SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#182: Willful willful

Chapter 182 willfully willful 第182章任性就任性吧 The river autumn in the team the opens the mouth of this summon, makes the atmosphere immediately somewhat solidifies. 江清秋团队中这名召唤师的开口,顿时让气氛变得有些凝固起来。 The Long Dangdang complexion smiles becomes gets up indifferently, vision tranquil looks at the river autumn. 龙当当的脸色一笑就变得漠然起来,目光平静的看着江清秋。 The river autumn smiles bitterly saying: Commander dragon, you also knows, this time we stimulated the requesting reinforcements signal, this loss is very big. But that side the summon master temple has been studying rearing in a pen about demon wind monkey to be possible, because the demon wind monkey is docile, the strength is also strong. If can rear in a pen successfully, fixed summon beast that can be summon. Because their speed is quick, the wild demon wind monkey is hard to catch, after being grown, taming is also very difficult, cannot succeed. Therefore, the summon master temple gives the reward of demon wind monkey young child is quite many.” 江清秋苦笑道:“龙团长,你也知道,这次我们激发了求援信号,这个损失是非常大的。而召唤师圣殿那边一直都在研究有关于魔风猴的圈养可能,因为魔风猴性格温顺,实力也强。如果能够圈养成功,就可以作为召唤师的固定召唤兽。只是因为它们速度很快,野生的魔风猴难以捕捉,成年之后,驯服也很困难,一直没能成功。所以,召唤师圣殿给予魔风猴幼崽的奖励就比较多。” Listened to his such saying, Long Dangdang is completely clear. The opposite party are willing to spare nothing the use requesting reinforcements signal, is not willing also to go back the young child of demon wind monkey, is the benefit that the demon wind monkey young child who because they obtain can bring must certainly above 1000 meritorious services of loss, meanwhile can calculate in this training mission, actually this abacus hits is very good. 听他这么一说,龙当当就完全明白了。对方之所以肯不惜代价的使用求援信号,也不愿意将魔风猴的幼崽还回去,就是因为他们所获得的魔风猴幼崽所能带来的利益肯定还要在损失的一千功勋之上,同时还能计算在这次培训任务之中,这算盘倒是打的很好。 However, they were actually pleasant, what to do but has completed the grown demon wind monkey of seizing? Lost child's it, let alone tamed, has the possibility of eruption anytime. Must be careful frequently. This difficult problem river autumn team apparently does not have to consider. 但是,他们倒是如意了,可已经完成了抓捕的成年魔风猴怎么办?失去了孩子的它,别说是驯服了,随时都有爆发的可能。必须要时刻小心。这个难题江清秋的团队显然没有去考虑。 Grown demon wind monkey what to do?” Long Dangdang light asking. “成年魔风猴怎么办?”龙当当淡淡的问道。 The river autumn in the look reveals the color of several points of hesitation, previously that opens the mouth summoned master say/way: Killed and that's the end. You do not dare to kill, give us to kill. Soon buckles a meritorious service?” Without doubt, can go back the demon wind monkey young child belt/bring, to his summon master, the benefit is biggest. 江清秋眼神中流露出几分迟疑之色,先前那名开口的召唤师道:“杀了就是了。你们不敢杀,交给我们来杀。不久是扣点功勋么?”无疑,能够将魔风猴幼崽带回去,对他这个召唤师来说,利益是最大的。 Long Dangdang said indifferently: „Can we be counted the accessory culprit?” 龙当当淡然道:“那我们会不会被算作从犯呢?” Long Kongkong goes forward one step side Long Dangdang, must open the mouth, was actually lifted the hand to block by Long Dangdang. 龙空空龙当当身边上前一步,就要开口,却被龙当当抬手拦住了。 River autumn awkward smiles, said: Actually also not necessarily must kill. Injures it, wound heavy, cannot threaten us again also enough. Commander dragon, this time many thanks your rescues. But if we do not have the demon wind monkey young child, losing was too big. Also please excuse me.” Tact that although he said that but the attitude is firm. 