SBPE :: Volume #16

#8590: Chapter 8590

Transmitted orders, captures alive division Jack Ma to have, Su Lingxin, the Liu Ziyu three people of anyone, seals the lord of ten thousand households! Takes their severed head, seals thousand households of marquises!” “传令下去,活捉司马云起、苏绫歆、刘子瑜三人任何一人者,封万户侯!取他们首级者,封千户侯!” Head ascends city wall, the monetary reward 10,000! Cuts to kill enemy great general, the military exploit rises the third-level......” “首登城墙者,赏金一万!斩杀敌军大将者,军功升三级……” Detailed enjoying merit plans were transmitted, the morale of attacking a city team also starts to rise dramatically, gets angry to yell! 一道道详细的赏功方案被传递出去,攻城队伍的士气也开始飙升,一个个都红了眼哇哇大叫起来! They wish one could in immediately clashes the top, captures alive division Jack Ma to have et al . 他们恨不能马上冲上城头,活捉司马云起等人。 Without the means that any empire, conferring nobility upon is the quite difficult matter. 没办法,无论是哪个帝国,封侯都是相当困难的事情。 In the situation of especially not having fought, a serviceman boiled not to trace near a conferring nobility upon point side. 尤其是没有大战的情况下,一个军人熬死了也摸不到封侯的一点边边。 Now the opportunity at present, not enchanted does not survive! 如今机会就在眼前,不疯魔不成活! Transmitted orders the alert!” “传令戒备!” Song Shaopeng as the highest direction of frontline, after seeing the enemy starts to take action, immediately transmitted orders, prepares to greet the enemy army gust of wind suddenly Yu Yi attack. 宋少鹏作为前线的最高指挥,在看到敌军开始行动后,马上就传令下去,准备迎接敌方大军疾风骤雨一般的攻击。 However, division Jack Ma gets up lifts the hand suddenly, added: Like this, first transmitted orders first opens big, resists the attack of enemy, then in all cavalries the city gathers, waits for the time to go out of town the surprise attack!” 不过,司马云起忽然抬手,补充道:“这样,先传令先开启大阵,抵挡敌军的攻击,然后将城中所有骑兵集合起来,等待时机出城突袭!” Father sovereign! Too risky?” “父皇!太冒险了吧?” Liu Ziyu is startled. 子瑜大吃一惊。 He has not expected, under the present tense military situation, division Jack Ma got up had the so crazy thought unexpectedly. 他没有料到,在如今紧张的军情之下,司马云起居然生出了如此疯狂的念头。 Goes out of town the surprise attack?! 出城突袭?! Defense army majority of imperial capital is an infantry, because the cavalry was sent other battlefield support, now in the imperial capital 50,000 defend the army, having 10,000 are the cavalries! 帝都的守备军大部分都是步兵,因为骑兵多数被派去了其他战场支援,如今帝都之中五万守备军,只有一万是骑兵! Leads 10,000 cavalries to go out of town the surprise attack? 带着一万骑兵出城突袭? This and goes out of town to deliver the vegetable/dish to be similar! 这和出城送菜差不多啊! This matter, only then cousin Sima Yi can achieve, others no one is good, but cousin not in! 这种事情,只有表哥司马逸才能做到,其他人谁都不行,可表哥不在啊! No, the surprise attack is our only opportunities! Big admittedly can maintain our temporary securities, actually cannot preserve imperial capital long-time safe and secure, must repel the enemy to be hopeful!” “不,突袭才是我们唯一的机会!大阵固然能够保住我们一时的安全,却保不住帝都长久的平安,必须击退敌军才有希望!” Si Mayun has an intention is very anxious, but mind actually unexpected is maintaining calm. 司马云起心中是很紧张,但头脑却出乎意料的保持着冷静。 His itself is an outstanding talent, initially when red still Junguo has shown talent for the first time, held the post of important the duty of command. 他本就是一个出色的人才,当初在红尚郡国的时候已经崭露头角,担任了重要的统帅之职。 If not he is not willing to compete for anything with Sima Yunfei, Sima Yunfei that lineage/vein had been suppressed by him die! 若非他不愿意和司马云飞争夺什么,司马云飞那一脉早就被他打压死了! Afterward, Lin Yi appeared by the Sima Yi status, fought up and down the country vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered invincibly, division Jack Ma got up on the thorough stealth became the transparent person, left the young generation the scenery. 