SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#181: Rescue

Chapter 181 rescues 第181章救援 Before element demon wind monkey, compared obviously had the qualitative change. Again when action, tornado obviously restrained, but actually just like the azure light electricity shoots together but. The rapidness of speed, in that flickers, even deep pool domain the strength of swallowing it erupts got rid day after day temporarily. 元素化的魔风猴和之前相比明显有了质的变化。再次行动时,身上的旋风明显收敛了,但却宛如一道青光般电射而至。速度之快,在它爆发的那一瞬,甚至连天渊领域的吞噬之力都被暂时的摆脱了。 Bang!” Long Dangdang within the body resounds low and deep thundering, that is the sound of conflagration. Keeps off the town/subdues demon tree branch before his body does not seem to play any impediment role, has rushed to the Long Dangdang near until that azure light, that branch starts to break. “砰!”龙当当体内响起低沉的轰鸣,那是爆燃的声音。挡在他身前的镇魔树树枝似乎没有起到任何的阻挡作用,直到那青光已经冲到龙当当近前,那树枝才开始断裂。 But also at this moment, on the giant town/subdues demon tree, exudes one low and deep buzz cry. Shock and awe! 但也就在这时,巨大的镇魔树上,发出一声低沉的嗡鸣。震慑! But has entered the demon wind monkey resistance of element condition to be extremely high, the body slightly was shortly sluggish flickers, had arrived in front of Long Dangdang as before. 但已经进入元素化状态的魔风猴抗性极高,身体只是略微迟滞了短暂的一瞬,就已经依旧来到了龙当当面前。 At the same time ices the wall, almost when was within allowed to send does not keep off in the Long Dangdang body front, iced the wall surface, the purple light twinkle electricity glow jumps shoots. 一面冰墙,几乎是间不容发之际挡在了龙当当身体前方,冰墙表面,紫光闪烁电芒迸射。 Underwent the preparation, the lunar motion completed an ice thunder combination magic finally. Ices the thunder protection! 经过了准备,月离终于完成了一个冰雷组合魔法。冰雷守护! Bang!” Ices the wall to explode everywhere ice powder, combination magic that but six levels of magicians prepare, and under the spirit furnace increase, the prestige can be quite powerful. Blocks the offensive of that demon wind monkey. However, it has not actually retroceded, but completed two eruptions in the short distance. Pair of sharp claws directly soar Long Dangdang, when the chest grasps. “砰!”冰墙炸成漫天冰粉,但一名六级魔法师准备的组合魔法,并且是在灵炉增幅之下,威能还是相当强悍的。将那魔风猴的攻势挡住。但是,它却并没有后退,而是在近距离完成了二段爆发。一双利爪直奔龙当当当胸抓来。 Do not see clearly! This is the Long Dangdang most direct-viewing feeling. But his both hands grasp at the beginning of the silver wave magic of holding shone the radiant ray instantaneously. Saint sword! 看不清!这是龙当当最直观的感受。但他双手握持的银浪魔法之初瞬间就亮起了璀璨的光芒。圣剑! Meanwhile, the cover of Saint light from him falls together, Saint light protection! The Saint light protects are sending out the Saint light and ray on Long Dangdang China , Saint Lucia sword overlaps in the same place, bursts out a stronger radiance. The god governing standard keeps off as before! 与此同时,一道圣光从他背后罩落,圣光守护!圣光守护上散发着的圣光与龙当当手中圣剑上的光芒重叠在一起,迸发出更强的光华。依旧还是神御格挡! When-” the Long Dangdang figure retroceded, hits above the back town/subdues demon tree branch. But under the assistance of partners, blocked the attack of demon wind monkey finally again. “当-”龙当当身形后退,撞击在了背后的镇魔树枝条之上。但在伙伴们的辅助下,总算是再次挡住了魔风猴的攻击。 