STSBAFGG :: Volume #16

#1509: 2 people of 1, has the qualifications of fight reluctantly, emperor Hao...

This, arrives absurdly somewhat is even funny. 这一幕,荒谬到甚至有些滑稽。 One is sufficiently Primal Chaos Physique of cover press/pressure I. 一个是足以盖压一世的混沌体 One is human and animals harmless little loli. 一个是人畜无害的小萝莉。 Finally presents this, making one even have not a very awkward funny feeling. 结果却出现这一幕,令人甚至有种啼笑皆非的滑稽感。 Qian snow, comes back.” Jun Xiaoyao smiles. “芊雪,回来吧。”君逍遥笑笑。 The small Qian snow was making an ugly face to the non- day, then ran up to Jun Xiaoyao behind. 小芊雪对着非天做了一个鬼脸,然后跑到了君逍遥身后。 She...... what thing?” “她……什么东西?” The non- day recovers, discovered behind oneself, is one piece wet cold. 非天回过神来,发现自己背后,已经是一片湿冷。 Non- day, you how?” “非天,你怎么了?” Week Heavenly Dao and the others, the expression is also very astonished. 天道子等人,表情也是十分惊异。 „The doll, is a little strange.” “那女娃,有点古怪。” The non- day does not dare to look at the small Qian snow again. 非天不敢再看小芊雪。 Ok, I know that you come this's goal, but to give a Jun demonstration of authority.” “好了,我知道你来此的目的,不过是为了给君某一个下马威。” Actually, Jun also and does not care.” “其实,君某也并不在意。” After all this is the Jun engagement feast, coming a clown to add to the fun, pours also well.” The Jun Xiaoyao smile said. “毕竟这是君某的订婚宴,来个小丑助助兴,倒也不错。”君逍遥微笑道。 What did you say?” “你说什么?” The non- day pupil stares, complexion cold. 非天眸子一瞪,脸色冷了下来。 Many people hear this saying, deeply inspires. 许多人听到这话,也是深吸一口气。 Dares the strongest line of dark green clan, present age Primal Chaos Physique, to be called the clown.. 敢把苍族的最强道子,当世混沌体,称为小丑。。 Also only then Jun Xiaoyao had this qualifications and boldness. 也只有君逍遥有这个资格和魄力了。 I, give you this opportunity, adds the color for the wedding banquet, is adds to the fun to the everyone guest.” Jun Xiaoyao said. “我,给你们这个机会,为婚宴添彩,也算是给诸位宾客助助兴。”君逍遥道。 That comes.” The non- day sinking sound said, one step treads. “那就来吧。”非天沉声道,一步踏出。 He must be in front of thousands of people on the scene, defeats Jun Xiaoyao personally, rectifies names for he himself. 他要当着在场成百上千万人的面,亲手击败君逍遥,为他自己正名。 Does not have the hear clearly, I mean...... you.” Jun Xiaoyao looked at an emperor sky. “难道没听清楚吗,我是说……你们。”君逍遥看了一眼帝昊天。 Un? Jun Xiaoyao, you?” The emperor sky complexion also slightly changes. “嗯?君逍遥,你难道?”帝昊天脸色也是微微一变。 Right, your two people together, have reluctantly with the qualifications that I fight.” “没错,你们两人一起,才勉强有与我交手的资格。” The Jun Xiaoyao big sleeve strokes, tone light say/way. 君逍遥大袖一拂,语气平淡道。 That cannot even call it proudly. 那甚至已经不能称之为自傲了。 It seems like, this is a normal matter. 就好像,这是一件再正常不过的事情。 But the audience at this moment, is the deathly stillness. 但全场此刻,都是死寂。 The emperor sky, Primal Chaos Physique , may control existence of first. 帝昊天,混沌体,哪一个,都是可主宰一世的存在。 Jun Xiaoyao, actually must by an enemy two, moreover said is very natural, does not support by hard and stubborn effort must install to compel. 君逍遥,却是要以一敌二,而且还说的很自然,并不是硬撑着要装逼。 Jun Xiaoyao, you are to my insult!” 君逍遥,你这是对我的侮辱!” The emperor sky pupil is fearful. 帝昊天瞳孔慑人。 His present cultivation base, already today we are no longer as we have been. 他如今的修为,已经今非昔比。 Does not despise, but is the fact so.” Jun Xiaoyao said. “并非小看,而是事实如此。”君逍遥道。 Hehe, good, Jun Xiaoyao, such being the case, that comes!” “呵呵,好,君逍遥,既然如此,那就来吧!” The emperor sky is not willing to say anything. 帝昊天也不愿多说什么了。 His plan, being doomed to be implemented perfectly. 他的计划,注定可以完美实施。 At present attended the Jun Xiaoyao engagement feast, but to solve own heart demon forget it/that's all. 眼下参加君逍遥的订婚宴,不过是为了解决自己的一丝心魔罢了 The emperor sky in the wink of an eye, flashes plunders to Jun Xiaoyao, is going to a Jun Xiaoyao fist bombardment! 