Chapter 0489
第0489章Adds100 milliondirectly
直接加100000000Life ExtendingDetoxification Pill, was arrangedintenthpresence, the auctioneer is the same with the beforehandsheepskinvolume, nottoomanyinformation, becausehedid not know that thistype of thing, beforealsonever hadsimilarthingto leave the presentlyauction, therefore the auctioneer can only go by the bookin the explanationaccording toatlasintroduced.延年益寿排毒丹,被安排在第十个出场,拍卖师和之前的羊皮卷一样,都没有太多的信息,因为他并不认识这种东西,以前也从来没有类似的东西出现在拍卖会过,所以拍卖师只能照本宣科的按照图册上的说明介绍了起来。In the introduction, in additiona few words, before this is also Fatty Lai, requestsspecially, regardingseller'srequest, so long aswill not bein the speciallytroublesome, ordinary circumstances the auctionconducts the sideto satisfy.
只是,在介绍的时候,加上了一句话,这也是赖胖子之前特意要求的,对于卖家的要求,只要不是特别麻烦,一般情况下拍卖会举办方都会满足的。„The followingsomething by auction, isthreeLife ExtendingDetoxification Pill that is providedbyMedical God GuanPharmaceuticalCompany, eachbase price1 millionYuan, threeare dividedthreetimesto carry onbiddingseparately!” The auctioneersspoke ofhere, has stopped, becauseinauction marketin an uproar!
“接下来的这件拍卖品,是三枚由关神医医药公司提供的延年益寿排毒丹,每一枚底价1000000元,三枚分三次分别进行竞拍!”拍卖师说到这里,停顿了一下,因为拍卖场内一片哗然!ThisLife ExtendingDetoxification Pill, thesepersonfew peoplepresenthave actually heard, butMedical God GuanPharmaceuticalCompany, they are also the first timeheard,whatCompanythisMedical God GuanPharmaceuticalCompanyis? Whatpill medicineLife Extending is Detoxification Pill?
这延年益寿排毒丹,在座的这些人却很少有人听说过,而关神医医药公司,他们也是头一次听说,这关神医医药公司到底是个什么公司?延年益寿排毒丹到底又是个什么丹药?Those presentallareto the healthy product are very understanding the people of cherishinglife, ifhasLife Extendingthistype of goodthing, theymustknow, thething that butat the auctionpresents, theytrulydo not know!
在场的人无一不是对保健品很是了解的爱惜生命的人,所以如果真有延年益寿这种好东西,他们不可能不知道,但是拍卖会上出现的这个东西,他们确实又不知道!Moreover, were 1 millionfixed prices, toohigh? Moreovermerelyis a price? Some will thispeoplebuy? Althoughthose presentare not short of money, butnobodyis actually willingto waste money!
而且,1000000的定价,是不是太高了点儿?而且还仅仅是一枚的价格?这会有人买么?在场的人虽然都不差钱,但是却没有人愿意花冤枉钱!Especiallythistype of bewilderedthing, whowill attempt?
尤其是这种莫名其妙的东西,谁会去尝试呢?Laterawkward silencein an uproar, as ifalsowithin the expectation of auctioneer, every yearat the auctionwill havesimilarmatteroccurrence, therefore the auctioneeris not surprised , to continue to introduce: „ThisLife ExtendingDetoxification Pill, canimpurity in dischargebody! It is well known, the personeats the grainmiscellaneous grains, within the bodywill definitely depositsometoxin, although some alreadydischargeoutside the body, but some stay in within the body. The timeis longer, the toxinare more, butLife ExtendingDetoxification Pill can actually serve the Wash the MarrowAttack the Bonespurpose, toxindischarge in within the body, achieves the Life Extendingshed the mortal body and exchange the bonesgoal!”
The auctioneerssaid,oneselfdo not believe the explanation of thispill, simplylikeisGreat Strength Pill on Jianghu, wonderful that blows, ifthistype of pillhasthiseffect, thensells1 millionreallynot to be actually inexpensive! But, canhave?
