SBPE :: Volume #2 风起云涌

#483: Fears in the bone

Chapter 0483 第0483章 Fears in the bone 怕到骨子里 However, the Little Wei words actually broke the fantasy of Zou Tiandi! Let the dream of Zou Tiandi vanish into thin air all of a sudden, is infuriated by Zou Tiandi immediately. 但是,小伟的话却打破了邹天迪的幻想!让邹天迪的梦想一下子化为乌有,是以邹天迪顿时火冒三丈。 Yes, we have brought 500,000, after hoping Head Zou you, can let off Little Dan!” Little Wei nodded saying that although in the heart some do not abandon, but these money can rescue Little Dan after all, he was also willing. “是啊,我们带来了500000,希望邹总你以后能够放过小丹!”小伟点了点头说道,心中虽然有些不舍,但是毕竟这些钱能够救小丹,他也心甘情愿了。 Snort, 500,000 where?” Although Zou Tiandi is annoyed, but before , words that reached an agreement, is not quite good to renege on a promise, has cold sound to ask, hopes that can pick up a problem to come, then taking the opportunity launches an attack. “哼,500000在哪里?”邹天迪虽然恼火,不过之前已经说好的话,却又不太好反悔,只得冷声问道,希望能够挑出点儿毛病来,然后借机发难。 „...... Little Wei said my elder sister here: Elder sister, you looks at to him......” “在我姐这里……”小伟说道:“姐,你给他看一下……” Tang Yun hears the speech the voice is very familiar-sounding, in addition Little Wei, said that he is called Head Zou, Tang Yun responded suddenly, this Head Zou were the understanding, he was Zou Ruoming father Zou Tiandi! 唐韵听到说话的声音很是耳熟,再加上小伟之前说他叫做“邹总”,唐韵猛然反应过来,这个邹总自己是认识的,他就是邹若明父亲邹天迪 Thinks is the whole person, Tang Yun immediately a heart startled, before and Lin Yi in the same place, she naturally did not fear Zou Tiandi, but presently Lin Yi bid good-bye with her, then lost the Lin Yi's protection, not to Zou Family father and son bully? Thinks of here, some Tang Yun regrets came to here, she feared that Zou Ruoming made any excessive matter again. 想到是整个人,唐韵顿时一阵心惊,之前和林逸在一起,她自然是不怕邹天迪的,但是现在林逸已经和她分了手,那么失去了林逸的保护,还不是任由邹家父子欺负了?想到这里,唐韵有些后悔来这里了,她怕邹若明再做出什么过分的事情来。 Elder sister?” Little Wei sees Tang Yun not to have the sound, is somewhat strange, cannot help but also called one. “姐?”小伟唐韵没有动静,有些奇怪,不由得又叫了一声。 Zou Tiandi sees the Tang Yun's back, is very pretty exquisite, cannot help but some meanings move, in the heart is thinking saying that some dirty things, over the face smiles obscenely: „? Did your older sister also come?” 邹天迪看到唐韵的背影,很是娇俏玲珑,不由得有些意动,心里面就想着一些龌龊的东西,满面淫笑的说道:“哦?你姐也来了?” Tang Yun hears the nauseating sound that Zou Tiandi that is full of the desire, is some fears, but this moment Little Wei called her, she does not have the means that can only brace oneself to stand up, has turned the head, opens the raising bag in hand, then does intentionally the calm say/way: Head Zou, money I have brought, hopes that you can observe the agreement, lets off my younger brother and Little Dan......” 唐韵听到邹天迪那充满欲望的恶心声音,更是有些害怕,不过此刻小伟已经叫她了,她没有办法,只能硬着头皮站起身来,转过头,将手中的提袋打开,然后故作镇定的道:“邹总,钱我带来了,希望你能遵守约定,放过我弟弟小丹……” „?” Zou Tiandi was shocked all of a sudden, he has a dream has not thought that big sister that Little Wei said can be Tang Yun unexpectedly! Mother, oneself his mother on the lucky strike, more wants to hide Lin Yi, person who actually more is provokes to have the relations with him, was taken possession by the fading god? Otherwise also had the person to be able like oneself such to carry? “嘎?”邹天迪一下子愣住了,他做梦也没想到,小伟所说的姐姐居然会是唐韵!