帝昊天瞬息之间,闪掠向君逍遥,对着君逍遥一拳轰击而去! What's the matter, does the emperor sky dare unexpectedly with the Jun Family Divine Child near body fight?” “怎么回事,帝昊天竟然敢和君家神子近身战斗?” Presents some cultivator unable to bear call out in alarm. 在场一些修士都是忍不住惊呼。 Jun Xiaoyao fleshly body, is needless to say anything, is almost the ancient and modern unparalleled, young generation of invincibility. 君逍遥肉身,已经不用多说什么了,几乎是古今无双,年轻一辈无敌。 In the Supreme seven boundaries, even if Dao Venerable, wants to destroy his fleshly body is also almost impossible. 至尊七境,哪怕是道尊,想毁灭他的肉身也是几乎不可能。 It seems like had the energy.” “看来是有底气了。” Jun Xiaoyao also reveals the unusual look. 君逍遥也是露出异色。 Although fleshly body of emperor sky is not bad, but that is other relative people. 帝昊天的肉身虽不差,但那是相对其他人而言。 Compared with Jun Xiaoyao, that was very frail. 君逍遥比,那就很脆弱了。 Bang! 轰! However, what is accidental/surprised is. 然而,令人意外的是。 An emperor sky fist, void shattered unexpectedly. 帝昊天一拳,竟是把虚空都震裂了。 Ancient, the great antiquity, such as the god demon general strength, bursts out from his within the body. 一股古老,洪荒,如神魔一般的力量,从他的体内迸发而出。 Jun Xiaoyao, then ordinary, a palm ejects, smuggles the wind and thunder, the space shakes! 君逍遥,则平平无奇,一掌击出,夹带风雷,空间震荡! Bang! 砰! As if two Ancient God are preying, the world is shaking, makes such as bell cry-like the enormous and powerful voice. 仿佛两位古神在搏杀,天地都在震荡,发出如钟鸣般的浩荡声音。 This strikes, Jun Xiaoyao steadily strength. 这一击,君逍遥稳稳战力。 The emperor sky was shaken drew back several steps. 帝昊天则是被震退了几步。 How can!” “怎么会!” Some cultivator are surprised. 一些修士惊讶。 They are not the surprised emperor sky are shaken draw back. 他们不是惊讶帝昊天被震退。 But is the emperor sky, how to be only shaken drew back how many steps? 而是帝昊天,怎么只才被震退了几步? Properly speaking, at the Jun Xiaoyao fleshly body intensity, even if only ordinary wields a palm , should not be so right. 按理说,以君逍遥肉身强度,哪怕只是平平无奇挥出一掌,也不该如此才对。 Ancient Fleshly Body Method?” “古老的肉身法门?” The Jun Xiaoyao pupil light/only passes, saw through the method of emperor sky. 君逍遥眸光流转,一眼就看穿了帝昊天的手段。 Is it possible that...... is in the legend mixes the Nascent Spirit demon body, one type was almost lost physique, hearsay, only then has been mixed Nascent Spirit demon immortal scripture to be able cultivation.” “那……莫非是传说中的混元神魔体,一种几乎失传了的体质,传闻只有得到混元神仙经才能修炼。” May mix Nascent Spirit demon immortal scripture to be lost for a long time.” Vision quite high Desolate Antiquity Aristocratic Family Quasi-Emperor is surprised the different way. “可混元神仙经已经失传许久了。”一位眼界颇高的荒古世家准帝诧异道。 So that's how it is, mixes the Nascent Spirit demon body, the hearsay is one type is on par sufficiently first Heavenly God demon, the powerful physique of chaos lifeform!” “原来如此,混元神魔体,传闻是一种足以比肩先天神魔,混沌生物的强大体质!” Some people on the scene also responded. 在场的一些人也是反应了过来。 However, they have not had doubts anything. 不过,他们倒没有疑惑什么。 The emperor sky was the immortal courtyard in the ancient times few sovereigns, some rare collections, as if also excusable. 帝昊天身为仙庭古代少皇,有一些罕见的珍藏,似乎也情有可原。 However, having Jun Xiaoyao is clear. 但是,只有君逍遥清楚。 This mixes Nascent Spirit demon immortal scripture, absolutely is not the collection of immortal courtyard. 这混元神仙经,绝对不是仙庭的珍藏。 Should be that grandfather of emperor sky teaches for along his. 应该是帝昊天的那位随身老爷爷传授给他的。 Jun Xiaoyao, surprised, but also incessantly so!” 君逍遥,惊讶吗,但还不止如此!” The emperor sky reveals wipes to smile. 帝昊天露出一抹笑。 He wields conveniently, many principles, condense the twinkle star, such as the bean is common. 他随手一挥,诸多法则,凝聚成星星点点,如豆子一般。 Finally, melted the one after another aura powerful form. 