江清秋尴尬的一笑,道:“其实也未必非要杀了。将其打伤,伤的重一点,不能再威胁我们也就够了。龙团长,这次多谢你们的救援。但我们如果没有魔风猴幼崽的话,损失就太大了。还请见谅。”他虽然说的委婉,但态度却是坚决的。 Long Dangdang as before is the tone light say/way: Commander river, you has your reason to maintain own team, I also have the reason to maintain my team. The method that you said I am unable to accept. With to hunt for the demon group, I can carry off this demon wind monkey temporarily, after leaving you a half hour, we it will bleed off.” 龙当当依旧是语气平淡的道:“江团长,伱有你的理由来维护自己的团队,我同样也有理由维护我的团队。你说的方法我无法接受。同为猎魔团,我可以将这只魔风猴暂时带走,离开你们半个小时后,我们会将其放掉。” You dare!” The river autumn the magicians in team shouted angrily to make noise, „do you know that who I was, my father was the magic temple......” he, is actually just now covered the mouth by pastor at this point. “你敢!”江清秋团队中的魔法师怒喝出声,“你知不知道我是谁,我父亲是魔法圣殿的……”他才刚说到这里,却被身边的牧师捂住了嘴。 Long Dangdang turns head to look that became to his look even more ice-cold, „are you teaching me to work? We walk.” Saying, his turning around without hesitation is walking. 龙当当扭头看向他眼神变得越发冰冷了,“你在教我做事?我们走。”说着,他毫不犹豫的转身就走。 If did not read with hunt for the status of demon, he puts that demon wind monkey now. 如果不是念在同为猎魔者的身份,他现在就将那魔风猴放了。 Cannot walk, Regimental commander. They must hand over the child of demon wind monkey.” In this time, the angry sound is resounding from Long Dangdang behind. “不能走,团长。他们必须把魔风猴的孩子交出来。”正在这时,愤怒的声音从龙当当身后响起。 The ocean nighttide moves sideways, arrives at side Long Dangdang, because is agitated, the small face rises red, angry looks that the river autumn waits for the person, how can you catch others children? Do you know that does this breaks up a family, wasn't the demon beast the life? You do that doesn't dislike despicably? You have the parents, if you were seized, your parents can be sad? How can you do that? For a oneself selfish desire, you with, when hunts for demon?” 溟汐闪身而出,来到龙当当身边,因为情绪激动,小脸涨得通红,愤怒的看着江清秋等人,“你们怎么能抓人家的孩子?你们知不知道这样做是拆散一个家庭,魔兽就不是生灵了嘛?你们这么做,不嫌卑劣吗?你们也有父母,如果你们被抓走,你们的父母会不会难过?你们怎么能这么做?为了一己私欲,你们配当猎魔者吗?” Is listening to her angrily rebuking, originally the complexion somewhat ugly/difficult to look at river autumn was cloudier immediately, law of the jungle itself/Ben is the survival principle, the demon beast is not human. Since the summon master temple can issue that such duty, approved our such behaviors on the representative. Why can't we catch the demon wind monkey the young child? But our strengths are not as good, was sneak attacked to go well by it, otherwise, has no need for your help. Commander dragon, please restrain your teammate.” 听着她的怒斥,本来脸色就有些难看的江清秋顿时更加阴沉了,“弱肉强食本就是生存法则,魔兽更不是人类。召唤师圣殿既然能够发布这样的任务,就代表认可了我们这样的行为。凭什么我们就不能抓魔风猴的幼崽了?只不过我们的实力略逊,被它偷袭得手,否则的话,也用不着你们的帮助。龙团长,请约束好你的队友。” Long Dangdang turns head to look to the ocean nighttide, the ocean nighttide is also looking to her, on the small face full is the stubborn color. 龙当当扭头看向溟汐,溟汐也正在看向她,小脸上满是倔强之色。 Long Dangdang sighed one lightly, said: Ocean nighttide! Your this excessive sense of justice is intolerable sometimes. In this world, is really not anything has fair.” 龙当当轻叹一声,道:“溟汐啊!你这过度的正义感有的时候是要不得的。