SBPE :: Volume #2 风起云涌

#500: Some people track

Chapter 0500 第0500章 Some people track 有人跟踪 Fatty Lai, you bring Grandpa Guan to go to nearby shop wait for me, I handle a matter.” Lin Yi has anchored the footsteps suddenly, said to the Fatty Lai instruction. 赖胖子,你带着关爷爷去旁边的店里等我一下,我去处理点儿事情。”林逸突然停住了脚步,对赖胖子吩咐道。 „? Good......” Fatty Lai, although does not know that Lin Yi must handle any matter, but looked meaning that Lin Yi has not explained that also many did not ask, bringing Guan Xuemin to enter a not far away novelty shop. “哦?好……”赖胖子虽然不知道林逸要处理什么事情,但是看林逸也没有解释的意思,也不好多问,带着关学民就进了不远处的一家精品店。 But Lin Yi, then before is turning around half step moved toward, buys the medicine that pharmacy. 林逸,则是转身快步走向了之前买药的那家药店。 What Lin Yi has not thought that arrives at the Yanjing First day, meets some people to track...... 林逸没想到的是,来到燕京第一天,就遇到有人跟踪…… Excuse me, Sir.” Service people to Little Kun sweet smiles: Our pharmacy must keep secret to the privacy of guest.” “不好意思,先生。”服务员对小坤甜甜的一笑:“我们药店要对客人的隐私保密的。” Has saying that the Little Kun appearance is quite handsome, has in the Korean drama actually, meaning of actor, this made pharmacy service person also cannot help but look at his several eyes. 不得不说,小坤的长相极为英俊,倒是颇有韩剧里,男主角的意味,这让药店这个服务员也不由得多看了他几眼。 Little Kun knit the brows, own look is the female student killer, this thinks that this waitress can consider truthfully, has not actually thought that she said the security. However, Little Kun has not given up, pulls out wallet, has fished out several one hundred dollar bills from inside, has placed on the counter: Beautiful woman, to face, before that person was my buddy, does not know where made a folk prescription to give my father to buy the medicine! However I do not know what he buys is anything, feared that my father will eat to have problems, therefore wants to confirm.” 小坤皱了皱眉,自己的相貌一直是女生杀手,本以为这个女服务员能如实相告,却没想到她却说保密。不过,小坤也没有放弃,掏出钱包,从里面摸出了几张百元大钞,放在了柜台上:“美女,给个面子,之前那个人是我哥们,不知道从哪里弄一个偏方来给我爸买药的!但是我不知道他买的是什么,怕我爸会吃出问题来,所以想确认一下。” This!” That not attractive waitress moves slightly, Little Kun look admittedly is likable, but the bill on counter is attractive! Regarding this kind of laborer, was not the small enticement, one month more than 1000 currency salary, but Little Kun got rid to give 500, making her some not good to reject. “这样啊!”那并不怎么好看的女服务员心里微微一动,小坤的相貌固然讨人喜欢,不过柜台上的钞票更是诱人!对于她这样一个打工妹来说,是不小的诱惑了,一个月才有1000多块钱薪水,而小坤一出手就给了500,让她有些不好拒绝。 Hesitant, the waitress received the bill on counter finally fast, then put out a hand to take out a detailed list from the counter, has placed on the counter: You can transcribe, but cannot take away.” 犹豫了一下,女服务员终于快速的收起了柜台上的钞票,然后伸手从柜台下面取出了一个明细表,放在了柜台上:“你可以抄写一下,但是不能拿走。” Little Kun took up the detailed list to look, his memory was excellent, therefore quick has remembered the above dilantin, later has given back to the service person the detailed list: I study the medicine, looked that knows has drug that anything conflicts. Does not have specially what, did not have issue, gave back to you, thank you!” 小坤拿起了明细表看了一遍,他记忆力本就过人,所以很快的就记住了上面的药名,之后就将明细表还给了服务员:“我是学医的,看一眼就知道有没有什么冲突的药物。