SBPE :: Volume #2 风起云涌

#499: The cost is so low

Chapter 0499 第0499章 The cost is so low 成本这么低 Then, did the Medical God Kang Golden Creation Medicine Deluxe version, not only auction one box every year?” After Lin Yi hear, asked. “这么说来,康神医金创药精装版,每年不只拍卖一盒了?”林逸听后问道。 One box? Every year at least 20 boxes, but is limits the price generally the auction, the maximum valency 500,000, who leaves to 500,000 first turns over to anyone, has cut out the tedious shouting out the price process.” Fatty Lai said: 20 boxes, whom looked at to be deft, first left to 500,000, first.” “一盒?每年至少有20盒的,不过一般是限价拍卖,最高价500000,谁先出到500000就归谁,省去了繁琐的叫价过程。”赖胖子说道:“20盒,就看谁手快了,先出到500000的,就先得。” Then, each box is 500,000 sells?” Lin Yi nodded , to continue to ask. “这么说来,每一盒都是500000卖出去的了?”林逸点了点头,继续问道。 This also not so, the several boxes of starting are 500,000, the person who behind snatches has been short, the price also has naturally gotten down, 400,000 and 300,000 have it.” Fatty Lai said. “这个也不然,不过开始的几盒都是500000,后面抢的人少了,价格自然也就下来了,400000、300000都有之。”赖胖子说道。 500,000 have been OK actually, a while has a look at the roadside to have the pharmacy, I buy some herbal medicines again.” Lin Yi nodded, thought that this profit is actually objective, although does not have Life Extending Detoxification Pill that many, but actually also many, what is main, can make the fame. “500000倒是可以了,一会儿看看路边有没有药店,我再买一些草药。”林逸点了点头,觉得这个利润倒是还算客观,虽然没有延年益寿排毒丹那么多,但是却也不少,最主要的是,能打出名气来。 „......” Fatty Lai is mysterious regarding Lin Yi's, has been unalarmed by strange sights, a late temporary dispensing before auction, perhaps also only then a Lin Yi person, said hastily: My contact person, buys some high-quality the packing, at the same night delivers?” “呃……”赖胖子对于林逸的神奇,已经见怪不怪了,在拍卖会之前一晚临时配药的,恐怕也只有林逸一个人了,连忙说道:“那我联系人,买一些精品的包装,连夜送过来?” Does not use, I buy a disposable medicine bottle, installed on the line.” Lin Yi beckoned with the hand: Along with them, is willing to believe that the racket of letter, does not believe does not pat.” “不用了,我买点儿一次性药瓶,装进去就行了。”林逸摆了摆手:“随他们,愿意信不信,信的拍,不信的就不拍了。” Also is, the good medicine not to worry to sell, makes to them is so good to do!” Fatty Lai nodded, said: Has saved a sum of money!” “也是,好药不愁卖,给他们弄那么好干什么!”赖胖子点了点头,道:“又省了一笔钱!” „......” Lin Yi thought that this Fatty Lai also is really a material of doing business, it seems like Pharmaceutical Group gives him to handle, actually a wise decision: Was right, how many are the Medical God Kang Golden Creation Medicine marketplace price?” “呵……”林逸觉得这赖胖子还真是一个做生意的材料,看来医药集团交给他打理,倒是一个明智的决定:“对了,康神医金创药市场价是多少?” „The Medical God Kang Golden Creation Medicine marketplace price is 299 Yuan one box, but our injury cure, I want to fix a price in 288.” Fatty Lai said: I do not know that our costs are many, therefore fixes a price is not public temporarily.” 康神医金创药市场价是299元一盒,而我们的创伤药,我想定价在288。”赖胖子说道:“不过我不知道我们的成本是多少,所以定价暂时未公开。” What? Do we sell 288?” Lin Yi stared in a big way the eye, one box of ordinary Golden Creation Medicine, Medical God Kang can also sell about three hundred currency unexpectedly, was this too also black? Does the thing that concerns the livelihood of the people, who sell to be so expensive to buy? “什么?