SBPE :: Volume #3 初遇敌手

#529: Buys to work as the makeup kit

Chapter 0529 第0529章 Buys to work as the makeup kit 买来当化妆盒 Fatty Lai, is your his mother intentionally? Yesterday opposed with us, today is also so!” Kang Guifeng has really been driven beyond the limits of forbearance, leaping one has stood! Kang Family presently did not have money, if such adds again, even if adds on the money of tonight auctioning, insufficiently pays this Thousand-year snow lotus! 赖胖子,你他妈是不是故意的?昨天就和我们作对,今天也是如此!”康贵丰实在是忍无可忍了,“腾”的一下站了起来!康家现在本来就没有钱,如果再这么加下去,就算加上今晚拍卖出去的钱,也不够支付这千年雪莲的了! Kang Family cannot to buy this Thousand-year snow lotus, but loses everything, in the hand hasn't the one cent been a matter? 况且,康家也不能为了买这个千年雪莲,而倾家荡产啊,手里一分钱没有也不是个事儿啊? Kang Zhaolong sighed, prevented father without enough time! However, since already with the Fatty Lai mao , was also impossible to flinch, Kang Family was not the person of being afraid of getting into trouble! 康照龙叹了口气,来不及阻止父亲了!不过,既然已经和赖胖子卯上了,也不可能退缩了,康家也不是怕事的人! Intentionally?” Fatty Lai just wants to give up, by a Kang Guifeng such shouting, but also does not want to give up, also stands to refute accordingly: What's wrong, solemn Medical God Kang Pharmaceutical Group General Manager, does not know that what meaning the auction is? You can bid, can't I?” “故意的?”赖胖子本来正想放弃呢,被康贵丰这么一叫嚷,还真不想放弃了,也站起来应声反驳道:“怎么,堂堂康神医医药集团总经理,不知道拍卖会是什么意思么?你能竞价,我就不能?” Kang Zhaolong has to stand up at this time, he was also Kang Family one, father stands come out, he was the junior naturally can't sit by and do nothing is not? 康照龙这时候不得不站起身来,他也是康家的一员,父亲都站出来了,他做小辈的自然更不能坐视不理不是? However the Kang Zhaolong sound does not have Kang Guifeng to be so radical, but is neither arrogant nor servile saying: Mr. Lai, my father had not said that you cannot buy, but is this Thousand-year snow lotus you buy to be useful? Can say? Although this type of medicinal herb is precious, but is not prescription needs?” 不过康照龙的声音却没有康贵丰那么激进,而是不卑不亢的说道:“赖先生,我爸没说你不能买,而是这千年雪莲你买来有什么用?可以说说么?这种药材虽然珍贵,可是并不是什么中药方子都需要的吧?” What buys to use?” After Fatty Lai hear, immediately was happy: What I buy to use, but also with telling you? Do I buy play not to be good? Or you told me first, did you buy to be useful?” “买来什么用?”赖胖子听后顿时乐了:“我买来什么用,还用告诉你么?我买来玩儿不行么?要不你先告诉我,你买来有什么用?” Kang Zhaolong shows a faint smile, the Fatty Lai words just and his regard, he looked forward to Fatty Lai saying that this can carry on the next step plan! Stands up after Kang Zhaolong, has planned. 康照龙微微一笑,赖胖子的话正和他的心意,他巴不得赖胖子这么说呢,这样就能进行下一步的计划了!从康照龙站起身来之后,就已经计划好了。 Mr. Lai, I told you also the no reason why not!” Kang Zhaolong said: We open Pharmaceutical Company, although also gains, but the objective is to actually provide relief to save others, this not wrong?” 赖先生,我告诉你也未尝不可!”康照龙道:“我们开医药公司的,虽然也是盈利,不过宗旨却是济世救人,这个没有错吧?” Fatty Lai knit the brows, does not know that Kang Zhaolong this saying is any meaning, but has not refuted. 赖胖子皱了皱眉,不知道康照龙这话是什么意思,不过却也没有反驳。 Mr. Lai, our Kang Family buys this Thousand-year snow lotus, is used to save others! As the saying goes saves others like the fire fighting, this Thousand-year snow lotus medicine directs constantly, the patient that we treat and cure, presently directed on the difference this medicine constantly.” Kang Zhaolong continues neither arrogant nor servile saying: Although among us somewhat is perhaps contradictory, but also looks at Mr. Lai to look in us is on face of sacred medical occupation, takes the larger situation into account, takes patient as in a big way! If you are buying play, gives us, after all we must be used for the life-saving life!” 