没有什么特殊的,没有问题了,还给你吧,谢谢你了!” Good...... Good!” The waitresses relaxed, the matter of this betraying customer privacy, she is First time does, some too did not adapt, listening to Little Kun saying that did not have what issue, immediately felt relieved, moreover he looked at one, should not have the matter. “好……好的!”女服务员松了一口气,这种出卖顾客隐私的事情,她还是第一次做,有些不太适应,听小坤说没有什么问题,顿时放了心,而且他只是看了一眼而已,应该没有事情了。 see again | goodbye, the beautiful woman, thanked!” Little Kun turned around to go out of the pharmacy, but just went out of the pharmacy, the facial color congealed! Because, he noticed that Lin Yi stands before his body impressively! 再见,美女,谢谢了!”小坤转身走出了药店,可是刚走出药店,面色就是一凝!因为,他看到林逸赫然站在他的身前! „Do you do with me?” Lin Yi looks at front Little Kun, light asking. “你跟着我干什么?”林逸看着面前的小坤,淡淡的问道。 Lin Yi does not want to annoy troublesome in Yanjing, since some people track, Lin Yi is impossible to be concerned with, regarding this unknown danger, Lin Yi will often choose who strikes the first blow has the advantage. 林逸并不想在燕京惹麻烦,但是既然有人跟踪,林逸也不可能不闻不问,对于这种未知的危险,林逸往往都会选择先下手为强。 Jade Pendant has not forewarned, this person should not have the too big hostility to oneself, therefore Lin Yi has given him an opportunity of explanation, but has not gotten rid to kill this Yellow Step Mid Phase expert directly! 只是,玉佩并没有预警,这个人对自己应该没有太大的敌意,所以林逸给了他一个解释的机会,而并没有直接出手干掉这个黄阶中期高手 The present person, most is also 20 years old over, can have Yellow Step Mid Phase strength, is really not simple. 眼前的这个人,最多也就是20岁出头,能拥有黄阶中期实力,实在是不简单。 With you? Your admitting mistakes person?” After Little Kun is only one is slightly stunned, the look on recover was normal. However in his eye has actually delimited a surprised look, he has not thought, Lin Yi will discover oneself track him! “跟着你?你认错人了吧?”小坤只是微微一错愕之后,神色就恢复了正常。但是他的眼中却划过一丝惊讶的神色,他没想到,林逸会发现自己跟踪他! Tracks these three people, Little Kun not too hidden desirably, but by his Yellow Step Mid Phase strength, was discovered also was really somewhat accidental/surprised. 跟踪这三个人,小坤并没有太刻意的隐藏自己,但是以他黄阶中期实力,被人发现也实在是有些意外了。 Yes? Should better not.” Lin Yi shrugged, has remembered the Little Kun appearance, eventually gave up getting rid to kill his plan, was in remote, Lin Yi does not want to bring in too many troubles. “是么?最好不是吧。”林逸耸了耸肩,记住了小坤的样子,最终还是放弃了出手干掉他的打算,身在异地,林逸不想引来太多的麻烦。 Since front this person, could not see that has too many hostilities to oneself, Lin Yi also warns him one, so long as he no longer tracked himself to be good. 既然面前这个人,看不出对自己有太多的敌意,林逸也只是警告他一下而已,只要他不再跟踪自己就好了。 Looks the back that Lin Yi departs, Little Kun actually frowned, he really a little cannot think through, how front looks like very ordinary young people discovers own. 看着林逸离去的背影,小坤却皱起了眉头,他实在有点儿想不通,面前这个看起来很普通的年轻人是怎么发现自己的。 However, presently again with the words, is a little are obviously inappropriate, Little Kun can only dial Second Uncle's telephone: Second Uncle, the opposite party discovered me!” 不过,现在再跟上去的话,显然是有点儿不合适了,小坤只能拨通了二叔的电话:“二叔,对方发现我了!” „?” The middle-aged man stares slightly: Discovered you? Does the opposite party have expert Bodyguard?” “哦?”中年男子微微一愣:“发现你了?