妈呀,自己他娘的怎么就这么好彩,越想躲着林逸,却越是招惹到和他有关系的人,是不是被衰神附身了啊?不然还有没有人能像自己这么背了? Hears the Tang Yun's words, Zou Tiandi also thinks that Tang Yun satirizes him, immediately frightens, the face was white, subconscious saying: I do not want, does not ask for money......” 听到唐韵的话,邹天迪还以为唐韵是讽刺他呢,顿时吓得不行,脸都白了,下意识的说道:“我不要了,不要钱了……” Tang Yun actually knit the brows, she noticed that the Zou Tiandi complexion changes, can renege on a promise? Little Wei is also one startled, the Little Dan complexion also changes...... 唐韵却皱了皱眉,她看到邹天迪脸色一变,难道是要反悔了么?小伟也是一惊,小丹的脸色也跟着微变…… Head Zou, you had not said before 500,000 have put Little Dan? How to renege on a promise?” Little Wei was somewhat anxious. 邹总,你之前不是说过500000就放了小丹么?怎么又反悔了?”小伟有些急了。 Mr. Zou, won't you mean what he says?” Tang Yun is also one startled, for does not show one's ignorance, can only do calmly, at this time cannot be soft, otherwise Zou Tiandi must be intenser! 邹先生,你不会说话不算话吧?”唐韵也是一惊,不过为了不露怯,只能强作镇定,这个时候可不能软下来,不然的话邹天迪肯定要更加变本加厉! I said Young Lady Tang...... Sister Tang, I did not call your older sister, other your play I, I was not intentionally, I was really not intentionally, where I know that Little Dan was your Little Sister-In-Law, if knew, I do not dare to have any idea taking advantage of my ten courage!” Zou Tiandi nearly cries, he listens to the Tang Yun's words, thinks that Tang Yun said intentionally the irony satirized him, after all every so often, flamboyant person acting cool time liked speaking the irony, Zou Tiandi bully small and weak time little has not done, therefore at this time his subconscious also thinks that Tang Yun was this. “我说唐小姐……啊不,唐姐,我叫您姐了,您就别玩儿我了,我不是故意的,我真不是故意的,我哪里知道小丹是您弟妹,要是知道了,借我十个胆子我也不敢有什么想法了啊!”邹天迪差点儿哭了,他听唐韵的话,以为唐韵是故意说反话讽刺他呢,毕竟很多时候,牛逼人装逼的时候都喜欢说反话,邹天迪欺负弱小的时候也没少干,所以这时候他下意识的也认为唐韵是这样了。 The response of Zou Tiandi, has stemmed from the anticipation of all people, Little Wei and Little Dan were silly, Mother Tang was also silly! Does not understand after this Zou Tiandi sees Tang Yun, did the manner come 180 degrees shallowturn? 邹天迪的反应,出乎了所有人的意料,小伟小丹傻了,唐母也傻了!不明白这邹天迪怎么见到唐韵之后,态度来了个180度的大转弯呢? Tang Yun actually knit the brows, after short doubts, in the heart has thought all of a sudden through, the matter that oneself and Lin Yi bid good-bye, it is estimated that Zou Tiandi has not known, therefore to oneself respectful, oneself can walk away taking this opportunity actually, but Tang Yun feared that Zou Tiandi will know from now on after the news that oneself and Lin Yi bid good-bye, looks for the trouble of Little Wei...... 唐韵却皱了皱眉,短暂的疑惑之后,心里面一下子就想通了,自己和林逸分手的事情,估计邹天迪还不知道,所以才会对自己毕恭毕敬,自己倒是可以借着这个机会一走了之,不过唐韵就怕邹天迪过后知道了自己和林逸分手的消息后,又来找小伟的麻烦…… Evidently, he did not speak the irony before, but did not want this money really! This accident, why although does not know, but makes the people feel pleasantly surprised! 看样子,他之前不是说反话,而是真的不想要这个钱了!这个变故,虽然不知道为什么,但是还是让众人觉得惊喜! Thinks of here, Tang Yun said: Mr. Zou, you are taking this 500,000, this matter must mediate, is right?” 想到这里,唐韵还是道:“邹先生,你还是拿着这500000吧,这事儿总要有个了断,对不对?” Zou Tiandi thinks that Tang Yun comes to put in order him, to run on intentionally his, in the heart some indignation however, more are actually afraid! He knew from Younger Son Zou Ruoming there, Lin Yi usually to serious of Tang Yun treasure, previous son wants to wreak havoc to Tang Yun, by Lin Yi to entire unbearable, where oneself is also dared to provoke Tang Yun again? 