such skill is unable to use. “轰-”女妖教官虚无的状态直接被震了出来。力量太大了。汪常欣的内外灵力相加,实际上已经要逼近七阶的爆发力了。再加上身为刺客,防御本身并不是女妖教官所擅长的。刺客最怕的实际上就是骑士的圣引灵炉,在被圣引灵炉牵引着的情况下,甚至连隐身这样的技能都无法使用。 The female monster teacher staggers to fall to the one side, the short blade in hand actually instantaneously becomes bright. Must first solve to maintain the Saint to direct Long Kongkong that the spirit furnace connects, can be potential achievement. However, in the resistance in the situation of this attack, she obviously felt that a moment ago twice own spirit strength was being accelerated to swallow. The one who makes her shock, spirit strength that oneself were swallowed unexpectedly such as silk such as wisp from that shield to diverges in all directions, pours into to within the body of that soldier and assassin. 女妖教官踉跄着向一旁跌出,手中的短刃却瞬间变得明亮起来。必须要先解决维持着圣引灵炉连接的龙空空,才能有所作为。但是,就在抵抗刚才这两次攻击的情况下,她明显感觉到自己的灵力在被加速吞噬。更让她震惊的是,自己被吞噬走的灵力竟是从那面盾牌上如丝如缕的向四面八方散去,注入到那战士和刺客的体内。 Another side, lunatic teacher, when repelled next step must run out, greets his is actually everywhere wind blade. The red armor rice Land Dragon first was taken back, what replaces it is storm demon dragon. The red armor rice Land Dragon or the storm demon dragon, in eight levels of demon beasts, is quite powerful existence. Especially the storm demon dragon, it is outstanding people in eight levels. At this time appears, large number of compression wind blade erupts crazily, pesters the lunatic teacher unable to break through at once unexpectedly. 另一边,疯子教官在被击退后的下一步就要冲出的时候,迎接他的却是漫天风刃。赤甲地龙第一时间被收回,取而代之的是风暴魔龙。无论是赤甲地龙还是风暴魔龙,在八级魔兽之中,都是相当强悍的存在。尤其是风暴魔龙,它本身就是八级中的佼佼者。此时一出现,大量的压缩风刃疯狂爆发,纠缠着疯子教官一时之间竟是无法突破。 Suddenly, bright golden color fell on the female monster teacher brilliance. The female monster teacher felt immediately the whole body is warm, comfortable of not being able saying that the body also therefore presented instantaneous absent-minded. 突然,一道灿烂的金色光辉落在了女妖教官身上。女妖教官顿时感觉到全身暖洋洋的,说不出的舒服,身体却也因此出现了瞬间的恍惚。 But also at this moment, that say/way radiant and glittering and translucent carving form had arrived at her back rapidly, was grasps her unexpectedly. That black band of light rapid windings on her, launched more powerful swallowing. 而也就在这时,那道璀璨而晶莹剔透的身影已经飞速的到达了她的背后,竟是一把将她抱住了。那一道道黑色光带飞速的缠绕在她身上,展开了更加强大的吞噬。 Only then, the devil teacher just sobered from the previous spiritual attack, he lifts the hand to wipe, oneself mouth and nose place was many had overflowed the blood unexpectedly, even the head severe pain, the whole person was the ignorant condition. 直到此时,魔鬼教官才刚刚从先前的精神打击中清醒过来,他抬手一抹,自己口鼻处竟是多已经溢出了鲜血,甚至头部剧痛,整个人都是懵懵的状态。 Insane, was this boy insane? 疯了,这小子疯了吗? Long Dangdang gave him that to strike a moment ago, clearly drew support from the sacred hammer spirit furnace to send out the spiritual attack. But at that time, psychic force that not only the might of sacred hammer spirit furnace, Long Dangdang burnt at that time. Yes, this boy unexpectedly crazy burnt the psychic force , that is irreversible! What wasn't this insane is? This eventually is only a test. Moreover, the psychic force why he burns is unexpectedly powerful in this way, in overlay the strength of sacred hammer spirit furnace, in that instantaneous under erupts, Instructor even/including Mogui nearly must unable to withstand. 龙当当刚才给他的那一击,分明是借助了神圣之锤灵炉发出精神打击。而在那时候,不只是神圣之锤灵炉的威力,还有龙当当那时候燃烧的精神力。是的,这小子竟然疯狂的将精神力燃烧了,要知道,那可是不可逆的啊!这不是疯了是什么?这终究只是一场测试而已。而且,为什么他燃烧的精神力竟然强大如斯,叠加上神圣之锤灵炉的力量,在那瞬间的爆发之下,连魔鬼教官都险些要承受不住。 