SBPE :: Volume #3 初遇敌手

#530: Whose pit who

Chapter 0530 第0530章 Whose pit who 到底谁坑谁 Kang Zhaolong thinks, but you are fatty, today I also make you again fat! Let you hit the face swells! With my play? My play dies you! 康照龙想,不过就算你是胖子,今天我也让你再胖一圈!让你把脸打的更肿!和我玩儿?我玩儿死你们! Therefore, Kang Zhaolong nodded, says with a smile: That was embarrassed, was I misunderstood Mr. Lai a moment ago, it seems like Mr. Lai does not want to snatch this Thousand-year snow lotus with me, but wants to buy that attractive box! My this misunderstood Mr. Lai not to have the medicine kind-heartedness actually! Ashamed!” 于是,康照龙点了点头,笑道:“那不好意思了,刚才是我误会赖先生了,看来赖先生并不是想和我抢这株千年雪莲啊,而是想买那个好看的盒子!我这倒是误会了赖先生是没有医者仁心了!惭愧惭愧!” Nonsense, what I want that Thousand-year snow lotus to make, is not delicious, not good play?” Feng Xiaoxiao snort/hum, said: Since knew, you haven't given us?” “废话,我要那个千年雪莲做什么,又不好吃,又不好玩儿?”冯笑笑哼了一声,道:“既然知道了,你还不让给我们?” Hehe, in the Kang Zhaolong heart sneers, the heart said that even if you did not say, I must give your! However, gives your is not Thousand-year snow lotus, but is that box! Don't you like that box? Aren't you want to work as the makeup kit? Good, I help you! Let you and I installs, who my is Kang Zhaolong? Dares with my play this set, to look that my play is not remnant you! 嘿嘿,康照龙心中一声冷笑,心道,就算你不说,我也是要让给你的!不过,让给你的不是千年雪莲,而是那个盒子!你不是喜欢那个盒子么?你不是想要去当化妆盒么?好啊,我就成全你们!让你们和我装,我康照龙是什么人?敢和我玩儿这一套,看我不玩儿残你们的! Hehe, was certainly OK!” Kang Zhaolong said with a smile: Since is the misunderstanding, that was easy to do! Xiaoxiao doesn't younger sister like this box? Then this, after wait for me pats to Thousand-year snow lotus, 50 million sold to you this box! I did not make you go to the expense, did our half, accord to his need what kind of?” “呵呵,当然可以了!”康照龙笑道:“既然是误会,那就好办了!笑笑妹妹不是喜欢这个盒子么?那么这样吧,等我拍到千年雪莲后,将这盒子50000000卖给你!我也不让你们多破费了,咱们一人一半,各取所需怎么样?” Kang Zhaolong said, cloudy measured looks at Fatty Lai and Feng Xiaoxiao, looked how they end! In the Kang Zhaolong heart had determined Feng Xiaoxiao said what buys a box to work as the makeup kit is the nonsense, the story of making the wrong choice has not listened purely? Who will do such two matters? 康照龙说完,就阴测测的看着赖胖子冯笑笑,看他们怎么收场!康照龙心里面已经确定了冯笑笑说什么买个盒子当化妆盒纯粹是鬼话,买椟还珠的故事没听过么?谁会干出这么二的事儿来? Therefore, Kang Zhaolong on the use Feng Xiaoxiao's nonsense, has instead challenged their armed forces! As the matter stands, made them fall into region in a dilemma! If wants to preserve face, that must hit to swell face sufficient fatty, the asking the price with no intention of buying tooth swallows toward the belly, puts out 50 million to come this box to buy! If not concerned about face, that Kang Zhaolong is naturally impossible to compel them to buy, however looks like in Kang Zhaolong, Fatty Lai Company just established, was the honored and popular character, naturally cannot lose face because of these matters, such was too simply embarrassed! 所以,康照龙就利用冯笑笑的鬼话,反将了他们一军!这样一来,就让他们陷入了进退两难的境地了!如果想要保全面子,那就必须要打肿脸充胖子,打落牙齿往肚子里咽,拿出50000000来将这盒子买回去!