SBPE :: Volume #16

#9385: Chapter 9385

king Quan has looked completely compelled ignorant, muttered: Is impossible? The bastard gives is the inferior symbols?” 王犬已经完全看懵逼了,喃喃道:“不可能啊?难道那混蛋给的都是劣质阵符?” Protects a god symbol to rupture suddenly, besides inferiority he really cannot think of a Second explanation. 护神阵符忽然爆裂,除了劣质之外他实在想不到第二种解释。 At this time tidied up Lin Yi of three dragon embroidered costumes, was being calm and composed even in press of work spoke just words: You may be unfair to others, these protect a god symbol the quality, although is not much, but the level has generally, said no on inferior.” 这时收拾掉三个龙套的林逸,则是好整以暇的说了一句公道话:“那你可就冤枉人家了,这些护神阵符的品质虽说不怎么样,但一般水准还是有的,说不上有多劣质。” That how from exploding?” “那怎么会自爆?” king Quan astonished blurting out. 王犬一脸愕然的脱口而出。 The Lin Yi corners of the mouth raise slightly: „Did you experience personally do not know suddenly?” 林逸嘴角微微一扬:“你亲自体验一下不就知道了?” Then, unprecedented powerful divine sense nearly turned into an advantage arrow substantive, penetrates instantaneously protects the god symbol non-solution defense theoretically, attacks king Quan the knowledge sea deep place, making it fall into the dizziness directly. 说罢,一股前所未有的强大神识近乎实质化成了一道利箭,瞬间穿透护神阵符理论上的无解防御,直插王犬的识海深处,令其直接陷入眩晕。 Meanwhile, protects oneself a symbol to explode at the scene, is exactly the same as the beforehand three people, explodes king Quan nape covered with blood. 与此同时,护身阵符当场爆开,同之前三人如出一辙,炸得王犬后颈血肉模糊。 Lin Yi along with, even if must make up a foot, but unlike the beforehand three people, should be king Quanjing who obviously the severe wound falls into the dizziness is the First time response, then avoided his potential slightly, if the foot of thunder. 林逸随即便要补上一脚,但跟之前三人不同,明明应该已是重伤且陷入眩晕的王犬竟是第一时间反应了过来,稍微一偏头便避开了他这势若雷霆的一脚。 powerful powerful, really penetrated unexpectedly the defense limit of protecting a god symbol, such monster freshman Father, but First time sees!” 厉害厉害,居然真的击穿了护神阵符的防御极限,这样的怪物新生老子可是第一次见!” king Quan is saying while activity dripping with blood neck, what is strange, his head became a head of name ferocious dog along with the True Qi crazy gathering unexpectedly. 王犬一边说着一边活动鲜血淋漓的颈部,吊诡的是,他的头部伴随着真气疯狂汇聚竟成了一个狰狞恶犬的头颅。 It is not the pure True Qi shape, but is a substantive morphological change, his person such as the name at this moment, had turned into the half beast person of dog first person! 不是单纯的真气化形,而是一种实质性的形态变化,此时此刻的他人如其名,已然变成了犬首人身的半兽人! The key also so, grew two exactly the same fierce dog heads by its nape of the neck incessantly, the hell three dogs! 关键还不止如此,紧接着在其脖颈两侧又长出了两个一模一样的狰狞犬首,地狱三头犬! Lin Yi looks at the eyelid to jump: Your such monster I am also First time see.” 林逸看得眼皮一跳:“你这样的怪物我也是第一次见。” Feels the human aura of opposite party within the body clearly, he even must think that this goods change into the human shaped dark demon beast, in fact that heading on fierce wild aura, before him has seen the dark demon beast went beyond! 要不是清晰感受到对方体内的人类气息,他甚至都要以为这货是化为人形的黑暗魔兽了,事实上那股扑面而至的凶恶狂暴气息,比起他之前见过的黑暗魔兽有过之而无不及! Boy, your presently choice runs away also with enough time, my condition is not rational, will eat the person.” “小子,你现在选择逃走还来得及,我这个状态可没那么理性,是会吃人的。” king Quan three dog also voice, the boiling hot saliva dropping ground melts one piece forcefully, is combining the ominous beast respite sound continuously, made person scalp tingles. 