SBPE :: Volume #16

#8430: Chapter 8430

But Hua Wuyu reconstructs the later fight association, that was very strange. 化物语这边重建之后的战斗协会,那就很陌生了。 This action is primarily the fight association, abandons is not obviously good the people of fight association, therefore stretch/open Yiming has started to think how to select the person from the fight association as soon as possible. 这次行动是以战斗协会为主,把战斗协会的人撇下明显不行,所以张逸铭已经开始想着怎么尽快从战斗协会这边挑人了。 Lin Yi arranged stretch/open Yiming the work, without the stop continues saying: Collection information at the same time, we must establish the elite fight to attack the group, conducts very intensive training, once the information has the accurate discovery, attacks the group to respond immediately, directly spoils the plan of dark demon beast!” 林逸安排了张逸铭的工作,没有停顿继续说道:“收集情报的同时,我们还要成立精锐的战斗突击小组,进行高强度的训练,一旦情报有准确发现,突击小组马上进行反应,直接破坏黑暗魔兽的计划!” Early Phase, is the intelligence warfare of this type of small scale and attacks the war, when Late Phase, may present the large-scale fight, therefore everyone cannot relax, must many drill while presently, our opponents are the dark demon beasts! Any general idea/careless, will become the fatal factor!” 前期来说,就是这种小规模的情报战和突击战,等到中后期,可能会出现大规模的战斗,所以大家都不能放松,必须趁现在多加操练,我们的对手是黑暗魔兽!任何一丝大意,都会成为致命的因素!” The dark demon beast has the spy to mix in human, this words Lin Yi had no way saying that because will create the unnecessary panic! 黑暗魔兽有间谍混入人类,这种话林逸没法对所有人说,因为会造成不必要的恐慌! Who can affirm that Comrade-In-Arms, can certainly entrust the person of back? 谁能肯定身边的战友,就一定是可以托付后背的人? Perhaps is the dark demon beast traitor within? 没准儿是黑暗魔兽化形的内奸呢? Fight time was held knife by the back is the most terrifying matter! 战斗的时候被背后捅刀子是最恐怖的事情! Once announced that this news, the combat generals fight will guard surely, under the mind cannot concentrate, dying will be only quicker! 一旦宣布这个消息,战将们战斗的时候必定会有所防备,心神不能集中之下,死的只会更快! This matter, can only be then discussed with stretch/open Yiming in private, lets him during the investigation devil's lair news, but must pay attention to observe to distinguish among the combat generals to have any suspect to exist! 这件事情,只能是等回头和张逸铭私下商量,让他在探查魔窟消息的同时,还要注意观察分辨战将们中间有没有什么可疑的人存在! This all combat general conference, mainly makes a mobilization, is various arrangements, a goal, Lin Yi had not said Hua Wuyu, wants through this time big movement, to observe in the combat general to have the traitor within! 此次全体战将会议,主要就是做个动员,然后是各种安排,还有一个目的,林逸化物语都没说,就是想通过这次的大动作,来观察战将中有没有内奸! Therefore final of conference, Lin Yi announced that presents all combat generals to cancel the leave in the following time, unified agreement task, strongly conducts the strengthened training. 所以会议的最后,林逸宣布在场所有战将在接下来的时间里都取消休假,统一安排任务,集中进行强化训练。 After waiting to dismiss, Lin Yi hints stretch/open Yiming first not to leave, has not been evading Hua Wuyu and to spend Daqiang. 等解散之后,林逸示意张逸铭先别离开,也没避着化物语和费大强。 Yi inscription, the dark demon beast has the dark spy to ambush in human, this our movement is very big, will definitely bring to the attention of dark demon beast dark spy, therefore your task is heavy.” “逸铭,黑暗魔兽有暗谍潜伏在人类之中,这次我们的动作很大,肯定会引起黑暗魔兽暗谍的注意,所以你的任务非常重。” Lin Yi is very serious, this matter really did not chat: I want you collects the news while the devil's lair, arranges the credible person monitoring today all those present! I have arranged to be centralized in together, during this , if who finds an excuse leaves find someone, should quite be conspicuous.” 