The ice Monroe's bright angel spirit furnace has prepared, once discovered that Long Dangdang must unable to resist, she helps him complete the god Qi Cangyue angel to change the body immediately. Reason that without the earliest possible time uses , because is working as the bystander, must cover as far as possible. 凌梦露的光明天使灵炉已经准备好了,一旦发现龙当当要抵挡不住,她就会立刻帮他完成神祈沧月天使变身。之所以没有第一时间就使用,是因为当着外人,要尽可能的掩盖。 Squeak squeak squeak!” On the demon wind monkey azure light erupts again, in the mouth is sending out angry roaring. The figure twinkle, kicks out again. “吱吱吱!”魔风猴身上的青光再次爆发,口中发出着愤怒的咆哮。身形闪烁,再次扑出。 But the ice Monroe's optical system auxiliary magic, actually flows swiftly general unceasing falling in torrents like the mercury on Long Dangdang, making the Long Dangdang whole body seem like the golden light to wind around, greatly somewhat the feeling of nouveau riche. 而凌梦露的一个个光系辅助魔法,却如同水银泻地一般不断的倾泻在龙当当身上,令龙当当全身看上去金光缭绕,大有几分暴发户的感觉。 Blessing and Saint light protection and sacred attack sacred blessing and light. The increase, defense and attack, the attribute enhancement, various auxiliary magic functions on Long Dangdang, let his defensive power greatly somewhat impregnable feeling. 神圣祝福、光之庇佑、圣光守护、神圣打击。增幅、防御、攻击,属性增强,各种辅助魔法作用在龙当当身上,让他的防御力大有几分固若金汤的感觉。 The Long Dangdang inside and outside spirit strength adds, has to be close to 6000, this is the strengths of six step occupation. In addition his spirit furnace and ice Monroe's spirit furnace increase, as well as lunar motion and woof Changxin, peach numerous assists from side. Although the demon wind monkey had entered the element condition, but attacks rapidly actually can by steady block. It seems like attacking a mountain range to be the same unceasingly, is actually not able to shake it. 龙当当的内外灵力加起来,已经有接近六千了,这是六阶职业者的实力。再加上他自身的灵炉、凌梦露的灵炉增幅,以及月离、汪常欣、桃林林的从旁辅助。虽然魔风猴已经进入了元素化状态,但一次次的急速攻击却总能被稳稳的挡住。它就像是在不断冲击着一座山峦一般,却始终无法将其撼动。 19,115,897 hunted for the first fight that the demon group faced when with yesterday compared, their coordination were obviously tacit. The demon wind monkey biggest advantage lies in the speed is quick, shock and awe ice Monroe's sacred hammer that but receives the peach numerous, in addition the ice of lunar motion is the magic deceleration. It erupts one time, faced is community decelerates. But the demon wind monkey after deceleration, will reduce in striking power, Long Dangdang resists naturally to be easier. 和昨天一九一一五八九七猎魔团面对的第一场战斗时相比,他们的配合明显默契了一些。魔风猴最大的优势就在于速度快,但受到桃林林的震慑凌梦露的神圣之锤,再加上月离的冰系魔法减速。它爆发一次,面对的就是一次群体减速。而减速之后的魔风猴,在攻击力方面就会随之降低,龙当当抵挡起来自然就要容易一些。 Another side, rescued hunting for demon group obviously recovers consciousness, under the treatment magic function of pastor, the injury of people was stabilized gradually lives. Their vision have also been gazing at Long Dangdang them. 另外一边,被救援的猎魔团明显缓过来一些,在牧师的一个个治疗魔法作用下,众人的伤势渐渐被稳定住了。他们的目光也一直都在注视着龙当当他们这边。 The disparity, they felt the deep disparity. The same demon beast made their nearly group extinguish, but the opposite party actually resisted, moreover in situation of demon wind monkey full power eruption. Hunting for demon group unexpectedly of this goddess commander? Not only a goddess Monroe person is powerful, that stands in always directs the spirit furnace connection demon beast with the Saint directly the knight, is similar to the mainstay to be the same. This hunts for demon group trials that ranked third. He really fifth-order? Can the fifth-order be able to block the demon wind monkey that is equivalent to seven steps? 