Where he knows, this was Long Dangdang has planned. To defeat three powerful teachers, to them was too difficult. Especially cultivates to reach as high as eight step peaks devil teachers, normally, is only he alone, should be able to roll to extinguish entire 19,115,897 to hunt for the demon group. After all, human occupation of eight step strengths certainly be more fearful than nine levels of demon beasts! Because human can use the equipment. 他哪里知道,这是龙当当早就计划好了的。想要战胜三位实力强大的教官,对他们来说太难了。尤其是修为高达八阶巅峰的魔鬼教官,正常情况下,只是他一个人,就应该能团灭整个一九一一五八九七猎魔团。毕竟,八阶实力的人类职业者肯定要比九级魔兽更加可怕啊!因为人类还是能够使用装备的。 What means has to restrain this? Long Dangdang has been pondering in the cultivation as of late. Compared with spirit strength? Compared with equipment? Do not tease. Are many to hunt for the demon group is also useless! Others are eight steps, has mystical powers astral, the devil teacher probably knight, perhaps is what secret silver base knight. Although is not necessarily able to use secret silver base type to them to kill greatly, but others equip do not lack absolutely. 有什么办法能够克制这位呢?龙当当最近这段时间在修炼的时候一直就在思考。比灵力?比装备?别逗了。再多一支猎魔团也没用啊!人家是八阶,有灵罡的,魔鬼教官好像还是骑士,说不定就是什么秘银基座骑士。虽然未必会对他们使用秘银基座这种大杀器,但人家装备绝对不缺。 Therefore, wants to suppress is being, must unexpectedly. Moreover must aim at opposite party weak area on the other hand. Regarding the knight, what is the weak area? Under the normal judgment, that is almost does not have. In six big occupations, the knight is the most balanced occupation, almost does not have any weak point. Since the opposite party does not have the weak area, what the strong point of one's own side is? 因此,想要压制着为,出其不意是必须的。而且还要针对对方相对来说的短板。对于骑士来说,短板是什么?正常判断下,那是几乎没有的。六大职业之中,骑士是最为均衡的职业,几乎没有什么短处。既然对方没有短板,那己方的长处又是什么呢? Long Dangdang thought slightly had the judgment, before this training, making him say own strong point he really not to say. But now he definitely is actually certain. Tempered after more than 20 days, and is the psychic forces of five times of speed increases, absolutely is he now the most powerful place. In the normal condition should not be weak in common seven step occupation, naturally, enters initially. Moreover is also four big clone to add on the main body overall complete psychic force. 龙当当略加思索就有了判断,在这次培训之前,让他说出自己的长处他还真不好说。但现在他却完全可以肯定。经过了二十多天锤炼,并且是五倍速度提升的精神力,绝对是他现在最强大的地方。正常情况下应该已经不弱于一般的七阶职业者了,当然,是初入。而且也是四大分身加上本体整体的全部精神力。 Copes with the devil teacher by this insufficiently naturally, but, if superimposes on the dark blue moon/month angel to change the body again, superimposes cousin's sacred hammer? Lost itself to advocate Long Dangdang of weapon, without doubt in such spiritual attack method was the strongest method that he can achieve! 以此对付魔鬼教官当然还是不够的,但是,如果再叠加上沧月天使变身,叠加表姐的神圣之锤呢?失去了自己主武器的龙当当,无疑是以这样的精神攻击方式是他所能够达到的最强手段啊! Therefore had initial that he to burn the way of psychic force to erupt, must make the might that attacks for the first time be the unprecedented degree, even threatens the degree of devil teacher sufficiently. But ice Monroe is responsible, then after sending out the attack interrupts sea of combustion his energetic for him, terminates it to burn. 所以就有了最初的那一幕,他以燃烧自己精神力的方式来进行爆发,务必要让那第一次攻击的威力达到前所未有的程度,甚至足以威胁到魔鬼教官的程度。而凌梦露负责的,则是为他在发出攻击之后打断他的精神之海燃烧,终止其燃烧下去。 