如果不要脸了,那康照龙自然也不可能逼着他们买,但是在康照龙看来,赖胖子公司刚成立,也是有头有脸的人物了,自然不会因为这些事情而丢了面子,那样简直太难堪了! Medical God Kang and Kang Guifeng somewhat are astonished however looks at Kang Zhaolong, has not thought that Kang Zhaolong so astute, not only in a few words held the bidding initiative, but must install the snow lotus broken wooden box 50 million to sell to Fatty Lai in turn! 康神医康贵丰都有些讶然的看着康照龙,没想到康照龙如此的精明,不但三言两语的就抓住了竞拍的主动权,还要反过来将装雪莲的破木盒50000000卖给赖胖子 This simply is naked buying and selling by using compulsion! Kang Family to not have the fund a moment ago worried, this in an instant, has blackmailed others 50 million! 这简直就是赤裸裸的强买强卖啊!康家刚才还为没有资金而犯愁呢,这转眼之间,就敲诈了别人50000000! Although, most people in auction, does not think that Feng Xiaoxiao's words real, the Kang Zhaolong procedure truly also has nothing the nitpicking place, you must buy the box, others sold to you, what improper has? 虽然,拍卖会上的大多数人,也都不认为冯笑笑的话是真的,不过康照龙的做法确实也没有什么可挑剔的地方,你要买盒子,人家卖给你了,有什么不妥? You Feng Xiaoxiao did intentionally angry staring in a big way the eye, pointed at Kang Zhaolong unable to speak. “你”冯笑笑故作气恼的瞪大了眼睛,指着康照龙说不出话来。 In Kang Zhaolong heart that self-satisfied, the heart said that IQ of your this little rascal little girl, roars Wu Chentian that two goods , compared with my Kang Zhaolong, but also missed far! What kind of? Lifted a rock to drop it on one's own feet? This, you do not buy are not good! 康照龙心中那个得意啊,心道,你这小鬼妞的智商,也就哄哄吴臣天那个二货吧,和我康照龙比起来,还差远了!怎么样?搬起石头砸自己的脚了吧?这回,你不买都不行了! Good! That 50 million, many thanks were well-off you to help!” The Fatty Lai expression is also incomparably splendid, clenched teeth, hating the sound to say. “好!那就50000000,如此说来,多谢小康你成全了!”赖胖子的表情也是无比精彩,咬了咬牙,恨声说道。 Fatty Lai said that on look gloomy sat, but in the heart was crisply has actually exploded, he has not thought that Boss side Little Girl so powerful, several words made the box, moreover cheap larger part! This was too simply good! 赖胖子说完,就面色阴沉的坐了回去,不过心里面却是爽炸了,他没想到老大身边这个小妞如此厉害,几句话就将盒子弄来了,而且还便宜了一大半!这简直太牛了! Secret has raised up the thumb below facing Feng Xiaoxiao, Feng Xiaoxiao is the tooth to smile, then said to Lin Yi: Hey, did I live up to one's words?” 暗暗的在下面对冯笑笑竖起了大拇指,冯笑笑则是呲牙一笑,然后对林逸说道:“喂,我说到做到了吧?” „......” Lin Yi has not thought of Feng Xiaoxiao's wicked scheme these many, yesterday just pit complete human family/home one time, today pit one time! Not only so, but also lets be thought by the pit person has taken the huge advantage! “呵……”林逸也没想到冯笑笑的鬼主意这么多,昨天刚坑完人家一次,今天又坑了一次!不但如此,还让被坑的人以为占了天大的便宜! „Didn't you express?” Feng Xiaoxiao is somewhat disgruntled, she is taking undeserved credit with Lin Yi, but looks at the Lin Yi's expression, does not have anything to be too joyful. “你不表示一下?”冯笑笑有些不悦,她是在和林逸邀功,可是看林逸的表情,也没什么太喜悦的。 Didn't manage you?” Lin Yi asked. “不是理你了么?”林逸反问道。 Snort!” The Feng Xiaoxiao air/Qi do not go excessively, any person! The good intention helps him, even/including Ju thanks does not have. “哼!”冯笑笑气得别过头去,什么人呀!好心帮他,连句谢谢都没有。 Reviews that side Medical God Kang, Medical God Kang and Kang Guifeng are be with smile on the face, but Medical God Kang is praises: Guifeng, your this son, is not simple! It seems like that after our Kang Family, must carry forward in his hands! This 100 million many Thousand-year snow lotus, struck off 50% prices!” 反观康神医那边,康神医康贵丰都是面带喜色,而康神医更是夸赞道:“贵丰啊,你这个儿子,不简单啊!看来,我们康家以后就要在他的手里发扬光大了!