STSBAFGG :: Volume #16

#1508: Extends to give Jun Family to hit the face, Primal Chaos Physique by little loli...

The Primal Chaos Physique non- day, remains unmoved, not with other seven people of together take action. 混沌体非天,不为所动,没有和其他七人一起出手 He is Heaven eight child eighth, is a strength strongest line. 他是上苍八子中的第八子,也是实力最强的一位道子。 He today this's goal, is only for Jun Xiaoyao, no other other. 他今日来此的目的,只是为了君逍遥,别无其他。 A big world, can only Primal Chaos Physique head list of successful candidates. 一个大世,只能有一位混沌体独领风骚。 He does not permit Jun Xiaoyao and he carves up, is the Primal Chaos Physique honor. 他不允许君逍遥和他瓜分,属于混沌体的荣光。 The non- day does not have take action temporarily, he will look at the war. 非天暂时没出手,他将目光投向战局。 Jun Family three, fights the seven lines of dark green clan. 君家三杰,一战苍族的七位道子。 From the population, is the dark green clan line gets the advantage. 从人数上来看,是苍族道子占优势。 But sometimes, the population cannot represent all. 但有时候,人数并不能代表一切。 It seems like Jun Xiaoyao, by his strength, can a person select Heaven horizontally eight. 就好像君逍遥,以他的实力,可以一人横挑上苍八子。 The population in front of Jun Xiaoyao, does not have the slight significance. 人数在君逍遥面前,没有丝毫意义。 Void battlefield, great volatility. 虚空中的战场,波动极大。 The dark green clan seven lines, display divine ability, the world shake, the azure light overflows. 苍族七位道子,施展神通,天地震荡,青光流溢。 Represented Heaven probably simply, must try judgement all creation. 简直像是代表了上苍本身,要审判裁决万物 But Jun Family three, the strength is to have no time to let much. 君家三杰,实力亦是不遑多让。 Jun Lingcang, Layered Pupil crack day. 君凌苍,重瞳裂天。 In the left eye, there is the glow of pitch-black destruction to spurt thinly! 左眼中,有乌黑的毁灭之芒喷薄! In the right eye, there is a flaming god light/only to jump shoots! 右眼中,有炽盛的神光迸射! The life and death, are cloudy and Yang, light and darkness. 生与死,阴与阳,光与暗。 The world divides the Yin-Yang, Layered Pupil spreads out the chaos! 天地分阴阳,重瞳衍混沌! In an instant, the world seemed divided into two halves by the Jun Lingcang pupil light! 刹那间,天地仿佛都被君凌苍的眸光分为了两半! He takes a step, if Layered Pupil Divine King is born, suppresses to dominating Heavenly Dao! 他迈步而出,若重瞳神王降世,镇压向霸天道子! Titter! 噗嗤! Dominates Heavenly Dao to be struck to shake by Jun Lingcang unexpectedly flies! 天道子竟是被君凌苍一击震飞! Sprawling drunk battlefield Jun Moxiao, went on an expedition several people to return since ancient times!” “醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回!” The Jun Moxiao stimulation of movement person sovereign body, a radiant Emperor canopy appears, the silk threads principle aura lets fall under.. 君莫笑催动人皇体,一顶璀璨的帝王华盖出现,丝丝缕缕的法则气息垂落而下。。 He grasps the long spear/gun that the god umbrella changes into, similarly the suppression goes, if one generation of Heaven's Chosen rulers, fight intent flaming, the pressure is unparalleled! 他手持神伞化为的长枪,同样镇压而去,若一代天骄帝皇,战意熊熊,威压盖世! But Monarch leaves depart, appearance ordinary, the aura is also ordinary. 而君别离,容貌平平无奇,气息也是平平无奇 He is only simple, strokes the palm suppression to go. 他只是简简单单,拂掌镇压而去。 All that simple, Grand Dao to Jane/simple. 一切都是那么地朴素,大道至简。 Nothing gaudy, actually gives the non- world that the person an emperor rules to be dignified! 没有任何花里胡哨,却总给人一种天子君临的不世威严! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Intense to fighting eruption. 激烈的对战爆发。 But those who make the audience several hundred more than ten million guests stunned is. 而让全场数百上千万宾客愕然的是。 The dark green clan seven lines, are unable to suppress Jun Family three Heaven's Chosen unexpectedly. 苍族七位道子,竟然无法镇压君家三位天骄 Even in turn encountered the suppression. 甚至反过来遭到了压制。 This indeed makes everyone somewhat shock. 这的确让所有人都是有些大跌眼镜。 After all in their eyes, the dark green clan under water surface, is the mysterious, powerful synonym. 毕竟在他们眼中,水面之下的苍族,就是神秘,强大的代名词。 The Heaven eight, should be the younger generation most is also right. 其上苍八子,应该也是年轻一代最强才对。 Finally now, the Heaven eight child seven people, are been ruthless by Jun Family three Heaven's Chosen. 