赖先生,我们康家买来这千年雪莲,就是用来救人的!俗话说救人如救火,这千年雪莲是一味药引,我们救治的这个病人,现在就差这一味药引了。”康照龙继续不卑不亢的说道:“虽然我们之间或许有些矛盾,但是还望赖先生看在我们同是神圣的医疗职业者的面子上,以大局为重,以病人为大!如果你只是买着玩儿的,还是让给我们吧,毕竟我们是要用来救人命的!” Kang Zhaolong spoke these words, the audience immediately became peaceful! In the Kang Zhaolong heart has sneered, with my play, you are tender, by having play is cloudy, what thing is your his mother? 康照龙说完这一席话,全场立刻变得安静了起来!康照龙心中冷笑了一声,和我玩儿,你还嫩点儿,论起玩儿阴的,你他妈算是什么东西? Has saying that the Kang Zhaolong words, making audience's guidance of public opinion be partial in Kang Family! Others said that is buys to save others, at this time Fatty Lai must snatch with others again, was a little excessive is not? Let alone Fatty Lai have said that is rushes play, you are play, others are the life-saving, can that be the same? 不得不说,康照龙的话,让全场的舆论导向都偏向于了康家!人家说了,是买来救人的,这时候赖胖子要再和人家抢,就有点儿过分了不是?何况赖胖子自己说过了,是抢着玩儿的,你是玩儿,人家是救人,那能一样么? If you do not give others, that sees somebody in danger and does nothing! You are also engaged in the medical enterprise, doesn't know medicine kind-heartedness these words? Looks at others dead helplessly? 你要是不让给人家,那就是见死不救!你也是从事医疗事业的,不知道医者仁心这句话?难道眼睁睁的看着别人死掉? Naturally, Kang Zhaolong did not fear that Fatty Lai will correct he buys is also saves others, because changed a statement at this time already late, where has the coincidence matter that? Do others save others you also to save others? 当然,康照龙也不怕赖胖子会改口说他买来也是去救人的,因为这时候改口已经晚了,哪有那么巧合的事情?别人救人你也救人? He does not believe Fatty Lai such to do, because that will encounter many despising. 他不信赖胖子会这么做,因为那会遭到更多的鄙视的。 Fatty Lai knit the brows, he wants to give up, therefore not with the Kang Family person play anything mind, but runs on a bank two casually, even if, but has not actually thought that Kang Family the boy is so sinister and ruthless, several words, will put in the injustice the situation! 赖胖子皱了皱眉,他本就想放弃了,所以也没和康家的人玩儿什么心眼,只是随便挤兑两句,就算了的,但是却没想到康家的这小子这么阴毒,几句话,就将自己置于不仁不义的地步! Fatty Lai astute first, in the sewers capsized unexpectedly! Actually this did not complain about Fatty Lai, Lin Yi makes him give up, his where will also go to and Kang Family with the thoughts socializes? 赖胖子精明一世,居然阴沟里翻船了!其实这也不怨赖胖子,林逸都让他放弃了,他哪里还会用心思去和康家周旋? Who said that we and you did snatch that Thousand-year snow lotus?” Does not wait for Fatty Lai to speak, Feng Xiaoxiao has actually stood up the body. “谁说我们和你抢那个千年雪莲了?”不等赖胖子说话,冯笑笑却站起了身来。 „? Before that is me, misunderstood?” Kang Zhaolong shows a faint smile, is not angry, but in the heart actually secretly knits the brows, this Feng Xiaoxiao is not the friendly role, yesterday nearly died to the pit Wu Chentian, this Little Girl clever Elf! “哦?那是我之前听错了么?”康照龙微微一笑,也不恼怒,不过心里面却暗暗皱眉,这冯笑笑可不是什么善角色,昨天差点儿把吴臣天给坑死,这小妞儿鬼精灵着呢! What Thousand-year snow lotus? I must buy that box!” A Feng Xiaoxiao finger/refers of auction stage upper garment the Thousand-year snow lotus box was saying: I looked that this box is attractive, wants to buy to work as the makeup kit, what matter closes Thousand-year snow lotus?” “什么千年雪莲?