在这个世界上,确实不是任何事情都有公平。” The fist of ocean nighttide grips tight, when she is just about to open the mouth, Long Dangdang actually shows a faint smile to her suddenly, „, but my very you, who lets us is a teammate? But you need to remember, one time is not every was willful we to solve. All that you make, our entire team will undertake for you, but you must be responsible for the team in turn, clear?” 溟汐的拳头攥的紧紧的,就在她正要开口的时候,龙当当却突然向她微微一笑,“但我挺你,谁让我们是队友呢?但你需要记得,不是每一次的任性我们都能解决。你所作的一切,我们整个团队都会为你承担,但你也要反过来为团队负责,明白吗?” Did the ocean nighttide stay very I? To be honest, she does not have completely clearly. But she knows, Long Dangdang supports her. 溟汐呆了呆挺我?说实话,她没有完全明白。但她知道,龙当当是支持她了。 The river autumn the complexion changes, Commander dragon, your what meaning?” 江清秋脸色一变,“龙团长,你什么意思?” On the Long Dangdang face the smile is invariable, I thought of a better solution suddenly. After all, if after we leave, again the demon wind monkey bleeds off, it might threaten your safety again, but you already not another requesting reinforcements signal. For your safe consideration, only then, begins......” 龙当当脸上笑容不变,“我突然想到了一个更好的解决办法。毕竟,如果我们离开之后,再将魔风猴放掉,它很可能会再次威胁到你们的安全,而你们已经没有另一次求援信号了。为了你们的安全考量,就只有,动手……” Drinks along with Long Dangdang one greatly, the ocean nighttide that could not have endured patiently sticks out suddenly instantaneously, was almost among the instantaneous flashes autumn side broke through from the river, broke in the opposite party camp directly. 伴随着龙当当一声大喝,早就已经忍耐不住的溟汐瞬间暴起,几乎是瞬闪之间就从江清秋身边冲过,直接冲入了对方阵营之中。 The river autumn the startled anger happened simultaneously, but the light of hauling has actually fallen on him together. Moreover, the big cold wave gallops from the Long Dangdang flank, covered directly to the river autumn each member of team. 江清秋惊怒交加,但一道牵引之光却已经落在了他身上。不仅如此,大蓬的寒潮从龙当当侧方奔腾而出,直接覆盖向了江清秋团队的每一名成员。 In the air resounds one to be similar to sonic boom general thundering, the form banged into the opposite party camp under drive of spirit wing together instantaneously, the gavel shakes pounds to fall outrageously. The goal is not the river autumn anyone in team, perhaps because in them anyone cannot withstand such attack. 空气中响起一声类似于音爆一般的轰鸣,一道身影在灵翼的带动下瞬间就撞入了对方阵营之中,小槌震地悍然砸落。目标不是江清秋团队中的任何一人,因为他们中的任何一人恐怕都承受不起这样的攻击。 Fierce thundering appears in the ground, along with the bellow, the river that the powerful shake wave shakes autumn the people in team almost all takeoffs, the whole body bloodlines shake, along with dizziness and out-of-control. 剧烈的轰鸣出现在地面上,伴随着轰鸣声,强大的震荡波震的江清秋团队中的众人几乎全都离地而起,全身血脉震荡,伴随着晕眩和失控。 The form like lightning cuts into instantaneously, on the summon master nape of the neck of opposite party directly were many an ice-cold point. Was closely hugged in the bosom young lifeform direct different lord by him. 闪电般的身影瞬间切入,对方的召唤师脖颈上直接就多了一道冰冷的锋芒。被他紧紧抱在怀中的小小生物直接异主。 Two, Regimental commander, is two.” The sound of ocean nighttide conveys. But strong oppression strength that at this time, Long Dangdang brings all in river autumn. “两只,团长,是两只。”溟汐的声音传来。而此时,龙当当所带来的强大压迫力全都在江清秋身上。 Although the river autumn obtains the pastor to treat the injury to change for the better, but is injured eventually heavily, in the Saint directs under the hauling of spirit furnace, he cannot achieve to rescue the teammate. At the beginning of Long Dangdang silver wave magic the surface has been glittering the ray of Saint sword. 