这100000000多的千年雪莲,生生的被砍去了一半的价格!” Hehe, but is some does for the occasion but is!” Kang Zhaolong modest saying: Hundred million, the cost was too simply high, even if manufactures the cosmetology to raise myo- Golden Creation Medicine to come, these components can also manufacture 30, each sells the sky-high price 5 million to come , was just under cost price, although we to march aristocratic family, did not hesitate at all costs, but can save, wasn't better?” “呵呵,不过都是一些应景而为罢了!”康照龙谦虚的说道:“一个多亿,成本简直太高了,就算制作出美容养肌金创药来,这些分量也不过能制作30来份,每一份就算卖出天价5000000来,也是刚刚够本而已,虽然我们为了进军世家,不惜一切代价,但是能省点儿,不是更好?” That Feng Xiaoxiao, it is estimated that had a mortal hatred of you.” Medical God Kang happy saying with a smile. “那个冯笑笑啊,估计已经恨死你了。”康神医开心的笑道。 Colleague is an enemy, even if no today's matter, hated.” Kang Zhaolong actually does not care, happily said on the contrary: Yesterday that food, was that Little Girl pit, if I did not double to look from her, did right by she?” “同行是冤家,就算没有今天的事情,也已经恨上了。”康照龙却不在乎,反倒得意道:“昨天那顿饭,就是那小妞坑的,我要是不从她身上加倍找回来,怎么对得起她?” But, can they renege on a promise afterward? Finds some excuses to turn down?” Kang Guifeng somewhat was actually worried, feared the meat of mouth also did not have, that is 50 million! Regarding Kang Family of very special period, absolutely was a big number. “不过,他们事后会不会反悔?找一些理由推掉?”康贵丰却有些担心,怕到嘴边的肉又没了,那可是50000000啊!对于非常时期的康家来说,绝对是一笔大数目了。 Naturally has the possibility! That Little Girl mouthful runs train, perhaps said that she does not like, wants to renege on a promise.” Kang Zhaolong has thought of this point: Therefore, we must make the best use of time to strike while the iron is hot, after my presently goes, Taiwan Affairs Office one connects with formalities, worked as the surface of audience people to sell to Fatty Lai that box, I did not believe him to dare disgraced did not buy!” “当然有可能!那小妞儿满嘴跑火车,没准儿说她不喜欢了,就想反悔。”康照龙已经想到了这一点:“所以,我们要抓紧时间趁热打铁,我现在就去后台办一下交接手续,当着全场人的面把那个盒子卖给赖胖子,我就不信他敢丢人的不买!” After Medical God Kang and Kang Guifeng hear, deeply thinks is nod , the idea of Kang Zhaolong is really good! 康神医康贵丰听后,都深以为是的点了点头,康照龙的主意还真不错! In fact, when Kang Zhaolong the box has delivered to the Fatty Lai front, an appearance of Fatty Lai indeed face meat pain, looks at the box in Kang Zhaolong hand, is not willing to pull out the check original. 事实上,康照龙将盒子送到了赖胖子的面前时,赖胖子的确一脸肉痛的模样,看着康照龙手中的盒子,迟迟不肯掏出支票本来。 Mr. Lai, the box I delivered, please glance!” Kang Zhaolong does not worry, takes the appearance that box is having victory in the hand: This box truly very beautiful, as makeup kit, really good!” 赖先生,盒子我送过来了,请您过目吧!”康照龙却是不着急,拿着盒子一副胜券在握的样子:“这盒子确实挺漂亮,作为化妆盒,真的不错!” Too expensive?” Feng Xiaoxiao actually curled the lip: Hey, illuminates Brother Long, we together have also been eating meal, can't you give to me?” “太贵了点儿吧?”冯笑笑却是撇了撇嘴:“喂,照龙哥,咱们也在一起吃过饭的,你就不能送给我?” Hehe, Xiaoxiao younger sister, this box is also I buys, looks in our friendship, cheap sold to you.” Kang Zhaolong light saying, said at heart, Feng Xiaoxiao wants to renege on a promise! Where however can Kang Zhaolong let her reneging on a promise easily? “呵呵,笑笑妹妹,这盒子也是我花钱买的啊,就是看在我们的交情上,才便宜的卖给你们了。”康照龙淡淡的说道,心里却道,果然,冯笑笑想反悔了!不过康照龙哪能让她轻易的反悔?
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