王犬的三个犬首同时发声,滚烫的口水滴落地面硬生生熔掉一片,混杂着此起彼伏的凶兽喘息声,令人头皮发麻。 Lin Yi saw that First time to show the prudent look: Eating the person is a sickness, I must help you govern.” 林逸见状第一次露出了慎重的神色:“吃人是一种病,我得帮你治治。” Acts recklessly!” “不知死活!” Sane rays in king Quan six eyes are gradually dim, what replaces it is the incomparably crazy beastly nature, the next second, then shouts to kill toward Lin Yi. 王犬六只眼睛中的理智光芒渐渐黯淡,取而代之的是无比疯狂的兽性,下一秒,便嘶吼着朝林逸扑杀过来。 The speed is extremely fast! 速度极快! Lin Yi only sees front remnant shadow to flash, the blazing saliva has then dropped from own head, three fierce dog bite simultaneously from three angles, dodges radically without enough time. 林逸只看见面前残影一闪,炽热的口水便已从自己头上滴落,三个狰狞犬首从三个角度同时咬下,根本来不及闪避。 Jianghai Institute really hidden dragons and crouching tigers.” “江海学院果然藏龙卧虎。” Lin Yi sighed lightly, has not attempted to move aside, the demon bites the sword not to know when already presently in hand, backhands a sword then to truncate the next giant fierce dog head at the scene. 林逸淡淡感叹了一句,并没有尝试躲闪,魔噬剑不知何时已经出现在了手上,反手一剑便当场削下一个巨大凶恶的犬首。 Three dogs turned into the double headed dog immediately. 三头犬随即变成了双头犬。 By king Quan of beastly nature control immediately pain howlingly, but has not therefore made concessions, instead even more ominous rises suddenly, disregarded continuation bites, happen to bites the Lin Yi's head and left shoulder. 被兽性支配的王犬登时痛嚎不已,但并没有因此退让,反而愈发凶性暴涨,不管不顾的继续咬下,正好咬住林逸的头颅和左肩。 The Lin Yi whole person was then ripped the fragment by it instantaneously. 紧接着,林逸整个人瞬间便被其撕成了碎片。 Lin Yi big brother!” 林逸大哥哥!” At this time the king poetic appeal happen to from supermarket back door come out, saw that this zi wanted to crack immediately, almost fainted. 这时王诗情正好从超市后门出来,看到这一幕顿时目眦欲裂,差点昏死过去。 With the together Tang Yun similar shock, the heart does not know why just like by a heavy hammer bang , a whole person mind blank, displays compared with the king poetic appeal instead cannot withstand. 跟着一起的唐韵同样震惊不已,心头不知为何犹如被一记重锤轰中,整个人脑海一片空白,表现比起王诗情反而更加不堪。 The one side looks Jiang Ziheng who the Tang Yun expression changes gushes out killing intent, then looks that the Lin Yi torn to pieces broken body transforms as huge pleased, under the heart secret gives the thumbs-up to king Quan, kills well! 一旁看着唐韵表情变化的姜子衡则是涌出一阵杀意,而后看着林逸支离破碎的残破身躯转化为巨大的快意,心下暗暗给王犬竖起了大拇指,杀得好! From the Tang Yun's performance, even if her presently displays the incomparable dislike to Lin Yi, so long as Lin Yi does not die, as before is the serious hidden trouble that his Jiang Ziheng cannot be underestimated! 唐韵的表现来看,哪怕她现在林逸表现得无比厌恶,可只要林逸不死,依旧是他姜子衡不容小觑的心腹大患! But when everyone thinks Lin Yi has died thoroughly, the demon bites the sword to delimit from king Quan suddenly again behind, carried off his another fierce fierce dog head. 而就在所有人都以为林逸已经死透了的时候,魔噬剑忽然再度从王犬身后划过,带走了他另一个狰狞凶恶的犬首。 Meanwhile, being eased Lin Yi however had/left presently leisurely in front of the people, before the broken body also dissipated not to have the trace. 与此同时,一身轻松的林逸施施然出现在了众人面前,之前残破的身躯也消散无踪。 „Haven't you died unexpectedly?” “你居然没死?” The bonus is Jiang Ziheng is startled blurted out, a moment ago to guarantee him solely did not look with the naked eye by some chance, meanwhile used divine sense, but had no other discoveries. 饶是姜子衡都不禁惊得脱口而出,刚才为了确保万一他可不单单是用肉眼看,同时还用上了神识,但并没有任何其他发现。 As makes his origin spirit of President rune/symbol She is not weak, even if cannot compare Lin Yi, that still good and evil is the broken day period grand perfection boundary! 