邹天迪以为唐韵是故意来整他、挤兑他的,心中有些忿然,更多却是害怕!他可是从小儿子邹若明那里知道了,林逸平时对唐韵宝贝的不得了,上次儿子想对唐韵施暴,就被林逸给整的够呛,自己还哪里敢再去招惹唐韵了? Let alone, Tang Yun arrived here at this moment, has the Lin Yi's shadow mostly in! An enduring patiently limit of person is limited, oneself again and again finds Lin Yi and his person's trouble, will trade to make everyone not happy, let alone Lin Yi this expert? 何况,唐韵此刻来到这里,多半也有林逸的影子在!一个人的忍耐限度是有限的,自己一而再再而三的去找林逸和他身边的人的麻烦,换做谁都不会高兴的,何况林逸这种高手 Although expert disdains to haggle over with unimportant person generally, but that unimportant person, if to nose upper eyelid, then expert definitely will not mind that pats an unimportant person! 虽说高手一般都不屑和小人物计较,但是那小人物要是给鼻子上脸,那么高手肯定也不会介意去拍死一个小人物的! This looks like a dog, it usually cries out to you two, you possibly do not respond it, bites your one time, you also possibly endured. However if it bit you also to nip your family member one after another, you possibly directly butchered it have eaten the meat. 这就像是一条狗,它平时对你叫唤两声,你可能不搭理它,过来咬你一次,你也可能忍了。但是它要是接二连三的咬你还咬了你的家人,你可能直接就将它宰了吃肉了。 Zou Tiandi presently felt oneself are that dog, after provokes Lin Yi repeatedly, is not far to the time of being patted...... 邹天迪现在感觉自己就是那条狗,在多次招惹林逸以后,离被拍死的时间不远了…… Therefore, after thinking of these, Zou Tiandi thorough has feared, passed one to kneel on the ground, tears come out: Sister Tang, asked you, do not play me, I knew really mistakenly, you went back to say one with Boss Lin Yi, I had eyes but failed to see, I slapped my in the face not to be good, when you I was, has put me......” 所以,在想到这些之后,邹天迪彻底的怕了,“噗通”一声跪在了地上,眼泪都出来了:“唐姐,求您了,别玩我了,我真的知道错了,你回去和林逸老大说一声,我真是有眼无珠,我自己打我自己嘴巴还不行么,您就当我是个屁,放了我吧……” Then, Zou Tiandi on horizontal upper arm, round round the arm started to slap own face, „” „” the resounding sound is lingering on faintly, Zou Tiandi goes all out beats itself, more hits more has the vigor...... 说完,邹天迪就横起膀子,轮圆了胳膊开始抽自己的耳光,“啪”“啪”的响亮声音不绝于耳,邹天迪卖力的殴打自己,越打越起劲儿…… The Zou Tiandi words, making the Tang Yun complexion one red, what was regards to put? Is own good and evil girl? So to be how vulgar, cannot help but secretly spat one, stared Zou Tiandi one. 邹天迪的话,让唐韵脸色一红,什么叫当成个屁放了?自己好歹是女孩子吧?怎么这么粗俗,不由得暗啐一口,瞪了邹天迪一眼。 Zou Tiandi fades, made Tang Yun draw out the courage actually greatly, since he did not ask for money, that made him draw up a document, had the written agreement, did not fear after him, will renege on a promise! Thinks of here, Tang Yun also made the best of a bad situation, has bullied the weak by relying on powerful connections. 邹天迪的衰相,倒是也让唐韵大起了胆子,既然他不要钱了,那就让他立个字据好了,有了字据,也不怕他以后会反悔!想到这里,唐韵也就将错就错,狐假虎威了一把。 The Zou Tiandi words, let Mother Tang and Little Wei and in the Little Dan heart understand clearly! Originally this Zou Tiandi fears is not Tang Yun, but is Lin Yi! Although does not know why he fears Lin Yi, but total Zou Tiandi this kneeling from pulling out the situation of slap and slap in the face, he feared that Lin Yi perhaps feared in the bone! 邹天迪的话,让唐母小伟小丹心中了然!原来这个邹天迪怕的不是唐韵,而是林逸!虽然不知道他为什么怕林逸,但是总邹天迪这种跪地自抽耳光的情况来看,他怕林逸恐怕都怕进了骨子里了!
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