SBPE :: Volume #16

#8591: Chapter 8591

Division Jack Ma has and the others not to care, under the present aspect, several thousand cavalries, the troops of any side, are actually not meaningful. 司马云起等人也没有太在意,眼前的局面下,数千骑兵,无论是哪一方的人马,其实都没什么意义。 If the reinforcement of enemy, under hundreds of thousands of armies, many several thousand cavalries are not many, few several thousand cavalries are many. 如果是敌军的增援,在数十万大军之下,多几千骑兵不多,少几千骑兵不少。 If were red still empire's reinforcements, cannot near the imperial capital, but also without coming to be exterminated by the enemy directly in most surrounding. 如果是红尚帝国的援军,也根本接近不了帝都,还没过来直接就会被敌军剿灭在最外围了。 Because of this, in imperial capital also at methodical preparation life and death war. 正因为如此,帝都之中还在有条不紊的准备生死大战。 But the mist and dust of that speedy approach is not others, is Lin Yi one line. 而那股迅速接近的烟尘不是别人,正是林逸一行。 Participated in source of road Grandmaster not so many, but besides uses/gives Tiancai, rarely has say/way Grandmaster to go out does not lead retinue, since, range from 2-3 people, to 56 people, even side Lin Yi has stretch/open Xiaopang. 原本参加阵道之源的阵道宗师并没有那么多,但除了施恬采之外,很少有阵道宗师出门不带扈从的,少则2-3人,多则五六人,连林逸身边都有个张小胖。 Then, this population were many. 如此一来,这人数就多了起来。 In addition Hua Wuyu brought the imperial guards to deliver Lin Yi to come to still the empire actually red, part of soldiers who were responsible for the logistics, the entire team became the scales of several thousand cavalries immediately. 加上化物语带着羽林军硬是要送林逸来红尚帝国,还有一部分负责后勤的战士,整个队伍立马就成了数千骑兵的规模了。 Lin Yi pushes to the front, the side is Hua Wuyu and stretch/open Xiaopang, saw from afar the innumerable crowded soldiers are surrounding red still the imperial capital in empire! 林逸一马当先,身边是化物语和张小胖,远远看到无数密集的士兵包围着红尚帝国的帝都! Lin Yi's complexion already gloomy as water. 林逸的脸色早已阴沉似水。 After entering still the empire area red, Lin Yi discovered some were not right. 进入红尚帝国疆域之后,林逸就发现了有些不对。 Red still the empire had the common people who evade the flames of war everywhere, some disbanded soldiers. 红尚帝国到处都有逃避战火的百姓,还有一些散兵游勇。 Lin Yi knows, red still Empire had an accident! 林逸知道,红尚帝国出事了! Therefore this all the way Lin Yi is with lightning speed and nonstop. 所以这一路上林逸可谓是风驰电掣、马不停蹄。 Hua Wuyu and imperial guards are naturally unobjectionable, even these say/way Grandmaster coordinated the Lin Yi's action in the silence. 化物语和羽林军自然毫无异议,连那些阵道宗师都在沉默中配合了林逸的行动。 First goes to source of the say/way truly to need to hurry along, cannot do to delay again. 一来前往阵道之源确实需要赶路,不能再多做耽搁。 Secondly...... Lin Yi's displayed everyone to watch, the Lin Yi's status also showed the sufficient weight/quantity. 二来嘛……林逸的表现大家都看在眼里了,林逸的身份也展现出了足够的分量。 If nothing else, star Source Mainland martial Pledge alchemy Association vice-chairman status makes them look up to sufficiently. 别的不说,星源大陆武盟炼丹公会副会长这个身份足以让他们仰望。 This level, but can make contact with existence of relations with the say/way association. 这个层次,可是能和阵道公会搭上关系的存在。 Everyone is the elite in each continent, knows that the important nature of upper-level personal connection, offended Lin Yi to be no good at this time. 大家都是各个大洲的精英,知道上层人脉的重要性,这时候得罪林逸没什么好处。 Small coordinate, at least can make good friends. 小小的配合一下,至少能结个善缘。 Attack division Jack Ma gets up in the city gate allied armies rear reserve, saw Lin Yi and the others came, immediately branches out the cavalry regiment that 15,000 rode. 攻击司马云起所在城门的联军后备队中,看到了林逸等人过来,立刻分出了一支一万五千骑的骑兵团。 