SBPE :: Volume #2 风起云涌

#484: Very good Mother Tang

Chapter 0484 第0484章 Very good Mother Tang 很牛的唐母 Meanwhile, made Little Wei and Little Dan deep has shocked! They fear Zou Tiandi, it can be said that fears is not good, but Zou Tiandi fears Lin Yi, may compared with two people fear that he must fear! Saw that Zou Tiandi this type does not want the face, to flatter Tang Yun, making the Little Wei chest one's blood bubbles up to the brim! 同时,也让小伟小丹深深的震撼了一把!两人怕邹天迪,可以说是怕的不行,但是邹天迪林逸,可比两人怕他还要怕!看到邹天迪这种连脸面都不要了,就为了讨好唐韵,让小伟胸口热血沸腾! If Lin Yi has not bid good-bye with big sister, but is own Big Brother-In-Law that this good? Oneself can also excuse me, flamboyant well! But did he bid good-bye with big sister? 如果林逸没有和姐姐分手,而是自己的姐夫那该多好?自己也能借光了,好好的牛逼一把!可是他怎么和姐姐分手了啊? What does big sister have not to be good? The people grow beautiful, the disposition is also good, is ten thousand miles selects one simply, this Lin Yi blind eye? However Little Wei also knows, if Lin Yi so is really flamboyant, then side the affirmation does not lack the woman, oneself big sister superiority, became is not the superiority...... 姐姐有什么不好的?人长得漂亮,性格又好,简直是万里挑一,这林逸瞎了眼睛么?不过小伟也知道,林逸要是真的这么牛逼,那么肯定身边是不缺女人的,自己姐姐的优势,也变得不是什么优势了…… But Mother Tang at this moment also is very excited, in the heart also regretted, if Lin Yi has not bid good-bye with Tang Yun well, oneself have such powerful son-in-law, who also dares to annoy itself? Head Zou this Big Boss, one hear of Lin Yi's names, from slapping face, was really too excited! 唐母此刻也很是激动,心中也是后悔,要是林逸没有和唐韵分手多好啊,自己有个这么厉害女婿,谁还敢惹自家了?邹总大老板,一听林逸的名字,就自抽耳光,真是太兴奋了! Snort, my son-in-law said that if you look for my nephew's trouble again, gives you to select the color to have a look!” Mother Tang is pinching the waist, how does not know, these words blurted out. “哼,我女婿说了,你要是再找我外甥的麻烦,就给你点儿颜色看看!”唐母掐着腰,不知道怎的,这些话就脱口而出。 Some Tang Yun rebuking looked at mother one, what son-in-law? Already was the matter of being unsure, but was not at this moment good to correct, cannot make Zou Tiandi know that wasn't? 唐韵有些嗔怪的看了妈妈一眼,什么女婿?早就是没谱的事儿了,但是此刻也不好纠正,不能让邹天迪知道不是? Therefore does not have the means that has, whatever mother talked nonsense. 所以也就没办法,只好任由妈妈瞎说。 Does not dare, does not dare!” Zou Tiandi said hastily: Originally is aunt, loses the respect to lose the respect, I practice certainly good self-discipline, did not stir up trouble!” “不敢,不敢!”邹天迪连忙说道:“原来是阿姨啊,失敬失敬,我一定严于律己,再也不去惹事儿了!” Before gave you that 150,000?” Mother Tang snort/hum asked. Regarding the Zou Tiandi such big age, but also called itself aunt, Mother Tang extremely had the sense of achievement! This does Zou Tiandi fear to be big? Unexpectedly from falling the rank, when Mother Tang has such treatment? Immediately is happy! “之前给你那150000呢?”唐母哼了一声问道。对于邹天迪这么大岁数了,还叫自己阿姨,唐母极其的有成就感!这邹天迪恐怕比自己还大吧?居然自降辈分,唐母何时有过这样的待遇?顿时乐得不行! Tang Yun one hear of mother words, want the bad matter on secretly thought, doesn't this make Zou Tiandi get suspicious? If early know that he is Zou Tiandi, not his 150,000, but before , has given him 150,000...... 唐韵一听妈妈的话,就暗道要坏事儿,这不是让邹天迪起疑心么?要是自己早知道他是邹天迪,就不会给他那150000了,而偏偏之前又给了他150000…… Thinks of here, Tang Yun hurries saying: Mother, Lin Yi said, the beforehand 150,000 books are Little Wei owe others, gives him......” 