江清秋虽然得到牧师治疗伤势好转,但终究还是受伤不轻,在圣引灵炉的牵引之下,他根本就做不到救援队友。龙当当的银浪魔法之初表面已经闪烁着圣剑的光芒。 Commander dragon, you and you begins to robe Ze unexpectedly. Do you know, this in hunting for the demon group is the taboo.” River autumn this time hand and feet ice-cold. Obviously everyone is fifth-order, why does not know, facing Long Dangdang, he even has to plant facing the feeling of high-rank oppression. “龙团长,你们、你们竟然对袍泽动手。你知不知道,这在猎魔团中是大忌。”江清秋此时有些手足冰冷。明明大家都是五阶,可不知道为什么,面对龙当当,他甚至有种面对上位者压迫的感觉。 Long Dangdang light say/way: This did not call to begin, calls to correct an error. You can protect your teammate to pester endlessly, why can't I comply with the meaning of my teammate to uphold the justice? Moreover, this is considers for your securities.” 龙当当淡淡的道:“这不叫动手,叫纠偏。你可以护着你的队友胡搅蛮缠,我为什么不能遵从我队友的意思主持正义?而且,这是为了你们的安全着想。” The figure twinkle, the ocean nighttide has come back. During she embraces, two heights are less than half foot demon wind monkey young child are opening the big eye, toward all around surprised looks, as if actually not flustered as. 身形闪烁,溟汐已经回来了。在她怀抱之中,两只身长不到半尺的魔风猴幼崽正睁着大大的眼睛,朝着四周惊奇的看着,似乎倒是一点都不慌张似的。 That only growing up demon wind monkey sees own child, immediately the eye opens the eyes big, but its struggling also stopped. Eight levels of demon beasts, have the considerable high wisdom, particularly the primate demon beast is so. It can understand what is heard indistinctly Long Dangdang they and rivers autumn the exchange between teams. 那只成年魔风猴见到自己的孩子,顿时眼睛睁的大大的,但它的挣扎也停止了。八级魔兽,已经有着相当高的智慧,尤其是灵长类魔兽更是如此。它隐约能够听明白龙当当他们和江清秋团队之间的交流。 The river autumn the magicians and summon masters in team want to open the mouth, but, looks before , not far away that grasps the female of great mallet, mouth actually somewhat dry closing that they open. 江清秋团队中的魔法师和召唤师都想开口,但是,看着身前不远处那手持巨槌的女子,他们张开的嘴却都有些干涩的闭上了。 This is woof Changxin! Tyrant Tianchui woof Changxin. Comes them of in Linglu school, with woof Changxin is with. Has experienced initially the woof often/common joyful system tyrant same level day. But at this moment, behind her pair of spirit wing so bright, that terrifying oppression strength, ice-cold look. No one will suspect oneself rubbish will greet her great mallet attack. 这可是汪常欣啊!霸天槌汪常欣。出身于灵炉学院的他们,都和汪常欣是同届。都经历过当初汪常欣制霸同级的日子。而此时此刻,她背后那一双灵翼是如此的鲜明,那恐怖的压迫力,冰冷的眼神。谁都不会怀疑自己废话将会迎接她的巨槌攻击。 Long Dangdang simply has not paid attention to the river again autumn, before turning around to arrive at the town/subdues demon tree, looks at that only growing up demon wind monkey, said: Hello, can you understand my words?” 龙当当根本没有再理会江清秋,转身来到镇魔树前,看着那只成年魔风猴,道:“你好,你能听懂我的话吗?” Although eight levels of demon wind monkeys do not have the ability of mind exchange, but toward Long Dangdang nod of gently. 八级魔风猴虽然没有心灵交流的能力,但还是朝着龙当当轻轻的点了点头。 I caught your child to apology to you for my same clan. Now I give back to you children. You also injured them a moment ago, whether can let off them? If possible, I put you, leading your children to be far away.” “我为我的同族抓了你的孩子向你致歉。现在我将孩子们还给你。你刚才也伤了他们,是否可以放过他们?