拍卖师说完,自己都不太相信这药丸的说明,简直像是江湖上的大力丸一样,吹的神乎其神,如果这种药丸真有这种功效,那么卖1000000倒是真的不贵!可是,能有么?„Life ExtendingDetoxification PillFirst, base price1 million, pleasebid!” The auctioneershave been ready that the classhas patted, so long asFirstnobodybids, thensomeSecondThirdimpossiblepeopleto have tendered, removed the fieldto carry onnextsomething by auctionto be OKdirectly.
“延年益寿排毒丹第一枚,底价1000000,请出价!”拍卖师已经做好了流拍的准备,只要第一枚没有人竞价,那么第二枚第三枚也不可能有人竞价了,直接撤场进行下一件拍卖品就可以了。Because before , had an auction of antiquevaseto takesometime, biddingwas quite intense, the time that therefore the auctionestimated was impossibleto end, butauctioneeras far as possiblesavednexttime.
因为之前有一个古董花瓶的拍卖占用了一些时间,竞价比较激烈,所以拍卖会预计的时间是不可能结束了,而拍卖师则是尽可能的节省一下时间。ThisLife ExtendingDetoxification Pill, othersdo not understand, however the actuallypeoplesomeon the sceneunderstand! Liu Tianyiunderstands, Medical God Kangalsounderstands!
这延年益寿排毒丹,别人不懂,但是在场的却有人懂!刘天翼懂,康神医也懂!Medical God Kangcannotdetermine,thisLife ExtendingDetoxification Pill is the same with that beforehandKang Xiaobosends, do othersmakecome outto deceive people?
只是,康神医不敢确定,这延年益寿排毒丹到底是不是与之前康晓波送来的那枚一样,还是别人弄出来骗人的?„Heh, unexpectedlyalsocausesMedical God Guanto come, doesn't thisimitateOld Kangobviouslyyouradvertisement?”SitsinMedical God Kangnot far awaysaying of Xiao Jisomewhatridicule: „Ilook atthisdefinitelyam the acrobatics of deceiving people!”
“嘿,居然还弄出一个关神医来,这不是明显模仿康老您的招牌么?”坐在康神医不远处的萧基有些讥讽的说道:“我看这肯定是骗人的把戏!”HeandXiao Bengeniusreceivesinvitationnow, butevery yearto the fatherinvitationisgold, this yearreceives is actually red, althoughalsogavefullythreedays of invitationnumbers, butas can be seen, Xiao Familywell-respected the degreehave been not as before!
他和萧本今天才收到请柬,不过每年给父亲的请柬都是金色的,今年收到的却是红色的,虽然也给足了三天的请柬数目,但是可以看出,萧家的受重视程度已经大不如前了!Thisdoes not have the matter of means that althoughXiao JiandXiao Ben are very angry, butcanobtain the invitationto be good, what alsodemands? Isso, Xiao JiandXiao Benmorearefeel,mustunite to be together goodwithKang Family, canmaintain the aristocratic familystatus!
这也是没有办法的事情,虽然萧基和萧本很是愤怒,不过能得到请柬已经不错了,还强求什么呢?越是如此,萧基和萧本越是感觉到,要和康家联合在一起才行,才能保住世家的地位!Medical God Kangactuallyknit the brows, resembleshas thought ofanything, butis indefinite! Medical God Guan...... This isn't Medical God Guan, Guan Xuemin? Thinks that initiallyKang Xiaobosidethatpersonas if Guan Xuemin'srelatedwell, was that Life ExtendingDetoxification Pillactualmaster, Guan Xuemin?康神医却皱了皱眉,似是想到了些什么,但是又不确定!关神医……这个关神医,不会是关学民吧?想到当初康晓波身边那人似乎和关学民的关系不错,难道那个延年益寿排毒丹的真正主人,是关学民?