我要买那个盒子!”冯笑笑一指拍卖台上装着千年雪莲的盒子道:“我就看这个盒子好看,想买来当化妆盒,关千年雪莲什么事儿?” The Feng Xiaoxiao's words, let the auction immediately the awkward silence. Indeed this Fatty Lai called such a long time price, to give this girl buys the makeup kit? 冯笑笑的话,让拍卖会立刻冷场了下来。敢情这赖胖子叫了这么长时间的价,是为了给这女孩子买个化妆盒? In the Kang Zhaolong heart has sneered, do you spend 100 million to buy the makeup kit? Deceives the ghost? Because knows that Feng Xiaoxiao's ancient spirit demon deceives the deceased person not to blink, therefore Kang Zhaolong does not believe the Feng Xiaoxiao's words from the start! 康照龙心中冷笑了一声,你们花100000000买个化妆盒?骗鬼呢吧?因为知道冯笑笑的古灵精怪骗死人不眨眼,所以康照龙压根就不相信冯笑笑的话! In his opinion, Feng Xiaoxiao stood at this time, perhaps breaks through to Fatty Lai! After all before , said that buys Thousand-year snow lotus to be used to save others! But Fatty Lai at this time, has to lower the head to let come out, but didn't that fall face? 在他看来,冯笑笑这个时候站起来,恐怕是给赖胖子解围的!毕竟之前自己说了,买千年雪莲是用来救人的!而赖胖子这时候,不得不低头让出来,但是那不是落了面子了? But Feng Xiaoxiao's action, is makes Fatty Lai be insufficient to lose face, what because others buy is the makeup kit, but is not Thousand-year snow lotus, was not others intentionally snatches with you. 冯笑笑的举动,则是让赖胖子不至于丢面子,因为人家买的是化妆盒,而不是千年雪莲,也就不是人家故意和你抢了。 „? Originally buys the makeup kit? The Xiaoxiao younger sister taste is really unique!” Kang Zhaolong is not Wu Chentian, how possibly to believe the Feng Xiaoxiao's nonsense? “哦?原来是买化妆盒啊?笑笑妹妹的品味还真独特!”康照龙可不是吴臣天,怎么可能相信冯笑笑的鬼话? Yes, or do you give me? I like a thing with great difficulty!” Feng Xiaoxiao smiles looks at Kang Zhaolong, must moe multi- sprouting, moe the deceased person not to pay with a life simply. “是啊,要不你让给我?我好容易喜欢一个东西呢!”冯笑笑笑眯眯的看着康照龙,要多萌有多萌,简直萌死人不偿命。 In Kang Zhaolong heart cold snort/hum, with my play this move? Is useless! When you I am Wu Chentian? Then easy to be swindled? Ok, Feng Xiaoxiao, you made me spend 15 million this matters yesterday, I with you have not calculated that you have walked in today actually on own initiative, if I have not tidied up you, you also really do think my Kang Zhaolong good bully? 康照龙心中冷哼了一声,和我玩儿这招?没有用!你当我是吴臣天呢?那么容易就上当?行,冯笑笑,昨天你让我花了15000000这事儿,我还没和你算呢,今天你倒是主动找上门来了,我要是还不收拾收拾你,你还真以为我康照龙欺负是不是? Thinks of here, Kang Zhaolong had at heart has decided the idea, did not look at Feng Xiaoxiao, but turned the head to look to Fatty Lai, was still neither arrogant nor servile asking: Mr. Lai, what originally you want is this box? Isn't Thousand-year snow lotus?” 想到这里,康照龙的心里有了定计,也不去看冯笑笑了,而是转头看向赖胖子,仍然是不卑不亢的问道:“赖先生,原来你们要的是这个盒子啊?不是千年雪莲?” Yes, I am help her pat this box!” Fatty Lai indistinct also understood the Feng Xiaoxiao's meaning, naturally must coordinate her at this time, because actually does not know that Feng Xiaoxiao's detail planning, but appears is not quite natural. “是啊,我就是帮她把这个盒子拍下来!”赖胖子隐约的也明白了冯笑笑的意思,这个时候自然要配合她,不过却因为不知道冯笑笑的详细计划,而显得不太自然。 This non- nature, looked in the Kang Zhaolong eye, was makes Kang Zhaolong refreshed, obviously was this Fatty Lai speaks insincerely! The people said that hits to swell the face to be sufficient, does not know that this Fatty Lai hits to be swollen the face, fat? 这个不自然,看在了康照龙眼中,更是让康照龙爽快,显然是这赖胖子言不由衷了!人都说打肿脸充,也不知道这赖胖子把脸打肿了,会有多胖呢?
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