结果现在,上苍八子中的七人,却是在被君家三位天骄狠虐。 This lets many people are the accident/surprise. 这让许多人都是意外。 This......” “这……” The Primal Chaos Physique non- day, in the pupil is also reveals wipes the unusual look. 混沌体非天,眸中也是露出一抹异色。 He thinks, Jun Family only then a Jun Xiaoyao person, can make him look at one much. 他以为,君家只有君逍遥一人,能让他多看一眼。 Finally now, can enter Heaven's Chosen of his eye, incessantly 1-2! 结果现在,能入他眼的天骄,不止1-2! You were dissolute, our dark green clan line, results in the day to care, has the Heavenly Dao royal crown, is doomed existence of proving the dao to become Emperor!” “尔等放肆,我们苍族道子,得天眷顾,拥有天道王冠,是注定证道成帝的存在!” Week Heavenly Dao and the others drink severely, shames angry incomparable. 天道子等人厉喝,羞恼无比。 They today this, is to suppress Jun Xiaoyao and Jun Family arrogance. 他们今日来此,是要打压君逍遥君家气焰的。 However, let alone coped with Jun Xiaoyao. 然而,别说对付君逍遥了。 Jun Lingcang and the others, can make them have this awkward behavior. 就连君凌苍等人,都能让他们出这种洋相。 Has the Heavenly Dao royal crown to be able proving Emperor, this was unable to show that you are the waste?” Jun Lingcang sneers a sound said. “拥有天道王冠才能证帝,这还不能证明你们都是废物吗?”君凌苍冷笑一声道。 Truly has the big breadth of spirit person, light/only depends on itself, can proving the Dao. 真正有大气魄的人,光靠自己,就能够证道 Does not need to draw support from the Heavenly Dao gracious gift. 无需借助天道的恩赐。 Right, my Jun Family remote ancestor, abandons the heaven the gracious gift, oneself went out of own to say.” “没错,我君家远祖,摒弃苍天的恩赐,自己走出了一条自己的道。” In comparison, you, although says the Heavenly Dao darling, but is actually Heavenly Dao running dog forget it/that's all.” Jun Moxiao also said. “相比之下,你们虽自称天道的宠儿,但其实不过是天道的走狗罢了。”君莫笑也是说道。 You...... dare to blaspheme my dark green clan and heaven unexpectedly!” “你们……竟然敢亵渎吾苍族与苍天!” Week Heavenly Dao and the others could not be calm. 天道子等人都淡定不了了。 They today, are give Jun Family demonstration of authority. 他们今日,是来给君家下马威的。 How to feel, now seems like, do oneself extend to give Jun Family to hit the face? 怎么感觉,现在反倒像是,自己把脸伸出来给君家打? Bang! 轰! The next quarter, week Heavenly Dao and the others, offers a sacrifice to the Heavenly Dao royal crown. 下一刻,周天道子等人,都是祭出了天道王冠。 The Heavenly Dao royal crown, presents the color of chaos, dim, probably does not have the slight color, seemed like gathered the color. 天道王冠,呈现混沌之色,朦朦胧胧,像是没有丝毫色彩,又像是汇聚了万般色彩。 Various rune, Grand Dao, Divine Chains of Order, above the interweaving brand mark, forms an unsurpassed royal crown. 各种符文,大道,秩序神链,交织烙印其上,形成一顶无上王冠。 Sees the Heavenly Dao royal crown, presents many cultivator, is reveals to admire the color. 看到天道王冠,在场许多修士,都是露出艳羡之色。 Obtains a Heavenly Dao royal crown, in the future will be doomed to be able proving Emperor. 得到一顶天道王冠,日后注定能够证帝 This can be said as Heavenly Dao most precious rewarding. 这可以说是天道最珍贵的赏赐。 Although this thing, Jun Lingcang and other Heaven's Chosen could not have a liking, because they depend on themselves to be able proving Emperor. 虽然这东西,君凌苍天骄看不上,因为他们靠自己就能证帝 But this time, how many such evildoer/monstrous talent also there are? 但这时间,又有几个这样的妖孽呢? Is ordinary all living things. 绝大部分,都是普通众生而已。 Therefore this Heavenly Dao royal crown to presenting overwhelming majority cultivator, has the enormous attraction. 所以这天道王冠对在场绝大部分修士,都有极大的吸引力。 Naturally, to Jun Xiaoyao, even if placed in front of him, he will not care. 当然,对君逍遥来说,就算摆在他面前,他也不会在意。 After all he has own saying that took the own road. 毕竟他已经有自己的道,走出了自己的路。 In the universe world rule, belongs to Jun Xiaoyao own , there is nothing to do with Heavenly Dao. 内宇宙的天地规则,都是属于君逍遥自己的,和天道无关。 Therefore this thing, Jun Xiaoyao somewhat looks really does not glance. 所以这东西,君逍遥着实是有些看不上眼。 But over time, even if offers a sacrifice to Heavenly Dao royal crown week Heavenly Dao and the others, is unable to suppress the Jun Lingcang three people. 而随着时间推移,即便是祭出天道王冠的周天道子等人,也无法压制君凌苍三人。 However, they after all are the dark green clan lines, weakly is also again weak not. 