如果可以的话,我放了你,带着你的孩子们远离吧。” The demon wind monkey looks that the Long Dangdang vision seems somewhat profound, but it nods slowly. 魔风猴看着龙当当目光显得有些深邃,但它还是缓缓点了点头。 Another side, the river autumn the magicians and summon masters of team just about to make noise to prevent, actually feels the surge spirit strength that on the tyrant day mallet erupts immediately, can only be bearing of feeling indignant but not daring to speak out. 另一边,江清秋团队的魔法师和召唤师刚要出声阻止,却立刻感受到霸天槌上爆发出的彭湃灵力,只能是敢怒不敢言的忍住了。 The ocean nighttide walks, handed in front of two small demon wind monkeys the grown demon wind monkey, the peach numerous also loosens to its fetter, it the spirit strength is now weak, cannot turn the day. 溟汐走过来,将两只小魔风猴递到了成年魔风猴面前,桃林林随之松开对它的束缚,它现在灵力虚弱,也翻不出天来。 The demon wind monkey hugs into own two children the bosom, the wild look immediately becomes gentle. Raised the head again looks at to Long Dangdang the time, the expression obviously had some changes. Nods to him, in the mouth exudes squeak squeak sound, looked steadily at a river again wickedly autumn that side them, this turns around to jump over to go. Although the spirit strength is insufficient, but does not affect its body strength and flexibility. Submerged in the forest to vanish without the trace in a flash. 魔风猴将自己的两个孩子搂入怀中,原本狂暴的眼神顿时变得柔和起来。再抬头看向龙当当的时候,表情就明显发生了一些变化。向他点了点头,口中发出“吱吱”声,再恶狠狠的盯视了一眼江清秋他们那边,这才转身腾越而去。灵力虽然不足,但不影响它的身体力量和灵活性。转瞬之间就没入森林之中消失无踪了。 Gazes after being bewitched wind monkey to leave, the ocean nighttide beams from ear to ear, she turns around to look to Long Dangdang, regimental commander, you are this.” At the same time saying, she gives the thumbs-up. 目送着魔风猴离开,溟汐不禁笑逐颜开,她转身看向龙当当,“团长,你是这个。”一边说着,她竖起了大拇指。 Long Dangdang said: Will not support each time your. Must look that the situation decides. Having the sense of justice is the good deed, but excessively.” 龙当当道:“不是每次都会支持你的。要看情况而定。有正义感是好事,但不要过度。” Un un, knows. The regimental commander you do not study the peach! He likes talking incessantly I.” Ocean nighttide grinning saying. “嗯嗯嗯,知道啦。团长你可别学桃子啊!他就爱这么唠叨我。”溟汐笑嘻嘻的说道。 The peach numerous just separated from the town/subdues demon tree, ill-humored say/way: Later you are not one, really cannot be willful. Because your willful each time, will affect everyone, knows?” 桃林林刚刚从镇魔树之中分离出来,没好气的道:“以后你不是自己一个人,真的不能再任性了。因为你的每次任性,都会影响到大家,知道吗?” Good, the peach elder sister, you left.” The ocean nighttide shows the whites of the eyes. “好啦,桃子姐姐,你就别叭叭了。”溟汐翻了个白眼。 Long Dangdang loosened directed the spirit furnace hauling to the river autumn Saint, said: We walk.” Then, takes the lead to go to the woods. 龙当当松开了对江清秋的圣引灵炉牵引,道:“我们走吧。”说完,率先向树林中而去。 The river the members vision of team are autumn bad, but the strength is inferior to the person, what to do can they? 江清秋团队的成员们一个个目光不善,但实力不如人,他们又能怎么办? Long Kongkong follows side Long Dangdang, the people continued to go through in the woods, experienced just matter, he felt the atmosphere in team as if to have some subtle changes. What is main is manifests in woof Changxin, the ocean nighttide, the peach numerous and lunar motion body. 龙空空跟在龙当当身边,众人继续在树林之中穿行,经历了刚刚的事,他感受到团队之中的气氛似乎出现了一些微妙的变化。最主要的是体现在汪常欣、溟汐、桃林林和月离身上。 This type feels him unable saying that but should be the good direction develops. 这种感觉他说不出来,但应该是好的方向发展。 