想到这里,唐韵赶忙道:“妈,林逸说,之前的150000本就是小伟欠人家的,就给他吧……” For Tang Yun at this time did not put on the help/gang, has to lie, otherwise, did not have the means to mediate. 唐韵这时候为了不穿帮,也不得不扯了个谎,不然的话,就没办法圆场了。 Mother Tang actually some do not give up, can 150,000 probably come back before the Lin Yi's reputation obviously, doesn't the daughter want? 唐母却有些不舍得了,明明可以借着林逸的名头将之前的150000要回来的,女儿怎么就不要了? Right, right, that 150,000, I return immediately! Immediately!” Zou Tiandi where can think that many at this moment? Tang Yun has considered thoroughly actually, let alone a Tang Yun such saying, Zou Tiandi will not begin to have suspicions! Because, that is the Lin Yi's disposition, similar trivial matter, he does not have the free time to pick a quarrel, so long as does not touch his bottom line, generally is all right. “对,对,那150000,我马上退回!马上!”邹天迪此刻哪里会想那么多?倒是唐韵多虑了,何况唐韵这么一说,邹天迪更加不会起疑了!因为,那本就是林逸的性格,差不多的小事儿,他也没工夫去找碴,只要不触动他的底线,一般是没事儿的。 Although Tang Yun said that Lin Yi did not want that 150,000, but Mother Tang has actually opened the mouth, Zou Tiandi has not dared really also! If this Lin Yi's mother-in-law happy, did not return to one crookedly, said own how many malicious remarks, do't Lin Yi can oneself opening? The Zou Tiandi heart said that because if this trivial matter were killed, that may really be too undeserved! 但是虽然唐韵说了,林逸不要那150000了,但是唐母却开口了,邹天迪还真不敢不还!万一这林逸的丈母娘不高兴了,回家嘴一歪,说自己几句坏话,林逸不得把自己给拆了啊?邹天迪心道,要是因为这点儿小事儿丧命,那可真是太冤枉了! No matter Tang Yun wants, this money was directly good to Mother Tang, shuts her mouth, should better let her again to oneself kind words several, making Lin Yi thorough giving up look for itself to trouble is good! Thinks of here, Zou Tiandi tumbles went upstairs. 所以不管唐韵要不要,这钱直接给唐母就好了,堵住她的嘴,最好让她再给自己美言几句,让林逸彻底的放弃找自己麻烦才好!想到这里,邹天迪连滚带爬的上了楼去。 Tang Yun ill-humored stared mother one, Mother Tang has actually not cared a whoop, can probably bring in money, borrows the Lin Yi's reputation to be also what kind of? 唐韵没好气儿的瞪了妈妈一眼,唐母却毫不在意,能要来钱,借用一下林逸的名头又怎么样? Little Wei and Little Dan are also serious that shocks! Some Lin Yi multi- can powerful, make this Zou Tiandi frighten this pitiful look? In their cognition, Zou Tiandi that is super flamboyant existed, rich and powerful, black and white sweeps the decks, Ruffian gang leader of eldest son Zou Ruoguang or North area, this status, that is also Songshan City dominated! 小伟小丹也是震撼的不得了!林逸到底有多厉害,才能让这个邹天迪吓成这副熊样啊?在他们的认知里,邹天迪那是超级牛逼的存在了,有钱有势,黑白通吃,大儿子邹若光还是北区的混混头子,这种身份,那也是松山市的一霸了! But Lin Yi has not come, but big sister came, frightens him scared shitless, if Lin Yi came, he also does want to kneel kowtows? 可是偏偏的林逸还没来呢,只是姐姐来了,就把他吓得屁滚尿流,要是林逸来了,他是不是还要跪地磕头呢? However, has question Little Wei and Little Dan does not dare to speak, they feared that will go bad the matter, therefore these issues can only keep the evening to go back to say again. 不过,有疑问小伟小丹也不敢说话,他们可是怕会坏了事儿,所以这些问题只能留到晚上回去再说了。 Before long, Zou Tiandi from building high and low, because possibly worries, gets down the time under foot of staircase to slide, fell from the staircase, was hits the slide to slip into downstairs likely generally, but Zou Tiandi did not give a thought to the ache on buttocks, has given Mother Tang a bag: aunt, this is gives you......” 不一会儿,邹天迪就从楼上下了来,可能因为着急,下楼梯的时候脚下一滑,从楼梯上摔了下来,像是打滑梯一般滑到了楼下,不过邹天迪丝毫不顾屁股上的疼痛,将一个袋子递给了唐母:“阿姨,这是给您的……” Did not say that doesn't want?” Tang Yun saw Zou Tiandi to get down money take, was not good to insist, but said one, did not have to prevent, she knows that prevented also uselessly, money to mother, that have not wanted to put. “不是说不要了?”