林逸很严肃,这事儿真不是说笑的:“我要你在魔窟中收集消息的同时,安排可信的人监控今天所有在场的人!我已经安排把人都集中在一起了,这期间要是有谁借故离开找人,应该会比较显眼。” Is the devil's lair entrance, must have our person in the dark attention, regardless of above transfers several hands, the stop press will certainly feed in the bottom devil's lair!” “还有就是魔窟入口,也必须有我们的人暗中关注,无论上边转几道手,最后消息一定会被送进地底魔窟!” At this point Lin Yi, turns the head to look slightly to Hua Wuyu: Melts the brother, the need about the entrance you acts, in the near future will limit the entry personnel, except for our people, will prevent the non- relevant personnel to enter as far as possible.” 说到这里林逸略微一顿,转头看向化物语:“化兄,关于入口这边需要你出手,近期限制进入人员,除了我们的人,尽可能阻止不相关人员进入。” This is quite troublesome, although Hua Wuyu is the vice- owner, but jurisdiction not necessarily enough. 这点比较麻烦,化物语虽然是副堂主,但权限未必够。 If Lin Yi puts out enables status actually a few words to handle secretly, but enables casually on the exposed status is not secretly...... 林逸若是拿出暗使身份倒是一句话就能搞定,可暗使也不能随便就暴露身份不是…… Does not have the issue, these things wrap on old older brother!” “没问题,这些事情包在老哥哥身上!” Hua Wuyu has not hesitated and resisted actually, readily agreed this matter: Although I do not want to suspect these people on one's own side, but in front of the important matter, how is not truly overrated discretely!” 化物语倒是没有丝毫迟疑和推拒,一口答应了此事:“虽然我很不想怀疑身边的这些自己人,但大事面前,确实如何谨慎都不为过!” The spy of dark demon beast has developed to destroy the woods of node illusion situation, ambushes develops in human how really not to say! 黑暗魔兽的奸细已经发展到能破坏幻象之森节点的地步了,潜伏在人类中发展的如何真不好说! Especially the fight association reconstructs, this situation is best mixes the sand toward in the opportunity. 尤其是战斗协会重建,这种情况是最好的往里掺沙子的机会。 Has to melt brother these words, this matter was safe, Yi inscription, what difficulty your does here have?” “有化兄这句话,此事就稳妥了很多,逸铭,你这边有没有什么困难?” Lin Yi turns the head to ask. 林逸转头问道。 No! Boss felt relieved, guaranteed completes task!” “没有!老大放心,保证完成任务!” stretch/open Yiming the pressure somewhat is truly big, but he said without hesitation can achieve. 张逸铭的压力确实有些大,但他毫不犹豫的表示可以做到。 This is his value is, is, if unable to complete, but also wants him who he excels what to make? 这本就是他的价值所在,都是他所擅长的,若是无法完成,还要他做什么? However chooses the manpower to enter the devil's lair reconnaissance in the fight association the matter, wanted carefully, inside the manpower who if selected had the dark demon beast, that made laugh. 不过在战斗协会中挑选人手进入魔窟侦察的事情,就更要小心谨慎了,若是挑到的人手里边有黑暗魔兽,那就搞笑了。 Here takes strict precautions against cling to tenaciously, finally delivered the traitor within to go in personally, that side the dark demon beast estimated that can laugh aloud? 这边严防死守,最后亲自送了内奸进去,黑暗魔兽那边估计会笑掉大牙吧? This matter must discuss with Hua Wuyu finally, after all the person of fight association, is he understands are more. 此事最终还是要和化物语来商量,战斗协会的人,毕竟是他了解的更多一些。 The concrete detail how, Lin Yi has not inquired, but actually knows that stretch/open Yiming led finally personally the underground devil's lair. 具体的细节如何,林逸没有过问,但却知道张逸铭最后是亲自带队去了地下魔窟。 Five days later, stretch/open Yiming who carries the severe wound from devil's lair come out, the Lin Yi First time has presently in front of him. 五天之后,身负重伤的张逸铭从魔窟出来,林逸第一时间出现在他面前。 