The unexpected under devil teacher really suffers a loss. But relieves the dark blue moon/month angel to change the body is Long Kongkong and ice Monroe joint control, again in addition three big wisdom spirit stove's controlling forces, making them be able to be completed instantaneously to the Long Kongkong in addition hold, turns into the strong point the weak area, thus in view of female monster teacher. 猝不及防之下魔鬼教官是真的吃了大亏。而解除沧月天使变身则是龙空空、凌梦露共同控制的,再加上三大智慧灵炉本身的控制力,让它们能够瞬间完成对龙空空的加持,将短板变成强点,从而针对女妖教官。 At this time the Long Dangdang spirit similarly is somewhat absent-minded, backlash of that spiritual impact, makes his time mouth and nose bleed similarly. But he previously had the continued treatment of cousin, in addition the disposition of dark blue moon/month angel, the backlash situation is not too serious. 此时龙当当的精神同样是有些恍惚的,那一下精神冲击的反噬,也让他此时口鼻同样出血。但他先前有表姐的持续治疗,再加上沧月天使的全方位防护,反噬情况并不算太严重。 The devil teacher who looks at the mouth and nose hemorrhage, Long Dangdang cracks into a smile, in the double pupil shone the golden flame instantaneously. 看着口鼻出血的魔鬼教官,龙当当咧嘴一笑,双眸之中瞬间亮起了金色火焰。 Also come? The devil teacher was preparing to initiate an attack, sees this heart is also one tight, subconscious pauses instantaneously, conducts all -around energetic sea blockade and defense. Then he discovered, anything does not have. 还来?魔鬼教官本来正准备主动出击,看到这一幕心头也是一紧,下意识的就瞬间停步,进行全方位的精神之海封锁、防御。然后他就发现,什么都没有。 Yes, in the Long Dangdang eye pupil this time shines, is only the light element, and does not have any spiritual attack appears. But the devil teacher responded the time, had felt not wonderful. 是的,龙当当眼眸中这次亮起的,只是光元素而已,并没有任何精神攻击出现。而魔鬼教官反应过来的时候,就已经感觉到了不妙。 Another side female monster teacher was being grasped by Long Kongkong swallows full power, and receives mallet Tyrant heaven to shake in the dizzy situation. Again facing ocean nighttide and woof Changxin attack, already unable to resist. 另一边的女妖教官在被龙空空抱住全力吞噬,并且受到大槌霸天震荡晕眩的情况下。再次面对溟汐和汪常欣的攻击,已经无法抵抗了。 woof Changxin mallet stopped directly in her forehead front, this means that the female monster teacher had withdrawn from this inspection. 汪常欣的大槌直接停在了她的额头前方,这意味着女妖教官已经退出了这次的考核。 I am eliminated.” Female monster teacher voice somewhat strange saying. “我出局。”女妖教官声音有些怪异的说道。 But she actually discovered, back that grasps own boy actually not to let loose own meaning slightly. But the devil teacher noticed that is the Long Dangdang Saint directs spirit furnace the light of reverse ejection of hauling together, connected behind Long Kongkong, next one flickered, light of hauling entrained, pulled open instantaneously with own distance. Then back of Long Dangdang on fitting, in the dark blue moon/month angel changed under the body, behind figure huge Long Kongkong. Meanwhile, invisible light wave has come toward his direction strafe. 但她却发现,背后那个抱住自己的小子却丝毫没有放开自己的意思。而魔鬼教官看到的,则是龙当当一道圣引灵炉的牵引之光反向抛射而出,连接在了龙空空背后,下一瞬,牵引之光拉拽,瞬间拉开了与自己的距离。然后龙当当的后背就贴合在了沧月天使变身下,身形庞大的龙空空背后。与此同时,一层无形的光波已经朝着他的方向扫射而来。 Clone of four Long Dangdang successfully completed the magic, the element peeling! 四个龙当当的分身顺利的完成了魔法,元素剥离! The invisible ripple place visited, in the air various types of elements, and devil teacher light element of fluctuates, is vanishing at an exceptional pace. 无形波纹所过之处,空气中各种元素,以及魔鬼教官身上的光元素波动,都在以惊人的速度消失着。 But has not received influence Long Dangdang, has been reciting the incantation fast, huge light element at an exceptional pace toward his direction convergance. 而没有受到影响的龙当当,却已经在快速吟唱着咒语,庞大的光元素以惊人的速度在朝着他的方向会聚。 In the devil teacher heart criticizes one, however runs out bright, another side lunatic teacher, actually as before also as well as completed the town/subdues demon tree entanglement of taking root with the storm demon dragon. 