SBPE :: Volume #2 风起云涌

#488: Second open/stretch Cantu appears

Chapter 0488 第0488章 Second open/stretch Cantu appears 第二张残图出现 This type of thing, if trades to make the ordinary auction to estimate thing that also very much causes a stir, but places here, these aristocratic family younger generation will not be obviously interested, was held finally also red invitation ordinary rich merchant younger generation to pat by one, price 150,000. 这种东西,要是换做普通拍卖会估计也是很轰动的东西,但是放在这里,那些世家子弟显然都不会感兴趣,最终也是被一个持红色请柬的普通富商子弟拍得,价格不过150000。 Third holding, then before is Lin Yi , that settles on attempted remnantly, the base price was 100,000 Yuan, when the auctioneer demonstrated come out, in the field had the short awkward silence! 第三件藏品,则是林逸之前看中的那张残图了,底价是100000元,当拍卖师展示出来的时候,场中出现了短暂的冷场! Because the showing of remnant chart in atlas is very brief, the map trace of above picture is not clear, therefore everybody does not know why this thing uses actually, must say that is the antique, does not have the corresponding testimonial, even does not have including the manufacture age! Must say that is not the antique, has not talked clearly this thing to be useful, handpainted map is similar to the Old Society bandit climbs mountains with, moreover is a remnant chart! 因为残图在图册上的说明很简略,上面画的地图纹路也不清晰,所以大家都不知道这东西倒是干什么用的,要说是古董吧,也没有相应的鉴定书,甚至连制造年代都没有!要说不是古董吧,也没说清楚这东西到底有什么用处,就和旧社会土匪上山用的手绘地图差不多,而且还是个残图! This type of thing, absolutely does not have what substantive value, places the person who antique marketplace could not sell to be good, but places at the auction, appeared somewhat towering. 这种东西,根本就没有什么实质性的价值,放在古董市场卖给不懂的人还行,但是放在拍卖会上,就显得有些突兀了。 However at the auction some strange things appeared, although finally the class has patted, but will have such several every year. 不过拍卖会上本就有一些稀奇古怪的东西出现,虽然很多最后都流拍了,但是每年都会有那么几件的。 In fact the auctioneer does not know that this remnant chart is any thing, 实际上拍卖师也不知道这残图到底是个什么玩意, The words that therefore introduced absolutely did not have, but deferred to the atlas above synopsis saying that this was strange sheepskin curls map, possibly was a big buried treasure concealed treasure chart! 所以介绍的话根本就没有,只是按照图册上面的简介说,这是一张古怪的羊皮地图,可能是一个大宝藏的藏宝图! Naturally, he also said that is only possible, possible matter were many, walks also possibly to pick 1 million on the avenue casually, the matter of this being unsure, naturally nobody believes! 当然,他也说了,只是可能,可能的事儿多了,在大街上随便走还可能捡到1000000呢,这种没谱的事情,自然没有人会相信! These participate in aristocratic family younger generation of auction to be also good, the rich merchant, is not a fool, comes to here to the useful thing, useless does not want, they naturally are disinclined to participate! 这些来参加拍卖会的世家子弟也好,富商也罢,都不是傻子,来这里都是冲着对自己有用的东西来的,没有用的不想要的,他们自然是懒得参与! The auction is not dish marketplace, the thing that does not want participated in bidding also being probable to buy finally, cannot renege on a promise casually, therefore this useless remnant chart, then nobody shouted out the price radically. 拍卖会又不是菜市场,不想要的东西参与了竞拍最后也是要买下来的,不能随便反悔,所以这种没用的残图,则是根本没有人叫价。 This situation, the auctioneer also has to meet, thing that the class pats were many, does not miss this, therefore settles the throat clear: „No. 3 something by auction, sheepskin curls map one, has ginseng and bidding?” 