差距,他们感受到了深深的差距。同样的魔兽令他们险些团灭,而对方却就那么抵挡住了,而且还是在魔风猴全力爆发的情况下。这神女统帅的猎魔团竟然如此之强吗?不只是神女梦露一个人强大,那站在正面始终用圣引灵炉连接魔兽的骑士,更是如同中流砥柱一般。这是猎魔团选拔赛排名第三的那位。他真的是五阶吗?五阶能挡得住相当于七阶的魔风猴? At this moment, suddenly, they saw Long Dangdang of passive defensive has lifted the head suddenly, but the connection directs the spirit furnace ray suddenly to change in demon wind monkey Saint, the original golden color, changed strange colored suddenly. The color light directs the hauling of spirit furnace through the Saint together, transmitted on the demon wind monkey. 就在这时,突然之间,他们看到了一直被动防御的龙当当突然抬起了头,而连接在魔风猴身上的圣引灵炉光芒突然一变,原本的金色,突然变化出了奇异的彩色。紧接着,一道彩光就通过圣引灵炉的牵引,传递到了魔风猴身上。 In an instant, the demon wind monkey azure bright body was almost instantaneously stiff in in the air, element first vanished , that azure bright ray was also defeated and dispersed, revealed the original dark green hair. 刹那间,魔风猴青碧色的身体几乎是瞬间就僵硬在了空中,身上的元素化首先消失,紧接着,就连那青碧色的光芒都随之溃散,显露出了原本的墨绿色毛发。 This is...... 这是…… The hunting for demon that let alone observes rolled, even if 19,115,897 hunted for the demon group, the teammates somewhat were still vacant, what this had? 别说观战的猎魔团了,就算是一九一一五八九七猎魔团这边,队友们也都有些茫然,这是发生了什么? Although Long Kongkong has been using the day of deep pool domain to swallow, but the demon wind monkey under element condition, is relying on the windward element controls the spirit strength to restore the speed to be extremely quick, not this several minutes fights can be attracted spatially. But Long Kongkong has avoided behind Long Dangdang, was protected by him well. 虽然龙空空一直都在用天渊领域在吞噬,但元素化状态下的魔风猴,凭借着对风元素的掌控自身灵力恢复速度极快,绝不是这短短几分钟交手就能被吸空的。而龙空空一直躲避在龙当当背后,被他守护的好好的。 Sky blue radiance falls in torrents from Long Dangdang, falls above the Yuan whorl spirit furnace before Long Kongkong body. In an instant, since the upfront looked, the Long Dangdang back looked like presents numerous jet black tentacles to be the same suddenly, extended the two brothers almost to overlap in the same place Saint directs the spirit furnace hauling ray, transmitted on that demon wind monkey rapidly, the aura of demon wind monkey was almost instantaneously feeble. 天蓝色的光华从龙当当背后倾泻而出,落在龙空空身前的元涡灵炉之上。刹那间,从正面看,龙当当背后就像是骤然出现了众多漆黑的触手一般,延着他们兄弟俩几乎重叠在一起的圣引灵炉牵引光芒,迅速传递到了那魔风猴身上,魔风猴的气息几乎是瞬间就衰弱了下来。 Branch rapid sweeping across of town/subdues demon trees on. At the beginning, the demon wind monkey can also shut off these town/subdues demon trees with the sharp claws the branch, but swallowed its spirit strength along with sea of powerful swallowing day deep pool in rapidly, the resistance also gradually became weak. 一根根镇魔树的枝条飞速的席卷而上。刚开始的时候,魔风猴还能用利爪切断这些镇魔树的树枝,但伴随着天渊之海强大的吞噬里飞速吞噬它的灵力,反抗也渐渐变得弱了下来。 Long Dangdang is feeling Long Kongkong through the sea of day deep pool the spirit strength that transmits from oneself unceasingly, he finished continues to maintain the conflagration, the condition of whole person replied best. 