SBPE :: Volume #16

#8428: Chapter 8428

The Lin Yi brow tip raises, originally Ouyang Changqing this silly bubble has been put on regular status to work as formal lobby to advocate, no wonder did the energy ample appearance, feel flamboyant? 林逸眉梢一扬,原来欧阳常青这傻泡已经转正当了正式大堂主了,难怪底气十足的样子,是觉得牛逼了吧? Ouyang Changqing really thought he is very flamboyant, after footman said the status, on the face is difficult to cover the self-satisfied smiling face: Sima Yi, accept Duowu the pledge branch needs to reorganize, person who first is these hangs the reputation to have no contribution, will be cleaned up, how do you feel?” 欧阳常青是真觉得他自己很牛逼,被跟班说出身份之后,脸上已经难掩得意的笑容:“司马逸,纳朵武盟分部需要整顿,首先就是那些挂着名头却没什么贡献的人,会被清理掉,你觉得如何?” So-called hangs the reputation not to contribute, is not the suggestion, but was clearly refers to Lin Yi this center liaison department being in charge! 所谓挂着名头没贡献,都不算暗示,而是明指林逸这个中心联络部管事了! Goes to a world city to come back, Ouyang Changqing was put on regular status, a Lin Yi this manager really matter does not have to manage! 去一趟天下城回来,欧阳常青都转正了,林逸这管事是真的一点事儿都没管过! Therefore Ouyang Changqing sees Lin Yi, the preparation is used to operate. 所以欧阳常青一看到林逸,就准备用来开刀。 However, although Ouyang Changqing knows that Lin Yi took First in the school inspection in the world city, because continent martial Meng has the notice of formal, but actually does not know the owners who the Lin Yi's status can let continent martial Meng want to flatter to become friends with! 不过,欧阳常青虽然知道林逸在天下城的学院考核中拿了第一,因为大洲武盟有正式的通知过来,但却不知道林逸的身份能让大洲武盟的正副堂主都想要讨好结交! The things of these secrets will not mention in the notice. 这些隐秘的东西在通知中可不会提起。 In addition, Ouyang Changqing also knows that Ouyang Fantong was expelled the rising typhoon alchemy school by Lin Yi, now the rising typhoon alchemy school prominence! 除此之外,欧阳常青还知道欧阳帆彤被林逸逐出了扶摇炼丹学院,如今扶摇炼丹学院声名鹊起! Ouyang Fantong was pursued, reputation plays the egg thoroughly, wants to look for other school receives is very difficult. 欧阳帆彤被驱逐,名声彻底玩蛋,想要找个其他的学院接收都很困难。 Envies the envy to hate to add on the new enmity long standing grudge, Ouyang Changqing saw that Lin Yi lost the basic calmness. 羡慕嫉妒恨加上新仇旧怨,欧阳常青看到林逸就丧失了基本的冷静。 „, That manages!” “哦,那就这么办吧!” Lin Yi Leng Leng (coldly) said lightly, seems the higher authority to listen to the report of subordinate, then spoke thoughtlessly the appearance that sent the subordinate. 林逸冷冷淡淡的说了一句,就好像上级在听下属的汇报,然后随口打发下属的样子。 Ouyang Changqing was self-satisfied extraordinarily, actually by Lin Yi such ordinary a few words suppressing heart stopper...... 欧阳常青本来得意非凡,硬是被林逸这么普普通通的一句话给憋得心塞…… Sima Yi, this One thought that you are neglect duty the most serious that person, First that therefore you must be cleaned up, what opinion do you have?” 司马逸,本座觉得你就是失职最严重的那个人,所以你是要被清理的第一个,你有没有什么意见?” Ouyang Changqing could not endure, put out the stance of pressure directly, finally Lin Yi still clouds poor business conditions light shrugging: I do not have the opinion, you look at the office! However must remind your one, I that effective position seemed like continent martial Meng to appoint and dismiss before, you should have no right to meddle, therefore you best first to ask the continent martial Meng opinion.” 欧阳常青忍不了了,直接拿出了威压的姿态,结果林逸依然云淡风轻的耸耸肩:“我没意见,你看着办吧!不过要提醒你一句,我之前那个管事的职位好像是大洲武盟任免的,你应该无权插手,所以你最好是先问问大洲武盟的意见。” Continent martial pledge most famous lobby main face to face, he does not dare to Lin Yi, below vice- owner and vice-chairman to be how same does not dare! 