Yi inscription, what's the matter?” “逸铭,怎么回事?” Lin Yi inquired at the same time the stopper Profound Step Great Revitalizing Pill had entered stretch/open Yiming the mouth, relied on the strong efficacy, stretch/open Yiming soon has the spirit. 林逸询问的同时已经塞了一颗玄阶大还丹进张逸铭的嘴里,凭借着强大的药力,张逸铭很快就有了精神。 This maintaining life pill medicine, Lin Yi may give person a lot, particularly to spend Daqiang and stretch/open Yiming these two trusted aides direct descendant, can work as the food to eat. 这种保命的丹药,林逸可没少给身边的人,尤其是费大强和张逸铭这两个心腹嫡系,更是能当饭吃了。 But stretch/open Yiming is still so distressed, finally also wants Lin Yi that pill medicine come out to save a life, obviously pill medicine has consumed. 可张逸铭依然如此狼狈,最后还要林逸丹药出来救命,可见身上的丹药都已经消耗完了。 Boss, we found the dark demon ** thin at the rallying point of devil's lair, at that time we wanted first to retreat, finally by the dark pile discovery that they arrange, chases down!” 老大,我们找到黑暗魔**细在魔窟的一个聚集点了,当时我们想要先撤退,结果被他们安排的暗桩发现,一路追杀!” stretch/open Yiming catches one's breath slightly, starts to tell the process: „...... Followed to sacrifice in my brother, they to shield me...... were I implicated them!” 张逸铭稍微缓了口气,就开始讲述过程:“……跟在我身边的兄弟们一个个都牺牲了,他们是为了掩护我……是我拖累了他们!” Speaking of finally, stretch/open Yiming cannot bear the tears tears vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 说到最后,张逸铭忍不住涕泪纵横。 His strength is not always the strong point, but the collection information ultra has the talent, will therefore lead to enter the underground devil's lair personally, the fact also proved him ability in this aspect. 他的实力从来都不是强项,但收集情报却超有天赋,所以才会亲自带队进入地下魔窟,事实也证明了他在这方面的能力 Has saying that stretch/open Xiaopang in this aspect talented, merely five days of time, stretch/open Yiming touched the dark demon beast dark spy at the rallying point of underground devil's lair! 不得不说,张小胖在这方面是有才能的,仅仅五天时间,张逸铭就摸到了黑暗魔兽暗谍在地下魔窟的聚集点! This speed, Lin Yi cannot help raising up the thumb to praise flamboyant. 这速度,林逸都忍不住要竖起拇指夸一声牛逼。 stretch/open Xiaopang, brother protect you , because knows your important! So long as there are you, they will not die in vain! Buoys up, we go to revenge for them!” “张小胖,兄弟们保护你,是因为知道你重要!只要有你在,他们就不会白死!振作起来,我们去为他们报仇!” to spend big strong beat shoulder that pats stretch/open Yiming, is not proficiently comforting this small fatty very much. 费大强拍了拍张逸铭的肩膀,不是很熟练的安慰着这个小胖子 Yes! We must revenge for them!” “是!我们要为他们报仇!” stretch/open Yiming the complexion becomes firm, in the look has the hatred: Boss, we listened secretly some clues outside that rallying point, after I came back, before these clues, many information that collected conducted the conformity verification, basically can determine several plans about dark demon beast.” 张逸铭脸色变得坚定,眼神中带着仇恨:“老大,我们在那个聚集点外边偷听到了一些线索,我回来之后,将这些线索和之前收集的很多情报进行了整合印证,基本上可以确定几个关于黑暗魔兽的计划了。” We must act immediately, bring to attack the group to enter the underground devil's lair, and makes others be ready! Once spoiled that several plans of dark demon beast, perhaps was the beginning of war!” “我们必须马上行动,带着突击小组进入地下魔窟,并让其他人都做好准备!一旦破坏了黑暗魔兽的那几个计划,或许就是大战的开端了!” Lin Yi regarding stretch/open Yiming the judgment is the percentage hundred trusts, without delay, nods immediately: Good! The matter cannot be delayed, you first rest, I look for the brother immediately, the arrangement attack the squad!” 林逸对于张逸鸣的判断是百分百信任的,听后二话不说,当即点头:“好!事不宜迟,你先休息一下,我马上去找化兄,安排突击小队出发!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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