Ling Menglu the corners of the mouth place always has the light smile, experienced the Golden Dragon small eight appearances, just Long Dangdang displayed handles matters resolute. The cohesive force of team greatly was increased without doubt, Long Dangdang this regimental commander start was really approved and accepted by everyone. 凌梦露嘴角处始终带着淡淡的微笑,经历了黄金龙小八的出现,还有刚刚龙当当所表现出的处事果决。团队的凝聚力无疑大大的提升了,龙当当这个团长是真的开始被大家认可和接受了。 Returned to previously on the track of planned path as before, led the way, seeks to suit the tame demon beast. A day later, two six levels of demon beasts deposit. Below five levels demon beast not tame significances, over six levels although also meets, but has not bumped into existence of dragon system bloodlines, they will not act rashly. 依旧回到先前既定路线的轨道上,一路前行,寻找适合驯服的魔兽。一天下来,又有两只六级魔兽入账。五级以下的魔兽没有驯服的意义,六级以上虽然也有遇到,但没有碰到龙系血脉的存在,他们也不会冒然出手。 In this big forest, the demon beast quantity is big, moreover definitely does not lack the powerhouse. Previously they had met nine levels of demon beast bright lion vultures! Therefore, the idea of Long Dangdang is discretion and careful as far as possible. 这片大森林中,魔兽数量众多,而且肯定不缺少强者。先前他们就曾经遇到过九级魔兽光明狮鹫啊!所以,龙当当的理念就是尽可能的谨慎、小心。 After seeking for a water source, Long Dangdang and partners discussed that decides first to stabilize temporarily here, does not continue eagerly thoroughly. 在寻找到一处水源之后,龙当当和伙伴们商量了一下,决定暂时先在这里安定下来,不急于继续深入。 A month is very long, but that region halo contraction is not quick, although they also brought enough food and potable water, but in the life also needs the water source. Especially in the team the female is in the majority, is bigger to the demand of water. Did not say takes a bath, at least also wants the clean body every day. 一个月的时间很长,而那区域光环收缩的并不快,虽然他们也带了足够的食物和饮水,但生活上也需要水源。尤其是团队中女性居多,对水的需求就更大一些。不说洗澡,至少每天也要清洁一下身体。 Is centered on this station, they mainly explore to all around, meets the appropriate demon beast to intend not to meet does not demand. 以这个驻地为中心,他们主要向四周探索,遇到合适的魔兽就出手没有遇到也不强求。 Will observe over the following several days, the halo of that region prompt will appear every morning one time, the range of every day covering seems to be contracting, five days, they have been able to look into the halo indistinctly the edge, but is away from the place that they are at now also to have. 接下来的几天观察下来,那区域提示的光环每天早上都会出现一次,每天覆盖的范围似乎都在收缩,五天的时间,他们隐约已经能够眺望到光环的边缘了,但距离他们现在所在的地方还有一些。 Five days later, altogether tame dragon system bloodlines demon beast eight, five levels of demon beast two, other six are six levels of demon beasts. Was the peach numerous could not mainly have had a liking for five levels of demon beasts. Not only the people also stationed here, exchange and compare notes every day, the common cultivation, the tacit understanding is appearing gradually. 五天下来,一共驯服龙系血脉魔兽八只,其中五级魔兽两只,剩余的六只都是六级魔兽。主要是桃林林已经看不上五级魔兽了。众人也不只是驻扎在这里,每天相互交流、切磋,共同修炼,默契正在渐渐出现。 - -- «Fights the Luo Mainland II Peerless Tang gate» animation begins broadcasting today! The first broadcast 2 volumes, the Tencent video renews one volume every Saturday 10 : 00 am. 《斗罗大陆II绝世唐门》动画今天开播啦!首播二集,腾讯视频每周六早10点更新一集。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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