Rumble the interception to the Lin Yi's team, launches to two wings simultaneously, exhibits the situation of surrounding. 轰隆隆拦截向林逸的队伍,同时向两翼展开,呈现出包围的态势。 The opposite party lead is also some strength military officers, discovered that Lin Yi here population are not many, therefore had the thoughts of annihilating. 对方领军的也是个有些实力的将领,发现林逸这边的人数不多,所以就起了围歼的心思。 Allied armies' here cavalry regiment in being away from about three li (0.5 km) slowed down the speed, shouts greatly: Future who? Holds the banner! If the allied armies ally, fast halts!” 联军这边的骑兵团在距离三里左右放缓了速度,大喊道:“来者何人?打出旗号!若是联军盟友,速速止步!” Finally Lin Yi no one pays attention, instead held up the weapon in hand, understood at a glance that was not the allied armies. 结果林逸这边没人理会,反而都举起了手中的武器,一看就知道不是联军了。 Was red still empire's reinforcements! Army preparation!” “是红尚帝国的援军!全军准备!” Military officer cold snort/hum of allied armies, therefore is not startled, lifts the hand to issue the order, frontline propaganda induces somebody to capitulate, making them surrender!” 联军的将领冷哼一声,却并未因此而惊慌,抬手发出命令,“喊话劝降,让他们投降!” Soldier who shouted propaganda at a moment ago hit horse accelerate, while the stiff back drank loudly greatly: We are the Empire Allied armies, the common punitive expedition still empire these rebelled red, the heaven has care for all living things, if you do not want dead, hurries dismount the surrender! The sword does not have the eye, if acts willfully, do not blame us not being impolite!” 刚才喊话的士兵一边打马加速,一边挺直背脊放声大喝:“我们是帝国联军,共同讨伐红尚帝国这些逆贼,上天有好生之德,你们若是不想死,就赶紧下马投降!刀剑无眼,若是一意孤行,就别怪我们不客气了!” The words just shouted, the soldier discovered the butcher knife of enemy had arrived at present. 话刚喊完,那士兵就发现敌人的屠刀已经到了眼前。 He wants to draw a sword to resist, the result saw instantaneously the own headless corpse drops under the horse, was trampled the dregs by the innumerable horse's hooves! 他想拔刀抵挡,结果瞬间看到自己无头的尸身跌落马下,然后被无数马蹄践踏成渣! The Lin Yi whole face callous wielding demon bites the sword, does not need to use any Martial Skill, wields conveniently, can harvest the life of enemy with ease. 林逸满脸冷酷的挥动魔噬剑,不需要使用任何武技,随手一挥,就能轻松收割敌人的性命。 That wants to surround to surround and exterminate the Lin Yi's military officer the whole face to be shocking immediately, but this expression solidifies forever on his face, did not have the opportunity of change again. 那个想要包围聚歼林逸的将领顿时满脸震惊,而这个表情永远凝固在他脸上,再也没了改变的机会。 Imagines as for him surrounding, is a joke! 至于他想象中的包围,更是一个笑话! Lin Yi brings imperial guards relaxed in addition happy attacked with one penetrated the array of opposite party, then drew a wonderful arc, then routed the left wing, charged into the right wing like lightning, struck to burst again! 林逸带着羽林军轻松加愉快的用一个突击就击穿了对方的阵列,然后划出一个美妙的弧线,回头击溃了左翼,闪电般冲向右翼,再次一击而溃! The fight is only Lin Yi and imperial guards participates, rear say/way Grandmaster and their retinue from Le Mas suspension of movement, have not followed to rush ahead. 战斗只是林逸和羽林军参与,后方的阵道宗师和他们的扈从都勒马停步,并没有跟着冲杀。 Therefore they witnessed a lopsided slaughter very much clearly! 所以他们很清楚的目睹了一场一面倒的屠杀! Neat, Lin Yi brings the imperial guards to seem the horse race general, the place visited, the enemy runs into the rock to separate such on such as the water current. 干脆利落,林逸带着羽林军就好像跑马一般,所过之处,敌军就如水流遇到岩石自行分开那样。 Besides the shock, say/way Grandmaster really cannot find out also has other what adjectives to describe their time feelings. 除了震惊,阵道宗师们实在想不出还有什么其他形容词可以形容他们此时的心情。 The fight, they have to see. 战斗,他们并非没有见过。 