我们卖288?”林逸瞪大了眼睛,一盒普通的金创药,康神医居然也能卖将近三百块钱,这也太黑了点儿吧?关乎民生的东西,卖这么贵谁能买起? Lin Yi regarding these looks the person natural broadsword that is not feeling well wields, the dark day of butchering is secret, but regarding these poor people, Lin Yi did not have to be black really their money the idea. 林逸对于那些看着不爽的人自然大刀一挥,宰的昏天暗地,但是对于那些穷人,林逸还真没有黑他们钱的想法。 Sells was too cheap?” Fatty Lai sees the Lin Yi's expression is also one startled: Boss, Medical God Kang Golden Creation Medicine sells 299, although falls short of demand, but we, if sells is more expensive than him, I feared that cannot open marketplace! I also know, our curative effects definitely compared with his being better!” “卖的太便宜了?”赖胖子见到林逸的表情也是一惊:“老大,康神医金创药才卖299,虽然是供不应求,但是我们要是卖的比他还贵,我怕打不开市场啊!我也知道,我们的疗效肯定比他的要好的!” Lin Yi listened to the Fatty Lai words, knows that he has misunderstood, cannot help but said with a smile: „The cost of this thing on several currency, I thought sells was a little expensive!” 林逸听了赖胖子的话,就知道他误会了,不由得笑道:“这东西的成本就几块钱,我觉得卖的有点儿贵了!” „? Several currency?” Fatty Lai has gawked, nearly does not have a somersault to throw down on the ground: Boss, haven't I misunderstood? How many currency? How possible? Wasn't that Medical God Kang Golden Creation Medicine cost several currency?” “嘎?几块钱?”赖胖子愣了一下,差点儿没一个跟头摔倒在地上:“老大,我没有听错吧?几块钱?怎么可能?那康神医金创药的成本不也是几块钱了?” His I do not know, has not seen.” Lin Yi shook the head: Our is this cost, small advantage that I suggested to sell a little, enabling the average people to buy was good!” “他的我不知道,没看到过。”林逸摇了摇头:“不过我们的就是这个成本,我建议卖的便宜一点儿,让普通人都可以买的起才好!” Also good, we make Company of Huimin!” Fatty Lai clenched teeth, is very saying of meat pain: We sell 199!” “也行,那我们就做一个惠民的公司!”赖胖子咬了咬牙,很是肉痛的说道:“那我们就卖199!” He is a profiteer, but Lin Yi has opened the mouth, Fatty Lai is not good to insist, because in his opinion, is very good, will have the aspect of 288 can definitely sell falling short of demand. 他本是个奸商,但是林逸开口了,赖胖子也不好坚持,因为在他看来,288是肯定能卖的很不错的,甚至也会出现供不应求的局面。 199? In fact Lin Yi thinks a little expensive, but actually did not understand that the Company operation needs how much money, appearance that sees the Fatty Lai so meat pain, nodded: Ok.” 199?实际上林逸还是觉得有点儿贵,但是却不懂得公司运营需要多少钱,看到赖胖子如此肉痛的样子,也就点了点头:“可以。” Fatty Lai then relaxed, he also feared that Lin Yi chops 100 all of a sudden again, turns into 99, such profit will be short! 赖胖子这才松了口气,他也怕林逸一下子再砍下去100块,变成99,那样利润就会少了很多! My this makes a plan, next time will auction our product time, announced the marketplace retail price!” The Fatty Lai nod said: „The painkiller price, Boss you looked how many should decide to be quite appropriate?” “那我这就做一个计划,下次拍卖我们产品的时候,就将市场零售价公布出去!”赖胖子点头说道:“镇痛剂的价格,老大你看应该定到多少比较合适?” „A cost of that amount used wants about the 50 cents, naturally the words of mass production will reduce, you look at the fixed price.” Lin Yi said. “那个一次用量的成本要五毛钱左右,当然量产的话会降低一些,你看着定价。”林逸说道。 Good, a that packed five dosage, sells 199?” Asking of Fatty Lai probe. “好,那就一盒装五支的剂量,也卖199吧?”赖胖子试探的问道。 99.” Lin Yi thinks to say. “99吧。”林逸想了想说道。 