这种情况,拍卖师也不是没有遇见过,流拍的东西多了,也不差这一件,于是清了清嗓子:“三号拍卖品,羊皮地图一副,有人参与竞价么?” Ha, 110,000!” Fatty Lai has held up the sign in hand: This thing perhaps is really a buried treasure, I buy to study!” “哈,110000!”赖胖子举起了手中的牌子:“这玩意没准儿真是个宝藏呢,那我就买回去研究研究吧!” The Fatty Lai words, bring in the vision that numerous people had doubts and despised, can find the buried treasure by such broken map, that was really is clever, but the Fatty Lai appearance looked like rich Nouveau Riche, knew that his person very much wondered a Fatty Lai very astute person, bought this to do tattered? To show off? Did not know that thought Fatty Lai did not have the place to be colored richly, two fool. 赖胖子的话,引来了众多人疑惑和鄙夷的目光,凭借这么一份儿残破的地图能找到宝藏,那真是出鬼了,而赖胖子的样子就像是一个有钱的暴发户,认识他的人都很纳闷赖胖子一个挺精明的人,买这破烂干什么?难道是想出出风头?不认识的,都觉得赖胖子有钱没地方花了,二傻子一个。 110,000, 183 rd mister leaves 110,000, do some people pay a higher price?” Auctioneers slightly one surprised, but there is ginseng with be naturally good, although is only 110,000, but also 20% pulling out become turn over to the auction, although the mosquito is small, is the meat! “110000,183号的先生出110000,有人出更高的价格么?”拍卖师微微一愕,不过有人参与自然是好的,虽然只是110000,但是其中也有20的抽成是归拍卖会的,蚊子虽小,也是肉啊! 11 ten thousand First times...... 11 ten thousand second time......” auctioneer looks at those present, hopes that also some people can lift a raising prices standard, is it is a pity that nobody increases price. “11万第一次……11万第二次……”拍卖师看着在场的人,希望还有人能够抬一抬价格,可是遗憾的是,没有人加价。 These aristocratic family younger generation are not fools, radically not for a useless thing will tender, let alone very possible , will therefore also become enemies with bidding! Can participate in the auction to here, takes the benefit as first, the matter of this harming others but not benefit oneself, nobody is willing to do. 这些世家子弟也不是傻子,根本就不会为了一件没有用的东西去竞价,何况很可能因此还和竞价者结仇!能到这里参加拍卖的,都是以利益为先,这种损人不利己的事儿,没有人愿意做。 Oneself are useless, that simply does not participate, leaves the useful person. But if are also useful, that also vying for honor red neck will be definitely thick, but likely is disturbed bidding is few appearances, only if two people themselves has a grudge. 自己没有用,那就干脆不参与,留给有用的人。但是如果自己也有用,那肯定也会争个脸红脖子粗,但是像是捣乱性的竞价则是很少出现,除非是两个人本身就有仇。 In an auction market corner, a man hears to have ginseng and bidding, obvious complexion one tight, was saying one to ear of mouth: „Doesn't Second Uncle, with need me to add the price?” 拍卖场一个角落里面,一个男子听到有人参与竞拍,明显的脸色一紧,对着嘴边的耳麦说了一句:“二叔,用不用我加一下价格?” „The person of opposite party also is very as if discrete, does not know that he is wants or does not want.” Ear has broadcast a voice of middle-aged man: Symbolic additional 20,000 has a look.” “对方的人似乎也很谨慎,不知道他到底是想要还是不想要。”耳麦里传来了一个中年男子的声音:“象征性的加个一两万看看吧。” Good!” After the man listens, should say, when the auctioneer said 11 ten thousand Third times, he has held up the sign in hand, said: 120,000!” “好的!”那男子听后应道,在拍卖师说“11万第三次”的时候,他举起了手中的牌子,说道:“120000!” „? It seems like this is a good thing, I have no alternative but to increase price!” Fatty Lai somewhat surprisedly looked at one to lift the person of sign, did not wait for the auctioneer to speak, set out saying: 125,000!” “哦?