But has not actually really seen has so cut the melon to cut the vegetable/dish general fight. 但却真的没有见过如此砍瓜切菜一般的战斗。 Although the imperial guards are the combat general of martial pledge branch fight association, the soldier in strength far ultra ordinary empire. 虽说羽林军是武盟分部战斗协会的战将,实力远超普通帝国的士兵。 But the large-scale regiment fights with individual martial arts contest is different, the imperial guards seem like a whole, or is a sharp long blade, the sharpest knife point is Lin Yi! 可大规模的军团战和个人的比武不同,羽林军看起来就像是一个整体,或者说就是一把锋锐的长刀,最锋利的刀尖就是林逸 „Can they...... be somewhat excessive?” “他们……会不会有些过分了?” Having say/way Grandmaster is pale, is whispering low voice: How saying that is also the combat general of martial pledge branch, how can slaughter the soldier below empire?” 有阵道宗师脸色苍白,小声嘀咕着:“怎么说也是武盟分部的战将,怎么可以屠戮下边帝国的士兵呢?” Breathes out...... do not speak at a venture, you are not do not know, this red still the empire was Sima Grandmaster hometown, even this empire itself was the state that he established single-handedly, the imperial family was his family member, some people dare to begin to Sima Grandmaster hometown, can he not get angry?” “嘘……别乱说话,你又不是不知道,这个红尚帝国是司马宗师的故乡,甚至这帝国本就是他一手建立起来的国度,皇室还是他的亲人,有人敢对司马宗师的家乡动手,他能不怒么?” Truly, if some people dare to act to my family member, I will also kill them without hesitation......” “确实,如果有人敢对我的家人出手,我也会毫不犹豫的弄死他们……” Said that is the combat general of martial pledge branch fight association, but in fact these combat generals are the Sima Grandmaster beforehand subordinate, they also continued to use the designation of Sima Grandmaster period, is known as the imperial guards! Sima Grandmaster must begin, following that they can certainly be duty-bound not to turn back, is not strange!” “说是武盟分部战斗协会的战将,可实际上这些战将都是司马宗师以前的部下,他们还沿用了司马宗师时期的番号,号称羽林军!司马宗师要动手,他们当然会义无反顾的跟上,不奇怪!” These say/way Grandmaster on the road, basically understood Lin Yi and relations of accept Duowu pledge branch, imperial guards and Lin Yi's relations, as well as Lin Yi family background red still empire wait/etc.. 这些阵道宗师在路上的时候,基本都了解了林逸和纳朵武盟分部的关系,还有羽林军和林逸的关系,以及林逸出身的红尚帝国等等。 Therefore this matter discussed that does not have the barrier! 所以此事议论起来都毫无障碍! Even Hua Wuyu followed Lin Yi to break through enemy lines, the trivial imperial guards followed homicide, was a ball! 化物语都跟着林逸冲锋陷阵了,区区羽林军跟着杀人,算个球! Lin Yi will not manage finances here discussion, is hopeless they to follow to rush ahead together, so long as did not hinder on the line! 林逸不会理财这边的议论,也没指望他们会跟着一起冲杀,只要不来妨碍就行了! In a short time, after routing the cavalry regiment of interception rapidly, the imperial guards adjustment direction, charges into the allied armies big camp directly. 在短时间内,迅速击溃了拦截的骑兵团之后,羽林军调整方向,直接冲向联军大营。 The allied armies of that head had discovered that is not right, branched out about ten thousand cavalries again, welcomed the imperial guards to rush ahead. 那头的联军已经发现不对了,再次分出了近万骑兵,迎着羽林军冲杀过来。 Meanwhile, 20,000-30,000 foot soldiers start the set up formation, prepares to resist the impact of cavalry by the infantry array. 同时,还有20,000-30,000的步卒开始布阵,准备以步兵阵列来对抗骑兵的冲击。 After the Lin Yi belt/bring person rushed ahead one, the anger vicious tendencies in heart had dissipated, facing cavalry regiment that rushes ahead again, suddenly some interest is wanings. 林逸带人冲杀了一阵之后,心中的怒气戾气已经消散了许多,面对再次冲杀过来的骑兵团,忽然有些意兴阑珊。 Kills these soldiers to be really not meaningful! 杀这些士兵实在是没有什么意义!
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