唐韵邹天迪把钱拿下来了,也就不好坚持了,只是说了一句,也没有真的阻止,她知道阻止也没用,钱到了妈妈手里,那是别想放回去了。 The receiving bag that Mother Tang beams with joy, hit to start to count on the sofa. Tang Yun somewhat is immediately speechless, Zou Tiandi like this, he definitely has not dared little to give, you still count money in others unexpectedly, like has not seen money, doesn't this lose face? 唐母眉开眼笑的接过袋子,在沙发上就打了开数了起来。唐韵顿时有些无语,邹天迪都这样了,他肯定不敢少给的,你居然还在人家数钱,像是没见过钱一样,这不是丢人呢么? Tang Yun air/Qi stamped the feet, actually cannot say anything. However the Tang Yun's expression actually fell in the Zou Tiandi eye, the Mother Tang number money he did not think anything, the background of Tang Yun he was very clear, was a Slum District very ordinary poor household, therefore Mother Tang became greedy at the sight of money is also normal. 唐韵气得跺了跺脚,却也不能说什么。不过唐韵的表情却落在了邹天迪的眼里,唐母数钱他并不觉得什么,唐韵家的背景他很清楚,就是棚户区一家很普通的贫困户,所以唐母见钱眼开也是正常的。 But Tang Yun stamps the feet, what looks like does not have in Zou Tiandi, Tang Yun presently already with Lin Yi on good, money also aren't some? Therefore perhaps does not care regarding these money. 唐韵跺脚,在邹天迪看来也没什么,唐韵现在已经和林逸好上了,钱还不有的是?所以对于这些钱恐怕也就不在乎了。 Well? How many 50,000?” Mother Tang has counted money in the bag, the discovery are not only many, instead multi- come out 50,000, somewhat are surprised immediately. “咦?怎么多了50000?”唐母数了一下袋子里的钱,发现不但不少,反而还多出来50000,顿时有些惊奇。 aunt, this 150,000 put on here was so long, naturally must give the interest! This 50,000 treated as the interest!” Zou Tiandi said hastily, he counted on the Lin Yi's mother-in-law spoke the word of praise to him, but purity that Mother Tang weakness Zou Tiandi also looks, that is greedy for money! 阿姨,这150000在我这里放了这么久,当然要给利息了!这50000就当做利息了!”邹天迪连忙说道,他指望林逸的丈母娘给他说好话呢,而唐母的弱点邹天迪也看的一清二楚,那就是贪财! This multi- come out 50,000, are used to flatter Mother Tang, Zou Tiandi believes, Mother Tang will again certainly not blame him, but can also praise him! 这多出来的50000块,就是用来讨好唐母的,邹天迪相信,唐母一定不会再怪他了,还会夸他! Really, after Mother Tang listened to the Zou Tiandi words, smiling expression on face was thicker: Good, good, your boy will very come the matter!” 果然,唐母听了邹天迪的话后,脸上的笑意更浓了:“好,不错,你小子挺会来事儿的!” Mother Tang in high spirits put in money the bag, then said to Tang Yun: Yun'er, do we walk? Also did not disturb Boss Zou to rest!” 唐母兴高采烈的将钱又装回了袋子里,然后对唐韵说道:“韵儿,那咱们走吧?也不打扰邹老板休息了!” Wait/Etc., Mr. Zou, you write to me according , after stating one next, no longer looked for the trouble of my younger brother and Little Dan!” Tang Yun actually records this important matter, the written agreement must have, otherwise, what to do when the time comes does Zou Tiandi renege on a promise? “等等,邹先生,你给我写个字据吧,声明一下以后不再找我弟弟小丹的麻烦!”唐韵却记着这个重要的事情,字据必须要有,不然的话,到时候邹天迪反悔怎么办? Good, does not have the issue!” Although the Zou Tiandi heart said, I also do dare to look for the trouble of your younger brother? My presently did not have the matter that anything cannot look on the bright side of thing, does not want to commit suicide! However on the mouth actually without hesitation complied. “好,没问题!”虽然邹天迪心道,我还敢去找你弟弟的麻烦么?我现在还没有什么想不开的事儿,不想自杀呢!不过嘴上却毫不犹豫的答应了下来。
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