看来这是个好东西呀,那我就不能不加价了!”赖胖子有些惊奇的看了一眼举牌的人,不等拍卖师说话,就起身说道:“125000!” „?” Those present stare, they saw some people bid, but also in guessing this sheepskin volume is any good thing, but after listening to the Fatty Lai words, the heart inside understands secretly, looked style that Fatty Lai bids knows, he does not exert its utmost! Otherwise, where has such bids? like is acts perversely simply? “嘎?”在场的人都是一愣,本来他们见到有人竞价,还在猜测这羊皮卷到底是不是什么好东西,但是听了赖胖子的话后,心里面暗暗明了,看赖胖子出价的方式就知道,他并不是势在必得!不然的话,哪有这么出价的?简直像是耍无赖一样? Although the thing each time increasing price rules of 100,000 base prices are least 5000 Yuan, but actually few people such add, is 100 million in addition, Fatty Lai such adds can only explain that he is unnecessary to such thing, some person and he snatched, a he symbolic in addition in addition, opposite party, if adds is too high he directly to drop. 虽然100000底价的东西每次加价规则是最少5000元,但是却很少有人这么加,都是100000000的加,赖胖子这么加只能说明他对这样东西是可要可不要的,有人和他抢了,他就象征性的加一加,对方要是加的太高他就直接放手。 Therefore the people do not have interest participation, presently participate in that being equal to becoming enemies, looked that these two people performed. 所以众人也都没兴趣参与,现在参与那等于结仇呢,就看这两个人表演了。 Second Uncle, his what is this?” Lifts sign man somewhat scruple asking. “二叔,他这是什么意思?”举牌男子有些迟疑的问道。 Does not know, you add 5000 to have a look again, if he adds you to give up again.” The middle-aged man said. “不知道,你再加5000看看,他要是再加你就放弃吧。”中年男子说道。 130,000!” The men have held up the sign in hand. “130000!”男子举起了手中的牌子。 135,000!” Fatty Lai is turning the big buttocks, has held up the sign. “135000!”赖胖子扭着大屁股,举起了牌子。 Gives up!” The middle-aged man said: find someone investigates his background!” “放弃!”中年男子说道:“找人调查一下他的背景!” Good.” The men said, has not lifted the sign again. “好的。”男子说完,没有再举牌子。 135,000 thousand First times, 135,000 thousand second time, 135,000 thousand Third times, finalized!” The auctioneers give the final word, these people who wants to watch the fun, somewhat is disappointed! “135000千第一次,135000千第二次,135000千第三次,成交!”拍卖师一锤定音,想看热闹的那些人,也都有些失望! Before and Fatty Lai tendered that person, was calling obviously also play, not having the thoughts to pat, but Fatty Lai estimated that was also this thoughts, was patting play. 之前和赖胖子竞价那人,明显也是叫着玩儿的,没有心思拍下来,而赖胖子估计也是这个心思,是拍着玩儿的。 Therefore, nobody thinks that remnant chart can be any good thing, after seeing the Fatty Lai deal, did not have what joyful expression slightly, was definite he is patting play, but to really do not exert its utmost. 所以,也没有人会想到那残图会是什么好东西,见赖胖子成交后,丝毫也没有什么欣喜的表情,更是确定他只是拍着玩儿的,而不是为了真的要势在必得。 Congratulates the 183 rd mister to pat this sheepskin volume by 135,000 prices, later will have the staff to contact with you, discussion payment matters concerned.” The auctioneers said, starts to continue to introduce next something by auction. “恭喜183号的先生以135000的价格拍得这份羊皮卷,稍后会有工作人员联系您,商议交付事宜。”拍卖师说完,就开始继续介绍起下一件拍卖品来。 Fatty Lai has patted the sheepskin volume, but is a small interlude, nobody pays attention to him slightly again, except for beforehand with that man who he bids...... 赖胖子拍了个羊皮卷,不过是个小插曲而已,丝毫没有什么人再关注他,除了之前的和他竞价的那个男子……
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