In Medical God Kanghesitates, somepeoplehave stoodto shout out the price!
正在康神医踌躇之时,已经有人站起来叫价了!„100 million!”Fatty Laihas held up the sign in handdirectly.
“100000000!”赖胖子直接举起了手中的牌子。„?” The audiencein an uproar, includingauctioneer, sillylooks atFatty Lai! Hehas been the Yu FamilyauctioneeralreadyTen-year, buthas not actually mettoday'ssuchsituation! Unexpectedlyalso do somepeoplesuchincrease price? The something by auctions of 1 millionbase prices, when a Firstauction, did call100 million? Is thispossible?
“嘎?”全场哗然,包括拍卖师,都傻傻的看着赖胖子!他做了雨家的拍卖师已经十年了,但是却从来也没有遇见过今天这样的情况!居然还有人这么加价的?1000000底价的拍卖品,在第一次拍卖的时候,就叫到了100000000?这怎么可能?„Please the 183 rd misteragainsay that yourbidding, mysomehave not listenedclearly......”, although the auctioneerhas not listened tobidding of clearbidderis the matter that loses facevery much, but the auctioneerdoes not careat this moment, because the situation was really toounthinkable, he was really a littledoes not believe that Fatty Laiwill bid100 million, hethought,oneselfdefinitelymisunderstood!
The auctioneershave doubts, buthas satYu Haitianonbelowauctionseatactuallyslightlyknit the brows! AlthoughYu Familyis the organizer, butactuallyalso attended the auction, this momentYu Haitian is a middle-aged mansits together. Ifcarefullylooks, on the ear of middle-aged man, but also is bringingearwheat.
The auctioneersdo not know,Yu Haitian is very clear, thisLife ExtendingDetoxification PillisFatty Laiprovides!
拍卖师不知道,雨海天可是很清楚,这延年益寿排毒丹就是赖胖子提供的!Medicine do who heprovidesbuy? Toraiseprice? Atauction, indeed some peopletoraiseownsomething by auctionprice, participates infalsebidding, the organizer of thisauctionis very clear, toavoidsuchmatteroccurrence, the organizer of auctionwill adoptstyle that pulls outto extract the formalitiesfee, butat the Yu Familyauctionpulls outreaches as high as20%!
他自己提供的药自己买?还是为了抬高价格呢?拍卖会中,的确有一些人为了抬高自己的拍卖品价格,也参与虚假竞价,这个拍卖会的主办方很清楚,所以为了避免这样的事情发生,拍卖会的主办方都会采取抽成的方式抽取手续费,而雨家的拍卖会上抽成高达20!As the matter stands, even ifsomepeoplewantto drive upbidding, musttake very bigrisk, drove upsuccessfully, was happy, auctionpulling out of organizerbecomeswill not be in any case few, but the selleralsoobtained the price that oneselfwanted! If failed, the seller must buyownsomething by auction, in other wordsmustpull out20%to be goodby the organizer of auction!
这样一来,就算有人想哄抬竞价,也要承担很大的风险了,哄抬成功了,那么皆大欢喜,反正拍卖会的主办方的抽成不会少,而卖家也得到了自己想要的价钱!但是一旦失败,卖家也要花钱购买自己的拍卖品,也就是说必须被拍卖会的主办方抽成20才行!Naturally, after finalizing, does not buy , must pay damagesgives the organizer20%formalitiesfees of auction! Thereforein any event, this20%wereowes, but the average personwill not drive upto tendercasually!
当然,成交后不买也可以,也要赔付给拍卖会的主办方20的手续费!所以无论如何,这20都是亏定了的,而一般人也不会随便哄抬竞价了!ButlikeFatty Lai, all of a suddenoffered100 millionpricesto come, wascracks a joketo be the same simply, thereforeYu Haitian, althoughhad doubts, buthas not saidanything.
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