Ok, listens to Boss'!” In fact Fatty Lai to fear Lin Yi negotiates, truly said that high, gives leeway that Lin Yi has negotiated. “行,就听老大的!”事实上赖胖子为了怕林逸砍价,确实说高了一些,给了林逸砍价的余地。 Had determined the prices of two drugs, Fatty Lai has also put down the heart, the key knew the cost of drugs, is makes him happy, this explained that Lin Yi has regarded the person on one's own side him, gradual told him the things of some cores. 确定了两种药品的价格,赖胖子也放下了心来,关键是知道了药品的成本,更是让他开心,这说明林逸已经将他当成了自己人了,也逐渐的将一些核心的东西告诉他。 Passed by quite big prescription, the Lin Yi three people walked, Lin Yi also useless prescription, directly accounted orally some raw materials for medicine then to make the service person in pharmacy call takes. 路过了一家比较大的药方,林逸三人走了进去,林逸也没用药方,直接口述了一些药材然后让药店的服务员称取。 Naturally, although Lin Yi has built up part of trusts to Fatty Lai, completely has not actually trusted, getting medicine time said intentionally does not have drug of use, but dosage, is disorderly mess. Several taste main medicines, Lin Yi had not said that but said several taste uncommon drug, the service person shook the head, indicated not to have. 当然,虽然林逸赖胖子已经建立了一部分的信任,却也没有完全信任,抓药的时候故意多说了一些没有用处的药物,而剂量方面,也是乱七八糟。还有几味主药,林逸并没有说,而是说了几味不常见的药物,服务员摇了摇头,表示没有。 All right, the Yanjing City pharmacy are many, we go to other homes to look again.” Fatty Lai hears not to have, said to Lin Yi hastily: Incorrect words, I asked person to buy to drive to deliver.” “没事儿,燕京市的药店很多,我们再去其他家看一看。”赖胖子听说没有,连忙对林逸说道:“不行的话,我叫人去买开车送过来。” First did not need, to go to other home to have a look to say again.” Lin Yi smiled. “先不用,去别的家看看再说。”林逸笑了笑。 Grasped the medicine, Fatty Lai had first paid money, did not have how much money actually, several hundred. 抓完了药,赖胖子抢先付了款,倒是也没有多少钱,几百块而已。 Guan Xuemin has not spoken, does not have desirably recorded Lin Yi to buy any medicine, come out that looked, he was a man of great integrity, only if Lin Yi looked at to him prescription, otherwise Guan Xuemin will not draw in advance others' prescription on own initiative. 关学民则是没有说话,也没有刻意的去记林逸到底买了什么药,看的出来,他是个正直的人,除非林逸药方给他看,不然关学民是不会主动探取别人的药方的。 Three people left the pharmacy shortly, is called the Little Kun young man to look back that Lin Yi and Fatty Lai go far away, hesitant, then moved sideways to enter beforehand Lin Yi to buy the medicine the pharmacy. 三人出了药店没多久,叫做小坤的年轻男子看着林逸赖胖子远去的背影,犹豫了一下,然后闪身走进了之前林逸买药的药店。 This is an enfilade, is the pedestrian street nature, the two sides do not have what branch road, therefore Little Kun will enter the pharmacy, otherwise he will definitely not brave with losing the danger entered the pharmacy. 这是一条直路,属于步行街性质的,两边并没有什么岔路,所以小坤才会进入药店,不然他肯定不会冒着跟丢的危险进入药店了。 Service person, did that three people, what come to buy a moment ago?” Little Kun friendly in the service person to pharmacy asked. “服务员,请问一下,刚才那三个人,进来买了什么?”小坤和气的对药店里面的服务员问道。 At this time in pharmacy only then a service person, because is the night shift, did not need too many people, a service person was busy at work is enough. But as the matter stands, Little Kun saves the trouble that inquired repeatedly actually. 这时药店里只有一个服务员,因为是夜班,也不需要太多的人,一个服务员忙活就足够了。而这样一来,小坤倒是省去了多次询问的麻烦。
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