最后,化出了一道道气息强悍的身影。 Working miracles, is a Mungu unique skill!” “撒豆成兵,又是一门古绝技!” Then, the people were the real surprise. 这下,众人是真的诧异了。 These methods, emperor sky previous time to fighting Jun Xiaoyao time, has not displayed. 这些手段,帝昊天上次对战君逍遥的时候,都没有施展过。 That innumerable form, charges into Jun Xiaoyao. 那无数身影,冲向君逍遥 Although Jun Xiaoyao has an accident/surprise, but was still tranquil. 君逍遥虽有一丝意外,不过仍旧平静。 He refers to for the sword, sword qi spurts thinly, five big sword Dao God secret arts split up the innumerable Dao Sword shades, these form annihilations. 他并指为剑,剑气喷薄,五大剑道神诀分化出无数道剑影,将那些身影湮灭。 Emperor sky, then kills again. 帝昊天,则再度杀上。 After making up for fleshly body this flaw. 在弥补了肉身这个缺陷后。 Emperor sky, had and energy of Jun Xiaoyao close combat finally. 帝昊天,也终于是有了和君逍遥近战的底气。 The emperor sky stimulates to movement his talent divine ability again, first air/Qi of Heavenly Dragon sovereign! 帝昊天再度催动他的天赋神通,先天龙皇之气! The radiant golden aura, gushes out, changes into first five claw gold signs of the dragon, twines in his body surface. 璀璨的金色气息,喷薄而出,化为一头五爪黄金大龙,缠绕在他体表。 Meanwhile, mixes the Nascent Spirit demon body stimulation of movement. 同时,混元神魔体催动。 Faint within, as if has god of demon to reappear, in the standing erect universe, the aura is ancient. 隐隐间,仿佛有古之神魔浮现,矗立宇宙之中,气息古老浩荡。 Two strengths, enforcement in emperor sky body. 两种力量,加持在帝昊天身上 A Jun Xiaoyao fist wields, collides with the emperor sky. 君逍遥一拳挥出,与帝昊天碰撞。 Explodes void extinguishes, fluctuation terrifying to the extreme. 虚空炸灭,波动恐怖到极点。 If not there is a Jun Family old ancestor layout space to tie, feared that is the surroundings world takes one piece in confusion. 若非有君家老祖布下空间结界,怕是周围天地都要一片狼藉。 Had two big strength enforcement, the emperor sky can meet the tough head-on with toughness with Jun Xiaoyao. 有了两大力量加持,帝昊天才能和君逍遥硬碰硬。 Naturally, this is Jun Xiaoyao has not stimulated to movement the fleshly body situation completely, but has the move in very ordinary way. 当然,这也是君逍遥没有完全催动肉身的情况,只是以很普通的方式出招。 He wants to know, the emperor sky also has what trick. 他想知道,帝昊天还有什么花样。 Sure enough, emperor sky later, was displays some dazzlingly, thumping the table and shouting praise divine ability. 果不其然,帝昊天随后,也是施展出了一些令人眼花缭乱,拍案叫绝的神通 For example flying snake mentioned in ancient legends god good technique, this is an unsurpassed big technique. 比如腾蛇神行术,这是一种无上大术。 even/including Chun the blood flying snake mentioned in ancient legends was rare, let alone this big technique. 连纯血腾蛇都少见了,更别说这种大术。 Moreover, nine quiet great divine ability. 另外,还有九幽大神通 This is nine quiet ao lineage/vein divine ability, does not leak, the emperor sky actually also displayed. 这是九幽獓一脉的神通,并不外传,帝昊天却也施展出来了。 It can be said that present emperor sky, really like being reborn general, before him, is no comparison between them. 可以说,现在的帝昊天,真的如同脱胎换骨一般,和之前的他,不可同日而语。 But Jun Xiaoyao, facing the offensive of emperor sky, motionless does not swing, performs obviously calmly. 君逍遥,面对帝昊天的攻势,不动不摇,尽显从容。 The emperor sky sees that the eye pupil also sinks. 帝昊天见状,眼眸也是一沉。 His again take action, aura all Neuhut palm. 他再度出手,气息尽数纳于手掌。 Then, in void a trace, seemed like ordinary. 然后,在虚空化出了一道痕迹,看似平平无奇 Actually is the command reveres unreliably, the god reveres, is Dao Venerable, has an absolutely terrified feeling. 却是令许多玄尊,神尊,乃是道尊,都有一种毛骨悚然之感。 That trace, as if integrated the world together, is falling to Jun Xiaoyao, quiet silent, actually as terrifying as the extreme. 那一道痕迹,仿佛融入了天地,对着君逍遥落去,寂寂无声,却恐怖到极点。 This move, as if can separate the say/way between world! 这一招,仿佛能割裂天地间的道!
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