大洲武盟最大牌的大堂主当面,他也不敢对林逸怎么样,下边的副堂主、副会长都一样不敢! Therefore, Ouyang Changqing really dares to do that cussing out right in the face is being able to escape. 所以,欧阳常青真敢这么做,一顿劈头盖脸的臭骂是逃不掉的了。 Can be recalled directly, did not say! 会不会直接被罢免,都不太好说! Lin Yi this is not in no mood to pay attention to Ouyang Changqing this clumsy mischief-doer, immediately must go to the star source mainland, accept Duowu pledge branch trivial matter is not worth worrying about. 林逸这是没心情理会欧阳常青这跳梁小丑,马上就要去星源大陆了,纳朵武盟分部这点小事根本不值得挂怀。 Fights with Ouyang Changqing, in the present Lin Yi eye, is purely wastes the time! 和欧阳常青斗,在如今的林逸眼中,纯属浪费时间! What presently is most important is hurries to make the old man last wish completing previous dark gold/metal Jian! 现在最要紧的还是赶紧把上一任暗金级暗使老头的遗愿给做好! Only then completes these, the departure Chinese parasol tree continent that can feel relieved, goes to the star source mainland to look for gold/metal Botian, then in the dark inspects star source mainland each continent to look for the clue. 只有做好这些,才能放心的离开梧桐大洲,前往星源大陆找金泊田,然后暗中巡视星源大陆各个大洲找线索。 Ouyang Changqing sees the Lin Yi's attitude is the violent anger, he does not know Lin Yi does not want to waste the time to haggle over, only thought that Lin Yi this is disregarding his existence, may endure what else cannot be tolerated simply! 欧阳常青看到林逸的态度更是暴怒,他可不知道林逸是不想浪费时间计较,只觉得林逸这是在无视他的存在,简直是可忍孰不可忍! He, Ouyang Changqing, presently is the formal accept Duowu pledge branch lobby lord! 他,欧阳常青,现在可是正儿八经的纳朵武盟分部大堂主! How to tolerate his Sima Yi so to disregard! 岂能容他司马逸如此无视! Sima Yi!” 司马逸!” Ouyang Changqing anger is hard to take, cannot bear drinks one lowly. 欧阳常青怒火难耐,忍不住低喝一声。 Lin Yi is some does not bear, knits the brows to turn the head slightly: What's wrong? Ouyang lobby lord, I agreed that you said that has the issue? Or you are hope that I do oppose your opinion? That, I opposed to end, matter?” 林逸也是有些不耐,微微皱眉转头:“怎么了?欧阳大堂主,我同意你说的,有问题么?或者说你是希望我反对你的意见?那也可以,我反对就完了,还有事么?” Ouyang Changqing fails to explode probably to be good instantaneously reasonable, the labor that...... this special said does not know how unexpectedly should refute! 欧阳常青瞬间哑火……这特么说的好像好有道理,劳资竟是不知道该如何反驳了! Said Sima Yi to disregard, but others had not opposed obviously how wants to do the good appearance, why to get angry? 司马逸无视,可明明人家没反对,想怎么搞都行的样子,凭什么发火? Ouyang Changqing this called a depression, somewhat was suddenly stiff, does not know that this/should ignition should endure, I forced to go, more wants pissed! 欧阳常青这叫一个郁闷,一时间有些僵了,不知道该发火还是该忍着,我勒个去,越想越生气啊! Here atmosphere is just awkward, good skillful Hua Wuyu also to pass through here, saw that Lin Yi is pleasantly surprised immediately: Brother Sima! You came back!” 这边气氛正尴尬呢,好巧化物语也经过这里,看到林逸顿时惊喜之极:“司马老弟!你回来了!” Melts the brother, for a long time does not see! Today just comes back, first went to the school to see spent Director, then looked for you!” “化兄,好久不见!今天刚回来,先去学院见了花院长,然后就来找你了!” On the Lin Yi face shows the smiling face immediately, with faced Ouyang Changqing a moment ago is completely two faces, acts like a different person! 林逸脸上顿时露出笑容,和刚才面对欧阳常青完全是两副面孔,判若两人! Was good has been used to it because of Ouyang Changqing, how calculated to be able Lin Yi to kick martial Meng at heart. 好在欧阳常青已经习惯了,心里盘算着怎么能够把林逸踢出武盟。 