但是,他们毕竟是苍族道子,再弱也弱不到哪里去。 Although is at a disadvantage, but has not at least caused heavy losses spits blood that distressedly, most is the face does not have up. 虽然处于下风,但至少没有重创吐血那么狼狈,最多就是脸面无光。 Seven put together can be victorious others three. 七个加在一起都打不过人家三个。 Sufficed, comes back.” “够了,都回来吧。” The non- day knits the brows to say. 非天皱了皱眉道。 He was unable to continue watching. 他都是看不下去了。 Drags again, is simply disgraceful to the dark green clan. 再拖下去,简直是给苍族丢人现眼。 Week Heavenly Dao and the others, the complexion is exuding the azure, then whitening. 天道子等人,脸色泛着青色,而后变白。 Their calm face drew back. 他们沉着脸退了下来。 Felt that periphery many silent actually unusual vision, they are nervous and uneasy, restless. 感觉到周围诸多无声却异样的目光,他们如芒在背,如坐针毡。 Jun Xiaoyao, today the goal is you.” 君逍遥,今日我们的目标是你。” Heard that you obtained the inheritance of azure emperor, has tall Fang Primal Chaos Physique, was inferior how we do gesticulate?” “听说你得到了青帝的传承,也拥有高仿的混沌体,不如我们比划比划如何?” The non- day one step treads. 非天一步踏出。 His whole body, the azure light surges, chaos air/Qi dissipation. 他周身,青光涌动,混沌气散逸。 The strength of Heavenly Dao, the strength of chaos, as if incomparably blends perfectly in his body. 天道之力,混沌之力,仿佛无比完美地交融在他身上 His that profound aura, must go far beyond other seven lines. 他的那种深邃气息,也要远远超过其余七位道子。 Worthily is Heaven eight child strongest existences. 不愧为上苍八子中最强的存在。 tall Fang Primal Chaos Physique? Are you despising the azure emperor?” The Jun Xiaoyao tone brings to wipe to ponder. “高仿的混沌体?你这是在蔑视青帝?”君逍遥语气带着一抹玩味。 Such remarks, the non- day feels immediately, the surroundings innumerable vision, bring faint unusual and badness. 此话一出,非天顿时感觉到,周围无数目光,都是带着隐隐的异样和不善。 The azure emperor, once at the body, blocked the gap of border pass, forms the god ruins world. 青帝,曾以身躯,堵住了边关的缺口,形成神墟世界。 It may be said that is the hero who Immortal Territory ten thousand venerate to pay homage to spirit. 可谓是仙域万灵尊崇膜拜的英雄。 Now non- day word, is saying, the azure emperor is also tall Fang Primal Chaos Physique. 如今非天此言,岂不是在说,青帝也是高仿的混沌体 This absolutely is slandering and blaspheming to hero. 这绝对是一种对英雄的污蔑和亵渎。 Even if the non- day position is lofty, the status is uncommon, but annoyed the popular anger, the reputation went bad thoroughly, even can also affect the destiny. 哪怕非天地位崇高,身份不凡,但惹了众怒,名声就彻底坏了,甚至还能影响到气运。 Snort...... calculates that I made an indiscreet remark.” “哼……算我失言了。” But, I also want to know, is your chaos blue lotus body, is my innate Primal Chaos Physique is stronger.” Non- Heavenly Dao. “不过,我也很想知道,是你的混沌青莲体强,还是我的先天混沌体更强。”非天道 But at this moment, a charmingly gentle voice, if the euphonious sound, resounds suddenly. 而就在这时,一声娇脆若银铃般的声音,忽然响起。 Qian snow does not allow you to destroy the father own engagement feast!” “芊雪不允许你破坏爹亲的订婚宴!” A petite form, jumped, the silver hair is shining, the powder carves the jade to carve, was lovable. 一个娇小的身影,跳了出来,银发灿灿,粉雕玉琢,可爱极了。 Naturally is the small Qian snow. 自然是小芊雪。 Un?” “嗯?” Non- Heavenly God color one cold. Do young dolls dare to hinder him? 天神色一冷。一个小女娃都敢阻碍他了? The non- day takes a quick look around, the double pupil is the eye of chaos, has a pressure that made the person palpitation. 非天一眼看去,双眸乃是混沌之眼,带有一股令人心悸的威压。 However...... 然而…… The small Qian snow, does not dread, looks at each other with the non- day. 小芊雪,毫不畏惧,和非天对视。 Time! 顿时间! The non- day mind such as was struck by lightning! 非天脑海如遭雷击! He as if saw the mountains and rivers are disillusioned, the group star falls from the sky, Great Emperor is weeping with grief the horror that wails! 他仿佛看到了山河破灭,群星陨落,大帝都在悲泣哀嚎的恐怖景象! Snort! 哼! The non- day figure was shaken suddenly draws back, the complexion exudes is wiping pallidly! 非天身形忽然被震退,脸色泛着一抹煞白! This......” “这……” The audience guests are stunned. 全场宾客都是错愕至极。 Solemn did Primal Chaos Physique, retreat in fear by a little loli unexpectedly? 堂堂混沌体,竟然被一个小萝莉吓退了?
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