后来,林逸司马逸的身份横空出世,一路南征北讨纵横无敌,司马云起就彻底隐身成了透明人,把风光都留给了年轻一辈。 But actual Superior Jack Ma gets up is not old, the chest military strategy in warm-blooded abdomen, suppresses a country sufficiently! 可实际上司马云起并不老,无论是胸中的热血还是腹中的韬略,都足以镇压一国! Around enemy besieges, military ten times in us, clinging to tenaciously are unrecommendable! We start big even, still protected imperial capital temporary safe and secure, but the empire has fallen to the enemy!” “敌军四面围攻,兵力十倍于我们,死守不可取!我们就算启动大阵,也是保护了帝都一时的平安,但帝国已经沦陷了啊!” „When we divide forces to attack a city while them, will attack by the cavalry cuts will seize the flag, after destroying, our pressures will reduce greatly, receive use the scheme to estrange the allied armies again, perhaps will have a slim chance of survival.” “我们趁着他们分兵攻城之际,以骑兵突袭斩将夺旗,溃灭一路之后,我们的压力就会大大减轻,接下再使用计谋离间联军,或许还会有一线生机。” Division Jack Ma has tearing off long gown, reveals inside light armor: This war, I, when attended! Does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause!” 司马云起一把扯下身上的袍服,露出里面的轻甲:“此战,吾当亲往!不成功便成仁!” In process that red still the empire established, division Jack Ma gets up not to participate, is completely Lin Yi one founds this huge empire. 红尚帝国建立的过程中,司马云起并没有参与进去,完全是林逸一手建立起这个庞大的帝国。 Therefore, the war of this scale, division Jack Ma gets up has not really experienced. 所以,这种规模的大战,司马云起真没见识过。 Is unavoidable anxiously, but he does not dread! 紧张在所难免,可他并不畏惧! Power that son wins laboriously, since establishes he not, that protection time, is charged by him! 儿子辛苦打下的江山,既然建立的时候他没有在,那守护的时候,就由他来冲锋吧! Father sovereign! son is the emperor in empire, the counter-attack surprise attack, when arrives at the battlefield by me!” “父皇!儿子才是帝国的皇帝,反击突袭,当由我亲临战阵!” Liu Ziyu is greatly anxious, immediately boldly thrusts forward. 子瑜大急,马上挺身。 Because this fights is really a narrow escape, puts together that ray of hope with the life completely! 因为这一战真的是九死一生,完全是用命去拼那一线希望! Su Lingxin who had not spoken went forward suddenly, puts out a hand to pat the shoulder of Liu Ziyu, said with a smile gently: Fine jade, because just you are the emperor in empire, therefore you cannot move lightly! Must assume the imperial capital overall plan direction.” 一直没有说话的苏绫歆忽然上前,伸手拍了拍刘子瑜的肩膀,温柔笑道:“瑜儿,正因为你是帝国的皇帝,所以你不能轻动!必须坐镇帝都统筹指挥。” Your safe/without matter, imperial capital on safe/without matter! The officers will feel at ease, the surprise attack gives us to go! I and your father sovereign will certainly triumphal return to turn over to!” “你无事,帝都就无事!将士们才会心安,突袭就交给我们去吧!我和你父皇一定会凯旋而归!” The Su damask silk admired during the speeches also to tear overcoat, inside revealed excellent war armor. 苏绫歆说话间也扯开了身上的大氅,露出里边精良的战甲。 She must get up with division Jack Ma goes to battle together, looks at the appearance of their couple, Liu Ziyu knows that they have the resolution in advance, after not temporary conceiving a plan to here. 她也要和司马云起一起出战,看他们夫妇的打扮,刘子瑜知道他们事前就已经有了决断,并非到这里后的临时起意。 Father sovereign and Royal Mother......” “父皇、母后……” Liu Ziyu is moved to tears, felt oneself were really useless! 子瑜热泪盈眶,感觉自己真的是太没用了! Unexpectedly also takes two elders to kiss to go all out! 居然还要两位长辈亲去拼命! Relax! Perhaps however a war, really can turn defeat into victory at risk of life! If after the matter has does not agree......, has the opportunity to see that Yi...... told him us to think of him very much......” “放心吧!