Today just arrives! That this all the way was good work, was good to look that your spirit was still permissible, a while our brother two drank two cups, considered for your reception, for your celebration!” “今天刚到啊!那这一路上可是辛苦了,好在看你精神尚可,一会儿我们老哥两个喝两杯,当是为你接风,也是为你庆功!” Hua Wuyu comes up the intimate racket the Lin Yi's shoulder. 化物语上来亲热的拍拍林逸的肩膀。 The result that the rising typhoon alchemy school inspects has informed, the imperial capital not necessarily has many people to know, but these tops of martial pledge branch were definitely clear, does not need to say. 扶摇炼丹学院考核的结果早就通知过来了,帝都不一定有很多人知道,但武盟分部的这些高层肯定都清楚,无需多说。 Good! Just something must say with the brother, was inferior presently finds a place, the time was also up!” “好啊!刚好有些事情要和化兄说,不如现在就去找个地方吧,时间也差不多了!” Lin Yi really disregarded Ouyang Changqing, when only he does not exist, does not care about this fellow in side. 林逸是真的无视了欧阳常青,只当他不存在,根本不在乎这家伙在没在旁边。 Ouyang Changqing complexion ugly very much, the sinking sound said: Melts the vice- owner, did your matter complete? Did task arrange?” 欧阳常青脸色难看的很,沉声说道:“化副堂主,你的事情做完了么?任务都安排好了吧?” Said these words time, Ouyang Changqing had not detected, this is brushing intentionally has the feeling, said that come out is a little aggrieved. 说这些话的时候,欧阳常青自己都没发觉,这是在故意刷存在感,说出来都有点憋屈。 On the Hua Wuyu face the smiling face receives, looks at Ouyang Changqing seriously, said lightly: „Not work lobby lord worried, the fight association is I am managing, will have anything I to be responsible, needs to the lobby main report time, I will naturally report!” 化物语脸上笑容一收,一本正经的看着欧阳常青,淡淡说道:“不劳大堂主操心了,战斗协会是我管着,有什么事情我自会负责,需要向大堂主汇报的时候,我自然会去汇报!” Soft nail losing in the past, Ouyang Changqing facial color even more was ugly several points, actually could not find the Hua Wuyu anything fault to say. 软钉子咻咻的丢过去,欧阳常青面色越发难看了几分,却也找不到化物语什么错处可以说的。 Lin Yi somewhat is actually surprised: Melts the brother, when returned to the fight association presidents? When matter?” 林逸倒是有些惊奇:“化兄,又当回战斗协会会长了么?什么时候的事情?” With the Lin Yi speech time, Hua Wuyu took the smiling face immediately, the speed of turning hostile is quite good: Is the lobby lord takes office, the fight association also underwent a turbulence, now establishes, but must thank Sima Brother your to spend Daqiang, helping old older brother train.” 林逸说话的时候,化物语马上又带上了笑容,变脸的速度相当不俗:“就是大堂主就职的时候,战斗协会也算是经历了一番动荡,如今又重新建立起来了,还要谢谢司马老弟你身边的费大强,帮着老哥哥训练了一番。” Present fight association, although has the most rookie, but the battle efficiency is not weak, compared with before even better, said Brother Sima your merit may be big!” “如今的战斗协会虽然有大半新人,但战斗力却一点都不弱,比起以前更胜一筹,说起来司马老弟你的功劳可不小!” Speaking of the turmoil of fight association, Lin Yi could not bear one shamelessly red. 提起战斗协会的动荡,林逸也忍不住老脸一红。 Before the elite backbone of fight association, but by Lin Yi carrying off, this had the Hua Wuyu present reconstruction. 之前战斗协会的精英骨干,可都是被林逸给带走了,这才有了化物语如今的重建。 Had not planned to return to the fight association with the Lin Yi's combat generals, Lin Yi definitely cannot drive away them. 跟了林逸的战将们都没打算回归战斗协会,林逸肯定也不能赶走他们。 But Hua Wuyu, will not make them return on own initiative, can only recruit the new combat general supplement manpower. 化物语,也不会主动去让他们回归,只能招收新的战将补充人手。 Is good because of Lin Yi, although went to continent martial Meng, but to spend Daqiang also. 好在林逸虽然去了大洲武盟,但费大强还在。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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