对方有高手保镖?” „It is not clear, I do not know how they discovered that but I made that young people blocking, asked that I was tracking him......” Little Kun am also very depressed, really has complied with those words, where often walked to have not the wet shoes in the riverside, oneself in the sewers capsized unexpectedly, thinks that very simple tracked task, was actually given to see through. “还不清楚,我也不知道他们怎么发现的,不过我让那个年轻人给拦住了,问我是不是在跟踪他……”小坤也很是郁闷,真是应了那句话了,常在河边走哪有不湿鞋,自己居然阴沟里翻船,认为很简单的一个跟踪任务,却被人给识破了。 Ok, you come back, since knows that Lai Zhangyi is Guan Xuemin in the same place, on line.” The middle-aged man hesitated saying: You at present, the attention one their Company, tomorrow I will again find the opportunity to probe Lai Zhangyi, actually having a look at him to buy that map is any goal.” “算了,你回来吧,既然知道赖长衣是和关学民在一起的,也就行了。”中年男子沉吟了一下说道:“你这一阵子,就关注一下他们的公司,明天我再找机会试探一下赖长衣,看看他买那张地图究竟是什么目的。” Good, Second Uncle!” Little Kun nodded, turns around to vanish in the dim light of night, but the matter of pharmacy, had not said with the Second Uncle. “好的,二叔!”小坤点了点头,转身消失在了夜色中,而药店的事情,却并没有和二叔说。 Lin Yi arrives at the novelty shop, Guan Xuemin and Fatty Lai are not go shopping actually, but casual strolls in inside, sees Lin Yi to come, moved forward to meet somebody. 林逸来到精品店,关学民赖胖子其实也不是买东西的,只是随便的在里面逛了逛,看到林逸过来,就迎了上去。 „Did matter get through?” Fatty Lai asked. “事情办完了?”赖胖子问道。 Em, originally, but has run into an acquaintance.” Lin Yi smiled, has not said come out the matter that some people tracked, so as to avoid Fatty Lai and Guan Xuemin worry. “恩,本来也没什么事儿,只是遇到了一个熟人而已。”林逸笑了笑,并没有将有人跟踪的事情说出来,免得赖胖子关学民担心。 In the intuition, Lin Yi does not think that Little Kun comes to oneself, might be saw the Medical God Guan Pharmaceutical Company prospect at the auction, tracked to have a look to have anything to discover, particularly he from hospital come out, did not need to ask definitely was inquired bought anything a moment ago, therefore thinks that is person who pried the business secret, actually not in the direction of remnant chart consideration. 直觉上,林逸并不认为小坤是冲着自己而来的,有可能是在拍卖会上看到了关神医医药公司的前景,跟踪过来看看有没有什么发现,尤其是他又从医院出来的,不用问肯定是去打听刚才自己买什么了,所以以为是刺探商业机密的人,倒是也没有往残图的方向去考虑。 Was good also kept a mind because of former Lin Yi, not disposable drug that will need bought neat, has saved many unnecessary troubles actually. 好在之前林逸也留了一个心眼,没有一次性的将需要的药物买齐,倒是省去了好多不必要的麻烦。 In fact, Lin Yi bought neat, without injury cure foundation medicine, did not have what use. Only then increases in injury cure, will have the cicatrization old scabs effect. 事实上,林逸就算买齐了,在没有创伤药基础药的情况下,也是没有什么用处的。只有添加在创伤药里面,才会有愈合旧伤疤的功效。 Passed through a pharmacy on the way once more, Lin Yi has bought neat remaining Chinese Medicinal Ingredients, the meaning that Fatty Lai has not written down slightly, made Lin Yi feel relieved actually. 途中再次经过了一家药店,林逸去买齐了剩下的中药材,赖胖子丝毫没有记下来的意思,倒是让林逸放下心来。 After returning to lodge, Lin Yi begins to compound the injury cure Deluxe version, this thing regarding Lin Yi is not the difficult matter, before quick to do well has loaded into, buys in the good disposable small medicine bottle. 回到宾馆后,林逸就着手配制创伤药精装版,这个东西对于林逸来说并不是什么难事儿,很快就弄好装进了之前买好的一次性小药瓶里面。
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