龙当当感受着龙空空通过天渊之海从自己背后不断传来的灵力,他结束持续维持着的爆燃,整个人的状态都回复到了最佳。 This is the wisdom spirit furnace powerful place. So long as can block the opponent , the Long Kongkong Yuan whorl spirit furnace had the opportunity, the assistances of two big wisdom spirit furnaces, its effect without doubt excellent. 这就是智慧灵炉强大的地方。只要能够挡住对手,那么,龙空空的元涡灵炉就有了用武之地,有两大智慧灵炉的辅助,其效果无疑是绝佳的。 Eight levels of demon beasts, take! 八级魔兽,拿下! The demon wind monkey is not definitely strongest in eight levels of demon beasts, but also definitely is not weakest. Although 19,115,897 does not have seven steps, but six steps have three. In addition their equipment, what is more important is the spirit furnace. Under the premise without use god Qi Cangyue angel, took the demon wind monkey as before. 魔风猴在八级魔兽之中肯定不算最强的,但也肯定不是最弱的。一九一一五八九七这边虽然没有一个七阶,但六阶却有三位之多。再加上他们的装备,更重要的是灵炉。在没有动用神祈沧月天使的前提下,依旧拿下了魔风猴。 The body that four clone with Long Dangdang dissolves as one, clearly had the purple ray to glitter in that flash Long Dangdang eyeground. 四道分身与龙当当的身体重新溶为一体,在那一瞬间龙当当眼底分明有紫色光芒闪烁了一下。 Element peeling! This is the real reason that the demon wind monkey is defeated. Also is the Long Dangdang heart minute/share uses, lets four clone to prepare the magics. 元素剥离!这就是魔风猴落败的真正原因。也是龙当当心分而用,让四个分身准备着的魔法。 Initially, he saw with one's own eyes the Zisang colored glaze glimmer to take four big foundation attributes to use the element to strip this powerful magic as the foundation. This magic even can affect in certain range, scatters various species elements. Especially scatters the ability to be strongest to the attribute that itself includes. Stripped the element, even can have the short time the element vacuum. 当初,他就曾经亲眼看到过子桑琉荧以四大基础属性为根基使用过元素剥离这个强大的魔法。这个魔法甚至可以作用在一定范围之内,驱散各种属性的元素。尤其是对本身所包括的属性驱散能力最强。剥离了元素,甚至能够产生短时间的元素真空。 Long Kongkong directed the spirit furnace to display the Yuan whorl to swallow through the Saint, gave the Long Dangdang inspiration. After he has the water, fires, earth and wind four clone, he has been able to use the element to strip this magic. Regarding the ordinary magician, wants to use this magic, must control these four big foundation attributes simultaneously, moreover must let four big foundation attribute balance powers as far as possible, can use. This is extremely difficult. 龙空空通过圣引灵炉来施展元涡吞噬,给了龙当当启发。当他拥有水、火、土、风四个分身之后,他就已经可以使用元素剥离这个魔法了。对于普通魔法师来说,想要使用这个魔法,必须要同时掌控这四大基础属性,而且还要尽可能让四大基础属性的力量平衡,才能使用。这本身就是极难的。 When Long Dangdang awakened the final earth attribute, he requested like the purple day dance, learned/studied this magic. Today this is the first use, the time of therefore reciting was a little long. This also and heart divides two to use the relations, is not obviously skilled. But he completed eventually. 而当龙当当觉醒了最后的土属性时,他就像紫天舞请求,学习了这个魔法。今天这还是第一次使用,所以吟唱的时间有点长。这也和心分二用有关系,明显不算熟练。但他终究还是完成了。 Moreover, when he completes this magic, plants the strange feeling, he when displays the element peeling, element balanced obvious some are unstable, because he is continue withstand the attack of being bewitched wind monkey, although can keep one eye on through the law of imaginary heart losing concentration, but also has certain impact. 