不过拼死一战而已,说不定真的能反败为胜!若是事有不谐……以后有机会见到逸儿……告诉他我们都很想念他……” Division Jack Ma gets up to raise Lin Yi red, the eye socket one. 司马云起提起林逸,眼眶不由一红。 Although knows that Lin Yi and they do not have the blood relationship, but he and Su Lingxin really regarded son Lin Yi. 虽然知道林逸和他们没有血缘关系,但他和苏绫歆是真的把林逸当成儿子了。 This will not change because of the blood relationship. 这并不会因为血缘关系而有所改变。 In division Jack Ma draws out and in Su Lingxin the heart, Lin Yi is their son! 在司马云起和苏绫歆心中,林逸就是他们的儿子 No! The father sovereign, I will not tell the cousin these words, when the matter, we looked for the cousin together, had a look at his presently good!” “不!父皇,我不会告诉表哥这些话,等此间事了,我们一起去找表哥,看看他现在过的好不好!” Good! That settled! General Song, did the cavalry assemble to complete?” “好!那就这么说定了!宋将军,骑兵集结完成没有?” Division Jack Ma got up waves the arms about, depresses deep love between man and woman in heart, formal entered the command the role. 司马云起一甩手,压下了心中的儿女情长,正式进入统帅的角色。 Returns to the overlord, is being built up, but also requires half tea time to complete building up!” “回太上皇,正在集结中,还需要半盏茶时间才能完成集结!” Song Shaopeng admires the resolution that division Jack Ma has much, therefore the attitude is even more respectful. 宋少鹏很佩服司马云起的决断,所以态度越发恭敬。 Worthily is adoptive father Boss', the critical moment did not instigate! 不愧是老大的义父,关键时刻丝毫不怂! The enemies outside city have started to run the charge, close to the city wall, will soon be responsible for the soldiers who defend after they enter the firing distance, on the drawing a bow nocking in advance launches the attack. 城外的敌军已经开始快跑冲锋,即将靠近城墙,负责防守的士卒在他们进入射程之后,就张弓搭箭先行发动攻击。 After several rounds of arrow rain, protects city big to open, resists the offensive of allied armies. 几轮箭雨之后,护城大阵就会开启,来抵挡联军的攻势。 This is protects the country big First opening defense pattern, how the effect no one knows...... 这还是护国大阵第一次开启防御模式,效果如何没人知道…… Actually this protected city big is Lin Yi revised afterward has arranged, the might was above everyone's imagination! 其实这个护城大阵是林逸后来重新修改布置过的,威力超乎所有人的想象! Not only the defensive power is powerful, even certain counter-attack ability. 不但防御力强悍无比,甚至还有一定的反击能力 What a pity Lin Yi has not said to them, because this big provides against contingencies under the arrangement, Lin Yi did not think that who will brave to offend own risk to attack still the empire imperial capital red. 可惜林逸从来没有对他们说过,因为这大阵只是以防万一布置下的,林逸不觉得谁会冒着得罪自己的风险来攻打红尚帝国帝都。 If really has such person, it is estimated that strength above oneself, big can have an effect, but did not say. 如果真有这样的人,估计实力会在自己之上,大阵能不能起作用,可就不好说了。 Has not thought that these empires because of a rumor, will join up to attack still the empire in high spirits red, this is really the matter that Lin Yi is even unexpected. 没想到这些帝国因为一个谣言,会兴冲冲的联合起来进攻红尚帝国,这真是连林逸都始料未及的事情。 While the frigid siege warfare will soon launch, when division Jack Ma gets up and Mr. and Mrs. Su Lingxin prepared at risk of life, in the sky of distant place raised mist and dust, and approaches to the imperial capital rapidly. 正当惨烈的攻城战即将展开,司马云起和苏绫歆夫妇做好了拼死的准备时,远处的天空中扬起了一股烟尘,并迅速向帝都靠近。 Can look quite clearly from the city wall, division Jack Ma and Song Shaopeng are in the army the veteran general, can judge come out with ease, the future is the cavalry team that most several thousand people compose! 从城墙之上可以看得比较清晰,司马云起和宋少鹏都是军中宿将,很轻松就能判断出来,来者是一支最多数千人组成的骑兵队伍! At this moment, is running quickly rapidly. 此刻,正在急速奔驰。
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