魔鬼教官心中暗骂一句,焕然冲出,另一边的疯子教官,却依旧还在和风暴魔龙以及完成了扎根的镇魔树纠缠。 Has saying that since there are two big eight levels of summon beasts, by individual battle efficiency, in team ranked the first truly peach numerous as summon. Defeating the lunatic teacher is not possible, but must say that pesters this teacher, for a short time does not have the issue. 不得不说,自从有了两大八级召唤兽之后,论个体战斗力,团队中排名第一的确实是身为召唤师的桃林林。战胜疯子教官是不可能的,但要说纠缠住这位教官,一时半会儿却是毫无问题。 Several other teams that observed in not far away looks stupidly. Before they were three teachers have fought! When had seen the teachers are so distressed? Even they do not have this with the Zisang colored glaze glimmer! In the situation of hardly putting together, can these threat except for the swords of six samsara meet initially, finally even by threatening the way of sword of following several sword use samsara is pass through reluctantly. 其他几支在不远处观战的团队都看傻了。之前他们都是和三位教官交过手的啊!什么时候看到过教官们这么狼狈的?就算是和子桑琉荧他们也没有这样啊!硬拼的情况下,除了初遇的六道轮回之剑能够对这几位构成威胁,最后甚至是以威胁使用轮回之剑后面几剑的方式才算是勉强过关。 But now? Three teachers have one to admit defeat. Another two cannot ask for unexpectedly well. Although the time passed was less than one minute. But this scene does not seem like 19,115,897 to hunt for the appearance that the demon group must lose! 而现在呢?三个教官已经有一个认输了。另外两位竟然也没能讨得了好。时间虽然只是过去了不到一分钟。可这场面不像是一九一一五八九七猎魔团要输的样子啊! The element was stripped, such aspect cannot affect the mentality of devil teacher, his catches up, the whole person has been similar to the shell to charge into Long Dangdang generally. Own spirit astral erupts, although did not have light element in addition to hold, but the explosive force of that terrifying still was extremely terrifying. In the hand the heavy sword, chops to cut in the Long Dangdang direction directly. This sword, somewhat is greatly unprecedented the easily accomplished potential. 元素被剥离,这样的局面并不能影响到魔鬼教官的心态,他脚下发力,整个人已经如同炮弹一般冲向了龙当当。自身灵罡爆发,虽然没有了光元素的加持,但那恐怖的爆发力却依旧极其恐怖。手中重剑,直接朝着龙当当的方向劈斩而来。这一剑,大有几分一往无前摧枯拉朽之势。 By 19,115,897 hunt for the strength of demon group, no one or can block this sword jointly. Even if under is the spirit is wounded, the battle efficiency of devil teacher is still quite terrifying. 以一九一一五八九七猎魔团的实力,没有任何一个人或者是联手能够挡得住这一剑的。哪怕是精神受创之下,魔鬼教官的战斗力依旧极为恐怖。 However, the devil teacher sees is actually the corners of the mouth that Long Dangdang turns upwards slightly. He has truly locked Long Dangdang, but in this flickers, Long Dangdang Saint directed the spirit furnace ray to interrupt and between him suddenly the relation. What replaces it is another Saint directed the ray of spirit furnace to fall on him, making the sword glow that his cut have the deflection. Then he clear seeing, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong have completed moved to shape changing positions. Turned the dark blue moon/month angel to change Long Kongkong under body condition facing him. 但是,魔鬼教官看到的却是龙当当微微翘起的嘴角。他确实是已经锁定了龙当当了,但就在这一瞬,龙当当身上的圣引灵炉光芒突然中断了和他之间的联系。取而代之的是另一道圣引灵炉的光芒落在了他身上,让他那斩出的剑芒都发生了偏转。然后他就清楚的看到,龙当当龙空空已经完成了移形换位。变成了沧月天使变身状态下的龙空空面对他。 Long Kongkong also grins toward him smiles, but before the Long Kongkong body, that spirit strength was continued to swallow, complexion ugly/difficult to look at female monster teacher. 龙空空还咧嘴朝他一笑,而在龙空空身前,正是那灵力被持续吞噬,脸色难看的女妖教官。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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