要知道,身为制符社社长的他元神可不弱,即便比不上林逸,那也好歹是破天期大圆满的境界! Lin Yi wind light cloud Dan shot a look at his one eyes: „The small camouflage, making everyone be laughed.” 林逸风轻云淡的瞥了他一眼:“一点小小的障眼法,让大家见笑了。” Jiang Ziheng choked a few words to say not come out. 姜子衡噎得一句话说不出来 This special is the small camouflage? If you act seriously, to divide minutes to be played by you? 这特么是小小的障眼法?那你丫要是动真格的,岂不是分分钟被你玩死? On the other hand, entire scene, although seemingly is much stranger, but to Lin Yi also is really the small method. 话说回来,整个场面虽然看起来吊诡得一塌糊涂,但对林逸而言还真就是一点小手段。 Wood Forest Illusory Thousand Transformations makes clone, simultaneously goes into hiding using the plant attribute the aura, that is all. 木林森幻千变制造出一个分身,同时利用植物属性隐匿掉自身气息,仅此而已。 Originally three is more convenient with Cloud Dragon presently, but that mad dog seemingly lost the wisdom, therefore Lin Yi teases him with clone, has not thought actually the Tang Yun three people just come out sees. 本来用云龙三现更方便,但那疯狗貌似是失了智,所以林逸分身逗弄逗弄他,倒是没想到唐韵三人刚好出来看到。 Jiang Ziheng is startled, the king poetic appeal is the great happiness, half beast person king Quan who does not attend to the dripping with blood, then threw on Lin Yi's directly: I know that Lin Yi big brother is certainly all right!” 姜子衡是惊,王诗情则是大喜,不顾鲜血淋漓的半兽人王犬,直接便扑到了林逸的身上:“我就知道林逸大哥哥一定没事!” „Did you just also that loudly respond?” “那你刚刚还那么大反应?” Lin Yi speechless turned a supercilious look, turns the head to look that to stands smartly in Tang Yun of original position, actually sees on her face the happy expression to flash past, along with, even if changes into the dislike of aloofing. 林逸无语的翻了一记白眼,转头看向俏立在原处的唐韵,却见她脸上喜色一闪而过,随即便化为拒人于千里之外的厌恶。 Compared with original, as if many unexplained complex. 只是跟原来相比,似乎多了一丝说不清道不明的复杂。 School leader Jiang, you said a moment ago he has not died unexpectedly, is what meaning?” “姜学长,你刚才说他居然没死,是什么意思?” Tang Yun asked Jiang Ziheng one suddenly, although without questioned face to face, but listens to the tone then to know that has given birth for several points to suspect to it, the intuition of woman is extremely always accurate, let alone her itself/Ben is the thoughts extreme sensitivity girl. 唐韵忽然问了姜子衡一句,虽没有当面质疑,但听语气便知道已对其生出了几分怀疑,女人的直觉一向极准,何况她本就是个心思极度敏感的女孩。 Jiang Ziheng the heart jumps, does to be calm hastily: It‘s nothing, thinks a moment ago Brother Lin encountered difficulty, has not thought has a false alarm, the Brother Lin method is really out of the ordinary, can become the Tang Yun study younger sister Bodyguard character worthily, powerful powerful!” 姜子衡心头一跳,连忙强作镇定道:“没什么,刚才还以为林兄弟遇难了,没想到是虚惊一场,林兄弟的手段果然非同凡响,不愧是能够成为唐韵学妹保镖的人物,厉害厉害!” Tang Yun looked at him, nod of showing neither approval nor disapproval: Also ok.” 唐韵看了看他,不置可否的点点头:“还行吧。” At this time, in the field Lin Yi by one after another king Quan who cuts two dog heads is the severe wound, although can also stand there reluctantly, but the nape of the neck located the blood that two huge wounds gushed out unceasingly to drip place, the wild fearsome aura started feebly, to lose rapidly obviously has resisted ability. 此时,场中被林逸接连斩掉两个犬首的王犬已是重伤,虽然还能勉强站在那里,但脖颈处两个巨大伤口不断涌出的鲜血已经淌了一地,原先狂暴可怖的气息开始急速衰弱,显然已经失去了抵抗能力 So long as Lin Yi wants, comes a sword, king Quanbi dead casually again! 只要林逸愿意,随随便便再来一剑,王犬必死!
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