而且,当他完成这个魔法的时候,还有种奇怪的感觉,他在施展元素剥离的时候,元素平衡明显有些不稳定,因为他在持续承受着魔风猴的攻击,虽然通过幻心分神之法能够一心二用,但也有一定的影响。 But is not steady in the element peeling, even nearly must be defeated, his within the body as if has a special strength to appear, what strength he himself does not talk clearly that is, immediately makes some unstable four big elements simultaneously steady, element peeling also smooth use, use time, even he also has to plant should such feeling. As if this magic is own strength. 而就在元素剥离不稳,甚至险些要失败的时候,他体内似乎有种特殊的力量出现,他自己也说不清那是一种什么样的力量,立刻就让有些不稳定的四大元素同时变得平稳起来,元素剥离也顺畅的使用出来,使用的时候,甚至他还有种本该如此的感觉。仿佛这个魔法本来就是属于自己的力量似的。 Although will not continue to attempt now again, but in Long Dangdang heart actually some strong feelings, if oneself will use this magic next time again time, completing the speed certainly this time will be much quicker than today. 虽然现在不会再继续尝试,但龙当当心中却有种强烈的感觉,如果自己下次再使用这个魔法的时候,完成速度一定会比今天这次快得多。 Long Dangdang touches own forehead, in that flickered a moment ago, he felt on the forehead as if to be cool indistinctly, as if many anything, but put out a hand to touch at this time, all were also normal. 龙当当摸了摸自己的额头,就在刚才那一瞬,他隐约感觉到额头上似乎凉了一下似的,似乎多了点什么,但此时伸手去摸,一切又是正常的。 Directs spirit furnace the strength of hauling to become weak demon wind monkey to entrain through the Saint before own. The demon wind monkey grimaces as before again, although is weak, but can actually look, it is still very angry, even somewhat is anxious. Long Dangdang gives it with the town/subdues demon tree body-fusion peach numerous safeguards. This after all is seven step demon beasts, processing is quite troublesome, this is not the demon beast type that small eight can shock, the equivalent is also high, wants to tame it obviously is not an easy matter. 通过圣引灵炉的牵引之力将已经变得虚弱的魔风猴拉拽到自己身前。魔风猴依旧再呲牙咧嘴,虽然虚弱,但却能看得出来,它依旧十分愤怒,甚至还有些焦急。龙当当将它交给与镇魔树合体的桃林林看管。这毕竟是七阶魔兽,处理起来也比较麻烦,这也不是小八能够震慑的魔兽类型,等阶又高,想要将其驯服显然不是一件容易的事情。 Completes all these, Long Dangdang then looked that to that by the hunting for demon group that they rescue. 做完这一切,龙当当这才看向那支被他们救援下来的猎魔团。 At this time, the opposite party also holds is being injured the heavy assassin and summon master, walked toward them. 此时,对方也已经扶着受伤不轻的刺客和召唤师,朝着他们这边走了过来。 Is the knight right fist horizontal chest of head, to Long Dangdang good a ritual, thanked your rescues, I was the river autumn, 19,115,903 hunted for the regimental commander of demon group.” 为首的骑士右拳横胸,向龙当当行了一礼,“感谢你们的救援,我是江清秋,一九一一五九零三猎魔团的团长。” Long Dangdang said: Hello, I am 19,115,897 hunt for demon group regimental commander Long Dangdang. Among robe Ze, the mutual attention should be. Are you all right?” 龙当当道:“你好,我是一九一一五八九七猎魔团团长龙当当。袍泽之间,守望相助是应该的。你们没事吧?” The river autumn smiles bitterly saying: Our assassins and summoned master injury was quite heavy, was a little troublesome. This time was really troubles you.” 江清秋苦笑道:“我们的刺客和召唤师伤的比较重,有点麻烦。这次真的是麻烦伱们了。” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: Rejoiced companion who very much you had not died in battle. I want to ask, why my demon wind monkey will attack you. The demon wind monkey is the vegetarian demon beast, the itself character is also quite temperate.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“很庆幸你们没有阵亡的同伴。我想问一下,为什么我这只魔风猴会袭击你们。魔风猴是素食魔兽,本身性格也比较温和。” Such remarks, the river autumn expression had some changes immediately, slightly stiff several points, but smiles reluctantly, said: Why we are not clear can like this.” 此言一出,江清秋的表情顿时出现了一些变化,略微僵硬了几分,但还是勉强一笑,道:“我们也不清楚为什么会这样。” The sound of peach numerous conveys from the rear area, that was really strange. The situation of this demon wind monkey is not right, although it at this time was taken by us, but actually very anxious, even also in unceasing struggling. This is in the high rank demon beast that I know one of the character most modest several, although without is very compatible to our human, but their courage are small, generally will meet human to avoid by far, without the reason, how it to attack you?” 桃林林的声音从后方传来,“那真的奇怪了。这只魔风猴的情况非常不对,它此时虽然被我们拿下了,但却非常的焦躁,甚至还在不断的挣扎。这是我知道的高阶魔兽中性格最为温和的几种之一,虽然没有对我们人类特别亲和,但它们胆子较小,一般遇到人类都会远远避开,如果没有原因,它怎么会攻击你们呢?” The Long Dangdang connection said: Commander river, can make you use the requesting reinforcements signal, showed that your lives were threaten. Such temperate demon beast, will present such rebellion, truly is not normal.” 龙当当接口道:“江团长,能让你们使用求援信号,证明你们的生命受到了威胁。这么温和的魔兽,会出现这样的暴动,确实是不正常的。” This and you have not related.” River autumn behind male magician somewhat hot tempered saying. “这和你们没关系。”江清秋身后的男性魔法师有些暴躁的说道。 Ling Menglu has arrived at side Long Dangdang at this time, she looks to the river autumn, „is this you treats the attitude of savior?” 凌梦露此时已经来到龙当当身边,她看向江清秋,“这就是你们对待救命恩人的态度吗?” Sorry.” The river autumn turn head stared an behind companion, after he hesitant one next, sighed, said: Good, that told the facts. We were previously exploring, discovered the lair of demon wind monkey.” “抱歉。”江清秋回头瞪了一眼身后的同伴,他犹豫了一下后,叹息一声,道:“好吧,那就实话实说了。我们先前在探索中,发现了魔风猴的巢穴。” Such remarks, Long Dangdang and ice Monroe one understood. Ling Menglu blurted out: „Did you catch the child of this demon wind monkey?” 此言一出,龙当当和凌梦露一下就明白了。凌梦露脱口而出道:“你们抓了这魔风猴的孩子?” River autumn expression somewhat awkward nod. 江清秋的表情有些尴尬的点了点头。 No wonder that demon wind monkey did not die the continuous appearance, was the child is grasped unexpectedly. As the parents, how the demon wind monkey can endure patiently. 难怪那魔风猴一副不死不休的样子了,竟然是孩子被抓了。作为父母,魔风猴怎能忍耐。 Long Dangdang brow slightly pressed, perhaps Commander river, must trouble you to put the child of demon wind monkey. You should know, strikes to kill the demon beast to buckle the meritorious service, but the demon wind monkey was caught in child's situation by you, we not possible to tame it. Does not have the means to consume the strength to fetter eight levels of demon beasts. But if put it, you were also dangerous. Hands over its child, we find the way to convince it to leave.” 龙当当眉头微蹙,“江团长,恐怕要麻烦你们将魔风猴的孩子放了。你应该知道,击杀魔兽是要扣功勋的,而魔风猴在被你们抓了孩子的情况下,我们根本就不可能将它驯服。更没办法一直耗费实力束缚着一只八级魔兽。但如果将它放了,你们又危险了。交出它的孩子,我们想办法说服它离开吧。” „Did you say the junction on the junction?” This opens the mouth, is the river autumn the summon master in team. “你说交就交?”这次开口的,是江清秋团队中的召唤师。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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